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Factual Game Facts about Facts: Pokemon Edition

No.17575332 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Random Crits should only be possible on moves that have a higher critical hit chance.

Team Preview should be removed completely.

Legendary pokemon should not be allowed in regular online matches, you should have to enter a legendary cup, or, or have a game mode that allows legendaries and one that doesnt, or some shit.

Garchomp is a fucking overpowered pokemon

Garchomp is the only overpowered pokemon that isnt legendary

Flame Body should cut egg hatching time by 75%

If gen 7 doesnt have cross generational relatives so we finally get an evolution to sandslash and Sableye and Dunsparce and Galvantula I am going to blow the brains out of the world

They need to bring back the rival system thet they had in B/W.

That was the one ofonly good thing they did in B/W

Gurrdurr I am baiting please respond with le fish face xD no just kidding go fuck yourselves.