[20 / 7 / ?]
Alright, here's the deal, I need a Meloetta cloned for a friend. Then you can clone one for yourself. It's 6 iv Jolly. I need someone who's trust worthy. I don't want to lose her. ): Any help?
dan 5327-1587-4109
>>17575692 go to the big-ass cloning thread and find a frequenter.
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That billy dude seems to do a lot of cloning stuff.
Meloetta Clone
>>17575757 I'm sorry. I tried looking for the thread but I had no luck.
George 5343-8274-5372
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>>17575692 im cloning a shaymin right now. if you are still around when I´m done i´ll glady do it
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 23 Jan 2014 06:18:54 No. 17575947 Report >>17575827 I'll help you. I already have a Meloetta so you won't have to worry about me stealing it.
Meloetta Clone
>>17575947 Cool. Thanks! I would appreciate it. :) Adding you right now.
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 23 Jan 2014 06:31:34 No. 17576155 Report Quoted By:
Dude, you forgot to turn off your DS...
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>>17575947 >>17576071 Can you nice anons make an extra one for me?
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 23 Jan 2014 06:35:43 No. 17576227 Report It work?
Meloetta Clone
>>17576227 No. I'm still new to the cloning thing, so I'm trying to get the hang of things.
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 23 Jan 2014 06:48:44 No. 17576409 Report >>17576328 I've done it before, but I suck at timing
Meloetta Clone
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>>17576409 It's okay. :) If it works, it works, if not, It's okay. lol
Meloetta Clone
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>>17576409 It worked. I still have mine. :) Did you get yours?
Huh? You can clone over WiFi too?
Meloetta Clone
>>17576506 >>17576409 Wait. I think this guy has a point. I remember from the video that the cloning can only be done in local trade?
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 23 Jan 2014 07:00:03 No. 17576582 Report >>17576538 We cant? Let me just give you back your Meloetta then
Meloetta Clone
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>>17576582 Yeah...I guess not. I feel dumb...lol.
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 23 Jan 2014 07:02:44 No. 17576626 Report Quoted By:
I'm taking that Dunsparce though, fuck your shit