Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 18:49:23 No. 17603382 Report Quoted By:
Sorta'-Updated FAQ
Sari (IGN: Michelle) 1349-5683-2035 (fly spearow, swanna, ruflet)
Sari (IGN: Michelle) 1349-5683-2035 (fly spearow, swanna, ruflet) Fri 24 Jan 2014 18:50:27 No. 17603393 Report started my hunt 1h30 ago in a fairy safari. got a shiny jigglypuff and a shiny female kirlia. gonna be a grat week end I feel it
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Fri 24 Jan 2014 18:52:44 No. 17603429 Report Well another 17 boxes in. Probably won't get the shiny this weekend since I'm at Ohayocon, good luck to all hunters!
>>17603393 I'm MM'ing Pumpkaboo since yesterday. On box 17 now. This is the longest hunt I've ever had... I just want my purple-haired pumpkin waifu...
I'M masuda methoding a fucking froakie, i started 2 weeks ago and i just want to kill myself (i took a break after havong 2 shiny froakies, with torrent and shit iv) i have a 6 iv ditto and a 6 iv female protean forakie. will i endure?
Happy /shw/ everyone! I'm off my nausea-inducing meds so I can flip again for people who need it.
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | !P61YFsEmnw
Quoted By:
>>17603454 Forgot my name.
Sari (IGN: Michelle) 1349-5683-2035 (fly spearow, swanna, ruflet)
Sari (IGN: Michelle) 1349-5683-2035 (fly spearow, swanna, ruflet) Fri 24 Jan 2014 18:56:58 No. 17603487 Report >>17603456 the concept o MMin for shiny + good iv + hidden ability frightens me. what are the chances to get that HA to begin with?
IGN Cameron 3926-5787-3382
Quoted By:
>>17603456 You can survive. I have faith in you.
capacha: Cope goodulo
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 18:57:38 No. 17603499 Report >>17603429 >TFW nothing good ever happens in Wisconsin and don't have a car or money to drive a billion miles to go to stuff Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 18:59:11 No. 17603522 Report Quoted By:
>>17603429 Oh yes, you mentioned. Well have fun, and you never know, maybe this weekend will be a good one for you!
>>17603456 Why do we fall? So that we can learn, to pick ourselves up. Endure, Master Wayne. Take it. They'll hate you for it, but that's the point of
Masuda , he can be the outcast. He can make the choice that no one else can make, the right choice.
So I was in a friend safari yesterday, and caught a shiny eevee and 2 shiny loudreds within the span of about 30 minutes... i dont even know what to think
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric)
Will 4425 1921 2332 (Stunfisk, Electrode, Manectric) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:02:46 No. 17603554 Report Quoted By:
I've been MMi'ng for a Larvesta since last weekend. This shit is consuming me.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:02:55 No. 17603556 Report Quoted By:
>>17603499 well not much is happening right now besides me fighting with my wig so no one is missing anything. I'll try to hatch tonight.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:05:04 No. 17603576 Report Well, guess who has more Pokebank legendaries they don't need.
Sari (IGN: Michelle) 1349-5683-2035 (fly spearow, swanna, ruflet)
Sari (IGN: Michelle) 1349-5683-2035 (fly spearow, swanna, ruflet) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:05:28 No. 17603580 Report >>17603530 safari is great to boost the morale of unlucky shiny hunters. The pokes are rarely good but you can expect to meet a shiny every day at worst
Ida 4098-3200-2946
Quoted By:
I'm on the same quest as Alice, hatched another Espurr on Wednesday.. I just sat there, too terrified to check the gender, just getting another shiny took 36 boxes
>>17603456 >got 4 shinies of the Froakie clan, two MM'd and fully trained Greninja, one Safari'd Frogadier, and a recently hatched MM'd Froakie with 5 IVs and Timid nature. They are all Torrent, the recent one has some chance at being viable as a Toxic Spike setter/Torrent boosted Hydro Pump. A 5 IV Shiny isn't too shabby through legitimate means.
You should breed between two Froakies though, it'll make the process go much quicker. Unless the ditto is the foreign one. In which case, keep truckin'.
>>17603580 Even without Shiny Charm?
Ida 4098-3200-2946
...But after those 36 boxes, my ride was over. Alice, I am so sorry, please forgive me ;__; Make it your motivation, you will get one too!
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados)
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:07:53 No. 17603611 Report Working on my second Fennekin after the first came out with a less than stellar speed IV. I have gained much respect for those of you that hatch multiple shinies of the same pokemon. I don't have the patience ;_;
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:08:14 No. 17603615 Report Masuda has been smiling upon me recently. Found a shiny Kecleon in the Safari when hunting for a Bold Ditto. Then when hunting for Heart Scales I got my first fishing shiny. And recently, I was blessed by the presence of this qt3.14 after only 6 boxes. Then, whilst hatching leftovers I got a second one! Thanks, Masuda.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:08:29 No. 17603618 Report >>17603601 OOOHHHHHHH you sneaky little ruser
Congrats haha
Sari (IGN: Michelle) 1349-5683-2035 (fly spearow, swanna, ruflet)
Sari (IGN: Michelle) 1349-5683-2035 (fly spearow, swanna, ruflet) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:08:59 No. 17603623 Report Quoted By:
>>17603590 dunno, I only strted after I got mine
Adalon 2251-4222-3333 (Breloom, Pancham, Meinfoo) !cla0aHFoM2
Adalon 2251-4222-3333 (Breloom, Pancham, Meinfoo) !cla0aHFoM2 Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:09:06 No. 17603625 Report Quoted By:
330 HOURS OF PLAYTIME AND I FINALLY GOT MY FIRST SHINY THROUGH BREEDINGIt was a 2IV hasty nature cacnea with sand veil though, I was just breeding random mons I only had 1 of and no safari for. This was after giving up after ~25 boxes of koffings.
Steel Fag
Alright guys! I have a pokémon with false swipe, quick balls, pokéradar and lots of repels. Wish me luck.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:10:56 No. 17603646 Report >>17603601 whhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyy i-I'm glad you got your shiny though...
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:11:06 No. 17603650 Report Quoted By:
sup everyone, i got quite the shinies over the weekend and recently finished my mm target couple min ago but my gmail is acting up so gonna be a bit before i show my shinies.
>>17603632 >pokeradar i'm sorry for your sanity anon
>>17603601 Wow, congrats! Great stats, too.
Quoted By:
>>17603586 Ditto is indeed foreign, the 6 iv froakie is mine. Denterwi 2004
>>17603576 which ones, man? I have a few leftover birds and XYs
So, I started MM'ing for this beautiful blue bastard the other night, and got it within a single day. Same thing happened with the only other Pokemon I MM'd, an Espurr. It makes me kinda feel bad for the folks in here who stick at it for weeks and weeks without any payoff. Anyway, I'm thinking about pushing my luck for a third time and seeing if I can MM another Pokemon this week. Any suggestions of what I should do?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:14:19 No. 17603712 Report >>17603682 I don't trade the Pokemon I don't need, I give them away.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:15:27 No. 17603733 Report >>17603702 Congrats!
As for your next project, take your pick.
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:15:37 No. 17603736 Report >>17603712 I'd be down for some legendaries
How do you folks get ahold of your foreign pokemon? I'd love to swap my ditto for a foreign one, but it only has 3 iv's, and i don't know where to start looking..
Alex 1461-6195-4731
Quoted By:
>>17603464 Glad you're ok man.
Is it possible to request a foreign pokemon to MM with in this thread, or should I go somewhere else? I'd like to MM Lilligant, but I need a non english father...
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | !P61YFsEmnw
>>17603712 if that's the case, I wouldn't mind opening up my home to a new bud
>>17603733 Well, see, I've looked at all of them, and I can't make up my mind! That's why I asked you guys to suggest some things for me to go after.
Also, I've gotta split for an hour or two, but when I come back, I'll see if I have any more responses, and choose the one I like best. Or maybe I won't like any at all? I guess time will tell.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:18:24 No. 17603778 Report >>17603752 Actually there are a few people who can help you with that, im not sure if they're around right now though.
リリー (Lily) 1005-9226-8342
Hatched my Sigilyph... but with my usual luck...
Quoted By:
>>17603733 >shiny diggersby Sweet baby jesus.
captcha: database sulatoi
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17603752 Just use a Jap Ditto, man.
Go on GTS, you'll get one in no time.
And on that note, I need a 6IV NON-Jap Ditto if anyone has one. I have a shiny Floatzel for trade. I would go to the Wi-fi general, but I'd rather do this trade with people I know and trust.
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:20:02 No. 17603798 Report Quoted By:
Also I got this beauty from a trade, I'm so ecstatic, It's one of my favorite shinies
Quoted By:
>>17603778 Thank you, I'll check back later. I'll try not to ask too much, but just in case I accidentally do, let me know and I'll stop, sorry. Thank you so much for your time!
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:20:14 No. 17603802 Report Quoted By:
>>17603775 In that case, Amaura. Pretty little snowy dino, worth the longer hatching time.
Quoted By:
>Trying to Matsuda a Harvest Phantump with a JP Ditto Would my 6V Harvest male pass on the HA as often as my 5V Harvest female?
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:21:04 No. 17603817 Report Tonight. You.
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17603785 Oh my. I didn't have the right IVs I take it?
Nancho | 1177 7184 6334 | !P61YFsEmnw
>>17603712 gimme free stuff!
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:22:35 No. 17603845 Report >>17603736 >>17603766 If I just gave my legendaries away to anyone who asked then everyone would want one and I don't have a trillion of them to give out. No you must win them, somehow.
Ida 4098-3200-2946
>>17603618 Thank you!
>>17603662 I do seem to be really lucky with stat spreads on my shinies.. Thanks so much once again for giving me that Espurr, he was a great help!
>>17603646 When I checked his summary I was ecstatic, then I remembered you and felt terrible ;__;
I really hope you get yours soon, Masuda has tortured you for too long
>>17603752 If you have two perfect parents I can breed one for you.
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17603740 If you don't want a specific pokemon, just wonder trade for a few hours and you're bound to get a few 4-5iv foreign mons. I've started half my projects just from getting a 5iv japanese mon from wonder trade. Or just be a fag and get a 6IV ditto and make tainted shines.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:27:47 No. 17603963 Report >>17603941 I knew someone was gonna screencap that, okay you can have a legendary.
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:28:02 No. 17603966 Report Hunting shiny Vivillon again *sigh*
Am I ever getting it?
>>17603817 So pretty. Congrats!
Quoted By:
>>17603929 I don't, all my perfects in Grass egg group are physical like Breloom and Ferroseed. Thank you so much for the kind offer though!
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:29:18 No. 17603995 Report Quoted By:
>>17603966 You will get it. Everything will be better soon. Trust me.
Steel Fag
>>17603963 Woo!
Wait, for reals? Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:31:26 No. 17604028 Report >>17603966 Thanks, I'm going for a klefki, but getting this (IV in def and sp def) by accident aint bad
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:31:48 No. 17604032 Report >>17604007 Yeah what do you want, I've got shiny Mew, shiny Deoxys, 2 Meloetta, Celebi and Darkrai.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:33:17 No. 17604060 Report >>17604028 As I said in
>>17603615 I have a spare Klefki, if you'd like it, mate.
Austin 0748-3172-6432
Quoted By:
Hello again everybody! Earlier this week I managed to hatch a penta perfect Rotom. Currently trying to get a shiny male Frillish. Happy hunting!
Steel Fag
>>17604032 Mew works. I don't even have a normal one. ;_;
You're already on my friends list, I believe. Get on and I'll send a request.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:35:20 No. 17604090 Report >>17604060 Thats a ridiculously gracious offer, but I'm mostly going for my OT and luxury balls to keep em uniform, thanks anyways though!
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:35:42 No. 17604098 Report >>17604028 So lucky ;_;
Good luck with hunting for the Klefki!
What's "easier": Fishing chaining Pokéradar chaining or breed using MM?
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:36:44 No. 17604116 Report Quoted By:
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17604102 Easiest is fishing, but if you want good shinies you gotta MM.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:37:36 No. 17604132 Report >>17604081 I might have deleted you, I routinely delete people who have't been on for 4+ days.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:37:41 No. 17604133 Report Quoted By:
>>17604090 Ah, no worries.
>>17604102 Easiest is Fishing. MMing is worth the time, seeing as it's not just a trophy.
Austin 0748-3172-6432
Quoted By:
>>17604102 Fishing and chaining is easy to get shinies but doing MM makes it easier to get a pokemon with good iv's and takes more time
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17604132 Ah, okay.
Brickler 4596-9486-2945
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:38:45 No. 17604156 Report Quoted By:
>>17604098 Its going relatively well, I got two Mawiles (one of which I've traded for a level one red honedge) and this ferrothorn. I have good luck considering I don't have the charm yet
Ida 4098-3200-2946
Going for blue fire pony next>Mfw it's been nearly a month since I first posted in a /SHW/ thread, with my first MM shiny, a Froakie >When I get Ponyta I'll have enough to make a team of MM shinies I really like these threads.
Quoted By:
I have 6IV, shiny, japanese ditto. MM will be easier for me?
William 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) / 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
William 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) / 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:42:43 No. 17604215 Report >tfw no blue spider or gold Latias >>17604184 I really like the community here.
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:44:58 No. 17604245 Report Quoted By:
Um holy shit Look what I just got!
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:45:35 No. 17604253 Report >>17604184 >>17604215 Everyone's so damn friendly. its comfy as all hell
>>17604215 also, could I add your second safari? My flatmate's favourite pokemon is Mightyena, I'd love to give him a blonde one as a gift
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
Woo! Thanks Onyx, you my man.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:46:14 No. 17604265 Report so heres my shiny compilation top row left hatched shiny skarm 5 ivs but didnt get 31 in def 4th box of 8 right shiny skarm came out of box 6 this time 4ivs and again mm trolled me by not making def 31 bottom left in my search for shiny swablu ended with 10 shiny spindas but most of them i traded for battle items bottom right finally caught my shiny swablu yesterday and last but not least hatched my mm target chimchar, i collected 8 boxes yesterday and today second batch of the first box it shined. jolly 5ivs 31/31/31/x/31/31 with HA fakeout,thunder punch. now have to finish hatching the remaining 7 boxes free HA 4-5 iv chimchars if anyone wants one
William 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) / 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
William 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) / 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:47:11 No. 17604273 Report Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:48:37 No. 17604288 Report >>17604253 >>17604273 You mean this guy I found in william's safari?
Quoted By:
MMing pumpkaboo is ridiculous. I'm not even boxing the little shits. I just release them if they're not shiny. I used to have a shiny pumpkaboo but traded to some random passerby because it had mild nature
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:50:06 No. 17604318 Report >>17604288 Ohmigosh its female as well, would you be amiable to naming it Angua and trading it? i'll see what I can rustle up
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:50:07 No. 17604319 Report >>17604265 Stop MMing for stuff I am and getting it a billion times faster.
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon)
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:50:45 No. 17604333 Report First time posting in Shiny Hunt Weekend. Finally got my Shiny Charm and working on MM'ing a Feebas.>tfw the bastards keep inheriting the father's 31 attack iv >tfw i know any shiny i get has no chance in hell of being perfect Next gen they need to add an IV Capsule that switches any two IVs. Make it cost 9999 BP, I don't give a fuck, I just want the option. Wish me luck guys, I'm going to need it.
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:51:29 No. 17604344 Report >>17604318 Sure, I'll add you right now
William 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) / 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
William 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) / 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:51:36 No. 17604347 Report >>17604288 >someone found a shiny in my safari Oh shi-
I feel special. Nature/Ability/Ball?
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:52:05 No. 17604353 Report >>17604333 Does Shiny Charm work on breeding this gen? I had heard from somewhere that it was wild mons only now, though I don't remember where I heard this. I could be wrong.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:53:13 No. 17604369 Report >>17604344 I can offer you a choice of crawdaunt, hariyama, kingler or relicanth, any of em strike your fancy?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:54:01 No. 17604382 Report >>17604353 Nobody knows, and nobody will for sure until XY get datamined.
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:54:32 No. 17604388 Report Quoted By:
>>17604347 I'm actually hunting Absol, but since all the shinies in the safari look great, I love each and everyone of them
Quoted By:
>>17603702 I'm mad
jelly. I was actually going to begin MMing for a shiny Reuniclus today myself. Also, I have to ask: is your foreign parent a 5IV (0 Spe) male? Since no one seems to be breeding for them, I was going to try my luck with giving two 5IV parents to someone with a non-English language and ask them to trade me a 5IV child back, but if you already have one, I'd be more than happy to trade you something for it. 156432193794 Daniel
I got a random horde shiny gulpin this morning. It Gives me hope for this weekend but I don't know what I should go for. Suggestions?
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:55:45 No. 17604411 Report >>17604369 Hmm Unfortunately not, However I'm bound to find another while hunting, so if I see another one I'll catch it and you'll be the first to know and trade.
Quoted By:
>>17604393 I'd go for
Gulpin Anonymous
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:56:09 No. 17604420 Report >>17604319 wat are u hunting?
Quoted By:
>>17604353 Smogon apparently did some kind of survey with people who were MMing with the SC, and that seemed to show an increased shiny chance. But like
>>17604382 said, we won't know for sure until someone reads the code.
TemporalMC/Noah 0001-3597-3953 ( Farfetch'd / Hoothoot / Hawlucha )
TemporalMC/Noah 0001-3597-3953 ( Farfetch'd / Hoothoot / Hawlucha ) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:57:27 No. 17604445 Report >>17603702 I'm mad
jelly . I was actually going to begin MMing for a shiny Reuniclus today myself.
Also, I have to ask: is your foreign parent a 5IV (0 Spe) male? Since no one seems to be breeding for them, I was going to try my luck with giving two 5IV parents to someone with a non-English language and ask them to trade me a 5IV child back, but if you already have one, I'd be more than happy to trade you something for it.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:58:08 No. 17604460 Report Quoted By:
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 19:58:23 No. 17604465 Report >>17604420 You got Starly Porygon and now Chimchar before me.
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy) (Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy) (Fairy) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:01:20 No. 17604504 Report You guys were right...... still after 7 days no shiny vivillon
Quoted By:
Gonna take a break from hunting shinies and breed some Koffing in vain hope that a shiny pops out early. because I really don't have time for this shit right now.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:02:45 No. 17604537 Report Quoted By:
>>17604465 lol my bad is just that some of my favorite shinies happen to be the same ones your hunting.
my next target is snealsel but have yet to find a jolly one with fake out, icicle crash and ice shard, anyone have a spare?
Where's the guide for fishing?
Went surfing in the Lake of Rage yesterday and ran into this girl after bulldozing through a pack of her kinsmen. Obviously the red Gyrados are breeding. Relaxed nature, so not awesome, but I've been considering giving her a spot on my Kanto team.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:04:35 No. 17604582 Report >>17604411 No problem man, I completely understand, thanks for the offer in the first place!
Random topic: What your guys' collections looking like so far?
Pic Related
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:04:45 No. 17604588 Report Quoted By:
>>17604558 That's fucking ironic.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:06:40 No. 17604626 Report >>17604411 No problem man, I completely understand, thanks for the offer in the first place!
Random topic: What your guys' collections looking like so far?
Pic Related
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:06:46 No. 17604628 Report >>17604582 MM
>Greninja >Slurpuff >Tyrunt >Klefki x2 Safari
>Minccino >Kecleon >Wartortle >Ditto >Dunsparce >Shuckle Fishing
>Luvdisc Random Encounters
>Karrablast >Beartic Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17604591 I know right? Must be a sign.
リリー (Lily) 1005-9226-8342
>>17604626 I try not to look at the bottom rows too much because they fill me with despair.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:11:56 No. 17604734 Report Quoted By:
>>17604626 Is that a female Gouger?
I finally got my shiny charm yesterday, and now I can't even figure out what I want to hunt...
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:15:18 No. 17604800 Report >>17604774 depends entirely on what 'Gouger' means
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy) (Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy) (Fairy) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:15:34 No. 17604808 Report Quoted By:
>>17604582 Butterfree,
Florges blue
...I've spent to much time on here
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17604695 i crie evry tiem
>>17604800 Ah. Sorry. Meant Gourgeist.
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy) (Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy) (Fairy) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:17:05 No. 17604839 Report >>17604775 Congrats, how Long did it take?
Do metang or kirlia in FS, should he pretty easy
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:18:26 No. 17604865 Report Austin 0748-3172-6432
Quoted By:
>>17604626 Been a month today actually since I started playing and this is my collection.
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:19:23 No. 17604886 Report Quoted By:
>>17604626 Not pictured:A shiny Lugia
That blank spot in the middle is for recatching a shiny emolga, since I've traded away all 4 that I managed to catch
Quoted By:
>Got Porygon. >4 IVs in HP. Let's try again until I get 31/x/31/31/31/x
Quoted By:
Hatched my shiny shuppet yesterday. Ended up with only three IVs and the wrong ability. I hope you all have better luck with your shinies!
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:21:57 No. 17604930 Report Quoted By:
>>17603926 its alright! He's perfect and you deserve to have him, I'll just have to keep on. I have the worst fear that it'll be a 100 box dry spell though
First time poster, here. Just wanted to ask if you all think that splitting up the time (this weekend) between MM'ing and Friend Safari would be worth it for shiny hunting or if I should just focus on one method? Trying to get a shiny Snover for my fiance since it's our anniversary this Sunday. Guess I should've prepared more.
chuy 0232-8833-7702 (slugma, ponyta, braixen)
chuy 0232-8833-7702 (slugma, ponyta, braixen) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:22:15 No. 17604938 Report >>17604865 >Muk safari hey, add me for that muk safari? thanks
Daniel 1564-3219-3794
Target aquired. Also i have a question if anyone can answer. I place a pinsir with quick attack and a ditto into the daycare. After a few rounds the daycare lady deletes quick attack. Will the eggs after this point still have the egg move?
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:23:31 No. 17604962 Report >>17604834 Yup, and her male Trevenant buddy, they were caught within 15 mins of each other
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:24:08 No. 17604974 Report Quoted By:
>>17604933 If you want it by Sunday, best bet is to just stick it out in the safari, although two days is cutting it short.
Welcome to the threads!
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109
Trask [Normal - Eevee / Aipom / Loudred] 1461 - 7444 - 0109 Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:24:24 No. 17604981 Report >>17604960 The moves of your Pokemon aren't overwritten until you actually take the Pokemon out of the daycare, so don't worry about it.
Austin 0748-3172-6432
>>17604960 As long as you don't take the Pinsir out it should
Quoted By:
>>17604960 As long as you do not take Pinsir out, yes. If you do take Pinsir out, you will have to relearn Quick Attack.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:25:27 No. 17605002 Report >>17604938 Yeah, gimme second to add ya.
Daniel 1564-3219-3794
Quoted By:
>>17604981 >>17604987 Thanks! Welp, a hunting i will go. Hopefully it doesn't take me until monday like my negro charizard. His name is MLKshake
chuy 0232-8833-7702 (slugma, ponyta, braixen)
chuy 0232-8833-7702 (slugma, ponyta, braixen) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:26:40 No. 17605033 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17604962 I am extremely jealous. I want one but the only female shiny in the GTS wants a Deoxys. Fuck me.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:32:19 No. 17605139 Report Quoted By:
aWizzarddidit - IGN:Y 4828-3963-0261
I've been trying for a Shiny Yamask for a while now. Currently on box 13. Is there a faster way to do this? That is, a faster way to actuslly hatch the eggs? I feel like even with Talonflame and O-powers I'm going slower than a lot of people. Hatching power only seems to regenerate fast enough to do 20 out of 30 eggs before I have to either farm another box or hatch it without. Any tips?
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
Quoted By:
>>17604933 Im continuing my MM journey, but a black hawlucha doesnt wanna be born I guess
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:35:35 No. 17605204 Report Quoted By:
>>17605176 There is an O-Power recharge trick, I think it's been added to the FAQ.
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados)
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:35:54 No. 17605212 Report >>17603611 Why does /shw/ bring such luck?
I'm afraid to check the IVs...
Quoted By:
>>17605176 Get the Oval Charm and walk 4000~ steps so the recharge will get to level 4.
Quoted By:
>>17605176 The bicycle is significantly faster than walking while running
Use tricks to boost your skating speed
Aim for the olympic! Do your hard!
William 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) / 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
William 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) / 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:37:08 No. 17605237 Report Quoted By:
>>17605212 Good luck with them IVs.
>27th box of cottonees How do you guys do it? I'm starting to lose my grasp on sanity.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:40:00 No. 17605298 Report Quoted By:
>>17605267 By wearing down ourselves mentally. Why do you think the community is so nice in comparison to the rest of /vp/?
Quoted By:
>>17605267 >Only 27 boxes You wouldn't have lasted a WEEK in the 1800s. If we didn't have at least 60 boxes by sunset, massah would whip every last one of us.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:41:26 No. 17605324 Report Quoted By:
I'm currently breeding for a 5IV Posion Heal Gliscor already have five in fact but none of them have Poison heal ;_; and I kinda like its shiny. Should I try to get my hands on an Impish foreign Ditto so I can MM? I kinda fear that even if I manage to hatch a shiny, it either won't have the correct IV spread or the wrong ability.
I want to start MMing Murkrow, does anyone have any non-english male Flying egg group mons they'd be willing to part with?
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados)
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:46:02 No. 17605418 Report Quoted By:
>>17605212 31 speed this time, but only 9 in defense. Once again I am unsatisfied.
I don't know what to do anymore.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:46:32 No. 17605429 Report Quoted By:
>>17605375 Just use WT. About 45% of everything will be Fletchling, one of them is bound to be foreign.
リリー (Lily) 1005-9226-8342
>>17605375 I've got JPN Sigilyphs if you'd like one!
How do you Masuda Method? I open the eggs next to the Day Care so I can get the next batch faster.
Steel Fag
Remind me to never use MS Paint ever again.
Nyan [5129-1120-2530]
>>17605434 That sounds lovely! What would you like for one? Does it have any good IVs?
Steel Fag
>>17605447 See? I couldn't even crop it right.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:49:31 No. 17605490 Report Quoted By:
>>17605445 >Collect 5 eggs at a time, then box them >Do this until 20 boxes have been filled >Orbit Prism tower like the Moon does our planet >Return to the Centrico Plaza Pokémon Center to fetch another 5 eggs to hatch リリー (Lily) 1005-9226-8342
>>17605467 I like to help out, so I don't need anything special in return.
I have a few leftover 6IV males, you can have one of those.
>>17605361 G-guys I need some mental support here.
Should I go for a shiny or just aim to get the correct IV spread and call it a day.
Nyan [5129-1120-2530]
>>17605497 Oh my, thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>17605506 GO FULL RETARD.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:52:13 No. 17605553 Report Quoted By:
>>17605506 depends what are you going for?
also free HA chimchars?
Quoted By:
>>17604839 Around 60 hours I guess, with about 20 spent hunting the GTS for bank legends.
I'll try metang!
リリー (Lily) 1005-9226-8342
>>17605526 You're welcome. I added you, so whenever you're ready.
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
Quoted By:
at 570 eggs. Im feeling good
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
Anyone have a 6IV non-jap Ditto? I can't into chaining, so I can't really get one myself. I got a shiny Floatzel in return though.
Nyan [5129-1120-2530]
Quoted By:
>>17605571 Thank you so so much! I'm sorry I don't have anything good to give you in return
Quoted By:
MM for shiny snivy. Wish me luck guys.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 20:59:28 No. 17605681 Report Hey Lily what was wrong with that Sigilyph you hatched? Also I'm going to assign my Pokemon numbers again as not to shit up the thread, I'll be lurking looking for winners.
>tfw no shiny mega waifu /shw/ give me your energy so I can slay the Masuda
beginning to mm for shiny cinccino today~ wish me luck. does anyone have 5iv cinccino i can trade for to speed up the process by any chance?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:02:12 No. 17605742 Report Quoted By:
>>17605707 The objective is not to slay Masuda (that'd be heresy), but to appease him.
captcha: nexerd 11/16
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:02:23 No. 17605746 Report >>17605707 I WAS WONDERING WHAT WOULD BREAK FIRST
Jefferson [Serena 2766-9125-0271 - Steel: Skarmory, Ferroseed, Klefki]
Jefferson [Serena 2766-9125-0271 - Steel: Skarmory, Ferroseed, Klefki] Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:02:34 No. 17605748 Report Quoted By:
Just caught this little fella in a Safari, and I wasn't even looking for it! Too bad it's got Torrent but oh well
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17604445 >your foreign parent a 5IV (0 Spe) male? My foreign parent is a
cloned 6 IV Ditto that /vp/ has been distributing for a while now. Sorry.
Finn (2019-9647-2767) Safari: BUG
Started this hunt last sunday and got him on egg 545, not the right ability but IVs are perfect. What are you guys hunting then? I want ideas for my next target
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:03:42 No. 17605773 Report Quoted By:
>>17605681 god bless you mang
リリー (Lily) 1005-9226-8342
>>17605726 I'm up to my ears in JPN Minccinos. Want one?
If you don't mind a Luxury Ball, I think I have a spare 6IV female you can have.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:05:19 No. 17605794 Report >>17605756 Currently hatching the leftover 10 boxes of Klefki, then starting on Zigzagoon.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:05:30 No. 17605796 Report Quoted By:
William 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) / 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol)
William 3625-8173-0374 (Doduo, Swanna, Flechinder) / 1993-8682-1131 (Mightyena, Cacturne, Absol) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:05:45 No. 17605800 Report Quoted By:
>>17605776 This fucking gif made me lose my sides
>>17605779 yeah i really dont care about balls! omg thank you. do you want anything in return? my fc is 2852-7751-2169
Steel Fag
>>17605785 >The Ride >Ending Finn (2019-9647-2767) Safari: BUG
>>17605794 Maan, I fucking love Zigzagoons.
Shame they're useless competetively
リリー (Lily) 1005-9226-8342
>>17605807 Nah, anything's fine. I like to help. What's your in-game name?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:09:08 No. 17605862 Report Quoted By:
>>17605833 Unless you can get one with E-Speed from someone. But not everything I'm going for is great competitively. I'm doing Spoink, but not evolving it because fuck Grumpig, and Krabby (not evolving it because I don't like green Kingler).
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:10:14 No. 17605885 Report >>17605859 Hey Lily, what was wrong with that shiny Sigilyph you hatched? If it had Wonder Skin instead of Magic Guard I can give you an ability capsule.
>>17604770 It says hikaru. If hikari means light, then I assume hikaru is shiny.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:13:09 No. 17605941 Report >>17605897 Hatch your remaining eggs, stop collecting them from the Day Care man, take the parents out of Day care and walk away.
It's that simple.
Quoted By:
>>17605859 thanks so much!!!!
>>17605926 Japan uses 色違い / いろちがい 'color is different' to mean shiny.
リリー (Lily) 1005-9226-8342
>>17605885 IVs like always, hah... Specifically it's missing Sp. Atk (and Attack).
I had a Cosmic Power/Stored Power set in mind.
So I am just wondering if I can soft reset for a Shiny Rayquaza in emerald or can you not with some broken RNG shit
Quoted By:
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:16:18 No. 17605988 Report >>17605941 >implying it's that easy Well actually, it kinda' was for me, because I found a Shiny Frogadier not even an hour after taking a "break" from hatching Froakie eggs, and haven't MM'd since Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:17:20 No. 17606007 Report Quoted By:
>>17605979 No, you should be able to do that just fine
>>17605988 That's the thing. I'm already 1500 eggs into it, and if I stop now that 'work' will be for nothing.
I'm not walking away.
Not yet.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:18:05 No. 17606024 Report >>17605969 Ah that sucks.
On the bright side, you win a Meloetta cause I'm an idiot and assigned one of them the number 69.
リリー (Lily) 1005-9226-8342
Quoted By:
>>17605951 I've seen both being used, but 色違い is the most common.
Not really sure why I went with ひかる actually.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:18:33 No. 17606036 Report >>17606012 Is it your first MM shiny?
>>17606024 On another note,
Can I please add you? I need a steel-safari :/
My FC is 5215-0428-9218
リリー (Lily) 1005-9226-8342
Austin 0748-3172-6432
Quoted By:
>>17606012 That's the spirit!
>>17606036 First one longer than ten eggs, yes.
I tried for a Shiny Caterpie long ago just because but realized that Butterfree really has no place competitive battling and I only want shinies that I would want to use competitively.
But don't get me wrong, I love shiny Butterfree
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:20:55 No. 17606103 Report >>17606012 Yeah, I had only hatched like 50 eggs. I actually just went into the Safari because I had just beat the game, and wanted to see what it was like. I lazily ran back and forth for 40 minutes, not really paying attention because I was in a stream, and bam! Shiny Frog.
I was completely ok with not continuing the MM, as ~2 boxes was nothing. Just some time in the morning that I wouldn't get back is all.
Good luck man, you'll get it soon!
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:21:51 No. 17606120 Report >>17606050 Sure you won a Pokemon too by rolling a 12. It's the other Meloetta. Suprise.
Sera 2122-6995-9597 [Magcargo, Boldore, Shuckle]
Sera 2122-6995-9597 [Magcargo, Boldore, Shuckle] Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:22:04 No. 17606129 Report Quoted By:
>>17603487 Concept of MMing for shiny + good IVs + Hidden Ability + Female gender (thank God, mine is a 50% female ratio)
Got shiny Snorunt with almost all those variables in, the only left out was good IV's (using 5IV perfect female HA snorunt and FS Japanese ditto)
I don't care about the IVs since its female, and has the hidden ability, got it in the egg 357 or so Uncanny-Magnezone
Quoted By:
>>17606103 Thanks! I love getting encouragement much more than "lol give up kill yourself", haha! I just really hope I'm lucky enough to get it :I
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:24:02 No. 17606157 Report >>17606102 >First one longer than ten eggs Then quit your bitchin'. It took me 3000 eggs to get my first MM shiny. These things take some time, you can't always be super-lucky. You'll get it sooner or later.
>>17606157 Yeah.
I just hope that this shiny-charm will actually be put to good help in this egg-hatching boogaloo.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:26:46 No. 17606212 Report >>17606149 Shut up and take your singing waifu.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:27:35 No. 17606227 Report Quoted By:
>>17606182 Trust me mate, when you're just about to give in it'll show up.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:28:50 No. 17606257 Report >>17606229 YOU'LL GET BOTH
Austin 0748-3172-6432
I really hope my Frillish hatches as a male. I like the female shiny but I need my green pringle ghost
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:30:31 No. 17606294 Report >>17606277 HE HAS TO BE YOUR FRIEND TO TRADE WITH YOU
>>17606294 YEAH, I'M AWARE OF THAT.
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:31:16 No. 17606307 Report Um. Is anyone close to a shiny charm, but missing a few bank legendaries? If so, I may be able to help, someone was kind enough to (japanese) pokebank up my legendaries to my X file. I don't have all the box legendaries, missing the golems and the lake trio, but if you need any other mons for shiny charm, let me know and I can lend them.
Ghost Goon 0645-7166-1381
Going for Jellicent right now, 3rd box atm
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:32:30 No. 17606325 Report Quoted By:
>>17606305 OH. FAIR ENOUGH.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:32:42 No. 17606331 Report >>17606305 >Can't wait 5 fucking minutes. Jesus christ, calm down kid.
Quoted By:
>>17606212 I don't know why, but I love this gif.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:33:30 No. 17606340 Report Quoted By:
>>17606285 i have the female shiny frillish looks awesome.
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:34:05 No. 17606354 Report Quoted By:
>>17606307 I'd do this for free, if that wasn't clear, sorry for any confusion.
Quoted By:
>>17606331 I just couldn't interpret what you were saying.
I apologize.
Also my FS is the most mainstream one out there, Ice with Snorunt, Lapras, and Delibird or something.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:34:09 No. 17606357 Report >>17606321 Someone just won a Celebi.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:34:10 No. 17606358 Report >>17606321 Cool. I wish I could hunt all the shinies of my favourite type.
Rayu 3394 - 3661 - 8406
Still no mareep. Hordes are so unreliable.
FUCK YES FINALLY SHINY COTTONEE ON BOX 30Got it Jolly with Prankster, Encore and Memento, 4IVs but it's missing the perfect speed IV. How do you check what the speed value actually is?
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17606357 Man, it's just one after the other today isn't it?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:36:19 No. 17606390 Report >>17606374 If it's Prankster, speed will almost be irrelevant, so congrats!
Ghost Goon 0645-7166-1381
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17606365 I got a shiny Swablu while EV training. You can do it.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:36:56 No. 17606406 Report >>17606374 Try getting it to level 20 or 30, then use reset bag if you aren't tracking EVs. Use this IV calc
http://www.serebii.net/games/iv-calcxy.shtml Anonymous
I'm so close to Shiny Charm I can taste it. I'll have my shiny flower baby soon enough.
Quoted By:
>>17606331 Oh.
Well this is awful.
My brain is exhausted from this last week of school and I failed to realize you were trying to reward me with a Meloetta.
Did I just screw those chances?
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:37:53 No. 17606429 Report >>17606407 Do you need to borrow any legendaries from me for it? I'd do it for free, I'm bored and trying to help in some small way.
Quoted By:
Just had my first successful Masuda after about 780 eggs hatched a couple days ago. All the IVs are in the right places too, so I'm not putting myself at a disadvantage if I use it. Pretty proud of my first successful attempt, though I probably won't be doing it again since I only did this to say I've Masuda'ed at least once (Rock Head Tyrantrum sounds nice for a next project when it comes out but HA breeding isn't going to make it any easier).
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:38:08 No. 17606435 Report >>17606393 I assumed you were going after all the Ghost shines because it's your favourite type. Was I wrong?
Tamat 3050-7595-1906 Pikachu Electrode Zebstrika
Tamat 3050-7595-1906 Pikachu Electrode Zebstrika Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:38:33 No. 17606445 Report Quoted By:
>>17604558 I swear that they're easier to find there than elsewhere. The first time I fished in the Lake of Rage in Gold, I found a shiny Magikarp, and I've heard of at least 5 other people getting karps that easily, and even one person fishing up another Red Gyarados.
But maybe it's just more memorable because it's ironic.
Quoted By:
>>17606429 I took care of the legendaries first. I do appreciate the offer, but I'm quite good as I stand, haha.
Thank you though!
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>17606257 The RNG gods have been smiling upon me these past few days
got a shiny axew two days ago on my 87th egg
not even mm'ing them, just breeding for a friend and got a shiny staryu at 4:00 am last night, on egg 243
6 boxes into MM for a tyrunt and I'm going crazy. My last shiny was a porygon 2 in 8 eggs.... Plz five me support for my blue Dino
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon)
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:39:57 No. 17606468 Report >>17606374 1. Take it to the Battle Institute to see its stats at level 50
2. Plug the stats into an IV calculator
3. ????
4. PROFIT!!!
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:40:05 No. 17606473 Report >>17606393 What's your IGN nerd so I can give you this god damn time traveling cabbage.
Steel Fag
>>17606435 I think he meant to respond to Onyx telling him that he won a Celebi.
Quoted By:
>>17606464 I hope you get that Dinosaur as fast as you got the Porygon.
Quoted By:
>>17606390 B-but what if I'm using the knock off set? I'm going to miss a few speed ties I think.
>>17606394 Thanks!
>>17606406 I think I might just rare candy it to 20 then and use that, thanks.
>>17606406 >Serebii >Not metalkid Enjoy being inaccurate as fuck and taking 5x as long to check IVs.
Quoted By:
>>17606473 Holy crap, man.
Sorry for being a douche earlier.
Ghost Goon 0645-7166-1381
Quoted By:
>>17606435 Woops. Misquoted
>>17606473 Its Matthew, I have you added I believe
>>17605470 I found a transparent template and tried my hand, it took forever. This is such a great idea!
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>17606460 pic
>>17606464 >only 6 boxes anon pls. the ride is only beginning
did the person who was trying to get the shiny male espurr finally get one?
Alice if i'm not mistaken Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:42:45 No. 17606520 Report >>17606464 Some visual motivation for ya, mate.
>>17606487 Oh, right.
>>17606496 If that one is so much better, then why don't you link it, mate?
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
Quoted By:
Closing in on box 20, what is the odds that I get it by box 30
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:43:08 No. 17606523 Report Quoted By:
>>17606510 Use this one. Looks great!
Rayu 3394 - 3661 - 8406
Quoted By:
>>17606510 I will have that shiny mareep.
Even if it's only good for looking at.
>>17606285 Oh dear lord now I'm craving Pringles
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:44:18 No. 17606540 Report Quoted By:
>>17606510 I know what I'm using for the next OP pic
Thanks to both of you for the idea/putting it together!
>>17606520 I....it's beautiful ! I wanna make an all blue shiny team tyrunt is member 2 and I got a shiny swalot waiting on my black save
Any other cool shinies that are blue?
>>17606520 >Google "Metalkid", "Metalkid IV" or "Metalkid calc" literally the first result
http://www.metalkid.info/Pokemon/Calculators/IV.aspx Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17606510 Oh, thank you. Yeah that looks so much better.
Austin 0748-3172-6432
>>17606534 I am eating them while hatching. If I hatch a male I am gonna name him onion.
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:47:19 No. 17606598 Report Quoted By:
>>17606551 All the best shinies are blue
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:47:49 No. 17606608 Report Quoted By:
>>17606551 Obligatory nidoking!
If you don't have that one on your team, shame on you!
>>17606563 >not just using the one already on serebii for what purpose
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:48:13 No. 17606623 Report >>17606551 Well, there are quite few
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:48:22 No. 17606629 Report >>17606596 Best flavor next to BBQ
Rayu 3394 - 3661 - 8406
Quoted By:
Actually I'm in the middle of breeding gibles since I fucked up my 6IV one.. Anyone randomly want a 5 IV gible while I have some lying around? Naughty nature.
Quoted By:
>>17606623 AND MAGNEZONE.
Poochyena boy
Quoted By:
Still hunting for a gold Poochyena. Over 2000 babies hatched, maxed timer, and still no shiny... I hope I get lucky this weekend.
>>17606468 Welp, that saved me a few rare candies.
12 speed, considering suicide now Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:49:16 No. 17606647 Report >>17606629 >Forgetting Salt 'n Vinegar Anonymous
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Quoted By:
>>17606551 starmie is blue
Austin 0748-3172-6432
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
14 boxes out of 25 hatched, still no shiny Deino. I won't give up hope though! Anybody have a good name for a shiny Hydreigon?
>>17606615 Because
let's say you got a Phantump
Wanna check its SpDef? Serebii gives you a SOMEWHAT ACCURATE GUESS at level FIFTY.
Quoted By:
>>17606513 Alice is still going sadly, I was lucky and hatched mine on Wednesday
>>17606596 Not a bad name actually
>Sour cream and onion Don't torture me, the nearby shop has closed already ;__;
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:51:10 No. 17606701 Report >>17606647 goddayum, that flavor is great too
but can we change the subject? I'm quite sick lately, and don't have the luxury of Pringles Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon)
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:51:35 No. 17606710 Report Quoted By:
>>17606551 Mew >>17606644 Look on the bright side, at least it has Prankster.
>>17606674 >not liking pringles What are you, gay?
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17606623 >bisharp Oh fuck I forgot about him he is a bro
And thanks for the list. I feel like I'm gonna live in this thread to make a blue team
thank god for my JAP 6iv ditto Anonymous
>>17606686 >believing one IV calculator is any more accurate than another Some IV values at specific levels are only possible with a 31 in that stat or whatever, but 99% of the time you'll be given a range. I don't know what kind of lies metalkid's calculator is telling you.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:53:20 No. 17606749 Report Quoted By:
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:53:45 No. 17606758 Report >>17606701 Yeah, I guess.
What's your favourite movie to watch whilst eating Pringles? Anonymous
Quoted By:
Yeah, caught this today as i was EV-training my Scyther to be Eviolite Scyther in VGC2014 team of mine. :P
>>17606647 >>17606629 >>17606596 Is it just my crazy Maryland taste or do they really need to make Old Bay-flavored Pringles
Austin 0748-3172-6432
>>17606674 >not liking pringles >>17606680 When my female one hatched I named her Sweet Pea. I would have named it Bean if it was a male
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:54:20 No. 17606770 Report Quoted By:
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:55:23 No. 17606786 Report >>17606758 umm... hmm... Last one was... Shit, I dunno', Zombieland? Yeah, i'll go with that.
>>17606741 Metalkid keeps a running total of all your levels, IV possiblities for those levels, and EVs gained during those levels.
So yeah, if you just plug in level 5 stats in both, you'll get the same results. Level up to 6, BAM! Metalkid gives out more accurate ranges BECAUSE it factors in your previous level. So unless you want to manually jot down your IV ranges for EVERY Pokemon at EVERY level, Metalkid's calc is better.
time to get a good IV'd sandile so i can start MM for my shiny krookodile, wish shiny parents equated to higher chance of shiny children
>>17606762 What's Old Bay?
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Quoted By:
>>17606763 I was thinking "Kiwi" because of the color.
Steel Fag
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados)
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:58:13 No. 17606855 Report >>17606829 I've got half a dozen 6IV english Sandiles if you want one.
Hermano FC: 4527-7807-1131
>>17606855 would love one, looking for anything particular in return?
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 21:59:21 No. 17606878 Report >>17606829 Maybe in Gen 7 a Pokémon's shiny-ness will be determined by a "Shiny Gene" that can be passed down from parents?
Quoted By:
>>17606824 Knowing what stats have 31s, what the hidden power is, and checking at the battle institute will give you the exact IVs in Serebii's calc.
>>17606840 Some seafood seasoning that east coasters swear by.
It's basically paprika though because it has almost no taste.
Much like the east coasters themselves Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17606878 I wouldn't count on it, though you could do something like that in Gen 2 since shininess was determined by stats.
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados)
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados) Fri 24 Jan 2014 22:01:32 No. 17606922 Report >>17606866 Nope anything is fine.
All my 6IV females have intimidate (and all males have moxie), but I have perfect 5IV females of both abilities. Let me know which you want.
Quoted By:
>>17606840 Only the best seasoning known to man.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 22:02:26 No. 17606941 Report Quoted By:
>>17606786 Not bad. I think my last time was Django Unchained.
Hermano FC: 4527-7807-1131
Quoted By:
>>17606922 6iv male with moxie would be wonderful, adding you now
Maile 1633-4166-6070
>>17606551 Sceptile is a nice blue shiny,
still love this little guy
>>17606900 Fite me IRL bro
3668-8703-2650 Gustavo
Hey guys, Sableguy here...I know I said I wouldn't come back cause of school...but one last weekend hunt before school won't hurt right?
Plus I thought it would be cool if I finally showed you >pic related
>>17606321 Challengers! cute!
>>17606955 >6 IVs >Hidden Power wat
Quoted By:
>>17606955 That is quite a pretty shiny.
Quoted By:
>>17606960 Naw. You and I both know that true spice is your weakness.
That's why you like steel types.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Fri 24 Jan 2014 22:05:50 No. 17607017 Report >>17606955 Going for one of these myself. Thinking Adamant Unburden with Swords Dance and 3 attacking moves.
>>17606961 Congrats, mate! Nice to see you finally got it.
Quoted By:
>>17606983 A-Aegislash coverage I guess?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Fri 24 Jan 2014 22:06:17 No. 17607028 Report Quoted By:
3668-8703-2650 Gustavo
Quoted By:
>>17607017 Yup yup yup! thanks for the cheers, and good luck on that treecko
Verm [5129-1418-9836]
Quoted By:
I did it, I finally got him. It's been 54 boxes I've done on and off since the week after the game came out, I want to thank Hitpoint for having a Sableye safari so I could get a prankster female, I want to thank chinchong or whatever his name was on the GTS for trading me a jap 4 IV father that gave me an extra egg move, I want to thank Abigail for the constant shiny hunt weekends to help keep my spirits up, I want to thank the Global Trade Station for letting me get the bankmons I need to get the shiny charm, and I also personally want to thank the RNG for giving me a shiny with 5 IVs and its hidden ability. Keep it up out there guys, yours will be in the next batch, surely.
Quoted By:
>>17606955 Oh man that's sexy as hell
Quoted By:
>>17606961 Finally! Congrats, it's an awesome shiny too