Reminder that the only people who use Quick Balls are Pamperchu
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
On box 21 and a half looking for a shiny Hawlucha. I think it knows my desire sensor.
Steel Fag
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>17610571 >only box 21 wow man, git gud anytime :^)
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
Quoted By:
One box into duskull. Hope my luck didn't burn out after hatching a cyndaquil
Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (Corsola and Dwebble?)
Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (Corsola and Dwebble?) Sat 25 Jan 2014 00:56:03 No. 17610628 Report Hatched a few more Poochyenas. Still no shinies. Have you guys gotten any shinies in Gen III or IV? I'm getting a bit discouraged, but I won't give up. (Also put my friend code if you're interested in Rock types.)
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 25 Jan 2014 00:56:12 No. 17610632 Report >>17610571 You're 2/3rds the way to the point where most people get theirs! Just hold on a little longer!
Quoted By:
>>17610555 Reminder that people who care what other people's pokemon are caught in are
rude. Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon)
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 00:57:03 No. 17610652 Report Quoted By:
>check lampent's moveset to make sure it can't commit sudoku on me >see memento >level 33 Well that was a freebie.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Quoted By:
>>17610628 I've gotten a shiny zigzagoon in sapphire from a wild encounter.
my first ever shiny Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
Quoted By:
A regular Deino hatched out of an egg, and for a second, it turned green. I'm losing it so quickly.
Ida 4098-3200-2946
>Go to Route 8 to continue EV training the Ponyta I hatched earlier today >First horde >Hey, doesn't that Seviper look a bit wei- >*sparkle* >.................... Someone, somewhere, loves me
>>17610665 Kill that fucking Zangoose asap.
>>17610665 >Zangoose crits the shiny seviper, killing it Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 00:58:57 No. 17610691 Report >>17610665 Masuda favours you, child.
Be sure to offer him thanks.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 25 Jan 2014 00:59:02 No. 17610694 Report All ways end up posting at the end of a thread! Anyway, short version of last post- Hi all, how are the hunts going? Cyndaquil hates me, 115 boxes of sweet FA. Caught a Shiny Trevanant in a horde battle on Route 20, 48 encounters. Sassy nature. Named him after the suicide woods in Japan.
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon)
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:00:10 No. 17610712 Report >>17610665 >zangoose in a horde with a shiny seviper >not a shiny zangoose in a horse of seviper Yes, someone does love you. Repay their love by slaughtering that Zangoose before it's too late.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:00:19 No. 17610719 Report >>17610694 Nice find, congrats!
Hope you find your shiny fire badger soon.
Steel Fag
>>17610694 That's a neat name. What's it mean?
Congrats, btw.
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
>>17610612 Atleast Im not complaining after the 5th
>>17610632 I can do it, its easy, just Im getting sleepy and I cant watch a show at the same time without looking at my 3ds
>>17610694 Barely 5 boxes into Aron hunt so got a long night ahead. Hopefully beginner's luck strikes me but I've probably jinxed it.
Quoted By:
OMG I hatched, like, 3 Espurrs and none of them were shiny! FML!!!!! :((
Austin 0748-3172-6432
>>17610665 Be thankful it wasn't something like this. NOW CATCH IT
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:01:50 No. 17610757 Report Quoted By:
>>17610719 Thanks! And hope I do too. I blame the parents.
Steel Fag
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:02:45 No. 17610773 Report Quoted By:
>>17610754 That just looks tragic
Quoted By:
Im MM'ing a sandile right now, and ive been going a grabbing a new egg every minute or two while hatching the ones i have, is it easier to do it that way or just hoard eggs and hatch them after you have a few boxes?
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>17610694 I'm currently trying to get an anticipation female eevee with curse, fake tears, yawn and wish.
I've got everything except fake tears. FUCKING GENDER RATIO. y u do dis?
>>17610734 I was joking mang. but 20 is still low seeing as the average is 50 boxes
>>17610740 congrats man, you just bought a perma ticket to the aron ride. there are no stops, no bathroom breaks.
>>17610754 sad/10 blue shinies are best shinies.
Vinland, if you're here, I have to a take a little 10 min break to feed my pets. Hopefully one of these guys I just hatched will have 6 IV's.
Quoted By:
>>17610754 this happened to me, when i was down to one seviper and the zangoose wrap killed him, fucking brutal
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon)
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:04:36 No. 17610804 Report >finally get my shiny lampent in a luxury ball >lonely >infiltrator
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:04:52 No. 17610814 Report >>17610728 Aokigahara is a woods in Japan, huge place, but it was made famous after a book about two lovers who killed themselves there. And after reading that hundreds of people have gone to the woods to kill themselves.
There are signs all over the place begging people to reconsider, they have patrols for corpses all the time, it is really sad and scary at the same time.
>>17610740 Keep at it! Hope you dont suffer as I have. I didn't get beginners luck. I've never hatched a shiny before at all, just caught in encounters or soft resets. I usually gave up at 20 boxes but I am determined to get this one.
Vinland the tool 1134-8513-0856 (paras, volbeat, heracross)
Vinland the tool 1134-8513-0856 (paras, volbeat, heracross) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:05:24 No. 17610825 Report >>17610793 It's cool pal, I'll be back in 20 minutes to grab lunch.
Steel Fag
>>17610814 Oh, I've heard of that place. Damn, that is a fucking excellent name.
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:06:29 No. 17610856 Report >>17610804 Ability capsule?
>not having sync リリー (Lily) 1005-9226-8342
>>17610740 Good luck with Aron!
Aron was my first MM shiny so it's always exciting to see someone else hunting for them.
How's your foreign parent?
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:06:46 No. 17610862 Report >>17610784 Holy hell, how many eggs are you on now? The odds of that must be pretty low
Quoted By:
>>17610814 Thanks for the encouragement haha. It's funny because I've found one or two shinies in my last few games (Emerald, Diamond, White) in random encounters before I even finished the game. Perhaps that's a good sign.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:07:37 No. 17610883 Report Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Quoted By:
>>17610862 I just started breeding them like 30 minutes ago.
I literally just finished the first box and only got one female.
It had adaptability.
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
Quoted By:
>>17610784 >50 Oh man this is gonna get crazy real quick
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:09:28 No. 17610921 Report Quoted By:
>>17610852 Cheers! I also had a shiny phantump that I called Stumpy Pete, but i though something more serious suited the big tree.
Also need to hunt for another shiny phantump, can't even remember what I traded him away for now. Regret it.
Ida 4098-3200-2946
>>17610683 >>17610686 >>17610691 >>17610712 >>17610754 I got it! Guess she's not much more than a trophy, but she's my first wild shiny, so I'm pretty happy
Quoted By:
>>17610858 Yeah I absolutely love the look of Mega Aggron and if I can get it in blue, that'd probably be the best thing ever. And I actually got a 6IV Ditto from that one giveaway so I have a Destiny Knot on that and then a 6IV Impish Aron with Everstone.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:11:47 No. 17610968 Report >>17610883 Thats the place! going to be googling creepy stuff all weekend now
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon)
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:12:24 No. 17610977 Report >>17610856 >implying ability capsule works on mons with their hidden abilities >implying i was intentionally looking for a shiny lampent in the first place The "finally" was in regards to catching one I happened to find, not finding one I was looking for. At least it doesn't have a SpAtk lowering nature, so I'll probably still use it. I just wish Troll Freak hadn't changed its HA this gen; Shadow Tag would've been nice.
>>17610927 Congrats, shiny Seviper is awesome.
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:13:59 No. 17611003 Report Quoted By:
>>17610927 Nice! Shiny seviper looks brilliant, love the colour scheme
ok about to start breeding for a shiny pumkaboo does anyone have any breeding leftovers I could have by chance
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:15:26 No. 17611025 Report >>17610968 I've heard that it's dead silent, all year around. No birds, no bugs, no nothing. Just trees and the occasional gust of wind.
Can you imagine taking a stroll through the woods, tripping over something then finding an entire human skeleton? Christ...
>>17610927 Nice catch, congrats Ida!
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:17:21 No. 17611065 Report >>17610977 I ctually didn't know Capsules didn't work on HA. I might need to get a new mother for these Pawniard batches I'm doing. Shadow Tag would be lovely, though.
What were you doing in the Safari, if I may ask?
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
>>17611020 When you hatch it, I can help you evolve
Quoted By:
>>17610825 Don't feel obligated to stay online while I'm hatching. I'll post once I have one for you.
Quoted By:
>>17610927 Wow, congrats! I love Seviper's shiny.
jay-t 1650 2102 0965
Shiny hunting, a test of will power and mental fortitude. Good luck everyone!
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon)
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:22:43 No. 17611172 Report >>17611065 I was taking a break from MM'ing to hatch some random eggs I had laying around in the PC and figured I might as well hatch them in the Safari since everyone and their mother seems to be finding shinies there. I had my Talonflame for egg hatching and wasn't looking for anything in particular which is why I didn't have a synchronizer. I was actually just checking all the safaris I hadn't gone into yet and moving on to the next one when I'd found all three mons; I had just hatched my last egg and was about to leave when I found the Lampent.
Quoted By:
>>17611073 Ok thanks and if II breed a supersize one will the offspring be supersize
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang
Beechyboy - 4742-5159-2994 - Steel FS: Mawile, Klefki, Klang Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:24:41 No. 17611218 Report Quoted By:
>>17611025 I've seen some pictures from there of bodies that have been found, it must be horrible just finding someone hanging from a tree.
Ive dealt with seeing dead bodies in one of my previous jobs but thankfully never in person, just through pictures. My dad was in the police and the some of the stuff he has seen is shocking
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:25:03 No. 17611226 Report >>17611172 Ah. Maybe have one just in case you get lucky again?
I'm massively breeding Pokes until I get a shiny. Sending the regular version to the WonderTrade. What else is there to do with them
Quoted By:
>>17611259 Save all the 5Vs and give them away on /vp/.
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:27:48 No. 17611298 Report Quoted By:
>>17611226 I guess that only makes sense if you're looking for something specific. I'm not thinking too well at the moment, it seems.
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy) (Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy) (Fairy) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:32:07 No. 17611391 Report Quoted By:
>>17611146 Its more than that.... A test of neverending endurance.
Most of the people here'll need it
Quoted By:
>>17611259 I release, I have zero room and it makes it go faster.
Steel Fag
>>17610883 Man, it's a pity that the forest has such an ill reputation. It looks so beautiful. Almost surreally so.
Quoted By:
>>17611259 I keep all the perfect ones and put them up on the GTS for legendaries, and WT everything else.
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon)
Frapton 2578 - 4460 - 0911 (Muk, Garbodor, Cascoon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:39:12 No. 17611552 Report Quoted By:
>>17611442 I think the bloated, decomposing corpses hanging from the trees and littering the forest floor ruin it, but yes it does seem quite picturesque. I think Sceptile's japanese name stems from the forest's local name (Jukain, Jukai).
Quoted By:
Gonna start trying for a shiny fennekin. Hopefully it'll go better than my attempt at a ralts.
Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (Corsola and Dwebble?)
Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (Corsola and Dwebble?) Sat 25 Jan 2014 01:58:30 No. 17611954 Report Is breeding just as hard as Sapphire, or worse, in FireRed? If it's not, I might try dual-breeding/simply doing it from there since that's a Gen III game too.
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:03:09 No. 17612033 Report >>17610539 anyone have a picture of shiny haxorus in x/y? i need inspiration to keep going
Austin 0748-3172-6432
>>17612033 DON'T YOU GIVE UP YET
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:07:51 No. 17612107 Report Quoted By:
>>17612087 kickass. youre goddam right i wont
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
>>17612033 Why dont you just get the one from B2 and W2
Zak 0061-0142-1993 Norm (Chansey, Aipom, Keckleon)
Zak 0061-0142-1993 Norm (Chansey, Aipom, Keckleon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:10:15 No. 17612162 Report So I encounter a horde of Geodudes, and there's a gold nugget shining in the shit pile. I start picking off his buddies, but then two of 'em use Magnitude. I never had a chance. Earthquaked the rest out of pure hatred.
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:10:50 No. 17612170 Report >>17612151 because
>bank plus i dont have b2/w2
Ida 4098-3200-2946
>>17612033 Here's another one! Keep going, my good man
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:13:19 No. 17612218 Report Quoted By:
>>17610754 This happened to me too
>Mfw I rock slide them all to death Anonymous
>>17612198 any shiny krookodile pics?
Lu 2492-5528-6986 (Bug: Venomoth, Illumise, Combee)
Lu 2492-5528-6986 (Bug: Venomoth, Illumise, Combee) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:14:07 No. 17612239 Report >>17612170 >>17612151 That, and there's a way better chance of getting better IVs if you hatch it. (and egg moves if haxorus even needs any)
156432193794 Daniel
Quoted By:
So my beautiful shiny pinsir turned out to be 31/31/31/31/29/31 this monster just swept a zygarde deoxys and mega mewtwo. I'm in love
I am never MMing for a Pokemon that relies on a Hidden Ability ever again. The anxiety is fucking ridiculous.
15 boxes so far, how do you guys stay so motivated?
Ida 4098-3200-2946
>>17612226 I don't, sadly, wish I had one. Might MM for one at some point
Austin 0748-3172-6432
>>17612280 I can imagine, last week I somehow managed to get this on egg 3. I took my luck and am not bothering with another one again, what ability are you going for?
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
>start a new file to do a wonderlocke run >get into first battle ok
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk]
Guzbez 0130-1815-8107 [Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk] Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:19:05 No. 17612380 Report Quoted By:
>>17612162 They were just jealous of his shine.
Sorry to hear that.
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
Quoted By:
>>17612313 Just dont care so much, thats how I survive
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:19:22 No. 17612394 Report Quoted By:
>>17612313 its really easy to just get your mind off of it if you do it while watching tv or something
Steel Fag
>>17612313 Pray to Matsuda.
Quoted By:
>>17612313 This thread is pure motivation, nice people and good karma. Don't quit!
Quoted By:
Finally decided to just start breeding my shinies in regular old poke balls. Soooo much easier, but ironically no quick shinies now.. Currently trying for Mawile. Once/if I get it ill trade away my 2IV one if anyone wants (no egg moves)
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:21:21 No. 17612451 Report Quoted By:
>>17612361 congrats. i tried sr for froakie for a week after x and y came out but gave in to temptation to play.
Dgrayed 2208-5251-1267
Quoted By:
>>17612361 Are those both shiny?
>>17612342 thats what im doing now, i have like 3boxes full of perfect sandiles with moxie if you need for breeding. I just want my shiny bro named Chocodile
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:21:50 No. 17612466 Report >>17612397 and this. if you dont have a shrin to masuda already, youre doing it wrong
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS
kitefish (IGN: Mark) 3DS 3368 1572 9864 !!M3x6sLlfWDS Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:22:52 No. 17612494 Report Quoted By:
>>17612313 Because the next egg could be the one! I've MMed for weeks with nothing to show for it, but I've also gotten lucky. Today I MM'd Riolu for just a couple of hours and got a shiny. Tomorrow I'm going to start on something new, and it may never come. It's honestly part of the excitement.
Also, these threads help, everyone is so kind and encouraging.
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:23:47 No. 17612518 Report >>17612466 >shrin lel, meant shrine. forgive me masuda
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:24:59 No. 17612548 Report >>17612343 It took me 1900 Eggs to get one :(
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
>>17612518 No he meant shrin
>>17612568 how does one dedicate a shin to masuda
Austin 0748-3172-6432
Quoted By:
>>17612548 Damn dude that is horrible, that is about 63 boxes. You have my pity
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:29:32 No. 17612656 Report >>17612638 if you dont already know, there is no hope to ever becoming one with the shrin
>>17612656 Masuda forgive me if I undercover the secrets of the shin I will give you both of mine
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
Quoted By:
>>17612638 A shrin is when you pierce yourself with hot iron and use the blood drops as a lubricant to oil your hands up and put an upside cross on pokemon 2000, reducing the chances of a normal egg resulting in the following 10 eggs to contain atleast one shiny
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:34:00 No. 17612743 Report >>17612692 you must set aside all wordly materials and pursue the journey of enlightenment. then after you reach your destination, there is a 1/1365 chance that he will let you become one with the shin
>>17612743 maybe one day masuda will accept me until the I shall search for enlightenment
Ida 4098-3200-2946
>>17612456 >Chocodile Loving the nickname!
Will you be around tomorrow, so I can take you up on that offer then? Getting pretty late here
I'm off to bed I guess
>Mfw I got two shinies today, and it's only friday Got a feeling this is gonna be a good weekend.
Good luck everyone!
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17612833 That'll require a tithe in blood my friend.
Hermano FC: 4527-7807-1131
>>17612844 yeah, ill add you now and hit me up whenever you need one, going to do a giveaway when i finally get my shiny too
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
Hello, /shw/. I've been in a research lab working with fruit flies for the past 5 hours and the stench of banana and other food is stuck in my nose. I went to In-N-Out afterwards and saw a cute girl and didn't say anything. I am ashamed.>To keep it related, I'm on box 13 of Skrelp and am looking to complete the Pokedex via GTS legendary trading in between boxes. >How are you feeling during your hunts? >pic related >inb4 nice blog post, (enter expletive here)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Hey guys, a long while ago in one of these threads, someone said that while MMing you have a 50% chance to hatch a shiny after you hit a certain number of boxes. Can someone comment on this? Maybe I misunderstood what the person was saying but either way, I'm curious.
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17612937 No. It does not work that way.
Quoted By:
>>17612937 unless my rudimentary understanding of statistics is betraying me every single egg has the same probability, regardless. In theory you could never get one, or hatch it on the first egg
Ida 4098-3200-2946
>>17612923 Cool, I'll add you too then and you can just send me a trade request tomorrow whenever you have time and see me online.
Anything you'd like in return? I don't have much, some 5-6IV Gastly, Zorua, Espurr, Ponyta and Axew
>>17612930 >In-N-Out God I hate you, I grew up in So Cal and moved to the East Coast five years ago. I miss In-N-Out so much!
Don't feel bad about not talking to the cute girl, she probably would have found it creepy. Anonymous
>>17613064 ill take an axew, i like haxorus even if he wont make it onto my team, ida is your IGN?
Ida 4098-3200-2946
>>17613105 Sounds good! It is yeah
Actually we can just do the trade now if you've got time, I'm too caught up in EV training to go to bed right away anyway Anonymous
>hatch this glorious Lucha last night >go to sleep happy >wake up >go to EV train it >not paying too much attention, hear a shiny sparkle >the fuck? Seriously? >horde of wingull, have to strain my eyes to find out which one has light green stripes >catch it in a dive ball >remember its not blue anymore >doesnt match the Pelliper at all >Brave nature At least if anything it shows my shiny charm isnt defective
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Sat 25 Jan 2014 02:55:57 No. 17613181 Report Quoted By:
>>17612937 1000 eggs hatched is ~51.9386%. So for 50%, it would be around 963 eggs hatched. This is all probability mind you, and the chance is still the same for each egg. This is showing the obvious that the more eggs you hatch, the higher chance there is for you getting a shiny.
Image is from Nick (3394-3553-8842)
>>17613173 Fuck you asshole
>>17613168 works for me, do you want male or female/intimidate or moxie? theyre all 5iv btw
>>17613073 >In-N-Out The burgers are nice. but the fries are hard and cut the roof of your mouth like blades.
>>17613207 You have to dip them in your shake.
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
>>17613207 Crispy fries are the best yo.
Ida 4098-3200-2946
>>17613206 Moxie would be cool, gender doesn't matter though
Male or female Axew? I just checked and I have 6IVs of both genders
>>17613239 female would be nice
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
>>17613073 There's an In-N-Out 100 steps from campus. There's a bridge connecting my school and Chipotle/In-N-Out/Blaze Pizza/Cha for Tea. It's pretty nice but eating double doubles twice a week is getting bad.
You're probably right. I wish I were more confident, though. Anonymous
>>17613202 W-what did I do?
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
Quoted By:
>>17613292 Ive been MM-ing for that sexy beast
>Decide to get shiny female gardevoir (im a faggot) >Obtain a japanese ralts online >Get ready for the huge hours of rape i will endure from hatching >Second egg. Shiny Fucking Ralts >Female >mfw
Ida 4098-3200-2946
>>17613252 Thank you kind sir, enjoy the Axew!
Quoted By:
I just ran into a shiny pansage. That's the fifth fucking shiny I've seen this generation, Jesus.
Vinland the tool 1134-8513-0856 (paras, volbeat, heracross)
Vinland the tool 1134-8513-0856 (paras, volbeat, heracross) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:04:48 No. 17613345 Report >>17613220 Hey pal, how is the progress with the language flipping?
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:05:14 No. 17613348 Report Anonymous
>>17613335 thank you too, wish me luck, 3 1/2 boxes deep with sandiles, loving your favorite mon is suffering
>>17613345 I'm halfway through the third box, sorry this is taking so long. I guess RNG doesn't have my back today.
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:07:44 No. 17613394 Report >>17613334 you lucky fuckin duck. i have a cloned shiny female gardevoir but i just dont really feel right using it, plus its IVs arent that great, so i think im gonna MM my own.
Vinland the tool 1134-8513-0856 (paras, volbeat, heracross)
Vinland the tool 1134-8513-0856 (paras, volbeat, heracross) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:11:36 No. 17613478 Report >>17613373 It's alright mate, I just want to get back on the ride.
also giving away 5IV leftovers of dream ball bunearies, If anyone wants one reply to this post and send up a luvdisc on GTS with the message "dingle dangle"
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
>>17613348 Aki, you sly dog. A fellow brother.
Undergrad? Ida 4098-3200-2946
>>17613353 Just gotta hang in there. Best of luck with your chocobro!
Quoted By:
>>17613394 didn't look at its iv but i made sure it was at least modest. And i got some random ralts on wonder trade with shadow sneak and destiny bond. so i breeded a bit so it would have those because why the fuck not
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:14:23 No. 17613533 Report >>17613484 Currently not attending, but yeah. Charles
>>17613478 are they female if so i will put one up
Vinland the tool 1134-8513-0856 (paras, volbeat, heracross)
Vinland the tool 1134-8513-0856 (paras, volbeat, heracross) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:15:26 No. 17613555 Report >>17613534 yeah they're all female
Nockles 4750-8287-7842
Quoted By:
Box 44 Checking in because I can't sleep and I'm up in 3 hours ;-; Any shiny gets?d-did Alice get her male?
Quoted By:
>>17613492 thanks, put yours to good use, choice scarf moxie krookodile is dangerous, i want to find a better item for him though
Quoted By:
>>17613555 awesome put one up now thanks bro
Steel Fag
Quoted By:
Alright, I'm calling it a night. See you all in eight hours.
Has anyone ever done any science to determine whether it's faster to acquire a bunch of eggs and circle around Lumiose with them, versus hatching eggs right there on Route 7? Or perhaps after some amount of boxed eggs for method A does one method become faster than the other?
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
Quoted By:
>>17613533 very cool, it's good to know someone from UCI browses /shw/ Anonymous
Eye of the tiger is the theme music of this thread. Jesus, everyone here is so determined.
Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (IGN: ジュン Corsola and Dwebble)
Advice on Y breeding? Poochyena boy 0705-2916-9351 (IGN: ジュン Corsola and Dwebble) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:21:41 No. 17613665 Report So, I figured I might as well MM a shiny Buizel in Y while trying to breed a Poochyena in Sap. Any tips for the former so I don't go insane? I already know about the Destiny Knot for good IVs and the obvious Masuda method, but I know that I don't know anything else about shiny breeding.
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:22:58 No. 17613689 Report I feel like I should have a gen 6 shiny, can't choose between Greninja and Halwucha, though. Suggestions? I caught a shiny Jynx yesterday, but I feel like giving it away.
Quoted By:
>>17613665 weed and netflix
Austin 0748-3172-6432
Quoted By:
>>17613664 Determination is the best thing to have while doing this
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:24:09 No. 17613714 Report Quoted By:
>>17613664 I've been marathoning Daft Punk, myself.
how do i talk in chat? its just a crossed out circle when trying anything.
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:24:26 No. 17613721 Report Quoted By:
>>17613664 yuh goddam right
>>17613689 IMO halwucha has a much better shiny compared to greninja
Quoted By:
>>17613586 lucky bastard.
mega gardevoir is sexy as fuck.
4184 2119 5825
Quoted By:
Hatched this pretty girl after 4 days, about 400 eggs. 6IV, Timid :)
just did a Battle Spot to see how many eggs I've hatched... I'm about to hit 5,000. The vast majority of those have been MM, and I've only gotten 2 shinies from them. I'm going for Sandshrew right now. Been doing it while watching stuff for days, and I have the shiny charm now (if it indeed helps)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:29:36 No. 17613818 Report >>17613723 Alright, Hawlucha then.
I'll start after I breed a guts Ursaring.
Also, first to reply with their FC in the message/name gets aforementioned wild shiny Jynx Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:31:05 No. 17613844 Report Anonymous
>>17613780 how long did it take you to get the shiny charm?
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
Quoted By:
Im nervous, I just replaced my spanish hawlucha for a jp 6iv shiny ditto, hopefully this doesnt fuck me up
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:32:57 No. 17613880 Report >>17613835 Alright, let me just add you.
>>17613844 Aww, at least you tried.
Quoted By:
First box of Shroomish so far, with hexa JAP Ditto and penta -HP HA female Shroomish. My luck is so bad that I didn't even get an HA pentaperfect (two pentas and one hexa without, which sucks)
Bryan [5472-7598-0970]
>release several boxes of Pokemon >still no shiny >save >decide to check the Pokemon you are MMing in the Pokedex >the shiny form is recorded >you accidentally released the shiny How would you feel if this happened to you?
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
Quoted By:
>>17613880 Awesome, added. Just send a request whenever.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:35:26 No. 17613938 Report Quoted By:
Finally got some down time in my room so I'm kicking back and hatching these last two boxes before grabbing some more boxes
Quoted By:
>>17613914 I occasionally check my Pokedex just to make sure this hasn't happened. But you should ALWAYS fucking triple check that status screen for a red star before releasing. Anonymous
>>17613846 too long. I only started trying to get more stuff after pokebank came out. I hadn't completed any of the Kalos dexes at that point. I basically bred a shitton of Misdreavus with 4-5 IVs, and put them on GTS for pokemon I needed. Pokebank stuff was in high demand so it went pretty quick, I even got a Raikou for one and then chain traded that to fill all my legendary dex entries. I also felt like it was faster to breed and trade pokebank stuff, instead of leveling up random pokemon to evolve them. For example I'd put up a Misdreavus for a 3rd stage pokemon, then do the same for its second stage, then breed one of them and hatch the egg for the first stage entry.
Anyway it took like a week or so of doing that casually, I got only a few entries from /vp/ but I imagine if you have friends willing to trade or get lucky on here it could go faster.
Quoted By:
>>17613720 you might have it disabled under your wifi options, or maybe the person you're trying to chat with does. I've never used it myself, but it's under PSS Settings
Quoted By:
>>17613914 Every time I release a box I'm always paranoid that I'm going to do this
thank god I haven't done it yet
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
Quoted By:
>>17613880 Thanks so much! Hopefully you enjoy that Cottonee!
>>17613597 I can't fathom how it would be faster to go to Lumiose ever. All I do is breed on route 7, grab eggs, use hatching power level 3 when I have enough energy and 4-5 eggs without many steps on them. I release 2-5 pokemon at a time and repeat process. Isn't Lumiose only good if you feel like being lazy and can afk with a coin or something under the circle pad, especially if you're hatching a bunch of pokemon with high step counts like Larvesta?
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados)
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:41:13 No. 17614067 Report Quoted By:
>>17613914 It did happen to me ;_; There is the possibility I traded the Tynamo though, so hopefully someone ended up with a nice shiny due to my blindness.
Thinking about MMing Phantump next but I cant decide between Impish and Careful natures. Halp
Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot]
Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot] Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:44:24 No. 17614142 Report >>17613956 wanna help me fill mine? i'd appreciate it.
Quoted By:
>>17614060 Yeah, I do everything on Route 7 too, but I would assume that, after you've amassed a certain amount of eggs, there's a point where it actually becomes faster. Not that I ever care to try that.
And even if you insist on being lazy and using something to press down the D-pad, you still need to click through text prompts, and you need to remove the thing applying pressure every time you want to run to the PC, so it just becomes a much bigger chore than it has to be.
>>17614097 adjective: impish
1. inclined to do slightly naughty things for fun; mischievous.
adjective: careful
1. making sure of avoiding potential danger, mishap, or harm; cautious.
What kind of Trevenant would you rather have on your team?
Quoted By:
>>17614187 I'd want one who's
proud of it's power. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17614187 One that's proud of its power Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17614187 Dickass Spookytree it is
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon)
Rebel - 2208-6003-1380 (Beautifly, Paras, Vivillon) Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:48:35 No. 17614240 Report Quoted By:
>>17614187 >not having one that's proud of its power Shiggy diggy doo, where are you?
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
Explain to me how my Perfect 5Iv Hawlucha and the 6IV ditto have 4 Iv babies that arent perfect
>>17614142 I'll take the time to give you up to 10 dex entries, what do you need? I don't have everything since evolutions etc.
>>17614245 DK took the Lucha's SpA and randomized an actual important stat
Los Tiburon up there is missing her speed but unburden covers that
Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot]
Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot] Sat 25 Jan 2014 03:50:24 No. 17614277 Report >>17614246 Whatever you're willing to give me. Stuff that I couldn't get in X.
Quoted By:
>>17614142 honestly it's not tough as long as you get that first pokebank legend with like an articuno/zapdos and chain it around for everything
all of the bank starters are traded around for each other and you can find them for next to nothing on the GTS
I personally just went through my pokedex and got serebii up and wrote down everything I'm missing and took 3-4 days of watching the GTS to get the ~100 or so I needed to finally get my shiny charm
the only ones I had problems with were like maractus, tympole, cacnea and obscure safari only mons that never show up on the GTS, but you can usually trade like evolved bankmons for any of those really quickly
>>17614277 just look through your national dex and list a dozen pokemon you still need, i'll try to trade you them. I don't need anything in return but if you have a 5-6IV non-english pokemon I could use for MMing that'd be cool
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
>>17614276 So its perfect the way it is
Quoted By:
Ok see you guys tomorrow or sunday going to bed for now
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
>>17614277 I could help you out with Cottonee, Finneon, Skrelp, Treecko, Tepig, Cyndaquil, Chimchar.
>>17614341 Yeah pretty much. Abusing unburden on battlespot is so fun, especially since the Japs new ebin maymay set is a focus sash/endeavor Pyroar. Those fuckers are way faster than I gave them credit for.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Got a shiny eevee on egg number 61 expected the ride to be much, much longer it's 31/31/31/20-21/31/31 the mm'ing adventure for abra begins
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
>>17614416 I just hope it doesnt become a 4 iv, that would kill me
>>17614440 What are you gonna evolve it into?
I'd really love to have a shiny Sylveon someday. I don't really like any of the other Eeveelution shiny colorations, except maybe Umbreon. Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot]
Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot] Sat 25 Jan 2014 04:01:16 No. 17614495 Report >>17614328 Pretty much all the legendaries then besides mewtwo, and articuno.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>17614476 Espeon >inb4 opinions Anonymous
>>17614440 >>17614476 What can you actually use it for with that terrible SPA IV combined with nature and with the HA? Umbreon is like the only decent eeveelution that doesn't need the SPA but it needs synchronize doesn't it?
Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot]
Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot] Sat 25 Jan 2014 04:02:40 No. 17614525 Report Quoted By:
>>17614495 i don't have any legendaries, i chain traded, meaning i got one, then put it on the gts for another one. you can do the same if you can get a legendary from a cloning thread or something :/
Quoted By:
>>17614520 HAH, enjoy your bright nasty green, LOSER
nah I'm kidding, dude. Seriously, congrats on the shiny, treat it well. >>17614524 I wasn't saying he should evolve his into a Sylveon, I was saying that if I had to MM for any Eevee, I'd want it to become a Sylveon, and I'd take the necessary IV precautions and all that.
Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot]
Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot] Sat 25 Jan 2014 04:05:45 No. 17614592 Report >>17614537 Got Tyrunt or any Y pokes?
>>17614474 Honestly as long as it isnt crucial, 4IV isnt terrible. If its missing attack then theres a reason to be upset. Hp/defenses not so much since its fragile as is and speed has unburden to make it sanic.
Im going to be doing Phantumps next, if it comes out without speed I'll be fine. If it doesnt have Harvest I will be upset though
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
Quoted By:
>>17614592 When you can, go online so we could trade, send a request. I'll give you the aforementioned mons and a Tyrunt.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Quoted By:
>fill up 5 boxes of gastly >first batch had the shiny Fuck yes. Shiny charm is worth it. Rolling again for next week: 1-3: Aerodactyl 4-6: Skarmory 7-9: Koffing 0: Dratini dubs: bidoof trips: relicanth
>>17613914 >Cycle on Route 7 trying to hatch stuff >Be using the circle pad, not really looking at the screen, accidentally swerve into a flower patch >Shiny shitmon appears How would you feel if this happened to you?
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Sat 25 Jan 2014 04:09:18 No. 17614665 Report Quoted By:
>>17614520 much respect ur espeons are deadly
Nick (3394-3553-8842)
Quoted By:
>>17614601 >love Then I might just replace him with the spanish hawlucha. Wait MM works with a spn and american correct?
Quoted By:
>>17614664 Already has m8. Was MMing Beldum, drifted, cheeky cunt Croagunk shines his turquoise dick in my face. I honestly didnt know what to feel when that happened, I just kind of looked at it for a solid minute contemplating whether or not to kill it out of spite.
Quoted By:
>>17613914 i always check the dex before i release
>Be simultaneously MM'ing and GTS-jewing >Someone actually gave me a Lugia for my Latias, and rather quickly, too I didn't think that would work, honestly.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Sat 25 Jan 2014 04:17:32 No. 17614825 Report >>17614664 this was actually how I found my brave shiny eevee. I was hatching eggs and I swerved into a patch, bam, shiny eevee
>>17614825 Can Eevee actually appear on Route 7?
>>17614825 >hatching eggs on route 10 w-why
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Sat 25 Jan 2014 04:20:00 No. 17614880 Report >>17614859 it wasn't route seven I was hatching on, I was riding until they hatched and ended up on route 10
>>17614796 Eon duo is a hit GTS commodity, not hard to get rid of them at all.
The mjsketeers are a whole other demon to deal with though. Had a Terrakion for a week before I finally ditched it for something better
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Sat 25 Jan 2014 04:21:44 No. 17614927 Report Quoted By:
>>17614879 because I got bored riding up the same damn route 4000 times. I decided to branch out and was rewarded for it.
Quoted By:
>>17614898 Shit man, Virizion took me the longest to ditch, and I had to trade back to a terrakion to get it. I got rid of terrakion both times in under 10 minutes.
>>17614880 That's kind of an odd method, but whatever works for you.
>>17614898 I must learn more of the jewing arts so that I don't make a dumb move. It took me forever just to unload my Zapdos for an Entei, but now that I have my hands on a bank legendary, I feel like things should go a lot smoother.
Quoted By:
>>17614796 >put japanese shiny clauncher in GTS asking for Zekrom >4 hours later receive a zekrom with pokérus Shinies drives people crazy.
>>17614954 Here's their tiering system unless it's been changed a little, but I think it's not worth that much. I ran up and down the legend list in national dex order and it only took two days
Quoted By:
>>17614898 suicune/entei and especially raikou are getting absurdly hard to get along with the genies
latios/latios are about middle of the pack of bank legends right now I think, musketeers and faeries are in a shit tier all their own too
Quoted By:
What advice would you give to someone looking to masuda that doesn't have a 6IV foreign ditto? Is there any reliable ways (IRCs, specific trade threads or whatever) to obtain 5IV foreign pokemon that you want to MM with? I've masuda'd a shiny scatterbug, but in the end it only had 3IVs because of what I had to work with (3IV Japanese and 5IV off my game, so it could have been even worse). I want to go on a more serious hunt this time, but I don't want the heartbreak of getting a 2/3IV pokemon after a much longer shiny hunt.
Quoted By:
>>17615021 Wait, so you really can't put event legends on the GTS? I guess I shouldn't bother asking for a Mew in exchange for this Ho-oh, then.
>>17615021 the instructions on how to jew them disappeared
Quoted By:
>>17615021 >tfw got a level 50 Zapdos for an Yveltal Didnt notice the level to begin with, saw a request for a zapdos for a Dialga and needed to jump on it. Dialga was gone by the time I had the Zapdos, by then I noticed the level.
>5IV Heat Wave! Never gotten a GTS trade faster
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
Quoted By:
>>17615021 In the last 3 hours, I went from Tier 1 to Tier 4, currently taking a break. Got lucky with extra BP and attached items on a bankmon for a Xerneas and started there.
>>17615098 >implying I'd save the jewing part when I get articuno for sandstorm vivillions >actually jewing >any year Anonymous
>>17615021 mewtwo is bird tier now
phione/unown worthless
birds are articuno>zapdos>>>moltres now
musketeers are worth about birds now
dogs are tier 7 with raikou>>>suicune>entei (but entei is almost trading currency now for picking things directly from the GTS)
genies are tier 6-7 with landorus>>>thundorus>tornadus
spirits are tier 3, maybe a bit higher than dogs uxie>azelf>>>mesprit
regis are solid where they are with registeel>>>regirock>regice
tier 6 looks solid, but latios/latias are maybe tier 5 now kyogre>groudon>>>ray, lugia>ho-oh, latias>latios
creation trio is low tier 7 now, but they still trade well with dialga>palkia>giratina
tao trio is all over the place now, they are popular clones and pretty much occupy every tier with kyurem>>>reshiram>zekrom
regigigas and heatran are tier 6-7 too, but cresselia is tier 5 at best
Quoted By:
>>17615228 i dont jew too, it was just a observation
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
>>17615250 I got a regigigas for an articuno, I don't take those lists seriously at all
Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot]
Mr. White 4527-8764-4736 [Gloom, Drapion, Swalot] Sat 25 Jan 2014 04:37:44 No. 17615312 Report >>17615258 Thanks a bunch!
Sosa - FC: 2981-6628-9994
Quoted By:
>>17615312 Hey, no problem, dude. I've been breeding tons so it was not a hassle at all.
>>17615282 One thing to remember is that pokegened bankmons are running around everywhere, but legit level 70 birds and x/y/z with good stats are relatively tough to get a hold of still. I've been able to get a ho-oh for a weavile and a terrakion for a xveltal, but for the most those are rare to see.
The bank being released officially in japan has fucked a lot of things up really, there were multiple shiny perfect kyurems up for x/y legends last night for a solid hour with some japs just cloning en masse.
Quoted By:
>>17611954 It's worse. Four Island is really terrible to run around to hatch and get eggs.
What's a good thing to do while hatching eggs?
Austin 0748-3172-6432
Quoted By:
Just finished box 15 of Frillish. Feeling pretty good about it since this is my record for boxes done in a day. Still not giving up hope for pringles ghost.
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>>17615393 Oh yeah, entirely. To me that's just another reason to not take those lists seriously, coning as well.
>>17615476 Have you seen Helix yet? I just started watching it, pretty creepy.
Quoted By:
>Aussie open on in 3 hours Thank God, something actually interesting to watch as I mindlessly hatch eggs
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:18:34 No. 17616077 Report Quoted By:
>>17615476 Make an omlette
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:20:28 No. 17616103 Report >hatch a whole batch of females >hatch a whole batch of males right after see game, that's how my shiny hunts should have gone so far
Vinland the annoyance 1134-8513-0856 (paras, volbeat, heracross)
Vinland the annoyance 1134-8513-0856 (paras, volbeat, heracross) Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:22:10 No. 17616128 Report >>17615857 Hey there can i get another status update on the language flipping?
Tamat 3050-7595-1906 Pikachu Electrode Zebstrika
Tamat 3050-7595-1906 Pikachu Electrode Zebstrika Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:22:42 No. 17616137 Report >>17616103 But that is how your hunt goes.
>hatch a bunch of females >hatch a bunch of males again >go back to hatching females just in time for the shiny Kaitlin--Étoiles/Maximus
Quoted By:
>>17616128 About halfway through Box 5.
Yumi - 5155 2935 7113
Shiny Cottonee get! Unfortunately, speed is the one IV that ISN'T maxed, but with Prankster, it's not all that bad. Thanks again for the Premier Ball Cottonee, Kish~ I didn't think I'd have this within 6 hours. Feels good.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:31:24 No. 17616262 Report Quoted By:
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric)
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric) Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:32:14 No. 17616279 Report I'm new laugh all ya want but...>MMing for Pachirisu >just started only 4 boxes in >...nothing >take a break and breed Duskull for item hunting >get 12 eggs >hatch 8 eggs. 9th one is off... >welp. Shiny Duskull 5IV 31/31/??/31/31/31 Bold Frisk ....please tell me its at least worth a shiny Pachirisu?
>>17616103 How many boxes and females are you up to now?
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:35:49 No. 17616337 Report Quoted By:
>>17616279 Well I can't see many people owning a Shiny Pachirisu, but I wouldn't doubt that someone would be willing to trade for it if they do. Try the Shiny Trading threads. Congrats too I guess, and goodluck with the shiny squirrel
Angel 1478-3960-3438
>>17616279 is that duskull female?
if so what can i give you for it
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric)
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric) Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:37:27 No. 17616367 Report Nanners 3153 4147 0711
>>17616175 What do I have to give you for a leftover female? Also how much longer will you be awake, I wont have my 3ds for another 2 hours or so
Angel 1478-3960-3438
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:38:51 No. 17616392 Report Quoted By:
>>17616308 200+ eggs, 8 females. Just finished off 20 boxes since last shiny
Angel 1478-3960-3438
>>17616367 could i possibly have one of your leftovers?
2852-7751-2169 sabelle
>>17616367 what could i give you for him?
Yumi - 5155 2935 7113
>>17616370 Because I'm running so low on box space, I decided to keep only 6 breeding leftovers, all Bold females with Prankster. Take your pick:
>1. xx / xx / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 >2. 31 / xx / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 >3. 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / xx >4. xx / 31 / xx / 31 / 31 / 31 >5. xx / 31 / 31 / 31 / xx / 31 >6. 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 / xx As for what to give me in return, I'd be happy with any breeding leftover with at least 4 IVs.
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric)
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric) Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:46:10 No. 17616510 Report >>17616394 sure but the ones i had are only 3IVs. rest didnt make it... all male 2 with levitate and 1 frisk
>>17616414 .....shiny pachirisu? other then that its the only shiny i have and im gonna try to get that squirrel with it since its the only shiny i have on Y....sorry if i come off as a dick.
Nanners 3153 4147 0711
>>17616498 Surprise me, I can breed out imperfections later. I just want to know if you're willing to wait for 2 hours.
Pretty sure I have some 4IV premier ball frillish with recover I could throw your way though
Angel 1478-3960-3438
>>17616510 thats cool, i can work with it
i put a luvdisc on WT if its not too much hassle
Yumi - 5155 2935 7113
Quoted By:
>>17616537 Yeah, I think I'll be around for another 2 hours. And if I'm not, then I added your friend code preemptively, so in the event I miss you tonight, just initiate the trade any time you want if you see me online in-game.
And Frillish would be excellent. Especially a female. Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>17610539 currently on 5 boxes of lilligant
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric)
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric) Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:52:10 No. 17616599 Report >>17616562 WT? thought the luvdisk was GTS.
or are we adding FC?
Angel 1478-3960-3438
>>17616599 oh gosh GTS* sorry
im not very awake
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric)
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric) Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:54:08 No. 17616628 Report >>17616614 ok ill search for the luvdisk now
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Sat 25 Jan 2014 05:57:47 No. 17616680 Report >>17616175 Hah you got your shiny before I even got the one I've been hunting for days. My shiny whimsicott in a premier ball is also missing speed.
Angel 1478-3960-3438
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric)
RynAs 2122-6177-3447 [electric] (Emolga, Stunfisk, Manectric) Sat 25 Jan 2014 06:01:54 No. 17616744 Report Quoted By:
>>17616711 np. sleepy so bed. ill try my hunt again in a few days...
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>tfw almost through my 9th box with a shiny charm >tfw no joltik At least I got a lot of 6IVs out of this
Yumi - 5155 2935 7113
>>17616680 Yeah, I'm 3-for-3 when it comes to quick MMs. Got my shiny Espurr, Solosis, and Cottonee within 24 hours each. Good luck with your hunt, though!
If I may ask, I've never raised a Whimsicott before, and I'm kind of wondering what some good sets for it are. I already I know I want Encore and maybe Leech Seed, but then it has a lot of other potential too, like Stun Spore, Substitute, Tailwind, maybe even Cotton Guard? This thing just has so many good moves that I'm not sure how to build it.
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Sat 25 Jan 2014 06:08:29 No. 17616838 Report >>17616785 I don't actually like battling really, I only battle with friends and we aren't usually that great at the game. I just enjoy breeding.
With that said, my set is: Stun Spore, Encore, Cotton Guard and Giga Drain. Encore if they use a stupid move, since due to prankster you will always go firs tthe next turn and make them used the move they just used. Cotton Guard first turn to shore up the defenses, Stun Spore to be annoying with the paralyze and Giga Drain for STAB, attacking, and healing.
It works well with me, but I usually don't play against the best battlers.
Would magic coat, wish or hypnosis be worth breeding onto Fennekin before I continue MMing?
is it possible to have duskull in a premier ball?
Yumi - 5155 2935 7113
>>17616838 To be honest, I'm not much of a competitive battler, either. This is the first gen where I'm actually bothering with IVs, and also the first gen where I'm battling randoms online. But I appreciate your input. I'll have to think about it. Maybe Cotton Guard + Light Screen just to ensure that nothing can touch me? And then laugh away while I Leech Seed and Stun Spore them, maybe? The more I think about it, the more unsure I get.
>>17616906 Yeah, there are Dusclops safaris, you can just go into one of those and catch a female in a Premier Ball. I can get one for you if you'd like.
Angel 1478-3960-3438
>>17616930 i would love one
>>17616846 Get all 3 for good mmeasure.bear in mind magic coat is horribly gimmicky, hypnosis is shaky and they are too frail to wholly abuse wish
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I got a Skrelp a few weeks back by Chain Fishing. I kind of got all the Shinies I was really craving with Skrelp. Any cool shinies you'd all suggest? The pic shown is my collection.
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Sat 25 Jan 2014 06:14:44 No. 17616987 Report Quoted By:
>>17616930 Honestly Whimsicott just has so many good options, it's hard to choose between them. I decided my set before I ended up hatching mine, even though mine came really fast.
I wish this cat would come as fast, 20 boxes hatching gets old.
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados)
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465 (Gloom, Muk, Ariados) Sat 25 Jan 2014 06:15:32 No. 17616996 Report Quoted By:
>>17616846 I bred hypnosis and heat wave onto mine. Thought about wish, but Delphox doesn't have the HP for it.
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>>17616955 May as well. And I bet people will appreciate them once I WT the extra fennekin.
Yumi - 5155 2935 7113
>>17616947 Alright, I suppose you can handle Nature and IVs and stuff, right? Would you prefer it to have Pressure or Frisk?
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Sat 25 Jan 2014 06:18:36 No. 17617039 Report finally ended my hunt for shiny jolly elctabuzz has outstanding potential overall and ivs in attack and special attack. that ends my gen two shiny bro. now to hunt spheal my emerald bro shiny
Angel 1478-3960-3438
>>17617032 either is fine really
Yumi - 5155 2935 7113
>>17617074 I'll just get you one with Frisk so that you can have both if you want.
Angel 1478-3960-3438
>>17617088 thank you c:
i'll put a disc up
Yumi - 5155 2935 7113
>>17617106 Just make the phrase "premier ball" so I'll notice it when I look for it on the GTS.
Angel 1478-3960-3438
Yumi - 5155 2935 7113
>>17617213 Alright, you should have it now.
Rayu 3394 - 3661 - 8406
sweet scent sweet scent sweet scent sweet scent sweet scent
Angel 1478-3960-3438
>>17617244 thanks so much!
>>17617039 Congrats! Is this for an all shiny all gens team?
Angel 1478-3960-3438
Quoted By:
>>17617245 embrace the scent
Yumi - 5155 2935 7113
Quoted By:
>>17617256 No problem! I was done a favor of kindness in /shw/ today, so I figured I should give back.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Sat 25 Jan 2014 06:40:06 No. 17617354 Report Quoted By:
>>17617262 nope just reclaiming my lost shinies in my previous games. in crystal i had shiny skarm and electabuzz.last week i mm two heavy ball shiny skarms and now i caught my shiny electabuzz. hope spheal shines by tomorrow.
cya guys im out.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Gastrodon Sat 25 Jan 2014 06:41:21 No. 17617381 Report Quoted By:
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Sat 25 Jan 2014 07:27:42 No. 17618010 Report Quoted By:
>>17616279 You should have gotten that earlier man, I had a shiny Pachirisu, but I traded it for this beauty yesterday