I have a bunch of 5IVs im trying to get rid of. Heres what i've got:
-5 Charmanders w/ Dragon Pulse, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush and Outrage. All Hasty & Blaze
-4 Eevees all HA
-8 Honedges all Brave
-3 Helioptiles, all Timid & Dry Skin
-1 Riolu w/ Crunch, Bullet Punch and Blaze Kick, Jolly and Inner Focus
-1 Bulbasaur with Chlorophyll
-2 Totodiles w/ Crunch, Ice Punch, Dragon Dance, and Aqua Jet all Adamant & Torrent
-3 Cynaquils w/ Flare Blitz and Extrasensory, all Modest & Blaze
-20 Mudkips all Adamant & Torrent
-2 Torchics, both Jolly & Speed Boost
-2 Oshawotts, both Modest & Torrent
Any offers?
Also Trading Thread