As you may already know, upon the release of Pokemon XY, there was a huge influx of Redditors and Tumblords who have come to praise the giant pile of shit that was brought upon us by GameFreak. This influx was especially apparent with the terrible new season of the anime, having brought us thousands of hype threads plaguing the board, with the mindless drones shitting up perfectly good discussion. Even with the Pokemon Bank scandal, giving us perfect evidence that Nintendo was going to become a dying, irrelevant company, was not enough. I had planned to derail and 404 every thread that was discussing anything positive about the sixth generation of Pokemon. However, I thought it was foolish to merely do all the work alone.
I, along with the rest of the true /vp/oreons, were in trouble. We can't just let Reddit and Tumblr steal our board from us while we sit there, ignored for just being different. Things looked bleak for /vp/.
Fortunately, I've seen someone in an XY hate thread that was up for the task of ruining these worthless positive XY threads, both for the games and the anime, going on to say that anyone who enjoyed it were just delusional. This sparked hope in me, as I felt that if he was going to do it, then maybe more anons will assist in pushing the Reddit and Tumblr juggernauts off of /vp/. There is still time, for a new age of light for the board that was formerly ours, fellow /vp/oreons. Let's put those drones in their place. Tell them that Pokemon has reached its end, along with Nintendo as a whole.
Here is the post I was referring to
Gamefreak really is a shit company especially when it comes to game balance
>>17632574 Yeah, I hate them too, but you are just pathetic.
The Real /vp/oreon !prw5BjXTeI
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>>17632601 How about you gu fuck yourself, fucking Redditor Nintendrone. Go fucking suck Pamperchu's dick since that's probably the only crush you have
we really need gary back?
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>>17632632 And putting in effort. They seriously just put in the bare minimum and boom, money.
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
your too late to fight back tumblr isn't going to leave and it has pretty much rooted its self in /co/ and now there a fucking black feminist tumblr mod that is policing the boards Banning people on /a/ for posting Loli Banning people on various boards for saying Nigger Deleting threads on /co/ that talk about all the fucking tumblr bullshit popping up Deleting threads that mention said mod etc.
>>17632574 >reddit alien >flipping the bird >bitching about 4chan i didnt even start reading you faggot
The Real /vp/oreon !prw5BjXTeI
>>17632641 Except this is for the better
>>17632632 This
>>17632648 /v/ is a part of /vp/. They've never left
That post you linked to is mine Still been going strong trying to snap these kalossperm out of their delusions even if they themselves are hopeless
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>>17632574 You live to shitpost, /vp/oreon. Its sad.
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>>17632657 no, let gary die in peace. it was proved in the past that the only thing it does is become ammo for anyone who wnats to shit on something
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>Starting threads to ironically make fun of people who think /vp/ has gone downhill But you already won!
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>>17632574 >Implying you're not the problem with /vp/ Anonymous
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>tfw they will never leave >the catalog is constantly full of shitty generals and smogon shit
Obviously Gamefreak is a retard when it comes to balance, assuming they actually desired and attempted to balance the game in XY. The game's still fun though. How autistic do you have to be to methodically and obsessively destroy any person's discussion over their enjoyment of a game? I do agree that the nignog reddit fucktards need to commit circlejerk suicide.
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Kalos felt like only a visual upgrade and that's it
The Real /vp/oreon !prw5BjXTeI
>>17632680 I posted a pocture of the Reddit alien because of the Reddit Nintendrone raid
>>17632678 I'm talking about the Nintendrones/Pokemon nexgenners from Reddit and Tumblr. I don't give a fuck about that guy.
>>17632683 >le b8 since i cant give any proper argument Anonymous
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>>17632685 >/v/ is a part of /vp/ Now Reddit and Tumblr are too. Congrats, you're backing yourself into a corner.
>bait taken Anonymous
>>17632574 It's the resurrection of DownWithNintendo!
So, shitpost time?
Shitpost time.
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>>17632678 he's probably the nigger that deletes threads about how the janitor is a nigger
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gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8.8/8 cant w8 for an ir8 deb8
>>17632756 What is your argument? That this game cannot be enjoyed by a sane individual? That, if a person is discovered that received happiness from engaging in the activity of playing the game, that they should be lynched?
>>17632756 >Nintendrone This is a Pokemon board.
The Real /vp/oreon !prw5BjXTeI
>>17632688 Thank you. Fight the good fight, /vp/.
>>17632733 They're all delusional as
>>17632688 stated. We need threads portraying Pokemon Gens 2-6, shit, Nintendo as a whole after NES in a positive light to be wiped off the board for the better of 4chan.
I've seen threads get deleted for merely discussing what a non Nintendo console or PC Pokemon game would be like Seems the mods must work for GF and these redditers to not even let us discuss ideas for a hypothetical game Only threads worshipping the great Nintendont are allowed
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I'd prefer it if you quit copy/pasting this shit. Can you oblige me?
>>17632846 >genwunner >thinks nintendo was shit after NES oh i see, you're just screwing around. or one of the rare literal autists here.
go an jewWario yourself.
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>>17632901 Literally too soon mane
The Real /vp/oreon !prw5BjXTeI
>>17632842 Fucking newfag. We only play Shitendo shit consoles for Pokemon. That's all Nintendo was to us after the NES days. They really became casual during SNES and after.
>>17632805 The game can't be enjoyed because it shouldn't be enjoyed. My opinions on modern Nintendo/Pokemon are objectively right.
>>17632785 Except I'm not him, newfag
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>>17632934 Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, m8.
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>>17632934 so, you must be over 30 to remember such times.
i know you're a troll.
but, if the above is true, you should probably rethink your life.
>>17632934 >I know! I'll disprove his completely true claims by calling him a newfag! I'm so awesome >objectively >Shitendo Yep, it's you. So your last ban lasted two weeks, huh?
The Real /vp/oreon !prw5BjXTeI
>>17632874 Thank you for being enlightened to the truth.
>>17632901 Perhaps I should clarify: Nintendo was shit after NES, with the exception of Pokemon. That was all they had going for them during the 90s, but even that went to shit after Gen 2
>>17632995 nintendo literally never worked on pokemon. gamefreak did.
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>>17632999 >not using the catalog Anonymous
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>>17632574 Kill yourself, tripfaggot
Leave and take your low quality bait with you, this board is shitty enough already
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>>17632999 >that time when someone made a clever joke and I said /vp/ never change is making /vp/ never change from this shit The Real /vp/oreon !prw5BjXTeI
>>17632981 >literally denying the truth >not calling them Shitendo since SNES. >not selling your 3D$ and buying a Vita instead since it has the superior library, but the nintendrones wanted to make the 3D$ seem popular by buying multiple systems each Anonymous
>>17632901 Not him but I do it because I want a good game
XY was dissapointing in every aspect
Take the worst part of every gen, got it? XY either matched it or did far worse
Accepting shit as a good game gives GF an excuse to be lazy
Voicing your opinion might change it if only more people were willing to agree how bad it is
Look at ME3 or AC3
Fans hated the ending of ME3 so the developers tried to fix it and gave a new ending as free dlc
AC3 was disappointing but the naval missions were liked (i personally disliked those) and they tried to expand on them in AC4
Developers are more than willing to listen when we're vocal
Next game could have a decent post game, challenge mode and inversion but we wont get any of that shit because "fans" will literally eat shit instead of asking for their moneys worth
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Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
The Real /vp/oreon !prw5BjXTeI
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>>17632999 >all those threads hidden Autism. Fucking Redditor hiding from the truth.
>>17633018 Gamefreak was a subsidiary of Shitendo
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>>17633058 >A-ARTIFICIAL SALES >A-ABSOLUTE TRUTH Why do you keep denying you're DownWithNintendo?
>>17632574 >I, along with the rest of the true /vp/oreons, were in trouble. >I were in trouble. Anonymous
>>17633089 I wish they would listen to broken pokemon complaints like mega kanga and mega gengar and nerf them
The Real /vp/oreon !prw5BjXTeI
>>17633089 Thank you. We are a literal army as those autistic Nintendrone newfags are just an obnoxious minority. We won't accept shitty opinions any longer. We need to ban anyone who likes modern Shitendo from the 4chan, GameFAQS, NeoGAF, etc. to save our community.
>>17633089 Do you mean the story and gameplay?
Because, yes, that is true. They had an enormous amount of potential in Team Flare, but they literally did nothing with it.
I think the only thing XY did better than previous generations was the 3D battles' graphics.
But that doesn't mean that you can't enjoy it.
Gamefreak is a Japanese developer. They don't care about anyone outside Japan, and Japan LOVES repetitiveness and things that are exactly the same as previous things. So, I doubt they'll change unless Japan starts disliking things.
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>>17632934 >My opinions are objectively right Anonymous
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>>17633146 If we're vocal then it could happen
They would actually try to make the next games good and consider some of the main complaints of fans
Ice could be useful but GF just assumes we're all happy with water being OP
>>17633173 >Japan loves repetitiveness It all makes sense now
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>>17633172 you remind me of the guy who called it the nintendo shitcube and was 500 pounds and couldn't stand up
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>>17633089 >Fans hated the ending of ME3 so the developers tried to fix it and gave a new ending as free dlc Pity they didn't fix the rest of the game while they were at it
The Real /vp/oreon !prw5BjXTeI
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>>17633173 You can't enjoy it because we are objectively right. Our community will be saved soon, our army will suceed with proper opinions.
>>17633115 >being a Grammar Nazi Anonymous
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>>17633194 they should expect more bombs soon