[12 / 1 / ?]
I need this guy to complete my Kalos Dex. Can anyone help me out, just trade and back? Also missing Staraptor, Poliwrath, Victreebel, and Aggron, but I'll probably find them in the Chateau eventually! Thanks /vp/
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
>>17638601 Sure, I'll bite.
Billy Mays 2148-8621-7317
>>17638736 Do you have a Rhyperior? Or should I trade one with a Protector?
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
>>17638758 Trade one with Protector if you can; I'll give you a Victreebel in the meantime.
Billy Mays 2148-8621-7317
>>17638780 Sweet, lemme finish leveling up this Rhyhorn and I'll add ya :)
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
>>17638814 K, I'll be online; just send me the request when you're ready.
Billy Mays 2148-8621-7317
>>17638863 Alrighty, will do. And damn, Rhyhorn evolves at 42 :z, life is hard.
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
>>17638947 Haha, it's fine. I'll be up for a while so I can wait.
Billy Mays 2148-8621-7317
>>17638968 Finally done training that. added you now
Spinosail 3969-5445-7517
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>>17639449 K, done and done. Happy to have helped!
Billy Mays 2148-8621-7317
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>>17638968 Thanks so much dude!
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