[35 / 2 / ?]
HELLO EVERYBODY I have some nice things to offer you. I am looking for some other 4 or 5 ivs breeding rejects, possibly with egg moves/right nature and ability, but I'll consider any offer. Here is what I have for you. . x26 GLIGAR (4iv, impish, immunity/hyper cutter/sand veil) (these guys here can be given pretty much for free) . x9 MARILL (4 or 5 iv, adamant, huge power, belly drum and aqua jet egg moves) . x17 AIPOM (4 or 5 iv, jolly, pickup, fake out and beat up egg moves) . x3 EVEE (4 iv, bold, runaway, wish egg move) . x3 NOIBAT (4 iv, timid, frisk/telepathy) . x9 INKAY (4 iv, adamant, contrary) Your turn, /vp/
Yiou: 4270-1120-6355
>>17645828 A female gligar would be nice.
I have Snorunts with 5IV. Furthermore, some ralts and dratini's, but I'm sure there are threads that give them away.
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>17645892 I'm adding you, what's your IGN?
Yiou: 4270-1120-6355
>>17645910 It's Yiou.
Any preference to gender?
Baga 0877 1284 9323
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>>17645943 >rence to gender? I'd like to have a female, thanks :)
Yiou: 4270-1120-6355
If possible, could I have a female Aipom (5IV)? I can give you a ralts, dratini or gastly for it
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>17645992 as long as the dratini is male and 4 or 5 iv I'll be happy
>>17645943 thank you boss
Baga 0877 1284 9323
Yiou: 4270-1120-6355
>>17646031 Whoops, got only one female left. Sorry
Yiou: 4270-1120-6355
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>>17646057 Grazie, kind sir
Baga 0877 1284 9323
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self bump...I need this guys gone
0087 2333 2047 (Delibird, Sneasel, Dewgong)
0087 2333 2047 (Delibird, Sneasel, Dewgong) Sun 26 Jan 2014 15:49:21 No. 17646235 Report Can I get one of those immunity Gligars? I can get you a 5IV modest Porygon
Baga 0877 1284 9323
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>>17646235 I think I love you. Adding. Your IGN?
I have some 6Iv Play Rough, Jolly Absols to offer! Looking for anyclaydolthing really
Baga 0877 1284 9323
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>>17646412 you are looking for what?
Kyon 3239 4244 8061 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Dewgong)
Kyon 3239 4244 8061 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Dewgong) Sun 26 Jan 2014 16:12:44 No. 17646491 Report >>17645828 5IV Bagon Hydro Pump, Twister (HA, Naive)
5IV Furfrou (Impish)
5IV Quiet Honedge
These 3 for Marill, Noibat and Eevee?
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>17646491 Fine, adding you
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>17646491 any preferences about abilities and natures?
Kyon 3239 4244 8061 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Dewgong)
Kyon 3239 4244 8061 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Dewgong) Sun 26 Jan 2014 16:17:36 No. 17646577 Report Quoted By:
>>17646524 Would be nice if you could give me male ones. I am obsessed with Luxury Balls, and i need to breed them into them. (Unless they're already in Luxury Balls or other Balls that fit their look)
Kyon 3239 4244 8061 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Dewgong)
Kyon 3239 4244 8061 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Dewgong) Sun 26 Jan 2014 16:20:38 No. 17646610 Report Quoted By:
>>17646560 frisk noibat
adamant marill
timid eevee (if you have one) bold is fine too
Baga 0877 1284 9323
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last self bump. thanks kyon
*David* 4184-2180-7983
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I'll take a Marill!<3 My names David!! Would a 5-6 Iv Charmander be okay?
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite)
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite) Sun 26 Jan 2014 21:43:31 No. 17653759 Report >>17645828 give me an immunity gligar pls
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite)
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite) Sun 26 Jan 2014 21:44:34 No. 17653783 Report Quoted By:
>>17653759 i have to give u 5 ivs chimchar,mudkip,bulbasaur
IGN Jesse (3652-1667-4020
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I would love an immunity Gligar plase. I have chimchar egg moves HA Draitini HA egg moves Snowrunt, Shroomish, Cranidos Larvitar with egg moves Pawniard wither Punch All have 4-5 IVS ill take a Marill if you have any more
Jarre 4554-0286-1415
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>>17645828 I have 6 iv timid Charmanders, 4-5 iv marvel scale exspeed Dratini, 4-5 timid protean froakies,
Potter (1736-1236-6686)
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ive got an adamant shuppet with confuse ray, destiny bond, and phantom force. in luxury ball, iv in defence. love to get a gligar
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I have 4/5 IV darumaka, porygon, dratini, cherubi and deino. All with egg moves ,for a 5 IV aipom?
Bailey 5343-9188-5959
>>17645828 I have some HA Murkrows with Brave Bird.....a Maril would be great
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
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NEed: Aipom, Inkay, Maril!!, and.. If you have an evee left I'd love one too. I'll add you. Oh and I only have shitmons atm :< if that's okay
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
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>>17663434 Have an extra Murkrow by any chance?.. Could use one.
IGN Drew 0688-6249-0732 [Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar]
IGN Drew 0688-6249-0732 [Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar] Mon 27 Jan 2014 10:15:36 No. 17666717 Report Quoted By:
HA 5iv Chespin with Curse, Spike and Synthesis. HA 3-4 ivs Chimchars with fake out and TPunch. 4ivs shinx with elemental fangs. Im interesed in your inmunity gligars and inkay.
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I'd love to take a Marill home.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
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is there any legendary i could give you for inkay? i don't really have breeding rejects right now