>>17658608For the sylveon, I was really unsure for the EV's. It's specially bulky enough, and the only physical attackers in the meta fuck up sylveon (except for T-tar I guess). She beats the special attackers that are relevant with the 252 Def Ev's, fine. She takes 20% from a genesect ice beam, now which is cool. I'll look into it. I have HP fire for Genesect, Scizor, and ageislash, but Aegi fucks over Sylveon.
I'll change the ability on Pinsir to Moldbraker for washingmachine switch ins.
Skarmory rocky helmet seems weird, but I may try it.
TR Reuniculus is soooo good. Trick room for him is like a free agility and, he hits so hard. there is times where I really want recover, but the ability to say fuck you to faster things is too good.