daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:08:33 No. 17659554 Report Quoted By:
first for dedenne
Quoted By:
Electric gym strong
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:09:51 No. 17659589 Report I'll be available to battle in a few minutes Callum.
Evan 5370-0785-3954
is frisbee on? i'd like to challenge him next if possible.
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
Quoted By:
hey callum sorry i was in a battle im ready now though
Jonathon 1392-5204-6440
>>17659540 Can I challenge you? Also I submitted a few results from yesterday which haven't being posted yet.
Callum (Rock Leader) 4098-2678-4492
>>17659589 >>17659683 Ill send the invites when i get out of the latest battle.
Normally I update the submitted results every night, but due to Australia day I missed a night. It'll all be done tonight.
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
Onyx, I feel like we've had the same exact battle like 6 times.
>>17659601 Yes, I'm on. I have 4 people ahead of you to get to, though.
Quoted By:
Callum, let's do a quick battle of our third match plz
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:17:30 No. 17659788 Report >>17659757 I'm probably going to have to resubmit, there's almost no chance my current team can beat yours.
Evan 5370-0785-3954
Quoted By:
>>17659757 thats fine i'll be lurking, just let me know when you are ready.
Jonathon 1392-5204-6440
Quoted By:
>>17659754 Cool, I'll add you and wait. Also happy Australia day from a fellow Ausfag.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>17659757 Which one are you on? I'm number four, how many more people till me?
Jonathon 1392-5204-6440
>>17659757 Once you're done with all of them, I'll be up for a rematch.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:19:55 No. 17659863 Report >>17659757 I guess I'll get on that list as well since I've been neglecting to battle you.
Also holy shit all the butt hurt in the last thread.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 [Ghost] [SUB]
Well, i got totally outplayed on that one. Excellent matches Joaco, even in the face of terrible luck you still managed to win.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:20:51 No. 17659885 Report Quoted By:
>>17659863 tell me about it
b-but i got your back Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:21:00 No. 17659890 Report Quoted By:
>>17659870 GG, man. Those fucking misses almost cost me the match.
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17659788 I just looked at the doc and noticed you're 6 badges in. ;_;
You could use some Steel or Fairy to try and take on Dragons better.
>>17659810 Yes.
>electric leader from kanto >that skinny
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>17659891 alright i'm ready
Jacob 0275 7614 3177
Quoted By:
>>17659891 I'm here whenever you're done.
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17659810 Battles are Flat rules.
>>17659820 I'm waiting on #2 to challenge me.
>>17659830 >>17659863 Alright. Looks like I've got a lot of battling ahead of me.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 [Ghost] [SUB]
Quoted By:
>>17659904 Now that you mention it, Wattson should probably be fatter too.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:23:32 No. 17659955 Report Quoted By:
>>17659891 Eh it's not that bad. This team was mostly a rough draft. Doesn't help that 4/6 of them are slow as fuck, even if most of them are balk.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:25:13 No. 17659995 Report Quoted By:
>>17659938 Sorry to add more onto your list bro, just need to get it done sooner or later.
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Quoted By:
Alright, just finished Joaco's. Will post them all at once, and still have two spots open.
>>17659754 seriously, we need to get done with my third match.
Who's the guy on the far right in OP's image?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:27:59 No. 17660068 Report Quoted By:
>>17660025 Jesus christ be patient.
>>17660025 how fucking eager are you to get wrecked by boobookeys jesus christ
Nanaca [Bug Gym] !Q20YwMj7Ck
That was a long dinner... haha Anyways, I'm back now and will be taking challengers for real!
>>17660102 >boobookeys >rock gym leader just stop.
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
>>17660120 oh oh can i battle you?
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:31:06 No. 17660138 Report Axel 3539-9485-2626 [Challenger]
>>17660120 Awesome, I'll put my name out there for whenever you have a spot.
Jonathon 1392-5204-6440
>>17660120 Rematch me from yesterdat?
>>17660132 im talking about Tim you fucking dumbass
he has klefki
he is champ
you want to be champ
you are gonna get wrecked
clear enough?
Quoted By:
>>17659754 Jumping on the battle train
Nanaca [Bug Gym] !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>17660135 >>17660138 >>17660144 >>17660150 >>17660156 Jesus christ you guys
I'll go in posting order then
Jonathon 1392-5204-6440
>>17660168 Okay, tell us when you finish with each person, we'll be lurking
Jacob 0275 7614 3177
>>17659938 How goes match #2? I should be next right?
Axel 3539-9485-2626 [Challenger]
Quoted By:
>>17660168 We were stalking this thread just waiting for a poor Gym leader to poke their unsuspecting head out of hiding. But yeah like
>>17660200 said take your time, we'll be around.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:37:07 No. 17660259 Report Quoted By:
>Cradily's name
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
>>17659938 well played. I couldn't do anything against togekiss...
Quoted By:
>>17660178 wat? Surge doesn't use Jolteon and he's far bulkier than that. What a terrible image
Tim [champion] 1478-4207-2056 (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Xatu) SV: 1788
Tim [champion] 1478-4207-2056 (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Xatu) SV: 1788 Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:39:58 No. 17660327 Report >>17660159 No secret I us le a boobookeys. Surprisingly didnt come out that often at all, usually only as a 'last ditch' strategy.
I dont like relying on the RNG gods!
But seriously, my team has major flaws and weaknesses, im nervous about taking on challengers! Im looking forward to it though, and if I lose then I lose- I, like everyone else, will just keep trying.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>17660120 add me to your list plz
>>17660327 you up for a for fun match?
Evan 5370-0785-3954
>>17660327 by the way is a champion battle 3v3 or 6v6?
Tim [champion] 1478-4207-2056 (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Xatu) SV: 1788
Tim [champion] 1478-4207-2056 (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Xatu) SV: 1788 Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:42:04 No. 17660380 Report >>17660348 Still out at the girlfriends mum's place, but back from the beach now and ill be driving back home soon. Maybe in a few hours!
Mike 2122-6778-7179 [Ghost] [SUB]
>>17660363 I think it was decided its up to the champ to decide what format it will be, they can choose from either.
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17659913 VERY interesting battles. I really like your choice of Pokes, the team has great potential. Just clean up the movesets a bit, like maybe drop Spikes from Skarmory for Brave Bird or Stealth Rock, and give Haxorus some better coverage so he isn't completely stopped dead by Togekiss.
I really look forward to a rematch from you.
>>17660219 Jacob you're up. (This is #3 on the list)
1. Onyx
2. Daniel
3. Jacob
4. W3
5. Evan
6. Jonathon
7. Remu
Aniny [Normal] 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Aniny [Normal] 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:43:26 No. 17660410 Report /vp/ is especially butthurt tonight. So much pent up aggression. Too bad I'm not helping with that, 'cause I ain't taking any more challengers tonight. Time for me to relax and breed up a couple more new Normalfags to use. Challengers, see you tomorrow.
Axel 3539-9485-2626 [Challenger]
Quoted By:
>>17660380 Typical day in the life of the champ. Must be nice.
Aniny [Normal] 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Aniny [Normal] 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:46:08 No. 17660467 Report >>17660403 Actually, the majority of Leaders have said that keeping the Champ battles 3vs3 Flat is is best.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:46:12 No. 17660469 Report >>17660410 >tfw I now only come to /vp/ and 4chan in general exclusively for the Battle threads Feel happier, more free.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:47:05 No. 17660486 Report Quoted By:
>>17660469 same
i just go into this thread
Quoted By:
>>17660467 so no rematch for me? Even if I beg? PLEASE?!?!!???
Jonathon 1392-5204-6440
Quoted By:
Sorry guys, I have to go somewhere now so I won't be able to challenge callum, nanaca or Frisbee for at least a few hours.
Mike 2122-6778-7179 [Ghost] [SUB]
>>17660467 Really? Well, that does make sense, keeps things relatively the same. If they wanted to do a 6v6 it could be done after the official matches for fun.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:48:48 No. 17660528 Report Good battles Callum. 7th badge. Maybe I won't resubmit just yet.
Aniny [Normal] 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Aniny [Normal] 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:49:14 No. 17660533 Report >>17660469 Yeah, pretty much this. Joaco, you're a cool guy. I'm beginning to see why you & Daniel are friends.
Nanaca [Bug Gym] !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>17660135 Good battles Saico!
there was a bit of item mishap there but I'll overlook it this time; remember to keep things consistent the next time you challenge. Heracross just keeps being a thorn in your side, huh?
>>17660138 Joaco, you're up now
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
>>17660406 thanks for the advice! Probably should have gone with feraligatr instead of haxorous though.
Callum (Rock Leader) 4098-2678-4492
>>17660528 Nicely played. Good luck with the next gym.
I think its Jacob next, then W3
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:51:03 No. 17660576 Report Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:52:06 No. 17660596 Report Quoted By:
>>17660552 Damnit!, Daniel will finish our battle later
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:52:20 No. 17660603 Report Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>resign on the last turn Why..?
Evan 5370-0785-3954
>>17660556 >>17660522 by the way could one of you guys update my win against mike please? it's the only one not listed even though i beat ganon and callum after him.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:54:58 No. 17660657 Report >>17660603 Business calls, ol' chum!
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:55:42 No. 17660678 Report >>17660657 nvm i posted that before i saw the reply of nanaca
Mike 2122-6778-7179 [Ghost] [SUB]
Quoted By:
>>17660605 I got no control over the spreadsheet, gotta wait for Callum to update it. He will probably be a bit busy with all the battles, but it will be put up eventually.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:57:08 No. 17660712 Report Quoted By:
>>17660469 Honestly I come here for battle threads like this and
the fanfic threads. Nothing really interesting comes up in a thread anymore like it did before x and y came out.
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
>>17660552 oh crap, there was?!
im sorry, i didnt mean it; i just had a legendary battle for fun with my friend and i took some items from my team and put them on my legendaries.
im sorry please dont think im a cheating bastard please ;_;
w-will you forgive me Nanaca-san? Nanaca [Bug Gym] !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>17660752 Yeah, it's no biggie. Accidents happen, just be careful next time.
>>17660678 Good battles Joaco! There was a bit of RNG happening in that last battle, but the excellent predict on Protect was the spark that set everything into motion.
Good luck on your next gyms too!
>>17660144 Axel, you're up now!
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:05:49 No. 17660875 Report Quoted By:
>>17660836 Thank you, and yeah the RNG Gods blessed me in the second round, probably to be even with me after all the bullshit they threw at me when I battled Mike a few hours ago!
Oh my god that was scary. I had 5 HP left, and if that didn't kill it I would have lost. Great game.
>>17660604 You ready yet, Frisbee?
Jacob 0275 7614 3177
Quoted By:
>>17660556 I'm back from my fight against Frisbee. Sorry if I missed it.
Axel 3539-9485-2626 [Challenger]
>>17660836 Alrighty, ready and willing.
Jacob 0275 7614 3177
>>17660604 Sorry about that first game. I was just frustrated for playing like shit.
One more parahax in that last game and I would have had you ;_;
Callum (Rock Leader) 4098-2678-4492
>>17660924 Yeah, nice game.
Enjoy that badge!
Evan 5370-0785-3954
>>17660949 did frisbee just disappear without saying anything?
>>17661048 I'd like to battle
Quoted By:
what's goin on guys? Just fiinished making my toxic stall gliscor; movin on to roselia
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17660949 Yep, you're up.
>>17661037 That was the lamest end to a battle ever. About 8 turns of paralyzed Dnite spamming EQ against a Power-whipping Ferrothorn.
Each doing almost no damage each turn.
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17661063 Yep. What a jerk that guy.
Callum (Rock Leader) 4098-2678-4492
>>17661093 Send a challenge whenever.
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
Quoted By:
>>17661096 hey man when youre available can we please battle?
Evan 5370-0785-3954
>>17661126 i know right i bet he's ugly too!
Jacob 0275 7614 3177
Quoted By:
>>17661096 You could have used a contact move if you wanted to
>>17661145 I hear he's quite the stud
pic very much related, it's frisbee
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17661145 I heard he isn't even good at Pokemon.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>17661133 can i have a go after him?
Evan 5370-0785-3954
Quoted By:
>>17661180 >>17661161 i heard he smells funny.
Steel gym is open in about 5 minutes. who needs a fight?
Callum (Rock Leader) 4098-2678-4492
Axel 3539-9485-2626 [Challenger]
Quoted By:
Embarrassing show at the bug gym...
Mike 2122-6778-7179 [Ghost] [SUB]
Quoted By:
>>17661207 And the ghost gym is about to close. Any last minute challenges that need to get done? If i get no responses, I'm gone in 10.
Nico 4570-6971-6045
I have returned bearing gifts.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:23:44 No. 17661259 Report Nanaca [Bug Gym] !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>17660960 Good battles Axel! Your Garchomp definitely worried me and took out a good chunk of my mons the first battle, but a good deal of mindgames ended up costing you the battle.
Come back and try again!
>>17660150 Jonathon, you're next!
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
Quoted By:
>>17661161 >missing a 95% accuracy move welp.
Axel 3539-9485-2626 [Challenger]
Quoted By:
>>17661207 I'll give one last fight a go.
>>17661253 You're the best. Wanna make one more with my actual team if you're still bored?
Nico 4570-6971-6045
>>17661278 sure, and i'll make more, i still have my resources opened, if anyone wants.
just color, 6 poke, and if you care, a trainer/class
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
>>17661260 hey nanaca, if i may ask, which items did i misplace?
my brain is not working right now so please bear with me
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:25:54 No. 17661298 Report Quoted By:
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:26:03 No. 17661301 Report holy shit that match was fucking intense
Nanaca [Bug Gym] !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>17661297 The only one that comes to mind is your Goodra having a focus sash during the first battle, though you removed it during the second.
That's about all I noticed.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>17661253 thank you, man! Although i wanted jesus not arceus. But i got the red sprite which is awesome
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:27:20 No. 17661340 Report >>17661301 Venusaur 2balky, pls ban
>>17661293 A little lighter shade of purple, and the same character, but with Greninja, Porygon 2, Aggron, Noivern, Azumarill, and Scolipede. if ya don't mind.
Nico 4570-6971-6045
>>17661336 surprisingly, hard to find a jesus that fit with the designs. went with next best thing
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>17661351 i see, still pretty awesome job! What program are you using to make these? Photoshop?
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Evan 5370-0785-3954
>>17661293 could you make one for me please?
the trainer class doesn't matter to me
Bob 4656-7608-0667 (Quagsire, Octillery, Poliwhirl)
Bob 4656-7608-0667 (Quagsire, Octillery, Poliwhirl) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:29:52 No. 17661396 Report Quoted By:
>>17661293 should totally make me one
Toxicroak, Muk, Venusaur, Drapion, Greninja, Dragalge
and dragon tamer from D\P
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:29:53 No. 17661397 Report Quoted By:
>>17661340 PSPG-WWWW-WWW4-VE3M
Quoted By:
Whew way too close with those matches gg Callum, but now this just leaves Ganon as the last leader I need to beat!
Quoted By:
>>17661259 okay, adding you.
>>17661253 that's pretty sick
Nanaca [Bug Gym] !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>17660150 >>17660156 >>17660336 Well, since it seems like Jonathon's not here right now, and since there's only three people left...
I'll just take you guys on in any order, whoever sends the request first gets it.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
Nico 4570-6971-6045
>>17661343 hope this works
Also, there goes my fifth win. I'M COMING FOR YOU SLOW AND STEADY, TIM.
Quoted By:
>>17661327 Oh i thought there were more
Yeah sorry it wont happen again i promise
Evan 5370-0785-3954
>>17661493 i could i get one too please?
Evan 5370-0785-3954
Quoted By:
>>17661533 thats what she said.
>>17661493 Also, does the bar code actually do anything or is it just decoration?
Nico 4570-6971-6045
>>17661577 decoration
>>17661542 working on it as we speak
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17661533 GGs!
>>17661394 Evan, you're up.
Quoted By:
>>17661584 Cool, I was wondering if you had that level of skill.
>>17661475 Let's do this. After he's doone.
I'd like to take a moment to get serious. I couldn't have gotten here if it weren't for my killer battle music,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OL1wX6kpx6g .
>>17661630 nobody cares this is not your fucking blog
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:44:40 No. 17661668 Report Quoted By:
>>17661603 Is it bad that I'm nervous to battle you?
I've been doing multiple calculations with mysmall knowledge of your team and I feel I wouldn't be able to beat you with the pokemon I'm using...
Unless I somehow outplay but I highly doubt I will.
Evan 5370-0785-3954
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:46:10 No. 17661708 Report Quoted By:
>>17661662 >this anon again ignore it plz
he replied me the exact same post once
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>17661475 oh boy, you absolutely crushed me. I'm on a losing streak right now...
Nanaca [Bug Gym] !Q20YwMj7Ck
>>17661490 That was some pretty brutal Volcarona sweep, haha.
Although I've also learned something extremely interesting about Sheer Force in the process; thanks for giving me that interesting lesson.
Good luck on your next try!
>>17661630 I guess you're up then, Will!
Quoted By:
>>17661717 I'll win for the both of us. NANACA, LEZ DO DIZ
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:47:57 No. 17661746 Report >>17661727 nanaca wanna try your cynthia team against my red's team next?
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17661679 >Blizzard instead of Ice Beam >Thunder instead of Thunderbolt Are you just going to keep re-challenging until you get a match where they don't miss?
Good attempt Joaco, but not quite enough. You have a solid gameplan up, but inflicting some sort of status ailment your delphox packs will o' wisp, right? might have tilted the match in your favor
Evan 5370-0785-3954
>>17661767 yes i'm 6 badges in i'm not turning back now!
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:50:34 No. 17661800 Report >>17661776 Nope, Delphox is Spec'd
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>17661727 what did you learn about sheer force? i'd also like to know
Anyways, any gym leaders free right now? I'm up for one last battle tonight
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>17661767 I'd like to challenge you as my first gym battle challenge.
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Okay I think that's it for the night.
Quoted By:
>>17661800 ah, I see. I'll be happy to accept a re-challenge tomorrow. If you saved a battle video, I suggest doing a mock battle and figuring out what some of my team has
Evan 5370-0785-3954
>>17661832 thanks dude you're awesome!
>>17661767 gg dude i'll try again tomorrow.
>>17661814 I'm the steel leader, if your up for it.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>17661867 sure, adding you. Steel is my favourite type btw
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17661790 >>17661866 Is this the 4th time you've challenged me and lost 0-2?
Might be worth it to rebuild your team.
>>17661830 Adding you to my queue.
Still to challenge:
Jonathon, you're up.
Quoted By:
>>17661884 alright! Looking forward to this tilt!
>>17661727 THAT.
>>17661940 THAT.
Nanaca [Bug Gym] !Q20YwMj7Ck
Quoted By:
>>17661814 Let's just say that the thing about Sheer Force suppressing the effects of held items applies not only to your own, but also your opponent's as well. That definitely caught me off guard.
>>17661940 >>17661958 Definitely a bit of RNG during that second battle, so I apologize for that! But I gotta say, your team looks insane in the preview and every time we battle I get crazy tense.
Don't give up!
Also none of those para's actually ate your turns so it's not that bad r-right? Evan 5370-0785-3954
>>17661914 this is my 2nd time i've challenged you i don't know where you got the idea i fought you 4 times from, regardless though i'd rather just do it my way thanks for the advice though.
>>17661884 >skarmory >spikes YES.
That combo vaulted me to the top of the steel ladder
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17662003 I've battled that Blizzard Greninja more than twice.
Quoted By:
>>17662003 .... You either have to the luckies person in the world or running a very, VERY bad hail team to successfully use Blizzard on Greninja.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:04:28 No. 17662093 Report >>17662049 Hey frisbee I gotta eat, I'll be back soon so if my turn comes up just skip me
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17662049 >>17662003 Perhaps we should start leaving each match date up in the doc to keep track of the number of re-challenges.
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17661914 >>17662093 Jonathon seems to have disappeared for the moment, Remu we can battle right now.
Otherwise, Saico is up.
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
>>17662124 alright!
by the way ill be watching some TV so if you do battle remu please send me a request and ill accept
Evan 5370-0785-3954
>>17662049 >>17662099 maybe i'm not the only one using one, i've still got every battle i've had with you and all of the other gym leaders still on my VS recorder and i'm looking at them right now, i've only challenged you twice dude.
Quoted By:
The only person I haven;t beat that I haven't fought yet today is Aniny, and he's gone for the night. So now I'm just chilling.
Bob 4656-7608-0667 (Quagsire, Octillery, Poliwhirl)
Bob 4656-7608-0667 (Quagsire, Octillery, Poliwhirl) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:08:21 No. 17662169 Report Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17662153 Alright then, perhaps you're right about someone else using Blizzard Greninja.
>>17662143 Remu appears to have already stepped out as mentioned. So you're up.
Nico 4570-6971-6045
i need to battle aniny and rematch heather. I AM FILLED WITH VINEGAR AND A DESIRE TO FACE TIM...
so instead of practicing i'm artin'
>>17662169 thanks
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:10:14 No. 17662209 Report Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
Quoted By:
Anyone have any idea around what time Ganon usually comes on?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:13:11 No. 17662275 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>17661884 Good shots, Daniel. I love skarmory, but I am prepared for countering it. Entry hazards are great, but not as effective in 3v3.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:15:35 No. 17662321 Report Dear Diary: Still no shiny Axew
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>17662023 well played dude, next time i'm gonna get you! Well that's it for me tonight good night everyone, i'm gonna challenge you all tomorrow again hopefully more successful...
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (poison - Kakuna - Venomoth - ???) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:16:57 No. 17662350 Report Quoted By:
>>17662321 masuda method is suffering
>>17662187 Ay yo
practice against me, I wanna see the competition. 2 outta 3 flat, got it?
>>17662341 I'll give you the same advice I gave Joaco. do a mock battle from the battle video you
should have saved, figure out what I have and plan around it.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>17662372 thanks for the advice! i will do that
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:20:41 No. 17662445 Report When I become champion, this will my theme song:
>>17662425 works for the other leaders too! it's always good to scout and research opponents
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Quoted By:
>>17662371 sounds good billiam
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
Quoted By:
>>17662181 sorry i did not see this post
Nanaca [Bug Gym] !Q20YwMj7Ck
Quoted By:
>>17662209 oh whoops, I ended up being distracted by something else... haha... hahaha...
If you want to battle, sure thing
Quoted By:
>>17662445 I've heard this song, but never with lyrics. You're my new favorite person.
Nico 4570-6971-6045
>>17662452 i saved my battles with Heather, and in both replays i parahaxed. i'm now filled with false hope
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Things I shouldn't try: that.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:32:05 No. 17662700 Report I've got a pentaperfect (31/31/31/xx/31/31) Jolly Axew inside a Dusk Ball that I don't need. Who wants it? It's free.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:32:31 No. 17662713 Report >>17662688 What's that? We gotta know man, if we do that we could be doomed.
>>17662688 People you shouldn't fight:
>>17662700 yo.
ill give you something good for that
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Quoted By:
>>17662715 man i know boobookeys is intimidating, no need to quit turn one.
we'll rematch when you get back Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:33:40 No. 17662735 Report >>17662721 K, sending you a trade request
I think I disconnected, my bad.
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Quoted By:
>>17662713 i had a salamence out against a sp+1 porygon 2, i DD'd.
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:34:44 No. 17662758 Report >>17662340 Alright I'm back, so when you're done with him I'm here.
>>17662735 thing i'm sending /should/ have 4-5 iv's
if it doesn't, I'll send you something else
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:36:05 No. 17662786 Report >>17662761 Nah, don't worry. I'm kinda giving them away. I've been hatching 5/6 IVs Axews all day.
Chris 3797-7065-7945
>>17662452 Nips I already battles you with this team right? I was checking the chart and it doesn't show anything for you
Quoted By:
>>17662786 sounds good. Hopefully, you'll get blaxorus soon
Quoted By:
>>17662796 I honestly don't remember ;-; Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
Quoted By:
>>17662758 You're up then!
>>17662796 callum would have updated it last time he was on, so probably not
Quoted By:
Hey, it says that I've lost to Mike, but I've beaten him, and have the badge. Do i just refile a win or wait to see if it updates?
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Chris 3797-7065-7945
>>17662847 No wait I just checked my vs seeker, I only have one of the battles saved, but I remember winning
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:41:57 No. 17662898 Report Quoted By:
>check chart >only shows my battle against kanaka m-muh autism
Chris 3797-7065-7945
>>17662890 oh, allright. Did you report it?
Chris 3797-7065-7945
>>17662956 I'll do it now I thought gym leaders were supposed to update it so I didn't fill out the form
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:47:48 No. 17663009 Report Quoted By:
Goddamnit, I forgot to save my battle video with Mike.
Nico 4570-6971-6045
>>17662931 darn you porygon2
darn you to heck
>>17662991 report is still needed regardless
I'm also not able to access a computer to fix the doc anymore. So it'll be done either when Callums on, or when I can get on
>>17663015 *you in battle*
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i
Remu 4871-4498-7869 [Challenger] !!RIyKvtVAc9i Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:51:01 No. 17663080 Report Quoted By:
Whelp. I wasn't shocked by that lose.>Crits everywhere
Nico 4570-6971-6045
>>17663067 i shoulda kept florges. i knew it, and i didn't. gosh darn pumpernickle, im tempted to restart my challenge because Venomoth is dead weight.
Chris 3797-7065-7945
>>17663040 Alright sent and here's a pic of the prize mon just so no one can say I'm lying
>>17663085 How does it feel knowing you fought the guy who is going to be the champion?
Quoted By:
>>17663085 an it's only deadweight in your set. You wouldn't happen to have any breeding leftovers of it, would you? I want one for my poison team, I could trade you one of my porygons.
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17662758 GGs!
>>17661830 Stratos, you're up!
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Quoted By:
>>17663132 I fought Tim? holy crap.
and no leftovers, i caught that veno in a friend safari, and just got incredibly lucky with ivs.
Quoted By:
>>17663113 haha I don't doubt it at all. I'm just worn out as fuck from work.
that's a reeeeeal nice beldum you got there. -sniff- Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
Quoted By:
>>17663170 After 10,000 year of waiting it's time for me to get my ass kicked.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 04:59:17 No. 17663244 Report Quoted By:
Good battle Daniel, didn't expect a challenge out of the blue like that though.
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
Quoted By:
>>17663170 Wow I was expecting to lost but not that bad.
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>17663170 Do we have a tie breaker now?
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17663460 Yep, the matches are best of 3.
Aniny [Normal] 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Aniny [Normal] 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M Mon 27 Jan 2014 05:14:08 No. 17663527 Report >>17662445 Probably the only thing I ever liked from South Park.
Nico 4570-6971-6045
Quoted By:
>>17663527 aniny can we battle?
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17663460 GREAT battles!
I really like your team. Your Dragonite set is very unique.
I look forward to your rechallenge!
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>17663473 GG I learned a lot from that.
Quoted By:
>>17663527 ooh crap, aniny is here. You're the last person I need to fight today. this is NECESSARY.
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17663597 >>17663595 I'd recommend changing your Azumarill's HP EVs so that it eats its Sitrus Berry without having to take a hit.
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
>>17660380 Sup Tim, if you are up in about 2-3 hours, I'll take you down then.
I don't know if it has been decided if we are doing 6v6 or 3v3. Previously, I supported 6v6; but the more I think about it, there wouldn't be any surprises or strategy by the second match. I'm going to put my support behind 3v3 instead.
Quoted By:
>>17663597 >>17663644 Yeah, I run my Azumarill with all EV's in ATK and DEF. Belly drum instantly makes him eat the berry.
Quoted By:
>>17663527 So are you here Aniny, or are you ignoring me? :>(
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>17663644 I might just breed a new one since the one I was using was from when I was still learning about IV and EV. What would you recommend for the amount of EV's to put into HP?
>>17663724 If you breed a new one or change its IV's, you'll have to restart the challenge, though. Make sure you want to do it. If you do, I'd put no EV's in HP, and all in HP and either ATK or DEF, depending on your preference..
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>17663724 You just need its total HP stat to be even so when Belly Drum cuts the HP in half, it activates the Sitrus Berry. If its HP is odd, Belly Drum doesn't cut its HP enough to activate the Sitrus Berry. So I think just adding or subtracting 4 HP EVs should do it for you. No re-breed necessary (unless you still just want to get better IVs, which is always recommended).
Someone correct me if I got that backwards.
Quoted By:
>>17663755 HP is better to have EVs in than Defense.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 05:39:16 No. 17663867 Report I've got a Darkrai and a shiny Deoxys I don't need, any of you gym leaders want one?
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
>>17663867 I'm no gym leader but I'll gladly take them off you're hands.
>>17663867 oh dang. Could I borrow both for a few minutes? I'd like to clone it
>>17663867 I'll give you a Zygarde and a mewtwo for that shiny deoxys, and a 4iv porygon
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 05:43:55 No. 17663949 Report >>17663913 Sorry Gym leaders only since I've known these guys for a bit.
>>17663921 These are spares I have, you don't need to clone any to give back to me.
>>17663949 Well, it's up to you which one(s) you'd like to pass on to me. I'll make a copy for my sisters.
ill send you a 31/x/31/31/31/31 eevee and a 5iv roselia
>>17663921 then could you
>>17663921 clone one and give it to me? I'll give you my Zygarde or my Mewtwo
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 05:47:31 No. 17663998 Report >>17663931 If I wanted to trade I'd have said so, so nah. You can ask Kyle to clone for you if he's in a good mood.
>>17663968 You can have both if no one else is interested.
>>17663998 i'd really appreciate it. I'll pass one on to a leader that asks
>>17663973 I can clone, yeah, but I can't guarantee tonight
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 05:51:12 No. 17664035 Report >>17664019 Actually can you wait for a bit? I have no focus sashes so I'm gonna grind for one and have you clone me a few. Got a problem with that?
>>17664035 don't bother. I got a sash I'll use for you
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 05:53:02 No. 17664058 Report >>17664039 Ooh even better, alright trade me. Is it too much to ask for 3 or 4 sashes?
Quoted By:
>>17664058 not at all man!
>>17664058 and to give me one of those clones?
>>17664069 since i'm doing 4, yes.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 05:58:20 No. 17664133 Report >>17664081 You're free to clone anything else from this list later if you want.
Quoted By:
Steel Gym is closed to be a horrific gene splicing lab. hopeyouallcool
>cloning >ever wow, pathetic
Quoted By:
>>17664081 Tell me when it's ready :D
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 05:59:55 No. 17664160 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>17664133 dude, sick. so sick. I'll hit you up for that sometime. tonight won't work, but whenever you're on tmrw.
4 sashes done btw
Any chance Frisbee or Ganon are on?
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
Quoted By:
>>17664285 I think they went off for the night.
>>17664285 yes they're here pls respond
Loki 1306-6595-2450
Quoted By:
>>17664358 Looking to challenge them
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 06:21:16 No. 17664418 Report I've got nothing to trade, gimme a minute to catch a bunch of derps.
>>17664418 oh yeah. not a problem. Send when ready.
Will, I just did the sash duplicate. I got a bit more to do, then I'll trade you
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 27 Jan 2014 06:30:39 No. 17664549 Report Thanks Kyle.
>>17664430 I have like 7% left on my computer and no charger. you know how much longer it'll be?
Quoted By:
>>17664549 you too man. least i could do
>>17664571 just finished now.
>>17664571 junk mons will do
>>17664601 thanks, you're a god among trainers.
Quoted By:
>>17664606 thank Onyx man. I'm just keepin the love going
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Jonathon 1392-5204-6440
Quoted By:
>>17665684 Sure, I'll play you in a friendly. 3v3 or 6v6?
Jonathon 1392-5204-6440
Are there any gym leaders or anyone lurking here? I had to go out before, sorry I ditched on the battles.
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Mon 27 Jan 2014 10:37:26 No. 17666829 Report What would the dealio be if I wanted to start up another Pokemon League of Gym Leaders? kinda like a different region of leaders
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
>>17666771 Not a gym leader, but I will battle you for practice
>>17666829 then you probably should do it on another site. unless you're a faggot.
Quoted By:
>>17667024 >unless you're a faggot come on, really?
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Mon 27 Jan 2014 11:14:20 No. 17667086 Report Quoted By:
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Mon 27 Jan 2014 11:20:18 No. 17667127 Report >>17667102 Just wondering
another /vp/er and I wished we could run our own gym monotypes. That's all
Callum (Rock Leader) 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
>>17667127 I know there seems to be a lot of talk saying that we won't do a gym leader shuffle, but that seems a bit wrong to me.
I originally thought we would redo another tournament for gym positions after several months. Just to build interest up again and keep it fresh.
Actias 5300 9493 0648
>>17667127 You are welcome to make a monotype team. In fact, I would go ahead and try it. I'm sure we will have another tournament soon. We just finished this one less than a week ago, I believe.
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
>>17667161 By "soon" I mean "at some point"
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Mon 27 Jan 2014 11:29:44 No. 17667190 Report >>17667161 what I mean is I wouldn't mind being a gym leader with
my own set of rules I would welcome any group of people to form a different, but not better or worse Pokemon League with perhaps different gimmicks to each gym Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17667190 My theme would be DICKS
>>17667190 sounds like you want a battle frontier sort of thing. If that's the case, why don't you organize your own league, but instead of gym leaders you can become frontier brains? Play by your own rules or have thematic battles, might b cool.
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras)
Lunar IGN: Stefan 4012-4920-7469 (Spheal, Bergmite, Lapras) Mon 27 Jan 2014 12:10:12 No. 17667434 Report Quoted By:
>>17667372 >/vp/ battle frontier I now want this.
Quoted By:
>>17667372 As cool as this might sound, as soon as you stray into themes it will more than likely become an unbalanced clusterfuck.
Aniny [Normal] 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Aniny [Normal] 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M Mon 27 Jan 2014 12:15:34 No. 17667472 Report Quoted By:
>>17663833 I've heard that at level 50, it takes 8 EVs to equate to 1 on-screen stat point. 252 EVs gives you an odd HP stat, you'd want to invest 244 EVs in HP to get an even number.
I could be wrong, but try it out.
Quoted By:
>>17667863 NEW THREAD
>>17667863 NEW THREAD
>>17667863 NEW THREAD
>>17667863 NEW THREAD