IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:15:45 No. 17659753 Report I'm here, but not for long. If Chuck, Green X and Serena are lurking we should trade
Andy 3282 3108 4328
All my shit can't clone I can tomorrow though if anyone is willing to trust me don't care either way though
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:18:02 No. 17659804 Report >>17659753 But just to keep up with tradition, here is muh list
http://pastebin.com/rDfRAxVL I have those + electrike, mareep, shellder, chimchar, larvesta, shiny 6IV raikou, cyndaquil, turtwig, snover
Kyle 3883-5604-9063
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric]
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric] Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:19:11 No. 17659840 Report have these to lend for cloners, but i want them back +1, been fucked already for being trusting, need collateral Shiny Giratina Shiny Mew Shiny Genesect Kyurem Arceus Celebi I myself am looking for Shaymin, Keldeo, Meleotta, and Dialga/Palkia
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:19:38 No. 17659854 Report Quoted By:
>>17659692 anyone willing to trade me a darkrai if i let you clone me meloetta
Ryan 3668-7528-9363
Hey im at the top of the thread. Nic are you lurking? I wanna get that 2spooky tree.
http://pastebin.com/pxbPz3PL Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17659796 Thank you as well!
>>17659568 I can trade you all 4 if you're willing to cycle through that whole list I just updated. How long will you be on tonight?
http://pastebin.com/nhKsvKjv >>17659455 Give me a few minutes to see if Annie replies.
>>17659606 I gotchu ;)
Joey 1564-2569-1144
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:21:57 No. 17659912 Report Quoted By:
>>17659804 Goomy, femespurr, gastly and ditto for 1:1
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:23:25 No. 17659952 Report >>17659883 Actually i need to go to work in the next hour. But I might take my time for such awesome clones. The faster the better. ;)
but no problem bro. added
As mentioned I'm in need of Pinsirite
>>17659873 I have a 6iv trevenant if you want to borrow
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Have these for lending. want +1's. I've given up on getting a Bug Bite Scizor. HP Ice Timid Thundurus HP Ice Timid Heatwave Tornadus HP Grass Timid Heatran HP Fire Hasty Froakie 5IV Adamant Galewings Talonflame 5IV Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan 5IV Bold Anticipation Eevee with HV and Wish 5IV Timid Smeargle with DV and Icy Wind 6IV Timid Ralts with HV Ace, I'm online!
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) !EfVwyVp5SE
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) !EfVwyVp5SE Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:24:36 No. 17659979 Report Namine 3540-0435-0725
Josh if you are here, I'm almost done with your mons, only Venonat left n_n
My list:
http://pastebin.com/PzNqeScS Ryan 3668-7528-9363
>>17659970 if hes shiny id love to, did you want me to +1 it or did you want something off my list?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17659961 >as mentioned before You ask for a lot of things, Anon.
A good way to get help, right off the bat, is to put a name and FC, friend. Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric]
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric] Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:25:20 No. 17660001 Report Quoted By:
I really need a Shaymin and Keldeo if anyone has spare clones of them, offering up Arceus for trade and possibly Genesect
>>17659840 Are Arceus, Giratina, and/or Genesect English?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>17659675 Cloning your Blaziken atm.
Chris 5069-4129-8236
>>17659753 could I clone rotom?
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17659952 I'd rather do the trades when we aren't under a time constraint, plus I have to clone Breloom and Azumarill again. How long will your shift be? Or will you be available tomorrow?
Andy 3282 3108 4328
>>17659910 do you clone? I'm interested in that 5 iv bagon but not for 1:1 trade Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17659983 Hi! I'm still here. Lurking... Lol
Thanks Namine!
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:27:29 No. 17660057 Report >>17660020 We are acquaintances already? I'm almost leaving, bro. (I guess we are)
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17659753 I'm here! Sorry, I fell asleep. It was 2 am here when I was last online. haha! i'm on now. lets trade.
Are you taking Smeargle or Excadrill?
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:28:43 No. 17660081 Report >>17660021 Dont worry bro. i have to deliver newspaper so its cool
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:28:44 No. 17660082 Report >>17660066 Smeargle, we can do excadrill when I get something else you are interested in.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>17659998 >tfw forgetting basic shit Anyways yeah gib to me pinsir stone
p-please someone? Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric]
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric] Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:29:20 No. 17660094 Report Quoted By:
>>17660003 thats a big negative on that. Ive been looking into english one as well but they do in a pinch
Chris 5069-4129-8236
>>17660057 sorry could i do kangaskan also?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:30:29 No. 17660121 Report Quoted By:
>>17660100 Sure, let me just trade with Chuck
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>17659692 So guys I have these pokes for cloning. Would like the original plus one or another legendary
Hp Ghost Keldeo
Hp Ice Thundrus (thnx to Justin)
6iv Victini
6iv Latios
6iv Celebi
1iv Mew
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Quoted By:
Have: 6 IV shiny hasty Deoxys 6 IV shiny modest latios 6 IV darkrai timid 6 IV adamant arceus 6 IV adamant landorus 6 IV timid thundurus Want: A naive 6 IV genesect.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17659979 I'm ready with your blaziken
>>17659996 It is shiny yes, could you do original+scizor?
>>17660026 I cannot sorry
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17659983 Namiiiiiine!
What would I have to do for a clone of your Excadrill, Meowth, and Poochyena? http://pastebin.com/HnA6zayf >>17660093 >kek I actually might have one. Put a luvdick up on GTS for Rattata, and put my name in description.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AniMJmYmvUppdF84bTVTSS10Uk1rRmZBem5zVXpLQ3c&usp=drive_web#gid=0 Only taking Kalos native shinies or flawless Kalos legendaries. Also looking for shiny Tundra Vivillon and Gen 6 events.
I can clone but I'm not taking requests unless it's a Kalos native shiny or flawless Kalos legendary that I don't have.
I also don't lend as I can clone for myself.
Ryan 3668-7528-9363
Quoted By:
>>17660134 sure, this pleases munna. adding you.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17660082 okay. i'm liking Cofagrigus and Volcarona.
Does your Cresselia have Icy Wind/Helping Hand?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:32:24 No. 17660167 Report >>17660100 You getting me extra of both, right? I should be on in game for some time, but I'll have to leave the thread soon.
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17660081 Do you intend to trade me every pokemon on the list? If yes then, let me just finish this Azumarill then.
And to sum up the trades, I trade you a shitmon for the first Pokemon on the list, then I trade you back the Pokemon you just gave me for the next Pokemon on the list, and it repeats until we're done. And then once we're finished I'll trade you Greninja, Charizard, Breloom, and Azumarill.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:33:26 No. 17660191 Report Quoted By:
>>17660165 I would have to check. I'll try to get an extra of one of those tomorrow
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:33:59 No. 17660201 Report >>17660167 yo ace. i know this was from a long time ago and you probably dont remember me but do you by chance have a spare giratina i could have yet? ill let you clone my melo
Chris 5069-4129-8236
Quoted By:
>>17660167 yep ill do extra of both!
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>17659977 Updated list.
Need clones of Ralts and Smeargle!
HP Ice Timid Thundurus
HP Ice Timid Heatwave Tornadus
HP Grass Timid Heatran
HP Fire Hasty Froakie
5IV Adamant Galewings Talonflame
5IV Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan
5IV Bold Anticipation Eevee with HV and Wish
5IV Timid Smeargle with DV and Icy Wind
6IV Timid Ralts with HV
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:35:33 No. 17660224 Report >>17660201 I can't clone, bro. I think I actually had one extra giratina at one point but you weren't here so I traded for other stuff
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:35:43 No. 17660227 Report >>17660177 yes. we can trade every pokemon on the list.
and how about you throw in one of the shinies, lets say all 10 trades or so.
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Dillon 1006-0119-2828 ghost (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:35:59 No. 17660235 Report Quoted By:
>>17660224 oh alright no worries man
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17660225 Do you have any spares? I'm only willing to 1:1 at the moment.
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) !EfVwyVp5SE
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) !EfVwyVp5SE Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:38:38 No. 17660289 Report >>17660133 Thanks dude, did you perchance see anything else you might like for a copy of your torchic?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>17660177 So, I guess that's a no for me?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:38:52 No. 17660294 Report Quoted By:
Ok waiting Serena, Green X and Chris now (last one is too recent so it should take some time) I think X slept before we could trade, I hope he is still interested in trading the ones I have ready tomorrow
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:41:12 No. 17660356 Report >>17660225 Josh, is that Treecko NFT? I need one and I wouldn't list it. But I'm not sure if I have anything you want (specially ready for 1:1)
I have a 5IV shiny rotom, a 6IV shiny mew and a 6IV shiny JPN ditto. I can't clone but I'm happen to offer them for cloning if I get original + 1 or one of your shinies.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>17660289 Right now I don't see anything else, sorry.
Thanks for the meowstic, though.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17660284 comment got left behind in the old thread. The crobat has defog and brave bird but I'm lending the only copy to someone atm. They are returning one back (maybe tomorrow), so is it acceptable to for a cloneback of the hawlucha?
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>17660148 You can have whichever you want as long as you clone them XDD Deino, Chansey and another Excadrill (for Yusuf) would be awesome :D
I'm still cloning 8 pokes...I'm going crazy @_@
Looking for someone to clone my shiny deoxys and/or shiny rayquaza Would like original +1 or original +something equal
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17660227 Yeah I'm fine with that please see my updated list of the order we'll do the trades in
http://pastebin.com/nhKsvKjv and check my list again for the last pokemon you would want:
>>17658140 I just finished cloning Azumarill, let me know when you've read the list and decide on the other pokemon you want
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>17660148 >luvdick lel, it's up.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17660377 As long as I don't have to clone your Crobat back I'm fine.
>>17660359 I can clone the shiny new for you.
SnwFlkz 1521-4168-2364
>>17660128 Could I clone that mew?
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17660405 I'll have to find someone to clone it for me then before I trade you.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:44:19 No. 17660428 Report >>17660383 I'd choose Gliscor.
Ready to trade bro :)
Quoted By:
>>17660382 Are either English?
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Toasting in new bread 6IV non shiny Timid arceus (jpn) Timid darkrai (eng) Jolly victini (eng, fusion bolt) Naive meloetta (eng, drain/ice punch) Adamant jirachi (eng, iron head, ice punch) Timid deoxys-s (eng) Adamant groudon (eng) 6IV shiny Sassy deoxys (eng, defense build) Hasty genesect (jpn, eng name) Timid shaymin (eng) Timid multiscale lugia (eng) Timid mew (jpn) Naive latias (jpn) Timid latios (jpn, HP fire) Adamant rayquaza (eng) Timid kyogre (jpn) Adamant entei (jpn, espeed) Relaxed suicune (eng, event moves) - on hold Modest thundurus-t (kor, HP ice) Timid heatran (jpn, HP grass) Jolly terrakion (eng) Adamant kyurem (jpn) 5IV Shiny jolly landorus-t (kor) Timid keldeo (eng, HP ghost) Calm articuno (jpn) Other Shiny 5IV timid anticipation eevee 6IV calm hydration goodra 6IV timid greninja - on hold 5IV gentle aegislash (nn dante ><) Random encounter jolly hustle durant (nn-able) Here's my list, can't clone. Looking out for ign derwin, posts his poison safari but not his name. I fell asleep before we could trade
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17660400 Dubbbs. Going to get it now.
>>17660378 Alright. I can do that. You want just the originals aside from Excadrill back, plus those two?
coming online now. Good luck cloning. I feel your pain.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17660426 OK. I can wait.
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric]
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric] Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:46:11 No. 17660468 Report Quoted By:
anyone have spare throwaway clones of Shaymin or Keldeo? i really need one for my dex, i also have various legends to lend for cloning
Quoted By:
>>17660382 Looking for someone to clone my shinys(Deoxys and/or Rauquaza)
Would like original +1 or original +something equal
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17660464 It might have to be tomorrow though, but I doubt you'll run out of hawluchas lol
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
Quoted By:
>>17660428 Fine with me, added, just make sure you go in order of the list or else this won't work.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17660284 I have a 5ivs slowpoke and a 6ivs Deino.
What do you think?
>>17660356 Yeah it's NFT but If I get an extra one I'll trade it to you.
I'll ask Solid to clone it.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17660477 I can clone hawlucha so I can trade you whenever I'm ready. I start univ tomorrow but I have a very lenient schedule compared to other days of the week so it'll be fine.
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>17660450 Yes just the Original 3, one excadrill for Yusuf haha and your two mons, sorry I put so much work to you Josh ;_; but I'm in the same situation
Ban 1118-0232-4885
Quoted By:
Hello, if someone has a spare Pinsirite,could I have one, please?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:48:12 No. 17660515 Report Quoted By:
>>17660482 Thanks, bro. If you need anything from the list just ask. I'll try to get one extra for you
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>17660420 Sure, do you have any other shones or legendaries? would also need something as collateral
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17660482 Interested in Deino.
>>17660448 Can I clone the Genesect and Shaymin? I'll give them back +1
Joey 1564-2569-1144
Quoted By:
http://pastebin.com/NaXeQVBi Here's my list if anyone wants to clone or trade
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
>>17660504 alright. I'll let you know if I get a copy tomorrow
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17660536 But slowpoke is cool too :(
Well I can trade you Deino for Torchic. Deal?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17660507 I feel your pain; it's bad sometimes.
>>17660400 Nigga accept my trade.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
>>17660537 do you have a list i might be interested in?
Quoted By:
Looking for: Random IV, shiny/non, plain Latios Random IV, shiny/non, plain Darkrai Random IV, shiny/non, plain Zekrom Random IV, shiny/non, plain Registeel Random IV, shiny/non, plain Jirachi The Pokémon above don't have to have HA's or anything. Just plain Legendaries will be alright. Willing to let someone clone my Random IV Shiny Rayquaza, Random IV Shiny Mew, or 6 IV Shiny Ditto. Let me know if this sounds interesting to you at all.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:51:47 No. 17660587 Report Quoted By:
Ok, about to go. Serena, Green X and Chris I'll be waiting in game. Good night, guys
>>17660413 Alright what's your IGN, FC and collateral
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>17660563 I did, but your qt3.14 mouse wasn't packing any bug rock. If you know what I mean.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17660562 Sounds good. I have a slowbro (ironically from you I believe) with same iv spread and nature so I'm not interested in slowpoke.
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric]
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric] Mon 27 Jan 2014 02:52:46 No. 17660612 Report >>17660537 >>17660537 if it happens, what could i do to talk you into a clone of Shaymin for me? want one but no one has spares :/
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>17660562 Josh help me remember.. charmander and mudkip for poochyena and..?
Looking for cloners/offers also not listed,shiny 5iv jolly bagon/adamant azumarill
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17660597 Rattata is just a pokemon I have too many of. You can't trade stones on GTS.
Christian 1392-5566-6446
Quoted By:
Anyone interested in swapping a Shiny Scizor for Pinsir? lol
>>17660448 I just started... You actually have everything I have ;_;
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17660601 Oh yeah! I forgot about that one. Lol
Oh well let me know when you're ready to trade.
Thanks Jay!
SnwFlkz 1521-4168-2364
>>17660523 Dont have any legendary's but I could trade you something I use or a shiny?
Quoted By:
Today I cloned and wonder traded 3 heatrans and I feel pretty satisfied with my life choices
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17660618 I'll clone everything at once and let you know when I've got them ready.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17660618 The last poke is Venonat lol
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>17660626 Do you have an extra Pinsirite though?
>>17660625 I will lend you my shiny deoxys and/or shiny rayquaza for you to clone.
I'd like original+1 or original +one from your list.
>>17660595 My data is already up. My collateral is a Shiny Lugia
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17660687 Yes. It's on
a second Rattata. It's usually luvdisc-luvdisc trade, but I have no Luvdisc.
Namine 3540-0435-0725
Quoted By:
>>17660665 Thank you so much Josh, I hope they clone easily ;w;
>>17660669 lol true n.n
>>17660612 Yeah. I'll clone you one. What do you have?
Quoted By:
>>17660625 not a cloner but would you trade the bagon or greninja for a shiny adamant sucker punch pawniard?
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>17660713 Can I trade you for it? I've added you.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17660636 fair enough. I'll attach some items to them if you don't mind. if
>>17660612 has a heracrossinite you could toss my extra to him for it
Anyone able to help me by cloning my deoxys and/or rayquaza? Both shiny Would like original+1 or original+ something equal
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric]
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric] Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:00:08 No. 17660771 Report >>17660735 Shiny Giratina, Shiny Genesect, Shiny Mew, Kyurem, Arceus IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17660759 Nigga. You're on my Acquaintance list, that's why I GTS traded you. My friend's list is full on my main DS, so I've been GTSing on the other. I've tried to trade you twice before you went offline.
>>17660771 If all goes well and I manage to obtain a Shaymin, I'll trade you it for an Arceus.
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17660428 If you're still lurking do you want Sharpedo, Gogoat, Vileplume, Aromatisse, and Crobat back after all the trades are done?
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric]
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric] Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:02:46 No. 17660824 Report Quoted By:
>>17660704 Added. My FC/IGN are as above.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17660767 Asking for people to "help" you, then asking for something extra in return for help isn't a good way to do things.
Especially if you're already asking for +1. Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17660640 Got done cloning your torchic, I'm online
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17660832 My bad on the last part. I didn't see the "or". I've been up to goddamn long.
>>17660762 Sounds good. Thank you so much!
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17660833 Thanks for the trade!
I've got a shiny 5IV rotom that I'd like cloned if anyone wants one.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:06:21 No. 17660882 Report >>17660812 you can keep them. ;)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:06:42 No. 17660890 Report Quoted By:
Now I'm really going, bye you all. Good night I'll be online in game to finish the ongoing trades
>>17660826 I can't seem to find your FC. Can you please type it?
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17660860 Actually no that's too messy. Can I just get original + 1 instead for both if that's ok? Don't want to confuse myself or other people
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric]
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric] Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:07:05 No. 17660899 Report >>17660762 i have X, sadly dont have heracrosite
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
Quoted By:
>>17660792 Hopefully my newness to this GTS-Aquaintance trade process didn't make you cringe too hard. And thanks for the Pinsirite, man, you helped me out a lot. Andy 3282 3108 4328
Only for cloning don't wanna 1:1 trade can't clone until tomorrow
>>17660895 Hahah okay then! Original +1 sounds fine.
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17660882 Alright cool, thanks again for all the help, I hope you enjoy all the shinies :)
>>17660895 >>17660899 I have Y and I'm confused... which of you want Heracrossite?
kazuma's phone
>>17660648 What team pokes can u offer for collateral?
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric]
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric] Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:10:51 No. 17660986 Report Quoted By:
>>17660947 Jeric wants the mega stone, and im gonna trade you Arceus for Shaymin
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17660947 I wanted the heracrossinite. You could give me one genesect back instead for the megastone
>>17660988 Okay, sounds good.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17661024 I'll be back in 20 mins though. I'll have added you by then
>>17661039 Okay. I'll be ready .
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>17660158 Still here? I'm interested in your bold Xerneas
Darck 1118-0228-0314 !jb4sO9YH0c
Quoted By:
Anyone here have a (preferably nicknamable) shiny Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist with good IVs?? I got these plus a shiny Whismur I just caught:
http://pastebin.com/kZAGK2q3 Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17660882 My bad on the Bellossom trade, I wasn't paying attention.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:16:16 No. 17661108 Report >>17660919 I'd suggest we trade these pokemon (Sharpedo, Gogoat, Vileplume, Aromatisse, and Crobat) after we finisched swapping.
SnwFlkz 1521-4168-2364
>>17660953 Lv 64 Porygon-z
Lv 100 Milotic
Lv 100 Salamence
Lv 100 Scizor
Lv 100 Gardevoir
Lv 79 Dragonite
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
Quoted By:
>>17661104 Oh there's a different Justin. I can imagine this getting confusing at some point
Ryan 3668-7528-9363
Quoted By:
>>17660625 im done, im online waiting for u bby
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17661108 No exactly sure I understand since you said I could keep them in the other post? But yeah it's fine if you want them back bro.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Lending these! Want +1's. Open to offers HP Ice Timid Thundurus HP Ice Timid Heatwave Tornadus HP Grass Timid Heatran HP Fire Hasty Froakie 5IV Adamant Galewings Talonflame 5IV Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan 5IV Bold Anticipation Eevee with HV and Wish 5IV Timid Smeargle with DV and Icy Wind 6IV Timid Ralts with HV
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:22:04 No. 17661218 Report >>17661154 we swap till the end and after that youll get Sharpedo, Gogoat, Vileplume, Aromatisse, and Crobat. And I'll get random derps from you
or did i miss smt??
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
Quoted By:
Sup dudes. I have two extra shiny English Genesect, and one extra meloetta. I'm not a cloner. (I'm poor) :( But anywho I'm just looking for competitive shinys. Any help would be appreciated.
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17661199 Oh wow, what can I do for one of those ralts yo?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17661249 You wanna trade it? List please.
If you wanna clone it, just lend me collateral.
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17661218 So you want Sharpedo, Gogoat, Bellossom, Aromatisse, and Crobat traded back to you after swapping correct? Cause otherwise I'm not sure what you're asking.
Quoted By:
Can someone please clone my deoxys? Would like original +1 It's shiny! :) help a bro out!
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17661100 What can you offer? I'm looking for a really good offer on it for me to trade it.
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:28:01 No. 17661357 Report >>17661273 no, no... you can keep them. but lets finish swapping or otherwise we might mess up the order.
You can have those 5 pokemon. but since we have to trade them i have to receive random derps from you.
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>17661330 How about a 31/xx/31/31/31/31 timid Xerneas?
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17661268 I just have to ask, will you take a Genesect or meloetta? If not I have a perfect deino, and a perfect sableye you can clone. Both shiny, both competitive ready.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17661362 Sure, I can do that. Can you clone?
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17661357 Gotcha, well the the shinies I'm giving you are counting as the random derps aren't they? That's the only reason I have the 5 pokemon to begin with.
Andy 3282 3108 4328
Quoted By:
>>17660915 phantump bump. anyone? Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>17661403 I can't, unfortunately. Do you think you could clone it for me?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17661375 I don't clone either. Details on Genesect?
Bryan 5413-0721-2256
>>17660878 I'd like to trade or clone+1 the Shiny rotom, please. :)
Muh list
6IV Arceus
(Shiny) Genesect
4IV (Shiny) Aegislash
6IV (Shiny) Ditto [JPN]
1IV (Shiny) Rayquaza
6IV (Shiny) Mew
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:32:13 No. 17661442 Report >>17661408 yes bro ;)
sorry if it got a lil bit confusing xD Its almost five o clock in the morning in germany
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17661428 Genesect is hasty natured 6iv, shiny, English name, moves are - flamethrower, ice beam, flash cannon and bug buzz.
Quoted By:
Any cloners free at the moment? Could use some help.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17661427 I'm only in mood for 1:1 trades at the moment, sorry.
I can get back to you tomorrow if you're still going to be here, though.
Andy 3282 3108 4328
Quoted By:
>>17660910 phantump bump. anyone? Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>17661451 I will probably be here at some point either tomorrow or the day after. How much longer will you be here for? If I can get someone to clone it later tonight, I may be able to do a 1:1 trade.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>17661039 I have your Hawlucha cloned. Remind me tomorrow if you have Crobat ready for 1:1.
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17661442 It's all good, thanks again for the help.
It's only 9pm here in Illinois I hope your work shift is good today, :)
I just realized I got Haxorous too, do you want that or nah?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17661468 About an hour. I'll be here for most of the day tomorrow as my schedule is lenient on mondays.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17660448 Hey, not sure if u are still here, but do u know if i could clone that rayquaza? I can give a collatoral pokemon while i do the cloning process
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:36:31 No. 17661509 Report >>17661477 It's allright bro. soo do you want to keep those five? (Sharpedo, Gogoat, Bellossom, Aromatisse, and Crobat)
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17661509 Yeah I will keep them. If you want any of them back let me know.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17661449 hmm... details on Meloetta?
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey)
Annie 0018-1312-9037 Flying (woobat, rufflet, and pidgey) Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:39:01 No. 17661546 Report Quoted By:
>>17661522 okay bro ;)
but i gtg now asap xD XD
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17661054 Alright I have you added. I'm attaching an ability capsule on the shaymin. Just need appropriate collateral to hold onto while you clone
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
Ryan 3668-7528-9363
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17661532 Meloetta is 6iv, non shiny, naive nature, -moves are ice punch, relic song, shadow ball, and drain punch.
Quoted By:
>>17661549 Sure. Just give me a minute. I'm finishing up cloning someone's mew.
Bryan 5413-0721-2256
Quoted By:
Anyone with Shiny Rotom from earlier? Would like to Original+1 or trade for one. D:
Ben 4055-3972-6618
>>17660870 You still aroudn? I have Aron, I never got to clone it. Been hella busy. Figured you might want him back.
>>17661435 Alright I'll do clone +1. Add me my details are above.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17661502 sure since you cloned for me before. You wouldn't happen to have a mewtonite y would you? I would take that in place of the extra clone if so
>>17661549 Okay. I'm just finishing up one last cloned mew.
Quoted By:
>>17661491 Jay, interested in a 5iv Chandelure for your Pinsir?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17661564 okay. gimme a genesect. i'll add you up.
Bryan 5413-0721-2256
Quoted By:
>>17661592 Sure thing. Gonna need just a sec
George 5343-8274-5372
Cloner looking for work Got time for two or three requests.
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric]
Allen 0791-2296-4324 [Electric, Emolga Pikachu, Manectric] Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:43:09 No. 17661626 Report Quoted By:
>>17661604 im on standby to give you Arceus, amigo
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17661609 Thanks brotha! :) i appreciate it!
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17661593 No i dont, sorry. I can give u an extra cloneback on the rayquaza. Going online now
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
Mr. Doodoo, do ya want your Scraggy+Ability Capsule or not :p
Andy 3282 3108 4328
>>17661621 could you clone my 1 iv shiny Houndoom? this kid really wants it and he's willing to trade a lot for it and I like it so don't wanna give it up. Do you mind? you can have a copy if you want Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>17661491 K, I got Yusuf to clone it, he'll trade you and give me a copy later. I'm sending it over now so it should be done soon
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17661621 Clone my Pokes? I got Smeargle, HP Ice Thundurus, HV Ralts. You've cloned my stuff before so I trust you.
>>17661551 Ryan, you want a 6IV Venipede for one of those Kyogre's?
George 5343-8274-5372
>>17661621 Could you a shiny 6iv jolly bagon with HA and egg moves?
Quoted By:
>>17661621 Can you clone my shiny Mewtwo?
Kaz/Dextra [2466-2644-6963]
(poorfag) For lending list: 6IV Shiny Shaymin 6IV Shiny Genesect 6IV Tornadus-T 4IV Keldeo (WIN2013) Shit IV Shiny Mareep Shit IV Shiny Aipom Looking for 5-6IVs Adamant Shiny Mawile and 5-6IV Timid Manaphy. Come on people, help an anon out getting his shiny waifu and his sea fairy.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>17661627 No worries! Happy to help!
Andy 3282 3108 4328
Quoted By:
>>17661702 hey you sure you FC is correct? its saying not valid George 5343-8274-5372
>>17661680 sure. Going online
Andy 3282 3108 4328
>>17661702 oh shit my bad typed it wrong added you Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17661747 i'll send you thundurus. that cool? I'll just trade with Wrath
George 5343-8274-5372
Quoted By:
>>17661703 yup. I´m online. Its going to take a while tho.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17661640 your meloetta had drain punch right? Cuz i'm holding onto another one right now for collateral
kazuma's phone
>>17661119 Sorry bout the late replies. Internet sucks. So send me one of those. Can I get the original mew and a copy back
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17661786 I'm pretty sure it did. I remember it was't holding anything if tht helps
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17661550 D: someone want something PREASUUUU
George 5343-8274-5372
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Got some time for a couple trades tonight. I'm not cloning any pokes for people. I'll clone my own pokes and trade them for other pre-cloned pokes. Have: 6V Shiny Hasty Genesect 6V Timid Darkrai 6V Modest Suicune 6V Shiny Adamant Rayquaza 4V Timid Hp Ghost Keldeo 6V shiny Timid Thundurus 6V Jolly Terrakion 6V Shiny Adamant Regigigas 6V Timid Reshiram 6V Timid Arceus 6V Timid Shiny Shaymin 6V Modest Wish Jirachi 6V Shiny Jap Ditto 5V Shiny Jolly Landorus-T 5V Timid Latias 4V Timid HP ice Tornadus-T 6V Jolly Victini w/Fusion Bolt and V-Create 6V Timid shiny Latios Shinies: 4V Jolly Kanga 5V Modest Litwik 5V Modest Goomy 6V Modest Deino 5V Adamant Beldum 4-5V Timid HP ice Charizard 5V Jolly Pinsir 3V (HP fire spread) Hasty HP Fire Froakie 5V Adamant Talonflame 6V Impish Bulletproof Chespin 5V Jolly Fraxuredoes anyone else have their FC memorized? Is that weird?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17661676 Isn't yusuf banned or something?
Quoted By:
>>17661833 c-can you clone?
SnwFlkz 1521-4168-2364
>>17661792 Yeah its alright, and sure thing hah. Added you btw.
>>17661862 Not anymore lmao ^^
Ryan 3668-7528-9363
>>17661684 i just got a 5iv venipede, do you have anything else? Im sorry i didnt update my list D:
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) !EfVwyVp5SE
Kenneth 3067-4816-0952 (electric: Pachirisu, Heliotile, Zebstrika) !EfVwyVp5SE Mon 27 Jan 2014 03:55:23 No. 17661893 Report Quoted By:
>>17661858 I memorized mine, it's like having two phone numbers.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17661875 Oh, welcome back lol.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>17661875 Why were you banned?
>>17661906 lol i got banned for saying Nice quads to somebody ;-; il clone xerneas now ^^
Kaz/Dextra [2466-2644-6963]
>>17659983 Do you still need a Tornadus? I'm interested in your Shiny Mawile.
>tfw ignored again Bryan 5413-0721-2256
Quoted By:
Done with Rotoms Mitch. :3 On in a sec
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17661926 I think you had a 6iv(5iv?) purrloin that I was interested in. Is that for trade/clone?
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17661858 Hey bro, is that latios English name?
>>17661876 5IV Mawile, 4IV Tyrunt, 4IV Buneary, 6IV Mewtwo, 5IV Registeel, 6IV Manaphy, 6IV Virizon. All are shiny.
a-anything interest you?
>>17661971 i dont rememeber oO but yep thats for trade too lol. 6IV Purloin.
>>17661786 Jeric, I've got bad news, mate.
Apparently the cloning failed and it gave the shitmon I meant to delete. I used the correct method way too. You can keep the Charizard and Gengar, and I'll give you anything else on my list, but I'd have to clone it, also I can give your crobat back if you feel like I'll screw up again, I don't want you to lose your mons', mate.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17661858 I've memorized mine.
Interested in Arceus, Shaymin
I got 5IV Excadrill, HP Ice Rotom, 5IV Garchomp, HP Grass Heatran ready to trade
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>17661983 English region, but name is in moon runes.
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>17661926 Yusuf your pokes done! I only need the Excadrill but Josh is cloning him for you n.n!
>>17661948 Not anymore sorry! I have it now
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17661988 What do you want for that shiny 6iv mewtwo? Oh and is it English named?
Bryan 5413-0721-2256
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17662010 which ones were lost?
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>17662011 Are any shiny?
Nature on Heatran?
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
Quoted By:
>>17662028 Lol moon runes? Damn. I really wish they'd let you rename pokemon. Oh well maybe in gen 7
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17661999 I don't remember exactly, but does it have prankster ability and foul play egg move?
>>17662031 It is not. As long as you can clone, do you have a list?
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>17661870 Hey let me know whenever your ready to trade back.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17662051 All shiny. (was just lazy to type) Heatran is Timid
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>17662068 Alright, I'll definitely do Heatran.
What are the Natures on Chomp and Excadrill?
>>17662046 Just the beldum, but I have found a trainer who just hatched one, willing to also NN it for you.
It's adamant 31/31/31/xx/31/31
SnwFlkz 1521-4168-2364
Quoted By:
>>17662066 I will, thanks btw.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17662085 You're really not cloning for other people? haha!
Both adamant. Sand veil and rush respectively. Chomp has Iron Head
Elliot 2320-6269-1760
Quoted By:
Hey guys, dumbass question. How have you been getting event legendaries? I really want a Deoxys-D
Kaz/Dextra [2466-2644-6963]
>>17662030 Anything you want for it?
My shitty list is there
>>17661716 >tfw finally noticed >you can tell me to go away Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17662061 Oops sorry. I can't clone. I just have a few spares left. Trying to get rid of a Genesect and a meloetta.
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
>>17662057 >rememeber yep timid with prankster and foul play.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17662090 oh ok. beldum's not rare lol, and the suicune had a shit nature...anyways that's fine. thanks for letting me know. you've cloned for me before so I know you mean no wrong. you can hold on to them for as long as need be but make sure YOU DO YOUR HW FIRST DUDE
if you hadn't already I ended up with a shit gpa and now can't get a job while my friend is at lockheed martin
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>17662109 No, because
im stingy and don't feel like I owe anyone else my time I'll get cloning Shaymin and Arceus.
I'll go with the Excadrill and Heatran.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17662137 I can clone, if that's what you need. I'd love to take one of those mons off your hands.
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
>>17662142 enjoy :)
Do you need the Manaphy cloned?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17662165 Is this Arceus the event one? with judgement, roar of time, spacial rend, etc?
I'll wait for you. after this trade, i'm out. good luck!
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17661590 I just came back lol
Can you clone it now?
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>17662118 Does that Genesect has EV training? o.o
Josh Yusuf your pokes ready!! Im online
J-Doodoo 1633-5082-1391
>>17662194 Manaphy is all yours! Thanks man!
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
>>17662030 namnamnam anything on my list for your cutey vennonat?
http://pastebin.com/bnqi95H1 + Is there anyone out there that can possibly clone my skrelp and grimer shiny lvl 1s + 1 back ?
>>17662155 I just finished the Genesect with Heracronite.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>17662206 The Arceus is from the PGL giveaway, I'm pretty certain. Considering it's in a Dream Ball.
Justin 3368-1695-6739 !HOf4znCsEo
Quoted By:
>>17662221 Sweet, thanks! If you need anything cloned later tonight let me know.
>>17662155 I already finished it, thank's for the concern.
I really feel bad for losing a mon' ;_;
So Would you like the beldum nicknamed?
Kaz/Dextra [2466-2644-6963]
>>17662208 Unfortunately, yeah. It's Hasty and is EV trained in speed and special attack.
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17662191 I'm just trying to 1:1 trade. Do you have a list?
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17662155 I have ur rayquazas ready. I was wondering if i could clone ur Timid Deoxys as well.
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>17662222 Nice Qua... lol
Joe Im done cloning for today.. Im dead, really x.x
>>17662273 lmao dont say it....
>>17662179 can i get a copy of the marine pattern viv please ^^
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17662208 Thanks a lot Namine!
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>17662305 sure. I'll get to cloning right away.
I've already cloned Xerneas, I'll tell you when I'm ready.
>>17662265 afraid not. what are you interested in, Shinies? Competetive mons? I have a Shiny Greninja with HA I can clone, Shiny 6iv dittos. What are you looking for?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
My list aIso I can clone
http://pastebin.com/nwE8rSe7\ and for those who don't want to look. The better samples include
5 IV Cyndaquil
5 IV Timid Solar Charizard
5 IV Heracross Adamant Moxie
6 IV Timid Protean Greninja
6 IV Eevee Modest
6 IV Espeon Timid Magic Bounce
6IV Klefki Prankster
Ben 4055-3972-6618
>>17662207 Not really. My girlfriend is playing through LoZ Link between Worlds so I don't have access to the second DS during the day. I could probably do it tonight depending on how long im up. I just figured I could give it back to you if you wanted.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
>>17662206 So uhh...I got both on the first try somehow.
I'll add you and come online.
i haven't listened to The Fall of Troy in a while, but they must be lucky or some shit. This is bananas. Ben
yo, does anyone have an extra razor claw? i know you can get one with bp, but i'm hoping someone here has cloned one.
Ben 4055-3972-6618
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17662375 Oh I can wait until you clone it plus I want a clone of the event poke you got lol
>>17662410 fight me irl for it
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17662227 nice
>>17662257 Uh sure. Maybe "Gross Metal"? Can't think of anything else. If you can think of a better name go for it
>>17662266 sure let me get online and find some shitmons
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>17662259 Kaz can we do it tomorrow? I cloned like 30 pokes in 3 days and Im crying blood. Please
George 5343-8274-5372
>>17661779 Done. Going online
Quoted By:
>>17662057 lol i will be about 5-10 minutes >< need to hatch some eggs lol have zero shitmon left.
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>17662410 >>17662431 You guys know what to do.
Final Destination
No items
No fun
Fox only
>>17662344 I have 6IV shiny Groudon, 6IV shiny Lugia and 6IV shiny Venipede. If you're interested, I'd need them cloned back to me.
Kaz/Dextra [2466-2644-6963]
Quoted By:
>>17662453 Yes, I don't mind at all.
>pls remember me Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17662343 I'm chasing after my favorite of favorite mons. Scizor, gengar, lucario, venusaur, umm latios, mewtwo, groudon, salamence, tyrantrum, breloom, umbreon, mawile, chandeleur, and finally...azumarill
Ben 4055-3972-6618
>>17662416 Kay can do.
>>17662431 Bro. Leggo. Wanna come to Michigan?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Keith 1247-0021-2395
Quoted By:
>>17662206 IGN is Valdrum, btw
>>17662444 Silver Striker sound like a good name?
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
>>17662454 george are you able to clone my grimer? :)
>>17662530 Perfect! I have a shiny, timid 5IV Gengar with gengarite, if you're interested.
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17662588 Excellent! I'll take it yo. :) what do you want, the Genesect or the meloetta?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17662454 George! Done with Thundurus?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17662640 or rather i need you info
George 5343-8274-5372
Quoted By:
>>17662634 only need one more clone
>>17662631 Meloetta would be just dandy! just give me a moment to clone it. You want the mega stone as well, right?
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17662568 How about Striker Silver, going off of yours and Striker Eureka?
Alec 0232-8335-7303
Quoted By:
>>17661875 elektrike trade?
Quoted By:
>>17662547 my friend lives in rochester
Quoted By:
>>17662691 That works perfect.
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17662689 Errr, I already have gengarite. By any chance do you have any exclusive pokemon x stones?
George 5343-8274-5372
Ryan 3668-7528-9363
>>17661988 im in for that 6iv mewtwo as well. sorry i didnt respond earlier. i had to step out for a minute.
>>17662631 Scratch that, clone successful! what proceeds now, adding your FC?
George 5343-8274-5372
Quoted By:
>>17662572 sure. I´ll be online soon
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17662640 >>17662654 Well, do you think I could get a clone of Cyndaquil, Kyogre and High Plains Vivillon?
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
Quoted By:
>>17662689 If not just clone a masterball or rare candy with it.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17662720 Just the Tryranitar mega stone. Have that one yet?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Yusuf, I have both Pokemon ready for trade. Tell me in this thread when you're ready so I can come online
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
Quoted By:
>>17662731 Oh cool. Added :) thanks yo.
George 5343-8274-5372
Quoted By:
>>17661703 do you still need that bagon cloned?
Coley 3480-2662-6152
>>17662332 your smeargles are cloned. the others should be done later tonight/tomorrow morning. if you want to go ahead and trade I can.
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17662764 Nope. I'll take it!
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17662730 Could I get one of those Cresselia's instead?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17662797 Hey Coley!
That sounds good. You can send the other guys back tomorrow. Thanks!
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>17662726 Thank you, George! You're awesome :D
Ryan 3668-7528-9363
>>17662835 sure, ive got an extra.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17662691 Hey Jeric, just letting u know tht i have ur rayquazas and am just waiting online to give them to you
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17662861 Could you attach a Mewtwonite when you clone it. I don't have either one..
>>17662805 Good show! You wouldn't happen to have a Jirachi or Shaymin, would you?
SnwFlkz 1521-4168-2364
>>17662066 Hey I'm done with the cloning the mew, trade me when your ready.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17662893 sorry, got sidetracked with something. I'll get online
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17662753 ya thats cool. lemme close those first
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17662920 No problem man. You still down to let me clone those deoxys of urs?
>>17662768 woops just casually falling asleep here lol xerneas is done! doig the cat !
>>17662842 i did not know which of the 7 to send you lol so i picked my fave .-.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>17662936 Okay. Just let me know when they're cloned.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17662960 did i send you the right one?
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17662912 Nope, I'm missing those two :(
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17663001 Yea, it looks like it. If the other person gets the wrong one back though, let me know and ill send u back this one.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17662983 Wut?
Are you talking about today's gifts? I think I got the best got one lol thanks again :D
barrett 2809-8899-5654
For lending: Shiny Kyurem Shiny 6IV/Timid Darkrai in Premiere Ball Shiny 6IV Suicune Shiny 6IV Landorous Shiny 6IV/HP Ice Thundurus Shiny 6IV/Jolly Mew Shiny 6IV Shaymin Shiny 6IV Deoxys Shiny Rayquaza Shiny 6IV Latios Shiny Genesect (3IV and 6IV) Non shiny: Meloetta, Zapdos, Keldeo, Jirachi, Manaphy, 6IV Victini LF: Nagashima fossil events, non-shiny 6IV Genesect with beneficial nature, and offers
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17663045 sounds good. I take it that was the right deoxys I sent.
Serena 3265 6288 3899
Quoted By:
So uh, do any of you cloner people have an extra cloned Pinsirite lying around? I could trade you a shiny snover I lovingly MM'd myself for it if you're interested.
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
Still waiting on some loaners back. List: 6V: Mew Rayquaza Suicune Goodra (Slurpuff) Ninetales Greninja 5V- Articuno Piplup Snivy Toxicroak Amaura Gible Feebas Crobat (Charmander) 4V- Eevee Charmander Charizard Absol Ralts 3V- Chimchar Totodile Latios 2V- Ponyta 8+V- Aron Noibat Tyrantrum Helioptile Spritzee
>>17663049 yuss lol im glad you like it man ! Welcome ^^. I still cant beleive i got banned for saying
Nice Quads anon LOL i wonder if josh is banned. he has said it like a dozen times today ><
Ryan 3668-7528-9363
Quoted By:
>>17662903 lol i dont have it either. i gave it to my gf
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
Quoted By:
>>17662918 awesome, getting online now
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
Quoted By:
>>17663097 Ask for details if interested. Can't clone. Looking for +1 in return or an offer of some kind. Haruka and Kevin currently have my slurpuff and charmander, respectively
barrett 2809-8899-5654
Quoted By:
>>17663081 Also have for loan/trade:
Shiny - Ghastly, Swanna, Spinda, and Onyx.
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
Quoted By:
I really wish i knew someone with pokebank the waiting is exhausting i want a shiny shellos so bad x.x
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
Quoted By:
Okay, last trade I'm doing tonight. I has shiny Genesect. Looking for a shiny scizor, shiny talon flame, shiny aegislash, shiny lucario, mewtwo, groudon, etc etc.
>>17663028 Well, I just realized that I can get you a Scizor and an Azumarill, shiny as well. I just don't have them on hand at the moment. do you have a list I can check? Also, are you looking specifically for those mons you listed as shiny?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17663107 That was a dumb band tbh. There are some trolls who post worst shit than that lol
Josh might be sleeping IMO
Does anyone have a genesect I could clone? Ill give you original +1
George 5343-8274-5372
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>17663310 thnx again for the trade.
>>17660128 Bumping. gonna be on for another hour if anyone is interested in cloning my pokes
>>17662768 thanks alot ^^ if you could list the xerneas as rare trades only please thatd be awesome.
barrett 2809-8899-5654
Just picked up a shiny Milotic if anyone wants it.
>>17663081 Mind if I ask how the lending process works here? I'm interested in borrowing that Keldeo and Jirachi, if possible.
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17663206 Yeah I prefer shinys. And I have a surprise for you! I DO have a shiny shaymin! Found him in a box with some norms lol.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17663088 Yes, it was. And i have them ready whenever you r ready to log online
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17663347 Sure, I already did that with my own xerneas. I'll probably end up doing the same to purrloin until I see it everywhere.
>>17663407 http://pastebin.com/vefVcxRZ sure thanks ^^ heres some of my mons incase your interested in trading for any. time to hatch eggs for me lol
Kazuma 3067-5388-2495
>>17663365 Aw shit! lemme see if I can get that Scizor or Talonflame and trade for that Shaymin!
barrett 2809-8899-5654
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17663088 >>17663377 Hey, mind if i can clone tht HP Grass Heatran as well?
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17663469 Sure man. Take yo time, I'm up watching a movie. Oh it's my only shaymin so I just need a one back. I hope it's not too much trouble.
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
Quoted By:
>>17663432 yusuf ive got a shiny lvl 1 pink shellos 5iv kalos born if you wanna grab him before i lvl it.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17663515 lol yea i was a going to ask if you wanted to clone something else. you're on a roll, and i needed an extra choice scarf. let me finish dinner first. btw do you have a spare weakness policy or choice specs?
>>17663519 No problem, I've gottwn fairly good at this cloning business. Though it seems that my buddy with those mons are asleep.
would you be willing to let me clone that shaymin, and I can get you one of those shinies later?
>>17663553 Okay. I was having terrible luck with Shaymin, but he's finally done. Trade with me for the clones back, when you can.
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17663573 Yeah sure. Just throw me two shaymins and you got a deal my brotha!
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17663553 I could send the choice scarf/choice specs/weakness policy with the cloned pokemon i send back as a form of payment rather than sending an extra clone if tht okay with u
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
Is there someone that's able to clone my shiny Mew, shiny Groudon and/or shiny Lugia? I'd really appreciate it.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17663432 you have a good amount of Pokemon I'm interested in, but I gotta go to sleep in like 10 mins.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
I'm back! Here's my list for clone lending! Event: ENG 6IV Arceus [TRU] ENG 6IV Arceus [MICHINA] ENG 6IV Meloetta [SPR2013] ENG 6IV Celebi [WIN2011] ENG 6IV Victini [Movie14] ENG 6IV Jirachi [SMR2010] * ENG 6IV Darkrai [2012MAY] ENG 6IV Suicune [WIN2011] ENG 6IV Deoxys [Plasma] * ENG 4IV Keldeo [SMR2012] JPN 6IV Genesect [Movie] JPN 3IV Celebi [PokeTransfer] JPN 6IV Arceus [Dream World] JPN 6IV Rayquaza [Nobunaga] * JPN 6IV Jirachi [Decolora] * Legendary: JPN 6IV Mewtwo (shiny) * ENG 6IV Shaymin (shiny) ENG 6IV Giratina (shiny) ENG 6IV Kyogre (shiny) ENG 6IV Rayquaza (shiny) ENG 6IV Groudon (shiny) ENG 5IV Manaphy (Bold) ENG 6IV Deoxys (shiny) JPN 6IV Mew (shiny) ENG Cobalion ENG Moltres JPN Regirock Looking for other ENG legendaries, or event pokemon I don't have
barrett 2809-8899-5654
Quoted By:
>>17663359 You take the Pokemon, clone one for yourself, and an extra copy for the person. Or, they let you clone something and trade something to them on their list.
You trade the original plus a copy back.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17663717 If no legends, then a shiny 6IV shedinja would do :)
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17662903 >Bryce I have your Pokemon ready, getting on now.
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
>>17663632 Hey! My friend with the Azumarill logged on! Gonna start cloning that and I'll let you know when it's ready.
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>17663764 Okay, thanks. Just let me know when you're done cloning my mons.
>>17663717 May I borrow an English Arceus?
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17663773 Yay! Dude you're an excellent person. Haha. But yeah we can do the trade and then can you send me back 1 shaymin clone? I only have one!
Quoted By:
>>17663715 oh okay oO goodnight ^^
The Zoom-In List has been updated, looking for original+1 or original+offers
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17663813 Sure, do you have something I want or are we doing original +1? Do you care which Arceus you clone?
>>17663802 >>http://pastebin.com/vefVcxRZ woops must have missed that one oO yep NFT.thanks for pointing it out ^^
>>17663839 Original +1, and I'd like to clone the Michina one. That's the one with the signature dragon moves, right?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17663897 Sadly both my arceus's don't know the dragon signature moves.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17663849 Is this your new list?
>>17663941 none legend shones yup oO still writing up the actual one
>>17663935 Oh well. Its cool though. Adding...
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
>>17663820 Azumarill ready. Waiting for you online.
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
>>17663958 yusuf would lending you my lvl 1 west 5iv shiny shellos be enough for one of those coveted never to trade as long as i live barbroaches?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17663981 Cool, added you
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17663958 Lol, let me know when legends is written up...I clearly don't have enough ;-;
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
Quoted By:
>>17663849 Does anyone have a non-shiny one lying around? Unburden with decent IVs, that is? I may as well start masudaing.
>>17663999 loli like shellos but sorry i cant trade the barboach for that oO ot will kill me lol
>>17664011 did you clone the things yet btw lol ? and what are you doin awake oO
Hayden 4055-4715-1403
Quoted By:
>>17659840 Could i borrow that arceus for cloning? giving 4iv zekrom for collateral
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17663830 I would like to clone, Snivy, Totodile, Kabutops, and Porygon Z
My list here. I can clone for you
http://pastebin.com/nwE8rSe7 Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17663983 Coming! ;) oh and just making sure, that you are gonna send me back a copy of that shaymin right?
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
Quoted By:
FUCK THE MAISON Can someone clone me an Assault Vest, Air Ballon or Safety Googles?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17664022 No! Lmao. I just woke up. Going to work now, will be back after 3pm.
(Maybe I'll try cloning on the job)
Quoted By:
>>17664054 okay lol i can wait! have ....fun ?
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
>>17664045 That's right! As soon as that clone is ready I'll tell you.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17663615 >>17663710 alright I'm back. Let me trade w/ cyanide first though.
Zavi you can slap on a choice specs on the deoxys in place of the leftovers. and if you could also send the heatran with a weakness policy once you've cloned one yourself.
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
>>17664022 what about the miltank? :3
Kyle 3883-5604-9063
General question. I have a shiny 6IV mew, If I gave it to someone for them to clone and get one, is it proper to ask for a genesect also? Is there a cretain thread or place I can just trade clonedmon?
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
>>17664043 >http://pastebin.com/nwE8rSe7 I have the same Snivy, and I'm intersted in some of your mons! Mostly cyndaquil, followed by fletchling
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
>>17664071 Thank you soo much!
>>17664088 oh milktank sure ^^ Do you reckon somebody here can clone it ? my hands are tied atm.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17664089 You're in the thread. You can either lend for original +1 copy, or original + pokemon you want
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe
Quoted By:
Any cloners free and would clone my shiny lvl 1 5iv shellos east ^^
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>17664107 Yusuf, is it me or Josh got banned? o.o
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>17664043 Thanks again Saria. Since you're a trust worthy cloner. Do you think you could clone a couple more things for me, after you're done with those?
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
>>17664124 ...The snivy you want?
Kyle 3883-5604-9063
Quoted By:
>>17664115 thank you very much!
in that case.
any cloners willing to 1:1 my shiny 6Iv mew for a 6IV Genesect?
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17664085 I only have one of each bp item at the moment, i was gonna clone an extra one along with the heatran ur sending me. I'll just send the 2 deoxys for now
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17664144 yes I would please
>>17664129 lmao i hope not! im hoping he just fell asleep while cloning oO.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17664149 ok. and I send back the other deoxys as the "shitmon" in the next trade?
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
>>17664161 K cool, I'll loan it to you for the cyndaquil? I also have this list:
>>17663097 Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17664185 cool, were there any others of mine you wanted?
>>17664177 Jeric, I'll be on in a bit, I was cloning something else.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17664177 Hold on, im confused. I'll send the 2 deoxys right now, then after i clone the heatran, ill send the original back holding the bp item. What do u mean exactly by "I send back the other deoxys as the 'shitmon' in the next trade"?
Ryan 3668-7528-9363
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
Looking to clone, if there are any lenders out there! Preferably for original +1, since I don't have a lot to offer right now.
>>17664102 Your shaymin is ready, bud. Waiting for you online.
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
Quoted By:
>>17664196 I also like that fletchling. Feel free to ask if you want egg-moves, ivs, or any other details on my list.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17664226 Do you think you could clone 4 things for me? 6IV shiny Mew, 6IV shiny Palkia, 6IV shiny Groudon and 5IV shiny Scizor?
pls ;_; Kyle 3883-5604-9063
>>17664226 I have a shiny 6IV mew! do you maybe have a 6IV genesect to 1:1 for? If not that's fine.
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17663097 I am also interested in your Piplup, Gilble and Totodile
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
>>17664252 Sure thing! Shouldn't take too long, adding you. Original +1 is fine, right?
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17664203 hm so essentially i'm trading the extra deoxys you cloned back in exchange for one of the bp items i wanted. and I get the other bp item on the heatran i'm getting back. i thought that's what you meant by trading the bp items instead of original + 1
so you give me two deoxys, i give you heatran + fodder
and when you've cloned everything you give me heatran w/ bp item and then fodder w/ other bp item and in return i give back the extra deoxys + fodder
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17664293 Yes please! Thank you so much in advance.
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
>>17664254 I'd be willing to loan them all out. Can I get +1 on the piplup? Squirtle for totodile? Gible for fletchling? Or something like that? What are the details on that horsea, btw?
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
>>17664253 I don't have a genesect, sorry. I can clone that mew if you want, but once I work on the previous person if you can wait.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17664293 >>17664307 Can I have some sort of collateral as well?
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
Quoted By:
>>17664203 >>17664295 sorry if it's confusing cuz I confused myself a bit. Let me know if I'm making sense lol
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Mon 27 Jan 2014 06:13:13 No. 17664324 Report >>17664174 yusufffffffffffffffff, can i borrow some of your mons? (:
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17664295 Okay, i getcha. Sorry about the confusion
Kyle 3883-5604-9063
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
>>17664324 Voooolk! Is your list still made of sex and tears? Could I peek into it?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17664310 ya sounds good. Horsea has no perfect IVs
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17664200 Thanks for the heracronite and the clones man! hope you didn't have an ability capsule already lol
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Mon 27 Jan 2014 06:18:07 No. 17664373 Report >>17664336 http://pastebin.com/MZu88ERa need to update the list, got some more shit
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
>>17664319 Is just the darkrai fine? Dont have a lot of collateral type pokemon
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
>>17664360 How about the staryu? Mostly just curious. Adding you now!
>>17664010 Hey, Jaime, I just finished cloning the Arceus. Trade when you can. Thanks!
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>17664375 Yeah that's fine.
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
>>17664373 Has anyone made an offer good enough to earn one of your starters yet?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17664375 I'm not going to have access to a computer for a bit. So just initiate a trade when you have the +1s.
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17664380 Staryu has perfect HP Naughty, Fishing Shiny
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Mon 27 Jan 2014 06:24:56 No. 17664464 Report >>17664432 nop, i think that only 3 or 4 ppl are capable of making a good offer to that, but i think namine and some other guys already got some starters
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
Quoted By:
>>17664448 Aight. I'm ready whenever!
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
Quoted By:
>>17664436 Will do! You'll hear from me soon.
Wrath - FC- 3024 6102 5563
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
Quoted By:
>>17664464 I'm planning on just MMing for a treecko. Do you by any chance have a non-shiny unburden treecko I could use to get things rolling?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17664489 No problem, and thank you too!
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
Quoted By:
>>17664471 Not a problem! Thanks as well!
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17664371 Got ur stuff ready. Weakness policy on heatran and Choice specs on fodder. Mind if u could lend me the genesect to clone next and i could send it back holding the choice scarf once cloned.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17664594 nice, i'll send you the deoxys and genesect then.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Updated my list HP Ice Timid Thundurus HP Ice Timid Heatwave Tornadus 6IV Timid Arceus (non shiny) 6IV Timid Shaymin 6IV Timid Darkrai HP Fire Hasty Froakie 5IV Adamant Galewings Talonflame 5IV Jolly Scrappy Kangaskhan 5IV Bold Anticipation Eevee with HV and Wish 5IV Timid Smeargle with DV and Icy Wind 6IV Timid Ralts with HV 5IV Quiet Pink Gastrodon 5IV Careful Snorlax 4IV,0 Speed Solosis 5IV Bold Anticipation Eevee with Wish and HV Updated my list. Lending for cloning. Either for +1 or original + something else.
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
>>17664448 I'm assuming you need time to clone cyndaquil?
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Mon 27 Jan 2014 06:44:42 No. 17664693 Report Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17664660 does that ralts have shadow sneak and disable as well?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Updated clone lending list: Event: ENG 6IV Arceus [TRU] ENG 6IV Arceus [MICHINA] ENG 6IV Meloetta [SPR2013] ENG 6IV Celebi [WIN2011] ENG 6IV Victini [Movie14] ENG 6IV Jirachi [SMR2010] * ENG 6IV Darkrai [2012MAY] ENG 6IV Suicune [WIN2011] ENG 6IV Deoxys [Plasma] * ENG 4IV Keldeo [SMR2012] JPN 6IV Genesect [Movie] JPN 3IV Celebi [PokeTransfer] JPN 6IV Arceus [Dream World] JPN 6IV Rayquaza [Nobunaga] * JPN 6IV Jirachi [Decolora] * Legendary: JPN 6IV Mewtwo (shiny) * ENG 6IV Shaymin (shiny) ENG 6IV Giratina (shiny) ENG 6IV Kyogre (shiny) ENG 6IV Rayquaza (shiny) ENG 6IV Groudon (shiny) ENG 5IV Manaphy (Bold) ENG 6IV Deoxys (shiny) JPN 6IV Mew (shiny) ENG Cobalion ENG Moltres JPN Regirock For 1:1: ENG 6IV Arceus [MICHINA] Looking for other ENG legendaries, or event pokemon I don't have
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17664660 Did you want landorus from me (naive)? I forget now.
Kyle 3883-5604-9063
>>17664594 Question, if I lend a shiny 6 IV mew for cloning, could I 1:1 with a genesect?
Kyle 3883-5604-9063
Quoted By:
>>17664740 From you that is
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17664635 Got it first try! Gettin better at this. May i clone ur jolly landorus next? Do u want an extra cloneback or r there any other bp items u need?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>17664695 no it does not. it has Hyper Voice and Growl. Haha!
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17664740 This is going to sound extremely nooby, but what is 1:1 exactly?
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17664756 dude you have been really good at this. tell ya what. just keep that extra genesect and stick the scarf on a shitmon. Do you have safety goggles? we could do the same original + item we've been doing
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17664769 >>17664740 1:1 means that you don't have to clone back a copy. it's a straight trade, no strings attached
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17664737 if it's naive with sheer force, yes i do!
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17664714 What's the moveset/nature on MICHINA Arceus?
>>17664693 V-v-v-volk anything on my pastebin for Gengar? Is it Timid?
My pastebin is up there :( I'm on my cellphone and I don't have the url.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17664798 i just check, and its NFT. Sorry dude, didn't realise before.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17664793 Okay, im down for the trade then. Adding
>>17664777 I can get the safety googles, i just have to get some more bp first, so i just need to do a few battles. I'll hit u up for the trade once i got the safety goggles
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17664830 >>17664740 meant to reply to you. Adding
Kyle 3883-5604-9063
How's the cloning going Gringo?
>>17664714 So sorry I'm annoying, but may I also original+1 the Shiny Giratina? I've been looking for one for weeks, please? I can give you a 6iv English Lugia, after I finish cloning it.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17664861 So wait, let me get this straight. was tht the only deal, or did u want me to clone it and send u a copy in exchange for a genesect?
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17664830 what team do you use to cheese the maison? I've been using kanga lead + weakness policy dragonite (before I traded my only copy away ><) + assault vest tentacruel. gotten 40 wins so far in singles.
Kyle 3883-5604-9063
>>17664917 Honestly, this is just easier, no need to clone or anything! Just enjoy the Mew, and thank you for the genesect!
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462)
1547-6352-7176 (Andy - Steel: Mawile, Metang, Excadrill SV: 255 -- 462) Mon 27 Jan 2014 07:04:25 No. 17664931 Report Quoted By:
anyone seen Ty? have to return his mons to him!! if anyone sees him around pass it along hopefully that I will be checking back to return his stuff!
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17664806 It's not the one with the dragon event moves, if that's what your asking,
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17664923 Start w/ Dragonite @ lum berry
Adamant Marvel Scal
Aerial Ace
Fake Out
Power Up Punch
Vaporean @ leftovers
>>17664929 Alright, thanks for the mew
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17664899 Sure! So I'm getting back the original, an extra copy, and an english Lugia for the Giratina then?
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Mon 27 Jan 2014 07:09:02 No. 17664985 Report >>17664810 i like Archen, Poochyena, Venonat and Solosis
other things that you would like from my list?
Quoted By:
>>17664955 Sure, just give me a little bit, to clone the Lugia.
Jeric 0946-3159-6516
>>17664952 cool i have that exact vaporeon. i'll try lumnite
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Mon 27 Jan 2014 07:11:13 No. 17665003 Report Quoted By:
>>17664810 and yes he is timid
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17664680 thanks again! Let me know if you need any others!
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
>>17665004 Sweet! Progress so far is
>Gible >Totodile >Cyndaquil Kyle 3883-5604-9063
Quoted By:
Hmm. Who would like to clone my Genesect?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17664985 Only one for today Volk ;w; I don't want to clone too many things, can we do 1:1 for Gengar? Which one would you like?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17665034 I was unaware you wanted +1 on Totodile and squirtle or Gible? Gimme a few to do em then
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Mon 27 Jan 2014 07:18:58 No. 17665075 Report >>17665045 in fact we can do this tomorrow, i need to sleep lol, but yeah 1:1 will be ok for today, archen and venonat are kalos born?
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
>>17665056 Yeah, I didn't have copies, so I was hoping for one back. We're good on squirtle. Just need totodile and gible copies back.
>>17665075 Yes both are kalos. Are you on central time?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Mon 27 Jan 2014 07:23:29 No. 17665127 Report >>17665105 12:22 am here but im been sleeping 2-3 hr a day so i need to sleep more.
ill take venonat
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
>>17665116 Thanks! Sorry for the mix-up
>>17665127 Okay I'll see you tomorrow Volk good night n.n I'm going to sleep too
>>17664987 I cannot for the life of me clone your Crobat ;_;
This whole endeavor has been a gigantic failure.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17660377 Hey, sorry about the wait. i got the safety goggles. Ready when u r for the trade. (forgot to say it earlier, but thanks for letting me keep the extra genesect)
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17665171 Lol if I were you I'd just try tomorrow. No worries man and thanks for going the extra mile for me. Rest up and I'll see you in tomorrow's thread.
unless bank comes out tomorrow Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17665214 Hey no probs let me get online. I just need one lando back just to make sure.
I hate having to battle through maison s bullshit. The very first supers battle I had my kanga lead against a hawlucha. Hi jump kicks and takes out two of my pokemon. I almost lost.
Quoted By:
>>17664693 Umbreon, scyther, volcarona.
What would you like for any of these guys?
Or rather, do you have any extras?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17665129 shoot me a trade when you come back. Just got on.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665261 Oh man, I was around the 80's in my streak and the AI sends out a walrien w/ sheer cold and fissure. Swept my entire team and didnt even miss either of those moves once. Ruined my entire day haha
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Anyone have an ENG shiny 6IV Ho-Oh they'd be willing to 1:1 for an Arceus and a shiny milotic?
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
>>17664881 There ya go! 8 clones in around 20 minutes, I'm getting good at this!
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17665275 I know that feel. I wasn't even in the mason, and I still got haxed by a haxorus guillotining me 3x in a row in battle spot. If I had space I would have recorded it.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17665316 Thank you so much Gringo!
Quoted By:
>>17665316 Holy fuck, you are a god among men.
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
Quoted By:
>>17665316 An hour and 20 minutes* hahah
I wish it was 20 minutes
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Posting my list again if anyone wants anything.
http://pastebin.com/nwE8rSe7 Anonymous
IGN:MrSchaetzly 1564-3153-1054
Quoted By:
>>17660625 Hey gerardo I would love to clone your shiny aegislash willing to give original+2 back if I can
I have shiny bank legends as collat
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
Anyone care to make me copies of my 6IV Timid HV Ralts?
Here's my list
>>17664660 IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17665139 Ah fuck. I passed out while cloning. I came online, too, apparently. Welp. I have your pokemon. >_> My bad.
>>17665396 lmao i worried thinking you were banned ;-;
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665333 Got ur Landorus ready
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17665352 Haha. Sorry he was such a bitch to clone, and thanks for powering through.
Gringo 2595-1493-7065
Quoted By:
Welp, time to call it a night! I'll be around to offer my cloning services. For now, good night, thread.
>>17665335 No problem! Thanks for lending!
Actias 5300 9493 0648
I can not clone. I have the following for cloners to borrow. I would like a new pokemon or two copies of the pokemon cloned, please. I am VERY interested in having two copies of any of mine back. 6IV Meloetta Naive 6IV Victini Timid 6IV Arceus Calm 6IV Shiny Jap Ditto 6IV Shiny Jap Genesect Hasty 6IV Shiny Shaymin Timid 6IV Shiny Darkrai Timid 6IV Shiny Jap Rayquaza 6IV Shiny Jap Kyogre 6IV Shiny Jap Rayquaza 6IV Shiny Trapinch Jolly 6IV Shiny Klefki Impish Prankster *Trained 6IV Shiny Eevee Bold Anticipation 6IV Shiny Eevee Modest Adaptability 5IV Shiny Charmander Timid Solar Power Dragon Pulse Dragon Dance Outrage (Charizardite X if duplicated) 5IV Shiny Cyndaquil Timid Blaze 5IV Shiny Froakie Timid Protean 5IV Shiny Eevee Timid Adaptability 5IV Shiny Scyther Adamant Technician 5IV Shiny Heracross Adamant Moxie 5IV Shiny Shellder Jolly Skill Link 5IV Shiny Aron Adamant Rock Head Curse Stealth Rock Head Smash 5IV (-HP) Shiny Sneasel Jolly Keen Eye Pursuit Icicle Crash Fake Out Ice Punch 4IV (0 SP, missing SD) Shiny Honedge Brave No Guard 4IV Shiny Pinsir (-At) Adamant Hyper Cutter 5IV Shiny Chandelure Timid Infiltrator *Trained 5IV Shiny Espeon Timid Magic Bounce *Trained 5IV Shiny Volcarona Modest Flame Body *Trained 5IV Shiny Crustle Adamant Sturdy *Trained *Nicknamed 5IV Shiny Galvantula Timid Compound Eyes *Trained *Nicknamed 5IV Shiny Vivillon (Modern) Timid Compound Eyes *Trained *Nicknamed 5IV Shiny Larvesta Modest Flame Body *Nicknamed
Evan (Y)0018-1279-2784 Pansear, Ninetales, Charmeleon
Evan (Y)0018-1279-2784 Pansear, Ninetales, Charmeleon Mon 27 Jan 2014 07:55:26 No. 17665460 Report I'm looking for Aggronite, and /wfg/ has been less than helpful, so I was wondering if anyone had a spare they could trade. I don't know where my ttarite went, but I have Houndoomite, Heraconite, Charizardite Y, and Mewtwoite Y. Willing to trade any of them for Aggronite.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665333 >>17665418 mind if i could do ur Thundurus next? I dont have an BP at the moment, so i could just send u an extra clone back for payment
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17665463 Dude I can't find it for some reason let me cancel and check
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17665448 >>17665448 May I clone Shellder and Aron? Also hello again!
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17665351 Sup Saria, I have 6IV shiny Thundurus, shit IV shiny Kyurem and shit IV Jirachi. If you're interested.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17665406 Naw nigga. I would have said something on steam. I got all the pokemon she wanted cloned and apparently passed out. It sucks that I missed her by like 20 minutes.
Wrath. 3024 6102 5563
>>17665448 Would you be interested in a straight trade since I can't clone? I have a spare shiny Genesect
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17665511 Buuuuuuuh. Tripdubbs.
Actias 5300 9493 0648
>>17665490 You may, could I get +1 of both? If you have Aggronite, could you attach it during the cloning?
>>17665520 No, sorry. Also, I have that one
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17665496 perfect! Need those shit mons for the dex
Want any of mine or just an extra of yours?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17665463 It was in my battle box that's why...anyway you can just give me the original back, no need for + 1 on that. But are you up to doing a + 1 on my shiny crobat instead? I was going to trade that for someone with a shiny hawlucha tomorrow. And I'll let you clone that one as well
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>17665544 ya I can do that for you.
Quoted By:
>>17665556 the fuck its habbbeeenining
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
>>17665582 Oh, sorry, one at a time again, please. I'm paranoid like that.
>>17665582 hey saria do you have a snivy ?
>>17665556 excadrill for me :3
Wrath. 3024 6102 5563
Quoted By:
Anyone have a shiny adamant scyzor? Shiny Luke? Or a shiny chandelier? Offering a shiny Genesect in return.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>17665561 Oh, I also have a Keldeo. I'm interested in Whimsicott, Snivy, Piplup and Klefki.
And like last time, I'd need clones of mine back.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17665296 I got a shiny Ho-oh but can't clone right now for 1:1 :(
Maybe later when I'm home?
Here's my it's anyway- I'm quite interested in a few of yours (nobunaga for starters)
http://pastebin.com/VwVasAmS Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665565 Alright, thanks man. I'm assuming that second part was for someone else
IGN:MrSchaetzly 1564-3153-1054
Quoted By:
>>17664693 Hey Volk may I borrow your shiny brave aegislash for cloning?
My collat is shiny bank legends
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17665641 It wasn't though. If you're burned out from cloning then that's ok
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17665641 Oh shit, i read tht part wrong. I'll do tht extra cloning for ur crobat if need be. Sorry about tht
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17665618 I have it for you.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665657 Yes, I'll clone ur crobat too. Sorry about missreading tht, it is midnight after all haha
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17665680 Hey man thanks a lot for doing this
>>17665669 cool ! il come online lol i gave namine the mons for it already ^^ and thanks!. arent you tired?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Looking to get these two cloned: 6IV Timid Hyper Voice Ralts 5IV Bold Trace Porygon2 I'll head out if no one wants to clone these
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665722 OMG is the ralts shiny? I really need a timid hyper voice ralts regardless.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17665734 Can you clone? yup these are shiny.
Quoted By:
>>17665722 somebody clone chucks porygon pls...nid it
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665749 Yes, I'll do it! How late r u going to be up? i just have to clone these 2 others really fast and i can do urs in a jiffy
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
>>17665460 I might have one shortly. Do you have extras of the ones you're offering or are they all you have?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17665769 Lol I actually have one of those too but clone chuck's though.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17665703 Hey, i have ur thundurus ready.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17665704 Yehh. I'm probably going back to sleep.
enjoy hatching power lvl 3. Dijasu 3368-1455-1206
Quoted By:
I have a shiny bold porygon2 with trace that'll be 1:1 if I can get a conkeldurr with knock off and ice punch or a modest landorus with sheer force
>>17665816 sank you joshu san. you still want fletchling lol ?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17665769 in my foreign land, it is 4:24 in the afternoon. I'd say i'm gonna be up for the next 7 hours.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17665826 At some point, yeah. I still owe you pokemon, too, I think.
>Preasu undertanderu Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665834 Okay, adding now. Imma be up late tonight ahha
Quoted By:
>>17665839 oh yeah whenever is fine man ^^ get some sleep :) goodnight bro
Actias 5300 9493 0648
>>17665582 When you trade the aron for shellder, could you attach the Aggronite to the shellder as well? I will give one of the cloned stones to this guy:
>>17665460 Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17665849 would be too much to ask for +2? if not +1's fine. I'd like lots of these babies.
Quoted By:
>>17662222 Would you be able to lend me your conkeldurr? I'll return it as soon as I clone it.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665869 Ehh, it is really late, i could maybe do +2 depending on how tired i am within the next hour. But i will definetly clone +1 for ya
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17665921 no pressure. whatever you're in the mood for! i'm online. send me a TR
Evan (Y)0018-1279-2784 Pansear, Ninetales, Charmeleon
Evan (Y)0018-1279-2784 Pansear, Ninetales, Charmeleon Mon 27 Jan 2014 08:34:44 No. 17665942 Report >>17665861 i love you. it is 3:30 and i am really drunk, so i hope this happens soon. i'm a /vp/ regular, though, so it shouldn't be too hard to miss me.
LF: conkeldurr with knock off & ice punch, modest landorus with sheer force FT: shiny 5iv tyrunt shiny 6iv tepig shiny 6iv genesect 6iv ditto shiny 6iv banette shiny 5iv porygon 2 shiny 5iv cofagrigus shiny 5iv mudkip 6iv shiny heatran 6iv shiny rayquaza shiny 6iv rayquaza shiny 6iv ninetails shiny landorus shiny timid riolu 6iv
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665926 What's ur IGN? Also, i will send a collatoral poke while i do the cloning process
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17665955 i got disconnected. going online again.
ign is Chuck.
and yes, i'd like collateral. i'll go offline after we trade and lurk around here while you work your magic.
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
>>17665942 you can find me in the gym leader thread pretty often, so just ask whenever if you fall asleep before it's done.
If all goes to plan, anyway
>>17664955 I'm really sorry, I was having shit luck, bit I'm done now. If you're reading this, trade me whenever you can.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665969 Alright, sounds good. Ive been getting good at this lately, so it shouldnt be too long
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>17665861 already got ya covered!
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17665982 Cool, I'm online
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
>>17665942 Put up a luvdisc, or a breeding leftover you want to give me and request a clauncher. Put my name in the description, then immediately reply to this post, and you have your Aggronite
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17665969 It keeps disconnetcing me. You try sending the trade request.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17665986 ugh! internet! so sorry. gimme a minute
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17665630 Cool, I'll keep you in mind when you return from work
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17666060 Don't forget about crobat :3
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17665948 Does cofagrigus have HP Fighting?
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17666089 I gotcha man, this is gonna be a long night of cloning.
Quoted By:
>>17666094 Nope sorry it's dragon
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Thanks Saria, anything else you want to clone?
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17666089 Is ur crobat cursed or somethin? i cant clone it for the life of me.
IGN:MrSchaetzly 1564-3153-1054
>>17665630 Harley may I pleas borrow your shiny brave aegislash? I'll do original+1
I have shiny bank legends as collat
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>17666185 not tonight, im going to bed. See you tomorrow!
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17666198 I think I have all bank legends in ENG/shiny ._.
you can still borrow it though for OG+1, I'll add you now.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
IGN:MrSchaetzly 1564-3153-1054
>>17666244 Thank you so much!! Giratina is my favorite Pokemon!!!
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17666295 Glad I could help and thanks to you too!
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17666063 Chuck, i got ur ralts' ready.
>>17666089 Imma start up ur crobat now, he's just a bitch to clone. Sorry
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>17666387 okay. i'll send you back your collateral and a random 5IV non-shiny you can keep or trash.
IGN:MrSchaetzly 1564-3153-1054
>>17666226 Hey Harley just got done with your aegislashs
Ready when you are
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17666424 Awesome, I'll come on now :)
IGN:MrSchaetzly 1564-3153-1054
>>17666431 Thank you so much
This was really helpful! c:
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
>>17666465 No probs bro. Thanks for the +1
Postings my list for the sake of it.
Looking for ENG shiny regirock 5/6 IVs
http://pastebin.com/VwVasAmS Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17666089 Jeric, Im going to assume you passed out or somethin. I'll be here tomorow at around 3:45 PST to give u ur crobats
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17666764 3:45 p.m. Monday PST
Lewis 0731-6167-7992
>>17666652 I laughed way too hard at that.
Is anybody in here wanting anything cloned?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17667008 Hey! What time is it there? I'd like stuff cloned please if that's alright
Lewis 0731-6167-7992
>>17667036 Where? Where I am? It's ten past eleven in the morning. Yeah, that's cool, man. I'll just add you now
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17667051 It's coz everyone's asleep. it's 7 pm where I'm at.
how many pokes are you willing to clone? I need any of these cloned:
All Shiny
5IV Bold Porygon2
HP Ice Timid Thundurus
HP Ice Timid Tornadus with Heatwave
Whichever you feel like cloning.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
Anyone have shiny regirock in English? :3
Lewis 0731-6167-7992
>>17667112 I'll happily clone all of them for you
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17667153 really? that's awesome. i'm online. please send me collat!
and i dont quite need +1, so if you have good pokes there, maybe Original+something?
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>17667162 or you know what? sorry for being fickle. duplicates are fine. whatever you're feeling
Lewis 0731-6167-7992
>>17667162 No, it's fine. I just read this post now. I'll send some collat. I barely have anything worthwhile.
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17667179 sorry for not being so trusting. i hope you understand!
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>17667185 let's just do two for now. goodluck bud!
Quoted By:
Any jap dittos going? Basically I'm just begging.
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe| KIK addy: Waveracer
Joe | 3668-7952-7906 | Grass | IGN Joe| KIK addy: Waveracer Mon 27 Jan 2014 11:56:50 No. 17667352 Report Quoted By:
Im adding a KIK addy to my tag because i feel us bitches gotta stick together- it seems a reliable of contact in game
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
>>17667179 lemme know when you're through
Lewis 0731-6167-7992
Quoted By:
>>17667367 Will do, I'm just away to get my clones and I'll be good to send them over.
FC: 4699-6345-2328 IGN: Alex
Quoted By:
>>17665269 Woah, sorry. Fell asleep! You still around?
Lewis 0731-6167-7992
Quoted By:
>>17667367 I'm ready to trade back now. Sorry about the massive wait.
Quoted By:
i'll make a thread now before this one 404's
Lewis 0731-6167-7992
>>17667367 Where art thou!
Chuck 2380-3491-1185
Quoted By:
>>17667598 hold on. going online!