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Meowth/Mudkip giveaway!

No.17662062 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Unlike pic related, these are totally legit.

*PLEASE do not send me a trade request. I'll come to you!*

I'm giving away 5IV Meowths and 5IV Mudkips. I'd be happy to receive the Pokemon listed below in exchange, but I'll accept anything.

Meowths have:
-Jolly nature (very few have other natures but I won't tap into those unless I run out of Jollys or you ask for them)
-Pickup or Technician abilities (I have a lot more Pickup)
-Egg Moves: Iron Tail, Assist, Hypnosis, Assist
-In Poke Balls (I will breed Friend Ball Meowths once I have access to one!)

Mudkips have:
-Adamant nature
-Torrent ability
-Egg moves: Avalanche, Bite, Double-Edge, Wide Guard
-In Poke Balls (AFAIK it's not possible to have Mudkip in any other ball)

Interested in...
Hidden ability pokes
Ability capsule
neat items

But again, I'll take anything.

*PLEASE do not send me a trade request. I'll come to you!*