[44 / 4 / ?]
I have another shitty giveaway thread for you, /vp/. I'll be giving away assorted 4-5 IV Heal Ball Calm Regenerator Audinos with the egg moves Wish, Heal Bell, Draining Kiss and Encore. I have 2 boxes full mixed with males and females. As always, just put a Luvdisc or mon of your choice on the GTS, request Audino and put /vp/ in your message. If you'd like a specific gender or Healer instead of Regenerator, then request in the thread.
>>17665231 Can I get one off these little guys? Preferable female?
Rico 3153-4266-6854
>>17665231 Requesting a male 5iv one, Ill give something nice in return, lemme know
Samuel? 3995-6648-2511
would a no guard machop with the elemental punches and bullet punch warrant an audino?
>>17665340 Thank you op! I owe you! Sorry if all I had was a luvdisc
>>17665244 I honestly have no idea who that is. Feels bad not being informed enough on the trading/giveaway scene I suppose.
>>17665353 Sure, anything is fine with me.
>>17665379 Indeed it would. Put it up and I'll get to you when I can.
>>17665401 Enjoy.
Rico 3153-4266-6854
>>17665416 great! whats your fc?
Gabby 2363-6791-9909
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>>17665434 Probably should've posted with it on in the first place, haha.
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043
>>17665231 Could I possibly get female named Heather if that does not bother you OP? Any 5 Iv one period would be nice, but I though I'd ask that.
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043
Gabby 2363-6791-9909
>>17665705 That's okay with me! I'm always up for nicknames.
Pigbane 5258-0458-7331
>>17665231 Putting up a Luvdisc named /vp/ now. Could I please get Regenerator?
Thank you in advance (assuming this isn't a scam, but OP wouldn't do that...)
Antony 1005-9913-0011 (Bibarel, Wartortle, Azumarill)
Antony 1005-9913-0011 (Bibarel, Wartortle, Azumarill) Mon 27 Jan 2014 08:21:20 No. 17665790 Report Quoted By:
>>17665231 Put up a Luvdisc. Thanks so much in advance, OP!
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043
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>>17665747 Yay! That is really nice of you. Though I cannot request a gender on the trade for the pokemon I deposited since I do not have audino in my dex yet.
Pigbane 5258-0458-7331
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>>17665775 Luvdisc has been put up!
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I got a Luvdisc up with the message /vp/. Prefer male but a female is fine. IGN Justin
Gabby 2363-6791-9909
Alright, pretty sure I've gotten everyone until now.
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
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>>17665231 OP I put up a spiritomb, looking for one with regenerator. Thank you!
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043
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>>17665747 Thank you so much.
Pigbane 5258-0458-7331
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>>17665882 Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Juan 2793 1544 8962
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>>17665231 put up luvdisc
I really appreciate this
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May i have a regenarator one plz? Preferred female but will take male puting disc up now :)
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Thanks Gabby that's ur ign
David 0533 4882 0585
May I have a female with healer please?
Gabby 2363-6791-9909
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>>17666454 Gotcha, can you make sure I sent a female? Wasn't sure if I accidentally picked the wrong one.
Iphis 4382-2226-7172 (Abra Espurr Girafarig)
Iphis 4382-2226-7172 (Abra Espurr Girafarig) Mon 27 Jan 2014 09:42:17 No. 17666499 Report Quoted By:
I'd be down for a male one if possible, OP. I'll put up a 'disc as requested. My IGN is Perona and thanks much
David 0533 4882 0585
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Yeah you sent a female, and thank you for doing this.
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
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Just sent a disc with a heart scale attached op. Preferably female audino
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Put a Luvdisc up, Can I have a Regenerator OP? tyvm
Is audino finally good or what?
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
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>>17666598 Oh nvm I don't have any luvdiscs, would have to be trade so nvm.
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
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Thanks for the trade!
Gabby 2363-6791-9909
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>>17666585 Hasn't changed much since last gen I think, still a pretty good wish passer/dual screen setter.
In my heart only is it superior to other clerics. Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
Put up a Froakie if you can find it and give me regenerator. Says /vp/ all over it.
Gabby 2363-6791-9909
>>17666643 For some reason I can't find it. I'll keep refreshing, though.
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
>>17666681 We can just do a trade if that's easier?
Just added you in case.
Gabby 2363-6791-9909
>>17666703 Alright, adding you now.
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
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>>17666714 Appreciate it ,thank you.
Ally 2680-8942-2756
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>>17665231 May I ask for one too please?
Gabby 2363-6791-9909
Got everyone. There's a Kyle asking for Audino for a Disc but I'm not sure if they are /vp/ since it's not in their message.
Ally 2680-8942-2756
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>>17666766 Thank you very much!