I currently have 4 shiny timid protean greninja. Lvl 52, 31/x/31/31/30/31 and 4hp 252 SpA 252 speed. I'm looking to trade them off for some specific breeding leftovers you guys may have: (any pr-evo of these is fine too, just so long as at least 4+ beneficial IVs) Sableye-careful/calm prankster with recover Tyranitar-careful sandstream with SR and pursuit Venusaur-bold any ability with giga drain Rotom-modest Blissey-calm/bold natural cure with heal bell Ferrothorn-relaxed iron barbs with leech seed and spikes any of those are what i'm looking for right now. Greninjas are cloned if that bothers anyone, just giving a heads up
Hit me up, i have sableye and larvitar (sadly no pursuit)
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:44:20 No. 17678393 Report Quoted By:
>>17678341 cool, ill trade for the sableye
>>17678305 I can get you that rotom
Tony 2766-8653-6114 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Panpour)
Tony 2766-8653-6114 (Wartortle, Frogadier, Panpour) Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:45:30 No. 17678420 Report >>17678305 5IV Male Adamant Speed Boost Torchic?
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:46:56 No. 17678458 Report >>17678400 sure, let me finish trading with trott
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:47:35 No. 17678475 Report >>17678305 I can breed a ferroseed in a jiffy for one of those greninja.. You aren't looking for shinies are you?
>>17678458 just gotta quickly hatch one
Quoted By:
>>17678305 Why does it have a penis
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:48:46 No. 17678505 Report >>17678341 thank you!
>>17678420 no thanks, have one
Quoted By:
>>17678505 No problem mate!
A-Paul 0001-4142-1148 Dark: Pawniard, Crawdaunt, Sableye
A-Paul 0001-4142-1148 Dark: Pawniard, Crawdaunt, Sableye Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:50:37 No. 17678556 Report >>17678305 Does it have to be Venusaur? I have a two 5 IV bulbasaurs in luxury balls and they are bold.
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:50:53 No. 17678566 Report >>17678475 nope, doesn't need to be shiny!
>>17678483 no problem
I'll have 1 left after these 2 guys. if you have any of the others and are interested I'll try and clone a few more but I'm not so great at it. just let me know and i'll get back to you when ive finished
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:51:42 No. 17678585 Report >>17678566 Alright I'm getting it now, add me?
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:52:11 No. 17678597 Report >>17678556 nope, any pre evo is fine, does it have giga drain?
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:53:34 No. 17678637 Report Quoted By:
>>17678566 done, i've added you
A-Paul 0001-4142-1148 Dark: Pawniard, Crawdaunt, Sableye
A-Paul 0001-4142-1148 Dark: Pawniard, Crawdaunt, Sableye Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:53:43 No. 17678642 Report >>17678597 Yes they do. I have 2 males with each ability.
Matt 2509 2057 5471 (Nosepass, Pupitar, Rhydon) {848}
Matt 2509 2057 5471 (Nosepass, Pupitar, Rhydon) {848} Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:54:37 No. 17678674 Report >>17678566 I have a Larvitar for you!
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:56:41 No. 17678709 Report >>17678640 okay, ill initiate in just a sec
>>17678642 done deal then!
>>17678674 that was my last one, if the larvitar has pursuit add me and ill clone another one
Matt 2509 2057 5471 (Nosepass, Pupitar, Rhydon) {848}
Matt 2509 2057 5471 (Nosepass, Pupitar, Rhydon) {848} Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:58:32 No. 17678752 Report >>17678709 Added you; also it has SR, DD and pursuit and 4 IVs
I have a shiny adamant 4iv gible
>>17678709 it should be 5ivs, thanks!
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 00:59:54 No. 17678789 Report Quoted By:
>>17678752 cool, like i said im not too good at the cloning so give me 10-15 hopefully and ill be back on
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:01:10 No. 17678819 Report >>17678642 thank you!
>>17678783 and you as well, i appreciate it!
>>17678819 Can I have a shiny Greninja for a modest Rotom?
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:08:08 No. 17678944 Report >>17678877 got the rotom i needed already, ty though.
>>17678767 no thank you
>>17678305 I have a modest rotom with 4 Ivs?
Would you be interested with that?
>>17678819 serebii puts it's iv's at 31/29/31/18/31/31 but i'm not complaining, thanks again for the shiny
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:09:43 No. 17678978 Report >>17678944 Sorry these ferroseed are taking a bit longer than expected, They have rocks, seed and spikes though <3
Quoted By:
>>17678967 the greninja that is
>>17678944 I have an adamant iron barbs ferroseed with stealth rock?
>>17678944 How about a 5 IV Squirtle with Rain Dish. It also has Aura Sphere, and Dragon pulse. Or a Charmander with Outrage and dragon dance, I really want that Greninja.
>>17678305 I have a modest bulba with giga drain (female) with 4-5 Ivs and chlorophyll
ttongss 4270-1503-8069
Quoted By:
does anyone happen to have a skrelp with acid armor? the only thing i have to offer is 5iv goomys...
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:12:21 No. 17679051 Report Quoted By:
>>17678967 my apologies then, i haven't played for a few months so i forgot exactly what the 2 non 31s were
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:15:29 No. 17679102 Report >>17678959 got the rotom already, thank you
>>17678978 no worries, im working on another greninja right now so you have time
>>17678996 thank but i have one lined up
>>17679033 id do that, if you could give me a bit to get the greninja cloned for you
>>17679040 got one, thank you though
Quoted By:
>>17679102 Alright. I added you. What do you want? The Squirtle or Charmander?
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:17:33 No. 17679143 Report >>17679033 sorry, meant the blastoise
>>17679102 I have some Jolly Cyndaquil with 4-5 Ivs, 4-5IV Jolly Marvel Scale Dratinis, 4-5IV houndours w/ flash fire in luxury ball, 4 IV Feebas, 4-5 IV HA shuppets, and 4-5 IV absols?
Sorry I just really want the greninja, do any of those interest you?
>>17679143 So you want the Squirtle? It's modest btw
Dom 4897-5970-7393 (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Dom 4897-5970-7393 (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:20:41 No. 17679210 Report >>17678305 I can have the Ferroseed for you in a few minutes.
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:28:18 No. 17679361 Report >>17679156 sorry man, im good
>>17679199 yes, thats cool with me. if you dont mind waiting a bit, like say until tomorrow for it then i can get it for you then. its just not working out for me so well tonight and my patience for cloning them is running thin
>>17679210 got one, thank you though
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:30:45 No. 17679415 Report >>17679361 Btw, is the max speed iv needed on the ferrothorn?
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:31:17 No. 17679429 Report Quoted By:
would you take a hexaperfect shiny shaymin for one of those frogs?
>>17679361 Don't worry about it :)
I'm just glad you're gonna get me one. Just add me and tomorrow we shall do it. I may be a bit late, since I have school in the morning.
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:41:40 No. 17679644 Report >>17679415 nope, slower the better!
>>17679465 okay, no worries
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:42:37 No. 17679665 Report Quoted By:
>>17679644 Then your ferroseed is ready lol
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
Josh 1891-1675-3217 (Sandshrew, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:46:57 No. 17679756 Report >>17679644 I was breeding with it, Thats why it's leveled up a bit
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 01:49:25 No. 17679833 Report Quoted By:
>>17679756 okay thats no problem, thanks a bunch!
ill work on some more a little later tonight and make another thread tomorrow. gotta go for now though
Brayden 1950-8703-6309 Water
>>17678305 Interested in a 6iv shiny Rayquaza. >_>
IGN Drew 0688-6249-0732 [Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar]
IGN Drew 0688-6249-0732 [Braixen, Larvesta, Magmar] Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:03:10 No. 17682718 Report Interested in a 4iv adamant tepig? Missing hp and def.
glenn FC:4012-4692-1424 (kecleon,teddiursa,chansey)
glenn FC:4012-4692-1424 (kecleon,teddiursa,chansey) Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:05:29 No. 17682780 Report >>17678305 hey op i know this is a different pokemon... but are u interested in a stealth rock/bravebird/whirlwind skarmory?
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
Quoted By:
>>17679040 what do you want for the bulba? I have a few things ready to offer and some things I can breed?
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:11:47 No. 17682904 Report Quoted By:
>>17682582 absolutely, give me a little bit to try and make another one. if i cant make it tonight ill have it by tomorrow
Quoted By:
>>17678305 >4 I'm still trying to MM one....
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>17678305 I have larvitars in friend, heavy, and safari balls all with egg moves I can breed for ya', I have the friend ball ones ready though. I only have Pentaperfect Bold Rotom though.
>>17678305 I'm kind of desperate like a lot of others and this is kind of a longshot but i have bold prankster encore cottonee leftovers if you're still doin this
I've been hunting a shiny protean so long now
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:16:55 No. 17683016 Report >>17682718 no thank you, not a big fan of tepig
>>17682780 no thank you
i am still open to other offers though, still looking for a pursuit SR T-tar and heal bell blissey with the mentioned natures. taking another crack at making them and had 1 success so far so we'll see how it goes tonight
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:22:25 No. 17683133 Report >>17682933 careful nature? not sure what friend ball looks like but ill take one in a heavy. i have rotom already but thank you
>>17682980 sorry man, if this was any easier id do it but i currently am not looking for a cottonee
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784]
Digi 5112-3827-6976 (Snorunt, Bergmite, Lapras) [SV: 2784] Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:22:57 No. 17683151 Report >>17683016 I have a 5IV Adamant Larvitar. St.Rock ,Pursuit, D.Dance and Iron Head.
>>17683016 I've got 5 IV sassy larvitars with stealth rock if you're interested, also a 5iv gooey goomy~
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby]
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby] Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:27:00 No. 17683256 Report >>17683016 have a few 5iv larvitars, careful with pebbles/pursuit, but none missing s.atk
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
Hey OP, I have a 4IV Calm Sableye with Recover.Does that put me up for the shiny trade game?godplease say yes
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:30:40 No. 17683341 Report >>17683151 looking for careful natured one sorry man
>>17683225 also looking for it to have pursuit
>>17683256 missing sAtk is cool with me, its not going to need it anyway. if
>>17682933 doesnt reply soon ill take you up on that
>>17683264 got a sableye already man, thank you though
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby]
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby] Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:34:31 No. 17683437 Report >>17683341 i meant i didnt have any missing s.atk unfortunately. got one missing atk and one missing hp. both male and careful, ddance pebbles pursuit outrage. you can have either one for free, as i have a similar greninja.
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:35:52 No. 17683469 Report >>17683437 oh okay, theres nothing you want for one of them?
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby]
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby] Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:36:52 No. 17683497 Report >>17683469 just send me anything you feel like
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk)
Anthony 0576-4256-1215 Poison: (Garbodor, Kakuna and Muk) Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:38:59 No. 17683543 Report >>17683469 I can give you a modest Rotom tomorrow if you save me a Greninja.
>implying there's any left Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:40:20 No. 17683570 Report >>17683497 alright, thank you. ill try and pick out something nice at least! also could i have the one thats missing attack?
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby]
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby] Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:41:46 No. 17683609 Report >>17683570 sure, added you
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:47:28 No. 17683755 Report Quoted By:
>>17683609 thanks brother, im hoping that was a 4iv adamant technician i sent you
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby]
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby] Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:48:45 No. 17683778 Report Quoted By:
>>17683570 check if its the correct one btw as i was in a bit of a rush marking my larvitars
>>17678305 i have a 4IV Adamant Larvitar that I could breed for you; DD, SR, Pursuit & Outrage
1134-8190-5528 - Yarwood
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:50:58 No. 17683825 Report Quoted By:
>>17683543 got one already, thank you though
>>17683656 same as above
>>17683783 juuuust got one, sorry man thank you for the offer though
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>17683133 Friend Ball is the lime green apricorn Johto Pokeball with red dots on it! :D Looks good on Larvitar :) awesome thank you! So, how do we do this?
Ophelia (5386 - 8364 - 9288)
I have a 5IV bold natural cure Chansey, but it does not have heal bell unfortunately. Counter and ST though if it doesn't interest you, sorry for bothering
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 04:57:41 No. 17683966 Report >>17683836 i did just get one, but if its got a careful nature id still trade for it...
>>17683877 let me mull it over for a few minutes, rather not have to breed an egg move onto it but no one has offered a chansey yet
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>17683966 yes it has a careful nature, egg moves and in the friend ball :) I added you already.
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 05:02:38 No. 17684068 Report >>17684040 alright, deal then. could you do the friend ball one, that one looks much nicer than heavy ball. apologies if you went out of your way to breed one into a heavy
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>17684068 Thank You sir ;)
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 05:08:11 No. 17684183 Report >>17684147 nooooo problem, thank you as well!
>>17683877 if youre still on ill take you up on that
Ophelia (5386 - 8364 - 9288)
>>17684183 I'm here, so you're fine with the Chansey?
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 05:13:30 No. 17684289 Report Quoted By:
>>17684268 sure, ill add you in just one minute
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 05:19:40 No. 17684372 Report >>17684268 you rock, thank you!
Ophelia (5386 - 8364 - 9288)
Quoted By:
>>17684372 You're welcome! Thanks for the ninja
do you have any ninjas left?
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga
Ravenoft (1821-9498-9774) electric: electabuzz, luxray, emolga Tue 28 Jan 2014 05:58:04 No. 17685043 Report Quoted By:
>>17684860 not st the moment sorry, more than likely i will work on getting more tomorrow and make a thread for it later in the evening if you feel like keeping an eye out
Hayden (0705-3902-1418)
Quoted By:
I have a 5IV Bulbasaur with Mild nature, chlorophyll and Giga Drain? Plz still be available