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No.17682951 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Attention plebians:
Why trade shinies for a 6IV Ditto when you can get one for free? That's right faggots, I'm going to give you cock-suckers the chance to get a FREE ditto - but only if you beat me in a pokemon battle.

Hear that? You need to beat me in a game of pokemon, so casuals need not apply. The game's been out for so many months, you have no excuse not to have a good team by now. And if you don't, then you don't deserve a ditto anyway because you probably won't even make proper use of it.

So I will be accepting battles in either 6v6 Smogon Singles or 4v4 VGC '14 Doubles - so ANYONE into competitive battling is eligible. If I see you fags breaking any rules in either format (eg, sleeping twice in smogon singles and bringing a non-kalos pokemon to VGC) then I'll just end the battle and move on to the next challenger.

And with that, I'll start accepting challengers as soon as my le wow run is done. fite me.