Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:01:07 No. 17698631 Report >Posting when the new thread is up already I need to git gud Alright guys, I want to start breeding one of these Pokémon: ~Mr. Mime ~Cruogonal ~Vanilluxe ~Beartic ~Jynx ~Dewgong Which one should I breed?
Odin IGN !!FdiFGhScWuz
ToTT: My emboar named Bacon
>>17698560 That's sounds good
Do you want my fc or do this on gts?
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
Quoted By:
>>17698618 First is cool, too
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu)
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:02:34 No. 17698668 Report >>17698636 I guess GTS would be easier, what mon will you put the stone on?
Mayberi 3969 4540 2081
Quoted By:
>>17698631 If you do Beartic can I grab a good cubchoo?
Maak 4613-6674-0858
Looking for a Cottonee, don't care about stats/nature as I'll breed those in. Only thing of value I have to offer is a shiny Ditto.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17698628 Is that you, Kia?
Odin IGN !!FdiFGhScWuz
>>17698668 Is it allright if I give you one of my reject cottonees or a reject eevee?
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu)
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:05:07 No. 17698740 Report >>17698668 Cottonee would be great thanks.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Fuck you, wiffy gee.
Here is list. Everything imperfect is free.
List is 2big4chan. Here's the extended edition: ToTT:
I'm gonna move them all, so whatever's first in the box. Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu)
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:07:12 No. 17698804 Report >>17698681 >>17698740 Whoops, quoted the wrong post.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17698756 Shit...
what kind of Larvitars are those? Anonymous
Still have penta female timid trace ralts cluttering my boxes, absolutely free. Let me know if you want one or two or ten.
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
Quoted By:
Looking for Moon Ball Houndour
>>17698811 what are the egg moves
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu)
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:08:26 No. 17698840 Report Quoted By:
Odin IGN !!FdiFGhScWuz
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17698783 Could I have an Axew with at least HP, Attack, and Speed IVs?
>>17698836 Uh, DBond/Encore/SkillSwap/Memento.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17698805 Dragon Dance/Outrage/Stealth Rocks
Jolly natured.
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu)
Lion 0533-5528-5272 (Fighting: Pancham, Machoke, Riolu) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:10:48 No. 17698900 Report >>17698848 You should have the Phantump, thanks!
Ray 4613-7152-1612
>>17698628 Will give you a Life Orb and another 48BP item for a Charmander and a Dratini
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17698811 >>17698811 Could I have one named Cadence, please?
>>17698885 Can it be a male nicknamed Chain?
Odin IGN !!FdiFGhScWuz
>>17698681 Want one of mine?
>>17698811 I''ll take one. Have a cotton ball!
>>17698900 No problem.
My funtree is about to be complete.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Why do people keep doing GTS trades? Legitimate question. Seems like half the time it gets sniped. Just get used to clearing out your friend list regularly and you won't have that issue.
Nu 3394-3552-6238
Quoted By:
Would like a female Ariados from same country. I am from the U.S.A. It doesn't have to have 4 or 5ivs; although it would be nice if it had 1iv in attack. I myself don't have any Pokemon with 4 or 5 or any perfect ivs in any particular stat,
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17698898 Aw yiss, that's perfect. Could I ask you to breed one for me?
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad)
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:13:17 No. 17698969 Report >>17698628 Would you trade a 3-4 IV Iron Fist Chimchar for a 4IV Sturdy Moonball Skarmory?
>>17698921 Sure, give me a minute to name her.
>>17698934 Alrighty, then.
You both probably need this. 3866 - 8114 - 8231
Dijasu [IGN:Miguel] 3368-1455-1206
>>17698902 You're the winner of the shroomish so add me to get it.
>>17698939 I'd say laziness, or friend safari's
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:13:57 No. 17698982 Report Quoted By:
>>17698939 In my case, my Friend List is a solid mix of IRL friends, people with amazing safaris, and people with amazing Maison mons. That goes to like 80ish or 90ish, so clearing isn't really a good option.
Maak 4613-6674-0858
>>17698934 If you're able to trade one, yes please. Adding now.
Ray 4613-7152-1612
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:14:54 No. 17699004 Report Looking for Hitmonlee and Moltres Just for the info, will trade back if you need it Also really want moon stones
>>17698902 The only two 48 PB items I have are Life Orb and Choice Specs, but I already have Charmander and Dratini
>>17698966 I bred one earlier today for someone else, but they never picked it up, I might have WT'd it though. Let me go check.
>>17698862 how shitty of an idea is disable on Mgard? i did disable/dbond/skill swap/memento
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17698972 I apparently already have you registered
>>17699005 Thanks
>>17699032 I'm not the person to ask for advice on MGard. Never have used one and probably never will.
Odin IGN !!FdiFGhScWuz
>>17698996 >>17698972 FC is 0645-6238-9695
Ray 4613-7152-1612
>>17698783 I'll trade you a 5IV Naive Ponyta with Morning Sun for a Pinsir
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>17698979 >>17698995 I guess I can understand safaris. I just keep a list of 40 or so people I want to keep added and delete everyone else.
But why not just catch what you need from everyone's safaris and then delete?
Quoted By:
>>17699047 same. i just want it for aesthetics ;-;
>>17699044 Welp, apparently I did wonder trade it. I can breed another one, but that might take some time, if your willing to wait.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17699050 Typo? It says it's not valid.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:18:45 No. 17699089 Report Odin IGN !!FdiFGhScWuz
>>17699056 Access to easy shiny mons.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17699074 How long? I appreciate it
>>17699076 My IGN is Kyle
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad)
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:20:08 No. 17699121 Report >>17698939 >>17699056 Takes a lot of time to add individual people if you're doing giveaways. Also needing to connect to internet and save every time is very time consuming.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Quoted By:
>>17699103 Ok. Some guy named Checo TR'd me. He just wanted to show off his bros.
Vivosa [0903-4089-8262]
>>17698783 ey nigga i want a pineco freebee
>>17699089 ice cream. premier ball. i want one.
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
Quoted By:
>10,000 more PokeMiles from Gen V Oh look at all this nothing.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17699055 Is it female in a Premier Ball?
>>17699126 Okee dokee.
>>17699103 Well, even with a Flame Body Pokemon, Larvitar eggs take a load of time to hatch. If you need to go, I can always hold the Larvitar for you.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>17699102 Fair enough, except FS shinies are shit. Even with two perfect IVs, they're likely in the wrong spot, and the wrong nature. But I guess not everyone cares about competitive shinies.
>>17699121 True, but my strategy has been to just do bulk giveaways so I'm adding a lot of people at once.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:22:50 No. 17699196 Report >>17699130 Why not a dive ball?
Maak 4613-6674-0858
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Get yr #rare Deathbugs here.
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 !2UIfNiggag
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:25:03 No. 17699243 Report Quoted By:
I wanna catch a ferroseed in a nest ball but i'm not tryna fuck around and catch an HA one. Do any of you have one?
Anthony 5086 - 2098 - 5704
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a Manectricite, trading a houndoomite for it.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17699103 Dude. Get online.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:26:06 No. 17699278 Report Dominic 2363-6630-6724
Can anyone help me finish my dex? I just have Milotic, Porygon2, and Porygon-Z left.
1848-1777-9983 Lorbster/Tunde
Quoted By:
A hacked genosect (legal) cos I am tired of having my shit pushed in by the Japanese and I can't exactly rng one now and the one I legitimately got is weak as sin. Might get a hacked Keldeo too
Dijasu [IGN:Miguel] 3368-1455-1206
Odin IGN !!FdiFGhScWuz
Quoted By:
>>17699208 Thanks for the shiny safari ditto.
Thanks Ralts Anon/Kate,my baltism loves the moon ball
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:26:57 No. 17699302 Report >>17699270 hey if you have an imperfect gastly laying around can I get it? I need it for Kanto dex
>>17699278 doubles you say?
1848-1777-9983 Lorbster/Tunde
Quoted By:
>>17699282 Gz on your shiny charm.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 !2UIfNiggag
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17698783 I have a Hexaperfect Jolly Ponyta on Premier Ball
want it?
why the fuck is PokeGTS not working for Black2 and White 2? I submit the poke. I put in the DNS I go to GTS I have a full party and nothing happens
Quoted By:
>>17699044 So, what is you IGN? I've been monitoring my friends list and passerby's and haven't seen a Kyle.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17699345 W-what? If you seriously want to give that to me, I have to give you something in return. The only pentaperfects I have are Litwick, Pinsir, Scyther, Pinsir, and Scatterbug
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:30:43 No. 17699426 Report Quoted By:
>>17699306 Alright, add me then.
I need your FC as well
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
>>17699353 >can't even hack properly Haha oh wow.
Quoted By:
>>17699192 Naturally. I like to have a modest collection to either share with friends who don't take the game as seriously, or just to maintain for myself. Like, I've got all the shiny FS starter mons I can use for fun battles (even a Char for each Megastone), but I'll still MM my own for competitive.
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17699405 I have another one, It was my first breeding, and in the run I ended up with a Hexa male, hexa female and a penta shiny
Then was hatching leftover eggs that girl was there
>Scatter bug what's the pattern?
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle)
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:32:20 No. 17699465 Report >>17699004 Hey man, I really need a storm drain shellos, how does a moon stone for one sound?
>>17699259 damn bro just go into a steel safari with a pokemon with trace
Remember everyone Ellis use Poke-Genn'd pokemon for his battles
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17699471 correct me if im wrong but ferroseeds iron spikes or whatever turns into anticipation right?
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 !2UIfNiggag
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17699489 Damn son
Gimme that
Just let me search for it on my mess
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:34:59 No. 17699536 Report Quoted By:
>>17699486 Which Ellis m8?
The Ellis that is commonly here doesn't own any other pokemon games
Nimble !bdB08On366
Training muh VGC mons, giving eggs out like Food Stamps, looking for a Magcargo/CHandelure father with Heat Wave in XY from Gen 5. God damnit. when I'm done with this team i'll be taking more breeding requests.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17699513 no, the pokemon you have with trace copies the wild pokemon's ability, so you can see which it is. makes it a lot easier hunting for HA's in the safari
Quoted By:
>>17699544 i have that. do u have a ferroseed in a nest ball
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Kyle. >asks for Axew >asks for it to be nicknamed >doesn't bother getting online to take it Dude.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:37:21 No. 17699583 Report Relaxed Sassy Telepathy Munna Male Dream Ball Magic Coat, Baton Pass, Barrier and Helping Hand xx/0/31/31/31/0, 31/0/xx/31/31/0, 31/0/31/31/xx/0 and 31/0/31/31/31/xx Free
Coby 2938 7118 0113
Quoted By:
As always, here's my list. I'm also looking for shiny Togepi/Vulpix/Eevee if anyone has one they'd be willing to trade
>>17699558 The problem is that ferroseeds don't have an HA, both abilities are Iron Barbs. Therefore you can't figure out whether it's HA or not until you evolve it.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:38:37 No. 17699609 Report Quoted By:
>>17699583 Sassy only. Forget I wrote Relaxed.
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17699546 Found her
So uh my friend list is full, let's trade Luvdiscs or some derp on the GTS so we can trade without Snipers
>>17699558 well fuck i would have done that i thought ferroseed kept iron barbs and changed to anticipation when evolved. my bad.n
nimble nvm i'll breed you a heat wave litwick. want a male or female?
>>17699593 oh i was right. well shit.
Exabytez|4441-9487-1231 !EXABytzGzI
Quoted By:
>>17699544 I knew I forgot something when I went for Chandelure
;_______; Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Quoted By:
>>17699583 I'll take the last one.
Uchronie [1950-8836-2069]
still no one with a 4IV Zangoose for my MMing? ;__;
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17699183 I'll be here about all night. I will tell you if I have to leave
>>17699575 Sorry! I had to go eat dinner, my bad. Thanks for the dragon
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:40:49 No. 17699670 Report Kyle? Your Larvitar is ready.
Nimble !bdB08On366
>>17699622 I'd go for both, if you can spare the time. if not, Male of course. would you like a 4IV Rain Dish Squirrel + Turtle in return?
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17699616 I think we might already be friends. And we can't do the GTS. Way too risky. /vp/oreons look for luvdiscs just to snipe them.
>>17699656 It's ok. Just let everyone know if you're gonna step out.
Ray 4613-7152-1612
>>17699154 No, is that a problem?
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17699684 Someone just offered me a hexa, so it doesn't matter. You can still have a Pinsir, though.
>>17699678 hell no i hate that thing. got any pp ups?
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
2105-8651-8161 MANE (ign lina)
>>17699583 do you have any leftover rejects with HA?
i could give you a drought vulpix with heat wave, or a misdreavus with destiny bond.
i have more 5 iv mons, so if you are looking for something i might have it
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17699583 Actually, scratch that, could I get the first one instead?
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17699670 Me Kyle?
>>17699682 I will, thanks
Thanks for the Ralts, Kate
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:44:16 No. 17699772 Report >>17699734 Telepathy is HA. I don't want anything for them.
>>17699740 Sure, adding now.
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:44:40 No. 17699782 Report Nimble !bdB08On366
Quoted By:
>>17699723 yeah i have a couple. just tell me when you're done, and your FC, as i'll be EV training to pass the time
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:45:37 No. 17699810 Report heyo, lookin for a EMM that can breed with Luxio/Luxray preferably with Fire Fang, Ice Fang and Poison Fang as the egg moves. Not a whole lot to offer in exchange but i do have 2 mudkips, a snivy, a female gooey goomy and assorted other mons
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17699782 D-Dance and Outrage? And gender?
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
2105-8651-8161 MANE (ign lina)
>>17699772 c-could i have one? pretty please
Quoted By:
>>17699432 Thanks for the Insightful input!
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:47:14 No. 17699852 Report >>17699821 Dragon Dance/Outrage/Stealth Rock/Pursuit
And it's a male.
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:47:19 No. 17699855 Report Quoted By:
>>17699825 Egg Move Male = EMM
Ray 4613-7152-1612
Quoted By:
>>17699716 I'll give you one of my jewed Xerneas then.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:47:58 No. 17699875 Report >>17699825 Egg Move Male
>>17699810 Just go catch an Arbok.
>>17699845 Yeah, I'm adding you now.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17699852 Alright sounds great. Could you nickname it Mons?
>>17699810 I would, but I only have Fire, Ice and Thunder Fang as egg moves.
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:48:53 No. 17699898 Report Quoted By:
>>17699228 I didn't even realize there was a new thread.
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:49:14 No. 17699906 Report >>17698535 Well, er.
I just got a Lv. 100 Modest Sylveon for a Phione, for I guess that's notable.
Anyone interested in such an offer?
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:50:47 No. 17699935 Report >>17699887 I guess i could forgo Poison Fang
>>17699875 wait you're telling me Arbok with those fang moves can breed with Luxio and pass those moves on? huh here i was convinced that wouldnt work because of their egg groups
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Quoted By:
Not going to make a list because I don't have much, but I have a fuckton of 5IV Growlithe I'll trade for pretty much any other perfect 5IV. Also got some 5IV Fletchling and Trapinch too. All with the best egg moves you've ever seen.
Dijasu [IGN:Miguel] 3368-1455-1206
>>17699337 Good Game, my breloom put in a lot of work that battle.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17699933 Uhm... what did you want for it, again?
Cromzz: 4184 2120 4801 !2UIfNiggag
>>17699947 Breloom is a bro man. I want to build a team specifically around mines.
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama)
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:52:13 No. 17699966 Report >>17698631 Do the Dew. seriously I want to make a hydration tank.
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:52:44 No. 17699978 Report >>17698969 Whoopsies, didn't see this one, but sure. I'll add you in a moment.
>>17699954 We never actually discussed that part.
-IGN- Asterius (1547 5450 3337)
Does anyone have an Analytic Magnemite? I'll offer one pentaperfect Budew for it. (Natures are either Modest or Quirky because RNG hates me.)
2105-8651-8161 MANE (ign lina)
Quoted By:
>>17699875 thank you so much monty sir, this munna is the shit
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:53:18 No. 17699997 Report Quoted By:
>>17699966 Isn't that what
Vaporeon is for? I guess I can do that.
Quoted By:
Does anybody here happen to have bred wobbuffets? I want to try using one.
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:54:03 No. 17700017 Report Quoted By:
wow im stupid, i just realized poison fang on Luxio is an impossibility but the Arbok method for those other moves is easy enough. just go ahead and forget my other post
>>17699906 dude phione isnt worth that. i'll hatch you one for free in a second
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:54:21 No. 17700030 Report Still have:
2 x (xx/0/31/31/31/0)
2 x (31/0/xx/31/31/0)
2 x (31/0/31/31/xx/0)
2 x (31/0/31/31/31/xx)
Details here:
>>17699583 >>17699935 Arbok is in both the Field and Dragon group. Luxray is in the Field group. They'll breed.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17699978 Want a Starf and a Lansat Berry for the little bastard?
Coby 2938 7118 0113
Quoted By:
>>17699979 Also interested in an Analytic Magnemite.
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:55:20 No. 17700056 Report >>17700035 I COULD take those....,..
But since this particular Larvitar has shitty IV's I'm willing to give it to you free of charge. Plus a Speed Boost Torchic (Nature is random), as per my usual trading rule.
But if you have a Heart Scale, that'd be awesome. Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
Quoted By:
>>17700056 Wait, so what are the IVs?
Dijasu [IGN:Miguel] 3368-1455-1206
Quoted By:
>>17699956 I'm glad it didn't take itslef out too soon with life orb. Porygon2 was also a star player in that battle.
Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu)
Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:56:27 No. 17700078 Report Quoted By:
I need a skarmory with defog, don't care about ivs. I can trade some breeding leftovers i have, just reply to me if you have one and i can list some 3-4iv leftovers i have. one again don't give a flying fuck about IVs
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:56:36 No. 17700083 Report >>17700056 Also, if you want me to breed better IV's onto it, I could do that too.
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol)
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:56:51 No. 17700088 Report Quoted By:
i got -shiny hoppip -2 shiny kecleon with different abilities if you like shinies offer me 5 ivs but i'm looking for eevee with heal bell and clafairy with softboiled
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:57:01 No. 17700091 Report >>17700027 You sure? Much obliged and thank you kindly.
What sort of Vs we talking here, out of interest?
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama)
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:57:07 No. 17700093 Report >>17699647 currently playing through X
en español. If I'm not overloaded with work I'll have MM's ready this weekend. zangoose added to list.
>>17699211 anything on my list for one of those?
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
Still looking for a Moon Ball Houndoom
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:58:45 No. 17700126 Report >>17700030 I can take the 31/0/31/31/31/xx off of your hands.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17700083 I would like that a lot, actually. I can definitely throw you a Heart Scale or two for a 5IV
Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu)
Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu) Tue 28 Jan 2014 23:58:54 No. 17700131 Report >>17700099 my nig would you trade a 4iv zubat for a 4iv vullaby with 2 egg moves( foul play and knock off)
Uchronie [1950-8836-2069]
>>17700093 Oh great! that'll be GREAT!
I'm trying to get a nice 5IV mon for you then
Can I already add your code?
>>17700131 Sure thing, I was actually going to look for a vullaby later.
Adding you now.
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama)
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:00:37 No. 17700169 Report >>17700135 If you want. I won't be adding anyone until I've actually got mons ready.
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:00:45 No. 17700175 Report >>17700121 Yep. I'm not too picky, but I'm interested.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:00:51 No. 17700178 Report >>17700126 Would you like a female too? only 4/6 though Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu)
Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:01:22 No. 17700190 Report Quoted By:
>>17700150 hang tight adding in a sec
Quoted By:
What does it mean when the internet button is glowing orange instead of blue/green?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:02:33 No. 17700214 Report Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama)
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:02:33 No. 17700215 Report Quoted By:
>>17700169 Shit. forgot to mention I'm doing modest bulbasuars in nest balls. I know a few people were wanting them.
>>17700175 uh. no idea. i have a 5IV ditto so who knows. are you planning to actually use phione?
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:03:24 No. 17700236 Report >>17700127 You got any breeding leftovers?
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad)
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:03:41 No. 17700243 Report >>17699211 Could I snag one? I can give you White Herb on a Hawlucha (4IV female)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:04:21 No. 17700257 Report Quoted By:
>>17700229 Well, I may experiment. Phione isn't exactly meant to be used competitively, but I reckon tinkering with it may prove interesting.
Uchronie [1950-8836-2069]
Quoted By:
>>17700169 No problem! Added anyway!
Going to bed 'night everyone!
You know how you can sometimes find pokemon you've released in the wild. Or so I heard? is it possible to release my Metagross, and catch it in a decent ball?
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17700236 I don't breed But I definitely have some 4-5IV pokes, if you want those, too. Why do you ask?
Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu)
Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:05:25 No. 17700279 Report Quoted By:
>>17700270 i... i wouldn't do that
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:05:26 No. 17700281 Report >>17700126 hey Allen how is the Wynaut breeding going?
Exabytez|4441-9487-1231 !EXABytzGzI
Quoted By:
>>17700270 0/10 please stop
Domino 1822-0447-4098
Quoted By:
>>17698628 Hey, do you still want an Adamant Drilbur?
Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu)
Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:06:28 No. 17700303 Report >>17700150 thanks for the trade bud. sure needed this
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama)
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:06:38 No. 17700305 Report Quoted By:
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
Quoted By:
>>17700270 That's a huge load of cattle shit, dude. But go ahead and release your Metagross, I'm sure it will be happy to get away
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:07:13 No. 17700321 Report >>17700281 Woops, forgot you wanted one. I dunno which is easier though. Getting the correct 3 IVs or getting the right nature. Both will take time. I got a female Wynaut With 31/x/31/x/31/x and then I stopped breeding. i'll
suffer more and get you one.
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:08:36 No. 17700346 Report >>17700321 you don't have to do it now, you are going to work on a new project.
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:09:08 No. 17700355 Report >>17700271 I ask because this is kinda time consuming.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:09:17 No. 17700358 Report >>17700346 but I dunno what to work on.
;_;7 J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:09:19 No. 17700359 Report >>17700287 Either way, I'm up for a Phione. You said 'for free', but is there anything you want in exchange in particular?
I have 4 boxes of Porygons, most are 4-5iv, with Timid nature. If anyone wants some, put up a Florges and I'll trade them.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:10:35 No. 17700385 Report >>17700214 I got you a 31/0/31/31/xx/0 Male (Forewarn) and a 31/0/xx/31/31/0 Female (Telepathy) so you should be able to breed 31/0/31/31/31/0 if you wanted to.
Would you also like a Trick Room Numel? I've got a Repeat Ball female with xx/0/31/31/31/0 to thank you for the EMM you gave me.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17700355 Like, do you want them for trade, or...?
I really appreciate it ^.^ Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:11:39 No. 17700408 Report >>17700385 Alright then. Thanks. Now I gotta find 3 pokemon to give you ;_; Anonymous
>>17700379 >Florges You mean Flabebé?
Todbob (1091 8863 7812)
Quoted By:
Anyone have a 5IV missing special attack male in the bug egg group? I can offer various 4IV things, BP items, and more. Maybe Stealth Rock Lileep? Maybe pentaperfect Noibat? Just ask.
>>17700359 PPup. I kinda wanna MM this thing.
Quoted By:
>>17700420 Sure, I guess that works too.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:13:03 No. 17700439 Report >>17699465 Sure, any chance you have a shitty Machoke,Hitmonlee,Executor,Mr.Mime laying around to give me?
If not i can trade back after I take the stone Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17700303 you are sure welcome
Nice eevee by the way J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:14:40 No. 17700471 Report >>17700424 Any 'Mon carrying the PP Up, or just regular tradebait?
How many, too?
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:14:59 No. 17700477 Report >>17700358 I have a 31/XX/31/XX/31/XX Japanese female jolly unburden harwlucha?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:15:49 No. 17700492 Report
Quoted By:
>>17700471 two would suffice if you're willing
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Why wont my pangoro give my male snorunt aids? i've been in like 19 battles and they're right next to eachother in the party
Jarrod 2277-8012-0007 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {3147}
Jarrod 2277-8012-0007 (Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) {3147} Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:17:29 No. 17700526 Report >>17698783 Would you be interested in trading for that Tyrunt?
You made me shit a brick when I saw Hot XXX Gay Porn Fap open in a new tab you brilliant bastard. List is here: Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:17:55 No. 17700534 Report >>17700396 Eh, nevermind. I give out stuff for free at least once a day now that I think about it.
Guess this is no exception.
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:18:13 No. 17700540 Report >>17700471 Alright.
Mind lending your FC?
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17700099 I have most of your list, sorry.
>>17700243 What ability does it have?
>>17700540 3282-3075-0161
nimble are you still here? im breeding with a 4 and 5IV parents so i can give you your litwick now
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17700534 Dude it's fine, I understand. You still want Heart Scales? I can slap a few on some 4IV mons for your time
How goes it, anyway?
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>17700517 Because you didn't make your daily sacrifice to the RNG gods.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:21:03 No. 17700590 Report Quoted By:
>>17700408 Thanks, I needed all those mons!
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>mfw I have to let all these Nosepsass' kill babby Tirtouga so that I don't fuck up his IVs welcome to the real world, kid
Taciturn !!B0GhNStNY0N
>>17700589 >Implying that works Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:22:42 No. 17700623 Report >>17700596 >Not having Qualot berries Wow git gud anytime
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama)
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:22:51 No. 17700624 Report >>17700596 >not using super training come on now.
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:23:00 No. 17700627 Report Quoted By:
>>17700565 Perfect.
I have a Swirlix with decent IVs that I have banging around, and a Japanese 4IV Prankster Encore Cottonee if you want such. Either way.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>17700589 What are you talking about?
i bought a live turtle today, and preformed the ritual of sacrifice on it!
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:23:58 No. 17700645 Report >>17700589 Hey Kirzi, you want a 31/0/31/31/xx/0 female Dream Ball Munna w/egg moves?
Quoted By:
>>17700545 damn, thanks anyways.
I do have some 4IV beldum that I didnt list yet, dont suppose you want one of em?
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
Quoted By:
>>17700623 he needed to get tougher anyways >>17700624 Pokerus/Power Item/Horde battle master race right here
Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu)
Henry 4871 4983 2666 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:27:45 No. 17700716 Report Quoted By:
still looking for a skarmory with defog don't give a fuck about IVs. can offer some solid breeding leftovers
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:27:57 No. 17700720 Report >>17700492 that one is in a premier but I have male in a timer ball. let me check ivs
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>17700609 It does if you do it right.
>>17700643 Obviously it wasn't sufficient. Try again tomorrow.
>>17700645 Sure, why not. I'd prefer a male if you have it, but female works.
Want a Ponyta, Trapinch, Lapras, Horsea, or Mantine?
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:28:10 No. 17700726 Report Quoted By:
Exabytez|4441-9487-1231 !EXABytzGzI
Quoted By:
8 episodes before I said Elfen Lied is shit ;___;
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>17700721 why dont you help me sacrifice this goldfish i bought?
I'm obviously doing something wrong.
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:29:37 No. 17700748 Report >>17700576 Well, I'm getting closer to 5 IV's. I can't guarantee pentaperfects though.
And keep the Heart Scales, I'll just go hoard them from Luvdisc when I'm done here.
Taciturn !!B0GhNStNY0N
>>17700721 Nah, it doesn't work ever. It if does, prove it to me.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:30:36 No. 17700762 Report >>17700721 Oh yeah, Poke-only Balltism
the worst kind I have some similiarly IV'd males, would getting a Forewarn/Synchronise upset you? In return I'd like
to be added to the next sekrit skypechat Or a male Lapras.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:30:36 No. 17700763 Report >>17699822 >>17700720 Once I get a 31/x/31/x/31/x Wynaut, I'll tell you.
Just give me a Male with the largest amount of IVs you have
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:32:12 No. 17700790 Report >>17700565 IGN is Candice. Yours is Yumeko, I assume?
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17700748 If you have a 4IV with at least HP, Attack, and Speed, I will take that
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:32:49 No. 17700806 Report >>17700763 Fuck, forgot to post reply
>>17699822 >Skiddo in Ultra Ball Absolutely disgusting
I can give you a 5 IV mankey with Egg moves in Pic for a
male one
>>17700790 Rosa. I'm not online atm, though. Still breeding.
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:34:16 No. 17700831 Report Quoted By:
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider)
Adrian 5000-3484-3289 (Krabby/Gyarados/Frogaider) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:34:22 No. 17700834 Report >>17700798 Bit late for that, I put that exact one in the Day Care, and it's probably already lost it's egg moves.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
>>17700834 O-oh, okay... I guess just go for 5IV all the way, then
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>17700741 You better ask the RNGs about that. They would know better than I would.
>>17700757 There is no proof - only faith. Such is the way of these things.
>>17700762 Nah, that's fine.
I'll let you know if there is one, but there probably won't be. UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:36:02 No. 17700871 Report >>17700763 The timer ball is a male jolly with limber and no ivs
>>17700819 Is it true that you're both male and a cloner?
Taciturn !!B0GhNStNY0N
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:37:30 No. 17700911 Report >>17700871 ;~; do you have any other males with higher IVs?
Quoted By:
>>17700872 I'm male but I can't clone. Sorry.
Kyle >1048 - 9233 - 2741<
Quoted By:
>>17700834 >>17700863 I'm going to step out for about an hour or so, just hold it for me if you get a good one, please
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Quoted By:
>>17700872 He is a male, which is common knowledge. Not a cloner tho.
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:38:44 No. 17700943 Report >>17700911 no, I can see what other pokemon I have. I just mentioned the hawlucha in the premier ball because I don't think I have seen anyone on wfg breed hawlucha before
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7.
Zach (IGN: Monty) 5043-2451-2691 !4gSPOINK7. Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:38:49 No. 17700945 Report >>17700866 >but there probably won't be Thanks for the Lapras~
Heading off now, see you in a few hours, wfg!
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>17700899 >Not having faith This is why you fail.
Taciturn !!B0GhNStNY0N
>>17700952 Nah, getting what you want is mostly based on luck when it comes to pokemon.
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Katz 1633-5079-0124
Hey Wifi General, I'm looking for a bit of help. You see, I got pulled into a monotype tournament with a few friends, and I pulled Dark. Another person in the group managed to get dragon, and is planning on running Psudeos and various other Smogon-favorites. My team needs a little help. So far I have: Adamant Defiant Bisharp@Weakness Policy Max Attack, Max HP, 4SpD Sucker Punch, Protect, Iron Head, Power-up Punch. Adamant Adaptability Crawdaunt @ Life Orb Max Attack, Max Speed, 4 Defense Aqua Jet, Dragon Dance, Knock Off, Aerial Ace Calm Prankster Sableye @ Leftovers Max Hp, 120 Defense, rest in SpD. Fake Out, Recover, Taunt, WoW. Jolly Moxie Scrafty@ Fist Plate Max attack, Rest is spread between HP, Def, And SpD. Ice Punch, Crunch, Bulk Up, Drain Punch We get full, six man parties, and we're playing doubles. Any suggestions for what else I can possibly use?
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
>>17700987 Not if you
get good .
Quoted By:
>>17700996 please put that in a pastebin next time
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:42:11 No. 17701030 Report >>17700987 >Believing in Luck >Not having Faith This is why Masuda will never give you a shiny
Pic related
Taciturn !!B0GhNStNY0N
Quoted By:
>>17700996 also run intimidate scrafty a bit bulky with an assault vest if possible
Taciturn !!B0GhNStNY0N
>>17701030 My shiny greninja, jolteon, and espeon say otherwise.
>>17700996 >Fist Plate Change that to something else first off, I'd say.
For your two other slots, krookodile can do big damage with EQ, especially considering you can hit both opponents. Switch him in against weakened foes and enjoy a +2 moxie boost. Something like Hydreigon would fit well too, as it can avoid friendly EQ's and more importantly do special damage, which the rest of your team can't.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:43:58 No. 17701069 Report >>17701062 If someone gave you them, they aren't yours.
:^) Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama)
Wiggity (0490-5437-0587) (Mankey/Pancham/Hariyama) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:44:11 No. 17701076 Report >>17700996 Use Tyranitard or Mega Houndoom.
Taciturn !!B0GhNStNY0N
>>17701069 I hatched them myself but believe what you want.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>17700996 I'd say go sash'd crawdaunt. it doesnt outspeed much. and you'd sure to get a knockoff+aquajet
all of your current pokes are physical attackers.
add some specials
like zoroark, Hydreigon or houndoom
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:48:10 No. 17701182 Report >>17700943 I got 2 wynauts now,
one has 31/x/31/x/31/x
The other has 31/x/31/x/31/31
Which do you want?
Also, I don't need the Hawlucha.
>>17701083 Jewing people when Instacheck was a thing doesn't count.
:^) UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:48:37 No. 17701194 Report >>17700911 I have these guys
31/XX/31/31/XX/XX TIMID lightning rod Electrike pokeball
XX/31/XX/31/31/31 ADAMANT huge power Bunnelby pokeball
31/31/31/XX/XX/31 JOLLY sniper Binacle pokeball
XX/31/XX/XX/XX/XX CAREFUL Damp Quagsire quickball
>>17701115 really? i run band and just aqua jet or knock off everything i possibly can. excellent revenge killer, honestly
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:49:33 No. 17701217 Report Quoted By:
>>17701194 >TFW I breed all of those before UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:49:41 No. 17701223 Report Quoted By:
>>17701182 The second one of course :)
Katz 1633-5079-0124
Quoted By:
>>17701068 Sounds like a plan. Thanks! This prick has been a thorn in my side since X and Y even came out, attempting to say he's some kind of Karenfag yet he always uses Smogon Rulesets and the tip-top of the OU and trash talks at a near constant level.
I decided to Git Gewd and kick his sorry ass back to the hole he crawled out of using not very commonly used mons, and generally bro teammates from what I had available.
>>17701076 Unfortunately, the rules say no Megas.
>>17701115 I'll see what I can do.
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon)
Spencer | 1950-8771-1271 | Rock: (Dwebble, Pupitar, Rhydon) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:49:55 No. 17701229 Report >>17701076 Don't use Mega Houndoom at all, that thing is a piece of shit.
Much to my chagrin, bc Houndoom is one of my favorites ;~; >>17701115 +1 for Sash Crawdaunt. Getting that DD off before you use a Knock Off or Aqua Jet is crucial.
Other good pokés to use: Mandibuzz for physical wall+antispikes with Toxic/Roost/Defog/Foul Play, and Greninja for Protean SpA cleanup.
>>17701182 >wynauts Could I convince you to part with a second one?
>>17700943 are you breeding hawluchas?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:51:13 No. 17701262 Report >>17701229 I don't think Protean Greninja would count.
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
>>17701204 yeah, until you run into something that outspeeds it. and resists aquajet.
>see starmie, greninja, lilligant etc >>17701262 it would count, it starts out as a dark pokemon
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:52:53 No. 17701302 Report >>17701260 I don't know, I still have jolly marill and shroomish one the list but I haven't felt like breeding in a while
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:53:34 No. 17701320 Report >>17701258 What are you offering?
>Inb4 Love Ball Buneary >Inb4 Iron Fist Chimchar >>17701290 Forgot Greninja is Water/Dark. My bad
Quoted By:
I'm looking for a hidden ability Piplup to add on to my multi-battle team. I don't have much to offer in return but I might have something you are interested in whether it be items or whatnot. Don't really care about ivs but I wouldn't mind if he had some good ones. 1160 9943 3964 is my FC. Thanks in advance.
Nikki - 2981 6163 5188
Quoted By:
>>17701204 I'm a fan of choice band Crawdaunt as well. Aqua Jet hits harder than Azumaril's, and even a resisted knock off on a predicted switch is useful.
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Wed 29 Jan 2014 00:55:18 No. 17701360 Report Quoted By:
>>17701320 are you not online yet?
>>17701302 I was wondering because I want to breed some since I just got done MM'ing a protean froakie. It's hard to get started with hawlucha though.
Keifer 0087-3347-7638
Quoted By:
>>17700113 I have that you got any balltistic offers?
>>17701320 Uh let's see, I've got some fabulous 0IV Love Ball Buneary's. For a bit extra maybe I could throw in an Iron Fist Chimchar. Maybe.
Uh, let's see. I definitely still have spare penta moonball ralts if you for some reason want one now. Otherwise I've got sitting in my box of pentas: Karrablast, Solosis, Hawlucha, Abra, Bulbasaur, Froakie, Gible, and I believe a shellder. I can give details if necessary.
Dijasu [IGN:Miguel] 3368-1455-1206
Nikki - 2981 6163 5188
Quoted By:
Hey, y'all. Post some sort of image thing with all the differences between BW2 and X/Y. Please. Gameplay differences. I hear shit about different shiny probabilities and breedable legendaries and I am most dubious.
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle)
Voice 1693 2161 7523 (Dunsparce, Audino, Smeargle) Wed 29 Jan 2014 01:02:39 No. 17701523 Report Quoted By:
>>17700439 Sorry, stepped out. Yeah, I have a Mr. Mine you can have.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Wed 29 Jan 2014 01:03:09 No. 17701529 Report >>17701406 What ball are those Hawluchas in?
Are those ralts meant to be Gallades or Gardevoirs?
If the ralts are meant to be Gallade, gib that.
If they are meant to be Gardevoirs, gib Hawlucha
Dijasu [IGN:Miguel] 3368-1455-1206
Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO
NEW THREAD NEW THREAD NEW THREAD Ravi 0602 7351 7030 !!sOuIUPxchDO Wed 29 Jan 2014 01:04:51 No. 17701563 Report Quoted By:
>>17701556 NEW THREAD:
>>17701556 NEW THREAD:
>>17701556 NEW THREAD:
>>17701556 NEW THREAD:
>>17701556 NEW THREAD:
>>17701556 UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak)
UA DOOM 3797-7001-3707 (Poison - Seviper - Ariados - Toxicroak) Wed 29 Jan 2014 01:05:02 No. 17701569 Report >>17701369 yeah and I have a good one but I feel like I developing
ballism Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17701529 Hawlucha's in a pokeball, and they're meant to be gardevoirs. I should point out that the Hawlucha has limber and not unburden, so it would require breeding on your part.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Quoted By:
>>17700526 Sorry, I stepped out for a while because nobody was offering. I'll make that trade if you're still here. I'll take a leftover Staryu, if you don't mind.
And, yeah, I titled it as such for that exact reason :^) Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Quoted By:
>>17700806 It was given to me in an Ultra Ball and I was too lazy to change it. I'll trade you if you're still here
and if those Mankeys aren't too important to you because I don't want to feel like I'm Jewing people or anything Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17701569 It's all about the luxury ball