Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17704274 Also
>7 Teddiursa: Jolly Quick Feet Nick 4484-8686-4909
>>17704274 could i get one of those adamant cyndaquils?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17704349 Yup. Adding you
Brandon 3711-8748-3751
>>17704374 would love a cyndaquil as well.
Calem 3711-8693-5960
>>17704274 A Totodile, a Teddiursa, and a Cottonee would be nice. :)
Brandon 3711-8748-3751
>>17704407 or a totodile if possible
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Calem 3711-8693-5960
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17704349 I'll take that Rotom if you were trying to give it. Thought we were done
Nick 4484-8686-4909
Quoted By:
>>17704349 Yeah sure, Ill give it to you for a totodile and ill give you something else for a cottonee
Nicky (1349-5396-5560)
>>17704274 I'd love a Pickup Teddy, OP. I can get you a leftover Joltik or Huge Power Marill of my own.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17704449 the totodile I have for you need heart scales, but it has all the egg moves.
>>17704514 Marill pls. I can give you two cause I want a Joltik too (only if you want two)
Nicky (1349-5396-5560)
>>17704542 Sure thing, I'd like the Teddy and could I get a female Cherubi with HP IVs if it's not too much to ask?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17704407 >>17704416 >>17704514 You guys next. Sorry long trade (got cool stuff though)
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043 Sunkern Swadloon Quilladin
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043 Sunkern Swadloon Quilladin Wed 29 Jan 2014 03:36:05 No. 17704626 Report >>17704274 Could I get a teddiursa with quick feet and cherubi?
Brandon 3711-8748-3751
>>17704612 im kinda new to the game, you dont mind junk pokemon for trade do you?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17704602 I will check a couple. I remember most having HP so it should be fine.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
OUT OF TOTODILES Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin) Wed 29 Jan 2014 03:37:37 No. 17704665 Report Quoted By:
Last one goes to Brandon
>>17704628 Nope, Its a giveaway. Take em
3153-4554-5053 IGN: Mark
I'd love one of those totodiles if you have one left :) if not then a modest cyndaquil would be awesome as well.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17704626 Yes.
>>17704668 Still have the Cyndaquils. out of Totodiles
Nicky (1349-5396-5560)
>>17704633 Cool, I added you already.
Shaquanda 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot]
Shaquanda 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot] Wed 29 Jan 2014 03:39:55 No. 17704708 Report >>17704274 May I have a Cherubi?
Quoted By:
>>17704689 awesome I added you.
I cant guarantee ivs but these were caught in the FS Petilil Luxury ball Female Emolga luxury ball Male gogoat Would you take one for a cottonee?
Sorry i dont have much to give. I would love a cyndaquil. FC: 1160 9731 8157
Luna 4098-3112-1798
I cant guarantee ivs but these were caught in the FS Petilil Luxury ball Female Emolga luxury ball Male gogoat Would you take one for a cottonee
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17704602 >>17704626 >>17704668 >>17704708 >>17704712 >>17704718 A little backed up atm but I will get to you guys.
Add me and be ready.
>>17704740 Thank you for adding th fc. Petilil.
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043 Sunkern Swadloon Quilladin
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043 Sunkern Swadloon Quilladin Wed 29 Jan 2014 03:42:49 No. 17704766 Report Brandon 3711-8748-3751
Quoted By:
>>17704766 Thanks so much for the trades!
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043 Sunkern Swadloon Quilladin
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043 Sunkern Swadloon Quilladin Wed 29 Jan 2014 03:43:58 No. 17704788 Report Quoted By:
Calem 3711-8693-5960
Quoted By:
Thanks for the stuff OP
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17704758 added everyone here. Gona start sending requests. Please dont spam me
zinnerzPT 1736-1425-1072
I would like an Adamant Cyndaquil, a Cottonee and a Cherubi (if you're out of Adamant Cyndaquils, I can take a Modest one)
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops)
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops) Wed 29 Jan 2014 03:50:23 No. 17704911 Report >>17704845 Was wondering if you still got them Cherubi and if so may I have one?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
PLS Dont Spam Me Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin) Wed 29 Jan 2014 03:51:41 No. 17704927 Report >>17704845 I will invite YOU.
Justin: 4141-3532-2353
>>17704274 I'd love a Cottonee
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17704706 That Cherubi was Hp, attack, def, spec attack
Nicky (1349-5396-5560)
Quoted By:
>>17704758 Thanks for the trades, appreciate it.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17704856 >>17704911 >>17704955 You people have a little wait but I'll get to you.
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Wed 29 Jan 2014 03:59:02 No. 17705063 Report Quoted By:
>>17704274 A Cherubi would be awesome, OP
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17704708 Every time your name
Luna 4098-3112-1798
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17704718 You gona be online or...?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17705286 I think its Alben
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17705307 that would be why I couldn't find you. One sec
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043 Sunkern Swadloon Quilladin
Chrysalis 2938-7437-4043 Sunkern Swadloon Quilladin Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:09:54 No. 17705324 Report Quoted By:
Thank you Op.
Nido (FC: 5198 3007 0984 Bibarel Wartortle Azumarill)
Nido (FC: 5198 3007 0984 Bibarel Wartortle Azumarill) Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:11:36 No. 17705372 Report would love a Cyndaquil. I have leftovers Mawiles, Adamant and Intimidate at 4 IV ^^
Quoted By:
>>17705323 Thanks. Sorry for the mixup.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Luna 4098-3112-1798
>>17705372 Would you take a phione egg for one of those?
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops)
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530 (Phantump, Lampent, Dusclops) Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:16:41 No. 17705494 Report Quoted By:
>>17705323 Thanks a lot man.
zinnerzPT 1736-1425-1072
>>17705471 zinnerzPT,
Sorry I have connection issues, need to move closer to the router...
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17705497 Not gona delete you till we trade. Take your time.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17704955 What is that egg btw?
Justin: 4141-3532-2353
Quoted By:
>>17705510 I honestly don't know what it is. Thanks for the trade.
Justin: 4141-3532-2353
Quoted By:
>>17705538 If I had to guess, it would be Munchlax, Mawile or Horsea.
Nido (FC: 5198 3007 0984 Bibarel Wartortle Azumarill)
Nido (FC: 5198 3007 0984 Bibarel Wartortle Azumarill) Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:19:53 No. 17705573 Report Quoted By:
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
I got Nido and connection issues guy next. ANYBODY MISSED?
zinnerzPT 1736-1425-1072
Quoted By:
>>17705612 I'm ready and waiting next to my router...
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Out of CHERUBI Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin) Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:25:04 No. 17705697 Report After Nido I am out of Cherubi.
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961 [Phanpy - Nincada - Gastrodon]
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961 [Phanpy - Nincada - Gastrodon] Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:25:41 No. 17705707 Report I have a few Phanpy in Heavy Balls with Play Rough, Ice Shard, Counter, and Head Smash. I'll take whatever is left over.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17705707 Name your price. Out of Totodile and Cherubi. I need me that Phanpy
zinnerzPT 1736-1425-1072
Quoted By:
>>17705612 Thanks OP
They should have
2~4 IVs (except for the caterpie... was looking for a Scatterbug.. but after 5 minutes of running in the grass.. only got monkeys, caterpies, weedles and a fletchling.. )
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:29:33 No. 17705790 Report Kaelan 2320-6129-3961 [Phanpy - Nincada - Gastrodon]
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961 [Phanpy - Nincada - Gastrodon] Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:30:37 No. 17705813 Report >>17705766 I'll take a Teddiursa.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17705790 Well... out of weather ball Cherubi I should say... If you really want one I can get you a very leftover one.
[JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet)
[JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet) Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:31:39 No. 17705845 Report Quoted By:
>>17704274 Would love a cottonee, I'll give one of my 5IV Gastly in return
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17705813 I'll give you one of each ability.
Nido (FC: 5198 3007 0984 Bibarel Wartortle Azumarill)
Nido (FC: 5198 3007 0984 Bibarel Wartortle Azumarill) Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:37:10 No. 17705947 Report Quoted By:
Thank you =D
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:37:32 No. 17705957 Report >>17705832 Yeah, totally up for that
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961 [Phanpy - Nincada - Gastrodon]
Kaelan 2320-6129-3961 [Phanpy - Nincada - Gastrodon] Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:37:58 No. 17705969 Report Quoted By:
>>17705924 Oh, alright. Sorry for cancelling like that. I didn't see this till after.
James 1349-4672-2505 (Ghost Shuppet Phantump Driftblim)
James 1349-4672-2505 (Ghost Shuppet Phantump Driftblim) Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:38:13 No. 17705973 Report >>17704274 Got any cottonee's left?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17705957 >>17705973 gimi a minute for you guys
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17705957 Guess I had one more Weather ball. Lucky you.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
James 1349-4672-2505 (Ghost Shuppet Phantump Driftblim)
James 1349-4672-2505 (Ghost Shuppet Phantump Driftblim) Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:51:53 No. 17706298 Report Quoted By:
>>17706233 yep just traded you
James 1349-4672-2505 (Ghost Shuppet Phantump Driftblim)
James 1349-4672-2505 (Ghost Shuppet Phantump Driftblim) Wed 29 Jan 2014 04:56:02 No. 17706397 Report Quoted By:
>>17706233 many thank you's
>>17704274 What version is this for?
Houko 0662-3901-1610
>>17704274 Have any cottonees left?
Quoted By:
>>17706582 yup. ill add you
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Gona be AFK for a little bit. Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin) Wed 29 Jan 2014 05:18:00 No. 17706871 Report I'm gona be gone for like a half hour. Just leave a post if you want something and I'll add you if I still have it.
Charlie 3196-4548-5380 (Mawile, Dedenne, Clefairy)
Charlie 3196-4548-5380 (Mawile, Dedenne, Clefairy) Wed 29 Jan 2014 05:20:41 No. 17706924 Report >>17706871 Could I possibly have a Cottonee and a Cherrim?
Alex 1607-2909-4763 Fire (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Braixen) Anonymous Wed 29 Jan 2014 05:27:28 No. 17707045 Report >>17706871 any cindaquils left?
2079 7326 7099
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
Any cottonee? could really use one
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17706924 Out of Weather Ball Cherims. Have regular rejects.
>>17707045 >>17707051 Yes both kinds
Also in game name pls
>>17707631 yes
hngmn 4270 1515 3748
>>17707712 If you don't mind, could I get a cyndaquil and a cottonee? I can trade some 3/4 IV mons back if you'd like. IGN is mohit.
Steven 2079 7326 7099
>>17707712 Adamant cyndaquil pls
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Wed 29 Jan 2014 06:17:41 No. 17707818 Report >>17707712 Could I get a Cyndaquil as well?
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17707818 that is the most amazing friend safari. Dont ever delete me
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Wed 29 Jan 2014 06:23:29 No. 17707891 Report >>17707878 haha no problem as long as I get that cutie Cyndaquil
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17707891 modest or adamant (adamant has flare blitz)
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Wed 29 Jan 2014 06:26:37 No. 17707942 Report Quoted By:
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17707732 I'll add you next. Sorry I missed you when I was adding. What have you got btw?
hngmn 4270 1515 3748
Quoted By:
>>17707939 I know you're not talking to me, but could I also get an adamant one? Much appreciated, thanks.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Adamant Cyndaquils Gone Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin) Wed 29 Jan 2014 06:29:24 No. 17707993 Report Quoted By:
Last two go to Steven and Hngmn
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Wed 29 Jan 2014 06:29:29 No. 17707996 Report >>17707939 Thanks you very much hope the Friend Safari is of your use.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17707996 it is the best leveling up safari I have ever seen
>>17707781 hngmn 4270 1515 3748
>>17707954 I've got the following:
>Dratini (marvel scale, adamant, 5IV with one missing in speed) >kangaskhan (3-4 IVs available, scrappy) >pinsir (3 IV, jolly moxie w/quick attack) >4 IV noibats with infiltrator, might have a few frisk ones, switcheroo as an egg move >a fuckton of impish sandiles >calm rotoms with 2-4 IVs Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17708023 That Pinsir pls
hngmn 4270 1515 3748
Quoted By:
>>17708061 Sure thing, waiting for your add.
hngmn 4270 1515 3748
>>17708061 It's level 28 because I was breeding with it, but it's clean otherwise.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17708085 No problems. Are you Mohit?
>>17708023 What ball are the Noibat in?
hngmn 4270 1515 3748
>>17708098 Yeah, that's me. Thanks for the cyndaquil! Could I also get a cottonee please?
hngmn 4270 1515 3748
Quoted By:
>>17708109 They're in a regular pokeball (I don't really look out for the ball, sorry)
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17708112 Yes come back online. Sorry, just saw this. Could I get one of the Sandiles?
Quoted By:
>>17708215 Sure, coming online now.
hngmn 4270 1515 3748
Quoted By:
>>17708215 Thanks, enjoy the sandile and pinsir!
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
That's it for now folks Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin) Wed 29 Jan 2014 06:50:50 No. 17708336 Report Quoted By:
Hope everyone enjoys their tasty leftovers. I might breed more Totodiles, Cyndaquils and Cherubis tomorrow, so if you missed out... you prob haven't missed out for good.
Kaz/Dextra [2466-2644-6963]
Quoted By:
>>17708023 Any of those Rotom have ice as their Hidden Power's type?
L 2621-2774-6103
Quoted By:
>>17704274 I'd like one of your cottonee
Jacob 4554-0022-1538
Quoted By: