>>17708657>You just invalidated regular Aggron being better in terms of defensiveness.And? I was never arguing regular Aggron was better in terms of defensiveness.
>230 DEFENSEAnd no recovery outside of a Rest/Sleep Talk set.
>140 ATTACKI did undersell M.Aggron's attack a bit, but in the end it's still not that amazing considering it has abysmal speed and almost requires a setup round for a speed boosting ability unless you want it to get quickly whittled down. In the end, nothing Mega Aggron can do will compare to a Head Smash from normal Aggron - and you don't need to give up your Mega slot to do it, either.
>It helps in an emergencyIt really doesn't. If they're hitting you with a super effective special move, Filter isn't going to do fuck all. Especially if they have STAB.