Yamille 2122 - 6368 - 0648
Those 11 female Taillows went fast. Only have males left at the moment, but I'll breed up some more later. Also have 10 or so Dive Ball Frillish females laying around if anyone wants.
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Thu 30 Jan 2014 00:59:01 No. 17721142 Report Quoted By:
>>17721117 I'll disc up for one of those Frillish. I though I had one, but don't.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:00:00 No. 17721157 Report Hippie luvdisc I am loving this.Hyena. A laughing hyena. Mightyena a shit. Also dolphin. I want to breed something fun and easy. What do people want? Dive ball east sea shellos? Dive ball frillish?
Lucky IGN: Ben
Quoted By:
>>17721117 I still have a luvdisc up asking for a taillow. Ill keep it up there for a while.
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:01:01 No. 17721179 Report Quoted By:
>>17721117 I'd like one please. Disc up.
Felix 5370-0402-3972
A sloth, something not slakoth Heavy Ball Snorlax female here for someone who will help spread around
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:01:55 No. 17721197 Report 6 boxes of ~5iv petilil dream balls with egg moves up for grabs. Still no shiny yet.
Currently have 2 friend ball Larvitars, decided to breed moon ball Sneasels to save time
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17721072 Dolphin Feel free to make requests:
http://pastebin.com/tXJQGCPj Also have five 5IV HA female Weedle, one female Heavy Ball Slakoth, and one female Moon Ball Gastly ready.
I'm sure I'm missing a ton of things, but I don't feel like figuring out which ones right now.
IGN: Dante 1821-8905-6527
>>17721197 Could I have one?
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:03:07 No. 17721215 Report >>17721202 If you have a female sneasel I'll take one.
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:03:31 No. 17721225 Report >>17721207 ill take one of those weedle
Quoted By:
>>17721072 I don't really have anything I've always wanted as a Pokemon. I guess I lack creativity.
Maybe more things that we can make Spongebob jokes about.
Yamille 2122 - 6368 - 0648
>>17721197 I'll take one! Disc is up.
Vorgeas 4871-4738-7854 (Spearow-Hoothoot-Hawlucha)
Vorgeas 4871-4738-7854 (Spearow-Hoothoot-Hawlucha) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:04:41 No. 17721250 Report >>17721197 I would love one, disk up!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:05:15 No. 17721260 Report >>17721207 I'll take a Weedle please
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:06:00 No. 17721270 Report >>17721207 Hi! I have a dream ball oddish for you~
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:06:48 No. 17721284 Report Quoted By:
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:06:52 No. 17721287 Report >>17721257 also requesting a houndour please
IGN: Dante 1821-8905-6527
>>17721207 Could I have a Heavy Ball Phanpy?
Quoted By:
any chance the riolus have bullet punch? That would save me a lot of time
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17721260 >>17721225 Sent.
>>17721270 Oh boy~
>>17721287 >>17721289 So Moon Ball Houndour and then Heavy Ball Phanpy? Can do.
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:10:29 No. 17721362 Report >>17721207 Weedle pls
sendin disk
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17721157 This, so hard. I fucking love hyenas.
Have you seen gen/vp/'s hyena pokemon? It's pretty great.
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:11:40 No. 17721402 Report I'll be getting a Premier Ball Castform today or tomorrow. Interest? It's not the rarest pokemon, apparently it's catchable in BW2 in rustling patches, but I've wanted one in a nice ball for a while.
0173-1316-2317 IGN- Shiro
>>17721207 Can I have a love ball chansey?
>>17721215 Just hatched one. And I'll take a Petili while I'm at it, disc is up.
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:13:28 No. 17721457 Report Quoted By:
Well, I'm back from the dead. Anything I miss?
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:14:14 No. 17721472 Report hey guys I have a box full of Absols. Naive Nature with decent IV's all in moonballs. You guys know the drill!
Mono IGN Daniel: 2165-5055-9383
Quoted By:
is our dive ball kabuto hax? jw
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Quoted By:
>>17721402 How cute, I'd want a Premier ball Castform.
Anyone have Dive Ball Cottonee?
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:16:59 No. 17721521 Report >>17721420 My disc is up
>>17721213 Sent for both.
IGN: Dante 1821-8905-6527
>>17721348 Disc's up for Phanpy
I'll be waiting patiently
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:18:02 No. 17721537 Report >>17721388 >>17721476 Seconding that, didn't see it.
>>17721521 Gotcha. Hope you don't mind the nature, forgot everstone ;A;
>>17721472 O-oh my, how beautiful. I assume you have females, yes? I just put up a nice Horde Trainer Tropius for you (sorry it's not much but I don't really have anything else). IGN: Xander
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:19:10 No. 17721554 Report Quoted By:
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17721362 Sent.
>>17721410 After I finish these
>>17721348 >>17721527 I'll get to breeding them as soon as I hatch a female Houndour.
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341
Trieze (X: Pidgey, Fletching, Tranquil) 5472-7405-2341 Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:20:02 No. 17721577 Report >>17721549 Yep I have females bro. Just put up a disc keep your Tropius!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17721476 >>17721537 I'll try to find one.
Theres like some discussion about me being a scammer in some other thread
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:20:58 No. 17721598 Report >>17721574 ok i dont mind waiting will be here basically all night
IGN Ramon
>>17721594 Are you sure it's about you and not some other Rosa?
>>17721594 Oh, that was me. I'm still pissed that you claimed you'd clone my Caterpie and instead kept it for yourself.
0173-1316-2317 IGN- Shiro
>>17721574 Alright I can wait
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:21:51 No. 17721612 Report >>17721594 Gib link
I want to confirm Anonymous
>>17721185 Do you still need someone to help breed and spread Heavy Ball Snorlax? I'm about to jump ship on Aipom.
IGN Ramon
>>17721594 >>17721602 Never mind, I see the topic now. That's terrible.
>>17721612 >>17720602 Pico-chan 1461 7565 7285
Quoted By:
>>17721202 I'll want a female as well, if possible. I've been looking for this moe blob for ages.
;_; IGN: Dante 1821-8905-6527
>>17721605 >>17721612 >>17721629 it's kinda funny tbh considering i've never actually traded anyone for anything that wasn't resulting me in getting PPups since I can catch and breed everything on my own because I like having my OT.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:25:46 No. 17721678 Report >>17721629 Ah, I guess it's been taken care of.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Lizilla 2380-3160-3355
I've got a box of HA (hustle) nidoran to give out. They're all modest and should have between 4IVs to 5 imperfect IVs. No egg moves or fancy balls, sorry =( Reply if you'd like one- specify if you want a male or female.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17721476 >>17721537 Here it is. I like the pomp.
>>17721594 Probably that one guy who was shitposting in these threads a few days ago about you.
At least the thread was deleted.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17721472 putting disc up asking for female
>>17721678 >>17721679 If anyone actually wants to look at what was said (it's not worth your time though):
https://archive.foolz.us/vp/thread/17720602 Kouji
Quoted By:
>>17721577 I-If you say so. It's up now. Thanks again.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17721618 Shit, forgot name.
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Net Ball female tirtouga?
Quoted By:
I put up a disc asking for Milotic
>>17721716 You already gave that one to me. Did I pass you your original back? I spread a few here.
For what purpose would you use all those PP Ups, Rosa?;_;
IGN: Dante 1821-8905-6527
Quoted By:
>>17721693 I'll take a female
>>17721749 Is in Dream Ball.
>>17721207 Are you still there? Can i please have a Shuppet? I'll put up a Luvdisc, let me know if you read this. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>17721751 I like to stall. A lot.
Quoted By:
anyone have a kricketot or baltoy for my dex?
IGN: teddy FC2638-1271-5882
LF: tyrunt with poison fang and ice fang VP luvdisc is up thanks guys for the threads
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17721784 There's three requests before yours, so it'll probably be a wait. Someone else here might be able to pick your request up, though.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:33:03 No. 17721820 Report Quoted By:
>>17721715 Well, there were people who really want to eat Rosa's butt, so there's that.
Quoted By:
>>17721817 I understand. I'll still put up the disc, in case you make it in time, and if it's ok with you.
>>17721751 I think my last serious battle was for this tourney that i'm in and i pp stalled my opponent's dragonite for 95 turns.
CTZW WWWW WWW4 AB96 if you're interested
>>17721761 ohh. i got one of those about an hour ago actually.
>>17721749 Yeah I have the original (that is in love ball) and I read that you want one in Dream ball so here it is
I know it says pretty clear to not ask for legends and I'm sorry, but I'll ask if someone can give me a Registeel. I can't get Pokebank and the people on GTS ask for other Transfer 'mons. I miss my Regibro.
>>17721850 >CTZW WWWW WWW4 AB96 I don't know how to use these.
Quoted By:
>>17721855 ah well actually cynthia gave me that and a few other things on gen 5 about an hour ago and i'll have them on gen 6 soon
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:39:25 No. 17721925 Report >>17721850 Gonna watch. Sick. Bad mood. Love stall. Have loved stall since GSC with all its Umbreon + Toxics, and Skarm/Bliss. Like hyper offense too, but stall holds my heart.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
i have 9 love ball Buneary jolly klutz with egg moves to give away, please reply if you put a disc up
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17721925 Kids on Showdown get so upset when I stall them.
"You hacker!"
"You're supposed to have fun, not stall!"
>>17721925 I like stall too, but I don't think I want to sit down and watch 95+ turns of it.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17721598 Houndour is ready, put a disc up.
I also have an extra female Moon Ball Houndour if anyone wants her.
Starting on Phanpy soon.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17721949 Once I showdown champed and had a funbro. It was beyond terrible. The match ended up being somewhere around 200 turns before the guy gave up.
Glad that thing is banned now.
Still have Nest Ball Chikorita in disgusting amounts.
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:43:45 No. 17721995 Report >>17721949 It suits my present oncoming delirium, I think. Glandular fever since December. Swelling up again suddenly today. Preeeeeetty frigging over it.
>>17721207 If you are still here can I have a dream ball Riolu?
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:44:47 No. 17722023 Report >>17721982 ok thanks disc up
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:45:08 No. 17722025 Report Quoted By:
>>17721866 not many legendaries here, man. Sorry.
You'll be re-united with your bro some day though, anon.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
i also would like female dream ball riolu. got male last time :(
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:46:45 No. 17722055 Report Quoted By:
Anyone who got a female taillow able to breed me a female rq I got a male.
>>17721995 Oh, mono? That's pretty crappy, sorry man. I hope the stall battle helps!
>>17721986 Hah, yeah, that thing has no place in any enjoyable match. It's interesting to think of someone creating that set though.
>>17722026 I think I have an extra.
IGN Ramon
Anyone interested in female HA Dream Ball Chinchou? I have four of them, with one being reserved by Regalia (if (s)he still wants one).
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17722023 You're asking for a Houndoom. Pls change it.
>>17722008 I have three more things to breed first, so it'll be a while.
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Thu 30 Jan 2014 01:49:04 No. 17722090 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>17721934 hey i put my disc up for this thanks
>>17721185 Woops, I'm around.
Fell asleep
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17722067 disc is up if you have one, if not i can wait
Quoted By:
>>17721185 >Heavy Ball Snorlax Holy shit it's happening
IGN Ramon
Quoted By:
>>17722087 ok thanks for when you can finish
IGN Ramon
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17722215 If you have one more,
>>17722008 ask for one too, and I've got a few things I need to breed first.
Quoted By:
>>17722068 Can I get one? Putting up a disc.
Caeden 1177-7466-0108
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a calm clefairy with magic guard? Ill put a luvdisc up now. 31 in the dfense stats would be great too. Not required
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:00:22 No. 17722299 Report >>17722249 could i get a machop with no guard and a HA starly please?
IGN: teddy FC2638-1271-5882
>>17721815 anyone have this? I'd be really grateful
>>17722269 Im Shigu, my game died so I had to get a new one.
Now I have nothing really and would appreciate it :/
>>17722307 I can breed one, it'll also have curse. Just keep that disc up
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17722307 any special reason you want poison fang ?
i know ppl usually go for thunder/ice/fire/DD
if you prefer that i can give you male/female with it
>>17722068 Yeah, I do, disc up.
0061-0468-9986 Guardian [Challenger]
>>17722068 Putting up disc.
Also i got a box full of female feebas in dreamballs with egg moves. Just put up a disc and reply to this post
Pico-chan 1461 7565 7285
>>17722345 I don't know if you stopped breeding Sneasels or ignored me, but can I have one female of this beauty? Just don't leave me alone, m8.
>>17722378 I must've missed it.
Quoted By:
Alright, this is a really long-ass shot here. I'm looking for a Froakie with Protean that can learn HP Fire. Stats aren't that important.
IGN: teddy FC2638-1271-5882
IGN Ramon
>>17722359 Sent.
>>17722364 About to send and put a Disc up for the Feebas.
Romitho FC: 2578-4507-0197
I need a Totodile with Sheer Force. Luvdisc is up. IGN Romitho.
IGN Ramon
Quoted By:
>>17722471 Never been released, unfortunately.
>>17722364 Putting up a disc.
IGN: teddy FC2638-1271-5882
>>17722346 I'm using it as a stealth rocker and ice beam and poison fang give it the most coverage against its counters
Pico-chan 1461 7565 7285
>>17722405 I see. No prob! So, can I have one? If yes, I've put up a disc. Thanks in advance!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17722299 I did find an extra female No Guard Machop (she has a bad nature, though). If you want the Starly in a special ball, it'll be a wait. If you just want the HA, I have an extra.
0061-0468-9986 Guardian [Challenger]
Quoted By:
>>17722435 Thank you. Also feebas sent, enjoy
IGN: Austin (1779-1144-3795)
Quoted By:
Anybody wanna trade their icebird for my Moltres?
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:11:21 No. 17722560 Report Quoted By:
Requesting a 4-5 IV Phantump please preferably with harvest
>>17722531 I'll never stop breeding Sneasels due to favoritism. And sent.
0061-0468-9986 Guardian [Challenger]
IGN: teddy FC2638-1271-5882
Quoted By:
>>17722479 thanks so much cosmic
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:12:52 No. 17722601 Report >>17722542 could we do it in trade since we are acquaintances
Felix 5370-0402-3972
>>17722105 FINALLY
disc up pls you're the only hope
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17722517 best i can offer you is adamant male with curse,ice,fire fang
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17722602 How many females have you handed out?
IGN: Guy
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Jolly Ditto?
IGN: teddy FC2638-1271-5882
Quoted By:
>>17722636 I appreciate the offer, but i already got the one i needed for cosmic. You guys are what make this pokemon community the best
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17722601 Yes, but are you okay with those two?
Felix 5370-0402-3972
>>17722620 I dunno about Fissure since its kinda cheap, so if you want to replace with whirlwind or something
>>17722674 1 which apparently has not been distributed yet
now 2 to regalia
I had a hard time with these, 40-males 3 females
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:17:10 No. 17722720 Report Quoted By:
>>17722690 yes whats your ign or just send me the trade invite thanks in advance
Pico-chan 1461 7565 7285
Quoted By:
>>17722582 Thank you sir! You are a hero.
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17722714 Ah ok, I said I would help earlier and would still like to.
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:19:40 No. 17722765 Report >>17722714 I'm still working on that Snorlax. Filled an entire box with eggs and I am now circling the tower to hatch them all. Should have one or two to hand out by the end of it.
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>17722743 Oh, sorry for not noticing your post
But look forward to Mike here!
>>17722765 Im sure you'll have luck m8
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:22:50 No. 17722825 Report Quoted By:
Thanks shura re-requesting a phantump 4-5 IV with harvest
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17721527 Sent your Phanpy along.
Chansey and then Shuppet are next.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
would've joined the snorlax dick train if iwasnt breeding dicks myself, zorudicks everywhere
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Still have half a box of dream ball HA, penta and hexaperfect Gligars. Specify gender otherwise I'll be going in box order.
IGN: Dante 1821-8905-6527
>>17722833 Thx Shura
>>17722364 I'll take one
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17722863 i would like hexa gligar with immunity if you have, male or female doesnt matter
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:26:40 No. 17722895 Report Quoted By:
>>17722863 female pentaperfect gligar disc will be up in a sec
0061-0468-9986 Guardian [Challenger]
Quoted By:
>>17722863 i'll take a hexa with ha and female. Disc is going up
>>17722884 Coming right up put up a disc
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:29:40 No. 17722955 Report Looking for a breeding project. Is anyone interested in a Moon Ball Shinx? Or a fast ball pichu/growlithe?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17722364 ill take 1, just waiting on my other luvdisc will put new 1 in a minute
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:31:52 No. 17722994 Report >>17722955 I'd go for a shinx. Still don't have one yet.
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:32:15 No. 17723000 Report >>17722743 Just hatched my first female heavy ball Snorlax. You want to help breed some?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:33:12 No. 17723014 Report >>17723000 Hell naw, I want something relaxing and nice, I JUST got off the snorlaxdicktrain ;__;
female + HA, this was horrible.
Yamille 2122 - 6368 - 0648
>>17722955 Moonball Shinx sounds awesome!
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17723000 Yep, I'll get a Disc up.
>>17723014 You may have made Snorlax a bit more difficult for yourself though. 0061-0468-9986 Guardian [Challenger]
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:35:49 No. 17723063 Report Quoted By:
>>17722994 >>17723016 Shinx it is.
I'll just level it up quickly.
>>17723051 Shut up, I still can't get over those four females with wrong natures.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17721608 I don't see your disc. Let me know if you still need one.
I have an extra Love Ball Chansey, if anyone wants one.
Starting Shuppet now.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17723078 I'll take Chansey
renigma (2852-6868-3731) metang magneton bronzong
renigma (2852-6868-3731) metang magneton bronzong Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:38:39 No. 17723111 Report is anyone here able to get me a smeargle with shadow force on it?
0173-1316-2317 IGN- Shiro
>>17723078 Shit sorry i was away,putting disc up now
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:39:26 No. 17723126 Report >>17723111 Which pokemon has shadow force?
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:40:11 No. 17723139 Report Quoted By:
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17723086 Disc up, then.
>>17723117 No problem, sent.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
0061-0468-9986 Guardian [Challenger]
>>17722863 Kath you seem to have sent me a male. Do you happen to have a female? if not it's cool
0173-1316-2317 IGN- Shiro
Quoted By:
>>17723150 Sorry, I'll check now.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17723140 It's up
>>17723150 Oh sorry, I'll trade you from acquaintances.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>mfw focusing so much on sketches that I forget about the massive homework I still have to do why college
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:43:17 No. 17723201 Report Does anyone have a male sneasel thats jolly with egg moves? I'm trying to breed a dream ball sneasel and I have the dream world sneasel lady here, and a male with all the egg moves and right nature would really speed things up.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17723201 I have a bunch. Put up a disc!
0061-0468-9986 Guardian [Challenger]
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17723150 Only have penta females left sorry
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:45:53 No. 17723240 Report >>17723213 Fantastic. Disc is up.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:46:03 No. 17723241 Report >>17723111 Give me a few minutes to check if I have it.
If Gourgeist has it, like Katherine says here, can't you get it yourself?
>>17723141 Archimand 0404-6893-4293
i need box space so im giving leftovers all female unless stated otherwise, all have egg moves 6 luxury ball cottonee 4 moon ball gastly 3 moon ball horsea 5 sporot ball scyther 4 marill in dive ball 9 east sea shellos in dive ball 8 buneary in love ball
Lucky IGN: Ben
>>17723246 Ill take a Buneary.
Sam 3196 3447 1109
>>17723246 Shellos please? Been wanting to breed one for a while!
Jun Yi 1907-9533-1312 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Jun Yi 1907-9533-1312 (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:48:57 No. 17723290 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have Cherubi by any chance? Female would be preferable. Would really love to train one for a new team I'm building!
IGN: Dante 1821-8905-6527
>>17723246 >>17723246 I'll take a Luxury Ball Cottonee
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17723241 Nope sorry, got phantom and shadow force mixed up.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17723246 Can I get a shellos? I'll put up a disc.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:51:17 No. 17723323 Report >>17723300 Ah, okay.
I have giratina with shadow force so I can do it, is the person requesting it still here?
Quoted By:
>>17723323 Giratina as new breeding project pls.
renigma (2852-6868-3731) metang magneton bronzong
renigma (2852-6868-3731) metang magneton bronzong Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:52:03 No. 17723341 Report Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17723240 May have gotten sniped, I don't see it
Anyone have/want heal ball cottonee? I do but I have no idea where I even got it from
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:53:47 No. 17723366 Report >>17723341 Allrighty, give me a few minutes to go through le nah.
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:53:55 No. 17723369 Report >>17723345 It did, someone sent me a sneasel named "A-AAA-CHOOO". Why? I don't even know. Putting another disc up.
0061-0468-9986 Guardian [Challenger]
>>17723239 That's fine. Thanks a bunch
>>17723246 Putting up disc for east shellos
>>17723358 this is me idk why name dropped
0173-1316-2317 IGN- Shiro
Quoted By:
>>17723246 Id like a cottonee, putting my disc up now
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Quoted By:
>>17723246 A-am I too late for a luxury cottonee and dive marill? I'll disc up if I'm not :o
renigma (2852-6868-3731) metang magneton bronzong
renigma (2852-6868-3731) metang magneton bronzong Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:55:16 No. 17723397 Report >>17723366 ill go catch a disc meanwhile
KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
>>17723369 I have a sneasel with a similar name
Quoted By:
>>17723358 I want, made a mistake and traded my female with heal ball.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17723369 Maybe they're allergic to weasels.
IGN: Dante 1821-8905-6527
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 02:57:08 No. 17723424 Report Quoted By:
>>17723358 >>17723381 You may have got it from me, I've had a heal ball cottonee for about a month now.
>>17723406 >>17723387 I am ashamed to say I didn't even put two and two together. I was genuinely baffled, and I just got it.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17723246 I'll take a cottonee please. Putting up a disc now
Castiel 4055-3393-6072
>>17723201 Hey kish, can I get one of your spitback female sneasels? I can offer a pentaperfect repeat ball cyndaquil as a token of my thanks!
Quoted By:
>>17723246 Could I get a shellos?
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:01:22 No. 17723496 Report >>17723467 Sure, I'm gonna give away the females here when I'm done. Do you happen to have any female cyndaquils in a repeat ball, regardless of IVs? If not, I'd still like the male.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:03:31 No. 17723530 Report >>17723397 Aww yiss tiny mushrooms.
This move is a bitch to copy, but it's ready, so put a disc up.
Lucky IGN: Ben
Quoted By:
>>17723394 Sorry for the late reply, Disc is up
0061-0468-9986 Guardian [Challenger]
renigma (2852-6868-3731) metang magneton bronzong
renigma (2852-6868-3731) metang magneton bronzong Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:05:36 No. 17723569 Report >>17723530 up with description tiny mushrooms
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
i think i got everyone now, tell me if i missed you
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Castiel 4055-3393-6072
>>17723496 Haha I trashed all the males and only kept the females. Add my friend code and I'll send it directly to you whenever you're ready. It's all egg moved and timid nature!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:07:42 No. 17723597 Report >>17723569 Sent. It also happens to know happy hour. Enjoy!
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:08:04 No. 17723606 Report Sorry for being so dead for the past few days, guys. MM'ing SR Pawniard so once I get a shiny I can distro leftovers for you guys.
Lucky IGN: Ben
renigma (2852-6868-3731) metang magneton bronzong
renigma (2852-6868-3731) metang magneton bronzong Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:08:43 No. 17723619 Report Quoted By:
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:10:01 No. 17723657 Report >>17723595 Oh man I just assumed it was male, haha. Do you want to wait for when I get a pentaperfect female Sneasel or does that not matter to you? They have all their egg moves already thanks to Ramona.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
anyone have special ball aipom ? preferbly with Ha if possible
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:11:09 No. 17723684 Report Quoted By:
>>17723246 Still here? Still have Cottonee?
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17723019 Got two Heavy Ball Snorlaxes if someone wants to breed.
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:11:26 No. 17723688 Report Quoted By:
>>17723639 i haven't been here since monday
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Sent out the Shuppet. I've got two HA female Dream Ball Shuppet left. Also several non HA females. Take them pls.
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:12:29 No. 17723704 Report >>17723691 I'll get in on this action.
Castiel 4055-3393-6072
Quoted By:
>>17723657 I'm actually at school right now but in another hour Ill be home and probably gonna give the rest of these cyndaquils away
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17723611 can you repost your luvdisc ?
cant see it anywhere
if you typed it manually try Buneary caps sensitive
>>17723691 I'll take a HA shuppet please
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17723691 I'll take one with HA
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17723671 I'm breeding Love Ball Aipom right now. Is that neat enough for you?
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Quoted By:
>>17723246 I'll take a Shellos, putting up a disc now.
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:14:49 No. 17723758 Report >>17723691 Damn, it's too late to get.
>>17723686 You guys might want to replace fissure with pursuit Lucky IGN: Ben
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17723704 Sent.
>>17723727 Disc up.
>>17723728 >>17723758 Sorry, that was the last of the HA ones.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17723749 really want HA one, i think dream ball.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Ok, my box is full again so I have stuff to give away again! You know the usual routine. 4x Lure Ball Heracross 2x Dream Ball HA Hippopotas 5x Dream Ball Snubbull 1x Friend Ball Larvitar 2x Dream Ball HA Illumise 1x Dive Ball HA Corphish 5x Dive Ball HA Krabby 1x Moon Ball Sneasel 4x Dream Ball HA Kricketot 5x Love Ball Caterpie
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:17:10 No. 17723803 Report >>17723686 I would like one but I'm breeding dream ball sneasels right now so I wouldn't be able to help breed them.
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:17:22 No. 17723811 Report Could someone help me evolve my Scyther?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17723797 !!! give corphish been looking for HA one for ages
Quoted By:
>>17723797 Will take a Illumise
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:18:19 No. 17723828 Report >>17723797 Love Ball Caterpie?
sendin a disk
Quoted By:
>>17723797 ill take a kricketot! need it for the dex. putting my disc up
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17723811 >Serena I never got to thank you for helping me complete my dex. What event did you want?
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:18:56 No. 17723836 Report Quoted By:
>>17723797 Caterpie please
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17723797 Kricketot and Caterpie please.
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17723763 do you have a male with pursuit I can use 1805-2221-1771+Beiruk
>>17723797 Can I get the sneasel and Hippoptas?
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:19:31 No. 17723847 Report Quoted By:
>>17723797 Got a disc up for Caterpie
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:19:37 No. 17723849 Report Quoted By:
>>17723828 crap always forget
female would be preferred
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:20:12 No. 17723861 Report >>17723832 Ah, I'm sorry I had to leave in such a hurry the other day. Do you still need that Tynamo?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17723811 im always happy to help ppl
>>17723797 disc up for corphish
KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
Quoted By:
>>17723797 Do you have an extra female krabby? If not disc'n up and thank you
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17723861 I got one from another Serena oddly enough.
Yamille 2122 - 6368 - 0648
>>17723797 Disc up for a
Quoted By:
>>17723797 Can I have the Friend ball larvitar?
>>17723842 Yeah, I'll have to hatch this batch first since I've just been trashing the males though
>>17723843 Putting up discs for them
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17723825 Your disc got sniped :(
>>17723870 I ... I don't understand what that is.
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:23:10 No. 17723918 Report >>17723869 Oh, okay. Events would certainly help with my Pokedex. What do you have?
Yamille 2122 - 6368 - 0648
>>17723916 Have you never heard a heard a Kricketune's cry? It's one of the funniest things ever.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17723916 trying again, worst case you can trade me directly, have you registered anyway
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17723797 Can I get a Hippo? And a Snubbull?
>>17723886 Gotcha
0061-0468-9986 Guardian [Challenger]
>>17723797 Putting disc up for a snubbull
Got a box of dream ball feebas with egg moves if anyone is interested reply to post
Quoted By:
>>17723797 Oh, and I'll poach that last caterpie
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Quoted By:
>>17723797 I'll take a Krabby, putting disc up now
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17723986 Hey, my bad, I accidentally misclicked and sent you a male. I got a female if you re-up a disc.
>>17723943 >>17723946 Oh. My. God. What is this shit? LOL
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:32:18 No. 17724088 Report Quoted By:
>>17724037 Lol, when I first saw people on 4chan laughing about the DIDDLE DIDDLE DIDDLE DIDDLE WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP thing I was like "this can't be this bad, also, why are so many people agreeing on how to write down pokemons cry"
Then I youtube'd it
0061-0468-9986 Guardian [Challenger]
Quoted By:
>>17724037 no worries, disc is up
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:33:50 No. 17724122 Report Quoted By:
>>17723797 Mind if I get that last Kricketot?
Quoted By:
>>17723797 I'll take a Dream Ball Kricketot. Putting up a disc.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17723797 >>17723840 I think you missed me..
>>17724165 I did miss you.
But you're here now.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17723918 All of the events. All of them.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17724187 Oh, stop it me.
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:40:24 No. 17724283 Report >>17724252 Do you have any competitive ones?
Quoted By:
>>17723957 Am I on your acquaintances or do we need to run through GTS?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17724283 Shaymin. Deoxys. Meloetta. Victini. Arceus.
IGN: Zee
Quoted By:
Requesting a calm nature ditto. Disk is up.
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:47:13 No. 17724432 Report >>17724357 Could I get a Meloetta please?
And if it's not too much trouble, could you help me evolve my Scyther? Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17724432 No problem. Gimme like a half hour.
>>17724451 Scyther does take a while to evolve.
Thank you everyone, I'll be here all night. Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Okay, I -think- I filled out all the GTS requests I can find. Anyone I missed? (I didn't miss you, Katherine :3)
I still have these left over. You know you want them. Don't be ashamed to take one.
4x Lure Heracross
1x Dream HA Hippopotas
2x Dream Snubbull
1x Dream HA Illumise
3x Dive Ball HA Krabby
1x Moon Ball Sneasel
>>17723951 Any chance you have any of those dive marills left?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:49:57 No. 17724491 Report Two female shinx in moon balls, with thunder fang, fire fang, ice fang and eerie impulse, adamant. (I'll make more in a second, but I got distracted)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:51:20 No. 17724519 Report >>17724357 I'm crashing due to illness, but Lime, is there any chance you could clone me a second ditto to use on my French language cart, kept in reserve for when you next see me? I presently have no way of getting Ditto back and forth and it's driving me a bit crazy.
If that's possible, it'd be awesome. If not, also cool.
Take care all.
Bleurgh. Will crawl back here if I can't sleep. Lime 3883-5402-8331
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17724487 yep, putting disc up for krabby and hippopotas
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:52:34 No. 17724551 Report >>17724451 Got it. Thanks again!
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:53:09 No. 17724563 Report Quoted By:
>>17724532 You're a scholar and a gentlewoman.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
>>17724487 I hate to be greedy, since you already gave me a larvitar, but if no one wants it, may I get a lure ball Heracross? Putting up a disc incase you can't get rid of it.
Quoted By:
Anyone have any decent iv'd jolly pokemon, in the bug egg group? preferably male?
Quoted By:
>>17724487 Sent a disc for Illumise. Thanks again.
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:54:38 No. 17724594 Report Quoted By:
>>17724487 Lure Ball Heracross pls
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17724567 No such thing as being greedy on GTS giveaway thread
Just annoying when you spam for a certain heavy pokemon Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>17724487 I'd like a Snubbull please, disc is up now. Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>17724487 Poaching that snubbull
>>17724602 at least he can't ask anymore
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster)
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster) Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:56:26 No. 17724625 Report >>17722994 Now that you have that shinx, would you mind breeding a couple? I REALLY need one. Will put up disc/anything you want & I have.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Hey giveaway thread! It's that time of day again! I have 14 Female Nest Ball Chikorita to give away along with a butt load of males if you wanted a male for some reason. They're careful nature with Leech Seed/Leaf Storm/Heal Pulse/Counter and are guaranteed 4iv+!
Vinland the greedycunt 1134-8513-0856
Hello everyone, hope it's not dead hours yet. I'm doing a giveaway of love ball mawile and dream ball buneary. Each one will have at least 5IVs and will be female. To get one send up a disc with the message "dingle dangle" and reply to this post.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
i want ha snorlax in heavy ball but im not asking since i cant afford to board the 12.5 ha train >_<
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 03:59:07 No. 17724677 Report >>17724491 Hooray my body is ready.
Quoted By:
>>17724647 Will snag a mawile. Disc is up
>>17724647 Dingled by disk up
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Quoted By:
>>17724652 You can't have HA pokemon in apricorn balls.
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster)
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:00:21 No. 17724704 Report >>17724491 When you get a few more, I'd like one.
>>17724652 >i want HA snorlax in a heavy ball that's illegal
Quoted By:
>>17724647 Putting one up for Buneary
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:00:51 No. 17724716 Report >>17724625 Do you want one from
>>17724491 ?I'm still breeding them, I'll have more in a second.
>>17724677 But I don't want your body, I only want your disc.
I already have a body of a model
in my closet. Jay
Quoted By:
>>17724647 mawile pls, putting a disc up thanks
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:01:12 No. 17724722 Report >>17724639 wow how many chicas have you bred? you could fill a pokebank with em
KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
Quoted By:
>>17724700 Oops forgot to put up my IGN
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:02:10 No. 17724751 Report >>17724716 Well my disc is up for you right now. It's super hard.
>>17724647 After this mon I'll be putting up another disc for a mawile.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17724647 I would love a love ball mawile. Putting up a disc. Thanks!
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster)
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:02:19 No. 17724756 Report >>17724716 see
>>17724704 Yeah, that's cool.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17724716 Rynn, keeping bodies in closets is generally frowned upon. Basements are a much better choice. Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17724712 once again i prove that i shouldnt stay that late, derped again.
if its just female with random ability then np can breed those all day
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17724722 I lost track around 1000 and that was last weekend. I have no idea to be honest but I'm determined!
I now have 16 females! I think I gave everyone on /vp/ one already though.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:04:20 No. 17724793 Report >>17724751 K-Keelana-sama!
>>17724756 Well put up a disc then!
>>17724758 No basement where I live, closets only. I have a super-cold balcony though. 10 inches of snow out there. KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
>>17724639 >See Chikorita >Can't help but think about that guy here who inbred chikoritas and traded them to his other game so he could battle himself and fap to the thought of Meganium eating her own children Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster)
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:05:31 No. 17724812 Report Quoted By:
>>17724793 Disc going up now, its name is NigglyWiggly
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:05:43 No. 17724817 Report Quoted By:
>>17724647 Got a disc up for a Mawile. Thanks!
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:07:22 No. 17724854 Report >>17724762 You really want to breed heavy ball Snorlax?
I just hatched a box and got a female if you want one.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17724802 If that was recently it was probably my Chikorita too. I...I don't know how to cope.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:07:29 No. 17724857 Report Quoted By:
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17724793 Well, I guess if you have no other option... Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:08:26 No. 17724875 Report >>17724775 its okay you'll get em outta there soon ;-;
ill take another one actually, female
>>17724802 oh god
does anyone have that timetohavenightmares chikorita image? its pretty obligatory here
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17724854 I'm actually sitting on two lady Snorlaxes right now.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17724875 why didn't I post this instead? (Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17724879 Don't mind if I have one of them?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17724854 sure ill breed couple, just finishing this 5 iv zorua first
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:11:03 No. 17724925 Report >>17724647 I'd like a dingle dangle Buneary
KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
>>17724855 No it was when he was younger playing Gold and Silver someone saved his greentext story.
But I'll take a chikorita off your hands for my own breeding
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:11:30 No. 17724935 Report >>17724919 Get a disc up and I'll send it to you
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17724903 Sure, is your Disc up?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:12:18 No. 17724948 Report >395 hours clocked into the game >still take a cab in lumiose whenever I need to find anything yyyep.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17724940 It will be in a few seconds.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:12:42 No. 17724956 Report anyone have a spare pomeg berry?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17724875 Chiko sent!
>>17724926 Oh phew. Put up a disc then!
I almost want to read it actually. Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:13:07 No. 17724965 Report Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster)
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:13:11 No. 17724967 Report Quoted By:
>>17724948 You're not alone, Rynn.
>>17724948 I take the cab to things on the same street. I don't know my way around.
Still have 3 Friend Ball Larvitars and 5 Moon Ball Sneasels if anyone wants any. Finally got the IV spread I wanted
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:13:42 No. 17724980 Report >>17724956 FINALLY SOMEONE WANTS MUH BERRIES
Put up a disc for a disc.
>>17721197 could i have one?
ign matthew
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:14:50 No. 17725002 Report Quoted By:
>>17724971 >it will be 700! But since your so fashionable today it'll be 350! >well shit I took a cab to the other side of the street >again Yeah. I know that feel.
Quoted By:
anyone have a spare baltoy?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Tony 2509-2454-7996
>>17724972 I put up a disc for a Moon Ball Sneasel. Thanks!
Vinland the greedycunt 1134-8513-0856
>>17724925 Hey, I think you accidentally left a lucky egg on this luvdisc
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:16:15 No. 17725033 Report Quoted By:
>>17724896 >>17724965 perfect
and thanks for the chico!
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:16:16 No. 17725034 Report >>17725007 Snorlax is sent. Have fun with the ridiculous hatch time and terrible male:female ratio.
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:16:29 No. 17725043 Report >>17724999 Sure thing I only have 9 boxes left.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:17:29 No. 17725065 Report >>17724980 cool, disc is up. and how much hp will it take away? need to lower 2 ivs from hp
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:17:31 No. 17725066 Report >>17725026 No, I don't think I did.
It's yours now Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17725066 Thanks for the PP UP too btw <3 so generous.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:18:10 No. 17725076 Report >>17725065 Dude, I have no idea.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17725034 im gonna regret that isnt it ?
luckily i have lots of friends,randoms on my list i can steal hatching power from
Vinland the lucky egg 1134-8513-0856
>>17725066 Okay thanks man <3
Quoted By:
>>17725023 Sent. Might do Sports ball Scyther or rebreed that Lure ball tallow, idunno.
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17724954 Sent. Are you planning on breeding? I can also give you a male to breed Pursuit over Fissure.
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:21:04 No. 17725140 Report Quoted By:
>>17725075 >>17725114 No problem. I occasionally like sweetening the deals.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:21:50 No. 17725160 Report Quoted By:
KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
>>17724963 I'll try and find it, I saw the picture of that thread and story last night when we were talking about /vp/'s not so great times.
Thanks for the Chika by the way!
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17725136 Yeah, I'm starting to get tired of breeding Aipom at the moment.
Let me get the girl first and you can sent me a trade or whatever.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17725168 You're welcome and it's okay if you don't! Don't stress yourself out if you can't find it.
>No trading partner can be found. Please try again later! Even the game doesn't want my Chikorita anymore.
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster)
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:25:58 No. 17725233 Report >>17725195 If you're looking to get rid of an Aipom...
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17724551 Alright, I cloned it.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:28:55 No. 17725278 Report Four female shinx with egg moves and in a moon ball up for grabs, before I'm off to bed!
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Quoted By:
>>17725278 I'll take one. putting a disc up
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:31:37 No. 17725350 Report Quoted By:
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:31:51 No. 17725354 Report Quoted By:
>>17725278 I'll take one, got a disc up
Quoted By:
>>17721472 could i get an absol?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
FREE BABIES x2 moon ball absols x14 love ball mareeps (modest, 4-5IV probably) x5 love ball snubbulls Reply and throw up a disc if you want one!!!
>>17725431 You ever wonder what happens when you fuse mara with other personas? Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:37:32 No. 17725473 Report >>17725431 ill take a female snubull if you have
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Thanks Yukari for the Pursuit male. Now it's time to get on the Lax train
>>17725233 Got an extra pentaperfect to give away if you're still here.
>>17725431 i'd love an absol disc is up
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:38:02 No. 17725486 Report >>17725259 I think you have me on Aquantances, right?
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:38:02 No. 17725487 Report Quoted By:
>>17725431 >Dick Chariot I'm ashamed to say it took me a moment to get it.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
>>17725431 I'll take a love ball mareep. Putting up a disc. Thanks!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17725431 >Mara I'm laughing so hard right now. Mara needs to be our mascot. Lime 3883-5402-8331
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster)
Michael 1435-4428-8573 ICE(Snorunt, Beartic, Cloyster) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:39:02 No. 17725512 Report Quoted By:
>>17725481 Still here, disc going up.
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
Quoted By:
>>17725505 someone make Mara's head a Luvdisc
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17725431 Discing for Snubbull, thanks.
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245 Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:40:50 No. 17725544 Report >>17725431 Throwing up a disc for Snubbull
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:41:36 No. 17725558 Report >>17725509 Just send a trade request whenever, then.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17725558 Alright, gimme a sec here.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17725431 Female Moon Ball Absol please!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:46:19 No. 17725654 Report Allrighty, moonlions sent. I'm off to bed. Have a good night/day guys!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17725654 What moonlions? :o
Quoted By:
>>17725662 Moon ball shinx.
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:48:05 No. 17725675 Report >>17725566 Thanks so much!
>Charizardite Y It's like you knew I have X.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17725473 >>17725482 >>17725490 >>17725539 >>17725586 Sent!
>>17725469 >>17725505 Been so long since I've played a Persona game. I've heard that there's one coming out for 3DS at some point though. Hype!
>>17725544 Is your disc up/did it get sniped?
Castiel 4055 3393 6072
>>17723803 Hey kish im available right now! let me know if you're there so i can give you your cyndaquil!
>>17725654 Night!
>>17725675 Must...resist...making joke.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17725675 It just happened to be the item she was holding, heh. I'm glad you're happy.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:50:57 No. 17725734 Report >>17725683 Yep, I'm here! These sneasels all want to be male so the best female I have for you is 5IV, missing defense. Just initiate a trade with me when you're ready.
Speaking of, I have 6 dream ball sneasel ladies to give out to people, so just slap up a disc and tell me.
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245 Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:52:29 No. 17725763 Report >>17725682 No. Internet hiccup. Sorry, disc is up now
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17725682 Thanks!
>>17725676 Want!
Also, does anyone have an extra female Sport Ball Scyther/Pinsir and/or Friend Ball Roselia?
>>17725682 Really? That's kind of surprising since they've always been a sony mainstay. Was it one of the other SMT series?
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17725763 I would love one. Putting up a disc. Thanks
Gui 4210-4586-7945 SV {1119}
>>17724972 Can I have a Friend Ball Larvitar?
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
I have a few specific pokemon I'm looking for if anyone could get me any of these female with any iv's at all I would really appreciate it. I was really hoping to get a heavy ball phanpy, weezing, or larvitar. Also a fast ball growlithe would be amazing
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17725734 putting up a disc. thanks
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Last chance for tonight to get yourself a female nest ball Chikorita!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17725763 Sent!
>>17725773 Nope, it's Persona. Just looked it up again, its called Persona Q and it looks like a spinoff.
I have SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked, got it for Christmas. Haven't played it yet though since I'm still preoccupied with pokemon..
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17725812 Okay! I don't want to miss my last chance.
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 04:57:01 No. 17725842 Report Quoted By:
>>17725688 I don't get it. It did remind me about this, though.
Gui 4210-4586-7945 SV {1119}
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17725837 I have dozens of them. I just need to stop MMing and go to bed for tonight for my sanity's sake. ;_;
Put up that disc~!
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:00:29 No. 17725921 Report >>17725893 Are you MMing for a female or just any Chiko?
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:00:46 No. 17725930 Report >>17725812 YO LEMME GRAB ONE
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>Go to first page of /vp/ >Photo of a copy of X sitting on top of someone's ballsack Welp.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17725820 SMT is one of my favorite series. Gui 4210-4586-7945 SV {1119}
Quoted By:
>>17725935 Thank you based Cosmic-sama.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17725954 I absolutely loved Persona 3, so I expect SMT is gonna be pretty good too. I just have a problem with playing two games at once... I'm not sure why
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17725932 >leaving this thread That was your first mistake.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17725921 Any Chiko but Chiko refuses to be fall colored.
>>17725932 I...I...I thought it was a weird sand table Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17721934 Yes, please! If you're still in the thread, please. IGN is Anthony
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:06:12 No. 17726050 Report Quoted By:
>>17725994 EATING CHICOS
IS MY FETISH and thanks for everything dudes, im out
ill give out some more SR Pawniard later, it might not be Knock Off but its still a bank move I think
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17724972 Can I have both?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17726027 >>17726017 I thought it was a weird pillow.
Never again Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:07:51 No. 17726080 Report Still have 6 dream ball sneasels with HA left. Anyone interested?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17726065 I went on the main page 10minutes ago, I'm glad I didn't see.
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>>17724972 I'll take a larvitar, putting a disc up now
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17725992 SMT includes Persona, at least over here. Main SMT series doesn't have the social link aspect, or at least not anything in depth. Just a warning if you enjoyed that part. Still definitely worth a look. Overclocked is a TRPG. All of the Devil Survivor games are. Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Does anyone have sport ball krabby? I'm willing to suck dick for one.
Don't have much to give away, but I have 3 spare Dream Ball HA Murkrows.
Fornazari 4596 9589 2434 (Kakuna, Venomoth, Muk)
Fornazari 4596 9589 2434 (Kakuna, Venomoth, Muk) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:11:40 No. 17726145 Report IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17726117 Disc up for Larvitar!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17726118 When I was asking for a game for Christmas there were just so many, I wasn't sure what to choose. I did really enjoy the social links... So Overclocked isn't part of the main correct? Does it have social links, then?
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:12:08 No. 17726155 Report >>17726121 That's an illegal combo.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
>>17726080 I do.
Going to MM for that pink lemonade shiny.
>>17725954 Mine too. Neutral master race. Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17726145 Looking out for your disc!
>>17726144 I'll take one! Disc going up~
>>17726148 Got the last one. And why am I suddenly Cosmic-Sama
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245 Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:14:09 No. 17726190 Report Quoted By:
>>17726144 >>17726172 Sorry, here's my IGN
Quoted By:
>>17726154 Persona's just a spin off if that's what you're referring to by main. Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Quoted By:
>>17725734 >>17726080 I'd love one! Putting up a disc!
Fornazari 4596 9589 2434 (Kakuna, Venomoth, Muk)
Fornazari 4596 9589 2434 (Kakuna, Venomoth, Muk) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:15:28 No. 17726214 Report Quoted By:
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17726160 It pains me to think that I could've MMed my sneasel in a dream ball, but oh well. Still love this girl
Ellis !!j35jx41L0ld
Quoted By:
>>17726155 Shit, you're right.
how about fast ball krabby?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17726175 Cosmic-sama, thank you so much!
Putting up a disc for Sneasel
Fornazari 4596 9589 2434 (Kakuna, Venomoth, Muk)
Fornazari 4596 9589 2434 (Kakuna, Venomoth, Muk) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:17:34 No. 17726252 Report Quoted By:
>>17726168 done, just posted the luvdisc
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17726154 Pretty much the only ones with Social Links are Persona 3/4 and Devil Survivor 2, though that one has very simplified ones. Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17726257 I suppose simplified is alright.
I liked the fact that you could date characters Fornazari 4596 9589 2434 (Kakuna, Venomoth, Muk)
Fornazari 4596 9589 2434 (Kakuna, Venomoth, Muk) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:19:45 No. 17726287 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a Totodile in a Lure Ball? my IGN is Fornazari
Tony 2509-2454-7996
>>17726144 putting a disc up. thanks!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17726289 Dang. Gotta catch more discs.
Fucking finally. Had to wade through 40 dongs to get her, but any breeder who wants to hop on the train, I've got your hefty harlot
>>17726270 That's just P3/4. The other SMT games are much less forgiving than those as well. Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17726270 >Focusing on dating while the world is ending/already ended It's hard to find dates when everyone is dead. Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17726319 oh god pls gib. IGN is cory, disking up if that's ok
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17726319 Oh man. I hope I can handle it.
Also, 40 snordicks? That's horrid. Did you get any other non-thick fat females in that though?
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
>>17726319 I can help.
>>17726342 Doesn't help that you usually kill your friends as well. IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17726289 Disc back up for MOON BALL Sneasel.
Thank you Kish for Dream Ball Sneasel though :D
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:25:31 No. 17726383 Report >>17726319 When did we get Heavy Ball Snorlax?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17726342 >not falling in love with a beautiful husbando corpse Okay, that's a bit much for me, admittedly Yukari 1564-3308-0858
I've got 3 lady Snorlaxes, 2 have Fissure and the other has Pursuit. Any takers?
>>17726383 Felix got it earlier today.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17726402 I'll take one. Pursuit preferred, but fissure is fine too.
>>17726356 Gonna help spread them? We've only got a couple people breeding and distributing it right now, so I'm kind of not handing out the few we have to people who are just going to squat on them
>>17726371 I actually got one immunity before realizing I didn't change the egg moves properly, so I had to reload >>17726383 Few hours ago
>>17726402 There's like 3 people above you
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:27:24 No. 17726417 Report
>>17726417 Yeah, she's got heavy as well
Quoted By:
>>17726382 Done. Imma sleep now
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:28:40 No. 17726443 Report >>17726382 Oh god sorry, I thought you asked me for one. I must have misread. Shows I should pay more attention to what I'm doing.
Carver 0345-0630-9278
Does anyone here have a Skill Link Minccino w/ Aqua Tail laying around? It would save me a lot of time.
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:29:10 No. 17726453 Report Quoted By:
>>17726429 I'd like one, then.
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17726356 >>17726408 >>17726417 Disc up, one of them needs to relearn Fissure (if that's important to you).
IGN:Esther 4742-5558-9172 (Teddiursa/Kecleon/Smeargle)
IGN:Esther 4742-5558-9172 (Teddiursa/Kecleon/Smeargle) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:29:56 No. 17726471 Report Anybody got a tepig. Preferably with sucker punch and superpower. Also have a ton of dream ball petilil if anyone still needs those.
Quoted By:
>>17726290 Sorry I was away for a bit. Just sent it.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17726460 Disc is up. Thank you!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17726443 Hey it's cool. :D
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17726413 Is Whirlwind preferred? Should I breed that in?
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:32:15 No. 17726514 Report Quoted By:
>>17726404 >>17726413 Neat. I'll ride the Snorlax dong train if we're still breeding them tomorrow.
>>17726501 Whirlwind is good for a sleeptalklax build so people can't set up on it
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17726379 Some of them really deserve it, though. >>17726388 I mean, some of the demons are husbando/waifu tier. Unfortunately, you can't actually date them. Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
I think i'm gonna check out for the night. Hopefully talk to ya'll tomorrow!
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:33:57 No. 17726541 Report I have a bunch of leftovers I would like to clear outta my boxes. All female. x5 love ball chinchou x7 love ball horsea x3 HA dream ball sneasels x3 heavy ball miltank x2 love ball whismur x2 love ball heracross x1 love ball caterpie I like pink balls, if you're curious.
Carver 0345-0630-9278
>>17726533 I'll go put up a Luvdisc. Thanks!
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:34:57 No. 17726560 Report Quoted By:
>>17726541 I too am a lover of pink balls. Horsea please. Disc up.
>>17726541 Oh man, I'm missing like all of those bar caterpie
Quoted By:
>>17726541 Disc's up for miltank, I'll wait before double dipping
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>>17726541 I'm going to put up a disc for Miltank. Afterwards I would like a Horsea too, please. Thanks!
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>Two batches of Snorlax >Female appears during the last one >The female has Thick Fat. Alright, now we're going places. I even got a 6IV Thick Fat Male out of it as well.
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
Quoted By:
>>17726541 I'll grab the Caterpie.
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:36:50 No. 17726602 Report Quoted By:
>>17726567 Yeah I introduced all of these to the thread, but nobody seemed terribly interested in most of them last night. I gave away 6 love ball gastlys too but they havent seemed to have gotten bred anymore, so if they are wanted I might have to breed more.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17726541 May I get a love ball chinchou? putting up a disc. Thanks!
IGN:Esther 4742-5558-9172 (Teddiursa/Kecleon/Smeargle)
IGN:Esther 4742-5558-9172 (Teddiursa/Kecleon/Smeargle) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:37:40 No. 17726615 Report >>17726590 Thank you very much kind sir. Needed it for my next masuda project after these darn petilils.
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245 Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:38:39 No. 17726635 Report Quoted By:
>>17726541 I've neglected Horsea for far too long. I'll grab one, please
Disc going up now
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
Quoted By:
>>17726553 It's sent. Thanks for the Candy.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
>>17726516 >pentaperfect This makes everything easier.
I'm going to fill up 5 boxes and see how many fatdicks I get.
>>17726541 Disc going up for heracross.
>>17726615 I released a shiny petilil without realizing it yesterday. Only reason I figured it out was my pokedex has the shiny sprite registered Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:39:36 No. 17726656 Report Quoted By:
>>17726541 >I want all of them. But that ain't happening. I'll take a sneasel
IGN:Esther 4742-5558-9172 (Teddiursa/Kecleon/Smeargle)
IGN:Esther 4742-5558-9172 (Teddiursa/Kecleon/Smeargle) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:40:49 No. 17726678 Report >>17726653 oh god I can't imagine the pain. But now i'm going to check my dex before releasing/wondertrading a box. Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>>17726615 No problem, also I put up a disc for a Petilil
>>17726641 HA, was it? Mine's only 31/31/31/xx/31/xx, though arguably that's just fine since snorlax isn't outspeeding any time soon
IGN:Esther 4742-5558-9172 (Teddiursa/Kecleon/Smeargle)
IGN:Esther 4742-5558-9172 (Teddiursa/Kecleon/Smeargle) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:42:51 No. 17726719 Report IGN:Esther 4742-5558-9172 (Teddiursa/Kecleon/Smeargle)
IGN:Esther 4742-5558-9172 (Teddiursa/Kecleon/Smeargle) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:43:54 No. 17726731 Report >>17726690 >>17726719 Preemptive confirmation. It was sniped
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Quoted By:
>>17726698 It was a heavy ball snorlax.
It could outspeed other snorlaxes and slowbros. IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:44:51 No. 17726749 Report >>17726731 >>17726690 Sorry that was me just looking for luvdisc petilils.
Quoted By:
>>17726678 The hell of it is, I was doing that for the first two boxes, then someone made a request for a quick ball yamask so hurried to get the req filled and just didn't check my box well enough. Bred the thing real quick, hopped on GTS and that overwrote the save. Such is life
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Quoted By:
>>17726749 >>17726731 Its fine the one I got is dream ball and I wanted it for the pokedex anyways.
IGN: Zee
>>17726541 can I get one of those sneasels?
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Hey, everyone, whats cooking
>>17726319 Got another one, any more breeders willing to hop on board the heavy ball snorlax train?
>>17726541 I'll snag that last sneasel since the replies seem to have slowed
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:51:25 No. 17726846 Report >>17726828 Sure just put up a disc.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17726840 oh boy, heavy ball snorlax, I'll help
Quoted By:
>>17726846 Discing for Horsea now, thank you!
IGN: Zee
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 05:53:53 No. 17726883 Report Quoted By:
>>17726541 I think you still have one heracross. I'm gonna put up a disc.
>>17726860 Get online, it's yours
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17726839 Hi Duxie.
God, I've been breeding for stuff from Reddit all day and it's exhausting. I want to stop and just breed stuff for vp ;_;
IGN: Zee
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17726413 of course dude, as soon as I'm done with these totodiles I'm working on I'm gonna breed this thing till it chafes all over
>>17726928 Didn't recognize the OT. Pretty sure Yukari tossed one your way though, if not my next one's yours
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17726887 it sorta bothers me that we have all these different movesets floating around
>>17726928 >>17726940 yes, I sent Cory one
Quoted By:
>>17726954 I just kicked the same set the dream ball ones had + counter since the others just had 3 egg moves, but yeah. Kind of wanted to get these out there pretty quick to avoid too much of a difference.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17726954 I suppose I should thank you then! I didn't expect that IV spread, that was maximum overkill
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
Quoted By:
>>17726983 honestly, I don't even remember which one I gave you, but you're welcome
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Anyone anywhere got a Love Ball Lapras?
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17726888 hey apple, do you need anything from here?,
also, there are 4 dream ball snubbull for the taking along with these leftovers,
moon ball marill
love ball dratini
safari nidoran
love ball mawile
dream ball ha remoraid
dream ball ha cottonee
heavy rhyhorn
moon ball misdreavus
Quoted By:
>>17727058 can i snag one of those snubbulls? ign is Brian
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Quoted By:
>>17727058 I'll take the Misdreavus if no one else wants it
Quoted By:
>>17727058 I'll snag that dratini, dt or disc?
>>17727057 Rosa, but it hasn't been bred yet.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17727058 can i get one of those heavy rhyhorns? putting up a disc. thanks!
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Quoted By:
>>17727058 I'm missing the HA Cottonee. :3 Thanks, I'll disc up?
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17727058 I would really appreciate a rhyhorn if you could spare one.
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Quoted By:
>>17727108 Well at least I know it exists. Since Pokebank is coming
never ;_; and that's the last apricorn thing I want.
I'm so bored of dick eevees, I want this to stop.
Does anyone have any spare Totodiles in Dive Balls? On the off chance anyone has one, I put a disc up, cheers.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Quoted By:
>>17727058 I'll take a snubbull.
>>17727225 Thanks so much!
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
Alright, I'm stupid lucky and stupid careless. I've got another lady Lax, but I wasn't paying attention and she has Double-Edge instead of Whirlwind. The ones Regalia are breeding have Pursuit/Counter/Whirlwind/Curse. Disc up if this doesn't bother you.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17727306 that was the best one I had that was female. I just started an hour or 2 ago. I'm actually MM'ing too because I have a 6 IV japanese greninja. I've got a few more females if people want to disk up for a dive ball totodile
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 06:26:53 No. 17727362 Report >>17727335 I would like that snorlax, it doesn't bother me. I got a disc up.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
How many people are breeding Heavy Ball Snorlax anyway (Other than Yukari, Regalia, and Mike)? I'm currently trying to get another female to improve the overall IV worth in Lax eggs.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard
IGN Keelana 0903-2976-8109 Mightyena Cacturne Liepard Thu 30 Jan 2014 06:31:40 No. 17727436 Report >>17727413 I'll help with breeding once I'm done mm'ing my Petilil.
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17727362 And she's yours.
Got another she-Lax with the same set. My next batch will have Whirlwind.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17727436 Good luck on that. I probably go back to MM'ing Aipom after this.
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 06:39:18 No. 17727535 Report >>17727058 Mind if I snipsnap that Remoraid?
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Dammit RNG, I want a petilil, not this4th shiny from breeding for these threads
>>17727548 Forgot my image
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Serena 0516-8677-2585 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Thu 30 Jan 2014 06:42:40 No. 17727563 Report Flash
Quoted By:
>>17727555 I believed you anyway. That's the second Snorlax today.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17727555 Do you have the Shiny Charm or what? You're having way more luck than me when it comes to getting shinies.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
>>17727413 I am as well. Have three boxes of eggs filled up so far.
meta matic 5043-2724-7922
anybody have a safari ball HA nidoran female? putting up disc with hopes for getting one
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17727413 i am breeding snorlax as well when i return in around 16 hours
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17727555 Oh yeah nice trips
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17727581 Do you guys fill up boxes and then hatch the eggs after?
I always fill up my party, and then lumiose after each batch.
>>17727576 I do, yeah
>>17727563 31/31/xx/xx/31/31
>>17727613 Depends on egg hatch time. Long hatches I fill a box and roll out, short hatch times I just run the bike trail.
Quoted By:
>>17727639 Oh, and it also depends on if there's a bunch in distro or not. If there's not that many, like with these, I just grab a party and hit the city
>>17727592 That's not a legal combination, so it may be tough for you to find.
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditite, Hariyama, Pancham)
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditite, Hariyama, Pancham) Thu 30 Jan 2014 06:49:54 No. 17727670 Report Hey guys, I put two Luvdiscs up. Is possible if someone could send me an iron fist Chimchar and a Porygon? Thanks again!
>>17727548 I have a shiny Petlil. Caught in the wild and it had a Modest nature.
It's stuck in White 2 ;_; Anyways, anyone want some Moon Ball Sneasels while I'm here?
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Quoted By:
>>17727613 I fill my boxes up if I have two perfect parents. If I don't, then I hatch them by batches until I get one.
>>17727672 nice. You'll get her some day.
>>17726653 is the dumbest thing I've ever done in one of these games.
I think that was the OP spoiler as well (Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17727639 Well fuck. Hopefully my shiny charm start working really soon. I want my shiny monkey in the near future.
Also I just hatch a female Heavy Ball Lax after two/three batches since the last one. Fucking Immunity.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17727548 I know that feel man. Getting shinies while breeding foe this thread
sometomes but not when I'm MMing
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditite, Hariyama, Pancham)
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditite, Hariyama, Pancham) Thu 30 Jan 2014 06:53:01 No. 17727708 Report >>17727670 lol just realized you cant put two discs up. my bad, so just a chimchar would be nice
meta matic 5043-2724-7922
>>17727660 i'm confused, why isn't it a legal combination?
Quoted By:
>>17727694 That's pretty rough. The only thing I've done like that is when I was EV training for Defense, I realized that there was a shiny Durant in the pack only after I had clicked Surf. I watched it die, horrified, and checked my dex to make sure it was actually a shiny. It was.
Thankfully, I managed to MM a shiny Sneasel today, but it's a guy, so I can't think of a good name for it.
>>17727714 Hidden Abilities weren't released until Gen V. Safari Balls weren't in Gen V.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Anyone have a spare heavy ball Snorlax they can throw my way so I can hop aboard the train?
Quoted By:
>>17727735 damn it, well thanks for telling me ahead of time
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
Aeolus 0404-7289-7124
>>17726541 Still have any sneasels left?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17727785 >Snorlax >Whirlwind I had no idea..
Quoted By:
im looking for HA snorunt, im leaving my ludvisc thanks in advice
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Thu 30 Jan 2014 07:10:25 No. 17727914 Report Quoted By:
>>17727790 Ah, sorry no, all of them were claimed by someone. Sorry.
>>17727892 sleeptalklax. Stop people setting up on you in case rng knocks you pretty good and you sleep talk rest a few times.
>>17727912 >implying this isn't what the cool kids do Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17727924 >cool kids Flash pls.
Demian 2079-6715-9293
>>17727941 We tried to get 600 posts last night, and we did.
>>17727948 654.
700 or bust Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17727915 I was trying to come up with a reason to how Snorlax could use whirlwind. Best thing I could come up with was farting..
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17727941 I had to make one last night because I stopped in right before I went to sleep and the thread was on page 7 with no talk of a new thread.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17727993 >going for 700 during dead hours IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
Wow what's happening? Why do I need to scroll down so much?
>>17728037 but 700 during normal hours would just be business as usual
>>17728037 >trying to lessen our achievement Yukari 1564-3308-0858
Quoted By:
>>17727892 I have extra if you don't care for Whirlwind
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
Does anyone have any extra females of the following: Sport Ball Scyther Friend Ball Roselia Level Ball Kangaskhan Thanks in advance!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17728045 >>17728047 Next time I'll let the thread 404, then.
Before I forget, anyone need a Modest or Adamant Synch? I'm about to release them.
I was getting ready to mm buneary, and then I got wonder traded one in a love ball and I couldn't resist. I bred my first 5IV awhile ago, but I haven't quite figured out how to make the jump to 6IV. Do I just breed and pray for the 6th?
>>17728066 Obviously it won't 404.
Someone will save it.
Demian 2079-6715-9293
>>17728093 Who will be the chosen one?
The thread needs like 60-70 post to hit the 700.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
I've been lurking the WFG for a whole day now and this elusive other Lime hasn't shown up. Could it be it was all a hoax?
>>17728121 Yeah, but the board is dead. There's not much competition pushing us away.
I'll be asleep by the time our savior arrives, whoever he or she may be.
>>17728135 You're the other Lime.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17728093 Not this one, but I have no idea if the people in the one last night were even paying attention to which page we were on. I didn't see anyone that usually starts threads posting at all, nor was there any discussion of post count or page numbers.
>>17728135 Silly Lime, everyone is you anyway.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17728138 B-But...I've never posted in WFG. WHAT IS THIS?
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 07:31:53 No. 17728151 Report Quoted By:
>>17728082 Yes and no. When using an Everstone and Destiny Knot combo, one stat is going to be randomly generated. Breeding 2 hexaperfects only guaranees 5IVs with a 1/32 chance of a hexaperfect.
Destiny Knot and a Power item makes it more likely to get 6IVs, with a slightly better than 1/6 chance, at the cost of not guaranteeing a Nature.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17728143 I feel like I should learn how to start new threads.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728143 Well I know I'm everyone but what if there is someone out there pretending to be me and it's NOT me?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17728157 It's easy. Just copypaste the first post, change the spoiler, add a Luvdisc picture, and put the title on
complete with new edition of your choice .
>>17728165 That'd be silly, though.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17728185 Oh, and change the Previous Thread link, of course.
After that, you just link the new thread in the old one.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728185 But what if someone is pretending to be me and I think it's not me but it was me all along?
Quoted By:
>>17728213 bro i know that feelin
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17728210 We need to go see the therapist again then. Tomorrow 7am, I've already booked it.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Anyone want any of these? Breeding extras 2x Lure Heracross 2x Dive HA Krabby 2x Heavy Shellder 1x Dive Kabuto 1x Moon Cleffa 3x Heavy Miltank 1x Lure Taillow 4x Dream HA Wooper 4x Safari Scyther
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728213 That sounds reasonable.
>>17728231 Pls no
She makes me do things.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17728231 Why do you book it so early? I hate getting up that early. Especially since I go to sleep late.
>>17728242 But we missed the last appointment. Sort of.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17728241 I honestly probably need most of those.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17728252 You think I don't know? It's to make us sleep early.... *bursts out laughing*
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Thu 30 Jan 2014 07:43:07 No. 17728266 Report Quoted By:
>>17728241 The Kabuto has an HA, right?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728259 Only by a mere two hours. We got ice cream. Remember?
>>17728252 I agree with me.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
>>17728241 @3@, I would like a dive krabby, heavy miltank and dream wooper :3
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17728241 lure heracross plz?
Paluchi 3110-4466-5930
Quoted By:
>>17728241 Can I get a wooper yo
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Who need/wants a female Heavy Ball Snorlax? Got a female and I'm ready to hit the sack soon.
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Quoted By:
>>17728241 I'll take a Taillow
>>17728269 What kind was it?
I searched through a bunch of WFG archives, and I've yet to see a single person impersonate us.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
Quoted By:
>>17728241 I'll take the last heracross.
Castiel 4055 3393 6072
Quoted By:
>>17728241 can i have the cleffa! :) Disc up
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17728284 I can help distribute after dinner.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728287 Rynn brought it up I think. Saying something about my wifi being shoddy. Is our wifi shoddy?
>>17728303 No, it says "Lima". Lima is in the tripcode of another user (named Andrew, or something), but people call him Lima.
Quoted By:
>>17728303 But, our wifi has been kinda crappy tonight.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17728303 Hard to tell since we're trading with ourselves.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17728299 Cool, come and get it before I fall asleep.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728321 It's hard to keep track of this many 3DSs...
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Just throw up a disc, whoever wants something.
>>17728270 Duxie, I'll just send you a tr after I get these kids.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17728322 It's up
>>17728332 Did we buy or steal all these 3DS's?
>>17728332 I don't know if we should kill him. That seems a bit crazy. Can't we just sit here and talk to ourselves some more?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17728332 I'm always up for killing.
I know. How did we get enough money for this many 3DS'/games?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728339 >>17728350 Bought...steal...what's the difference?
>>17728342 The time for talking is done. The time for action is now.
>>17728339 >>17728350 >>17728360 I guess it's confirmed. We're a psychotic, murderous thief.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17728241 thank you so much! I've been meaning to breed heracross for some time now and I was waiting for bank (ha!) to get a lure ball female. The fact that it's 5 IV makes it incredible.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17728241 >Shellder Discing up
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728368 What have I been telling me this whole time?
Paluchi 3110-4466-5930
>>17727708 >Shanks Sent your a tekken monkey out bro
>>17728380 We don't know what! You never like listening to me.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17728339 Done. Good luck with Lax, you'll be on it for a good while
gender ratio is bullshit, plain&simple Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728384 Sometimes I wanna listen to the TV but I keep talking to me over the show!
>>17728405 There isn't even anything good on TV right now. We should be sleeping.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17728368 Shhhhh.
If you tell anyone, you get in trouble too, accomplice~ Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728413 Sleeping is hard cause we keep hearing noises and we keep assuming it's zombies. I-It's not, right?
meta matic 5043-2724-7922
anyone have an eevee I can have? HP ice preferred but not necessary
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditite, Hariyama, Pancham)
Shanks 1762-3729-0358 (Meditite, Hariyama, Pancham) Thu 30 Jan 2014 07:57:22 No. 17728427 Report Quoted By:
>>17728381 Oh wow! Thank you so much bro, made my day!
>>17728418 Aren't you obligated to report us?
>>17728424 No, of course not. Totally unrelated though, we should probably lock the doors.
meta matic 5043-2724-7922
Quoted By:
>>17728425 also looking for chinchou
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728435 Yeah, we probably should. T-Totally unrelated. BUT WHAT ABOUT GHOSTS?
>>17728425 I definitely do not have anything HP bred. But besides that, all you want is an Eevee?
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Still searching hard for a fast ball growlithe. It's the favorite pokemon of my roommate and he'd shit
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17728446 Hopefully not the bed since you room with him.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17728435 >obligated Why would I be?
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17728476 well we do sleep about 5 feet apart. Our sleazy landlord called the basement 2 bedrooms when there's no separation at all
>>17728484 Do you not work in a psychologist's office?
>>17728443 >implying ghosts can pick locks >>17728494 Cozy.
meta matic 5043-2724-7922
>>17728444 yeah any eevee will do please
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17728510 Oh, right. I almost forgot about that. Thanks for reminding me.
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
I've got 4 Snorlaxes if someone wants one: 1 has Curse/Pursuit/Counter/Double-Edge 3 have Curse/Pursuit/Counter/Whirlwind (one of there will have to relearn egg moves)
Quoted By:
>>17728535 If these are the Heavy Ball ones, I'll take one of the ones with Whirlwind, thanks. Disc will be up in a minute.
KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
I can give you a male with the egg moves: crunch, morning sun, flare blitz, close combat but sadly no fancy ball Still looking for a female cyndaquil in a repeat ball or whatevers fancy Also new thread? We're like on page 8 I believe
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17728510 I'm a secretary. And I only work one day a week
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
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>>17728368 I can live that.
>>17728391 Thanks, I'll need it
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17728535 I'll snag one if that's ok. putting up a disc. thanks
KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
Quoted By:
>>17728541 Ack, meant to reply to
>>17728446 Demian 2079-6715-9293
It 's over guys, someone make a new thread.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17728541 >700th post is asking about new thread kek
Quoted By:
>>17728561 >not going for 800 It's like you want us to be nobodies.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17728541 I appreciate the gesture but I think I'll hold out lol.
Paluchi 3110-4466-5930
Quoted By:
>>17728535 Can I get a whirlwind one dude? Disc is up
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>>17728541 >Still looking for a female cyndaquil in a repeat ball or whatevers fancy Those are hard to come by I was breeding for one earlier and there were far too many dongs. Only worse breeding experience I've had was breeding Fennekin. Dongs, dongs everywhere!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17728337 Thanks for the Shellder!
>>17728535 I'll take a Whirlwind one as well. :o
Quoted By:
800 or bust >>17728595 Snorlax has the same ratio with a base 10240 egg hatch
>>17728514 Okay, sent you an Eevee.
Duxen 1590-5045-3007
Quoted By:
Thank you apple! XD
KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
meta matic 5043-2724-7922
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>>17721072 I found this person. I don't know why it took so long. I've had the Snorunt one for a while.