>>17737079>>17737102>>17737104Mega Evolutions should be saved for fully evolved Pokemon with DECENT stats and no redeeming features, like Mawile or Manetric.
Seriously? Giving one to Aerodactyl just 'cause? It's not even as good as its non-Mega counterpart because of Life Orb.
Garchomp and Tyranitar? What? Is this the Twilight Zone? They saw them, thought "Fuck, these things need a buff, they've been forgotten!"? Horseshit.
However much Gen1 pandering it is, and I agree completely, it is funny to see Charizard, once ridiculed as a beginners' favourite mon because Stealth Rock took half its life and it had meh stats, now having two forms that both wreck shit and are in the S Tier of OUBut seriously, I hope this is the last gen where they'll give it to shit like Gengar and Alakazam, and focus more on the truly forgotten fully evolved families like Flygon, Vileplume, Dustox, maybe crappy 1-evo mons like Camerupt as well.