POKELORD420; 1693 - 1926 - 2937 {Snover, Bergmite, Piloswine}
POKELORD420; 1693 - 1926 - 2937 {Snover, Bergmite, Piloswine} Sat 01 Feb 2014 11:08:42 No. 17771339 Report >>17771293 I don't have what you are looking for but I will put a female Timid Riolu 4iv with vacuum wave egg move, caught in a dive ball.
Look on the GTS.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771339 is it up already?
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Quoted By:
>>17771352 nevermind, check your gts
Robin 5155-3962-9391
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771368 you wanna put something up on gts or we register each other and trade?
Robin 5155-3962-9391
>>17771384 I'll shove something on the gts if that's easier for you
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771398 I wouldn't mind adding people for the sake of safaris, but it's your choice.
Anyway this thread is going by pretty slow.
Robin 5155-3962-9391
>>17771384 >>17771398 5iv houndour going up
Hey OP, I put a lvl 1 Gligar up, impish HA. Snag it quick so it doesn't get sniped by the japs. If the Swirlix could be male that would be perfect :) IGN: Tim
Skye 0473-7773-4490 (Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Skye 0473-7773-4490 (Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 01 Feb 2014 11:20:48 No. 17771419 Report >>17771293 I put a female 4Iv Jolly Mienfoo up on the GTS for you
Ign Concerto
3711-8631-5623 Psychic [Xatu] [Munna] [Espurr]
3711-8631-5623 Psychic [Xatu] [Munna] [Espurr] Sat 01 Feb 2014 11:21:09 No. 17771421 Report >>17771406 I've got a houndour, add me to trade.
Could I get one with 4/5IVs if possible?
>>17771293 still got any 5 iv sassy or adamants?
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771407 Oh, you have a Houndour! Thank you very much, kind sir.
3711-8631-5623 Psychic [Xatu] [Munna] [Espurr]
3711-8631-5623 Psychic [Xatu] [Munna] [Espurr] Sat 01 Feb 2014 11:25:06 No. 17771452 Report >>17771440 Guess you don't need mine then haha, anything else you're after?
4 IV Growlithe?
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771416 >>17771419 got you guys
>>17771421 already got a houndour but i'll still add you and get you your swirlix
>>17771423 I have them in both natures but they're unmarked
>>17771423 >sassy I meant careful or adamant.
Quoted By:
>>17771453 sweeet! Thank you man
Hope you have some use for a poison heal gliscor
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Sat 01 Feb 2014 11:26:46 No. 17771471 Report Quoted By:
You mean any Houndour, regardless of IVs or what not?
>>17771453 I dont care about iv's throw me a adamant one if you can. I put up a korean Swinub.
Its message is Based op
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771455 Pretty much got all natures but unmarked.
I only have Naughty natures marked. (3-5IVs)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode)
J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) Sat 01 Feb 2014 11:29:50 No. 17771504 Report Quoted By:
Failing that, I can put up one of any number of several 3 or 4V Cottonees that I've bred. Some may have nicknames.
Quoted By:
>>17771485 Thanks based op.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Quoted By:
>>17771477 >Pokemon has already been traded. huh
>>17771419 cant find your mienfoo
>>17771485 it got sniped. :(
Im putting up the swirlix that sniped with the message. BASED OP
Skye 0473-7773-4490 (Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Skye 0473-7773-4490 (Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 01 Feb 2014 11:34:32 No. 17771536 Report >>17771453 I think my Mienfoo was snagged
Unless you sent me a swirlix named "D" with no IV's
I'm going to put a 4Iv HA Corphish up now
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771526 >>17771536 Have fun with your Swirlixes!
3711-8631-5623 Psychic [Xatu] [Munna] [Espurr]
3711-8631-5623 Psychic [Xatu] [Munna] [Espurr] Sat 01 Feb 2014 11:39:23 No. 17771565 Report >>17771553 Could I get one?
>>17771553 >non unburden Huh.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771565 Of course! Please specify how you would like to complete this transaction
Skye 0473-7773-4490 (Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Skye 0473-7773-4490 (Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sat 01 Feb 2014 11:40:59 No. 17771577 Report Quoted By:
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771569 Sorry about that.. The adamant was probably in the junk pile of Swirlixes. How about I give you another with Unburden of an opposite gender.
3711-8631-5623 Psychic [Xatu] [Munna] [Espurr]
3711-8631-5623 Psychic [Xatu] [Munna] [Espurr] Sat 01 Feb 2014 11:43:41 No. 17771594 Report Quoted By:
>>17771573 See
>>17771452 I've added you btw
>>17771586 sweet based op. Putting back up the swirlix you gave me. same message.
I love you.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771597 Heh.. I was gonna give you another so you could breed them. I don't think I have an Adamant Unburden..
Phiphler 3540-0619-6256
Quoted By:
>>17771293 I'm putting a HA Relaxed Tangela on the GTS for you OP (it's for the assault vest set, works great).
I want to be part of this sweet deal!
>>17771611 oh. okay. then imma put up a jpn ponyta. Same message. female.
3711-8631-5623 Psychic [Xatu] [Munna] [Espurr]
3711-8631-5623 Psychic [Xatu] [Munna] [Espurr] Sat 01 Feb 2014 11:49:23 No. 17771631 Report Quoted By:
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771628 Did it get sniped by any chance? I don't seem to see it on here
>>17771646 Ya... Lets try again.
a lv 5 pansear
(nobodys gonna snipe that right?)
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771669 Got it this time. Sorry for the wasted time and confusion. I assume the adamant Swirlix I gave you was male?
Quoted By:
>>17771680 Yup. Thanks op. Sorry for the hassle.
Opti 0044-3512-5463
Going to put up a 5 IV Bagon with HA.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771693 Don't see it. Was it sniped? If so, that's fucking fast...
Opti 0044-3512-5463
>>17771702 3ds randomly dc'd.
>>17771293 I'd like one if there's any left, put up a Caterpie
Opti 0044-3512-5463
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771706 >>17771707 Have fun with your new Swirlixes! There's a lot more where that came, from by the way.
>>17771724 this swirlix tastes cunty!
Opti 0044-3512-5463
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771730 Just how you should like 'em!
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol)
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol) Sat 01 Feb 2014 12:10:12 No. 17771741 Report >>17771293 besides berries, what item works with unburden?
i'll take one of those fluffy eyesores op. i'll put up a ferroseed in gts with the msg "/vp/"
Quoted By:
>>17771737 Whats that supposed to mean
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771741 Don't see it. Sniped, by any chance? Also, I've seen people using weakness policy with it, but surely there are more items you could use.
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol)
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol) Sat 01 Feb 2014 12:16:39 No. 17771772 Report >>17771766 its still up there, the msg should be "/vp/ don't snipe"
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771772 Ok, got you. Have fun with your new Swirlix!
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol)
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol) Sat 01 Feb 2014 12:19:26 No. 17771780 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>17771730 I agree. This swirlix has a very pungent aroma.
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17771920 Luckily for you, I'm still checking up on this thread!
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Quoted By:
>>17771929 Then I'd love one. I'm putting up a Horsea if that's ok
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Sat 01 Feb 2014 12:52:38 No. 17771947 Report Quoted By:
putting up a bulbasaur. Thanks in advance man!
MIDA 1934-1759-0050 [Diggersby, Camerupt, Sandshrew]
MIDA 1934-1759-0050 [Diggersby, Camerupt, Sandshrew] Sat 01 Feb 2014 12:54:28 No. 17771955 Report >>17771293 put up a kangaskhan on the GTS with the message "/vp/ Adrian"
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Quoted By:
>>17771955 Don't see it. Sniped?
MIDA 1934-1759-0050 [Diggersby, Camerupt, Sandshrew]
MIDA 1934-1759-0050 [Diggersby, Camerupt, Sandshrew] Sat 01 Feb 2014 13:04:06 No. 17772024 Report >>17771955 got sniped, putting up a lunatone with same message
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17772024 Have fun with your new Swirlix!
I'd love one OP! I put up a Tyrunt with the message "Adrian"
MIDA 1934-1759-0050 [Diggersby, Camerupt, Sandshrew]
MIDA 1934-1759-0050 [Diggersby, Camerupt, Sandshrew] Sat 01 Feb 2014 13:08:39 No. 17772045 Report >>17772032 thanks!
mind if i trade you a 5 iv kangaskhan as a thanks for the swirlix?
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17772043 Have fun with your new Swirlix!
Quoted By:
>>17772052 I will! Thank you!
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Quoted By:
>>17772045 That's nice of you, but I already have one that I used in my team before it was "lol b&"
And there's really no need to thank me :)
Stereo 3823-8966-4108 [Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Clefairy]
Stereo 3823-8966-4108 [Kirlia, Jigglypuff, Clefairy] Sat 01 Feb 2014 13:12:26 No. 17772071 Report OP are you still around? I'm going to send a 5 IV Inkay with the message ''Adrian''
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Quoted By:
>>17772071 Have fun with your new Swirlix!
Nicky (1349-5396-5560)
>>17771293 Hi OP, I'd love a Swirlix! I'll add you to trade you a 4IV Calm Frillish directly so it won't get sniped if that's okay with you.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17772183 That's fine. Adding.
Hidden ability loudred going up on gts message Is /vp/ swirlix.
Nicky (1349-5396-5560)
>>17772200 Thank you, much appreciated.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Quoted By:
>>17772237 You're welcome,
my nigger Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17772234 Yeah! You got just what I needed!
Have fun with your new Swirlix!
Quoted By:
>>17772264 No worried man, thank you so much!
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic]
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic] Sat 01 Feb 2014 14:26:51 No. 17772727 Report Hey OP, if you still have any left I'd love one!
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17772755 And I have tons left
>>17772766 Should I add you directly or GTS? (If you wouldn't mind I'd like a female one named Kyouko. Sorry Im asking for specifics). Love you OP.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17772814 Kinda lazy right now and don't feel like putting in friend codes. Just put something up on the gts. Gonna go nickname a Swirlix.
Rocket Grunt
Send on of those delicious bastards my way OP.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17772841 There's a delicious bastard just waiting for you, just put something up on the gts and it's yours.
Rocket Grunt
>>17772841 I put a Feebass with the message "Will OP deliver" On the GTS
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic]
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic] Sat 01 Feb 2014 14:44:33 No. 17772878 Report >>17772829 Alright put up a togepi with message /vp/ (Im the same guy who wanted the nicknamed one.
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic]
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic] Sat 01 Feb 2014 14:47:25 No. 17772894 Report >>17772878 ermm well I'm trying too. It's giving me a lot of error messages.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Quoted By:
>>17772868 >>17772878 Not seeing any of you guys, sniped maybe?
Rocket Grunt
>>17772850 >>17772868 >Tfw sniped Putting the Swirlix on the GTS with the same message
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17772894 Just tell me when it's on there.
>>17772899 And OP does deliver
Rocket Grunt
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17772894 Are you still here? Kyouko's waiting for you
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic]
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic] Sat 01 Feb 2014 14:58:58 No. 17773004 Report >>17772969 I'm still here but GTS doesnt want to work for me.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17773004 How should we do this then?
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic]
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic] Sat 01 Feb 2014 15:02:11 No. 17773024 Report Quoted By:
>>17773013 I think it's just my internet. I'l add you on friend list and then whenever you happen to be on in the future I'll send you a trade. Sorry about the inconvenience.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Quoted By:
Last call for free Swirlixes! I'll go off in like 10 minutes, I've been up all night/morning to an unhealthy extent.
George 5343-8274-5372
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17773106 Great! Just tell me what you'll put on the gts and the Swirlix'll be on your way!
George 5343-8274-5372
>>17773119 would you like a HA vulpix or a bold download porygon?
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
>>17773131 Ooh, a HA Vulpix would be nice!
George 5343-8274-5372
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Quoted By:
>>17773148 Have fun with your new Swirlix!
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Quoted By:
The time for the distribution of Swirlixes will now temporarily be over! If anyone still wants one I'll be back in like half a day (if this thread is still alive)
OP I just saw this thread on mobile and have a 4 IV Female Cyndaquil I have been used for breeding. Would you be interested for 4 or 5 IV Fem Swirlix? If so, would you prefer direct trade or GTS? My FC is 4313-0765-9975 if you prefer direct trade.
Adrian 3754 6391 5976
Quoted By:
>>17773224 Luckily for you, I'm still lurking. (I really need to sleep, though)
I guess I'll add you
Quoted By:
Thank you very much! Sorry about keeping you up! it is much appreciated!
IGN: Abe FC: 3995 - 6541 - 2361
Quoted By:
>>17771293 If you're still here, I'd like one.