all the regulars are asleep but does anyone wanna help breed?
8 Love Ball Magby's up for grabs along with 8 Happy Hour Smeargles
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17773435 Depends on what you want to breed.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17773435 I'm breeding Safari Moms.
What you breeding Rosa?
>>17773439 ill take magby pls
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 15:56:07 No. 17773477 Report Quoted By:
>>17773439 I'll take a Magby! Took me forever to find this new thread.
Quoted By:
>>17773439 I'd like a Magby. Disc going up ASAP.
>>17773453 >>17773454 ugh i have like 10 fast ball elekid but none are 5IV yet. i'm the only one with them so i need some help.
oh i also have level ball combee and dream ball HA furret
James 0920-1087-2120 Fairy: Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Floette
James 0920-1087-2120 Fairy: Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Floette Sat 01 Feb 2014 15:57:54 No. 17773495 Report Quoted By:
>>17773439 Putting a disc up for Smeargle :)
Anyone have a silcoon? i gave up breeding after the hundredth cascoon
>>17773491 I'll take an elekid, since I already did Magby
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi, Mawile, Clefairy)
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi, Mawile, Clefairy) Sat 01 Feb 2014 15:59:13 No. 17773512 Report I have: 4x Premier ball Cottonee 9x Dive ball Totodile 1x Love ball Ralts Please take them. If anybody has a HA Dream Ball slowpoke I would be ever so grateful.
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sat 01 Feb 2014 15:59:32 No. 17773514 Report Quoted By:
>mfw my thread got 800 replies do you guys want me to get on the Dream Ball HA Omanyte train, or should I just keep breeding Luxury Ball SR Pawniards?
Quoted By:
>>17773439 puting up a disc for smeargle
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>17773439 I'll take a Magby, but I'll put up a Krabby since I dont have discs
Jordan 3668-9238-6446
Quoted By:
Disc up for Magby. Yeeeah.
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
>>17773439 i'll take a smeargle!
Rural :1907-9692-6321 (shuckle nosepass corsola)
Rural :1907-9692-6321 (shuckle nosepass corsola) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:02:12 No. 17773551 Report Quoted By:
>>17773439 puting up a disc for happy hour smeargle IGN:Rural
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ] Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:02:51 No. 17773554 Report >>17773497 Yeah, got one my first try and didn't have to evolve it because I already had a beautifly. I kept it in case something like this would happen actually. Put up a luvdisc and I'll send it.
Does anyone have an unown?
James 0920-1087-2120 Fairy: Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Floette
James 0920-1087-2120 Fairy: Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Floette Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:03:15 No. 17773559 Report >>17773512 Cottonee would be nice, i'll put up a disc when this disc trade's done
Ryan 2122-6179-1468
Quoted By:
>>17773439 Disc up for a magby
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
8x SAFARI BALL Kangaskhan
(5IVs / Jolly / Scrappy / Focus Punch - Disable).
WANT? Disc up.
>>17773491 No idea how to breed babies.
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:04:51 No. 17773585 Report Quoted By:
>>17773568 i need to get some more ballmon since i died for the last few days, let me disc up
So many replies, didn't expect this many. And Rosa, my disc is up for the elekid
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
>>17773568 disc is goin' upppp
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17773586 Jeez and last thread we were practically just chatting with each other.
Quoted By:
>>17773554 thanks a lot man ill get a disc up soon my connection is acting shit now so ill let you kno. thanks again
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>17773568 Is this thread no longer dead? I'll take a Safari Mom btw, thanks.
George 5343-8274-5372
>>17773512 I'll take one of those Cottonee please
>>17773586 i-i sent it didn't i?
pic is more or less my workload. got some othwr stuff not listed tgat hast been distributed. i'll be back
Felix 5370-0402-3972
>>17773568 Oh yes, glorious
I'll put a disc up for one soon
>>17773491 I'll help if you want
Quoted By:
>>17773600 Ikr, thread no longer dead.
Took care of all the requests I saw on the GTS, lemme know if you got sniped
>>17773619 Got em
Quoted By:
>>17773568 Can I get a Kanga please? Luving up
>>17773568 Give me a minute to boot up and I'll snag one
>>17773568 level elekid to 30 :(
>>17773624 throw a disc up
James 0920-1087-2120 Fairy: Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Floette
James 0920-1087-2120 Fairy: Dedenne, Jigglypuff, Floette Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:11:36 No. 17773664 Report >>17773512 Do you mind trading? You have a cool FS
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi, Mawile, Clefairy)
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi, Mawile, Clefairy) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:12:17 No. 17773675 Report Quoted By:
>>17773617 I got you.
>>17773559 I can't find your disc, tell me when it's up
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17773640 Ouch. Dunno if want. Maybe I'll just wait.
>>17773637 I'll save one for you.
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:13:03 No. 17773689 Report Guys, do we have Dream Ball Horsea? Some guy on Reddit has them.
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi, Mawile, Clefairy)
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi, Mawile, Clefairy) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:13:19 No. 17773696 Report Quoted By:
>>17773664 Oh, sure, why not
Duel 5172-0847-0466 (Spearow, Swanna, Fletchinder)
Duel 5172-0847-0466 (Spearow, Swanna, Fletchinder) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:13:59 No. 17773704 Report Quoted By:
>>17773439 Could I have a Smeargle? Disc up.
IGN: Duel
>>17773689 Pretty sure we do, someone mentioned it in the last thread iirc.
Currently have 4 Love ball Magby's and 5 Happy Hour Smeargle left. Breeding heavy ball barboaches w/ Earth Power (not sure how many) and Fast ball Elekids
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>17773689 Someone got one yesterday. Just a matter of waiting.
>>17773439 I'll also disc up for a magby in a minute
Joe (4597-0766-0054)
I've got a bunch of Omanyte breeding leftovers. They all have 4IVs, most of them have their hidden ability and the egg moves Spikes, Toxic Spikes and Muddy water. Does anyone want one?
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>17773640 Put it up just now
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:16:46 No. 17773738 Report >>17773720 >>17773719 Ah, I see. Just wanted to make sure.
Abdullah 0490-5952-3924
>>17773724 Yes, luvdisc is going up. Female preferred.
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:17:30 No. 17773747 Report >>17773724 I'll take one if you don't mind! Disc is up.
Dei 1693-2378-9263
>>17773719 Would love a Smeargle if possible, Disc going up
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Two Safari Moms left. Might jump onto Fast Ball Elekids if demand isn't high.
Quoted By:
anyone has either good iv feebas, good iv swinub and abra plz let me know thanks
>>17773723 you dont want an elekid?
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17773439 Thanks, I'll take a Magby
Quoted By:
>>17773512 I need a cottonee please.
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:19:06 No. 17773771 Report >>17773720 >>17773719 we also don't have dream ball cubone, do we?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17773754 Put a disc up for Elekid. I'll help 5IV it up.
One pass through Le Wow with Exp. Lv.3 should level it up to 30 right?
Quoted By:
>>17773554 just put the disc up thanks again
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:19:25 No. 17773777 Report Quoted By:
>>17773719 Seems like my Magby got sniped, I'll put up another disc.
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
>>17773719 disc up for the smeargle!
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
I also have 6 Heavy Ball Barboaches if anyone wants one.
>4 female elekid in a batch
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Quoted By:
>>17773738 Yeah, it's good to know what's out there. I saw someone requesting Love Ball Machop and that would've never occurred to me, but maybe someone somewhere has it...
>>17773754 I want to breed another shiny petilil to rectify my mistake, so I wouldn't be breeding them like you asked
>>17773783 Those the earth power ones, right? I'll snag one
Shuyic 3523-2163-9046
>>17773724 would love one. disc is up
Quoted By:
>>17773775 battling like 3 chateaux audino should do it with lucky egg and power
>>17773786 >ALL OUTSTANDING 3IVs Ryan 2122-6179-1468
Quoted By:
>>17773750 Disc is up for a kanga
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17773750 I'll grab a Safari Mom after Magby. Thanks!
>>17773802 yep, the ones Liz got last night
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad)
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:22:04 No. 17773827 Report Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>17773771 Nope, that sounds like a brand new combo.
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:23:22 No. 17773840 Report Quoted By:
>>17773828 Alright, i'll link him my spreadsheet and see if he wants anything.
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:23:29 No. 17773842 Report >>17773827 Disc is still up actually, you sure it's sent?
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad)
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:23:31 No. 17773843 Report Quoted By:
Demian 2079-6715-9293
>>17773824 Can I take a Barboach?
Quoted By:
>>17773719 Still got Magby? DIsc up
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>17773783 I'd like one please. Disc up in a sec, thanks!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17773824 Okay. Last one is yours.
Gonna go jump onto Elekids but if anyone else wants Safari Moms I'll breed later if demand is high. lol
Dei 1693-2378-9263
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad)
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:24:33 No. 17773858 Report >>17773842 Sorry, it should be sent now.
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ] Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:24:38 No. 17773861 Report Is there anyone with an unown? I don't care about its specs, I just need it for the pokedex and I can't find one on the gts without having to give something impossible in return. I already put up a luvdisc for it.
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17773844 Of course, get a Disc up.
>>17773849 thanks, Disc is up
>>17773861 Put up a luvdisc for a luvdisc and I can trade and trade back one
Demian 2079-6715-9293
Quoted By:
>>17773862 Disc is up, thanks.
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ] Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:27:34 No. 17773900 Report Quoted By:
3 Happy Hour Smeargles left, all the Magby's are gone. Didn't we get Friend Ball Skarmony with stealth rock ? If so I'd like one
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
Quoted By:
>>17773786 I'll grab an Elekid if you have any left.
Quoted By:
anyone has either good iv feebas, good iv swinub and abra plz let me know thanks
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>17773906 Same thing as dream Horsea, I think Lizilla made the trade and has them, so just when she gets here...
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:31:48 No. 17773960 Report >>17773858 No worries, thanks so much!
Need to step out for a bit, but once I'm back I'm giving out:
- Love Ball Mawiles, Careful, 4 egg moves
- Heal Ball HA Fennekins, Bold, 3 egg moves (this shit took me too long)
- Premier Ball HA Foongus, Relaxed
- Quick Ball HA Gibles, Jolly
- Dusk Ball Duskulls, Impish with a couple egg moves
- 5 IV Beldums, Jolly
- 5 IV Porygons, Modest
- Luxury Ball Espurrs, Calm, HA
- Quick Ball Larvestas, Timid
- Luxury Ball Absols 5 IV, few egg moves, some HA
I'll let you guys know once I get back, I'll probably post this again once I do.
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17773950 those have gone around a little, Liz bred a few last night to hand out
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ] Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:33:28 No. 17773992 Report Quoted By:
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad)
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:33:32 No. 17773993 Report >>17773960 I'd like one of those Porygon if you don't mind. I'll put a Disc up in a sec.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17773967 >>17773906 Awww shit I think I have one. Let me breed a couple fast after I level up this Elekid.
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ] Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:35:47 No. 17774034 Report >>17773960 I'd love a female love ball mawile when they're ready.
Quoted By:
Anyone has a good iv sassy eevee plz?
David 2836-0415-5588
>>17773960 i'd love a porygon. i'll put the disc up when you get back.
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:39:54 No. 17774087 Report >>17774071 Put it up now, I still have a few minutes.
>>17773960 Disc up for Fennekin
Jordan 3668-9238-6446
>>17773960 Oh, can I get a Porygon please?
David 2836-0415-5588
>>17774087 awesome, will do!
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17773960 Fennekin sounds nice, I'll grab one. Thanks!
>>17773960 disc up for fennekin
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:49:51 No. 17774231 Report >>17774122 >>17774034 >>17773993 >>17774116 >>17774113 >>17774102 All sent, enjoy!
>>17774199 Don't see it, I need to step out for a sec so maybe after I get back.
>>17773849 Hey Gabs I got a disc up for elekid once you get some spares? I'd Luv one of those.
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
>>17774231 Do you have anymore Fennekins? I'm putting up a disc now.
Igor (Batou)
Anyone have a penta IVed japanese Ditto?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17774231 Sure. Just gonna hatch these Skarms then gonna go start with Elekid
dicks .
Quoted By:
>>17774316 It's generally frowned upon to ask for stuff that would need to be cloned. If someone's got some to hand out, they'll point it out
>>17774316 Where were you last night ? There was like 3 giveaway threads
Anyone have a Cottonee with Prankster? Don't really mind the nature or IVs, but a beneficial nature would be appreciated. Put up a disc for it, thanks!
Igor (Batou)
Quoted By:
>>17774385 Sleeping probably ;_;
Quoted By:
Putting up a disc for a HA cranidos. Prefer a female so it's easier.
Kyogre 2363-5625-6122 !!BFRT1Qa4XIJ
>>17774397 anyone has a Stantler or a Slakoth? any nature/ball/IV will do, I only need them for the dex.
Hey /vp/ requesting a drought vulpix if anyone has a spare good iv's are preferred for anyone who gives it many thanks :D disc is up ign:marcos
>>17774424 Got a spare Stantler, disc up
Kyogre 2363-5625-6122 !!BFRT1Qa4XIJ
Quoted By:
>>17774424 didn't mean to link sorry
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17774425 I've got Ninetales, that alright?
Koi 1993 7810 4833 xatu, wobbufett, drowzee
Koi 1993 7810 4833 xatu, wobbufett, drowzee Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:05:56 No. 17774499 Report Quoted By:
I have moonball Chinchous, 3 modest and the rest are calm
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:06:04 No. 17774501 Report Quoted By:
>>17774277 Opps, sent you the wrong one in a hurry. I'll fix it when I come back sorry.
>>17774457 yea that's fine the disc is up for ninetails different ign though
many thanks katherine
Kyogre 2363-5625-6122 !!BFRT1Qa4XIJ
>>17774436 disc is up
and if
>>17773960 is still here I'd like to have beldum and duskull please
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17774508 Sent. Sorry about nature and ivs, I thought I had a 3iv one somewhere but I may have wonder traded away..
IGN Will
Anybody has a Turtwig? I don't really care about IVs or balltism, I just want one.
>>17774555 Sent.
>>17774582 You should always care about balltism
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Anyone want a free Dream Ball HA Zubat? Currently MM'ing them for a shiny right now so I'll be producing a lot of them soon.
Quoted By:
>>17774598 >turtwig >balltism Pick one
Dream Ball Yanma, Love Ball Wurmple, Friend Ball Noctowl, Level Ball Mawile, Level Ball Smeargle, Dream Ball Gible(ohgodyes), Dream Ball Slowpoke, Dream Ball Wobbuffet, Dream Ball Aipom. Finally got around to banking these
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ] Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:18:09 No. 17774645 Report >>17774582 Yes, disc up
>>17774555 Want to trade that stantler for a slakoth afterwards? Two flies in one hit for you
>>17774633 We've had dream ball HA slowpoke, and I think wooper too, but all around nice. Level mawile is a wonderful combo
I have to go our for a bit and when I get back I'll start on gible because that's actually something one of my teammates needs for his team
Kyogre 2363-5625-6122 !!BFRT1Qa4XIJ
>>17774645 sure
that guy isn't showing up so I can do that right now
>>17774655 I know about slowpoke but it felt a waste to take one from one of you guys when someone else could have it while i already had one
Koi 1993 7810 4833 xatu, wobbufett, drowzee
Koi 1993 7810 4833 xatu, wobbufett, drowzee Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:21:17 No. 17774687 Report >>17774633 so when are you going to accept my trades
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ] Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:21:40 No. 17774691 Report >>17774679 Give me a moment to breed it
>>17774687 i-i'm playing bw2
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi, Mawile, Clefairy)
Dormira 2320-6180-4775 (Fairy: Togepi, Mawile, Clefairy) Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:23:07 No. 17774719 Report >>17774686 Are you breeding the slowpoke right now, or?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Who wanted the Friend Ball Skarmories? Cosmic? I got 3 but one has Keen Eye lol. Stepping out soon so disc up.
Quoted By:
>>17774633 Level Ball Smeargle is nice. Good haul overall
>>17774730 Me
Quoted By:
>>17774719 >>17774704 like reg said, they're around though
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17774672 >gible Oh shi- get on that!
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ] Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:27:12 No. 17774775 Report Quoted By:
>>17774679 >>17774691 Ready, I'll put it on the gts then.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
Anyone with spare moon ball giraffe?
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:34:02 No. 17774888 Report I am giving away 4-5 IV male and female Jolly Pickpocket Sneasels that know Ice SHard/Icicle Crash/Ice Punch/Pursuit. They're in the white balls... Premier, I think.
>>17774606 Could I have a Zubat, if it's not too late? Disc is up.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17774940 You're not late. Sending you right now.
Ryan 2122-6179-1468
>>17774888 I'd love a 5 IV one any gender, disc is up
>>17774980 Thanks, just got it. I might try MM'ing one of my own.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17774888 I want a 5IV FEMALE one because you have nice trips
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:44:15 No. 17775050 Report Quoted By:
>>17775005 >>17775039 Okay, lemme just finish this battle
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17775025 You're welcome and if you do attempt to MM a Zubat I wish you the best of luck.
5 Earth Power Heavy Ball Barboaches if anyone wants. Need to organize my boxes, only thing is right is my balltism boxes.
>>17775098 FINALLY got a 5IV female Elekid. Onto the next train.
Aggi [3DS]: 4656-6722-4417
>>17775098 Is it okay if I put a disc up for one?
>>17775098 I did not mean to quote you. i'll out a disc up for one, though
>>17775116 Gratz, leveling mines now.
>>17775127 Do it
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:50:30 No. 17775166 Report >>17775098 Putting disc up
>>17775005 >>17775039 Check your discs
>>17775098 mind if I get one?
would appreciate it
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17775098 Can I get? Putting disc up
Quoted By:
>>17775222 thanks so much
disc is up
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
IGN: Nelly
>>17773960 Can I has a Mawile please? Disc is up.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17775297 Nvm I'm bad, sent.
>hp grass shiny petilil Heh. Well, I'm free to breed, anything need help getting around?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17775304 You mighty want to reread the post.
>>17775315 Thanks
>>17775326 Congratz on another shiny Petilil and noticing this time!
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:02:37 No. 17775367 Report Anyone got a decent IV male in the Bug group? Like a breeding reject? I want to breed HA Kricketots but all my good Bugs are females.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17775367 Put a disc up for Gligar
Aggi [3DS]: 4656-6722-4417
Quoted By:
>>17775146 It's up now. Thanks again.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:04:22 No. 17775394 Report Quoted By:
>>17775222 Thanks so much, man!
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue)
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:04:23 No. 17775395 Report Does anyone have any Tynamos?
Lalo 1134-8309-5219
Quoted By:
cacnea, I'm putting up a rufflet now
>>17775346 Oh god if I managed to release another I think I'd just quit
Though I guess I wouldn't really know if I did huh. Thanks though!
Lalo 1134-8309-5219
>>17775395 I do, put up a fletchling named vp
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17775428 Ignorance is bliss huh?
Anyone have a male Corphish with DD and Aqua Jet? Would be nice if someone could save me that bit of bother getting those moves on mine.
>>17775460 I can breed you one with DD, AJ, Knock Off, and Superpower.
>>17775475 That would be cool, you know it learns knock off on level up right?
Quoted By:
>>17775513 Yeah, but the last one I bred was born with it too, so figured I'd list it.
I'll send you a trade in a couple minutes.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17775367 You still here? I have 6iv Gligar that I can send to you. But it's 7am here and I haven't slept so I don't think I can hang around for too long.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:12:51 No. 17775546 Report >>17775392 Thank you! Disc is up. I'm going to sleep soon but I'll be sure to distribute the fruits of my labors tomorrow at this time
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue)
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:13:45 No. 17775562 Report Quoted By:
>>17775442 Alrighty. I put it up now.
>>17775534 >7 AM Where is that, the western tip of Hawaii?
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17775098 if you want some help breeding and distributing I'm freed up since I got my shiny totodile waaay ahead of my optimistic schedule. So I also have dive ball jolly totodiles if anyone has a hankering
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:15:39 No. 17775588 Report >>17775534 6 IV? That's amazing but please say you want it back when I'm done.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17775546 Sent.
And with that, I'm out. G'night guys ~
>>17775586 Sure, I have one left.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:17:07 No. 17775612 Report Quoted By:
>>17775591 Thank you so much! If you get a random trade request from me tomorrow, just give me a derp for your Gligar back
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17775584 Nah, New Zealand
>>17775588 Nah I've been giving pentaperfect and hexaperfect ones away for the past few days , keep him.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:18:53 No. 17775635 Report Quoted By:
>>17775621 That's very kind of you. I'm sure he'll be the father of many breeding projects
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Some Nest Ball Chikorita are still available, I think I was the only one breeding these. 4 Females, Careful Nature, Leech Seed/Heal Pulse/Counter/Leaf Storm 4iv+ It feels weird to not be drowning in these anymore.
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue)
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:19:18 No. 17775643 Report Quoted By:
>>17775442 Thank you so much!
Quoted By:
Put a Disc for Porygon with the message "VP GTS Thanks!", IGN Alex. Much Luv.
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad)
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:20:07 No. 17775660 Report Quoted By:
>>17775642 Could I get one, I'll put a disc up in a second.
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
>>17775642 I'll take one! Disc goin' up
Aggi [3DS]: 4656-6722-4417
Quoted By:
>>17775642 Can I have a Chikorita?
Leftovers, take em off my handsThe eevees are illegal
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17775679 I want that Chinchou~
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad)
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:22:16 No. 17775693 Report >>17775679 What ball is the Pikachu in?
>>17775679 I'll take that Cyndaquil from you.
Lalo 1134-8309-5219
Quoted By:
Anyone have a cacnea?
Quoted By:
>>17775693 Fast
>>17775707 It'll need heart scales, but its yours
>>17775679 What ball is the Magby in?
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
>>17775679 can I have the yamask? i'll put the disc up
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
It's time for you guys to profit from my despair. I have: - 5 6IV male heavy ball Skarmory - 4 6IV female heavy ball Skarmory - 27 pentaperfect male heavy ball Skarmory - 36 pentaperfect female heavy ball Skarmory These birds are all impish and have brave bird/whirlwind/stealth rock/ curse as egg moves. Put a disc up for what you want.
>>17775679 could I get the deerling?
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
Quoted By:
>>17775679 I'll take an eevee, please. Putting up a disc now.
>>17775679 Isn't that the Magby I just gave you ?
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
>>17775732 male heavy ball!
Just toss a disc up and post if you're asking for something off my list, unless someone's taken it, it's yours
>>17775727 Fast
Alex 1607-2909-4763 Fire (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Braixen) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:26:26 No. 17775754 Report Quoted By:
>>17775679 can i get the meowth please? i'm putting a luvdisc right now :D
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad)
Joe 4597-0766-0054 (Marowak, Trapinch, Palpatoad) Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:26:45 No. 17775757 Report Quoted By:
>>17775732 I'd like one. Putting a disc up.
Ryan 2122-6179-1468
Quoted By:
>>17775732 Male please, disc is up
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17775751 Put my disc up. Sorry I was distributing the last of my Chikorita.
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245 Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:28:24 No. 17775782 Report Quoted By:
>>17775679 Rattata. Putting up a disc now~
Somebody with an happy hour inkay ? Thanks buddies. IGN : Cassy
>>17775793 I have 3 Happy Hour Smeargles.
Aggi [3DS]: 4656-6722-4417
Quoted By:
>>17775679 Can I have the Feebas?
Alex 1607-2909-4763 Fire (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Braixen) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:31:01 No. 17775839 Report >>17775770 i ran out of discs, can i upload a bulbasaur instead? i asked for a meowth of yours. thanks :D
>>17775751 Oh thanks. And the Nidoran?
>>17775808 So let's go for one ? :)
>>17775840 Dream HA
>>17775839 Go for it, I'll snag the luvdisc reqs first though
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Quoted By:
>>17775679 I'll take that Krabby, disc is going up.
>>17775833 Stealth rocks should be an egg move ffs
>>17775844 Yeh.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17775833 A shiny Mega Chomp would look great in that ball.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17775604 sorry I kind of took off lol, I'm still way down for breeding it though if you still have it
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
>>17775751 disc is up for the yamask
Quoted By:
>>17775732 I'd like a female of whatever IV group
>>17775875 No problem, not like I'm going anywhere.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17775906 I'll disk up in a second then and start pumping out eggs
>>17775872 exactly! btw everything made it except the noctowl can't be traded
Quoted By:
>>17775857 Disc up for Nidoran, thanks :)
I still have Love Ball Aipom, anyone? They all are Jolly with 4 egg moves, random IV's and abililty.
>>17775871 Thanks !!
Somebody with a cloned 6v Ditto ? Can give a 5V Honedge or 5V DW mudkip.
Joe 3566-2115-5556
>>17775808 I'll take one of those smeargles!
>>17775933 Read the op.
>>17775935 Gimme disc
Repeat ball Ferrothorn is good for it's shiny right ?
Joe 3566-2115-5556
Quoted By:
>>17775946 posted one thank you!!!
Alex 1607-2909-4763 Fire (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Braixen) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:40:39 No. 17775997 Report Quoted By:
>>17775808 can i get one please?
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17775833 that is downright god damn fantastic
>>17775986 Honestly I'd just say
pokeball as disgusting as that sounds
Red shinies get the shaft
anyone with gastly moon ball ?
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
>>17776013 I do. Put a disc up.
>>17776003 Pokeball makes me feel like a peasant.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17775926 Like on the GTS? Oh okay that's good to know! Phew, that does cut on on breeding for me then if Pokebank ever comes out.
Quoted By:
>>17776026 Yeah, but it is the most directly fitting. It's a conundrum
Quoted By:
>>17776022 anyone got a spare Beedrill?
would be much appreciated
>>17776027 no like the noctowl won't trade to other people. it's stuck.
Alex 1607-2909-4763 Fire (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Braixen) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:44:01 No. 17776049 Report Quoted By:
>>17775808 i ran out of discs, i'm uploading a bulbasaur instead :D
Chaos 5412-9976-5324
Quoted By:
>>17775986 I used a Timer ball on mine. It has gray and red just as Ferrothorn's shiny. But then again Timer is my favorite ball
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17776048 Wahhh that's the weirdest thing. I haven't heard of that ever happening. You're free to release it once you have a few Hoothoot or something.
Updated LO, take em off my hands There's also a moon ball gastly since Freddy beat me to the punch
>>17776076 what ball on the Yamask?
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17776076 what are the eevee's in? Meh doesn't matter lol I don't already have a good one, I'll disk up anyway
Quoted By:
>>17776102 Moon No that's not legal Anonymous
>>17776076 I'll take a purple rat, plox
Quoted By:
>>17776104 ooh, I'll take it then.
>>17776076 Murkrow is in Moon ball?
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:49:07 No. 17776126 Report Quoted By:
Female Dream Ball Misdreavus anybody?
Ryan 2122-6179-1468
Quoted By:
>>17776076 I'll take the mareep, disc is up
>>17776125 Yup
>>17776119 put up a luvdisc on gts
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
>>17776076 Disc is up for a rattata.
Also friend ball or heavy ball for shiny skarmory?
>>17776076 I've you've still got any Eevee's, I'd love to get one!
Quoted By:
>>17776135 I'll take it too <3
>>17776148 friend, shiny is green
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
>>17776168 Is that leftover skarmory you have in a friend ball?
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Sat 01 Feb 2014 18:56:36 No. 17776250 Report >>17776166 I have 30 5IV Eevees in standard pokeballs if you're looking for something.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>17776076 disc up for taillow
I got 6 5 IV Moon Ball Miltank to give away. Who wants a cow?
Quoted By:
any cute Misdreavus ?
>>17776250 I've got plenty of Eevee - I'm trying to collect as many different balls as I can, but thank you!
If anyone is interested, I have some Moon Ball Meowth, Love Ball Snubbull, Dream Ball Eevee, Love Ball Ralts, and Moon Ball Gastly that I need to get rid of.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17776168 thanks for the eevee! That's gonna look great on a shiny umbreon, I think I might still have some masuda-momentum going
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Just got back...
>>17775732 Female 6IV please! Woah!
>>17775751 Did you save an illegal Eevee for me? :D
>>17775833 Dang!
Quoted By:
I put up a Luvdisc asking for Stantler, forgot to nickname it so i put /vp/ in the description. it's holding a Heart Scale. ign: chewi
Think I got everyone, down to: 1x Fast pikachu 1x Heavy skarmory 1x Moon ralts 1x Moon gastly 1x Fast magby 2x Level rattata 4x Moon eevee (illegal combo)
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17775732 aww yeah can I get a penta female?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17776220 Got a leftover Friend Ball Skarmory. 4IV only though.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>17776292 i'll put a chansey up for one, ran out of discs.
Quoted By:
>>17776320 Disc going up for pikachi
Quoted By:
>>17776076 discing up for the Magby
>>17776299 Yeah, shame you can't use it online
>>17776303 sure, disc up
Quoted By:
>>17776320 I got mine - thank you very much!
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
>>17776340 It's fine. Disc going up.
>>17776325 Yeah, disc up.
Quoted By:
>>17775732 u still have 6iv female skarmory?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17776356 Wait, lemme hatch these Elekids. I know you want one.
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Sat 01 Feb 2014 19:04:43 No. 17776407 Report >>17776297 If that Dream Ball Eevee is a female I would love to get a hold of it!
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17776356 wait what. forgive me for being ignorant of this, but Illegal ball combos are actually illegal? I thought it was just frowned upon and something the game wouldn't recognize and be able to block
David 2836-0415-5588
>>17776297 can I have that moon ball ghastly?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17776367 Sent. Doesn't have Curse though, only the 3 other egg moves sorry.
>>17776407 Yes it is! It's also HA, I believe.
>>17776439 Yes. Disc up!
Quoted By:
>>17775732 I'd like a female skarmory please, disc is up
IGN: Serena
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Sat 01 Feb 2014 19:08:11 No. 17776485 Report >>17776467 Drool.... im putting up a disc now!
>>17776428 You can't use them in online battles. Same as contrary snivy, etc etc etc
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17774231 Sent you my first Elekid already. :P 4IV.
David 2836-0415-5588
>>17776467 Sweet. Goin' up!
anyone with love ball mawile/ralts ?
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17776495 is that just ranking battles or free battles and passerby's too? Because that sucks, that would be like the best balltism ever
>>17776585 I really have no idea, I've not tried it out. Just what I've heard through the grapevine
>>17776572 I've got both, but I will need a minute to breed a Love Ball Mawile.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17776610 if it's only ranking battles you bet your ass I'm MM'ing that eevee then. I guess I could just test it now
>>17776403 Shoot me a trade whenever
>>17776506 Sent.
>>17776485 Sent - also, there are egg moves on it that would need to be retaught if you wanted them.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17776626 Only one female. 3IV okay?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17776672 I'm shooting you! Shooting you a trade!
>>17776652 I can trade you the Ralts while you wait for me to get the Mawile bred, if you've like.
Alex 1607-2909-4763 Fire (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Braixen) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 19:18:15 No. 17776696 Report >>17776611 do you still have any dream ball eevee?
>>17776684 Really? I'm not seeing anything
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Sat 01 Feb 2014 19:18:30 No. 17776704 Report >>17776645 Thank you Mina!
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Does any one have a Lickilicky? It's the last mon I need for the Oval Charm. I'll trade back.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17776697 Weird... just reconnected and tried again. If not, let's do this the old school way.
>>17776684 Just put it up for an eevee, I'll toss it your way
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17776721 Oh thanks! <3 How do we do this? Disc for Licky and then acquaintance trade?
>>17776691 ok thanks! disc up
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17776739 Put up the Elekid. I hope nobody snipes!
>>17776704 No problem!
>>17776696 I do not, but I don't care to breed one if you don't mind the wait.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17776791 HA. It did unfortunately. That's some shit
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17776812 Aww fuck. Let me hatch a new batch hopefully with better IVs. Still working with the 3IV one Rosa sent.
>>17776809 Sent, trade me whenever you've picked it up
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17776812 The asshole sent me an Eevee named Stevie. :|
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17776839 I got it! I don't see you in my acquaintances though. ):
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
I have three leftover female Chatots in Timer balls, Timid nature with egg moves Nasty Plot, Air Cutter, and Boomburst. Put a disc up if you want one
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17776889 Thanks so much!
>>17776772 I think I sent the Mawile out to you - what's your IGN? Also, I've got the Ralts ready.
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat)
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat) Sat 01 Feb 2014 19:35:20 No. 17777021 Report Anyone have a Timid Joltik ?
>>17776973 yes <3 thanks for mawile! let me up another disc ing : Twilight
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17776905 Well three females, 3IV, 4IV, 5IV.
Disc up for this one, I'm sending you the 5IV one.
Female Fast Ball Elekids, got 2 extra. Disc up if you want one.
>>17777130 Gimme that luck, only hatched one.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17777154 Passing on luck to Regalia if he's breeding. Fuck these Elekid dicks.
>>17777063 It's not problem - have you put one up, yet? I've been looking, but I can't see a disc for Ralts.
>>17777171 needs some HS lovin, but that's the best IV spread I had left
Quoted By:
>>17777269 If my internet could not shit itself for 2 minutes that is...
Quoted By:
>>17777249 <3 you trade with me right?
Alex 1607-2909-4763 Fire (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Braixen) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 19:51:01 No. 17777310 Report >>17776793 it would be awesome, sure i can wait, thank you very much :)
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17777269 Wut?
Disc'd up for that Eevee though.
>>17777313 The egg moves need to be relearned, but it was either that or a 2IV one
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Still need Uxie, Regice, and Virizion.
>>17777334 I passed out, huh. I'll flip carts and shoot a trade your way for that regice
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17777328 No problem with that. This some illegal shiz
>>17777310 Alrighty, as long as you don't mind - I'll let you know as soon as I get a female.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17777355 Did you want me to clone it or...?
>>17777439 You can do whatever with it, doesn't matter to me. Just give me a heads up so I'm not lost. I doubt it's in any way shape or form competitive
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17777458 Might as well. I don't really use the Regis but they may come in handy later.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
Thanks for letting me touch trade Uxie, Flash.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Before I go to sleep... ...anybody have an extra Ability Capsule? :P
Looking through my boxes it seems I've accidentally released my female Repeat Ball Cyndaquil and kept a male - if anyone has an extra, I'd love to get one.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Hello all, I'm up and ready to take on all the breeding requests.
Here's my list: I tried to bold the things that might not have been distro'd yet.
>>17777540 Hey Gab, I have an Ability Capsule for you. Give me a sec and send me a tr.
>>17777581 Heavy larvitar's been around for a long while Otherwise, that's a lot of new stuff, nice
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
I have Friend Ball Meditite, Level Ball Swinub and Friend Ball Poliwag. I also have Friend Ball Yanma if Rosa hasn't distributed it yet.
IGN Ramon
>>17777581 What color is the Basculin?
Anyway, going to breed Level Ball Combee again. Wish me luck.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17777581 AWESOME! Thanks!
Gonna go sleep now. :D
Quoted By:
>>17777581 >>17777552 If you don't mind, would you care to do a Repeat Ball Cynaduil?
Quoted By:
>>17777581 I see a Remoraid. You should breed pistolfish
IGN Ramon
Quoted By:
>>17777581 >>17777697 Never mind my stupidity, didn't see the note. Do you still have a Red HA Basculin?
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17777633 I meant to do the Barboach except I missed by one cell.
I lied, I just bolded the newer things. Except I missed a lot of things.
>>17777693 Oh nice, I want those, especially the Swinub.
>>17777697 I have both colors, blue and red.
>>17777698 Wow, thanks for the Elekid. I didn't know these went out (I thought Rosa was still breeding).
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Alright I've got 13 female heavy ball earth power barboach. Come git 'em 9 are oblivious, 4 are anticipation all between 3 and 4 IV's and modest
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Does anybody here still need/want: Friend ball skarmory Friend ball buneary Moon ball Miltank Moon ball cherubi Luxury ball buneary Heavy ball barboach w/ earth power Dream ball HA horsea If so, I can breed some more
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17777775 I'll take one. Ability doesn't matter to me.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17777581 c-could you do a dive ball tirtouga?
Quoted By:
>>17777751 Hey man any way you can get ahold of a tynamo with the physical move tutors from gen 5?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17777697 My god have mercy on you.
Quoted By:
>>17777751 She just tossed them around this morning
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17777859 Friend Ball Skarm sounds cool~ Mind breeding one for me?
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
>>17777916 I can do that for you
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>17777859 can i get a barboach and a cherubi? I'll deposit chanseys for them since i'm out of discs atm
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17777866 disk up unless you already have, in which case I think you got sniped
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17777751 Ballmon (not distributed yet):
Fast Ball Magikarp
Fast Ball Dratini
Friend Ball Meditite
Level Ball Swinub
Friend Ball Poliwag
What should I get out next? Also, does anyone have an Impish Magikarp/Gyarados I could borrow?
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Ok, breed list so far:
Repeat Ball Cyndaquil - Mina
HA Remoraid - Corrick
HA Basculin (Red) - Ramon
>>17777775 What, mine didn't come with earth power.
Any males left? I need to breed that back on >>17777870 Cider is doing Tirtougas and he'll distro them later tonight if you don't mind waiting. He's doing another big fossilmon distro sometime today.
>>17777859 Friend Skarmory, Moon Cherubi, Luxury Buneary pls <3 Should I disc up or ... tr?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17777916 I got an extra one but it's Keen Eye instead of Sturdy. 4IV.
Disc up if you want.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17777943 Thanks a bunch! I'll leave a disc up.
>>17777979 I barely put a disc up. Sorry, I was trading away some Chiko.
IGN Ramon
Quoted By:
>>17777992 I'm sorry if I'm asking too much, but I'm also interested in Blue Basculin.
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>17777958 >>17777992 I'm going to breed some skarmorys first. I'll try to breed a little more of everything since I gave nearly everything away last night
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17778015 I can clone you my Galvantula but it's already EV trained and shit.
Quoted By:
>>17777992 Thank you very much!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17778015 5IV Timid Unnerve one in a normal ball, dunno about egg moves. Want?
Quoted By:
>>17778038 >>17778015 And if you don't want that, then yes, I have a Timid Joltik.
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost Safari
Does anyone have a female Aron they can give me? I don't care about the ball or the nature or egg moves at all (well if it knows Endeavor that saves me sometime). I want it for the battle maison and I don't have X version. :( Can someone help me out?
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat)
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat) Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:16:32 No. 17778114 Report >>17778038 If its ev trained in sp attack and speed then yes it would save me a lot of time.
I'll clone my shiny jolteon to give you in return Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17778114 Yeah it is. With Compound Eyes. I'll clone it now for you. Did you want a nickname?
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17777992 yeah if you disk up I'll throw in a male with that
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17777992 Wow wtf is a Basculin. I don't even know that pokémon.
Anyway... sleep.
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245 Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:19:23 No. 17778187 Report >>17777581 I-if it's not too much trouble, Corphish and Frllish
Lime 3883-5402-8331
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat)
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat) Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:20:00 No. 17778198 Report >>17778146 Nah, no nickname is fine
Good morning everyone
I think I'm getting sick ;_;
>>17777581 Moon ball stantler sounds great, I think someone was distributing them the other day but I missed it
Aggi [3DS]: 4656-6722-4417
Alex 1607-2909-4763 Fire (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Braixen) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:21:06 No. 17778225 Report Quoted By:
>>17777581 Can i apply for a moonball houndour please?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17778191 Congrats!
How long did it take?
>>17778191 Gratz, still need 2 bank mons.
IGN Ramon
>>17777310 I've hatched a female if you want to put a disc up!
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17777982 Fast ball dratini sounds cool.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17778187 What balls for those? I believe I have Dive and Dream for Corphish, Heal and Dive for Frillish.
>>17778201 You have a name? I gotta know who to breed and save it for.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17778226 It would have been shorter if I hadn't been dicking around.
>>17778237 Whaddya need?
>>17778207 Pls stop
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17778270 Sorry, forgot it! Thank you!
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:24:31 No. 17778313 Report Hey guys I'm back. Time to pass out stuff, free mons for everyone! - Love Ball Mawiles, Careful, 4 egg moves - Heal Ball HA Fennekins, Bold, 3 egg moves (this shit took me too long) - Premier Ball HA Foongus, Relaxed - Quick Ball HA Gibles, Jolly - Dusk Ball Duskulls, Impish with a couple egg moves - 5 IV Beldums, Jolly - 5 IV Porygons, Modest - Luxury Ball Espurrs, Calm, HA - Quick Ball Larvestas, Timid - Luxury Ball Absols 5 IV, few egg moves, some HA Reply and disc up if you want some.
>>17778273 Unown & Thundurus also Porygon2/Z but trade evolutions are easy.
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245 Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:25:17 No. 17778330 Report >>17778270 Ouuuh. Both Dive.
It's crazy. I wasn't obsessed with balls initially, I just wanted to complete my Dex. Is this how it starts for everyone? Now...well, now I love balls. Thanks, /vp/
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17778313 put me down for a beldum? thanks!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17778319 Is Thundurus the green one? If so I can clone you one. Don't have the others, though.
Quoted By:
>>17778330 yes this is how it starts.
Alex 1607-2909-4763 Fire (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Braixen) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:26:46 No. 17778368 Report >>17777418 meanwhile i'm taking a shower haha , is there any pokemon you may want? i
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17778198 Alright, I got it. Whooops, hang on, gotta change her name from Margarita to Galvantula.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Dei 1693-2378-9263
>>17778313 Would love an Absol if possible, Disc is up
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17778330 I told myself I would never care about what ball my pokemon was in but gradually it progressed and now I have a bunch of fully trained mons in pokeballs I don't even use anymore
Alex 1607-2909-4763 Fire (Ponyta, Charmeleon, Braixen) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:28:16 No. 17778428 Report Quoted By:
>>17778252 oh cool, i put a disc right now :)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17778319 If you put a disc up for unown I'll lend you mine. Can I get it back though?
Was gonna let someone borrow it yesterday too, but I forgot and took a nap cause I wasn't feelin well.
Quoted By:
>>17778358 Nah it's the blue one. Thanks anyways. I can probably just chain trade legends again.
>>17778313 I'll take an absol(female if possible), disc is up
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17778406 I get confused. I don't really care for them and their stupid cloud riding mustache faces.
Quoted By:
>>17778368 Oh, I'm okay with anything. I just monitor the thread and try to get pokemon in ball combinations that I don't have. I'm also trying to collect Vivillons - really though, just whatever is fine.
I've got you Eevee hatched and ready!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Holy shit Slowpokie's spreadsheet is fucking expansive. Can't sleep browsing this thing.
Ryan 2122-6179-1468
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat)
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat) Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:30:36 No. 17778491 Report >>17778387 Ok. I'm still attempting to clone Jolteon. Add me and ill send you a trade request when ive got it
>>17778479 I'm still loading.
>>17778434 Sure, disc is up.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Today I have: x2 love ball snubbulls x4 safari ball shroomish x4 love ball mareep x2 5IV HA woopers w/recover, curse (1 male 1 female)
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
>>17778313 I'll disc up for another Fennekin since you accidentally sent me the wrong one last time. Thanks!
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Here's my breeding list so far (updated) -
Repeat Ball Cyndaquil - Mina
HA Remoraid - Corrick
HA Basculin (Red) - Ramon, Gabriel
HA Basculin (Blue) - Ramon, Gabriel
Moon ball stantler - Ramona
moonball houndour - Alex
Dive Corphish - Lawn
Dive Frillish - Lawn
I'll try to made extras of most of these along the way (except for the Cyndaquil, cause... dat ratio)
>>17778479 It's missing plenty of stuff from the master vp list, it's just for my ease of use, when I have to remember egg moves for heartscaling. :P
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17778479 A, B, his name is Scary Terry... >>17778491 You're on my acquaintance list. God that's a long word. A long annoying word.
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Got 4 female friend ball skarmories ready- all at least with 4IVs, egg moves and impish. Who wants?
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17778514 aww yeah snubbul please
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:32:53 No. 17778550 Report >>17778355 >>17778423 >>17778438 Sent! Enjoy.
>>17778406 Oh hey Slowpokie, how's the cloning coming along?
IGN: Nelly
>>17778313 I want a Mawile, please.
Disc is up.
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
>>17778514 Discing up for snubbull
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17778550 Doing it now as I speak :) Just trying to get breeding requests in so I have something to work on after.
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost Safari
>>17778547 Yes please. Female if possible.
disc is up.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17778544 if you get an extra dive ball frillish I would really appreciate it. I have a perfectly fine one now but it's in a pokeball and my crippling balltism is crushing me
Ryan 2122-6179-1468
>>17778514 Shroomish please, disc will be up in a second
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:36:13 No. 17778624 Report >>17778539 Sent, last female one actually. Enjoy and sorry about earlier. I'm not very organized.
>>17778551 Don't see it, double check?
>>17778583 Cool, I'll be hanging around, let me know!
Dei 1693-2378-9263
>>17778547 I'll take one if that's alright, disc is up
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
IGN Ramon
Wow, hatched a shiny Combee while breeding Level Ball Combee.Male M-muh Pokéballtism.
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost Safari
>>17778066 Bump. Anyone able to help me?
Quoted By:
>>17778695 the bad luck begins
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17778550 >dat shameless nickname plug welp into the pc it goes, not that I don't appreciate it at all
Dei 1693-2378-9263
Quoted By:
>>17778673 Appreciate it, thanks!
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat)
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat) Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:40:48 No. 17778720 Report Quoted By:
>>17778545 This is taking a lot longer than it usually does to clone pokemon
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
>>17778699 I'll help you out. Throw up another disc
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17778514 Hey Ramona - having any luck with the shiny Mareep?
IGN: Nelly
>>17778624 Someone else traded it before ._.
Already disc'd another
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Again if anyone is interested i have these on hand Dive ball Jolly Totodiles with DD, Ice Punch, and Aqua Jet Heavy ball modest Barboach with earth power
JHawk: 3153-3396-7729 ; Ghost Safari
>>17778726 I owe you now. Thank you, it's up.
>>17778695 I wish you luck in the quest of becoming the new Combee Guy.
>>17778699 Bumping won't help. We're on page 6. Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17778742 Not yet, but I stopped breeding for a few days because I want to try to complete the dex. Shiny charm would be super helpful.. Gonna take a long time though. I'm using some of the baby mareeps to get stuff off the GTS.
>>17778657 Got it. Put up a disc to get it back.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17778781 I'd like a Totodile
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>17778786 silly, you owe me nothing. and sent
IGN Ramon
Demian 2079-6715-9293
Quoted By:
New thread when?
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat)
iain - 4527-8920-3975(Petilil, Oddish, Gogoat) Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:47:05 No. 17778849 Report >>17778545 Cloned it. Now i just need to trade it onto my game
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
Anyone got a Flabebe/Floette with Symbiosis?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Anyone have any field group Pokemon with Stealth Rock? I'm breeding Luxury Ball Thick Fat Swinub but Stealth Rock is a Bank egg move. ):
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
That frustration when cloning is extra not working today.
Odin IGN !!FdiFGhScWuz
Quoted By:
I just got a Dream ball buneary that is 5iv and has the elemental punches female too if anyone wants me to breed them one let me know.
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:56:31 No. 17779017 Report >>17778926 >field group Pokemon >Not using Smeargle But seriously, it's never been easier to catch Smeargles, so try that first.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17778937 I can help if you need it.
>>17778849 Hopefully you're happy with her.
>>17779017 Are you one of the people that wanted the Y Mega stones?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17779017 That would be the best way to get Stealth Rock super quick. Oh man I feel dumb now. Time to run into the grass with an Onix.
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:59:31 No. 17779070 Report Quoted By:
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 21:00:49 No. 17779093 Report >>17779056 >Are you one of the people that wanted the Y Mega stones? I am... if you still remember from last night.
boom 0430 9580 1670(ghost, shuppet-phantump-driftblim
boom 0430 9580 1670(ghost, shuppet-phantump-driftblim Sat 01 Feb 2014 21:02:08 No. 17779122 Report What can I get for a shiny luvdisc?
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Quoted By:
>>17779056 That's up to Z. It's Z's Heatran. 4.5 worked so perfectly for the Shaymins, but just won't work at all for these Heatrans today. :c
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17779093 I didn't know if Apple got you or not.
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 21:03:48 No. 17779147 Report >>17779133 Yeah, not yet. Still waiting, looks like she's having problems with it.
6 fast ball Elekids up for grabs, along with 1 heavy ball Barboach.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17779122 A regular luvdisc.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17779147 Well I still have to clone Mewtwonite Y so gimme a few minutes.
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 21:05:18 No. 17779181 Report >>17779162 Oh don't worry about mewtwonite, I'm mainly using this stuff in competitions so I won't need that.
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Fast Ball Vulpix Love Ball Cleffa Love Ball Sentret Heavy Ball Onix Level Ball Makuhita Lure Ball Tentacool Getting these in a trade soon.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17779181 Then I have all of them that you would need.
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 21:07:24 No. 17779218 Report Quoted By:
>>17779189 Sweet! I really appreciate this. Well send trade request whenever you're ready, I'll be online.
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 21:15:32 No. 17779336 Report >>17779189 Thanks so much! I'm really grateful for this. Also congrats on finishing the dex!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17779336 Thanks! I'm so happy! Hopefully that puts less stress on Apple, too.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17779336 >>17779356 I just figured it out with 4.4s but thanks, yea! I guess I don't have to worry about the stones as much.
And grats on the dex! One day, I'll get around to it, but it's just so daunting.
>>17779188 >heavy onix >fast vulpix Fuckin neato
Forgive me if I'm being stupid, but wasn't someone email trading for that makuhita last night? Dunno that you need to pick it up if it's extra work
Quoted By:
>>17779427 I'm very slowly starting a live dex on my second cart so I can touch trade everything for people
Biggest hurdle is transferring my final evo stages across gts frankly
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17779427 Yeah, I know. But this thread helped me out A LOT.
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Quoted By:
>>17779455 I honestly don't remember, it would be the first time I pick up stuff we already have anyway. I'm cool with it.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17779455 yeah I thought for sure we already had a heavy ball's so perfect and you aren't mistaken there was a trade in place for a level ball makuhita from seribii I think it was
Quoted By:
>>17779516 Yeah, I don't remember too much and the name was escaping me. Didn't want to sound like an idiot saying it if Alexis was the one doing the email trade
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Anybody here want a moonball cherubi female? I have 6 available now, all with 3 to 4 IVS, timid and with the eggmoves aromatherapy, heal pulse, weather ball, and something else. Pls take my babies.
>>17779543 I'd love to get one of these!
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17779516 I trade for things we have on accident all the time. Heavy Ball Onix isn't on the list tho.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17779596 oh I was just assuming we had it because it's such an obvious balltism match. God speed in getting that
IGN Ramon
3 Level Ball Combee. Who wants one?
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17779427 oh yeah, you never got your male earth power barboach. I kept checking and just assumed you never saw my message
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17779543 I'll take one. Disc is up!
>>17779644 Oops yea, it completely escaped my mind. Give me a sec and I'll disc up.
IGN: Travis
Quoted By:
>>17778313 Can you put me down for a Porygon? Thanks!
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
>>17779560 >>17779586 >>17779605 I know I sent one to Mina and one to somebody else... but I've only seen 2 discs so far
Quoted By:
>>17779689 Thank you very much!
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>17779638 i'll take one if they're female.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
IGN Ramon
>>17779726 Yes. Yes, they are. Put a Disc up.
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>177783138 I'll take a Porygon if you still got one.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>17779738 disc up, thanks!
Anyone want a Female Level Ball Combee? I got 6.
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
IGN Ramon
IGN: Travis
Quoted By:
>>17779783 Eh, putting a 'disc up for one, why not.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17779783 I will take one of your babies.
Quoted By:
>>17779783 I'd like to get one of these - putting a disc up!
>>17779149 Take my Elekids please.
IGN: Travis
Quoted By:
>>17779884 How about after the Combee?
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>17779884 Throwing up a disc in a min
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17779884 I'll take an eli baby too. <3
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
IGN: Travis
>>17779884 Disc is up for a Elekid
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
Nobody else wants heavy ball earth power barboach? People (myself included) seemed pretty stoked about this one
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
>HA Roselia in Nest Ball We don't have this yet, do we? If we don't, I can trade for it.
IGN Ramon
>>17780015 But, can't you get this in X/Y too?
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Quoted By:
>>17780015 >Nest Ball Roselia I thought that's catchable in XY.
Quoted By:
>>17780032 yeah, their call if they want it
IGN: Travis
Quoted By:
>>17778313 Hey, if you're still handing stuff out, can I get one of your Porygons? I put a disc up for one earlier, putting one up again.
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
>>17780032 I thought its ha was a bank exclusive?
>Dive ball tynamo
Quoted By:
>>17779965 >>17779942 >>17779992 Sent.
Looking to breed something without a shitty gender ration
IGN Ramon
>>17780072 No, Roselia is a horde. Route 7.
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>17780100 Ah, alright. Thanks for letting me know
Don't make a new thread for a while, apparently /b/'s in the middle of le ebin raid XD
>>17779543 Could I get one if you have any left?
Also, does anyone still want illegal moon ball Eevee? I have 6 females with 4-5 IVs.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>17780180 Putting up a disc for one now
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
Ya'll niggas need a new thread, you a 550 now
Quoted By:
>>17780233 eh, it's all a crack anyway. There's just more potential for shitposters than usual.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
does anybody have a female mold breaker drillbur in anything but a pokeball. I have this 5 IV sitting here but the red and white ball is really mocking me
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:15:49 No. 17780468 Report >>17777581 If I could bother you for a dream ball HA anorith lady (not easy, I know) I would be so super happy. I just realized we had those here and I neeeed it.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17780468 Cider has all my fossilmons and have been breeding all of them. He's eating now, but he'll do a big fossil giveaway later on which includes the anoriths, HA relicanth, etc :D
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:24:45 No. 17780638 Report >>17780543 Ah yes. Hopefully I'm around when he gives them out, then!
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:25:16 No. 17780649 Report >>17780543 Hey did you get the cloning to work? You know when I can get the Heatran back maybe?
Quoted By:
Somebody should really make a new thread. We're gonna 404 soon. This raid aint shit
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17780649 Oh I just sent you a Reddit message since I thought you weren't on here. I got two clones but I'm a bit tired of the failures so I'll try more later. I'll give you your Heatran back now :o
IGN: Travis
>>17780674 You still doing breeding requests, man?
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17780716 Yea, I'm breeding now. If you want to throw something on the list, go ahead.
This is what I'm working on (in order) so you may have to wait.
Repeat Ball Cyndaquil - Mina
HA Remoraid - Corrick
HA Basculin (Red) - Ramon, Gabriel
HA Basculin (Blue) - Ramon, Gabriel
Moon ball stantler - Ramona
moonball houndour - Alex
Dive Corphish - Lawn
Dive Frillish - Lawn, Cory
>>17780752 I'll take a Dream ball HA Alomomola. I can breed it myself if you like.
IGN: Travis
>>17780752 mmmmmmmmm(bop)mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkay.
And I'm fine with waiting.
Level Ball Kangaskhan, Love Ball Chansey, Dive Ball Frillish are what I'd like.
IGN: Travis
Quoted By:
>>17780896 WELL WHY DON'T YOU.
should I put a disc up now?
Benson 1247-0122-1521
New thread fucking when? Anyways in honor of the Year of the Horse, I have 14 Female Flash Fire Fast Ball Ponyta. Egg Moves include Low Kick, Hypnosis, Double Edge and Morning Sun. All of them are Jolly. One of them has to relearn the egg moves iirc. What I need from you all are red envelopes full of Luvdisc. Heart Scales appreciated but not required
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
has anybody else realized that we all grew up to be Brock instead of Ash as far as pokemon goes. I'm not trying to speak for everyone but so many people seem to prefer breeding to just battling
Quoted By:
>>17780923 yes yes yes yes yes disc going up
Quoted By:
Can someone trade me an Unown?
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>17780923 yo i'll take one
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17780923 Ohh, fast ball. So perfect. Sending a luvdisc envelope :P
>>17780821 I trust you, so I can hand you the only mother I have and have you breed it if I can get a female back.
Quoted By:
>>17780923 Do want. Disc going up.
IGN: Travis
Quoted By:
>>17780923 get horse GET IT
Axel FC 1564-3232-4673
Quoted By:
>>17780923 I'll take one, disc up in a sec. Thanks!
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17780923 >have 14 ponyta >missed opportunity for 2014 joke i apologize for this
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue)
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue) Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:44:46 No. 17781004 Report >>17780923 oh man yes please
Quoted By:
>>17780971 sure I put a disc up.
>>17780993 I'm ashamed
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:47:52 No. 17781055 Report Quoted By:
>>17780923 Oh wow this is great, can I get one please? Disc going up.
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
>>17780923 I'll take one, even though I really like it's shiny in another ball lol.
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue)
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue) Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:50:35 No. 17781091 Report Quoted By:
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17780923 Can I grab one of these guys?
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17781074 I like the Fast Ball for normal, but yea, Moon Ball Ponyta when?
>>17781073 Disc up! :3
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
>>17781102 I just got it now and still need to breed them silly :3
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17781113 D: my bad
I will quietly taken down my disc That's a pretty nice grab.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17781102 I think moon ball shiny ninetales would also be a really nice combo. It's cool we're getting fast though. I haven't seen any vulpix in apricorn balls yet.
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17781147 That's because getting a Ninetales in a cool ball isn't worth it since it's only good for Drought.
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Quoted By:
>>17781140 I'll hang on to one for you :)
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17781164 >implying Rapidash in a cool ball is useful It's about the aesthetics, whether I actually battle with them or not
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
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>>17781164 Oh, well, that's a good point.
Thank you for the ponyta! Needed it for the dex as well!
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17781198 Rapidash isn't good, but it's not missing much by having Flash Fire instead of its Hidden Ability. Ninetales is missing literally everything by making the same compromise.
>>17781222 I think the point is trophy pokes are still nice
Benson 1247-0122-1521
>>17781230 life is hard for a balltistic smogonfag
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
297 pokes till shiny charm. That doesn't actually seem so bad.
Aggi [3DS]: 4656-6722-4417
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>>17781244 Life is hard for any balltistic competititve player.
>>17781244 HA is misery
>>17781255 Ouch. If you want to help me mass trade what's left of my live dex to my other cart I can get you some of those entries and more importantly get to work on a live dex to touch trade people
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17781255 I have about 200 left. What's been helping me a ton is just GTSing all those Chikorita I had. People love Bank Pokes apparently.
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>>17781255 I'm like halfway done just from being here.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17781255 284 here, sigh. I should get around to making a list one day.
>>17781285 That's actually a really good idea. I should try this.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17781331 It seriously works. I haven't had a Chikorita stay up for more than 10 mins with anything I ask for.
>>17781331 I got an Alomomola for ya.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17781432 Sweet, getting a disc up.
IGN: Travis
>>17781432 Do you have the Kangaskhan ready yet?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17781271 That sounds great actually. How would we do it? Through the GTS?
>>17781285 Right now I've been swapping for fossil evolutions on the GTS. I want to a lot of the final stages/trade evos out of the way so that I don't have to level a lot on my own. Then the first stages shouldn't be too bad.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
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>>17781345 I got a wigglytuff for a love ball mareep. I could probably do even better than that.
Stone evos are another thing I want to get out of the way by swapping on the GTS.
>>17781489 Disc for a disc and DT them would be fastest, but you'd have to have a hell of a lot of pokes to just burn through, and so would I for that matter. It's kind of impractical really, but I'm completely up for it
>>17781488 Totally forgot, was watching LCS.
>>17781462 Sent.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17781506 Yeah, I'd be down. How many do you have total?
I have a lot of eggs I could use and I could probably start breeding mareeps again and use those.
I'm not available for much longer today, but we could probably find a day to do it.
>>17781532 I'll flip carts and check my main, but off the top of my head I think I've got
15 boxes left. We could just go box by box though, I'll have to breed some up on my off cart so I can snag them back from you though
IGN: Travis
>>17781523 I put a disc up.
Cider 3325-2761-7535
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>>17780638 Hey Kish, am done eating. If you wanna disc up I can give you the anorith now
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17781561 Oh shit. Maybe not all at once, but it's definitely doable. And if it helps both of us out, even better.
I'm guessing you're already on my acquaintances list. How about I go ahead and add you? We can do a little bit each day that we're both online if you want.
>>17781561 14 and a half, I was close. I've got some legends on my other cart that I can touch trade as well
IGN: Travis
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Tynamo in diveballs! I've got 6 females ready, random ivs (sorry) and brave nature. reply and thow your d's up if you'd like one.
IGN Ramon
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4 female Level Ball Combee 7 female Sports Ball Technician Scyther with egg moves If you want any of these, let me know and put a Disc up.
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17781686 aww yeah I been waiting for this
>>17781660 Yeah, probably for the best. You wouldn't show up on my other cart's acquaintances I don't think. Adding now
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17781686 I'll throw up my D. Heheheheh.
I do want one though. Discing up!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17781662 I actually have all of the legends I need, I think. Those were the most difficult so that's what's mostly encouraging me to complete the rest of the dex
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>>17781686 I'll toss a disc up in a bit, but I'd like one
>>17781723 Oh cool. Did you just want to in game trade a disc for a disc and register afterwards or add from the main menu?
>>17781686 I would love one, thanks!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17781706 Alright, added ya.
I'm about to leave for the day we'll keep in touch for sure. I'll try to have a least a box of derps to swap next time I'm ready.
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:29:17 No. 17781764 Report >>17781686 Yes please! Discing up right now.
>>17781754 Sounds good, hit me up whenever
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
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Is there any interest in thick fat Luxury Ball Swinub? They're Naughty with Icicle Crash/Icicle Spear/Stealth Rock/Freeze-Dry I'm breeding for IVs now, but I'm not sure if I should breed a few extra.
>>17780923 Still have Ponytas? Gimme a minute and I put a disc :(!
Aidan 0662-2881-1277 (IGN)
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>>17775732 Can I get a 6IV Male Skarm? Disc is up.
Lizilla (Liz) 2380-3160-3355
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Thread is about to 404, everyone. Also, morning~
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:36:06 No. 17781875 Report Quoted By:
>>17781852 Thanks so much!
>>17781859 4 more new threads and we're off the bottom. I'd make one, but I don't have any non overused disc images
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17782074 I'm leaving for dinner, and I only have one disc picture. I guess I can make a new one before I go if no one else will.
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>>17782107 Nah, it's cool I'll do it, give me a second. I think I've got one
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17782129 jesus christ how horrifying
Shura 2750-1424-2684
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>>17782129 >>17782145 Where's the timetohavenightmares.png?