ITT: We list any leftovers we'd like to clear from our boxes and trade with others. Exchanging is fine, but giveaways are also acceptable. My PC is getting full, so I'm looking to get rid of some of this stuff. I'll post what I have and what I'm looking for in a moment.
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
So here's what I've got: Adamant Riolu 31/x/31/31/31/31 Adamant Riolu 31/x/31/31/31/31 Jolly Totodile 31/31/x/31/31/31 Jolly Totodile 31/31/x/31/31/31 Jolly Totodile 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Gastly x/31/31/31/31/31 (x5) Timid Gastly 31/31/31/31/x/31 Timid Gastly 31/31/31/31/31/x Timid Gastly 31/31/x/31/31/31 The Totodiles have DD, Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, and Crunch. I'll accept anything for the Gastlys or Riolus, but for the Totodiles I'd like any mon with a corresponding nature/ability (ie Timid Natural Cure Staryu)
Tyler 4441-8415-0332
Quoted By:
I have 20+ Adamant hawluchas with unknown IVs
Tyler 4441-8415-0332
>>17773942 Could I have your 31/31/x/31/31/31 tododile?
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol)
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:34:02 No. 17774006 Report hey i got impish pentaperfect HA gligar for your jolly totodile
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
Quoted By:
>>17773975 Do you have anything to offer? I'm trying to complete my dex along with competitve, so I'll accept almost anything.
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>17774006 Is there a specific one you'd like, the one without perfect attack or defense? If these guys catch on I'll breed some more.
seab 4983-6116-6255
I'd like a Totodile! I have a Bold Yamask 31/x/31/31/31/31 with Disable
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol)
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:38:23 No. 17774067 Report >>17774053 ill take the one of the perfect atk iv
lucky for you this gligar is
so its pretty ready to go
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
Quoted By:
>>17774059 Sure. Lemme put one in the daycare and I'll add you.
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
Quoted By:
>>17774067 Sure, lemme add you real quick.
>>17773854 Can I interest you in a 5 IV Croagunk? Dry Skin, Adamant, with Drain Punch
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:42:25 No. 17774117 Report I have a good 30 Eevees with 5IVs Some have hidden ability, some have egg moves, some are just cannon fodder. Natures are mostly Timid, Adamant, and a few Modest sprinkled in. All of them are in Standard Pokeballs. I am sure I'll fill another few boxes as soon as I get a good female with HA in a dream ball.
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>17774105 For a Totodile. Sorry.
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>17774105 That sounds good. If you want a Totodile though, you'll have to let me breed some more real quick.
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>17774067 Sorry, this one has the everstone on it. Lemme take it off and we'll trade again.
Alex 1564-3238-2254 (Water: Octillery, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Alex 1564-3238-2254 (Water: Octillery, Floatzel, Frogadier) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:45:00 No. 17774153 Report Quoted By:
>>17773942 Could I get a totodile? Got a bunch of 5IV careful miltanks if anyone wants one of those.
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol)
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:45:09 No. 17774157 Report Quoted By:
>>17774144 kk ill let you initiate
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>17774129 Sure. I'll wait. I'll add you in the meantime.
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:46:15 No. 17774180 Report Spiral 4554-0450-4863
Okay, a lot of people want Totodiles. To anyone who wants one, wait a little bit so I can breed some more 5IVs. Until then, trade amongst yourselves. I do have some 4IV ones with egg moves if you want. Sending me a hatching O POwer would be nice.
Jordan 3668-9238-6446
Quoted By:
>>17773942 I'll trade you one of my 5/6IV timid protean Froakies for one of those Totodiles?
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol)
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol) Sat 01 Feb 2014 16:54:50 No. 17774336 Report >>17774208 aww dude you skipped me. ill send you some more hatching power if you come online
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>17774336 Sorry man. I've been pumping out some more 5IVs though. I'll list what I have.
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>17774689 Anyways, I have:
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
>>17774717 I'll just have the x speed one please. Thanks.
Eric 5370 0776 6505
>>17774180 I would love an eevee with wish and its hidden ability. I can offer you anything in this picture
Ed 1091-8176-4317
Quoted By:
>>17774117 lol you're really sick of those Eevees huh?
Tenchou 3883-5484-5545 [Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad]
Tenchou 3883-5484-5545 [Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad] Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:28:27 No. 17774792 Report Quoted By:
>>17774180 Do you have one modest one with wish? Got some leftover mawiles or trapinchs, if you are interested!
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>17774746 Sure thing. Lemme add you.
Alex 1564-3238-2254 (Water: Octillery, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Alex 1564-3238-2254 (Water: Octillery, Floatzel, Frogadier) Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:31:15 No. 17774841 Report >>17774717 I'll take any of those if that's alright!
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>17774841 Of course it's alright. Got any bank mons or breeding leftovers?
Brandon 1005-9830-7832
Quoted By:
>>17774804 Thanks man. Appreciate it.
Alex 1564-3238-2254 (Water: Octillery, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Alex 1564-3238-2254 (Water: Octillery, Floatzel, Frogadier) Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:34:48 No. 17774896 Report >>17774859 I have a load of 5IV careful miltanks if one of those would do? Also have a few east sea shellos with 3-4IVs and clear smog.
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
>>17774896 I'll trade for the Shellos, just lemme add you. Is there a specific one you want?
Alex 1564-3238-2254 (Water: Octillery, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Alex 1564-3238-2254 (Water: Octillery, Floatzel, Frogadier) Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:40:30 No. 17774990 Report >>17774912 Sorry, was just talking to the IV judge when you sent the request. Any of the totodile will do!
Spiral 4554-0450-4863
Quoted By:
>>17774990 In the middle of a trade now. I'll get to you in a moment.
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol)
Jay: 1263-7011-3822 (pawniard, cacturne, absol) Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:44:36 No. 17775060 Report Quoted By:
>>17774912 aww yee, give my gligar a good home and i'll take good care of your totodile
Cameron 4124-6076-9422 Espurr, Drowzee, Duosion
Cameron 4124-6076-9422 Espurr, Drowzee, Duosion Sat 01 Feb 2014 17:52:48 No. 17775200 Report I have: 4-5iv Tepigs jolly with superpower 4-5iv Trapinch adamant with bug bite I've got 9 Tepigs and 2 trapinch if anyone wants one, I'll take pretty much whatever. Preferably other semi decent iv breeding leftovers.
1805 2682 3033 Panpour, Gyarados, Frogadier
1805 2682 3033 Panpour, Gyarados, Frogadier Sat 01 Feb 2014 20:55:13 No. 17778988 Report Quoted By:
>>17773942 Still here? Would love a Riolu.
Also anybody have a Ralts going spare?
Quoted By:
>>17775200 Would you like a Meditite leftover? I'll take one of your Trapinch.
I have 3 5IV Shuppet with destiny bond and shadow sneak and 5 Shellder with 4/5 IVs with Skill link and rock blast/icicle spear. I don't have much time though so if anyone wants one just throw a scatterbug/luvdisc on GTS with /vp/ in the description. i also have a 6 IV Shellder with egg moves and Shell armor
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
Quoted By:
>>17774117 What would you like for a modest 5IV? I don't have much tho
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot)
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot) Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:54:25 No. 17781149 Report I've got 8 5IV timid Ghastly's And currently 9 5IV timid Noibat's with tailwind and switcheroo. I'll take most things to be honest
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
>>17781149 Most things as in?
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot)
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot) Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:00:43 No. 17781256 Report >>17781228 Well, preferably other decent IV pokemon, but if someone wants one and only wants to offer a luvdisc or something that's cool.
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:03:31 No. 17781298 Report Quoted By:
>>17773942 I'll take a Timid Gastly x/31/31/31/31/31 Ghastly
>>17773854 I have 27 Phiones with 3-5 random perfect IVs. Whoever wants them can have them just put up a disc
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
>>17781256 if you want luvdisc for heartscales can I just put on a 4IV marill or azurill/mareep/scyther
I also have breeding extras of frillish and rejected feebas and a snivy
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot)
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot) Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:08:46 No. 17781392 Report >>17781309 What pokemon were you wanting exactly? I've added you either way, any of those would be cool to be honest.
1736-1496-3647 (IGN:Calem)
>>17781303 Also, I have some love ball bunearys for people if they want, and lot of jolly glameows as well.
max (IGN:Thadkins 1478-4493-4234)
>>17781010 I'm interested, Are you sure you don't want anything?
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
Quoted By:
>>17781398 I'd love a buneary...
lemme go get a luvdisc
>>17781392 5IV Noibat pls.. I'll give a 4IV mareep then
Tino 1160-9889-3016
I have tons of Bold Flabébés with 4(maybe 3)-5 IVs and Symbiosis. I'm not sure if anyone wants them, but I need the box space. If you want one, put up a Scatterbug in the GTS with the message /vp/. NOTE: The Flabébés have blue flowers and are in Dive Balls.
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17781499 >>17781499 Bold. Yeah, many people prefer Calm, but with that Defense it can take 2 or 3 hits Physical. Reflect support makes it even better.
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:20:23 No. 17781581 Report >>17781539 I'll take one, hope it's 5iv ;-)
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
Quoted By:
>>17781463 Putting up a ludisc and after that I'll put up a scatterbug for you; I'd love a flabebe
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:21:39 No. 17781598 Report Quoted By:
>>17781581 I put a bunnelby up
I have a load of egg move Totodiles. DD, Aqua Jet, Ice Punch, and Crunch. 5 IV all different natures. Please don't ask for specific natures or IVs. I also have some 4-5 IV Froakies. Many Protean. Giving them away, but would appreciate baby Pokemon. Poochyena Magnemite anything really. Thanks
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:22:41 No. 17781621 Report >>17781463 Oh wait do you want scatterbug because vivillion
Mayu 4141-2393-6089 (IGN: Ivan)
Quoted By:
>>17775200 >Trapinch Could I get one of those trapinches? I'll give you a 4-5 IV ghost pokemon
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
Quoted By:
>>17781398 put a ludisc up with the message "thanks /vp"
>>17781392 added
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:23:57 No. 17781648 Report >>17781618 I have a magnemite, I'll take one of those Toto's I guess.
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17781621 Yeah, but I don't mind the Bunnelby. I can't find it, though.
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot)
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot) Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:26:28 No. 17781704 Report Quoted By:
>>17781618 Added you to grab one of those to totodiles and a protean froakie
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
Quoted By:
>>17781463 waiting on the luvdisc
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:26:41 No. 17781708 Report Quoted By:
>>17781674 It got sniped, I'll put up a scatterbug in like 5 mins let me catch one
>>17781648 GTS? Put /VP/ in the message. Thanks.
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:28:37 No. 17781745 Report >>17781712 I don't have totodile in my gts thingy ;-;
>>17781745 Go to "What Pokemon?" and type in Totodile.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
>>17781618 Could I grab a protean froakie from you to breed? Have a load of baby form Pokémon including the 2 you listed. Let me know what you'd like.
>>17781778 How about a Poochyena
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:32:11 No. 17781809 Report Quoted By:
>>17781772 I never knew you could do that, probably cause I never had to do it before.
Thanks, its up now.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
Quoted By:
>>17781798 Yup. I added your friend code unless you'd prefer GTS?
Quoted By:
>>17781463 put up the scatterbug. IGN is Luis. Thanks.
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
>>17781463 put up a scatterbug!
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:36:45 No. 17781887 Report >>17781463 I put up a scatter btw
Pierrot 3625 9187 4626 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula)
Pierrot 3625 9187 4626 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula) Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:38:17 No. 17781909 Report >>17781149 Could I take one of those Gastlys off yout hands?
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17781857 Sorry, I can't find it. It probably got sniped.
>>17781909 Is your IGN Luis? I sent one to someone named that.
Mike 4957-4007-2003
>>17781798 Thanks pal. Been wonder trading breeding leftovers for ages in the hopes of getting a protean froakie. Thought I'd just use the GTS but nooooope.
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
>>17781857 taken by someone else ugh
putting up another one..
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot)
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot) Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:40:51 No. 17781963 Report >>17781909 Sure thing, I've added you.
>>17781947 Yep. I added you just in case. Thanks.
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
Quoted By:
>>17781958 >>17781947 yeah, putting up another one
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:42:27 No. 17782009 Report Quoted By:
>>17781887 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF It got snipped.
I put a flabebe, if you wnt to add me I can trade u a scatterbug I live in eastern USA
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17781974 De nada. I'll add you later.
Halo 4296-4109-9755 (Dedenne, Stunfisk, Zebstrika)
Halo 4296-4109-9755 (Dedenne, Stunfisk, Zebstrika) Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:44:29 No. 17782050 Report >>17781149 Could I get one of those Gastlys?
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:45:54 No. 17782078 Report Quoted By:
>>17781149 can I have a ghastly pls
Pierrot 3625 9187 4626 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula)
Pierrot 3625 9187 4626 (Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula) Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:46:08 No. 17782083 Report Quoted By:
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot)
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot) Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:46:20 No. 17782087 Report >>17782050 Of course, added you.
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
>>17782031 just put up another scatterbug
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
>>17782094 sniped again ugh omfg
I'll out up another one more time
Quoted By:
>>17781955 No problem. Thanks for the Pooch.
Halo 4296-4109-9755 (Dedenne, Stunfisk, Zebstrika)
Halo 4296-4109-9755 (Dedenne, Stunfisk, Zebstrika) Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:49:09 No. 17782132 Report Quoted By:
>>17782087 Can I get a female one?
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17782121 I looked immediately after you posted. Wow they're quick. Post just before putting it up.
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:49:49 No. 17782142 Report >>17781463 Did you see my flabebe
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17782142 Sorry, just sent it, I didn't see your other message
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
Quoted By:
>>17782138 holy fuck
I;ll just add you lmao
>>17781463 I'll take one. Are they level 1?
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic
McGrill 4957-3455-4748 Snorunt, Cloyster, Beartic Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:53:19 No. 17782209 Report Quoted By:
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot)
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot) Sat 01 Feb 2014 23:54:25 No. 17782231 Report >>17782202 Can I get an add so I can get a totodile and a protean froakie please?
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17782202 Yes. Post just before you put it up.
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17782275 You know what? Just put up a Luvdisc. People are quick holy shit.
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
>>17782236 mine is up right now
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot)
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot) Sun 02 Feb 2014 00:00:24 No. 17782351 Report
Quoted By:
>>17782351 Alright. No problem.
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
>>17782341 OK one is going up.
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17782389 Sent.
>>17782378 Sorry for all the trouble, but put up a Luvdisc instead. It's better that way.
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
Quoted By:
>>17782378 sniped, now theres a luvdisc up but i didnt check if it has a heartscale
Quoted By:
>>17782412 Thanks man.
I swear if I asked for a bank Legend for me Scatter I'd get one.
IGN: Abe FC: 3995 - 6541 - 2361
Quoted By:
Anyone else have trapinch?
Quoted By:
>>17774761 If you are here, I could breed you one if those Drilburs for a Gale wing Fletch.
>>17781428 Positive, though I dunno if you're still here. Also.
>>17781010 If anyone wants one just throw a luvdisc on the GTS
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17782556 I'd like a Shuppet please. Putting up a Scatterbug.
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
>>17781010 I'd like a shelder, putting a luvdisc up now
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17782556 >>17782581 Sorry, just put it up.
>>17782581 >>17782613 Yep make sure you put /vp/ in the description so I get the right people
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
IGN: Guy
>>17782632 Can I get a shellder too?
>>17782627 I'm not seeing your Scatterbug
>>17782675 Sure just tell me what you're throwing on the GTS
Quoted By:
>>17781010 Would like a shellder putting a fletchling up with msg /vp/
Tino 1160-9889-3016
Quoted By:
>>17782707 Sniped. I guess I'll put a Luvdisc then.
IGN: Guy
SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
Quoted By:
>>17782707 Thanks for the shellder.
>>17782777 No worries, hopefully I've got everyone that's asked
Tino 1160-9889-3016
>>17782834 Thanks! Do you know a good moveset for Banette/Mega Banette?
Quoted By:
>>17782881 I run Shadow Sneak/WoW/Sub/Dbond on mine, plan is mega evolve on the revenge kill with Shadow Sneak as regular Banette is pretty crap, then either cripple the physical attacker with WoW or Dbond and get another free kill
Quoted By:
Well it seems we're out if free stuff.
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot)
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot) Sun 02 Feb 2014 00:40:57 No. 17783192 Report Quoted By:
I still have Niobats and Ghastlys going.
I still have 2 5IV Shuppets with Egg moves and a 4 IV skill link Shellder with icicle spear/rock blastand a 6 IV shell armor Shellder If nobody wants they'll be wonder traded
>>17783207 Mawile with fangs? for the shuppet
>>17783342 Don't really want anything for them, just throw a Luvdisc on the GTS for it and put /vp/ in the description and I'll send it to you
>>17783559 I was saying because i got it on a wonder trade so its no biggie. I'm putting the mawile up.
>>17783207 Can I have a Shuppet?
Larvitar with dd, ourtage, purist, SS?
>>17783583 Tell me when you are ready so it doesnt get snipped
>>17783583 Alright, I have a Male and a Female, any preference?
Quoted By:
>>17783610 Not really anything will do. Are ypu ready?
>>17783592 Sure, really just stick a Luvdisc up on GTS and I'll send the last one to you
>>17783603 I'm ready
Quoted By:
>>17783630 ty, sending one now. IGN Jesse
Quoted By:
>>17783630 thank you very much.
Quique 4356-0756-3813 (stunfisk, galvantula, emolga)
Quique 4356-0756-3813 (stunfisk, galvantula, emolga) Sun 02 Feb 2014 01:13:34 No. 17783812 Report >>17783207 Can I have the 6 shellder? I have a 6iv hawlucha.
>>17783812 You can, it has Shell Armor though, not Skill Link
Quoted By:
Anyone got a HA tangela? I have 4-5 iv rotoms, feebas, and misdreavuses in return
Quique 4356-0756-3813 (stunfisk, galvantula, emolga)
Quique 4356-0756-3813 (stunfisk, galvantula, emolga) Sun 02 Feb 2014 01:20:04 No. 17783934 Report >>17783856 An ability capsule can fix it though. Hawlucha has limber.
>>17783934 Okay, Fc is 3745-8224-7734
Wilhelm 0645 5767 4963 SV: 653
>>17784113 4IV adamant Speed boost Carvahna for a jolly Absol?
IGN: Guy
Quoted By:
>>17784113 Could I have a swirlix please? If you aren't looking for anything specific, would a luvdisc suffice?
Josh/Jipun-0018-0768-6432 (Poison- Ariados/ Kakuna/ ???)
Josh/Jipun-0018-0768-6432 (Poison- Ariados/ Kakuna/ ???) Sun 02 Feb 2014 01:37:53 No. 17784231 Report >>17773854 got any spare totodiles? I'm not too worried about IVs, and I have a Lileep with Pokerus if that would suffice for a trade.
Wilhelm 0645 5767 4963 SV: 653
>>17784138 Yes, love to trade you for a female speed boost carvanha, nickname if ya have one. Any with destiny bond? lol
to Guy, I'd rather do trades for other leftovers
aallnn77 1864-9967-2028
Quoted By:
>>17784113 If you're still here I'll take a yamask.
Quoted By:
>>17784113 Anything you're looking for in return? Would love an Marill
>>17784113 I have 5IV Magikarp (Adamant), Deino (Modest) and Petil (Modest/Own Tempo) Bunneary (Adamant/Huge power)
I would like Clawdaunt and Chatot please
>>17784284 I'm afraid I only have a male with destiny bond and hydro pump, sorry
Josh/Jipun-0018-0768-6432 (Poison- Ariados/ Kakuna/ ???)
Josh/Jipun-0018-0768-6432 (Poison- Ariados/ Kakuna/ ???) Sun 02 Feb 2014 01:42:01 No. 17784315 Report >>17784231 Seriously, you could just breed a random totodile for trade; dude's my favorite water-starter.
Wilhelm 0645 5767 4963 SV: 653
>>17784307 that male is still fine, thanks. fc?
>>17784306 i'll trade you for a buneary if you have a female or one missing spatt. nickname please. want chatot or corphish?
Quique 4356-0756-3813 (stunfisk, galvantula, emolga)
Quique 4356-0756-3813 (stunfisk, galvantula, emolga) Sun 02 Feb 2014 01:44:19 No. 17784358 Report >>17784018 Did you type your fc right?
IGN: Guy
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>>17784284 How would some 5iv Honedges sound? (All of my other leftovers are garbage)
>>17784349 I'm afraid I can't nickname it either as it was a trade, but my FC is
>>17784018 Anonymous
>>17784369 >>17784358 Sorry, not 3745, it's 3754
>>17784349 Ideally i'd like both, I should have females with no SpAtt, let me check. I have an Adamant perfect 5IV Honedge, and 5IV Noibats with Modest too.
Josh 3196-4385-5484 abra/espurr/duosion
>>17784315 dood, if he's not around I can give you a totodile. i'd love to catch some pokerus
Josh/Jipun-0018-0768-6432 (Poison- Ariados/ Kakuna/ ???)
Josh/Jipun-0018-0768-6432 (Poison- Ariados/ Kakuna/ ???) Sun 02 Feb 2014 01:49:20 No. 17784449 Report Quoted By:
>>17784412 Alright, sweet; I'll add you.
Wilhelm 0645 5767 4963 SV: 653
>>17784411 i'll take a perfect buneary. named plz!
>>17784306 y-you mean huge power bunnelby right?
Wilhelm 0645 5767 4963 SV: 653
>>17784501 well you did write buneary at first
but yeah bunnelby
are your karp gonna have moxie if so id take a female too. nicknamed please if poss
>>17784473 I have 5IVs not penta-perfect bunneary's with no HP/No Spd. I Can breed you a perfect one, or give you a mother/father.
Josh/Jipun-0018-0768-6432 (Poison- Ariados/ Kakuna/ ???)
Josh/Jipun-0018-0768-6432 (Poison- Ariados/ Kakuna/ ???) Sun 02 Feb 2014 01:54:09 No. 17784558 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17784473 Thanks for the Absol!
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>>17784529 wrong anon I just wanted to correct you~
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>>17784556 I mean Diggersby evolution. Im breeding Lopuny's evolution atm sorry >_<
My IGN is Kjedoran
Quique 4356-0756-3813 (stunfisk, galvantula, emolga)
Quique 4356-0756-3813 (stunfisk, galvantula, emolga) Sun 02 Feb 2014 02:11:15 No. 17784898 Report Quoted By:
>>17784386 having trouble connecting...
Quoted By:
>>17784529 They arent penta perfect, but i will give you a breeding pair that have 5IVs between them
Wilhelm 0645 5767 4963 SV: 653
im looking for feeeemaaaales.
>>17785414 I have females, trade me again please.
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>>17785443 I also have Timid Protean Frokies (4 or 5 IVs).
Josh 3196-4385-5484 abra/espurr/duosion
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>>17784558 np man. in the process of infecting all my mons with pokerus. you are a true hero.
miles 0018 1368 5885 Cloyster Bergmite Snorunt
miles 0018 1368 5885 Cloyster Bergmite Snorunt Sun 02 Feb 2014 05:32:45 No. 17788499 Report Quoted By:
Stuff that I have has, at the very least, 4 useful IVs.
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I'm back and still have some Totodiles left. :) LF: Diglett Patrat Lotad Buizel Voltorb Smoochum and other baby Pokemon.
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic]
Shane 4699-6929-9264 [Ice: Lapras, Spheal, and Beartic] Sun 02 Feb 2014 17:42:30 No. 17797400 Report Quoted By:
>>17784113 If you still have a swirlix I'd love one.
Spiral 4554-0450-4863