Hello friend, you see I am back to give away best Pokemonster again. Delibird is joke of pokemon yes? NO! He is best pokemon. Capitalist pig Americans are too stupid to see glory of Ivan model Delibird. A&Q Q: Why would I want Delibird? A: This is Ivan, not regular sandwich meat bird. Q:Doesn't he only learn present? A: No, use selective breeding to raise strong bear-bird. Ivan is knowing of moves>Ice Shard >Ice Punch >Fake Out >Destiny Bond He is Jolly and Hustling (3-5iv having) Q:Why is my female Delibird named Ivan? A: Ivan is having no gender. Question is dumb. Gender is Ivan. Q: Will I win with Ivan? A: Ivan is best member of team. He is making for faking out enemy. Then sharding ice upon them. If he is dying, Ivan will bond destiny and take enemy down with him. You are having no problem. Disclaiminger: Aerial Ace not included (use TM lazy Americans) Come get free Ivan, payment of other IV mon is preferring but is not only. This is giveaway, wealth is to be shared with fellow comrades. Long live Soviet Union, long live Ivan.
Mayu 4141-2393-6089 (IGN: Ivan)
I will take an Ivan, so both of us can crush capitalist pigs.
meta matic 5043-2724-7922
>>17778905 I'll give one of those Ivans a good home and spot on a team
IGN santman 1306-6377-1602
i would love to take ivan on a rampage against these capatalist pigs
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Bobbi 4570-7973-6674
I can give an Evee with 5IVs and hidden ability :)
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Odin IGN !!FdiFGhScWuz
I'll take one 0645-6236-9695
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Quoted By:
>>17779040 I will getting to you after other comrades receive Ivan rations.
D-Man 0404-6392-9293
I am Training Bird as Speak. he is faster now. IVAN will Smash all.
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Quoted By:
>>17779103 Use him in Mansion of Battle. Laugh at puny capitalist cheat AI. They not know how react to glorious bear-bird
Scud 5386-8115-5648
>>17778938 This must be honoring for you. Having name Ivan is best name. Is strong name. Is bear name.
Nick 4484-8686-4909
Quoted By:
>>17778905 I will take one
Bobbi 4570-7973-6674
Quoted By:
Awesome! mine was 5 IVs, thanks!
Mayu 4141-2393-6089 (IGN: Ivan)
>>17779196 yes, strong like mother Russia comrade. The power of bear creature flows through blood, I AM FIGHTING MACHIIINE
Scud 5386-8115-5648
>>17779040 >>17779115 Add you
>>17779241 Obvious answer, but good answer
Odin IGN !!FdiFGhScWuz
Quoted By:
Scud 5386-8115-5648
>>17779241 I am invite, but response is poor
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue)
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407 (Fighting: Pancham, Mienfoo,Tyrogue) Sat 01 Feb 2014 21:15:26 No. 17779333 Report I am also interest in Ivan bird, comrade.
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Quoted By:
>>17779333 Of course you are interest. Ivan is interest. Statement is dumb.
I add
Nick 4484-8686-4909
>>17779267 I want to crush capitalist pig regime on the wifi competitive with Ivan.
Mayu 4141-2393-6089 (IGN: Ivan)
>>17779313 Powerful team IVAN crush western enemy, present for scud, strong powerful candle monster.
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Quoted By:
>>17779376 And you will comrade. You will
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Quoted By:
>>17779384 Candle monster is legend. Legend is power. Power is Russia. Ivan all three
Are the Russians invading, or is it just some dumb bird fetish they have to share with the rest of us? Eyyy look at me with my vodka! I'm sooo rashin!
Consuela 1161-0180-0055
I wish to crush capitalist pigs as well, comrade
Quoted By:
>>17779576 You are having problem comrade. Is time for sleeping.
Quoted By:
>>17779620 For added. Picture of Man-Bat is pleasing
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Quoted By:
I will perhaps take break? Unless responding soon.
>>17778905 SATAN (ign Dave) 0791-1917-3197
I'll t-take one
Scud 5386-8115-5648
>>17780061 I add. Maybe bear-bird will make give up capitalism and renounce title as satan.
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Quoted By:
I am accidentally caught in trade with Japanese asshole. He no trade Thunderous for Ivan. Man is stupid.
>>17780181 Hopefully comrade
adding now
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17780282 In game naming?
>>17780331 Dave, am in dex swapping
hold on a moment
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
Can get 5 IV Ivan, yes? I pay with 5 IV Luchador Bird, yes? Very good. Add.
Scud 5386-8115-5648
>>17780353 I would do such thing, but I have not much to swapping. Only Phione and Manaphy. Too afraid of capitalist pigs steal my faggot water-baby
Scud 5386-8115-5648
Quoted By:
>>17780372 I add psycho man. Lucha bird is best dirty foreigner
>>17780377 Unfortunate, neither do I but comrade in another thread has taken pity on me
Pestkop 4227 - 0773 - 7329 (Audino, lillipup, Ditto)
Pestkop 4227 - 0773 - 7329 (Audino, lillipup, Ditto) Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:15:04 No. 17780448 Report I could use glory bird in team Ivan is best bird
>>17780447 By the way, would you enjoy the partakin in jelly fish poison monster? 3IVs tho
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17780474 Jelly fish poison monster is legend back home. All legend are fact. I take.
>>17780448 You are stating of fact. I give.
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
>>17780494 Thank for Ivan. Best bird.
Enjoy dirty foreigner, da?
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17780644 It is Austin. I am needing your gaming name.
Quoted By:
>>17780654 Apologies, is Dave
Quoted By:
>>17780654 Many thanks. Ivan will destroy all of the capitalist pigs. All of them.
Max 1134-8077-4331
Commrad, I am looking forward to sharing in Ivan bird glory, I will give 5IV Porygon for such glorious tribute
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17780776 I will accept tribute. Blood for bear-bird
D-man 0404-6392-9293
>>17780776 I would like a Porygon of 5IV.
Max 1134-8077-4331
>>17780835 This can be arranged, will add you after glorious bird.
>>17780811 much honor to you comrade
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17780886 Happy hunting of capitalist pocketmons
D-man 0404-6392-9293
>>17780886 I shall Give you Bird of Metal, With Move Eggs for Wild Winds and Bravest of Bird
Max 1134-8077-4331
Quoted By:
>>17780907 I am ready brother
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17780907 Which egg moves it is having?
Quoted By:
Would get Ivan, but no Pokémon X Y. ...Damnit.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17780940 I have forgotten how to read. Bad is mine.
Yanni 5069-4241-3958 (Normal: Kecleon, Dunsparce, Eevee)
Yanni 5069-4241-3958 (Normal: Kecleon, Dunsparce, Eevee) Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:43:35 No. 17780983 Report I will trade 4IV tiny land shark as blood sacrifice for Ivan, comrade. Capitalist swine are believing that Ivan is weak and slow compared to big land shark. I intend to prove inverse.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17780983 I will accept inferior land shark.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
>>17780983 In gaming name pls?
D-man 0404-6392-9293
>>17780960 This Ivan is Wonder. Much For Winning! I Enjoy Him Lots
Yanni 5069-4241-3958 (Normal: Kecleon, Dunsparce, Eevee)
Yanni 5069-4241-3958 (Normal: Kecleon, Dunsparce, Eevee) Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:49:53 No. 17781085 Report Quoted By:
>>17781058 Is as you see. Is Yanni.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Quoted By:
>>17781070 Is obvious. Winning is given. You are fact.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
Be back in 10 mins Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin) Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:53:55 No. 17781143 Report Quoted By:
Having to bathe. Must walk to river. Fight bears for spot.
Yanni 5069-4241-3958 (Normal: Kecleon, Dunsparce, Eevee)
Yanni 5069-4241-3958 (Normal: Kecleon, Dunsparce, Eevee) Sat 01 Feb 2014 22:54:09 No. 17781145 Report Quoted By:
>>17780997 Many thanks for you.
Many thanks for the USSR.
Many thanks for Ivan.
Scud 5386-8115-5648 (Austin)
D-man 0404-6392-9293
Quoted By:
>>17781632 Welcome back Leader of IVAN
Quoted By:
Is there any ivan left i could really use 1.