X 0963-0276-2416
http://pastebin.com/42j4V146 Up for 1:1 trades:
6Iv Shiny Naughty Latias JPN
6IV Shiny Timid Latios
6IV Timid Keldeo w/HP Ghost/Secret Sword/Icy Wind (WIN2013) (31/30/31/31/30/31)
6IV Naive Meloetta
6IV Shiny Impish Klefki
Waiting on:
Gringo to give back my Entei w/Sacred Fire
Mr Jack (Gaige) 2981 6853 2941: Cloning Meloetta and returning O+1
the master list, offers pls 1 of 2
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:16:29 No. 17790649 Report >>17790608 When I get done with all of this, I'll see. Don't want to overwork myself.
>>17790556 Adding you right now.
Isaiah 4399-0617-5462
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:17:16 No. 17790659 Report >>17790649 I don't give a fuck nigga. I'm just saying you can get it if you want it.
Alec 0232-8335-7303
>>17790595 lemao
also: just send a TR whenever you're done
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:18:32 No. 17790677 Report >>17790659 No, no, I'd love your Jirachi, cloning is just a bit rough for me at the moment. First day doing this and all.
>>17790640 I want that Mandibuzz.
Sadly i have only one 5 iv shiny and the rest of them varies from 3 to 4.
How about few shinys for that mandibuzz? Or some Legends like Arceus or Victini?
How about Shiny Feraligatr + Life orb and Arceus for Mandibuzz?
Aaron 3840-5986-8067
>>17790640 best thing i have is shiny ditto 6iv, 6iv shiny moltres, and 6iv shiny mew
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
>>17790630 Can I clone the 6IV Timid Latios?
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:19:48 No. 17790693 Report >>17790677 It's all cool m8. I just don't mind if you don't clone it is all I'm saying.
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:19:49 No. 17790694 Report >>17790640 Can I O+1 that snivy?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Looking to Lend/Clone/1:1 Muh List: 6iv Red Genesect 6iv Shiny Deoxys (Normal Form) 6iv Shiny Shaymin 6iv Shiny Metagross 6iv Shiny Kyogre 6iv Shiny Girantina w/orb 6iv Shiny Darkrai 6iv Shiny Noivern 6iv Arceus 6iv Celebi 6iv Reahiram 6iv Jirachi 5iv Shiny Charizard (solar power) 5iv Shiny Aerodactyl 5iv Shaymin 4iv Rotom(washing machine) 4iv Shiny Larvitar 3iv Thundurus Porygon-Z Shiny Rayquaza Shiny Goruodon Shiny Kabutops Shiny Dragalge Zekrom Victini Red Gyarados Event Mew Latias Phione NFT: 6iv Shiny Aerodactyl (lvl 1) 6iv Shiny Koffing 5iv Victini (V-Create, Blue Flare, Bolt Strike, Glaciate) 5iv Rotom (lvl 1) Zapdos HP Flying (Heat Wave) 3iv Pikachu (Fly, thunderbolt, grass knot, Protect) Unown (lvl 10)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:20:52 No. 17790710 Report >>17790693 You've got my gratitude, in that case. Did you want it as an O+1 thing?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17790640 That deerling pls
Worgit(IGN:Ezra) 5284-1411-6146 (Quagsire, Octillery, Poliwhirl)
Worgit(IGN:Ezra) 5284-1411-6146 (Quagsire, Octillery, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:21:54 No. 17790727 Report Quoted By:
Posting this again. Does anybody here have a Chikorita with Giga Drain & Ancientpower or a Golett with Drain Punch & Ice Punch?
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:21:55 No. 17790728 Report >>17790707 Have you added me yet?
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:21:56 No. 17790729 Report >>17790710 Yeah sure. Sounds good to me.
>Pretty sure I already added you. X 0963-0276-2416
>>17790688 Do you have a list? I've got 2 extra of that Latios already, so I can just 1:1 trade it.
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:23:24 No. 17790756 Report >>17790729 You sure? I don't see an Abe on my list...
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil)
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:23:30 No. 17790760 Report Quoted By:
>>17790707 want the 5iv terrakion for oreodactyl 5iv ?
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Jaime if you're here... you know you want to lend that koffing and get +1 or +2 back depending on how much of a cunt it tires to be.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17790592 Thanks for the pokemon.
I almost didn't realize it was shiny at first... it's been a long day. 3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17790728 What's your IGN?
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
>>17790749 No I don't have anything really. All I've got atm are 6IV JPN Dittos and 3IV Outstanding Shiny Togetics with Nasty Plot.
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:24:27 No. 17790781 Report Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:25:15 No. 17790794 Report Quoted By:
>>17790756 I'm positive. Just tried to add you and it says I already entered it.
>Check the "acquaintances" sometimes it's gay like that. Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17790640 Can I clone Heracross and Solosis?
>>17790707 Can I clone Aerodactyl and Kyogre?
>>17790685 sorry already have both of those
>>17790687 have them sorry
>>17790694 Austin is currently cloning snivy but when he comes back you can borrow it, I'll add you now
>>17790721 if you can get a 6iv flychu.. lol
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17790707 Did you clone the aerodactyl? Lol
Aaron 3840-5986-8067
>>17790822 could i O+1 anything you have?
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:28:19 No. 17790850 Report >>17790749 6IV timid arceus for a latios?
That's all I have at the moment Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17790761 I've done it before with Daryll actually
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17790833 Yea sorry I forgot but it's done
So is the original 6iv pika Xs?
>>17790846 most things sure
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Might as well post my own list. Can clone/lend any of these. 5IV Deoxys-S 5IV Cobalion 6IV Shiny Trevenant 6IV Terrakion 5IV Shiny Terrakion 6IV Arceus 5IV Lugia 6IV Shiny Thundurus 6IV Shiny Tornadus 5IV Shiny Suicune 6IV Shiny Genesect 6IV Shiny Lati@s 6IV Shiny Kyurem 6IV Shiny Shaymin 6IV Jirachi 6IV Meloetta 5IV HP Ghost Raikou 5IV HP Rock Virizion 5IV Zapdos 5IV Stealth Rock Heatran 5IV Mew 6IV Shiny Greninja 6IV Shiny Gardevoir 5IV Shiny Landorus 6IV Victini 5IV Azelf 5IV Shiny Swampert 6IV Celebi
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:29:40 No. 17790877 Report >>17790781 Yo nigga. Let me know if you want to clone that shit now or not. i want to take a shower m8.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17790855 Shit...
that word phrasing Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>17790855 ok but that was then, this is now. Though now I'm almost ready to go to sleep.
Also if my pokemon sales hit 2K I'm buying my god damn light up green ranger helmet
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:30:25 No. 17790891 Report >>17790651 Interested in a Celebi and Entei, I can do O+1 or 1:1 from anything here
Alec 0232-8335-7303
Quoted By:
>>17790707 what do you want for victini?
clone for clone
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17790855 I love my Koffing :)
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17790850 Eh, sure, why not? Adding you.
>>17790775 Alright, you can clone it, just return O+1 of Latios.
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
>>17790867 Can I clone the Latias?
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:31:11 No. 17790907 Report >>17790867 Yo, I don't know if you care, I do, but I have a 6IV Speed and Shiny Defense Deoxys if you would like to clone them and give me +1 let me know.
>I gotta start saying +1 because so many clone shit for themselves and nothing for me. >Depression Aaron 3840-5986-8067
>>17790862 i really want that Aegislash, eevee, and the Greninja
UR2L8 3222-5729-2515 {684} !!tAmzjPeYS2h
Quoted By:
>>17790707 >6iv Red Genesect >6iv Shiny Deoxys (Normal Form) >6iv Shiny Kyogre >6iv Shiny Girantina w/orb >6iv Arceus I JUST got down the timing to clone properly, I'd be happy to clone here. If nothing else, for the good reference.
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:31:44 No. 17790918 Report >>17790877 You should probably shower, someone's trying to trade with me right now, and the cloning I'm going to do is going to take a while...I'm sorry for the wait.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17790867 Dat HP Ghost Raikou and Swampert...
Alec 0232-8335-7303
>>17790651 is ralts from kalos?
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:32:32 No. 17790931 Report Quoted By:
>>17790918 I don't bro. I appreciate you telling me. I'll be back soon enough m8.
UR2L8 3222-5729-2515 {684} !!tAmzjPeYS2h
>>17790907 what's the spread on Xerneas and Yveltal?
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
Quoted By:
>>17790867 nvm
>>17790898 Yeah sure no worries. Adding you now.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:33:33 No. 17790946 Report Quoted By:
>>17790933 Don't know, I'll check when I'm done with my shower.
>All of them are different. >All of them unique >All of them most likely shit X 0963-0276-2416
>>17790661 Wait, what're you talking about?
Isaiah 4399-0617-5462
>>17790891 From where?
>>17790923 It's impossible for Ralts to be Kalos bron and have Hyper Voice.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17790867 Adding you what all would you like again?
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:33:50 No. 17790958 Report Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17790896 It's special ain't it? :)
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17790906 Sure, you wanna do +1 or do you have something to give for it?
>>17790907 Not really, no. But I'd love to clone Entei and Arceus or Giratina.
>>17790920 Want to clone one of them? Or trade for a clone?
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>17790967 Wow. Such Ignore.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:34:57 No. 17790984 Report Quoted By:
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
Quoted By:
>>17790974 I'm cloning something else right now, but if you're still here later I can do a +1.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17790954 Aerodactyl and Kyogre.
Quoted By:
Shiny Darkrai 31/31/31/31/31/31 Jirachi 31/31/31/31/31/31 Korean event ball Shiny Ninetales 31/x/x/x/31/x Shiny Octillery x/x/31/x/x/x Shiny Scisor 31/31/31/x/x/31
>>17790909 yea ok thats fine, 1 at a time
Aaron 3840-5986-8067
>>17791016 awesome sounds good thanks whats your in game name?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791001 The originals back + A copy of that Raikuo HP ghost and kyogre?
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:38:20 No. 17791049 Report >>17791038 I'll be ready to trade when you are.
Quoted By:
Looking for a Linoone with Extreme Speed and Belly Drum to clone and give to me. Can give a shiny Honedge in return. I have one in Black but waiting for Pokebank is painful.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17790981 Much Koffing love.
Are you suggesting I create a Koffing army? X 0963-0276-2416
>>17790907 Why the fuck do you have Regirock in Gen 4 box? Get your shit together
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>17791038 Sure. So +1 Kyogre and a Raikou clone.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17790859 So you want the cofragigus right?
I'll add you now
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>17791056 Nah I'm just suggesting you should unleash koffing's smoggy sexy DOGARS into my life.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791049 What did you want again as well?
Do you have a list?
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:40:43 No. 17791091 Report >>17791076 Rayquaza, Darkrai, and Arceus. I can give you my legendary dogs as collateral.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791061 Yes please and originals of coarse :) ready whenever.
>>17791029 same as here
>>17791066 m-me too..
Aaron 3840-5986-8067
Quoted By:
>>17791105 alright waiting online for you
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Quoted By:
>>17791092 actually i'm too damn tired, lol. maybe tomorrow
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
>>17790974 I can do either or. Prefer to do a 1:1 trade, if possible.
>>17790822 >sorry already have both of those I have shiny 5 iv Empoleon.
Shiny Dialga.
How about these two for Mandibuzz?
Alec 0232-8335-7303
>>17790947 i thought you were cloning them back for me :/
in my original post, i began with saying
clone for clone:
maybe i forgot to mention i can't clone ;_; i dont remember. if you can find time that would be awesome. those weren't clones, they were one of's.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17791067 Well if only SOMEBODY I know would +1 me my Koffings.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17791160 Ah fuck. You should probably include that in your pastebin. I thought you meant we were each gonna offer up a clone. I'll get working on them.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791091 Ok sounds good, original +1 is what were doing right?
Also I'd like to do then one at a time.
>>17791152 does it have torrent or defiant
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>17791162 Nigga have you been reading. I will +2 your ass.
Alec 0232-8335-7303
Quoted By:
>>17791179 sorry, ill add that to my pastebin. if you're busy you can just return them later. not a big deal. up to you man, but thanks :)
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791162 Is be happy to +1 your Koffing for you Jaime :)
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17791199 OH! Shit negro, that's all you had to say. Lemme add ya
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17791210 I added you. I'll send a Tr in a sec.
Mr Jack (Gaige) 2981 6853 2941
>>17791230 Hey buddy can I get that charizard for a little while?
Alec 0232-8335-7303
>>17791244 is there a significant % of this thread that is actually black?
seems like we use the nigger word alot
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:51:48 No. 17791265 Report Quoted By:
>>17791185 Yeah, O+1. One at a time is fine by me. Expect 10 minutes for each clone I make, though.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17791230 If you're up to it after Fyre clones it, then sure :)
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791255 Sure, is +1 still cool?
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>17791264 Willkommen zu
Auschwitz 4chan
Mr Jack (Gaige) 2981 6853 2941
Daryll(or anyone) want to clone?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791303 Hey Gerardo did you find someone to clone my Mandibuzz yet? Im getting my 2nd DS back tomorrow so I can clone again.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17791303 Gerardo, lemme love your Deerling baby.
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Sun 02 Feb 2014 07:59:06 No. 17791350 Report Quoted By:
>>17790953 >>17790958 Also interested in your Timid Hyper Voice Ralts, if that's not too much to ask
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791338 I tried to as well
Makes me sad ;_;
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
>>17791264 We're all Blasians.
Aaron 3840-5986-8067
Quoted By:
>>17791303 hey ihave them cloned. whenever you ready
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791253 I have to transfer it sorry I forgot
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>17791338 nigga you gonna add me?
Pao X
my list
http://pastebin.com/4yit6D5P and is lending josh around
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17791360 Life without Deerling is suffering
Quoted By:
>>17791187 it's a torrent. Modest 5 iv with missing attack
>>17791321 original+victini?
>>17791326 never could, I'll just trade it back if you want
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:04:56 No. 17791428 Report >>17790640 Are you still taking offers?
>>17791338 can I see your list again
>>17791428 yep
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:06:58 No. 17791456 Report >>17791391 anyway I can clone that mawhile?
also I have a 6iv shiny zorua and 5iv shiny shinx to lend/trade
>>17791391 Want anything for that giga drain snivy?
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>17791397 nigga, add me already, I want to sleep.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17791377 Oh I see lol
Well send me a TR whenever you want. I'll be online
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17791390 nigga we've been friends for a while
Quoted By:
>>17791427 Yeah trade it back. ill clone you one tomorrow. Just be online at some point.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791427 If it's the NFT victini id have to get permission but id much rather get that Deerling. Deerling is love, Deerling is life.
Austin 0259-0810-4835
Quoted By:
>>17791446 ready to trade back?
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:10:09 No. 17791507 Report >>17791446 From Shinys I got
Also got
6IV Gastly in a moonball
5IV Kingdra
5IV Politoad
5IV Meowth
5IV Houndour
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17791473 Oh shit I lied! Why do I know another Fyre???
Pao X
>>17791472 hey i got a shiny jap rhyhorn and slowpoke if u wnat a copy
Aaron 3840-5986-8067
Quoted By:
>>17791427 hey idk if you seen but i finished, waiting on you.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
This Latios just doesn't want to be cloned :/ How long will you be on X? This is taking longer then I expected.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17791523 Well know I'm embarrassed
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17791520 I'd like ryhorn. I already have a slowpoke.
I got a rare taillow today :p it has boom burst
Are you interested in that one?
>>17791503 nah need something really gud for deerling
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>17791551 and that's why you're getting a floette some guy traded me earlier that was shiny, though I do need that back.
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:13:41 No. 17791565 Report Pao X
>>17791458 let me see ur list
>>17791456 ill can do 1:1 on the shinx
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:15:06 No. 17791580 Report >>17791503 Finished the Arceus set!
Pao X
>>17791556 i am eventually ill give u a copy tomorrow im gonna finish a few trades and get some zzzzs
>>17791565 is meowth shiny?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17791581 Sounds good!
Good luck cloning.
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:16:43 No. 17791602 Report Quoted By:
>>17791589 sadly it is not
the others shinies i have but figured not worth listing were shiny mew and shiny ditto
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:16:54 No. 17791604 Report Quoted By:
>>17791572 that works, just letting you know the shinx is named bolt and I can't change it?
Austin 0259-0810-4835
Isaiah 4399-0617-5462
>>17791557 What's this Deerling your talking about? I'm the guy with the NFT on Victini.
>>17791572 Is it shiny or good ivs?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17791580 Ok cool I'm online now
Pao X
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17791623 If you manage to get it I'd love me some deerling
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Pao X
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:22:22 No. 17791668 Report Quoted By:
>>17791391 Hey could I borrow that Timid Hyper Voice Ralts? I can O+1 or 1:1 for anything in my list here:
Christian 1392-5566-6446
Quoted By:
would anyone be interested in cloning a 6IV Modest Sap Sipper Goodra for me?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17791539 All night and morning.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791580 Cool let me know when you're done with Darkrai. Thanks again mAn
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17791706 Is there nothing to convince you to let me clone it?
Looking to Lend/Clone/1:1
Muh List:
6iv Red Genesect
6iv Shiny Deoxys (Normal Form)
6iv Shiny Shaymin
6iv Shiny Metagross
6iv Shiny Kyogre
6iv Shiny Girantina w/orb
6iv Shiny Darkrai
6iv Shiny Noivern
6iv Arceus
6iv Celebi
6iv Reahiram
6iv Jirachi
5iv Shiny Charizard (solar power)
5iv Shiny Aerodactyl
5iv Shaymin
4iv Rotom(washing machine)
4iv Shiny Larvitar
3iv Thundurus
Shiny Rayquaza
Shiny Goruodon
Shiny Kabutops
Shiny Dragalge
Red Gyarados
Event Mew
6iv Shiny Aerodactyl (lvl 1)
6iv Shiny Koffing
5iv Victini (V-Create, Blue Flare, Bolt Strike, Glaciate)
5iv Rotom (lvl 1)
Zapdos HP Flying (Heat Wave)
3iv Pikachu (Fly, thunderbolt, grass knot, Protect)
Unown (lvl 10)
Isaiah 4399-0617-5462
Quoted By:
>>17791706 I like the look of that Deer bro, you want Victini right?
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:28:57 No. 17791756 Report Quoted By:
>>17791715 No prob! Should be about 20 minutes.
>>17791730 I have everything on your list except nft victini and flychu, sorry
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17791649 does your Mandibuzz have egg moves..?
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:29:17 No. 17791763 Report Sup guys! im back from the death! rev up those lists, here is mine:
http://pastebin.com/zEQZ1Qy1 Looking for mons that are not on my list (any lvl is ok but if they are lvl 1 the better) (:
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17791661 Blitzle,hopip,chatot,purrloin,swablu,sewadle
He has a lot of stuff I don't have lol
I'll update my list tonight so you can show it to him. I have a few rare pokes he doesn't have.
Pao X
Quoted By:
>>17791764 sounds good to me
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:30:54 No. 17791786 Report Quoted By:
>>17791744 so what do you want for it? (:
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17791763 would you still be interested in my Lapras? even if it's not Kalos born?
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:32:16 No. 17791801 Report >>17791787 i got it already, im looking for one that is kalos born, sry :(
Pao X
>>17791764 im off to sleep ill talk to u tomorrow ish
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17791759 It's got roost and knock off
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17791763 Volk, can I have that White Flabebe now?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17791817 Goodnight man. See ya!
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:35:57 No. 17791835 Report >>17791763 are you interested in any of these
Also got
6IV Gastly in a moonball
5IV Kingdra
5IV Politoad
5IV Meowth
5IV Houndour
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17791801 it's all good! would you be interested in a lvl 1 5iv bold Rotom?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Becca 2079 7638 0367 (Kecleon/Lillipup/ditto)
Becca 2079 7638 0367 (Kecleon/Lillipup/ditto) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:37:59 No. 17791867 Report Quoted By:
anyone want to clone 6iv non event shiny mew? Im looking for Genesect X_X trying to complete my dex
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17791758 6iv Cresselia
5iv Togekiss
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>17791831 O+1 is done so far, trying to do one more since he wasn't a complete douche.
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:38:34 No. 17791875 Report >>17791833 yes you can, drop a luvdisc in the GTS with my name on it and i will send you your flower (:
>>17791847 yes, missing stat? what would you want?
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:38:37 No. 17791876 Report >>17791763 are you interested in a 6iv zorua not kalos born or a 5iv shinx nicknamed? I would like to clone your kanghaskan and amaura?
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17791859 what's up?
>>17791831 would you be interested in a 6IV Jolly Moxie Pinsir? if you can clone it? or a 6IV Modest Volcanora?
have: shiny events: suicune raikou entei palkia dialga non shiny: mew darkrai celebi genesect victini azelf giratina virizion cobalion keldeo ect is it bad that I don't know/care which ones I'm missing? Im starting to suck at autism. looking for a shiny jumpluff with chlorophyll
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17791758 You see my list?
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
Quoted By:
>>17791709 Alright these are ready.
Was planning on cloning a party full but it just wasn't working haha.
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:40:04 No. 17791904 Report Aaron 3840-5986-8067
>>17791835 id love to O+1 on that 6iv ghastly
>>17791758 hey im done online whenever your ready
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17791874 All right! You da man Fyre
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:40:56 No. 17791926 Report >>17791890 Ooh I want that Raokou and Celebi
i got this
Also got
6IV Gastly in a moonball
5IV Kingdra
5IV Politoad
5IV Meowth
5IV Houndour
X 0963-0276-2416
http://pastebin.com/42j4V146 Up for 1:1 trades:
6Iv Shiny Naughty Latias JPN
6IV Shiny Timid Latios (Loaned out atm.)
6IV Timid Keldeo w/HP Ghost/Secret Sword/Icy Wind (WIN2013) (31/30/31/31/30/31)
6IV Naive Meloetta x2
6IV Shiny Impish Klefki
Waiting on:
Gringo to give back my Entei w/Sacred Fire
Alec, you still around? Entei and Nidoking are cloned.
Savok (IGN: Reina) - 0619-3830-6271
Quoted By:
Have 6IV Timid Japanese Dittos. Looking for 5-6IV Raikou or any legendary bankmon really.
Iggy (IGN: Ivan) 3711-7504-4858 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier))
Iggy (IGN: Ivan) 3711-7504-4858 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:41:38 No. 17791937 Report 'barely lurk or post in these kinds of thread, but I have at least 10 5IV Shiny Blaze Charizards with their megastones attached. I'd like getting a Shiny Hyper Voice Gardevoir, but any offers will work. my cloned shiny for your cloned shiny will be great.
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17791875 it's missing attack
I'm interested in Gliscor? or Medicham? egg moves?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17791887 Sorry can't clone :/
Munna returns, with cloning capability, In search of: (5-6iv shiny)
http://pastebin.com/er5UEk8A Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:43:21 No. 17791963 Report Quoted By:
>>17791915 That can be arranged.
what do you have to offer?
FC: 0061-0836-9554
Quoted By:
Have shiny 6 IV timid Latias, looking for non-shiny 6 IV timid Latias. I can also add a BP item or leftovers or something.
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:43:27 No. 17791965 Report >>17791904 its name is bolt
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>17791875 Okay, it's up. Thank you so much Volk!
Iggy (IGN: Ivan) 3711-7504-4858 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier))
Iggy (IGN: Ivan) 3711-7504-4858 (Octillery, Gyarados, Frogadier)) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:43:50 No. 17791973 Report Quoted By:
>>17791937 forgot the nature right there - it's Timid. It also has egg moves to exploit or use
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>17791947 Get your sweet ass online
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
>>17791927 Cheers for the lend.
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17791947 okay okay I have some I can offer.
>>17791926 >>17791926 what up with mew?
i think i have kyurem already
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17791980 My ass comin to collect my babies
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>17791984 fuck your eggs.
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:48:59 No. 17792044 Report >>17791944 actually i have meditite and its nick named "Aladin" dont know why i put medicham, but if its ok with you i can trade you meditite, and if you like a gliscor i have a gligar too.
no eggmoves sry lol
>>17791965 nice i like it, its kalos born right?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17792003 ...did you actually try cloning it right at the end?
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:49:43 No. 17792054 Report >>17792020 Well its a shiny mew in a cherish ball
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
Quoted By:
>>17791927 You d/c? I've still got this spare Latios.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17792028 You're gonna take em and like em. Hint:
they're phiones Anonymous
>>17792054 >>17792054 you want celebi and raikou for it?
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:51:37 No. 17792080 Report Quoted By:
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
>>17792050 Nah trade disconnected. Start it up again and I'll send you this Latios.
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17792044 oh lol how about the Timburr? does it have drain punch? and I've been looking for a gligar for a damn long time now
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17792081 Keep it. The disconnect cloned it.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>17792065 I have a shiny 6IV Eng Bouncing Manaphy with OT: Fyre Christian 1392-5566-6446
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:53:16 No. 17792104 Report >>17792075 Well that would be nice but whichever you would like to part ways would be fine
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>17792081 >>17792092 unintended cloning. Go you two.
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
Quoted By:
>>17792092 Really? Thats hilarious. Took me so long to clone it and it disconnects in the trade and clones.
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:53:47 No. 17792114 Report >>17792082 yep he has drain punch
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17792013 I wanna help you out, but I'd need my Mandibuzz to be cloned
Aaron 3840-5986-8067
Quoted By:
>>17791706 hey are you coming back online ?
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
>>17792112 Fuck logic, we have bullshit cloning powers.
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17792114 do want
can you also clone this?
>>17792117 Anonymous
>>17792104 >>17792104 no worries,
if you have a lugia my sister hella wants one.
if not no worries, just the mew is fine
>>17792125 Yo, Halrey! Can I do an O+1 for your Shiny Beldum? Or an O+Trade?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17792112 Thanks a lot Fyre! You earned your rest
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17792125 I love your Shroomish. but I'm guessing NN means it's nicknamed?
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:57:40 No. 17792177 Report >>17792132 yeah no problem, just let me clone some mons i need cloned and i will help you
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 08:58:25 No. 17792184 Report >>17792141 definitely do let me add you
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17792117 Did you get the Deer?
Christian 1392-5566-6446
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17792166 Yeeee it's nicknamed Breloom (it was nicknamed before but OT changed it to breloom for levelling/evolution purposes). I think it's NFT anyway, Rosa hatched it. May have to check with her if I can trade it away :)
>>17792162 You got a list? I'd rather 1:1 right now, short on time!!
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17792208 uh! I forgot you've told me this before!! hahaha
how about Timburr?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
How goes the cloning Gaige?
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 09:02:06 No. 17792249 Report >>17792221 same just start the trade
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17792229 Timburr is Japanese, and also NFT
;-; there is an NFT column right? I'm not in a position to give them away... Sorry!
>>17792208 I don't have a list typed up yet, but I have a Shiny Chespin, Level 1, Impish Nature, Bulletproof Ability. It has no super training done to it yet, so it can still be trained to your battling needs.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17792185 I'm patiently waiting. It's like he's disappeared.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>17792164 pretty sure the part where I made 850 dollars cloning pokemon earned me my rest. As is I think he's just buying whatever I have that he doesn't now have so I can probably make another 200-1000 off of him (might need all y'all to hook me up with a shinydex, as not counting legends I only have 3 boxes of shinies)
Mr Jack (Gaige) 2981 6853 2941
>>17792237 Hey man sorry the charizard is being a pain. have one clone and the second is killing me should be soon. Gonna go to bed after i trade them to you.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
Quoted By:
>>17792250 My bad, I didn't write NFT on him D:
He should be, it's non kalos born Japanese I believe-
>>17792253 I have chespin already :)
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17792250 oh I didn't see it! lol I'm on my phone and it's not listed as NFT
ummmm Squirtle?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17792262 I will clone for you anytime
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 02 Feb 2014 09:06:04 No. 17792302 Report >>17790974 Sorry I took 11 years to come back. You can clone all three if you want.
>>17791060 I do that because he belongs there with all the other reggies.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17792277 Ok sounds good no rush, I'm fine whenever you're ready.
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17792284 Sure :)
Your lapras is shiny right? (I forgot to ask earlier)
Christian 1392-5566-6446
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 09:08:18 No. 17792334 Report >>17792221 Anything you want for that Keldio?
>>17792249 >>17792249 >>17792249 thanks.
have access to bank and will frequent the boards more throughout the week
question though,
is it difficult to slip 6IV pokes / special ball
though the pokemover since the update?
tried to sneak in a mew without the cherishball / ribbons and failed repeatedly
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
Gerardo can I clone some of your list for +1? It could help us both, eh?
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 09:09:23 No. 17792352 Report Quoted By:
>>17792336 I dont think one is able to do so.
>>17792334 sure you can have it,
you have a list somewhere?
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17792313 are you able to clone?
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 09:10:55 No. 17792374 Report >>17792362 sadly the only other pokemon you may be interested in may be the genesect
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Sun 02 Feb 2014 09:12:03 No. 17792388 Report Quoted By:
>>17792177 shinx is ready, let me know if you did want it
Christian 1392-5566-6446
Quoted By:
Jaime, you still here?
Aaron 3840-5986-8067
Quoted By:
>>17790640 hey bud i need to give you your Aegislashs. im trying to get to bed
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Looking to Lend/Clone/1:1 Muh List: 6iv Red Genesect 6iv Shiny Deoxys (Normal Form) 6iv Shiny Shaymin 6iv Shiny Metagross 6iv Shiny Kyogre 6iv Shiny Girantina w/orb 6iv Shiny Darkrai 6iv Shiny Noivern 6iv Arceus 6iv Celebi 6iv Reahiram 6iv Jirachi 5iv Shiny Charizard (solar power) 5iv Shiny Aerodactyl 5iv Shaymin 4iv Rotom(washing machine) 4iv Shiny Larvitar 3iv Thundurus Porygon-Z Shiny Rayquaza Shiny Goruodon Shiny Kabutops Shiny Dragalge Zekrom Victini Red Gyarados Event Mew Latias Phione NFT: 6iv Shiny Aerodactyl (lvl 1) 6iv Shiny Koffing 5iv Victini (V-Create, Blue Flare, Bolt Strike, Glaciate) 5iv Rotom (lvl 1) Zapdos HP Flying (Heat Wave) 3iv Pikachu (Fly, thunderbolt, grass knot, Protect) Unown (lvl 10)
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17792367 Yeh, I can :) making squirt for you now
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17792431 cool! could you clone a Goodra for me?
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 09:17:47 No. 17792461 Report >>17792429 anything you are looking for that rottom w and shaymin?
>>17792374 >>17792374 will do keldeo for genesect if you want
hurry though, I'm off to bed
waking up early for disneyland lol
Halrey (1177-7741-8348)
>>17792449 Shit. /something's just come up, i gotta go man, I'll add you though- we will trade later tonight!
Christian 1392-5566-6446
Quoted By:
>>17792431 of actually could you clone Jaimes Mandibuzz? idk if Volk is still here.. or if Jaime is lol
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17792429 Anything you'd like from here?
http://pastebin.com/vHVAnaCU You got quite a few things I'm interested in.
Christian 1392-5566-6446
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey]
Neronova IGN Nera 0001-3770-5194 [Audino/Ambipom/Chansey] Sun 02 Feb 2014 09:20:24 No. 17792496 Report Quoted By:
>>17792472 Im online right now
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17792302 The Regi trio came out in Gen 3. Or are you just wanting to keep them with papa Regi?
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino.
Abe, 3325-2618-1165 LillyPup, Smeargle, and Minccino. Sun 02 Feb 2014 09:21:39 No. 17792510 Report Quoted By:
>>17792502 No, there's no reason for it. It's arbitrary, and it's going to stay that way for a long time.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17792461 Can I see your list?
Also can you clone?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17792492 What Nature is the Swampert and does it have egg moves?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17792527 Adamant, Earthquake, Brick Break, Avalanche.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17792492 Registeel and swampert
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 09:29:12 No. 17792595 Report >>17792573 Er...Can I have my dog back?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17792573 Giratina and Deoxys then? You're able to clone my mons back right?
Christian 1392-5566-6446
I'll post a list. have 6IVs Pinsir/Jolly/Moxie Volcarona/Modest/Flame Bod Goodra/Modest/Sap Sip Lapras/Quiet/Water Absorb Shaymin/Timid/Natural Cure 5IVs Rotom/Bold/Levi (lvl1) 4IV Ferroseed/Idk/Iron Barb
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17792595 I'm pretty sure I have it back to you right away when we traded Arceus back. I will check my boxes
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Sun 02 Feb 2014 09:32:18 No. 17792626 Report >>17792613 Oh, wow, I missed it. I...obviously need to go to sleep.
In any case, thanks!
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17792626 And thank you as well let me know if you're ever cloning again. Goodnight.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17792544 Interested in that. See anything you want here:
>>17791927 X 0963-0276-2416
>>17792612 Interested in that Lapras. List is here
>>17791927 3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17792597 Yea let me clone mine first
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17792612 Can you clone? I'm interested in your bold rotom
Quoted By:
I've got: -shiny sylveon w. hypervoice, heal bell and yawn. -shiny 5IV protean greninja -shiny 5IV competitive rotom-w -shiny 6IV mew For cloning, mew and rotom can also be 1:1
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17792635 Fuck, you got a lot of stuff I want. I'm mostly interested in that Azelf though. Is there anything from my list that you're interested in? Like Virizion or Thundurus to finish off the shiny trios?
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17792648 Infernape?
>>17792665 I cannot clone but I'm willing to 1:1?
Tai 0533-5621-1617
Christian 1392-5566-6446
Quoted By:
anyone here...?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17792781 Regigigias for Porygon-Z?
Tai 0533-5621-1617
Quoted By:
>>17792851 dets on porygon-z?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17792687 I've got two Azelfs, which one? Also, nature/moveset on the Raikou and Snivy?
>>17792715 Sure. 1:1 trade?
Christian 1392-5566-6446
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17792867 >6IV Shiny Serious Azelf Timid. Rain Dance, Extrasensory, Shadow Ball and Thunder.
Timid. Tackle, Leaf Blade, Coil and Giga Drain.
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 10:03:22 No. 17792915 Report Quoted By:
>>17792781 I'm interested in a clone of Landorus-T, Rotom and Togekiss and
Charizard if you can clone him with the mega stone X[/spoiler'. I can lend you a 6iv Conkeldurr with 3 punches and a knock off and a 6iv Deoxys, but other than that I don't have much... X 0963-0276-2416
>>17792781 You got quite a bit I'm interested in. Can you clone?
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 10:05:57 No. 17792941 Report >>17792781 I'm interested in a clone of Landorus-T, Rotom and Togekiss and Charizard if you can clone him with the mega stone X.
I can lend you a 6iv Conkeldurr with 3 punches and a knock off and a 6iv Deoxys, but other than that I don't have much...
Christian 1392-5566-6446
>>17792941 >Conkeldurr would you trade it?
Christian 1392-5566-6446
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
>>17792965 Yeah, adding you now.
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 10:10:39 No. 17792977 Report Quoted By:
>>17792944 Lend it, as I need the original back.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17792908 Already got the Raikou, so really only interested in the Snivy.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
http://pastebin.com/5TsDhnS0 this is an old version of my pastebin since i don't have my newest version, the newest version has Funbro, Shiny5IV Rufflet, Shiny 6IV White Flowered Flababbeh, Shiny 5IV Shellder, Shiny 6IV Kyogre, Shiny 6IV Zapdos with Heat Wave and Signal Beam, Shiny 6IV Aegislash, Shiny 6IV Trevenant, Shiny 6IV Tornadus with HP Ice and Heat Wave, and another 6IV Shiny Mewtwo, but this one is Adamant and has Drain Punch Brodie 0344 9276 6527
Quoted By:
>>17793032 Oh, I'm also looking out for Asuna, and dan/Leon
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>17793029 Swampert and Snivy for Azelf and Regice?
I'm going to need clones of mine back though.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17793032 Trading the Drain Punch Mewtwo? 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17793032 pls gib my Kyogre back
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17793086 Well geddonline m80
>>17793085 Yes, gibe list
X 0963-0276-2416
Tai 0533-5621-1617
>>17792941 I'm interested in conkeldurr if you want to trade one for it.
>>17792923 Yes I can clone but only if I'm really interested in something
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 10:27:48 No. 17793125 Report >>17793117 Again, I have no problem in lending my conkeldurr, But you'll have to clone him as well and return the original. Are you ok with this?
Tai 0533-5621-1617
>>17793125 Yea, which one were you interested in?
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 10:31:54 No. 17793152 Report >>17793133 Landorus-T and Rotom. But I really need Landorus more, and can you clone him with leftovers?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
X 0963-0276-2416
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17793111 I'll take the Timid Dialga/MOdest Palkia/Regigigas/Timid Mew for it.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17793185 Any preference for which?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17793219 All or any of them.
Tai 0533-5621-1617
>>17793152 Sure, cloning landorus now,
>>17793176 6iv Modest anticipation eevee and
6iv jolly venipede
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 10:44:06 No. 17793269 Report Alexander 4914-3795-9174
Still new to this but I can clone if you need it, I have 3 shiny Trevenant's and a shiny Vivillon.
Tai 0533-5621-1617
Quoted By:
>>17793269 Ready to trade when you are.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17793239 Surprise for you, then! Working on it now.
>>17793251 Interested in Shiny Regirock, SUM2013 Palkia and Zekrom. Trade the Zekrom and Regirock for Eevee and Venipede, then I can O+1 the Palkia?
Tai 0533-5621-1617
>>17793369 1:1 only sorry ~ and do I need to clone your eevee and venipede?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17793369 a-are we still trading?
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:04:08 No. 17793425 Report Quoted By:
>>17793391 Let me know when you can return the original
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:08:19 No. 17793459 Report >>17792781 i think its time to start collecting legends
can you clone?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17793459 Volk, are you going to trade the Flabebe for the Luvdisc? I've already gotten 3 JAP Flabebe's...
Tai 0533-5621-1617
>>17793459 Yes though I only clone if neccessary
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17793391 Damn, was there anything else you saw? Really want all 3 of those. I can clone them.
>>17793400 Yeah, I'm just cloning the Azelf and Regice first.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
Tai 0533-5621-1617
>>17793527 I Guess both bold and modest eevees than.
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:17:31 No. 17793546 Report >>17793489 lol thats why i didnt find you, put the luvdisc again
>>17793501 i like all your 6ivs legends lol, we can do some day by day if you want, i can clone to so i clane mine and you clone yours, that way we make 1:1 trades, are you up for this ride?
my list, check em:
http://pastebin.com/zEQZ1Qy1 Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:18:34 No. 17793558 Report >>17793546 >clane shit im sleepy
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
Quoted By:
>>17793527 >>17793539 >few seconds apart welp, no es kill
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
>>17793539 I got
distracted while downloading LoZ 4Swords spending time cloning.
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
Quoted By:
>>17793284 Anyone want before I go to bed? I also have Klefki, Magneton, Forrestress in my Friend Safari if anyone needs.
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:24:00 No. 17793599 Report Quoted By:
>>17793543 Thank you Tai :)
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17793546 And my last Luvdisc gets taken by a JAP. Can I just add you?
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:26:31 No. 17793622 Report >>17793604 LOL ok
Jap love <3
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
Quoted By:
>>17793604 Why do the Nippons love sniping discs so much?
Tai 0533-5621-1617
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
Quoted By:
>>17793558 >http://pastebin.com/zEQZ1Qy1 Sorry to snipe, but what would you like for that Archen?
>>17793032 IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:34:30 No. 17793677 Report Morning, guys. Here is my list once more
http://pastebin.com/GfAF857N 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17793622 Thank you so much Volk!
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:37:24 No. 17793693 Report Quoted By:
>>17793643 http://steamcommunity.com/id/Volk117/ add me, i'll go to sleep now...4:36 am here so im death, we can do business later, cya man
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:38:28 No. 17793701 Report Quoted By:
>>17793685 enjoy your white flower man (:
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:41:00 No. 17793713 Report X 0963-0276-2416
Working on atm: 4355-9934-8504 Bryce: Cloning Regice and Azelf Tai 0533-5621-1617: Cloning Modest Eevee, Bold Eevee and Venipede for Zekrom, Shiny Regirock and SUM2013 Palkia Brodie 0344 9276 6527: Cloning a surprise for his Mewtwo with Drain Punch.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:43:24 No. 17793724 Report >>17793677 And I have Shellder, Kanga, Grimer, Heracross, Hawlucha, Bagon, Froakie, Pidgey for 1:1 on the shiny front
Legends for 1:1 Entei 9shiny), Victini, Genesect, Darkrai (shiny), Rayquaza (shiny), , Meloetta (shiny), Reshiram, Manaphy (shiny), Kyurem (shiny)
I need to get rid of most of that stuff
>>17793713 hey LOL. i want some shit on yer list ><
http://pastebin.com/JQf7h9LV Klotz 4570-8660-2253
Quoted By:
Hate to be that guy, but my cloning buddy is not available right now. Can anyone get me a sharptooth? I can offer leftovers or life orb that I still have stocked from cloning stuff.
>>17793724 >Meloetta >shiny Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:46:30 No. 17793738 Report >>17793726 >http://pastebin.com/JQf7h9LV LOL i knew it! you where the anon that send me that list hahahaha what do you want from my humble list?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:46:50 No. 17793742 Report >>17793733 ahhahah, yes that one is obviously wrong. Thanks for correcting it anon. I just woke up
>>17793738 lmao what ._.! i thought you knew????
Anorith and aerodactyl i guess ><. BTW you have anorith on twice ^^
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:51:29 No. 17793775 Report >>17793738 Volk, the new NFTs on your list are all hard NFTs or the negotiable kind of NFTs?
>>17793742 Oh hey Ace.
Did Asuna give you Reggierock and some fossils?
we ere trying to trade them last night, but to no avail.
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:53:32 No. 17793785 Report >>17793753 shit you are right lol, sure, just make sure to keep them as rare shit so trade them for rare shit lol, also...can we make this later? i really need to sleep lol
>>17793775 NFT as ask yusuf and yosh LOL
>>17793785 sure thing man ^^! i can add you on steam anyways btw
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:56:56 No. 17793811 Report >>17793780 No, I was inactive since I switched to the phone. Didn't do any trades just deleted some people to clean the list
>>17793785 Damn, those are some really hard NFTs then
>>17793785 >>17793793 Anorith is on hard list to? Changing it
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:56:56 No. 17793812 Report >>17793793 sure (:
just dont get the fucking mons until i wake up, i know you like doing that! LOL
Night fellas!
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:58:13 No. 17793816 Report >>17793811 yeah and aero but didnt edit it correctly ><
>>17793812 okay lol im hatching eggs anyways ._. did you get a koffing btw ? Hatched a trol 5iv dratini yesterday ;_;
Tai 0533-5621-1617
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:59:06 No. 17793826 Report Quoted By:
>>17793812 I have those, but I won't trade.
Ok, If he offer something real nice I'll end up doing it, but I'll share whatever it is with you so you can clone and list it >>17793816 Night, Volk
>>17793811 >17793811 what were you looking for ace?
>>17793822 fuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Sun 02 Feb 2014 11:59:59 No. 17793833 Report >>17793817 no i dont have that stinky ball ;-;
ill ask for dat and tympoleeeeee aarrggghh
finally ;__; Yusuf
>>17793833 lol i can trade you the stink ball if you want.
Goodnight man ^^
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:03:07 No. 17793846 Report Changed Anorith place
http://pastebin.com/nfiqbCCF >>17793827 I saw ekans, cleffa and cacnea there, but they are all NFT
>>17793838 Hey Yusuf, can you please clone me a Rotom-W?
Tai 0533-5621-1617
>>17793718 Alright got your 3 pokemon ready, tell me when you're done with mine.
>>17793847 sup anon!. Erm im kinda hatching eggs atm. but yeah i could do when i'm done with the next 2 boxes! that modest one?.
>>17793846 oh yeah the cacnea was mine. The other 2 were from josh.
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:06:59 No. 17793862 Report Quoted By:
>>17793854 Yes, the modest one please. Also no idea why it posted that massage without my FC and IGN
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
My list (Don't expect high IVs) No 1:1 clone lending only Final destination Shiny: Charizard with charizardite Y Roserade Deoxts Latios Manectric with manectricite Chesnaught Suicune mew Lugia Magmar Meowstic Swirlix Furfrou Seismitoad (F)Gardevoir rioulu Heatmor Salamence Metagross Quagsire Haxorus Non shiny: Cloud trio Mystic trio and kaldeo Regi trio and regigigas Weather trio Creation trio Tao trio Lake trio Arceus Darkrai Manaphy ho-oh Virizion Jirachi Latios and latias Heatran If you are going to clone one of them all I am asking for is the original + clone
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:09:34 No. 17793882 Report >>17793854 We can trade the cactus or other cool shiny
But I don't really know if you still need anything I have here, last time you needed some, but it's been days so you probably got it elsewhere
http://pastebin.com/nfiqbCCF Yusuf
>>17793882 I don't have sandile. But i don't think i would trade it for sandile :(. il have a look again ^^!
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:14:29 No. 17793916 Report >>17793905 Sandile could be for other stuff, you have a big list
>>17793916 oh well tell me what your looking for :)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:21:47 No. 17793968 Report >>17793918 Checked the list, only non * allowed?
Purrloin or Glameow
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:27:00 No. 17793996 Report Quoted By:
>>17793968 And I probably missed something. I said the list was big about 7 min of difference between my posts lol
>>17793968 Can trade you purloin ^^.
That Imperfect glameow is not as great. Oh well the * ones i guess are for rare offers. Alot of the NFT are other peoples bred things they asked me not to spread ><. Speaking of which those two scizors on your list should be in your hard to trade list lol they are still really rare with those tutor moves! :) i saw one or two things in your normal list that you can get good offers for. Vullaby/Poocheyena especially pooch should be on a for a hard trade :S. did you get that off namine and does it know fire fang?
reposting mah list:
http://pastebin.com/5TsDhnS0 this is an old version of my pastebin since i don't have my newest version, the newest version has Funbro, Shiny5IV Rufflet, Shiny 6IV White Flowered Flababbeh, Shiny 5IV Shellder, Shiny 6IV Kyogre, Shiny 6IV Zapdos with Heat Wave and Signal Beam, Shiny 6IV Aegislash, Shiny 6IV Trevenant, Shiny 6IV Tornadus with HP Ice and Heat Wave, and another 6IV Shiny Mewtwo, but this one is Adamant and has Drain Punch
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
Quoted By:
>>17794017 CHROME
also looking out for X and Asuna.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:33:05 No. 17794027 Report >>17793997 He knows fire fang, but I got it from Volk I think and he forgot to mention. I'll make new edits, sometimes people lists aren't too clear about what shouldn't be given easily or not
The two scizors were basically handled to me so I never knew where to put them. I'll make those edits, luckily people don't realy care foir something untill they can't have it so almost no one has asked me about those
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:35:28 No. 17794053 Report >>17793997 Vulaby is NN, don't know if he still would be to valuable
>>17794027 oh volk san ?. il ask him then when he is back ><.
Yeah people are still nutty over cool bankmon tutor move shit. Like superpower/bugbite scizor. does your pidgey have defog ^^?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:36:51 No. 17794061 Report Quoted By:
New New list with the changes
http://pastebin.com/imsZDFr2 Yusuf
>>17794053 shit dont say that man! :( damn i wanted that ;_; ive seen a mandibuzz around here but i don't like evolved things
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:40:37 No. 17794086 Report >>17794060 The pidgey doesn't have any egg move, just put it there because not a lot of people had it and Josh wanted it for this Rattata. Didn't want to spread it too munch and ruin the trade lol
>>17794069 Her name is chaotic if you can live with it. She is actually pretty good outside of that. Has Foul Play and Knock Off. Kalos born
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:41:46 No. 17794096 Report Quoted By:
>>17794069 Me neither, I only get evolved versions of things I really wanted to have in case the first form never shows up here
>>17794086 oh god that NN ._. LOL. Was somebody here the OT or something? do you know how much masuda has screwed me over? i hatched my second shed skin e.s dratini yesterday. First one was missing HP this one was so troll it was missing attack LOL. The worst part is i'm on a 65/35 ratio of marvel scale / shed skin hatches -_-. the next one HAS to be marvel!
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:46:01 No. 17794126 Report >>17794115 Can you clone me a Modest Rotom and a SR Naive Landorus?
>>17794126 rotom yeah but do you have a list for lando ?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:47:23 No. 17794140 Report >>17794115 Says it's from Mark, but I never saw him posting here again so I'm not sure if it's the same Mark. I wish she didn't have any nicks or that someone here could change it back to normal or in this case Mandibuzz. She would be a really easy sell
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:49:05 No. 17794153 Report >>17794133 All I have is:
6IV Hasty Genesect with IB, TB, FT, and U-turn
6IV Adamante Conkeldurr with Ice, Mach, Drain and Knock Off
6IV Sassy Deoxys-S with Spikes, T-wave, and screens.
>>17794153 ohhh damn >< i have those three dude :(. maybe if you could clone id lend you the lando because i dont really want to clone so much atm. Hatching eggs lol.
im going to go eat and shower first though! its still noon and sthread is kill
>>17794219 Yusuf, you probably have everything on my list,
>>17794017 But would you lend me that Archen and Elekid?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17794248 CHROME
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:59:14 No. 17794263 Report Quoted By:
>>17794219 I wish I could clone that lando, but I only have 1 3DS lol/
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 12:59:48 No. 17794270 Report Has Cubone or one of the Serenas looked for me while I was out? They still have my shit and know they didn't mean to scam because they cloned my stuff before, but people should take this shit more seriously. When I lend something I expect it back in 24 hours, if you can't do it for whatever reason maybe you should just return it. Every day without that mon is a day nobody else can borrow it might aswell just take it out of the list for some time.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:01:43 No. 17794287 Report Quoted By:
>>17794271 Sup, Solid!
Friend list is finally a little bit clean. I will add you guys today (some might not make the cut, but now at least the acquaintances list wont be so full that they might drop of it)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:03:32 No. 17794306 Report >>17794270 The worst part is barely no updates. Cloning can take some time, but going on /vp/ and addressing the issue takes 5 minutes or less.
I'm here in 8 of 10 threads, they could've found me if they wanted
Justin [3437-3279-9423]
>>17794306 Sorry about that man. It also sucks because it lowers confidence in cloners as a whole and +1 trades (which I love doing) greatly fall in numbers. I'm sure they'll turn up. What did you give them, out of curiosity?
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
>>17793848 They were being a pain in the ass, but finally got them cloned. Adding you.
>>17794331 I have a 5IV Marill for one of those 5IV Totodiles?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17794260 Yo, I got your surprise ready. Pretty sure I got you added.
>>17794260 brodie san ?. lol nah i dont have everything on your list ^^ . is that slurpuff nicknamed ?. Hopefully not lol
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:13:56 No. 17794380 Report >>17794331 Exactly, scamming and delaying stuff only hurts the new people. Because every time you make a trade with someone you don't know well you think
>could be that guy I only don't really mind lending stuff for long periods to people that constantly trade with me and are usually here. Because I know I can talk to them anytime about it and I probably owe them a lot too
But anyway I'm out of Cyndaquil, Oshawott and Sableye (cubone) + Fennekin and Ponyta (serena)
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17794380 Is Sableye the Shiny Careful 6IV one? If so, I can clone you a copy.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:17:10 No. 17794407 Report >>17794331 Oh and is that Snorunt male? I got a Froslass so now I want a Glalie
>>17794401 I think it is, but no need to worry X. I believe they coming back, just way later than they should. But if they don't show up, I'll let you guys know
>>17794380 was this yesterday '"/?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17794407 Alright, I'll be here. Still waiting on Gringo to return my Sacred Fire Entei. Pissed a bit cause it was one of my actual favorite mons I had and he had cloned several of my Pokemon already, so I don't want to think of him as a scammer, but it's been several days.
>>17794331 Info Marowak please
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
Reposting while I wait:
http://pastebin.com/42j4V146 Working on atm:
4355-9934-8504 Bryce: Cloning Regice and Azelf
Tai 0533-5621-1617: Cloned Modest Eevee, Bold Eevee and Venipede for Zekrom, Shiny Regirock and SUM2013 Palkia. Waiting on him to get online.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527: Cloned a surprise for his Mewtwo with Drain Punch. Waiting for him to get online.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:20:37 No. 17794428 Report >>17794412 Cubone 2 days now, Serena 4 or 5. But she came here two or three times to say she was sorry and had some other stuff to do. She also said she would get them to me friday and so far nothing
Quoted By:
>>17794417 He's cloned quite a bit for me too. And he was on earlier, I just think you guys are on at different times.
Quoted By:
>>17794417 unless im going crazy i remmeber somebody posting about your entei.
>>17794428 Dont lend more pokes to them
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17794374 Sorry for replying so late, power went off
>>17794376 It is not. Want anything else?
Quoted By:
>>17794428 wow. wut thats forever. Im sure cubone was on one of the threads yesterday :S?
>>17794449 whats your 6 IV reshiram like ? i can trade you elekid for slurpuff?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
Justin [3437-3279-9423]
>>17794369 >>17794407 >>17794418 Hey guys my roommate isn't up yet, so I can't clone these myself. If you want these trades, I really need a clone back for each.
>>17794418 Brave 31/31/31/x/31/0 Rock Head (Trick Room ready)
P-U Punch
Stone Edge
Double Edge
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17794468 Also,
Justin [3437-3279-9423]
Quoted By:
>>17794407 Sorry man. If you find a male, let me know. lol
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:29:42 No. 17794484 Report >>17794443 Yes, I will avoid it. I don't like doing that with people that return the stuff, but they screwed up.
Returning things is only a part of it, otherwise I could lend it to someone and if they come back next month all is good.
And it's not like it would be the first time people traded with me, seemed trustworthy but backstabbed me later. Alice did it
>>17794471 Ok, we can trade them later. I'll be here
>>17794468 Cool! is it english/japo ?
Archen/elekid : Slurpuff/Reshiram sound good ^^?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:32:04 No. 17794511 Report Quoted By:
And reposting list, because I sidetracked for too much time
http://pastebin.com/imsZDFr2 Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17794497 Slurpuff is English, Reshiram is Japanese.
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17794525 okay! hows your internet today lol ?. sorry youd have to clone back the archen/elekid >< my little brother is using his ds at the moment! unless we just trade later when he gives it to me so its not too much work for you!.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17794528 >them Internet only goes kill after 10PM GMT.
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17794497 hey yusuf, this dude scammed a darkrai from the a few days ago. Can you add him to the blacklist? Claims to be Aveism
http://archive.foolz.us/vp/thread/17165339/#17169453 Ethan/E-Man 0920-0957-2899
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
Quoted By:
>>17794537 ignore the greentext them.
>>17794537 ohhh thats still a while. i can get his ds in a couple of hours!. BTW why does you internet go kill ._. . Have you tried phoning them to see whats up, or is it just supposed to do that?.
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17794541 oh what!? aveism is back ._./ i THINK that FC is already on the scammer list. if its not il add it!. he has like 4 friend codes. Its very stupid if he is resetting his ds just to steal one pokemon.
>>17794484 let me know about serena and cubone if you want me to add them "/ . have you seen rosa around? i have things to give to her
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17794548 I don't actually know myself.
Well, I better be quick, because I've only got 20 minutes before I go to the hospital to see a relative.
Just don't back out while I'm gone, alright?
Deal's been done, no backing out.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:42:20 No. 17794592 Report >>17794528 >>17794548 We are doing Sandile - Purrloin later, don't forget. ;)
>>17794575 Ok, I'll wait 1 or 2 days more. But that's about it
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17794556 SHIET
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17794575 Yea kinda sucks . Anyway just putting it out there cos I'm not sure if he's scamming anyone else :)
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:43:20 No. 17794604 Report >>17794575 Yusuuuuuf what about a Rotom?
Interested in a 6IV Greninja for it or for the Lando?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17794575 Speaking of, did you ever add Alice to the list? She got things from both Ace and I and haven't seen her since.
>>17794594 GOD DAMN IT, MAN
>>17794576 dont worry brodie san im doing more hatching than trading today. can you just add archen to hard for trade list at the botom of your list
>>17794592 no problem ^^ im just upset about the dratini hatch so i reallly want to hatch another quick lol
>>17794604 See above ^^^. sorry i only like level ones :(.
>>17794596 was it you that he scammed? thanks for the info ^^!
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17794575 Yusuf, you'll probably catch Rosa in the Wifi general.
I've been lurking there for a few days.
X 0963-0276-2416
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:46:51 No. 17794638 Report >>17794619 I have a competitive non-shiny 5Iv Dragonite with E.speed and stuff if you need
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17794634 Where we're going, we don't need no Special DEfense.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:48:11 No. 17794648 Report >>17794619 >>17794616 True that
Alice !Y1bg2KRS/2 FC 4639-9067-5188
Never came back, she left your Rotom and a bold Meloetta with me as collaterals.
Quoted By:
>>17794616 i have seen her in other threads outside of cloning general ._. . i'm not sure if fyre added him/her. il check,
>>17794622 ohh! thanks! il go see if she's around!
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17794638 >being this much of a poorfag with yusuf hue
Yusuf has fucking everything.
You might just be able to get something if you go Edgar on his ass
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:49:56 No. 17794667 Report Quoted By:
>>17794638 I think he probably has it already, he only want to get his own competitive dratiny. Be the OT and all
>>17794648 Okay thanks! ive got them added .I will post the pastebin here incase i don't make the new thread.
>>17794638 sorry i have alot of 6V ones! im just trying for my own shiny with e.s d.d and d.rush but thanks anwyays!. if you could clone id be okay lending the rotom to you now. Il try give you the rotom soon but its going to be a while since i'm just giving it to you.
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17794619 Yep lost a 6iv shiny darkrai :x
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
>>17794704 Right, got Blood Cupcake cloned.
But I gotta dash. And remember:
D͘͢O̷̧N̷'̴̵̴̛͜T͏ ͏͞B̸̵̴̀Á̡͢C̴̡̢͜K̶͡ ̸̷̧̡Ơ̴̵U̸̡̨̡̕T̴͜ ̵̸͘͠O͘͏̴͘F͏͜ ̸̵̨̛͝T̢͡H҉̵͜͠E҉̴͢͞ ̶͢͠D̢̛͝͝E̶̢̢͞Á̢͝L̴͡.̢͝
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17794640 When I'm done with you, your ass gonna be riding the short bus, so you need all the Special Defense you can get.
>>17794656 >Edgar. Oh god, well played.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527
Quoted By:
>>17794730 t-thats a bit lewd X.
>>17794727 i wont lol! Ill see you later one :).
>>17794714 Shiny Darkrai - Timid With BadDreams - 31/31/31/31/31/31 - Hypnosis/ NightMare/ FeintAttack/ DoubleTeam ENG
This one?
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17794755 Yepp. Anyway gtg :) Have fun cloning peoples!
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 13:59:25 No. 17794762 Report Yusuf
>>17794760 i was going to clone it for you lol ><. If your coming back later and don't have one i can still do that
Ty 0404-6826-0574
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:07:37 No. 17794848 Report >>17794819 Yeah, my list hasn't changed much either. But now I have space on the friend list and all this shit to direct trade
>>17793724 Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Im here brodie Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:08:11 No. 17794854 Report Quoted By:
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17794848 Mine would have if I didn't have to leave and be gone for like 6 hours. Hoping Josh gets an extra clone of his rat so I can 1:1 Koffing for it. And that's alot of spares.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:12:50 No. 17794895 Report >>17794868 I know for some reason that were some of the only deals I got to do yesterday. O+1 everything out the ass
I'm hoping to get some of the stuff I saw on the night thread when I was lurking and waiting for Josh (cloner) or Blue X to get my copy of the rat.
>>17794848 add me now 1075-1752-9020
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:17:53 No. 17794931 Report >>17794916 And yeah my official mii is bullshit. It's my lil sister
>>17794931 xDDDDDDDDDD megane-chi wtf... my mii it's from my gf..
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
>>17794895 Yeah, I only did 3 trades yesterday. Solid cloned my Koffing for O+1 and Corphish but he went bro-tier and cloned me 3 spares. And then Jaime gave me his Koffing spare since I needed another one for 1:1 and I gave him a shiny Eevee. And you for Koffing-Pidgey
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:21:08 No. 17794977 Report Quoted By:
>>17794944 Right? I got fucking pissed when I discovered people could read it on the safari. I bet there is lots of confused people from those threads wondering why the fuck a girl would choose the lame male character
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:26:38 No. 17795032 Report Oh yeah reposting list
http://pastebin.com/imsZDFr2 And extras
I have Shellder, Kanga, Grimer, Heracross, Hawlucha, Bagon, Froakie, Pidgey for 1:1 on the shiny front
Legends for 1:1 Entei 9shiny), Victini, Genesect, Darkrai (shiny), Rayquaza (shiny), , Meloetta (shiny), Reshiram, Manaphy (shiny), Kyurem (shiny)
O+1 is ruining my boxes ;_;
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:27:27 No. 17795039 Report Anyone know where brodie is?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:27:57 No. 17795045 Report Quoted By:
>>17795032 Shit I'm lazy, just copy pasted it again
>Entei 9shiny) >Meloetta (shiny) Melo shiny, I wish
>>17795032 I'm still trying to hatch this stupid duskull..
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:30:29 No. 17795069 Report >>17795052 Matsuda is son of a bitch. Let's hope he doesn't do to you the same he did to Yus. Wrong ability on the shiny sucks, if only the capsule could fix it
X 0963-0276-2416
Reposting while I wait:
http://pastebin.com/42j4V146 Working on atm:
4355-9934-8504 Bryce: Cloned Regice and Azelf. Waiting on him to get on.
Tai 0533-5621-1617: Cloned Modest Eevee, Bold Eevee and Venipede for Zekrom, Shiny Regirock and Palkia. Waiting on him to get online.
>>17795039 He was just here a bit ago.
>>17795069 oh no, i hatch only with Levitate
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:35:45 No. 17795111 Report >>17795102 Thanks man. Oh, and my offer for my klondike bar still stands, should you change your mind to get it cloned.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17795111 What offer was that? I was feeling like shit yesterday and kinda just out of it.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:38:42 No. 17795128 Report Quoted By:
>>17795104 Yes, in duskull case the normal ability is pretty useful
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
I fell asleep in the night thread, but did anyone manage to get Gerardo's sweet sweet shiny Deerling?
>>17795140 the winter one ?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17795145 I think so yeah
Tai 3969 5423 4817
Quoted By:
>>17795115 Fell asleep, i've added you and i'm online now
and you might have added the wrong fc so add this one
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17795145 Did Namine ever be not kill? Yusuf
>>17795165 she is still kill :S lol il message her on steam.
>>17795163 bleh its rubbish trust me LOL ._. if comebody borrows it from me il ask for +1 and il send a copy your way for nothing ^^
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17795176 Thanks a lot Yusuf :D By the way, are you cloning at the moment? Cause Oblivia's Heatran is dying to get in your hands.
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:48:08 No. 17795210 Report >>17795115 I think it was 5IV shiny scraggy named klondike bar (changed ability to moxie, but can revert it back to shed skin if you want) for, I think regenerator ho-oh
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17795140 Speaking of Gerado he got some badass stuff.
>Arcanine I don't give two fucking shits if it doesn't have morning sun >Hippoptas Yusuf
>>17795216 Shiny Growlithe F - Adamant With Flash Fire - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 - Flare Blitz/ Morning Sun/Heatwave/Close.C *
not interested ;-; ?
>>17795202 well i can do lmao what were you looking for for heatbro ?. do you have 6v V create rayquazza yet?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17795234 No
I am very interested IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 14:55:58 No. 17795298 Report >>17795216 He ever got the nincada? He posted about it but I think the other guy didn't trade it. Steven had some pretty good stuff too. And yesterday when we traded Tai, Josh got 2 different from mine. The other Josh also said he would get some cool stuff. Today should be a good day
>>17795256 >http://pastebin.com/gaeFRHYv >evolved everything i needed. i am in agony right now ;_;.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17795302 Haters gonna hate
Sorry >>17795298 Let's hope cloner Josh gets something I like and doesn't have Koffing.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17795234 I was actually looking at your singing Pikachu, if that's okay
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17795210 I'd have to clone Ho-Oh first, but sure. Did you wanna look at my list first?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17795234 >Shiny Growlithe F - Adamant With Flash Fire - 31/31/31/xx/31/31 - Flare Blitz/ Morning Sun/Heatwave/Close.C * You slut. You best share with me.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17795298 I was wondering about that Nincada as well.
Also to everyone, I don't know how many of you have this but I got a shiny 6IV Kalos native Purrloin
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:01:04 No. 17795350 Report >>17795318 From what I can remember he asked for clamperl (we both did I wish I had noticed it before so I could change mine), nidoran male and another mon
>>17795344 I think it's pretty rare here, I'm trading one with Yus later
>>17795321 thats okay lol strict nft though please :).
>>17795340 dont you check my pastebin often ;-; i might order everything in pokedex number for non legend shones.
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
>>17795351 Your damn pastebin is the size of Mt. Everest.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17795351 Of course, since my Heatran's NFT as well
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:02:38 No. 17795368 Report >>17795324 Nah, its fine bro, I need ho-oh the most right now. So scraggy: ho-oh +original sound fair?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17795351 >be me >Get cool mon >Doesn't bother asking for a spare >Evolves it >Somebody wants what I have but it's evolved >Sudoko time X 0963-0276-2416
>>17795351 Also, it keeps teasing me with THAT Crobat. ;-;
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:05:17 No. 17795403 Report Quoted By:
>>17795351 Hey yusuf, interested in a shiny 5IV sassy (agh) poliwag w swift swim?
>>17795392 what crobat oO ?
>>17795366 sure thing thats fine with me ^^! il just hatch another box of eggs first LOL. so trying to trade for those eevee birthday event eeveelutions atm ><.
>>17795380 no really some of your shit is awesome!
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17795424 I have a question, do you like it level 1 so you can EV train? Or what, I can just get some reset bags and reset the EVs.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:09:09 No. 17795455 Report >>17795380 That's why I never evolve my shit, can't use those mons until those threads are gone. And I actually want to keep a copy of every baby shiny
June 1521-3705-6375
Quoted By:
>>17794767 Back :) quick workout. That's rly nice of you!! I'm adding you now k?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:10:46 No. 17795464 Report Quoted By:
>>17795447 Volk I think does it because of EVs, but low levels are still preferred. I know that because I traded my lvl 4 Lapras with him after reset bagging it
Tai 3969 5423 4817
Quoted By:
>>17795455 >>17795447 what ace said. And yep! i just like everything level one and not ev trained and all that too . Also with those event mons i like them the right level and not e.v trained too ><. i guess i'm just like that!. i guess because i can clone i feel like i'd rather keep an untouched copy!
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:12:54 No. 17795485 Report Quoted By:
Going to eat, brb
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17795475 That is a cool spreadsheet.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17795475 Anything here you want to clone for Growlithe?
http://pastebin.com/gaeFRHYv Yusuf
>>17795475 gib me shoneuy nu
Tai 3969 5423 4817
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17795424 The World Championship one.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>17795424 Haha sure thing, those Dratini's are making your life hell. I'm also updating my pastebin atm and as a heads ups I'm letting you know that I got the Word08 Lucario
>>17795533 okay i need that ^^ i think thats the only one im missing. i need that more than heatran lol ._.
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17795498 Yusuf I have a question about cloning, I tried it today, and I did the 4.5s thing, and turned off the correct DS and got the black screen, but the pokemon traded, like in a normal trade. Not sure what I'm doing wrong?
Tai 3969 5423 4817
Quoted By:
>>17795496 Not really interested in cloning other peoples pokemon at the moment, sorry.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>17795543 Lol well I'll be happy to trade them both, since it's you. Lemme just take another look at your pastebin
>>17795546 oh. urm was it the instant black screen?. If it was then initiate the trade from the second ds to get rid of instant black screen. If it was not. Then don't wait for it :). Turn off the second ds 3 seconds after the first one!. this works for me but i don't know what other people do!
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17795578 it was the same black screen as the one in the youtube vid. Took a few seconds to get there. okay I'll try your method next time!
Were u still gonna clone that darkrai? :D
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17795318 Goddamn right I didn't get Koffing. I waited on your bitchass.
>>17795350 You beautiful human being, I owe you a rat if you haven't gotten it yet.
>>17795616 sure :D ive just got 2 things to clone first then il do it for you ^^
Ty 0404-6826-0574
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>17795509 Sorry X. I went to go make some food. But I'm online ready when you are.
June 1521-3705-6375
Quoted By:
>>17795632 Yayyyy :D Awesome. I'll be back in 15 minutes. Added u btw
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:29:07 No. 17795659 Report >>17795475 I have those for 1:1. Anything there for Growlithe or Accelgor?
>>17795032 >>17795628 Sup, Josh. No rat yet, I would love one.
And I cleaned the friend list a bit, you won't need to search me on the acquaintances again anonymous
Lf a shiny alakazam , can't post my list atm I'm posting from my phone but here is a pic of one of my boxes of shinys .I can clone as well
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17795368 Got Ho-Oh cloned. Did we already trade before or do I have to add you?
>>17795653 Alright, be on in a minute.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:30:16 No. 17795671 Report Quoted By:
>>17795662 No name or picture bro
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17795652 http://pastebin.com/HnA6zayf That should be updated aside from what I got yesterday.
>>17795659 Awesome. I think I have one spot left.
>>17795674 Level/IV's on Magcargo?
>>17795690 Slugma
Still looking for a shiny alakazqm
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:34:11 No. 17795724 Report >>17795674 Slugma and Mincino any god?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17795690 Mind showing me what you got yesterday?
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17795721 I have a shiny abra 2ivs just sitting in the PC box I can lend u to clone, but I'm going off for a bit :) I'll be back in 15 mins
Quoted By:
>>17795724 Here is mincing os info
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:35:34 No. 17795749 Report >>17795724 *good
>>17795721 Can't clone and I have no Alakazam, but I'm interested in those two
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:35:51 No. 17795751 Report Quoted By:
>>17795670 Ill add you just in case
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:36:35 No. 17795758 Report >>17795690 Adding you. Don't mind the Mii and stupid name it's from the sis
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:36:51 No. 17795759 Report Quoted By:
>>17795670 Send me a trade, I already have you
Jess 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17795747 That would be amazing ! Please
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17795721 Fuck me, it's too early. Muh bad.
Damn; not level one. >>17795758 I feel you. My second DS is the same way;
the place I bought it from is supposed to reset the 3DS's they get in, and they didn't. It had some games on it so I haven't reset it yet. kek. >>17795743 One second; I've got to go look through the boxes.
Jess 3239-2776-7654
>>17795749 Can you post your list ?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:44:36 No. 17795849 Report >>17795803 Of course, that's one my favorite things to do here. Reposting the list again
http://pastebin.com/imsZDFr2 And extras
I have Shellder, Kanga, Grimer, Heracross, Hawlucha, Bagon, Froakie, Pidgey for 1:1 on the shiny front
Legends for 1:1 Entei (shiny), Victini, Genesect, Darkrai (shiny), Rayquaza (shiny), , Meloetta, Reshiram, Manaphy (shiny), Kyurem (shiny)
Jess 3239-2776-7654
>>17795747 I added you for the shiny abra. :)
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17795798 Oh I forgot, Josh needs a clone of his rat, he said he'll trade it for my Koffing, so whenever he gets on and you aren't busy mind helping him out?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:47:09 No. 17795872 Report Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:47:43 No. 17795878 Report >>17793877 i know it says don't expect high ivs, but what are the stats on the Latios and the Meowstic?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:48:11 No. 17795882 Report Quoted By:
>>17795849 The extra Genesect is shiny too
>>17795862 oh damn i was going to trade him koffing for something "/
X 0963-0276-2416
>>17795849 Is the Entei one the Sacred Fire one?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:49:13 No. 17795901 Report >>17795475 >>17795659 And Phantump if you ever come back
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>17795743 Clamperl, Nidoran(male), Poliwag, Vullaby, Anorith, Misdreavus, Rufflet.
>>17795862 I can, indeed.
>>17795872 Added, muh nigga.
I need one of den Pidgeys. For... Reasons. Jess 3239-2776-7654
>>17795849 I'm interested in the coffagarious you have. You said you were interested in slugma and minncino
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
>>17795892 He said he would take mine for evolving, were you the Koffing person?
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>17795878 5Iv normal latios
1IV shiny latios
5IV shiny female meowstic
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:50:49 No. 17795919 Report >>17795894 Yes
>>17795902 Ok, I'll send you the extra
>>17795903 Ok, we can do a 1:1 when I get an extra of it and someone help you with yours. Or you can clone?
>>17795901 korosaki san owes me pidgey still ;_; but i might go find a defog one. i just want the fucking bird ;-;
June 1521-3705-6375
Quoted By:
>>17795850 Added u too :) Trade me something for collateral okay? Going on pokemon now
Jess 3239-2776-7654
>>17795919 I can clone ace
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17795902 I'll do Koffing for your Poochyena FF means fire fang right?
I hope the pooch isn't adouche with you like it was with Namine Pao X
http://pastebin.com/4yit6D5P my list plus i just added a jap 5iv shiny rhyhorn and slowpoke
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:53:24 No. 17795950 Report >>17795916 would you take anything from here for the normal latios? I'll clone an extra of the lati
>>17795942 X which legends u still looking for ?
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:54:27 No. 17795959 Report Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AniMJmYmvUppdF84bTVTSS10Uk1rRmZBem5zVXpLQ3c&usp=drive_web#gid=0 Only taking flawless Kalos native shinies or flawless Kalos legendaries. Also looking for Gen 6 events (UT) I don't have.
I can clone but I'm not taking requests unless it's a flawless Kalos native shiny or flawless Kalos legendary that I don't have.
I also don't lend as I can clone for myself.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:54:44 No. 17795962 Report >>17795923 I'll send mine to Josh he can get this one for you. No defog, though
>>17795932 Cool you can do it now or only later? Let me know when you have an extra of those 2 and I'll send you 2 of mine for cloning. or Cofagrigus and one I have for 1:1, you name it
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17795936 It's the same one, so it will be.
>>17795919 Cloning the rat now.
so new thread when? it's at page 7.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:55:46 No. 17795971 Report Quoted By:
>>17795942 >rhyhorn Want to trade one of mine for it?
>>17795849 Pao X
>>17795955 the time space trio
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>17795959 I'll take the Terrakion, do you have it non-shiny?
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:56:37 No. 17795981 Report >>17795976 unfortunately no
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17795976 I have a non shiny terrakion but it's my only one :x
Jess 3239-2776-7654
>>17795962 Ace now would be best I'm cloneing an abra for June unless you just want to keep that gorgeist. But let's trade now .
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>17795981 ok, ill take the shiny one then
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17795968 Could you just clone your rat for me and I'll just give the other Josh Koffing? Here's my list if you want to clone something for the rat clone.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17795991 Err no I'd like the abra back please :)
Anytime you're ready
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:58:25 No. 17796002 Report Quoted By:
>>17795993 aight, gonna need to clone an extra. gimme a sec.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 15:58:43 No. 17796005 Report Quoted By:
>>17795991 Ok, add me. I have some friend space now
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Jess 3239-2776-7654
>>17796001 No prob . I'll clone it now , ace we can do our trade after I clone that abra
>>17795975 dialga palkia and giratina : Ryhorn/totodile/tepig ?
>>17795988 coming online to give you darkrai ^^
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 16:00:48 No. 17796029 Report >>17795991 >>17796015 But if you are out of space good ol' disc 4 disc will do it
June 1521-3705-6375
Quoted By:
>>17796020 ashfjkas coming :3
Jess 3239-2776-7654
June 1521-3705-6375
>>17796045 I think he means luvdisc trades
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 02 Feb 2014 16:03:02 No. 17796062 Report Quoted By:
>>17796045 My friend list used to be full, that was my way around it. I still don't have much space now, but if you want to clone it I can add you here
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish
Delu 3497-0824-6135 Quilladin, Ivysaur, Oddish Sun 02 Feb 2014 16:03:41 No. 17796066 Report >>17796020 What about me Yusuf :(
>>17796045 basically he wants a 6iv shiny arecus.
>>17796066 sorry i still need to get to you :(. June had darkrai stolen by some idiot.
>>17796052 online! il send a t.r ><
June 1521-3705-6375
Quoted By:
>>17796082 Thank you thank you :D