Hello, I will give 5 more Shiny 6IV Ditto today to the first 5 people who respond to my post. I don't want anything in return. You can give me whatever you want. I only ask you to pay it forward/help someone else!
No 3926-5999-2167
Shaquanda 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot]
Shaquanda 0189-9836-0989 Poison [Muk, Cascoon, Swalot] Sun 02 Feb 2014 19:51:05 No. 17799717 Report >>17799704 May I have one? I'm looking to clone more
Haruka !sCMvw5bf1w
>>17799704 May I have one?
Mr.Kinkie 2638-0478-1013
>>17799704 may i have one?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Tom 0920-0915-7829 [Delibird - Sneasel - Cloyster]
Tom 0920-0915-7829 [Delibird - Sneasel - Cloyster] Sun 02 Feb 2014 19:52:21 No. 17799755 Report in
Haruka !sCMvw5bf1w
>>17799725 Forgot picture, I'm fresh out of Turtwigs however so I'll have to breed it if you want it
sylv 5300 9414 6239
>>17799715 >>17799717 >>17799725 >>17799733 >>17799740 Sure I am adding you right now. Tony, I need your fc.
erick (ign)Ivy 1934 0989 4791
Quoted By:
>>17799798 my friend code is 4184-1982-1083 Thanks a lot in advance! :D
sylv 5300 9414 6239
>>17799725 I need your fc too pal.
Haruka !sCMvw5bf1w
Carlos 0946-2330-6291
>tfw always too late for sylv's giveaways
Guys just keep posting if you're interested, modified a ton of these for anyone who wants.
sylv 5300 9414 6239
Quoted By:
>>17799863 Wait a moment pls
chase 5300-9059-3279 (Growlithe, Pyroar and Ninetales)
chase 5300-9059-3279 (Growlithe, Pyroar and Ninetales) Sun 02 Feb 2014 19:58:38 No. 17799930 Report op you still have any?
Tony(4184-1982-1083) Bug Safari(Pinsir)
Thanks a lot man! Hope u enjoy my pokemon! :)
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Austin 3265-5525-9652 (ice)
Quoted By:
>>17799717 Can I have a cloned one? erick 5386 8370 4955
>>17799704 can i have one?
Erick (IGN: Ivy) 1934-0989-4791
[dunsparce, Audino, DITTO] Erick (IGN: Ivy) 1934-0989-4791 Sun 02 Feb 2014 20:03:27 No. 17800047 Report if any1 has any more i would love one plz :D
sylv 5300 9414 6239
Quoted By:
>>17799950 Of course. Thanks a lot too :)
Quoted By:
>Not just making your own sprites wat
Haruka !sCMvw5bf1w
Le Ruse Bird [5026 4925 9279]
I'm clearly too late for one of OP's Dittos, but I hear some of you guys saying you're cloning them for others. Is there room to fit me on your waiting lists?
sylv 5300 9414 6239
>>17799704 2 Ditto remain. 2 of you didn't get a ditto. Please, the ones who didn't get one, trade me because I can't keep up with my friend list. I have a lot of people online right now.
Austin 3265-5525-9652 (ice)
Quoted By:
>>17799876 I hope so, I've only got 30 minutes of internet left before going without for a fortnight
;_; sylv 5300 9414 6239
Quoted By:
>>17800106 You're welcome!
Erick (IGN: Ivy) 1934-0989-4791
[dunsparce, Audino, DITTO] Erick (IGN: Ivy) 1934-0989-4791 Sun 02 Feb 2014 20:10:59 No. 17800217 Report Quoted By:
>>17800156 if they wont trade u im down 2 trade :D, i was #6 D:
Austin 3265-5525-9652 (ice)
Adam 4785 5503 6385
>>17800156 Think I can get one? Can pass on some Rapid Spin Knock Off Tentacool action for it
>>17800156 Maybe they should go to the 6th and 7th reply
Austin 3265-5525-9652 (ice)
Quoted By:
>>17800218 Damn, can't read. Never mind
;_; Erick (IGN: Ivy) 1934-0989-4791
Quoted By:
>>17800251 ^i like this guys way of thinking :D
Quoted By:
Have a 3DS XL on version 6.2. ls it possibIe to pIay X and Y onIine without updating? e shop is not going to be used ever, but wiII wifi stiII work? and Mii PIaza?
Mr.Kinkie 2638-0478-1013
sylv 5300 9414 6239
>>17799750 >>17799755 >>17799757 >>17799824 >>17799872 >>17799920 >>17799930 >>17800028 >>17800047 >>17800116 >>17800218 >>17800234 >>17800251 I am sorry everyone. I only have one left. I will try to clone more. I will probably be back later. I will use the same tripcode as in my first post so don't be fooled if someone else uses my name and my fc.
>>17800313 You are welcome! :3
Quoted By:
Could I have one 6IV ditto please? I dont really care if it's shiny or not. I always come late in these threads!
I didnt see a clone thread so il ask here I need tips for timing the rows of ditto in the image are the results of 5 hours, and yes I will give some out but I need time to transfer them to my new purple 3ds
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17800419 Any idea when you'll be back? ;_;
>>17800447 Please please! :D
Austin 3265-5525-9652 (ice)
>>17800447 C-could I have one?
Adam 4785 5503 6385
>>17800447 Will trade a Rapid Spin Knock Off Calm Liquid Ooze Tentacool for one
>>17800419 >don't be fooIed Everyone here is an Anon. There is no "fooIing".
You're a no one here Iike in reaI Iife.
Back to dupes, who's got them currentIy running successfuIIy?
Anybody missing timing stiII running the 3DS to XL?
>>17800471 >>17800501 >>17800534 yes just wait a bit, I don't want anything I just need time to transfer
Haruka !sCMvw5bf1w
>>17800447 May I have a Charizardite Y if you have any extras?
My list is here
>>17799771 Austin 3265-5525-9652 (ice)
>>17800561 Thank you!
I've got about 15 minutes though ;_;
Quoted By:
>>17800561 Great! I'll give you a 5IV Eevee just because.
>>17800447 I would like one can give a perfect 5IV adamant mold breaker drilbur
Santana 4399-0165-0292
sylv 5300 9414 6239
Quoted By:
>>17800548 Sure, I am aware of that. But I've seen people who try to ruse other people. And it kind of sucks. I mean, there is no fun in it. I don't use a tripcode. But sometimes it's necessary.
As for the cloning. I usually turn off my bf's 3ds around 4.3-4.7. Unfortunately, I do not always succeed.
Austin 3265-5525-9652 (ice)
>>17800744 Name?
And thanks again!!
>>17800757 in game is lily
>>17800744 May I get one also? Do you need more time?
Austin 3265-5525-9652 (ice)
Quoted By:
>>17800768 Gotcha, ready when you are
Quoted By:
>>17800744 3067 6238 3391 ign shadox
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17800744 Sure thing, I can wait.
Quoted By:
>>17800768 Added and ready!
Haruka !sCMvw5bf1w
Quoted By:
>>17800744 My FC is 1349-5765-9191
Feel free to request anything from my list
fuck sorry i have to update the game version I just got this 3ds I will get back
Quoted By:
>>17800846 No worries, take your time!
its downloading sorry for the wait
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Quoted By:
I might be able to help with dittos too in a bit if there is still really high demand
Austin 3265-5525-9652 (ice)
Quoted By:
>>17800989 Thank you!!!
Gave you a 6IV Honedge for your trouble.
>>17800619 I got you done
I have 5 more for the ones i told, other will have to wait i bit more
>>17800534 your code is invalid
Adam 4785 5503 6835
Quoted By:
>>17801204 fixed it sorry!
>>17801109 I've added you, if you didn't notice my previous post.
Haruka !sCMvw5bf1w
Quoted By:
>>17801204 Thank you very much
>>17801230 ive asked you twice to trade and you havent responded
Quoted By:
>>17801109 Thank you so much
Quoted By:
>>17801282 Crap, missed it. I don't see you online, could you ask again please?
Opti 0044-3512-5463
May I get a ditto as well?
Quoted By:
>>17801282 Thanks a lot! You're awesome
Take care of Gible!
Quoted By:
>>17799876 C-can I have one? If it's no trouble, that is...
Quoted By:
>>17801282 Still waiting for my turn. Take your time though.
I went ahead and added you
I got the 5 people I told,I got 3 more that I brought in and a couple more on my XL
>>17800671 >>17801380 >>17800780 you three are next
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Adam 4785 5503 6835
>>17801454 Can I please get one of the next ones then?
Opti 0044-3512-5463
Consuela 1161-0180-0055
>>17801454 If there's some still available, I'd like one!
Igor (Batou) 0275-8301-0294
Quoted By:
Does anyone still have some? If so, could you please send one to me?
>>17801480 >>17801513 yes 3 more
so after you 2 I willl have 1
Igor (Batou) 0275-8301-0294
>>17801534 Can you send me?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
Quoted By:
>>17801454 If it isn't too bothersome, could I have one as well please?
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
>>17801534 could I have 1?
Katie 0232-8447-7513
>>17801552 >>17801513 >>17801480 I will add you when I transfer them
>>17801601 >>17801619 sorry dont have anymore for now
Igor (Batou) 0275-8301-0294
>>17801632 'Kay. Will add you now and will be on watch.
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
Quoted By:
>>17801632 alright thanks anyway. Ill still add you
Opti 0044-3512-5463
Quoted By:
>>17801632 Thanks bro! I'll make sure to spread the ditto love!
Consuela 1161-0180-0055
Quoted By:
I'm certainly interested!
Quoted By:
Interested as well
Adam 4785 5503 6835
Quoted By:
>>17801632 Thank you so much. My friend has been in the hospital for a week now and now I wont have to spend 30 hours breeding his team.
Seriously. Thanks a bunch, you rule.
>>17801644 igor your not doing a good job im waiting here
your the last one
Igor (Batou) 0275-8301-0294
Quoted By:
>>17801632 Thanks a lot anon.
Igor (Batou) 0275-8301-0294
Quoted By:
>>17802129 Just got the message and already traded.
ok thats all for now now back to frustration and cloning
Quoted By:
I'm still interested if you clone more. Take your time
Sylv 5300 9414 6239 !!urfr94f7o99
Hey folks, I have 5 more if you need them. Just please pay it forward/help other people. You can give me whatever you want. 5 Ditto to the first 5 people who respond to my post.
Samir 4983-5046-9283
>>17802727 May I have one please??
Kano - 5086-1678-2676 (Kakuna, Ariados, Drapion) {1673}
Kano - 5086-1678-2676 (Kakuna, Ariados, Drapion) {1673} Sun 02 Feb 2014 22:13:05 No. 17802755 Report >>17802727 I'm interested in one.
sylv 5300 9414 6239
santman 1306-6377-1602
Arthur 1547 5402 9947 Flying (Hoothoot Doduo Fletchinder)
Arthur 1547 5402 9947 Flying (Hoothoot Doduo Fletchinder) Sun 02 Feb 2014 22:14:30 No. 17802780 Report >>17802727 I'd like one of you don't mind.
Alex 2320-6196-7472
>>17802727 Can I have one?
Will 0275-7724-5494
Quoted By:
>>17802727 Could I have one, please?
Ancelot 4656 - 6739 - 1254 (Abra, Espurr, and Girafarig)
Ancelot 4656 - 6739 - 1254 (Abra, Espurr, and Girafarig) Sun 02 Feb 2014 22:15:51 No. 17802811 Report does anyone at least have a Ditto in their Friend Safari? trying to get any decent ones for breeding is such a hassle
Quoted By:
>>17802811 there was someone a lil' bit ago in the friend safari thread, go there silly.
sylv 5300 9414 6239
Samir 4983-5046-9283
Enjoy that shitty jap miltank.
santman 1306-6377-1602
>>17802867 you cool enjoy that heavy ball larvitar
sylv 5300 9414 6239
Quoted By:
>>17802924 It's okay, I will use it as a clone bait!
>>17802942 You're welcome! I sure will.
Kano - 5086-1678-2676 (Kakuna, Ariados, Drapion) {1673}
Kano - 5086-1678-2676 (Kakuna, Ariados, Drapion) {1673} Sun 02 Feb 2014 22:26:46 No. 17803030 Report Quoted By:
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
If you guys still need dittos, just throw a scatterbug up on the GTS and ask for 91+ ditto.
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
Quoted By:
>>17802867 May I have one too please? Ill try to give you something nice
Will 0275-7724-5494
Quoted By:
>>17803031 I'm putting one up now. Thanks!
Quoted By:
Can I have one FC:5069-4163-5752
>>17803031 Could I just trade you something instead?
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
Quoted By:
>>17803031 Ill put one up too!
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
>>17803031 holy shit, thanks man.
putting one up in a few secs!
Arthur 1547 5402 9947 Flying (Hoothoot Doduo Fletchinder)
Arthur 1547 5402 9947 Flying (Hoothoot Doduo Fletchinder) Sun 02 Feb 2014 22:31:28 No. 17803123 Report >>17802867 Thanks! I gave ya Yveltal since I felt I had to give you something valuable in return.
>>17803031 Threw one up there, message is "Hi /vp/ =)".
IGN: Alex - 2509-1393-3861
Quoted By:
>>17803031 Threw up one with vp Asuna as the message.
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
Quoted By:
>>17803118 ok done, message is "hi!"
sylv 5300 9414 6239
>>17803123 Thank you so much, Athur! I appreciate it.
There is one person left who didn''t trade with me. Please, whoever you are, request me a trade so I can give you the last ditto.
Carlos 0946-2330-6291
Quoted By:
>>17803031 Just got it, you're are bro.
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17803089 sure, if you want.
>>17803031 I know this probably isn't the place to ask but since you have clones I might as well give it a shot, do you happen to have an extra Charizardite X?
Quoted By:
>>17803031 Put a scatterbug on gts wanting a ditto i put
"91+ ditto pls :)" as the thingie that appears above peoples heads
Alex 2320-6196-7472
>>17803155 Sorry about that
thanks for the ditto!
>>17803170 Is a Ybird fine? I don;t have much atm.
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
Quoted By:
>>17803155 I could take it
sylv 5300 9414 6239
Quoted By:
>>17803207 No need to be sorry. You're welcome.
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
Quoted By:
>>17803170 The one I put up a few minutes ago has "ditto ???" as the message
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17803214 Well I have everything pretty much.. i finished a living dex before bank, hah. if you dont have much, i dont mind taking a bug or a fishing shiny, lol.
>>17803280 I have yet to get a rod, I just restarted my game. >.>;
Is a sandstorm vivilon fine?
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
Quoted By:
>>17803280 thank you so much man
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Quoted By:
>>17803172 i think i might.. il check in a sec
>>17803031 Just threw one up. it says 'Thanks /vp/
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17803320 thats perfect.
I plan on leveling these bugs to see what i get anyways.. surprises are fun. hah Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17803125 Woo, got the Ditto.
Thanks a lot!
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
>>17803031 I re put mine up and changed the message to "Bobby /vp/"
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Quoted By:
>>17803405 Also I think I got most of you.. ran out of stock though.. i could gen more though
>>17803405 Well, I think it's sandstorm. It's brown with green on the bottom. But trade whenever you're ready.
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
Quoted By:
You would become my savior
Quoted By:
Could you make more
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17803385 >>17803423 >>17803460 alright, just booting up white and importing some more.
Quoted By:
>tfw never gotten a 6iv ditto
Quoted By:
>>17803530 Take all the time you need. You're my hero.
Quoted By:
>>17803530 Take your time, we can wait
>>17803530 So do you happen to have an extra Charizardite X?
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17803696 Alright then since you have access to gen there isn't much I can actually offer you but feel free to ask for anything on this
>>17799771 Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17803720 Hmm.. I could take a togepi for it if thats cool.
>>17803780 Alright let me get to breeding it
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17803805 alright!
Also, fresh dittos straight off the boat, coming right up!
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
Quoted By:
>>17803904 I can't connect to server and am going to miss out ;-;
javier 0963-0646-6067
Quoted By:
may I have one please?
Quoted By:
>>17803904 You're my hero! Thank you so much!
javier 0963-0646-6067
Quoted By:
>>17803904 forgot to reply
>>17803904 Alright I'll send you the best on I managed to hatch.
FC is 1349-5765-9191
Doctor 2809-9067-8996 (Ivysaur, Shitsage, ???)
Doctor 2809-9067-8996 (Ivysaur, Shitsage, ???) Sun 02 Feb 2014 23:15:41 No. 17804194 Report Quoted By:
>>17803904 I-I-I'd like one sir!
Quoted By:
>>17803904 I keep checking GTS in anticipation
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17804176 alright, take your time.. gotta go gen get more anyways, haha..
Also did i forget anyone? I dont know if i went far enough back in the offers.
>>17804240 Haven't gotten mine yet
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17804316 alright.. just let me know what the message was, or when i post that i have more, just re-offer it so it will be up front.. or both.
>>17804352 The message was 'Thanks /vp/' If you want me to I'll reoffer it when you've got more
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17804432 yea, do that, im gonna transfer the few that i got now, and gen some more as i trade, for the sake of time efficiency.
>>17804497 want me to reoffer now or later?
Doctor 2809-9067-8996 (Ivysaur, Shitsage, ???)
Doctor 2809-9067-8996 (Ivysaur, Shitsage, ???) Sun 02 Feb 2014 23:30:02 No. 17804557 Report >>17804497 Hope you can see mine, even attached an Ability Capsule if you can use that
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17804514 right now is fine.. just put them on my cart
>>17804581 Alright just send me a request for the Togepi whenever
Quoted By:
>>17804581 Just offered again. Lv. 2 Scatterbug with 'Thanks /VP/'
Thanks again for this
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17804624 what's your IGN btw?
Also I think I broke pokegts ;-;
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17804763 also i think someone ninja'd me when i went to offer a ditto. If the OT isnt 'Breed', its not from me.
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sun 02 Feb 2014 23:39:46 No. 17804823 Report Quoted By:
>>17803031 I'm putting one I hope you are still here and thanks in advance :D
Doctor 2809-9067-8996 (Ivysaur, Shitsage, ???)
Doctor 2809-9067-8996 (Ivysaur, Shitsage, ???) Sun 02 Feb 2014 23:42:42 No. 17804897 Report Quoted By:
>>17804670 Me who thank you :-)
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
Quoted By:
Hey everyone. I have 6 Shiny 6IV Dittos. I'm willing to trade for any bank legendary which isn't: Mew, Thundurus, Landorus, Reshiram or Phione I don't want to jew anyone at all, but I'm nowhere near finishing my dex, and I think it's time to up my game. I'm willing to also include any of these
Quoted By:
>>17804796 I just got a japanese Ditto, was that you?
>>17804763 I believe you forgot to put the stone
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
>>17804924 fuck.. guess i cant get rid of the bug.. haha
guess ill give a ditto.. i wasnt sure if you need one or not, or if it was just the stone
Quoted By:
>>17804979 Its fine thank you and sorry for all the trouble
Quoted By:
>>17804979 If the jap Ditto I got was from you, then thank you!!
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sun 02 Feb 2014 23:50:14 No. 17805067 Report Quoted By:
>>17804979 I just put on scaterbug I hope to get one ditto thank you for being such a good person :)
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Alright, im gonna try to finish up the offers on GTS, but i think i broke pokegts, so it might me a little slow.
Quoted By:
>>17805180 thank you so much for that ditto!
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245 Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:19:18 No. 17806879 Report >>17803904 I always miss this stuff! ;__;
Lily 2036-8007-1075
>>17806879 your in luck I have a fresh batch
Sylv 5300 9414 6239 !!urfr94f7o99
Alright, I will give 5 more to the first 5 people who respond and I am done for today. Just please write on your friend code in order to add you.
Oscar(IGN:Kidd) - 4511-1859-5821(Dark Type:Nuzleaf,Sneasel,Mightyena)
Oscar(IGN:Kidd) - 4511-1859-5821(Dark Type:Nuzleaf,Sneasel,Mightyena) Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:22:49 No. 17806941 Report Quoted By:
Camryn: 1736 - 1662 - 5484
Quoted By:
I'd like one :)
Nathan - 2535 4525 9123
Camryn: 1736 - 1662 - 5484
Nathan/Taerune - 2535 4525 9123
>>17806926 >>17806949 Sorry, forgot to update my thing, IGN is Taerune
erick (ign)Ivy 1934 0989 4791
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245 Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:26:33 No. 17806993 Report >>17806899 Really!? What would you like?
Lily 2036-8007-1075
>>17806967 Il let you finish with yours first, im the guys from
>>17802208 I have 9 dittos with ability capsules this time
Landon (2836-0133-0868) Grass- Breloom and other shit
Landon (2836-0133-0868) Grass- Breloom and other shit Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:28:22 No. 17807036 Report >>17807004 Could I get a ditto?
Oscar(IGN:Kidd) - 4511-1859-5821(Dark Type:Nuzleaf,Sneasel,Mightyena)
Oscar(IGN:Kidd) - 4511-1859-5821(Dark Type:Nuzleaf,Sneasel,Mightyena) Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:28:26 No. 17807040 Report Quoted By:
Lily 2036-8007-1075
Lily 2036-8007-1075
Nathan/Taerune - 2535 4525 9123
Quoted By:
>>17806926 Should I send the trade to you?
When you attempted to send it, it gave me an error message "the trainer is unavailable"
Jason 3823-9536-0483
Am I too late for a Ditto? I want a Ditto please.
Reb 0232 - 8901 - 0348
Could I have one of these Dittos? I really need one right now.
Taerune - 2535 4525 9123
Oh there we go, thank you so much! Enjoy your 5 iv ralts in the heal ball
Landon (2836-0133-0868) Grass- Breloom and other shit
Landon (2836-0133-0868) Grass- Breloom and other shit Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:33:42 No. 17807136 Report Quoted By:
>>17807061 God bless. Thank you.
Lily 2036-8007-1075
>>17807092 >>17807101 >>17807109 I can get you guys in a little bit
Camryn: 1736 - 1662 - 5484
Quoted By:
>>17807004 I'd like a ditto
sylv 5300 9414 6239
Quoted By:
>>17807109 You're welcome, thank you too!
IGN: Leo 0920-0131-8280 (Flying:Fletchling, Farfetch'd, Woobat)
IGN: Leo 0920-0131-8280 (Flying:Fletchling, Farfetch'd, Woobat) Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:36:01 No. 17807192 Report >>17807004 Any chance I can pick up one of those dittos too?
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245 Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:36:26 No. 17807201 Report Quoted By:
>>17807042 Ended up with two shiny Roselia, so I figured I could hand one off haha
Taerune - 2535 4525 9123
>>17807140 Afraid I won't be on til later; I've got to go to my in-laws superbowl thing.
Thank you for the offer though!
Reb 0232 - 8901 - 0348
Quoted By:
>>17807140 Thanks a lot! Just added you. I'll be waiting.
erick (ign)Ivy 1934 0989 4791
>>17806926 thx so much man. Srsly appreciate it.
Lily 2036-8007-1075
>>17807207 I can do you right now ifn you can
Taerune - 2535 4525 9123
Quoted By:
>>17807237 oh sure, husband is still getting ready ive got a few minutes. Adding you now!
Camryn: 1736 - 1662 - 5484
I never catch these threads on time!
Brayden 1633-4358-4311 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Brayden 1633-4358-4311 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:41:23 No. 17807294 Report I'm always too late for these haha
Taerune - 2535 4525 9123
>>17807237 Thanks so much! Enjoy your 5 iv ralts as well!
sylv 5300 9414 6239
>>17807230 It's alright, enjoy your ditto!
>>17807272 :)
>>17807287 You can have my last because only 4 people responded.
Jason 3823-9536-0483
>>17807140 Excellent. Adding you right now.
Reb 0232 - 8901 - 0348
Quoted By:
>>17807237 Thanks a lot! Hope you enjoy the Chansey!
Lily 2036-8007-1075
Jason 3823-9536-0483
All this talk about IVs. How are you guys checking them? Thought that wasn't possible for a 6th gen game yet.
sylv 5300 9414 6239
>>17807312 You're quite welcome, I sure will!
>>17807328 I added you.
Brayden 1633-4358-4311 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Brayden 1633-4358-4311 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:48:03 No. 17807407 Report Quoted By:
>>17807364 Oh shit really? Thank you so much!
Jason 3823-9536-0483
Quoted By:
>>17807387 I'll add you too.
If anyone is still giving dittos away I'd love one
Lily 2036-8007-1075
it looks like signals are getting crossed here
IGN: Leo 0920-0131-8280 (Flying:Fletchling, Farfetch'd, Woobat)
IGN: Leo 0920-0131-8280 (Flying:Fletchling, Farfetch'd, Woobat) Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:51:04 No. 17807458 Report >>17807364 'preciate it--enjoy the pentaperfect ralts
Tyler 0559-8216-1136 [Tangela Sawsbuck Quiladin]
Tyler 0559-8216-1136 [Tangela Sawsbuck Quiladin] Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:51:13 No. 17807461 Report >>17807431 Forgot my FC and name
Lily 2036-8007-1075
>>17807458 did your go through because I still have your ditto
>>17807376 IV checker in Kiloude City can tell you which IVs are perfect, or at least which ones are highest, and characteristics can help refine it if they're not perfect.
IGN: Leo 0920-0131-8280 (Flying:Fletchling, Farfetch'd, Woobat)
IGN: Leo 0920-0131-8280 (Flying:Fletchling, Farfetch'd, Woobat) Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:53:59 No. 17807520 Report Quoted By:
>>17807497 nope, connection bebbed D:
Michael 0404-6958-9856
Can anyone help me get a ditto?
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Espurr-Munna-???)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Espurr-Munna-???) Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:57:46 No. 17807603 Report Quoted By:
I can't find a thread more appropriate than this one to ask this, so, on the topic of "paying it forward"/sharing/helping If anyone needs to know their safari pokemon, I can help. If anyone can let me know what my final one is, then I will be eternally grateful. Just beat the elite four an hour ago. Woo!
Jason 3823-9536-0483
>>17807387 >>17807446 Thank you both!! Do you two have The Bank by any chance?
Lily 2036-8007-1075
>>17807608 No I got 2 3d's and a Ditto I got from the give away a while ago
>>17807409 >>17807461 I got two more for you two
sylv 5300 9414 6239
>>17807502 No prob!
>>17807608 Thank you for the Gengar. Unfortunately, I don't have the bank. I don't even own 2 3DS. I am using my bf's for the clone baits. Luckily I managed to get a shiny Kyogre with 6 IVS from the GTS, I cloned it and I traded it for a shiny 6 IV Ditto. So I started cloning and distributing them.
IGN: Leo 0920-0131-8280 (Flying:Fletchling, Farfetch'd, Woobat)
IGN: Leo 0920-0131-8280 (Flying:Fletchling, Farfetch'd, Woobat) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:01:57 No. 17807709 Report Quoted By:
>>17807670 just wanted to say thanks again; and now, off to masuda.
Sader 0662-2557-5319 (Heracross, Masquerain, Ledyba)
Sader 0662-2557-5319 (Heracross, Masquerain, Ledyba) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:02:31 No. 17807723 Report Quoted By:
If some of these dittos are still available I would love one.
Tyler 0559-8216-1136 [Tangela Sawsbuck Quiladin]
Tyler 0559-8216-1136 [Tangela Sawsbuck Quiladin] Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:03:19 No. 17807734 Report Quoted By:
>>17807670 Im getting on now
Lily 2036-8007-1075
sorry I got
>>17807502 mixed up with
>>17807549 >>17807549 added you
Michael 0404-6958-9856
Quoted By:
lily I added you
Tyler 0559-8216-1136 [Tangela Sawsbuck Quiladin]
Tyler 0559-8216-1136 [Tangela Sawsbuck Quiladin] Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:08:01 No. 17807819 Report Quoted By:
Lily 2036-8007-1075
Quoted By:
Thats all i got for now I may do this again tomorrow but cloning take time
Jason 3823-9536-0483
>>17807703 I take it cloning is impossible with a single 3DS? If I could I'd duplicate the one Charmander I got from a Wonder Trade.
>>17807498 Aren't those checkers a bit vague? Folks here are awfully confident that their Dittos and such are 5-6 perfect IVs across the board. Not that I'm ungrateful, of course.
Brayden 1633-4358-4311 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette)
Brayden 1633-4358-4311 (Togepi, Jigglypuff, Floette) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:16:21 No. 17807967 Report >>17807914 If a Pokemon has perfect IVs in a stat, it will tell you which ones are perfect with the quote "stats like those, they can't be beat" after listing them off.
Lily 2036-8007-1075
>>17807914 I this the SD car method is still possible but iv never done it
and what
>>17807967 said, you can always use a Iv calculator online
Lily 2036-8007-1075
>>17808016 oh sorry I meant to say
the SD card method, not sure is its still possible
I fuck up my own english
Jason 3823-9536-0483 (Dunsparce, Loudred, Ditto)
Jason 3823-9536-0483 (Dunsparce, Loudred, Ditto) Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:07:50 No. 17810171 Report Quoted By:
>>17808054 Bump. Also, what's this method?
Asuna 0361-7583-9196
Quoted By:
>>17808016 I don't think the SD card method ever worked.. i think it was just a troll to get people to corrupt their saves..
Nobody has a spare 6IV ditto lying around? I can only offer crap iv shiny joltik, shiny bibarel and 5IV kanga.
>>17812183 put something up on the gts for a 91+ ditto, and tell me what to search
>>17812425 Which of these do you want?
>>17812451 the shiny sounds cool, but idk if i want to steal your shiny, heh
>>17812487 Ok, putting Joltik right now, with the message /vp/. Hope fucking japs won't snipe it as always
>>17812555 sent
also mfw theres a bunch of shiny bibarel on gts, and one is asking for a rayquaza.. should I be a dick and gen one with 0 in all IVs? haha
Quoted By:
>>17812587 Thanks, you're a lifesaver
H-L 0189 8989 4432
I have some shiny Jap 6 IV Dittos (Timid). Does anyone have any drain punch Shroomishs, stealth rock Turtwigs or any other mons with interesting egg moves?
Strato 3325-2963-8934 (Seviper,Gardobor,Toxicroak)
Strato 3325-2963-8934 (Seviper,Gardobor,Toxicroak) Mon 03 Feb 2014 06:35:50 No. 17812676 Report Quoted By:
>>17812623 lapras with Freeze dry?
IGN: Arch FC: 4253-3684-6299
>>17812623 I've got a jolly shroomish with drain punch and poison heal.
H-L 0189 8989 4432
>>17812827 Will add you in a few seconds, just let me finish this battle.
IGN: Arch FC: 4253-3684-6299
Haruhi 2165-6161-1679
>>17812623 I have 5 IV female multiscale dratini with extremespeed/aqua tail/iron tail/dragondance
Please I'd really like a ditto!
H-L 0189 8989 4432
H-L 0189 8989 4432
>>17812919 if you want one m8 you gotta add me back
>>17812893 thanks for the Shroomish! been looking for one of these forever
IGN: Arch FC: 4253-3684-6299
Quoted By:
>>17813004 No worries, enjoy it! And thanks for the ditto. :)
Haruhi 2165-6161-1679
Quoted By:
>>17813004 Yeah I just added you
Zo 3067-5937-8624
>>17812623 Do you have any more? I have
Female Elekid With Elemental Punches
Jolly Female Swinub With Stealth Rock & Icicle Crash
H-L 0189 8989 4432
>>17813072 oh shit, fuck yes for the Swinub
Zo 3067-5937-8624
Quoted By:
>>17813100 Ok, cool, added. Online now.
Zo 3067-5937-8624
H-L 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
>>17813170 No prob friend, Love it.
H-L 0189 8989 4432
Alright, I have four 6 IV Jap shiny Dittos left. My main priorities are mons that learn Stealth Rock in thru breeding/tutoring in Gen V or Lileeps with Stealth Rock, bank starters with HAs (besides Chimchar)
Zo 3067-5937-8624
Quoted By:
>>17813231 Give me a few and I can get you a HA Treecko.
>>17813231 >tfw having HA totodile/snivy/tepig, but can't trade them over wifi because they're 'illegal' H-L 0189 8989 4432
>>17813345 Are you fucking shitting me? Why not?
>>17813381 well they arent released yet.. i trade to trade them normally, put them on gts, and WT them.. and even tried to trade eggs i knew had them.. kept getting messages like pic related.
It's weird though, they can be uploaded to GTS, but they arent visible, and when trying to WT, you always get the message that no one was available to trade.
H-L 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
>>17813448 Damn that sucks :(
Quoted By:
>>17812587 Won't work - he would trade it for any other decent shiny or whatever, until it settles with someone who doesn't give shit about IVs or in a livingdex.
0361 7461 3485 Mawile Metang Klefki
>>17813231 I got nothing... but I want one
H-L 0189 8989 4432
Welp, since I can get bank starters with HAs... I guess my main goal is Lileeps with Stealth Rock
Quoted By:
>>17813381 >why would it block an illegal pokemon? you're a retard
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim
Delibard (Matt) 0173-1320-4042 Pumpkaboo, Lampent, Drifblim Mon 03 Feb 2014 07:40:41 No. 17813536 Report Quoted By:
>>17813505 could I add you for friend safari?
Zo 3067-5937-8624
>>17813526 Have Male Treecko 31/31/x/31/31/31 Timid With Unburden
Zo 3067-5937-8624
>>17813526 Still here dude?
H-L 0189 8989 4432
>>17813575 >>17813812 Yeah I'm here haha. you still want another Ditto?
Zo 3067-5937-8624
Quoted By:
>>17813854 yeah, trying to get one for my brother. online now
Zo 3067-5937-8624
Quoted By:
>>17813854 thanks again; peace
Axel 2535-3653-9609
Quoted By:
Jesus Christ, everytime I see one of these threads it's already got over 100 posts. I just want to breed.
Quoted By:
Dag nabit. I'm always late to these...I just want a ditto ;-;
Pestkop 4227 - 0773 - 7329 (Audino, lillipup, Ditto)
Pestkop 4227 - 0773 - 7329 (Audino, lillipup, Ditto) Mon 03 Feb 2014 11:10:51 No. 17815253 Report Quoted By:
Damn i need that Ditto
Victoria 0662 - 3977 - 7376 (Sableye, Pawniard, Sandile)
Victoria 0662 - 3977 - 7376 (Sableye, Pawniard, Sandile) Mon 03 Feb 2014 13:20:13 No. 17816064 Report Quoted By:
>>17813854 I'm sorry, but is it too late to get a Ditto?
I'd love to start breeding some good Pokemon, but with Safari Dittos it takes forever..