So, I've been MMing a shiny Milotic for a few days now, and my boxes are starting to fill up with tetra, penta, and hexa perfect modest Feebas. I also have some zorua left over as well, all penta/tetra perfect. Anyone want to trade me for these before I wonder trade them away? I'm looking for a Penta/hexaperfect charmander. That's really about all.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
Hey, what kind of Char? X or Y?
I think I have penta charmanders, lemme check, I could use a Feebas bro. ...and a Zorua
>>17805458 I mean, charmanders don't have an X/Y attached to them, but I'm going to use it for a McharY though.
>>17805473 All yours man. As long it doesn't get too crazy, I might just end up giving them away.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
I've been hatching for Charmander for a Y set and I have one with perfect IVs in everything apart from Special Attack It's female and has Dragon Pulse, Outrage and Dragon Dance on it.
Xeno (zo) 4527 8432 1974
Quoted By:
Also, I forgot my friend code and name.
>>17805499 Oh, well, I have a lvl 1 char, all IV's except for HP, Jolly with blaze and a girls with all 'cept for sp.def and speed. can give both.
Also some with solar power that miss def and speed.
If Feebas be a femae, even better man.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
>>17805499 >charmanders don't have an X/Y attached to them I know~, I'm just trying to gauge what kind of IVs you're looking for.
I have that 5IV Charmander I referred to, and a female 4IV (no Atk and Sp Atk) and a male 4IV (same). Egg moves and all.
[3110-5810-6355] [Ferroseed-Klang-Klefki]
[3110-5810-6355] [Ferroseed-Klang-Klefki] Mon 03 Feb 2014 00:12:37 No. 17805561 Report >>17805407 I can give you a pentaperfect adamant mawile in a love ball with fire, ice fang, seismic toss and metal burst for one hexafeebas+ the scale please, i can give you a 5 ivs charmander with dragon dance, outrage, dragon pulse and other egg move (naive so you can breed for x or y) for the zorua too?
Xeno (zo) 4527 8432 1974
>>17805511 >perfect IVs in everything apart from Special Attack Why, cruel fate, why?!
Yeah man, I'll trade you if you want. What do you need.
>>17805556 Female Penta perfect Feebas coming up
>>17805558 I'll take the Penta if it's not too much trouble
>>17805561 Ok, done.
I'm friending all of you. Also, if you don't have anything to trade me it, it's alright, These are free, but I'm accepting donations. :)
[3110-5810-6355] [Ferroseed-Klang-Klefki]
[3110-5810-6355] [Ferroseed-Klang-Klefki] Mon 03 Feb 2014 00:17:26 No. 17805667 Report >>17805644 Adding you
IGN: Ivory
Would you like male or female mawile?
May I get feeebas and zorua? I have porygon, vulpix, charmander, carvanh, elgyem, rotom, shellos east and misdreavus in moon balls. Intrested in any? All 5 IVs
Plo 1118 1575 4828
Hey friend, I don't have what you're looking for, but I'd love one of your feebas. All I have to give is my gratitude!
Xeno (zo) 4527 8432 1974
>>17805674 Yeah, no prob I'd like that rotom pls, you can just give me a shitmon for the other one
[3110-5810-6355] [Ferroseed-Klang-Klefki]
[3110-5810-6355] [Ferroseed-Klang-Klefki] Mon 03 Feb 2014 00:19:39 No. 17805714 Report >>17805644 Says invalid FC
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
>>17805644 One of those Penta Feebas would be neat.
And I'll trade you any 2 of these for a Penta Zorua.
I also have some shiny 6IV Dittos.
Quoted By:
>>17805712 Okay adding now, ill be online
Lawn 1005-9935-4186
I have some 6iv Absols and an adamant 5iv extreeme speed marvel scale dratini
Xeno (zo) 4527 8432 1974
>>17805667 I don't mind. You want both a Zorua and a feebas, right?
>>17805718 I do too Javier-1736-1212-6969
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
Quoted By:
>>17805761 Yeah, that would be great. Adding you now.
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17805764 Damn. I'm sorry. Switch the 3 and the 4 in the FC. Sorry m8. (the current one in my name field should be right.
KELLY - 0688 - 5272 - 2523
>>17805407 OP I have 2 4V Charmanders. One is female Jolly and has Dragon Pulse, Dragon Danc, Flare Blitz, and Outrage. The other is male modest, no egg moves. Both have retarded nicknames I can't change, if that's a problem.
I also have a bunch of 4V Shellder and Chansey if any of those sound appealing.
>>17805761 Yeah that would be great. If you cant attach a scale to the feebas to evolve i can give you one back later with another IV mon
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17805795 I don't have any prism scales other than the one I need for my shiny, sorry. m8.
But i put a balm Mushroom up there for you :)
>>17805790 No problem. Addded
>>17805718 May I get a 4 IV Karrablast? For any of this
>>17805674 Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
>>17805852 Sure thing, just a sec.
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17805840 Damn, sorry, didn't have time to put the bm up there, sorry dude.
Anyway, who's next?
Quoted By:
>>17805840 Thanks, i hope you enjoy the mawile
>>17805880 If possible can you put a prism scale on feebas? And ill put a prism scale on rotom when we trade?
Quoted By:
>>17805913 Sorry this is for
>>17805886 >>17805880 Alright added
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
>>17805913 I think you're replying to the wrong person buddy.
I'll trade you a 4IV Karrablast for a Moon Ball Misdreavus! (female preferably!)
Quoted By:
>>17805943 Yeah sorry I noticed after I posted it, yeah sure ready when you are.
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17805692 You're next after Javi
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
Thanks Javier. Enjoy the Munchlax. Get them Stockpiles and Belly Drums going!
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17805752 I'll gladly take a dratini off your hands
>>17805794 Surprise me m8, just tell me what you want
I'm serving you all in this order, btw.
KELLY - 0688 - 5272 - 2523
Quoted By:
>>17805886 Me plz.
>>17805794 I'm somewhat desperate for a Feebas
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
>>17806001 (Woops, meant Xeno).
Alrighty Javier, you're next buddy.
Plo 1118 1575 4828
>>17805981 Sorry, wifi issues. Be right on :)
>>17806031 Ok im trading xeno rn, may I get a munchlax too?
KELLY - 0688 - 5272 - 2523
>>17806013 Thanks pal! Just a Feebas is fine, a penta would be nice if you feel generous but I'd be OK with a tetra.
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17806052 Forgot to add you, be ready in a sec
>>17806071 You're going to get a pentaperfect feebas, and you're going to like it.
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
>>17806063 Sure thing. I'll take a Misdreavus for a Karrablast (Female preferably)
And.. Vulpix for the Munchlax (also Female preferably!)
Thank you!
Landon (2836-0133-0868)
>>17805407 Could I get a zorua please. I am adding you
>>17806105 Yeah sure, im ready
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
Plo 1118 1575 4828
>>17806102 Oh shit, just saw that you have Zorua as well! Could I grab one? Thanks man!
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17806158 >just saw that you have Zorua Did you even see the OP?
Plo 1118 1575 4828
>>17806193 Shh. Thanks man, I sent over a HA nidoran with some 31s. You're the best!
Suede (Nick) - 0018-1437-4717 - {3697}
>>17806147 I only had 2 Karrablasts left and the 4IV one had speed in it. Sorry about that man.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the Pokemon. I gave you a Munchlax with a neutral nature due to how difficult it is to get a Munchlax with decent IVs and a good nature.
Pleasure doing business with you.
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
Quoted By:
>>17806210 >HA nidoran I can now kill Cosmo and Wanda.
Kelly is next. IDK where lawn is.
Quoted By:
>>17806231 Thanks man, enjoy your pokes
KELLY - 0688 - 5272 - 2523
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17806334 No prob, m8
Anyone else?
Landon (2836-0133-0868)
>>17806369 You didn't add me?
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17806403 I may have missed you, damn, sorry.
What do you want again? Adding you now.
Landon (2836-0133-0868)
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17806437 Comin' up. TR me whenever.
Landon (2836-0133-0868)
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17806437 >Shiny Octillery >oswald HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I lol'd so hard.
Landon (2836-0133-0868)
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
>>17806521 >>17806554 NP man, but are you sure about that trade?
A shiny Octo for a 5IV zorua? I would have given you a six, but I have none left.
We can trade back if you want and you can give me a shitmon.
Landon (2836-0133-0868)
>>17806580 Nah man, I'm fine with it. You keep it.
Xeno (zo) 4527 8342 1974
Quoted By:
>>17806596 God bless you.