Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Quoted By:
My list (Don't expect high IVs) No 1:1 clone lending only Final destination Shiny: Charizard with charizardite Y Roserade Deoxts Latios Manectric with manectricite Chesnaught Suicune mew Lugia Magmar Meowstic female Swirlix Furfrou Seismitoad (F)Gardevoir rioulu Heatmor Salamence Metagross Quagsire Haxorus Non shiny: Cloud trio Mystic trio and kaldeo Regi trio and regigigas Weather trio Creation trio Tao trio Lake trio Arceus Darkrai Manaphy ho-oh Virizion Jirachi Latios and latias Heatran when you clone one of them all I am asking for is the original + clone
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Looking to Lend/Clone/1:1 Muh List: 6iv Red Genesect 6iv Shiny Deoxys (Normal Form) 6iv Shiny Shaymin 6iv Shiny Metagross 6iv Shiny Kyogre 6iv Shiny Girantina w/orb 6iv Shiny Darkrai 6iv Shiny Noivern 6iv Arceus 6iv Celebi 6iv Reshiram 6iv Jirachi 5iv Shiny Charizard (solar power) 5iv Shiny Aerodactyl 5iv Shaymin 4iv Rotom(washing machine) 4iv Shiny Larvitar 3iv Thundurus Porygon-Z Shiny Rayquaza Shiny Goruodon Shiny Kabutops Shiny Dragalge Zekrom Victini Red Gyarados Event Mew Latias Phione NFT: 6iv Shiny Aerodactyl (lvl 1) 6iv Shiny Koffing 5iv Victini (V-Create, Blue Flare, Bolt Strike, Glaciate) 5iv Rotom (lvl 1) Zapdos HP Flying (Heat Wave) Pikachu (Fly, thunderbolt, grass knot, Protect) Unown (lvl 10)
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Josh I have your spookycoffin ready, thanks so much. I'm having a cig then I'll be online.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:21:31 No. 17806916 Report Posting before I have to lurk using the fucking the phone
My list I have Shellder, Hawlucha, Froakie,Tepig, Larvesta, Absol and Heracross for 1:1.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
cant clone so dont ask Have shiny kyogre event mew 6 iv shiny genesect 6 iv shiny deoxys 6 iv shiny darkrai event meloetta regular virizion Kalos native shinies penta perfect tyrantrum with dd/elemental fangs penta perfect ha ninetales LF 6 iv legenderies, mainly 6 iv landarous
Solid - 1075-1752-9020
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:22:53 No. 17806943 Report Here is my list.
> I can clone. I'm looking for a shiny
_male_ 5 IV Woobat or Swoobat.
I still have Blaztar's Roserade that I need to return. I won't be here for long.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17806904 You're welcome!
Let me know when you're back cuz I'm not on,one atm lol
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
My list. I can clone as well Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17806937 You're welcome Solid.
Thanks to you.
>>17806904 Online*
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:24:35 No. 17806968 Report Quoted By:
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17806943 Lol that munna looks happy.
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:26:44 No. 17806997 Report >>17806978 It is the Munna I hatched not too long ago. I gave it to some people already. I noticed that Ty forgot to mention that it was mine in the first place before trading it with others. Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17806961 > can you 1:1 me landorus/meloetta for anything on my list
>>17806935 Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:27:24 No. 17807012 Report >>17806961 would you 1:1 trade the scizor for a
shiny 6iv shaymin or
a shiny ralts male
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17806963 josh, i got ur ponytas ready. May i clone ur 5IV chimchar next?
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
>>17806916 Could I get that 6IV Rash Raikou for a 6IV shiny Latios?
Katie 0232-8447-7513
Quoted By:
>>17806882 im interested in your Victini.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Solid - 1075-1752-9020
>>17806916 Do you want scraggy?
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17806999 Don't really need anything from that list sorry :(
>>17807012 I have a shaymin and ralts. sorry :(
Quoted By:
>>17806831 alright which one of you sick sons of bitches gave away shiny 6v quiet mews last night?
Thanks! Solid - 1075-1752-9020
>>17807082 Can i clone Hippo please:)? maybe you want Scraggy?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:32:32 No. 17807111 Report Quoted By:
>>17807095 wat about a jirachi forgot i had an extra one
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17807095 :( i will even agree to 2:1 i really need that landorus
even if you just want stuff for extras
Quoted By:
Alright guys here is the fucking deal. I have Lando, Terrakion, Virizion, and Cobalion, all shiny except Lando, all 5IV's, Virizion has HP Ice (special attacker). I RNG'ed them all legitimately and caught them all legitimately in a normal pokeball. Is there ANYONE here who has access to Pokebank, and I will trust you with these pokemon to transfer them up and give them to me on XY? And in return, I will start cloning and distributin these Pokemon to everyone in the thread?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17807034 Sure. I don't need extras of that one.
>>17806997 He already spreaded it all around the thread :(
>>17806831 If you expect anything less than a full on circlejerk you are mistaken
>>17807139 Nice job breaking character faggot.
Never trading with you again. You ruined my fantasy.
>>17807086 Yup that would be great
>>17807038 I dont have an extra Raikou here, bro
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:35:26 No. 17807182 Report >>17807134 I can only hope he fulfilled my promise then...
>>17807011 Alright. Give me a few.
>>17807082 Do you mind if I cloned a few Pokemon from you? As usual I will give you an extra copy when I am finished.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:35:37 No. 17807185 Report >>17807121 is there a special landorus you need or just a shiny one
can you clone?
>>17807106 I forgot what was your list again? lol I made a deal with sam earlier for scraggy
Katie 0232-8447-7513
can anyone either lend me or trade me Victini Jirachi Arceus Im desperately trying to finish my pokedex`
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17807160 Mankey and Numel. The mightiest of needs. Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
>>17807169 Alright, can I just +1 it? I'll let you hold onto/clone the Latios in the meantime?
Quoted By:
>>17807084 Same here. Sure is shitty
Solid - 1075-1752-9020
>>17807193 6iv shiny Deoxys sassy ENG named
6iv Deoxys Timid ENG named
6iv shiny Darkrai ENG
6iv Darkrai spacial rend event JAP
6iv shiny Lugia ENG
6iv shiny Mew ENG
6iv shiny Rayquaza ENG
6iv Victini V-create ENG
Heatran HP Grass JAP
6iv shiny Mewtwo JAP
6iv shiny Genesect jap ENG name
shiny Latios hp fire JAP
6iv jirachi adamant ENG
6iv shiny kyurem JAP
6iv Zekrom JAP
6iv shiny Groudon ENG
6iv shiny Ho-ho JAP
6iv Landorus JAP
6iv Latios eng
6iv shiny Latias JAP
6iv Celebi ENG
5iv shiny Articuno JAP
6iv shiny Shaymin
6iv regular Groudon fire punch JAP
6iv shiny Entei JAP
6iv shiny Suicine
6iv shiny Raikou
Non legend shinys
5iv Gastly
5iv timid Charmander egg moves
5iv Mudkip
6iv Chimchar iron fist with punches
6iv Larvesta
6iv Pawniard
5iv modest Squirtle
5iv Litwick
5iv modest Rotom-w
5iv Gliscor (holding toxic orb)
5iv Sableye
6iv Froakie
5iv Scizor
5iv Shellder
6iv Elekid
5iv Smeargle
5iv timid/modest Eevee
4iv Solosis (0 speed)
5iv tyrogue
5iv skarmory
5-6iv mawile
5-6iv honedge
5-6iv tepig
5-6iv tentacool
5-6iv corpish
4-5iv ferroseed
5-6iv treecko
5-6iv pidgey
Or check Ace's list
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:37:24 No. 17807220 Report Quoted By:
>>17807194 ill dexswap with you
i have all three of those
>>17807182 yea sure what do you need
>>17807195 you dont have a shiny seedot by any chance do you?
Katie 0232-8447-7513
Quoted By:
>>17807218 I'm looking for victini and jirachi. what are you looking for?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17807185 really want competetive one and its the last one i need for my dex, sitting at 717/718 atm
so its killing 2 birds in 1 stone.
normal or shiny doesnt matter and sadly i cant clone, can just offer legenderies my friend cloned for me
>>17807204 Sure, you are not on my friend or acq list, right? Ill need to put a disc 4 disc first
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
I'm still new to cloning but I am able to do it. I have Trevenant and Vivillon if anyone would like to trade. I can rename them both. I also have Klefki, Magneton, and Forrestress in my Friend Safari if you'd like to add me.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17807240 Someone had it that needed it cloned but they were gone by the time I actually got home, sadly.
>>17807254 Spreads on both?
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
Quoted By:
>>17807253 Nah you're not. I don't have any spare so just put it up and I'll send you something else.
Quoted By:
>>17807193 If you need you can ask something from mine
>>17806916 Ill send it to him
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:40:55 No. 17807288 Report Getting shiny Binacle, Chatot, and Pancham in a second here.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:40:59 No. 17807289 Report Quoted By:
>>17807248 shit i dont have a competitive one or i would trade ya
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:42:08 No. 17807313 Report >>17807240 I want to get the Ponyta, Numel, Hawlucha and Smeargle please.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>17807288 I'd love Binacle, you can clone my Koffing for it.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17807134 Okay, thanks so much. I sent them back w/ the ability flash fire, so you might want to update your list
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:43:00 No. 17807325 Report >>17807315 I have your clawitzer ready nigga.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17807319 Ok. I will lol
Thanks Zavi.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17807218 wanna 1:1 me landorus for 1 of my kalos native shinies ?
tyrantrum penta perfect with dd/ele fangs
ninetales penta perfect with drought
Katie 0232-8447-7513
I'm looking for victini, jirachi and Arceus. I can trade or clone orig+1
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:45:12 No. 17807360 Report >>17807348 i will let you clone mine
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Katie 0232-8447-7513
>>17807360 cool. do you want orig+1 or 1:1?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:47:33 No. 17807397 Report >>17807348 i can 1:1 trade you jirachi and the other 2 for cloning
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:48:37 No. 17807415 Report Quoted By:
>>17807389 Jirachi 1:1
Victini Orig+1
Arceus Orig+1
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
Quoted By:
>>17807269 Not very high. Trevenant has 3 max IV's, Hp, Special Defense, and Speed. I'm not sure Vivillon has any. Can't check, I'm in Battle Maison.
Katie 0232-8447-7513
>>17807397 ok. for jirachi, what would you looking for:
Shiny shaymin, shiny genesect, rayquaza, entei.
i have added your fc. going online now
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:49:50 No. 17807434 Report >>17807011 Sorry about earlier. I hope you'll have better luck getting that Roserade cloned. It doesn't seem to work for me at the moment. Are you enjoying the Cobalion though?
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:51:02 No. 17807456 Report >>17807433 ill take a genesect for jirachi
>>17807313 Numel is off-limits for now, I can lend smeargle for dat bisharp
O+1 on the rest is fine
IGN Twiggles 0275 8846 7430
I have a Meleotta I'm looking for someone to either clone it, or trade it straight up for a Shaymin.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
cant clone so dont ask Have shiny kyogre event mew 6 iv shiny genesect 6 iv shiny deoxys 6 iv shiny darkrai event meloetta regular virizion Kalos native shinies penta perfect tyrantrum with dd/elemental fangs penta perfect ha ninetales LF 6 iv legenderies, mainly 6 iv landarous willing to go 2:1 for competetive landorus
>>17807478 I have one extra shaymin, put disc 4 disc on the gts and Ill give you one
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:53:45 No. 17807517 Report Quoted By:
New cloning and stuff Looking for 6IV non shiny Latias I can offer/lend 5IV shiny rayquaza to be cloned for 1 clone Latias.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>17807160 Nincada and hippo
But I also like the numel
But I also like the spiritomb
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:54:21 No. 17807527 Report >>17807465 Ah okay. I can do it. Do you mind trading one each?
I don't mind you declining the Numel but... I-is it under your OT? It's one Pokemon I prefer to use myself because black Camerupt and such. Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
>>17807509 Went to trade the Luvdisc and it's gone?
Katie 0232-8447-7513
>>17807456 awesome. thanks. ill let you know here when i am done
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17807335 Got ur chimchars ready, first try. May i do ur bold slowpoke next?
Quoted By:
>>17807478 Sorry, false alert. Traded it earlier...
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:55:37 No. 17807558 Report 0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:55:52 No. 17807565 Report >>17807139 By the way, did you get it yet?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17807288 Binacle would be sweet
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
Quoted By:
Anyone have a Torchic with Baton Pass, Swords Dance, and Speed boost?
Munki (IGN:Nick) 3995-7729-0901
Quoted By:
I'm not a cloner, but if someone has a V-Create Victini; could get me a smeargle with V-Create?
Quoted By:
>>17807538 Fucking Gts, Ill put another one up
>>17807523 give drowzeeee
>>17807527 im not the ot sorry, cant nickname lol
IGN Twiggles 0275 8846 7430
>>17807509 Put DISC4DISC Ace VP, level 15, female. Twiggles is the name
Solid - 1075-1752-9020
>>17807586 so.. i can? do you want something from my list or ace's?
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17806831 Anyone have a Torchic with Baton Pass, Swords Dance, and Speed boost they'd be willing to let me clone?
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:58:37 No. 17807621 Report Quoted By:
>>17807586 Oh well. I guess I could get time to Masuda one after I am finished cloning your Pokemon.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17807545 Someone is cloning my slowpoke but I got slowbro too if you're interested.
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 01:58:58 No. 17807626 Report >>17807610 I have a level 1 with baton pass.
Quoted By:
>>17807589 Sorry, bro. See
>>17807509 If I get an extra tomorrow and you still need it Ill try to help
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
>>17807626 Nigga get online and if you're reconnect
>>17807164 Whos breaking character?
>>17807565 What did Munna get? Munna just got here.
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
Quoted By:
>>17807626 I don't have much but Xerneas and
>>17807254 but I'd be willing to clone you your Pokemon if you'd like.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17807586 I will get you one soon, shouldn't be long now.
>>17807538 You getting me O+1, right?
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:03:13 No. 17807733 Report Quoted By:
>>17807677 Lord munna, I have a munna for you.
Quoted By:
>shiny seedot on the gts >they want a shaymin
IGN Twiggles 0275 8846 7430
Alright, back at it then. Meleotta or Shiny Mew for Shaymin or cloning.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17807625 ehh, how bout I do ur misdreavus instead
>>17806943 Munna already has one, but Munna would like another if that one is any better.
>>17807713 Munna thinks thats some great b8. 1/10 made Munna respond
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:05:32 No. 17807778 Report >>17807759 It's a 31/31/31/31/xx/31
Quoted By:
>>17807759 > HURR IF IS IT A DIFFERENT OPINION ITS b8 >HURR LET ME DO MORE CIRCLEJERK go fuck yourself you autistic furfag
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17807756 I don't lend Misdreavus for cloning :(
Sorry man
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:07:38 No. 17807812 Report Hello everyone! This is what I currently have available for Shinies and Legends: Shinies: Goomy (M) (Trade) - Modest/Sap Sipper 31/x/31/31/31/31 Marill (M) (Trade) - Adamant/Thick Fat 31/31/31/x/x/31 Magikarp (M) (Bred) - Adamant/Swift Swim 31/31/31/x/x/31 Toxicroak (M) (Friend Safari) - Relaxed/Dry Skin 31/31/x/x/x/x Porygon (G) (Bred) - Modest/Download x/31/x/31/x/31 Klefki (F) (Friend Safari) - Quirky/Prankster 31/low/31/x/x/x Tyrunt (M) (Trade) - Adamant/Strong Jaw 31/x/31/31/31/31 Legends: Xerneas Yveltal Zygarde Mewtwo Raikou Suicune Zapdos Entei Terrakion Cobalion Looking for people to clone them, asking for original + 1 back.
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:07:42 No. 17807815 Report >>17807759 As
>>17807778 said, it's the Munna I hatched earlier. It's 5 IV; the Special Defense is at 15.
I wanted to give this to you.
Quoted By:
>Munna fag is here Rip in rips thread
>>17807778 Yes Munna would appreciate that. Do you need clones?
Also has anyone seen namine around? I need to return her stuff.
Dont mind the rabble. They have not accepted Munna into their life yet.
Quoted By:
36x0 relinking this shit
>>17806916 Anonymous
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:10:24 No. 17807862 Report >>17807842 Clone one for yourself, then trade back Milord.
Quoted By:
Theres some intense samefagging going on in this thread
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17807799 Fuck, alright. How bout your skarmory then?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17807892 That's fine. Lol
Pao X
so i got a titarouga, ryhorn, and chatrot anyone interested to this
>>17807503 Have the 6IV Landorous (shiny/Non-T)
Looking at the shiny Kyogre (if 6IV)
Quoted By:
>>17807815 >>17807862 Munna thanks both of you sincerely.
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17807812 I'd be willing to clone some of your Pokemon for you. Primarily your Marill and Klefki as those are the ones I'd like as well.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17807900 Do you want +1 on that guy?
Quoted By:
>>17807907 Me, we were trading it earler. Rhyhorn too
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:15:07 No. 17807943 Report >>17807910 Sure thing. Obviously you deserve something out of it, so let's start with the Marill and Klefki. Adding you.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
Steven I gotta go just return my mon tomorrow.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17807933 Yes Zavi. An extra skarm would be grand!
Thanks man.
Pao X
>>17807932 i have them alreadly lol
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
Quoted By:
>>17807910 Sure thing, give me a minute to finish something and get my other ds out.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17807908 not 6 iv, i have another shiny kyogre adamant with 6 iv that im not sure ppl will want cause wrong nature, if u want that 1 i can let you clone it for landorus
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17807956 I know but what do you want for them from my list? Lol
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Flying, Modern)
>>17807842 Sorry, I'm already a member of the church of Mawile. Looking for any Bank Legends not on that list and Shiny Furfrou
>>17807956 Oh and post your Fc, add mine here
>>17806916 3ds took you out of the acqu I think
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:19:44 No. 17808037 Report
>>17807862 Very well, Online and waiting
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:20:51 No. 17808056 Report >>17807932 Hey man, you interested in a 5IV moxie scraggy with egg moves?
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Flying, Modern)
>>17808037 It's just her horns hooked under her arms. So what if she's a little naughty?
Solid - 1075-1752-9020
Night guys. See you tomorrow
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil)
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:21:22 No. 17808066 Report Quoted By:
>>17808008 i have jirachi for your marill
Pao X
>>17808024 >>17808005 >>17807984 im watching the super bowl atm but when i get ill start cloning and cna u clone gerado?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17808065 Goodnight Solid!
>>17808056 I would be but i got one a few hours ago from Solid. It must be yours lol
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17808008 intrested in cloning my landorus for
shiny penta perfect tyrantrum with dd/ele fangs
or shiny penta perfect HA ninetales
can add ability capsule to the deal
Quoted By:
>>17808069 Ok, Im watching it too. DIf you still have me there you will have to initiate the trade
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17808109 intrested in cloning me* landorus
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:24:13 No. 17808128 Report >>17808104 Damn, most likely. Interested in anything here by any chance? Im interested in your venusaur
Quoted By:
>>17808069 no not till next week
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:24:24 No. 17808136 Report Quoted By:
>>17808057 Stop posting lewd pictures of one of my favorite pokes!
IGN Twiggles 0275 8846 7430
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil)
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:27:03 No. 17808179 Report >>17807160 would you let koffing for hitmontop 6iv shiny or deerling 5iv shiny
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17807943 Let me know when you're ready. I'm Oedipa.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17808149 Info on Meloetta?
>>17808179 can you go to the memory girl in anistar, show her the deerling and post what she says?
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:29:46 No. 17808227 Report >>17808197 oh that was you? it said passerby lol. I'm ready to go
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17808128 Jolteon looks nice. But I can't clone. Sorry :(
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
Alright Ace I've got your +1 ready. Hope you don't mind if I hold onto this for a few more minutes to try and clone some extras?
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:31:16 No. 17808262 Report Quoted By:
I now have a chatot, binacle, and pancham.
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17808233 Np, Im finishing a different trade
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888)
Lysander (4785-5027-3627) Growlithe, Pyroar, Fletchlinder (TSV: 1888) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:33:17 No. 17808289 Report Quoted By:
>>17808231 Oh, that sucks mate. I thought you were the josh that could clone
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:33:53 No. 17808302 Report >>17808197 >>17808197 Im gonna be doing Maison, so message me on here when you're done
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
Quoted By:
>>17808227 Okay, give me a minute, I'll get you 4 back in a bit.
Pao X
>>17808231 do u have a skitty yet
3497-0901-1773 James
I'd really love to get ahold of a shiny Gardevoir all I have is a shiny trevenant honedge ditto and goodra
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17808314 Nope :( I'll let you clone one of my rare bank legends if you get me one lol
I got things like defog latios,latias,landorus with rocks etc. they're English too
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil)
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:36:11 No. 17808334 Report >>17808217 sure
( the pokemon seems to have a good memory, but it's doesn't seem to be able to remenber it..AND..deerling become best bro with melodie's when it's arrived via link trade at...A POKEMON CENTER the pokemon remenber that it got nervous do you want to know another pokemon memory ... NO come back anytime memory never fade away silence
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17808295 Once I'm done with this set I can clone for you.
3497-0901-1773 James
Quoted By:
>>17808332 Yes and no. Yes I know how to clone and no I can't do it at the moment my brother has my other ds at his house and I have mine at my house.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Flying, Modern)
Quoted By:
>>17808126 I cannot clone. I forgot to mention that, sorry.
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17808331 Skarmorys done. May i clone ur metagross next?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17808445 Yeah. I don't need extras of that one.
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:46:12 No. 17808498 Report Finally at home, taking cloning requests. I'm looking for a Jirachi right now, though.
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17807812 I can clone that magikarp for yeah.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Flying, Modern)
>>17808498 Whatcha got? I have some bank legends and stuff (No Jirachi, though)
>>17808008 melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil)
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:47:42 No. 17808530 Report >>17808498 i have one if you want
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17808458 you better treasure this damn Nido. It wouldn't clone. Also, these three are NFTish for now; only for stuff that's harder to get ahold of.
>>17808534 Josh, something for nido and poli?
>>17806916 Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:50:05 No. 17808565 Report Quoted By:
>>17808513 sure, adding you now
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:50:48 No. 17808581 Report Total Haul ion the past 30 mins: Chatot 5IV's Eggmoved Boomburst, Night Shade, Nasty Plot Diglett 5IV's Ferroseed 5IV's Eggmoved Pancham 5IV's Every throw move available+comet punch Binacle 5IV's Fuck yes.
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:50:51 No. 17808582 Report Quoted By:
>>17808217 >>17808045 I have added you and is waiting online.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17808534 Sure! I'll keep them as NFT. The pokes you want are NFT too lol
They are really uncommon. You wanted cleffa,karrablast and aipom right?
Jess 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
Anybody have a flying pikachu they could clone me or lend me to clone .
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17808559 Togepi/Lotad? >>17808581 Oh god I need them. >>17808598 Yeah. I'll come online now with your pokemon, and I'll keep them NFT.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17808534 Btw. Thanks a lot Josh!
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:53:33 No. 17808628 Report >>17808513 would uh... would you be able to clone an extra genesect and maybe let me have one?
Brane 3325 - 1804 - 2489
Quoted By:
>>17808273 Thanks for the lend. Now you have a spare Raikou haha.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17808620 Anytime; thanks for the pokemon in advance.
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails)
Will 1118-0348-9461 (Slugma, Ponyta, Ninetails) Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:54:32 No. 17808658 Report Quoted By:
>>17808528 Pretty much nothing good yet, unfortunately, I've just started out.
>>17808530 I'd love to clone it! Give me a moment, though, I need to battle.
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17808628 you can have that one, do you have an extra shiny of anything? or extra box legend?
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
Quoted By:
>>17808611 Sure, sending it
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:56:45 No. 17808697 Report >>17808667 Im about to get an extra klefki and marill from alexander, who is currently cloning said shinies. I also have some bank legends, specifically
Got a new manaphy. dunno if anyone has it or not.
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17808697 marill would be nice. Just send him back when i give you the gold fish.
Katie 0232-8447-7513
>>17807558 I'm finished and online.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17808649 Damn clamperl looks so cool lol
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 02:58:44 No. 17808728 Report >>17808716 alright, just wait a sec though cause alexander still has him
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17808697 Done with Klefki, doing Marill now. It's being annoying.
>>17808649 >>17808724 Its male too, right? Or aTai had both?
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:01:36 No. 17808774 Report Quoted By:
>>17808760 okie dont worry about it, take your time
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17808704 Did you get your Gible cloned?
>>17808763 Yeah. Same Clamperl.
Quoted By:
>>17808704 Its a new one I think, at least for me. The one I have here has different moves
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17808724 Metagross is done. May i clone your gligar next?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Missed a day and now out of the loop edition
>>17808778 Nah I'll worry about it later. Having this manaphy cloned would be cool. i just banked it today if you're interested. shiny with no ribbon
Katie 0232-8447-7513
Quoted By:
Chase you still around? Im done and waiting to trade the pokemon back.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17808802 I don't lend that one either. You can clone gliscor if you want :p
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17808811 can you clone or trade landorus ?
willing to offer 1:1 or 2:1 trade on it
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton)
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 (Klang,Klefki,Magneton) Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:07:01 No. 17808861 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a male from the Gastly, Misdreavus, Shuppet lines or Spiritomb or Stunfisk with Foul Play. Will post my list if you have it.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17808829 Alright, ill just do the gliscor then.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17808862 Sounds good! Just clone to for yourself.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17808850 Can't clone, sorry.
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil)
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil) Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:09:11 No. 17808903 Report >>17808334 >>17808823 want the trade or not ?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17808820 I can, if you'd like. +1?
>>17808903 no sorry I had a shiny deerling too with the same memory girl description, its a hack sorry
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17808811 > Yo jeric. I clone for you all the time can i clone your timburr? I'll keep it NFT
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17808862 Hey dude do you have a list now? Still can't clone like usual.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:10:45 No. 17808942 Report >>17808722 sorry im watchin madea ill be on
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17808937 i was just about to ask if i could clone your celebi haha. I have a lot of pokemon at this point thanks to you and josh, i just have yet to compile a list haha
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
can anyone clone landorus for me ? i feel like im going circles
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17808990 post your list ill clone my landorus for you. if i dont want anything off your list then ill just give it to you
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17808935 sure man. I took a look at your list but it looks like it's the old one. Do you have an updated list? I've been training the timburr so it's a gurdurr now so it'll evolve when I trade it, just a heads up.
>>17808967 for sure. What new goodies do you have?
>>17808923 wait what? that means its a hack? everything ive transferred up says that
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:15:16 No. 17809031 Report >>17808923 Just got flawless wynaut. Fuck yes.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:15:55 No. 17809046 Report Quoted By:
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17808998 shiny kyogre
event mew
6 iv shiny genesect
6 iv shiny deoxys
6 iv shiny darkrai
event meloetta
regular virizion
Kalos native shinies
penta perfect tyrantrum with dd/elemental fangs
penta perfect ha ninetales
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
Pao X
>>17808880 hey josh do u mind if i put the nft u gave me on my list and list as such so i can some rare pokemon?
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17809047 Oh i remember you asked me for my landorus before. I didnt see the tyrantrum! can you 1:1 it?
Quoted By:
>>17809029 no but at least on my deerling, the egg hatched date was wrong, where it was hatched was wrong, yet it had a pentagon, and that memory girl description = hack
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17809069 ye
its all i miss for 718/718
i even considered going to reddit thats how desperate i was
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17808880 Gliscor is done.
>>17809015 I don't really have time to make a list right, so this what i got in the pic related
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17808728 i've got your 2 goldfish, do you have the marill yet?
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17809067 Alright; Coming online now.
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
Quoted By:
>>17809103 I'm cloning him now and ill add you after
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17809053 I don't mind lol
Good luck getting more rare stuff also if you need something from my list for a trade. Just let know :p
>>17809031 Your list is getting cool as fuck. I hope I have enough stuff to trade for some tomorrow
>>17809053 X, we are the trade tonight or on the morning thread?
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:20:31 No. 17809153 Report >>17809123 No, he said he was having trouble cloning it. But he did get the klefki
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17809113 >>17809015 Forgot to include legendaries, let me get a pic of that now.
>>17809113 Does the Ralts know Hyper Voice? Also what's the nature and ability on the Feebas?
I need someone to clone this Ability Capsule I have so I can get 3 of them, its for a friend who got a bad shiny. Things I guess people are interested in: -Shiny East Shellos in Dive Ball -Shiny Shinx in Moon Ball -Shiny Ferroseed in Poke Ball 0Speed -a Meloetta I'll want my original shiny back if you do decide to clone one
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17809113 What are the details on that Timburr?
I'd like a clone of him if it's kalos born lol
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17809153 well i can go ahead and give you these. Just trade me the marill when you get them.
>>17809131 ohi'll send you the kyurems too. could i get something off your list for the manaphy as well?
i'm trying to catch a nosepass and then i have to unfuse the kyurems so i'll be a bit
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:22:17 No. 17809190 Report >>17809173 Does the shinx have guts? 5IV's?
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:22:26 No. 17809198 Report >>17809182 alright, lemme finish this battle
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:22:35 No. 17809202 Report >>17809113 may i O+1 some of those?
would like to do
>>17809173 Nature/IVs on shinx and shellos?
Pao X
>>17809142 sounds good to me and what would u like first
>>17809152 yeh what do u want first
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17809177 It's the one on the top of Jeric's list
>>17808811 Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:23:39 No. 17809228 Report Quoted By:
>>17809113 >>17809202 if they dont have shitty nature ofc
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17809183 Do you want +1's of the Kyurem's, too? And sure, what do you want?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17809049 Nothing on the new list particularly catches my eye, so can we do a +1 this time? I prefer to keep it NFT for now unless you find a really good trade
in which case let me know >>17809113 nature/ability on the solosis, koffing, and ninetales? koffing might be nft right?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17809207 Just try to get rare pokes that aren't on my list lol
>>17809209 Can I have a clone of that guy?
I dotn have one of those yet
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:24:45 No. 17809256 Report Quoted By:
>>17809173 I would clone that ability capsule if the shinx had guts. In a heartbeat.
Pao X
>>17809249 how update is ur list and i always use ur list as a reference for trades lol
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17809249 noooo! the timburr isn't rare anymore ;_;
>>17809207 You wanted Entei and what else? Rhyhorn first?
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:26:16 No. 17809287 Report >>17809173 why clone the Capsules? I just have like 7 of them i can trade u.
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17809241 for sure man. I wont trade it for anything without asking.. and i can +1 np. lemme finish this dudes landorus and ill be on ok?
>>17809240 yes O+1 of everything i send you if you can. and um. i kinda need to see your list again i forget.
i'm ready now btw
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17809198 Just let me know when you get that marill.
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:29:07 No. 17809353 Report Quoted By:
>>17809049 anyway I can clone your pinsir?
I have a 5iv shinx, 5iv aron, 5iv kanga and a 5iv milotic
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17809306 no prob. I also have two things I have unlisted, one of em I got from yusuf indirectly lol but don't tell him
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:29:27 No. 17809361 Report >>17809343 absolutely, I'll be in the thread
>>17809190 No, it is in a Moon Ball therefore impossible to have Guts. It was a cute accident
Adamant 4IV 31/31/31/31/x/0
>>17809206 Shinx info^
Shellos is x/31/31/31/x/x Relaxed Storm Drain
>>17809287 I'm not fluent in this thread, so I don't know how this works.
What would you want for 3?
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17809202 I can let you O+1 them one at a time, which one would u lie to do first?
>>17809249 It depends on if Jeric wants it to b NFT or not
>>17809262 I can keep it NFT if u want to preserve it's rarity, but it seems Josh really wants a clone, ur decision
>>17809172 Yes, the ralts knows hyper voice. He is Timid w/ 6 perfect ivs
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17809198 Hey, I'm still trying. Let me know if you want them back, if not I'm going to continue trying. It's getting pretty annoying.
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17809103 landorus done ill get online and add you
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17809361 I don't want you missing out on something because of me.
Riv 2938-6328-0682
Quoted By:
>>17809113 Can i get the greninja if no one else has it already?
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:31:41 No. 17809419 Report Quoted By:
>>17809381 okay, pass back the klefkis and the marill. Maybe you can try again tomorrow?
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:31:41 No. 17809421 Report >>17809370 neat
greninja as no1?
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:31:44 No. 17809423 Report >>17809363 What a lucky accident well i would've dropped my cloning just for that xD.
Not so willing to drop my cloning sorry, there's many others that will help your though c:
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17809370 depends. were you getting anything good from his list?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17809261 I updated it today. Everything I have is the on the list now haha
>>17809370 Ah nvm then. Just send gliscor back :p
Thanks anyway!
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>17809370 Would you be willing to trade either one of them for a 6 IV Ditto (Adamant or Timid)?
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
LF Cloning services to O+1 or O+ something I dont have - looking for kalos breed shiny competitve mons but will accept anything (Tab at the bottom to switch between docs)
>>17809376 Piplup, Volcarona (female), and Froslass.
>>17809456 I like the spreadsheet
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17809430 im online and ready for the gurrdurr
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17809436 I could make a clone of it for you in exchange for a pokemon on ur NFT list. He is rare, after all.
>>17809430 Idk as of yet
>>17809437 trade what exactly?
>>17809421 sure, he is 5IV timid w/ protean. adding now
Pao X
>>17809276 what do u have on hand for 1:1
Riv 2938-6328-0682
Quoted By:
I have 6iv shiny Genesects for trade 1:1 for box legends shiny or not, or 5-6 iv non legend shinies.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>17809494 Just 1:1 a Ralts for Ditto (not a cloner, unfortunately).
>>17809423 Munna is done, please go online now
>>17809261 >>17809376 Guys, its getting late here should I send you 2 the mons now or you clone yours first and we trade tomorrow??
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17809511 Do any have imposter? i really need an imposter ditto
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17809403 thank you very much made my day and my dex !
>>17809513 are you cloning?
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>17809544 Yes, it's Shiny, JAP, Imposter, Adamant and carrying Pokerus.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17809493 alright, I'll be online. I'll be having dinner right after so I won't be on for a bit.
>>17809555 Yes, I have the capability to clone.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17809568 Okay, i;ll take it. Adding now
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17809047 i've got a shiny gogoat for trade if you have any extra legends i can 1:1?
Pao X
>>17809518 let me add u as a friend first which ones do u want so i have them rdy for tomorrow
>>17809497 Raikou, entei, kyurem, genesect, , rayquaza, froakie, tepig, heracross, manaphy, aron, gastly, larvesta, absol, shellder, hawlucha. All shiny
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:40:39 No. 17809608 Report >>17809592 i added u btw just trade me when ur done
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
Quoted By:
>>17809487 Thanks, I tried to make it easy to read
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17809608 OKay, be sure to send a collatoral poke
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:41:39 No. 17809631 Report kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:42:01 No. 17809639 Report >>17809456 can I clone your pinsir, I can do 0+1 or I also have a 5ivshinx, 5iv aron, 5iv kanga and 5iv milotic
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17809601 i'll give you a 6iv shiny genesect for a hawlucha?
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17809631 Hey, did you want your Marill while I continue to clone Klefki so you can give it over to someone else?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17809593 I wish it was skiddo
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17809518 Just wait for tomorrow; I've gotta clone Josh's back to him.
>>17809484 Alright. I'll clone it all and send it to you.
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:43:52 No. 17809692 Report Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:44:09 No. 17809695 Report Quoted By:
I have a Shiny Ferroseed. Only 2 IVs tho. Eh????
>>17809598 The 3 new you had. I think rhy, chatot and the turtle. Here is my Fc
>>17806916 I added you already
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
>>17809639 Can you offer collateral? (I'm sorry I was recently scammed out of a shiny latias so I'm catious)
I'd take the milotic!
Thanks for the Ralts Zavi. By the way, what were the stats on those Feebas?
>>17809575 i got couple legendaries i want cloned and some shinies overall i need a kyurem mew and genesect ill show you the rest if you can clone them as many times as you want all i ask is atleast 1 in return but for the mew i would love 2 back
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17809692 Sorry about that man, wasn't pulling through for some reason. Did you want the Klefki as well, or can I keep trying?
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17809712 Feebas is Bold 31/x/31/31/31/31 w/ moves confuse ray, dragon pulse, mirror coat, and hypnosis
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:46:44 No. 17809758 Report >>17809656 hey I got the Marill, can you clone it, because I only have the one, unfortunately.
Pao X
Quoted By:
>>17809699 im gonna get started cloning everything worse to worse u get ur stuff tomorrow
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17809758 okay, you want me to make you 2 or is the one back okay?
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:47:46 No. 17809785 Report >>17809754 go ahead with the klefki and keep trying
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:48:10 No. 17809790 Report Quoted By:
Just got flawless honedge and a 31/xx/30/31/31/31 Manektric w/ hp ice.
>>17809734 Sure, i'd love to help you. But first id like more information about these pokemon.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>17809756 Would you 1:1 one of those qt3.14's for a shiny 6 IV Adamant Tyranitar?
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:48:49 No. 17809802 Report >>17809781 can I get the original + 1 back?
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
Quoted By:
>>17809785 Ok, thanks. I'll be on all night so when I do it or when you'd like them back just let me know.
>>17809792 what would you like to know?
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:49:56 No. 17809828 Report >>17809709 ofcourse I could send you the milotic or I do have some bank legends?
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17809800 sure, send me the TR
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
>>17809799 Everything is kalos
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17809802 actually, i have to go real soon. I can make one quick and send it over. I'll be on tomorrow though so if i see you i'll make you another.
Quoted By:
Ok, see you all tomorrow. Night, guys
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:52:53 No. 17809879 Report >>17809855 sure thats okay, no net loss really lol
Pao X
>>17809436 question is there anyway i can talk to u 1:1 cuz i have some trades with u pokemon and wnated to knw if they are any good r
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17809884 We could talk on pokemon showdown lol
I go there as A.F.M. im online atm on the lobby chat haha
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:56:54 No. 17809953 Report >>17809833 done on greninja, just trading them back to the right ds
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
>>17809828 rather have kalos bred stuff seeing as bank mons are banned
>>17809860 greninja please
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17809953 Okay, who do u want to do next?
Pao X
Quoted By:
>>17809923 ill be paomask look for my speech
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17809879 if you want i can give you another genecet for one of your legends? if you can 1:1
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17809954 one greninja coming up, you want the cloneback of sneasel, right?
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:58:34 No. 17809996 Report Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 03:58:39 No. 17810000 Report Isaiah 4399-0617-5462
Quoted By:
Anyone interested in a Non-Shiny Mew w/Soft-Boiled, Stealth Rock and Defog?
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
Riv 2938-6328-0682
Quoted By:
>>17809996 any box legend? i dont have any from out of x and y other than genesect.
>>17809811 -How many pokemon you want cloned
-What species of pokemon they are
-stats on each one preferable
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17810000 Okay, send me the tr when ready
Riv 2938-6328-0682
>>17809996 if you have any others i can keep sending genesects...
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:01:36 No. 17810051 Report >>17809954 ok so ill send you over the milotic?
Grvio [X] 1864 - 9351 - 4506
Hey everyone! I can't clone tonight, but I'm here for lending and trading what I do have clones of on hand. I have: Shiny JAP Genesect 6IV Shiny JAP Suicune 6IV Shiny JAP Mew 6IV Shiny JAP Latios 6IV Shiny JAP Kyogre 6IV Shiny JAP Ditto 6IV Shiny GER Gastly 5IV Shiny Giratina 6IV Shiny Scizor 6IV Technician Shiny Froakie 6IV Protean Shiny Charmander 5IV Solar Power Shiny Aegislash 5IV Shiny Goomy 5IV Shiny Hawlucha 5IV Shiny Aron 5IV Shiny Eevee 5IV Hyper Voice, Wish, Heal Bell, Stored Power Shiny Tepig average stats Shiny Ampharos average stats Shiny Altaria average stats Shiny Trevenant 2IV Non-Shiny JAP Tornadus average stats Looking For: Shiny Steel Pokemon 5-6 IV Shiny Starters 5-6 IV OG+1 to Cloners
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
>>17810051 and the original back please
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:03:45 No. 17810089 Report >>17810059 I have a Shiny Ferroseed but only 2 IVs :/
So nvm
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:04:51 No. 17810111 Report Quoted By:
>>17810080 ofcourse adding you now
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:05:09 No. 17810117 Report Just got 5IV Rhyhorn w/ Thunderfang also getting kalos born jolly chimchar w/ t-punch, fire punch, fake out, and blaze kick
>>17810117 Do you still have that shiny staraptor i was searching for
bby? Grvio [X] 1864 - 9351 - 4506
>>17810089 Yeh, I'm looking for Steel Types for competitive play.
I forgot to add that I'm also looking for a Puplip, Shiny or Not as long as it has at least 5 IV.
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:07:18 No. 17810159 Report >>17810139 I do and it's ready for trade Milord.
I am online.
anyone interested in shiny 5iv cranidos or shiny 5iv girafarig
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:08:32 No. 17810183 Report >>17810143 Well this guy only has 2 IVs so I doubt you want it.
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
>>17810143 I have perfect shiny scizor?
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:09:31 No. 17810212 Report Anonymous
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:09:45 No. 17810215 Report >>17810169 Both yes.
Were going to have to seriously merge lists sometime
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
>>17810143 also aegiaslash and beldum
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:10:19 No. 17810229 Report >>17810036 Sorry, thats the only one I want to 1:1, but tomorrow you can clone a bunch if you want
Grvio [X] 1864 - 9351 - 4506
Quoted By:
>>17810184 I do too, if you looked at my list I posted a few minutes ago above lol. Thanks for the offer though.
>>17810183 Exactly why I mentioned it. Thank you for the offer though.
>tfw I'm basically Steel Fag in the SHW General Threads.
>>17810159 Understood, Munna extends thanks to you for your constant support. Can you pass me sableye too?
Also: Longname if youre here im sorry i stood you up
>>17810017 i want
shiny mew +2
shiny kyurem 2iv +1
zekrom 4iv +1
shiny darkrai 6iv +1
shiny genesect 2iv+1
giratina4iv +1
shiny uxie+1
shiny charizard+mega stone +1
shiny greninja
and i want good collateral cus some dude stole one of my legendaries and i never got it back
what do you think you up for it?
Isaiah 4399-0617-5462
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:11:56 No. 17810265 Report >>17810243 I don't have it cloned, so just clone one for yourself and pass back like munna.
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
>>17810212 Can you clone, I only have one
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17810008 Got it cloned, adding you soon.
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
Jeric if youre lurking im done
Grvio [X] 1864 - 9351 - 4506
>>17810227 The Beldum is perfect and Shiny?
Either way, if there's something on my list that interests you, I wouldn't mind a striking a deal for it.
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17810212 Hey, im about to go somewhere for a bit. wont b back for about 10 minutes.
Pao X
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:13:55 No. 17810319 Report >>17810285 y i can. im currently cloning sth else but after that k?
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:14:21 No. 17810327 Report >>17810243 If Steven/Zaniciel gave it to you already then there's no need now.
It was my Munna after all. I wanted to personally give it to you before everyone else. ;_; Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
>>17810319 sure
>>17810307 I cant clone and only have one copy
Quoted By:
>>17810329 Well then unless you're interested in a Shiny Eevee 5IV Hyper Voice, Heal Bell, Wish, and Stored Power for that copy, I guess we'd have to strike this deal another night when I personally can clone again.
Sadly my girlfriend wanted her 3DS tonight lol.
Seriously considering by a cheap second hand 3DS to clone, Is the cloning glitch here to stay?
>>17810327 my heart is broken. im sorry
Grvio [X] 1864 - 9351 - 4506
Quoted By:
>>17810423 I'd just craigslist. A friend of mine bought a factory sealed black 3DS XL for $120.
As for the glitch.. who knows. Abuse it while you can.
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:23:36 No. 17810504 Report Quoted By:
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17810306 cool, just finished dinner.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17810306 oh god why does regular conkeldurr look like shit compared to the shiny
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17810515 youre amazing man. thank you
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
Any chance someone could spare a 6IV Genesect? I don't have much in terms of shinies or legendaries, but I do have a few 6IV pokemon (namely Bold HA Natu and Careful Larvitar with SR/Pursuit/Dragon Dance). I'd prefer if you could clone my pokemon as well. Thanks in advance
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17810229 Hey thanks man, sorry it took so long.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>17810610 no, thank you (:
kevinskii-3754-7546-3695-magcargo-boldore Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:30:33 No. 17810639 Report Quoted By:
>>17810329 ok I'm ready to trade back pinsir
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross
Serenity (0001 3836 0202) Butterfree-Beautifly-Heracross Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:30:56 No. 17810647 Report Quoted By:
>>17810636 dont worry about it lol
>>17810630 trade for natu?
Quoted By:
>>17810462 so can you clone them for me?
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:32:10 No. 17810677 Report >>17810310 that stupid feebas took me forever to get the actual time frame... its pretty late at sth about 3:70-3:80
done now tho
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:32:37 No. 17810682 Report >>17810630 I could clone you a genesect, either a atk or satk one.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
reposting list for feigned interest, but can't clone. Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17810080 Anyone have a shiny Torchic with Baton Pass/Swords dance I can clone?
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:34:24 No. 17810727 Report >>17810329 im about to b rdy since Zavi is still gone
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
>>17810653 Are you able to clone? Because I'd still like to keep a Natu if possible. And what's the nature on the Genesect?
>>17810682 What do you mean by atk/spatk? As in Jolly/Timid? I'd prefer 6IV Hasty if possible
>>17810715 I have one with baton-pass no s-d. It's level 1 and shiny.,
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:35:51 No. 17810754 Report >>17810734 Both hasty, one has a satk's and the other has physical attacks.
They're on my list near the bottom Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17810735 Awesome, did you want anything for me to clone it? O+1?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17810750 Have you added me?
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:37:08 No. 17810774 Report >>17810765 O+1
I'll hop online in a second.
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:38:10 No. 17810787 Report Quoted By:
>>17810750 adding u now, just trade me when ur ready. ull have a mew for coleteral
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
>>17810772 It would appear i entered the wrong code
>>17810253 Thats a steep contract. I usually take no more than 2 at a time. Munna already has all the pokemon on that list though. I apologize. You'd probably be better off with someone just starting out. They'd happily do all that for you.
Quoted By:
>>17810804 My houndour is gone? :c
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
>>17810754 Yeah, sure if you could clone me one of the special ones, that'd be awesome. Were you interested in the Natu or the Larvitar? I can give you one to clone for yourself
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:40:29 No. 17810826 Report >>17810804 I have a flawless houndoom w/ egg moves if you want one back for that cranidos.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17810804 Oh god, that's beautiful.
Quoted By:
>>17810826 no I mean I traded a houndour for it
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:41:33 No. 17810843 Report >>17810825 The natu would be lovely.
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
Hey guys, what's up? Here's my list: Looking for:
Kalos born preferrably please
Shiny Binacle
Shiny Eevee female modest 5 or 6 IVs /Anticipation needs to be kalos born
Shiny Pawniard (male preferably but female is fine too) adamant 5 or 6 IVs
Shiny Gastly (or evolutionary line) timid 5 or 6 IVs
Shiny Golett (or Golurk) careful 5 or 6 IVs /Iron fist or no guard
Shiny competitives
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:43:56 No. 17810885 Report >>17810825 If you could wait 10 mins for me to complete a trade then clone the genesect you would like, I'll trade for your natu and clone it then trade back,
>>17810812 can u help me with 1 atleast i really need it
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
>>17810843 >>17810885 Alright, that sounds perfect, I've added you, send me a trade when you get the chance
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17810882 > i have a shiny perfect bisharp. details on the venusaur?
Ben 4055-3972-6618
Quoted By:
Hey Josh. Sorry about the Hiatus. I messaged you on showdown if you are still around.
>>17810912 sure, i can do the uxie
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17810774 My character name is Oedipa
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17810677 Okay, im back. send me the TR. What would u like next?
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:48:40 No. 17810955 Report Quoted By:
>>17810916 Finishing up my trade right now, then cloning your genesect.
Quoted By:
>>17810925 i need giratina but u can clone uxie for urself if u help me
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:49:00 No. 17810957 Report >>17810938 eevee. im cloning Chef tastys Scizor in between so this run might take a bit longer
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17809923 Your Cleffa is stubborn as hell. I gave up on it to try Rosa's pokemon; no luck with those either.
>>17809484 Rosa, I've had no luck cloning today; at this point I don't even want to clone these for myself.
I'm just going to get these +1'd and send them back before I snap my 3DS's in half.
is shiny tangela common or no?
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
>>17810920 Moveset is Synthesis, Giga Drain, Leech seed, and sludge bomb; holding Venusaurite
Grvio [X] 1864 - 9351 - 4506
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17810957 Alright, take ur time, i should be here all night
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17810977 the only one's I've seen are shit IV'd.
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17810991 i have to clone the bisharp but is the venusaur a 1:1 trade?
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
>>17811034 Yeah, venusaur's all set to trade away.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17811010 I think my comment got buried, but how are the solosis and ninetales in terms of egg moves?
>>17811017 >>17811030 it's 5iv HA regenarator
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:57:02 No. 17811096 Report 3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17811044 im gonna clone bisharp right now so ill be done soon and ill let you know
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 04:58:04 No. 17811111 Report >>17810931 Hopping online right after I transfer now, my IGN is Zaniciel
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17811081 I'd get ahold of it if I were you.
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17811111 Sure thing, take your time.
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
>>17811106 No prob, take your time bro
>>17811096 >>17811122 would it be preferable to a shiny 5iv tirtouga?
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17811135 ironically i cloned it first try. adding you and getting on now
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17810966 Oh damn. That sucks. If you're having problems cloning you can send my pokes back tomorrow.
You should take a break lol
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:01:11 No. 17811166 Report >>17811131 Thought we were doing the natu so I could clone it?
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
Quoted By:
>>17811166 Wrong person, I'm the Torchic person.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17811154 Yeah.
>>17811162 Especially if Pao just got ahold of one.
>>17811165 I ended up getting Cleffa done.
>>17811166 That was me with the Natu haha, I've already added you, just waiting for you to come online
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:03:07 No. 17811202 Report Quoted By:
>>17810916 Genesect's done. Get online.
Does anyone here have anything rare/new are we pretty much done with that? Pretty much seems like the same shit shinys and people begging.
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
Quoted By:
>>17811163 Ok cool, i'll be online in a sec
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:04:09 No. 17811217 Report Quoted By:
>>17811200 I have one of those without defog q:
(It has Nightshade)
Pao X
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17811200 I want the chatot lol
I'll let you clone my taillow. Bird for bird lol
>>17811186 Oh well it's good to know that little troll gave up.
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
Quoted By:
>>17811200 >>17811162 Damnit Pao, you're tempting me with nice things while I'm having shitty luck cloning.
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:05:15 No. 17811234 Report >>17811206 If it makes you feel better, I have been masuda'ing for new shiny Pokemon. I don't know what to go for next though. So far I am thinking of Cherubi and Frillish.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>17811234 Go for cherubi!
We already have a frilish on this thread lol
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:06:12 No. 17811253 Report >>17811234 I haven't seen anyone with cherubi
>>17811111 Nice quints :D Munna is almost done with your pokes
>Do you have darmanitan? IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17811220 Yehh. I'm coming online now. Send a TR when you're good.
Jess 3239-2776-7654
Lf flying pikachu I can offer a shiny mewtwo Or some of my other shinys
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:07:22 No. 17811268 Report Quoted By:
>>17811257 I have darumaka, would you like to orig+1?
Quoted By:
>>17811265 I have one.
I'm not trading it for anything that common, though.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:08:24 No. 17811287 Report >>17811265 I have 6IV Fly pika, do you have M2 with drain punch?
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:09:28 No. 17811306 Report >>17811201 I didn't know the natu wasn't shiny, you can have the genesect for free mate.
>>17811287 Keep that shit NFT
Alec 0232-8335-7303
>>17811287 please stop circulating the 6iv flychu, guys
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
Quoted By:
>>17811306 Ah, sorry about the inconvenience man, but thanks for the gift I guess
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:10:51 No. 17811330 Report Quoted By:
>>17811314 I know fyre .-.
>>17811320 haven't given it to anyone.
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:10:52 No. 17811332 Report Quoted By:
>>17811249 >>17811253 Okay. I'll go for Cherubi.
Pao X
Quoted By:
>>17811287 anything for that flychu plus rhyhorn, tirt,magby,chat
>>17811206 I have some stuff in hgss/dream balls with bank only moves that i'm gonna MM. i already did shroomish in safari ball with drain punch
now doing vanillite with water pulse
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17811045 solosis has Night shade, confuse ray, acid armor, and trick. It's ivs are 31/x/31/31/31/0 Quiet nature
NInetales has Hypnosis, Energy ball, and psyshock. Modest 6IVs
>>17811314 >>17811320 I have to ask why you guys give that much of a fuck
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:12:46 No. 17811356 Report >>17811339 Munna in a fiend ball+Painsplit would be awesome.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
Updating my list real quick Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>17811341 I'll lend you the celebii for the solosis.
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:13:57 No. 17811372 Report >>17810809 dude. im really sorry but i surrender to that scyther, i just cant seem to get it done and i have others wait for their stuff.
are u ok with me jamming an ability capsule on it and giving it back to u?
>>17811356 but thats illegal and now i dont even think illegal balls get through bank
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17811364 Alright, send me the TR.
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:15:14 No. 17811392 Report Quoted By:
>>17811380 You're right. Damn.
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
Quoted By:
>>17811372 its all good I'll sign back on in a minute
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>17811356 Hey thanks a lot man, let me know when you're ready for your Torchics back.
>>17811356 we already have munna in swag luxury ball tho
>>17811353 if you spread something rare like that it gets devalued and then
its not really special or worth anything. would you bat an eye for a protean froakie?
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:17:08 No. 17811418 Report >>17811400 Friend ball has the shony munnas colors though.
>>17811399 I'll be on soon
Jess 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17811287 He doesn't but he may be able to relearn it I'm not sure , what can I give you for a flying pika
Can't clone right now, but...
New and improved! 0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:18:53 No. 17811448 Report >>17811380 Do you mind transferring a Cherubi in a Level Ball, if possible?
Quoted By:
>>17811418 Ill do your darumaka + 1 now
Quoted By:
>>17806882 Can I clone
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>17811400 Mi lord a moment of your time?
How might a man, like myself, come to own a Munna of my own?
I haven't asked Derwin if I could clone his so I'd want to check with him. At least I thought it was his, right?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>17811448 love ball or friend ball looks better on cherubi IMO.
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:21:33 No. 17811485 Report >>17811361 Interested in your Conkeldurr and Meloetta, I can O+1 it or I can 1:1 for anything here barrett 2809-8899-5654
Quoted By:
>>17811339 Do you have bank?
I've been looking for a male in the Amorphous group with Foul Play.
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:22:07 No. 17811494 Report Quoted By:
>>17811470 It might make sense for the Love Ball but definitely not the Friend Ball.
Jess 3239-2776-7654
More offers for a flying pika , I have boxes to post . Pls Steven
Quoted By:
>>17811410 I only did because it was Shiny.
Fair enough though, I agree.
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:22:37 No. 17811502 Report Quoted By:
I'm getting online in a second milord, and alex. I'm also going to do a giant list update in a minute. I got a fuckton of goodies.
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17811485 the conkeldurr is nft unless the offer is amazing. you can o+1 the meloetta though. I'll add you now
Grvio [X] 1864 - 9351 - 4506
Quoted By:
>>17811513 It's cute when they do though.
Jess 3239-2776-7654
>>17811513 I'm not I posted a picture with 30 more offers and said the word please. Sorry for being polite when asking for a favor
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:25:44 No. 17811548 Report >>17811522 Is the Latias Timid? If so would I also be able to borrow that instead?
>>17811536 Nigga, you're beggin'
It's NFT
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Jess 3239-2776-7654
>>17811554 Well it's not your pokemon and it's up to Steven (zanicel) to decide . His pokemon not yours
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
>>17811548 It's relaxed. i guess i should edit that. meloetta it is
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
>>17811446 Gringo I don't have much to offer but do you see anything for that 5 IV gengar? If not, would you mind if I just borrow it to clone? I've traded people before and I promise to give it back.
>>17811581 He got his Pokemon from us and we expect the Pokemon to stay NFT.
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong)
ExoDino {1453} 2251-5259-3547 Steel (Skarmory, Ferroseed, Bronzong) Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:28:14 No. 17811599 Report >>17811587 Meloetta would be really appreciated, I'll get online now
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17811364 Celebi is cloned. log online so i can send him back
Jay 1203-9327-2949
What's a Pokemon that nobody in these cloning threads have? I'm thinking Slakoth.
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
3840-6764-0338 IGN Logan
Quoted By:
>>17811599 Good luck and gots speed
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17811357 I've gone through your FS and I've run into 15+ Gabite and nothing else. What the fuck.
>>17811446 Can I clone that 6iv shiny bagon ?
Jess 3239-2776-7654
>>17811595 And you control his actions since when ?
Btw stop hiding behind that anon tag
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17811618 I have a regular slakoth, if that means anything haha
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:30:59 No. 17811641 Report >>17811595 Jeebooooooooooos fyre.
It's not goin anywhere muh nigga.
Quoted By:
>>17811618 >mfw a guy wanted my numel for it
>>17811619 I found your list up top.
How about Original + Meditite? I don't have a backup.
>>17811631 Do you have collateral? Also I'd need original +1
IGN:Josh; FC:4656-6943-9999.
>>17811633 >>17811641 Now stop posting.
Nobody wants your common junk.
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
Quoted By:
>>17811651 Sweet, sure i appreciate it!
Jess 3239-2776-7654
Quoted By:
>>17811666 Ya ok kid lmfao
Quoted By:
>no circlejerk >DONT DISTRIBUTE DAT FLYCHU NIGGA, >ONLY AMONG THE CHOSEN >"Night of the living homeless picture with beg caption"
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:33:45 No. 17811694 Report >>17811635 done on evee. but im too fkn tired to keep it up anymore. ill pass on charmander
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
>>17811651 What's your friend code?
>>17811651 Yeah I'll give a 6iv timid shiny darkrai as collateral, and will do
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:34:29 No. 17811711 Report
Quoted By:
rip whimsicott
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>17811630 Damn Josh. Your luck really sucks tonight lol
The other 2 pokes in my safari are Sliggo and Dragonair :p
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
>>17811694 yea same here, i got some homework to do as well. I should be on these threads sometime later. Josh 2251-xxxx-xxxx has the same charmander if u want to hit him up for it. He's usually nice about letting u clone his mons
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel) Anonymous Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:35:06 No. 17811724 Report Quoted By:
Chef Tasty 1693-2268-6531
Quoted By:
LF Cloning services - O+1 or O+something I dont have FT: Copies
Mainly looking for Kalos bred shiny competitive pokemon I dont have.
My list [1]
(Tab at the bottom to switch between regular and legendaries)
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>17811711 More suggestions then:
Dream Ball Castform
Dream Ball Elgyem
Sport Ball Kricketot
I kind of want to do the love ball Cherubi, but if you want to do it with a ball of your choice then that's fine.
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:36:29 No. 17811754 Report Quoted By:
>>17811722 ty for telling me bud
>>17811697 2595-1493-7065
>>17811698 FC please
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17811745 Haha thanks, i try my best to clone fast and satisfy everyone lol
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
>>17811768 Just checking to make sure, but is the gengar kalos born?
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot)
Intara (IGN) 1461-6442-9127 (spiritomb, Shuppet, lil ghost tree whose name i forgot) Mon 03 Feb 2014 05:37:34 No. 17811786 Report >>17811722 are u gonna beonline? i wanna give u ur eevees
>>17811651 What's your fc so i can get that bagon m8?
Zavi 4184-1860-5505
Quoted By:
>>17811786 yea, sorry, i was sending the celebi from my other ds to mine over IR really fast, should be online by the time this is posted
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
Quoted By:
>>17811810 alright cool, thanks a lot bro
>>17811862 Damn, man. Don't mean to be a dick, but you're on the blacklist... Don't think that lending is going through
Quoted By:
>>17811887 That blacklist is weeks old for a dex swap as you can see, and I'm offering good collat as you can see
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
Quoted By:
>>17811887 I'll let you know when I clone it bro. Thanks again!
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
>>17811887 ok got it cloned! Going online now!
>>17811986 Damn, that was fast
Varleit 0877-0688-4935
>>17812022 I know, right!? Anyways, I'll be on the new thread but thanks a lot for letting me clone it bro!
Quoted By:
>>17812058 Not a problem. let me know if you want to borrow anything else. If you don't mind doing Original +1, my list is open to you.
leo 3394 3749 3349
Quoted By:
hey christian u back yet?
Quoted By:
>>17812058 can you clone some stuff for me?