Tired of getting scammed and lost your Clonedmons, Megastones or other shit; you don't want to be fucked after every trade? Post here the FC and IGN of those faggots who scammed you. Then we will made a pastebin that will be updated after each thread. This list applies to Cloning General, Wi-Fi General. Let's fuck those fuckheads.
Miguel !D7wHkPxW/U
>>17822042 First to be added to the list:
>J.G. 0705-3292-4262 (Pikachu, Galvantula, Electrode) >Gerald (IGN: Halvan) 1821 9385 5308 Scammed multiple mons of some GTS giveaways threads. Same guy; two 3d's so he maybe scammed from some Cloning General thread.
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>Getting scammed to begin with
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>getting scammed >believing someone on 4chan of all places >implying people will even read this list
Sarah !IY.1.DkZtk
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only retards get scammed, learn to be smart
We should add Rosa, you know, just for the lulz
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>>17822090 >Scammed multiple mons of some GTS giveaways threads >GTS giveaways threads >giveaways >scammed on giveaways what'd he do, traded a chimchar with BAD IVs for a Luvdisc?
also, OP, pls git gud
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cry harder nerds
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Jesus Christ I thought these threads where ironic at first but now I see that you idiots fall for anything
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>>17822159 That would be hylarious, but useless
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>this thread Git gud OP
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Scammer: Miguel !D7wHkPxW/U He broke into my 3DS and stole all my Pokemon.
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>Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Never gave me back one of my mons that he was supposed to clone
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>>17822090 Stop being stupid, he didn't snipe the damn cottonee, the person who got sniped already explained that. We should put you in the blacklist instead you retard.
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>>17822314 Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 another clonner
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402 (Magmar, Slugma, Braixen)
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402 (Magmar, Slugma, Braixen) Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:17:57 No. 17822391 Report >>17822314 >trusting someone nicked as PKMN Mstr >this thread git gud fgts
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>Getting swindled in the first place It's your own fault
Dickface 1337-1337-1337 !neAe92srE6
Hi! I'd like to report Dickface 1337-1337-1337 !neAe92srE6 for scamming multiple people, including me. He offers regular (non 6 IV) shiny Dittos, claiming to be 6 IV. He always asks for other shiny mons because he's a jew and a dick. I hope he burns in hell, that fucker.
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:18:59 No. 17822409 Report >>17822314 Never happened. Don't listen to this person. I recently started cloning and have returned the 2-3 that I have cloned within a half hour.
Feel free to be more specific if you really think I would do something like that.
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>>17822409 >PKMN Mstr my sides
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:21:15 No. 17822460 Report >>17822391 hey man, I'm awesome. The "mstr" part is because this is going to be my "master" file.
don't believe everything you read on the internet.
Let me do a search quicly to see if someone is using my name and then jeweing somehow.
>>17822409 i wanna be du berry bestu
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>>17822042 Don't forget to sage and report.
Rosa !OyBSNIII7E 3282 3075 0161It's not really a girl
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>>17822460 how could anyone be jewing with your friendcode?
anyone with half a brain would look up on foolz before comencing a trade with cloners.
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:24:47 No. 17822565 Report Quoted By:
Okay no one has used my name, but I have noticed on multiple occasions that someone would "borrow" a header from random people on this board, offer a pokemon, then say "ok add me" in a reply but supply a different friend code of which their actual file is on and proceed to scam.
They delete their posts though.
>>17822314 Read above. Did this pattern of events happen to you?
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:26:43 No. 17822608 Report Quoted By:
>>17822473 I ril travel acrosu ra landu
>>17822540 just add him for the lulz, the faggots wouldn't ask why is she blacklisted and they will just ignore him
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>>17822540 pls /vp/ do this
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>>17822540 make this happen pls ;-;
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We should blacklist Roso?
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>CTRL+F >No Stan What the fuck /vp/
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>>17822682 Oh boy here we go
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>>17822682 where i have to sign for that blacklist?
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:34:24 No. 17822745 Report Fuck it, just remind me which was yours and I'll give it back.
>>17822745 so you DID scam a few people, didn't you?
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:35:33 No. 17822783 Report Quoted By:
Not me. You're lame
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:37:09 No. 17822822 Report Guess I'll add a trip.
Way to gay up the place, man.
>>17822745 >>17822772 PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:38:43 No. 17822857 Report Leaving now.
The first blacklist it's only for you Rosa
Enjoy it babe <3
http://pastebin.com/7H5vg9r0 PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!JvN3SUpa+xN
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!JvN3SUpa+xN Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:38:55 No. 17822863 Report Quoted By:
>>17822822 yo fuck you this is the real me
I remember a few weeks ago this asshole said he'd trade me a shiny 5iv jumpluff for my 6iv ditto. Turns out the jumpluff only had 1 iv, then he was a huge asshole about it after. Don't have his fc but his name was josh.
>>17822881 You don't have his FC in your friend list?
>>17822881 You made profit. You can get 6v dittos literally for Scatterbugs.
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby]
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:42:57 No. 17822949 Report >>17822857 Don't let the door hit you on the way out
Blacklister! Do you want your shit back or not? It just took forever to clone
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>>17822861 no moar pkmn trading 4 u Rosa
es ogro
ur reputation is ruined
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>>17822042 >trading on 4chan >not expecting to get scammed PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:45:45 No. 17822995 Report Quoted By:
>>17822901 I erased him from my list sadly.
>>17822903 Yeah, luckily I had a few so I didn't care to much, but getting scammed is irritating
>>17822932 You shut your mouth
>>17822949 ...if he doesn't want his shit can I have his shit?
>>17823024 >luckily I had a few who'd you scam to get them?
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>>17822903 Oh, it was also good for me because I turned that shiny jumpluff in to a 3iv shiny blastoise, then that blastoise in to a shiny 5iv tyrunt.
>>17822399 >falling for a non shiny ditto Anonymous
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>>17823063 My friend cloned a bunch, and I regularly give them away to people for easy breeding
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:52:14 No. 17823091 Report >>17823045 i can provide stuff.
What do you want?
>>17823091 Any of those fancy 6iv dittos? Or shiny mons?
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:55:23 No. 17823142 Report >>17823091 Sure, what's your FC. I have a ditto for you.
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc Mon 03 Feb 2014 21:56:42 No. 17823179 Report Quoted By:
>>17823142 >>17823111 that as meant for you obvi
>>17823142 Really? Thanks! So I don't feel like a Jew, I'll trade a random shiny in return.
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>>17823080 >falling for a fake FC PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc
PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467 [Dugtrio, Trapinch, Diggersby] !!Zv8VJahuIIc Mon 03 Feb 2014 22:01:56 No. 17823270 Report >>17823207 It's cool, don't sweat it. Hop online, also what's your in game name?
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wow i can't see this thread being exploited at all
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>>17823270 Hey there, I was busy, sorry! It's kyle btw
That Rosa faggot. Pretended to be a new players a while back and took a bunch of shit when they claimed to have them only for dex completion. Now they ignore and have their circlejerk underage faggots defend him when he gets called out.
>>17824337 Did he forget to give you a balltism mon for your disc?
>>17824470 >Implying most people like Rosa. I thought the amount of attention this thread was giving him was obvious. Though, it is hilarious that I went to add one of his dickriding buddies to my "Don't trade" notepad list, and his dick riding buddy was already in there for scamming someone else on WFG.
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>>17824533 Rosa doesn't even trade with anyone. He just gives things away and shitposts.
>>17824470 Those are MY fucking special pokeball pokemons.
He stole them and are using them for attention like a faggot.
I gave them out Anonymously. Fucking cancer.
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>>17824690 Literally Buttblasted
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>>17824690 >he stole them >I gave them out Anonymous
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>>17824690 ...You mean you gave out the pokemon first, and now you're mad that Rosa is giving them away too?
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>>17824690 You're pathetic. You remind me of this old ass Italian lady who would only give things to people to neighbors she didn't know so the ones that she hated would be envious and she was completely delusional because they didn't even know what she was doing.
Gerald (IGN: Halvan) 1821 9385 5308
>>17822090 This is probably old news, but I had a Cottonee sniped during Hydreigoon's Pinsir giveaway. Someone pointed me towards a new thread about someone breeding a Cottonee and wondering if 0 SDef is okay, and people (not me) accused the guy of sniping my Cottonee. My Cottonee had 31/x/31/31/31/31, it had max SDef. I knew right away the guy hadn't sniped my Cottonee, but people kept badgering the guy while I was talking to the OP (J.G.) about how to get the most out of Whimsicott and how I would give him one of my leftovers to help him along on the process. This Miguel idiot has been accusing me of scamming for no goddamn reason. I got sniped, oh no, the world goes on, I trade Hydreigoon for the Pinsir he was giving away, and I gave J.G. one of my Cottonees. J.G. even gave me a 5 IV Porygon for the Cottonee when I told him to give me a shitmon.
Anyone who has traded with me knows I hold up my end of the bargain. This being 4chan, no one really has a reputation, but the facts are there. J.G. is an alright guy, and I've never scammed anyone. I would like to take this moment to tell people to stop jumping to fucking conclusions. Correlation =/= causation.
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>>17826232 damn bro I'm sorry the sniper sniped your prized sniped snipomon I'd hate for anyone else to be sniped cause I'm not a sniper just a snype but everyone is sniping me saying I'm the sniper. man I hate being sniped Anonymous
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>>17826232 moral of the story... SNIPED