Anyone got a Rattata they can trade to me?
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Can't be dead if it's never aliveLast thread got kind of weird there
Jung 3625-8302-2409
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>>17831681 wat captcha: 1917 Ramona 1177-7874-5179
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eleventy dicks
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
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Repostan I got some breeding leftover if anyone wants 'em: 9 4IV porygon (2 have download, everything else is trace) 9 4IV slakoths (4 female, 5 male) 11 female 4IV frillish and 4 pentaperfect male frillish All are in regular balls, except 5 of the female frillish and the pentaperfect ones, which are in net balls. Also, most actually have 5 IVs but I'm treating them like 4IV because all of them have one in a useless stat
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:21:39 No. 17831743 Report Quoted By:
Not for Rynn edition.
>>17831712 I've got some top percentage shit you can have, toss a disc up
Santana 4399-0165-0292
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>>17831681 Undoing the future that is Aku IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17831746 Hey, got any extra of that? :D
Gatz 2251 5743 3951
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17831738 I'll take a download Porygon
Felix 5370-0402-3972
At this point, thanks to warning from a friend Im bringing a damp Golduck while I hunt for this darn Heatmor You never know for shinies I guess
Az 4742-5607-3054
>>17831746 If you have another, would you mind sparing for me as well? It doesn't even have to be top percentage!
>>17831783 I dunno man it doesn't sound like you can comprehend just how top percentage these rattata are.
Give me a minute to breed another IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17831782 Aww damn. Didn't know those existed.
Faded4Dayz (IGN: James) : 4871-3568-9550 (Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen)
Faded4Dayz (IGN: James) : 4871-3568-9550 (Charmeleon, Ponyta, Braixen) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:25:22 No. 17831811 Report >>17831738 I''l take a
male slakoth
>>17831777 Are you looking to keep them or just get the form in your dex?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:25:43 No. 17831825 Report Quoted By:
>>17831783 >It doesn't even have to be top percentage! I bet you don't even HAVE shorts
>>17831810 No, like, I've got 2, one for that guy and one spare
Az 4742-5607-3054
>>17831802 Just how top percentage are we talking, BUB?
Absolutely, take your time. Thanks so much! Gatz 2251 5743 3951
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>>17831812 Oh sorry should've mentioned - for keeps.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
earth power deinos, 5IV, luxury ball , modest. random gender.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
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>>17831828 Oh! Discing up! Top percentage Joey go!
Jung 3625-8302-2409
>>17831802 Could I bug you for one as well? :D
>>17831781 There are no horde Pokemon that have self-destruct or explosion on that route though.
Felix 5370-0402-3972
>>17831853 Geodude dont?
or was it magnitude
I need sleep.
Jung 3625-8302-2409
Quoted By:
>>17831837 I'll take one. Disc up
>>17831850 Sure
>>17831833 I'm too tired to come up with a witty reply Anonymous
>>17831681 first one to reply and put a disc up gets a shitty nature 4v shiny castform
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>>17831880 They're too low level for self-destruct. They do know magnitude, and usually use that to kill each other.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
I'm done with these metal birds. Take them away from me before I WT them. I have: 5 6IV male skarmory (heavy ball) 2 6IV female skarmory (heavy ball 26 pentaperfect male skarmory (heavy ball) 31 pentaperfect female skarmory (heavy ball) 14 pentaperfect female skarmory (friend ball) They are all impish and have the egg moves brave bird/whirlwind/curse/stealth rock. I can even nickname them for you!22 IV in defense isn't that bad for skarmory, right?
Tony 2509-2454-7996
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>>17831837 Disc going up for one
>>17831899 Does shiny Castform have different colors when it transforms?
Gatz 2251 5743 3951
>>17831911 I''l take a female 6iv
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:30:46 No. 17831923 Report I have, all female: 4 HA dream ball lileeps 1 non-HA dream ball lileep 6IV (seriously why couldn't this have HA) 9 HA dream ball anoriths
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
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>>17831911 I'll take a Friend Ball Skarmory, thanks.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:30:59 No. 17831926 Report okie dokie, I'm off to catch some zzzs. See ya!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17831899 Castforms have testicles.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
can i get a hexaperf female? can't seem to connect to wi-fi atm
>>17831899 Please?
>>17831837 Can I take one?
>>17831778 Enjoy man~
Quoted By:
>>17831911 Oh my goodness, can I get a Heavy Ball female Skarmory?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:32:10 No. 17831950 Report Quoted By:
>>17831911 I'll take that other female 6IV one, thanks. Disc is going up.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>17831928 nope
>>17831919 i thought they were tits
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17831928 best way to predict the weather.
if the big its hot, if they go very small its cold.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
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>>17831923 I'll snag an Anorith.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN:Magenera
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>>17831911 Shit I'll take a 6IV male heavy ball Skarmory.
Z - 3179-6101-5548 (Pupitar, Barbaricle, Dweeble) Anonymous Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:35:25 No. 17832024 Report Quoted By:
>>17831923 Hey, can I get an HA Dream Ball Lileep and an Anorith please? Disc is up for the Lileep. Thanks!
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>being lewd in the don't be lewd edition Nah though, let's at least kind of stay on topic this thread
>>17831999 Right? It's like they didn't read the title.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
So when I transfer the Colosseum starters up to Gen 5, is there anyone around who can get them banked?
Felix 5370-0402-3972
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17831911 Freddy you want to give me a 6IV Female Skarmory right?
>>17832032 what is this, an image for durants?
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>>17832032 Female HA? I can't see anything.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17832026 >Implying you were following your own rules IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17832032 Is that a picture for
Durants Felix 5370-0402-3972
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>>17832032 Picture for durant, yeah yeah its ironic
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>>17832055 >implying rynnplications It was her fault. And that was in the old thread.
>>17832062 Too slow.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
>>17832033 Is this hypnosis?
If this guy
>>17831922 doesn't post again, you can have his.
If he does, I can give you a friend ball 6IV female instead.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
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>>17831911 I'll take a female friend ball one. Disc going up. Thanks.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:38:35 No. 17832094 Report Is there anyone here from /shw/? I don't want to derail but I need some comfort.just hatched female 9 in a row I'm in the mood to help, I have most of the bank mons if you need anything
NTD Prime 4640 - 0253 - 6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640 - 0253 - 6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:38:53 No. 17832101 Report Quoted By:
>>17831949 HAHAHAHAHA I'll take one off your hands :^) for any that want I have a 5 IV no atk timid cyndaquil leftover only one left, the rest have been traded away
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17832080 I'll take Friend Ball. Discin' up.
btw you should MM more Skarmories. Complete a team.
>>17832094 Oh god I'm so sorry.
RNG has just shat all over you with those espurr
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>>17831911 Thank you for the Skarmory!
If you don't get rid of all the 6IV Males or Females I'll throw another one up for before you WT so I can do a giveaway at a local game night
>>17831899 >>17832053 Thank you!
>>17831911 Can I take a 6IV male?
>>17831811 Cant find yer disc bro
>>17832032 >heatmor >a picture for durants Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Speaking of shinies, does anyone want her? Someone gave her to me from a giveaway I did awhile back and I feel bad watching her sit in my box. so I'm giving her away so she can sit in someone else's box so I don't have to feel bad.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:41:30 No. 17832156 Report >>17832124 what's worse is she's perfect missing attack and own tempo Dan 1547 6339 4135
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>>17831911 Are you still around?
I'd love a friend ball female Skarm!
Also... what's new, people?
David 2836-0415-5588
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>17832080 can i get a friend ball and heavy ball pentaperf female instead of a 6IV female?
Sorry, my DS always seems to fail to connect to wi-fi a lot
>>17832154 I wish Ledian and a whole bunch of other bug Pokemon were more viable.
What's the best ball for shiny Trevenant?
Felix 5370-0402-3972
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>>17832148 original pls dont steal joke
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17832094 The next one will be male, I'm sure. Soon, Alice. You're almost there. I'll take that as a no on this, then
>>17832030 Okay, then is anyone willing to hold them in Gen 5 and get them to Rosa? I'm leaving tomorrow, and likely won't be able to trade in Gen 5 until next Tuesday,
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Cory 3797-7462-3246
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anybody got an abra in an apricorn ball?
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
>>17832116 Sure. Let me take it out of the daycare first.
I'm MMing koffings next. I don't want to hatch another skarmory for a while.
>>17832145 Yes.
>>17832164 Sure.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17832156 u want male meowstic ?
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>>17832213 Yeah, that's what I was figuring.
I've got 3 JPN Cobalion in Net Balls if anyone is interested - just reply and put a disc up!
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>>17832145 Whoops, nevermind found it~
David 2836-0415-5588
Cory 3797-7462-3246
>>17832231 I could use one
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
>>17832231 I'll take one, thank you!!
Evan 1263-6861-9424
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>>17832220 great, i just got it connected! disc up for friend ball first, then heavy ball! thank you so much!
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:45:15 No. 17832249 Report >>17832156 Oh man I would say lucky but that might make you feel worse. I hatched 2 males going for a female and decided that that was enough for me. I got a female instachecked but, it's just not the same as hatching her myself. Oh well. Also have got a female nidoran instead of a male one and I haven't even started that back up again, screw gender differences.
Also still have 3 HA dream ball lileeps and 8 HA dream ball anoriths up for grabs.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:45:22 No. 17832252 Report >>17832222 m-maybe, is it legit?
>>17832231 Definitely could use one!
David 2836-0415-5588
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>>17832231 I'll be discin' up now
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>>17832231 putting one up right now
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>>17831783 >>17831850 Disc up or check your discs.
I've also got two more, but that's all I'm breeding for now
Felix 5370-0402-3972
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Although I doubt White Smoke would be of use anyways, would it be worth breeding 0Speed on these Heatmor?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
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>>17832220 Koffings are pretty sweet too. I have one in a normal Pokeball. :| Fucker deserves to be in a heavy ball.
NTD Prime 4640 - 0253 - 6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640 - 0253 - 6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:46:51 No. 17832282 Report >>17832203 I can hold them, I'll be here for hours still and I have to morrow off. definitely won't miss her.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17832242 >>17832245 >>17832259 Alrighty - I'll be looking for you guys.
I'm certain I will try cloning more later, but I'm getting very tired.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17832252 yep, i hatched it :)
shiny male modest prankster with 31/x/31/31/x/31
will trade it for shiny female, prefer them much more
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:47:45 No. 17832302 Report Quoted By:
>>17832249 first day I used instacheck was the day it died, at that point I had already hatched two females and wasn't patient anymore. Sadly it doesn't matter now. I just wanted a little male espurr... But I shouldn't complain too much, a shiny is a shiny
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
These threads seem to be coming along nicely. I'm afraid to even look at the list of what all we have now.
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>>17832220 Thank you!
>>17832249 Can I get a lileep and an anorith please?
David 2836-0415-5588
Cory 3797-7462-3246
Quoted By:
>>17832298 sorry, I had to catch a fresh disk and it felt like I was taking forever
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17832282 Alright. I still have half an hour before I can Pal Park
fucking 24 hour limit , but I'll let you know as soon as I've got them in Gen 5 so we can trade.
>>17832322 It's not up to date, but hell if I know what all we do have at this point. Pretty sure it's missing something like 15
Josh 2595-1383-3800 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Josh 2595-1383-3800 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:49:55 No. 17832350 Report Quoted By:
Anyone in here with an egg moves Chatot? Offering pentaperfect Skarmory, Hippopotas and Larvesta.
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>>17832298 Thank you very much <3
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:51:11 No. 17832372 Report >>17832300 I appreciate the offer, I really do, but I'm looking for bold natured. If it was an untouched espurr I probably would have taken you up on it. I appreciate the offer though. I'm waiting till Friday to give this one away.
but I have lost of premier bold/timid/modest espurrs with egg moves and HA if anyone wants one
Tony 2509-2454-7996
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>>17832231 Is it me or does this name not scream "legendary" to me? I though it was just a regular mon til i google'd it.
The last gen that I played was the yellow version. Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>17832341 love ball lapras yet? :D
>>17832322 Gray. Yes.
>>17832370 She knows.
Tasmin 2638-1076-0215
>>17831738 Could I get a Frillish please?
>>17831911 I'll take one please, not fussed on which
Either of you, or anyone else, have any use for egg move Cyndaquils or Gibles?
>>17832376 Rosa has it, talk to him whenever he's around
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
>>17832370 I cry everytime.
>>17832383 I'll give a heavy ball female.
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>>17832381 >Gray. Yes. Yes? Maybe? No.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17832372 o well at least i tried, got the shiny charm so ill try to mm espurr again
anyone have a petlil in a nest ball? also got some castforms.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:55:29 No. 17832446 Report >>17832419 I could hook you up with any spread you can imagine, what are you looking for?
Josh 2595-1383-3800 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Josh 2595-1383-3800 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:56:19 No. 17832481 Report >>17831738 Could I grab a Frillish? Preferably female. I'll put up a disc now.
>>17832336 Uhm, I can try to clone a few more quickly, but I might fall asleep before it happens. I will try to get a couple more out, though.
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>>17832417 Don't look at me generic anon. I'm just rolling off what everyone else calls him
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>17832372 I'd love a premier ball female.
Putting up a disc.
>>17832397 I know but I wasn't here all day and maybe I missed it. Hasn't happened yet then. Thanks for the update Anonymous
wifi general is pretty much full of retards so I will ask here.. Does anyone have a shiny male Espurr to trade for the female version?
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:58:19 No. 17832508 Report >>17832487 What nature female do you want or does it not matter?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
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>>17832446 i guess bold female without attack will help alot
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17832482 It's okay. Don't really want one but thought you might want help.
Tasmin 2638-1076-0215
>>17832411 Thank you! Shall I just disc ooor?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17832502 whats the female iv ?
i have 4 iv male mewostic
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Quoted By:
>>17832411 Thanks for the friend ball goodness
:) Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17832502 Nope, only shiny Eevees. Well that's what I got. Maybe someone has one. Oh, Archy does it seems.
Freddy 3840 - 5343 - 8311
todd ( pumpkaboo, shuppet, dusclops; 4313-1266-2902 )
todd ( pumpkaboo, shuppet, dusclops; 4313-1266-2902 ) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:00:43 No. 17832545 Report Quoted By:
Anybody have HA Zigzagoon? <3
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Ugh, hello all.
I'm trying to compile my old collection with my new ballmon collection and it's hell. Think I might just end up wonder trading everything that's not in a special ball.
If someone wants something from this, let me know. I probably will be able to give it to you.
http://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/comments/1v8yi7/slowpokies_pokefarm_lf_electrike_with_egg_moves/ Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17832370 lime ! intrested in 1:1 some legends
will preferbly take it to "breeding" general
Quoted By:
>>17832525 It's just from friend safari. spdef/def.. Don't really care for stats just want a male shiny kitty.
NTD Prime 4640 - 0253 - 6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640 - 0253 - 6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:02:29 No. 17832583 Report >>17832337 alright cool my gen 5 cart only has a box of my own personal victory island victini clones so you get three now
You'll never guess what ball they're in Go on guess They're all in premier balls Yoon 1048 9312 7954
have HA adamant dratinis with extremespeed aqua jet dd and dragon pulse. toss up a disc
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>17832508 I'm guessing bold is best?
I want to breed for Prankster shennanigans...
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
>>17832537 Is it too late to get one of those? I missed the last giveaway it seems..
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17832548 why hello there farmer
whats UT event torchic ? is it just regular torchic with speed boost ?
im intrested in the litwick
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Back From Tour
>>17832548 Wailmer, Chickorita, Yamask, or Tynamo available?
Quoted By:
>>17832438 *Petilil. fuck spelling
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17832559 Sure, I can creep on over to the...other general if you'd like. But I'm gonna shower first, okay?
>>17832606 I'm still working on an entire box. Expect results in 1-2 days. And if you miss THAT look for me on Vday when I will have 1-2 boxes to give away.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:04:55 No. 17832643 Report >>17832592 if you want prankster male bold is the best nature, I'm sending you a female now, she's missing speed, but the others haven't hatched yet
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17832548 I put up a disc for the Igglybuff earlier. ;-;
>>17832559 What? No Lime don't hang out in that thread!
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17832322 Welcome back Gray. List isn't up to date anyway
>>17832333 No problem, take care of her.
bambii 3754-8101-2687
>>17832548 would i be able to snag that noibat off of you?
Josh 2595-1383-3800 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Josh 2595-1383-3800 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:06:06 No. 17832672 Report >>17831738 Could I get one in a Net Ball instead if that isnt too much trouble? Fine either way but would love it if so. Will put Frillish back up on GTS for a little while to see.
Thanks Kish~
>>17832481 Gotcha~
>>17832383 Can't find your disc, also female or pentaperf?
>>17832588 Pretty please?
These captchas are killing me, so I might go to bed soon Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17832654 It's not like I'm leaving this one, silly.
Quoted By:
>>17832588 Shooting up a disc now!
>>17831837 Is it too late for me to get one of these Pan? Disc is up if its not.
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
>>17831911 Any Heavy Ball Skarmory left?
Putting a Disc up just in case.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17832679 Don't shower either!
Can I borrow whatever crap you get there? Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17832635 sure my list is up there hanging with no one responding cause circlejerking
>>17832654 just wanna see if lime has somthing i dont
dont worry we wont mingle with those "things"
dont wanna derail the thread to much
IGN: Zee
>>17832679 >>17832695 Yeah, don't eat or sleep either!
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:08:30 No. 17832714 Report Quoted By:
>>17832678 No problem! My shiny charm is forsaking me, and making me breed tons of anorith and lileep, and not get a shiny yet. Hopefully soon.
>>17832672 Oops, sorry~ You can just put up another disc
Seriously though, haven't been on 4chan for awhile, is moot trying to make more money? Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17832713 >Implying we ever sleep Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Quoted By:
>>17832685 yeah im still around
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17832610 "Untouched event torchic". It's reddit's way of saying the torchic in the red ball, complete with the blazikenite.
The Litwick is perfect 5IV Modest Infiltrator, but it's sadly in a regular Pokeball. It's yours if you want it.
>>17832617 The Tynamo is in a regular pokeball, not sure about IVs.
The Wailmer is a perfect 5IV male in a Dream Ball.
The Chikorita is a perfect 5IV male in a Nest Ball.
The Yamask is a female Bold Mummy with 0 speed in a pokeball.
They're all yours if you want them.
>>17832654 Oh yea sorry :x Send me a tr (I don't see you on)
>>17832671 Yea, I have a male perfect 5IV in a luxury ball for you if you want it.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17832695 But I'll get dirty. And stinky. No one wants a stinky, dirty Lime.
Sure. >>17832713 I'm eating applesauce right now. Gray
>>17832713 Sleep and general hygiene is for losers, anyway.
>>17832722 Nah, long story short there were a lot of scripts and bots that would auto post and flood threads with advertisements or other bullshit. They added captchas a long time ago to counter it, and it did because logic puzzles, and then about a year and a half ago they released passes because people were bitching and saying they wouldn't mind forking out some cash to not have to type that shit
todd ( pumpkaboo, shuppet, dusclops; 4313-1266-2902 )
todd ( pumpkaboo, shuppet, dusclops; 4313-1266-2902 ) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:10:42 No. 17832756 Report Quoted By:
>>17832548 HA Zigzagoon? I think your list says you have it and I've been searchinggg!
I could give you good iv turtwig with grassy terrain and wide guard for one xD
bambii 3754-8101-2687
Quoted By:
>>17832734 yes please! tossing up a disc now!
Xylona [2836-0164-3246]
Quoted By:
>>17832693 Oh, if you could nickname her Hilda, that would be cool!
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17832734 ye i love litwick <3
getting disc up
i like the original pokeball
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Back From Tour
Quoted By:
>>17832734 Sounds great :) (mostly dex filling but will become future breeding projects) I'll throw a disc up for tynamo first in just a moment
Kdo 1564-3518-3824
>>17832734 i've got a ut event torchic, could i trade that for one of your solosis?
Tasmin 2638-1076-0215
>>17832540 Thank you very much!
>>17832678 Sorry, wasn't sure if there was something else you might like. Pfft, just noticed I don't actually have one, threw up a Drilbur instead. Pentaperf please, and thank you lots!
>>17832511 Alrighty - if you'd like, I've managed to get two more cloned. Just put a disc up.
>>17832260 If you're still around, I managed to clone another - just upload a disc and it's yours.
And after I send these out I'm off to bed.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17832777 Oh, no need to trade. I'll give it to you for one low price of a luvdisc. It's a giveaway thread after all.
The solosis is a Bold female in a quick ball, with 0 speed.
Quoted By:
>>17832795 Awesome, discing now, thank you!
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:14:20 No. 17832817 Report I am not dead. And goddammit, Felix, you got my damned White Smoke Heatmor. Ah well. Here are things: 15x f Dive Ball HA Girafarig 1x f Level Ball Rattata 2x f Heavy Ball Koffing 9x f Moon Ball Absol 7x f Love Ball Mawile 12x f Level Ball Starly 8x f Heavy Ball Phanpy 4x f Love Ball Caterpie 14x f Lure Ball Starly 10x f Level Ball Growlithe 2x f Dive Ball Eevee (non-HA) that may or may not have 30 def IV for HP Ice. Pentaperfect males: 3x m Love Ball Cherubi 1x m Lure Ball Taillow 3x m Level Ball Starly 10x m Level Ball Growlithe 1x m Moon Ball Absol 1x m Repeat Ball Cyndaquil 4x m Dive Ball HA Girafarig IV-checking to see if I've got spare male HP Ice Eevees as well.
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>17832643 she's so cute! thank you!
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17832795 W-whatchu cloning?
Am I missing some legendary giveaway again? Yukari 1564-3308-0858
Quoted By:
>>17832817 I'll take a Dive Ball Eevee, thanks!
Quoted By:
>>17832817 Could I get a Heavy Ball Koffing? It'll take me a moment to put up a disc.
IGN: Brian
Quoted By:
>>17832817 Could use a Cherubi, please and thanks!
Luvdisc is named /vp/.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
Does anyone have an extra Lure Ball Magikarp? Would really appreciate it.I noticed my friend breeding for gyarados in regular pokeballs. Due to my balltism, I cannot allow her to breed any further and will demand her to start over again with better balls
>>17832817 You put lure starly instead of lure taillow
KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
>>17832548 Got a female repeat ball cyndaquil? Or a male nicknamed Kilauea
a dangerous volcano that lives near me :D Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17832583 Sweet. If only Bank was out... I'm transferring them to Gen 4 now. Soon.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:16:13 No. 17832854 Report >>17832769 sorry its taking so long, of course the whole next batch hatched male. Did you still want a bold female?
Quoted By:
>>17832847 I was wondering what was going on there.
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
>>17832817 dive ball eevee! disc goin' up!
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:16:35 No. 17832862 Report >>17832817 Maybe I could get a rattata and an F growlithe?
>>17832832 JPN Net Ball Cobalion.
I could force myself to stay awake a little more to clone you one - you've given me a ton of cool ball females.
Eric 1864-9299-5543
>>17832817 Top percentage Rattata please. Discing up.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Back From Tour
Quoted By:
>>17832832 I'm discing up man. Thank you again
>>17832722 Just noticed the frillish part~
>>17832794 Enjoy it man~
>>17832750 Yeah, I know about the bots
which I thought were pretty entertaining sometimes and scripts and the passes and stuff, just lately it seems like the captchas got a lot harder. Then again, I am tired so....
Yukari 1564-3308-0858
Quoted By:
>>17832863 Or give one to GabGab and make him clone it.
bambii 3754-8101-2687
Quoted By:
thanks a ton slow~
>>17832880 They're not that awful. Usually you only need to type the bigger of the two words
Eric 1864-9299-5543
Quoted By:
>>17832817 >>17832862 >>17832868 Never mind. I'll take a Giraffe instead.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17832809 i would also like HA Elgyem
i can breed if u wanna keep the 5-6 iv ones
>>17832817 i would like 1 love ball mawile
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17832848 I'm trying to get rid of all my breeding stock that doesn't fit the standards of my balltism now. :< I can breed a cyndaquil for you later but I'd like to keep my breeding mother for now D:
>>17832863 Oh my. Yea, give it to GabGab and I'm sure I can convince him to "breed" me one. (Or I can hand it to him) Thank you!
KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
Quoted By:
>>17832817 Would you want anything special for a male cyndaquil nicknamed Kilauea?
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>17832817 I'll gib you one, dont worry child
<3 Flash
For all of you who haven't finished your pokedexes, I'd recommend working on that as soon as you can. Shiny charm has been doing work for me so far.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17832817 Disc up for female level ball starly
>>17832898 Word on the street is you have Brave Bird Zubats
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:20:09 No. 17832916 Report Quoted By:
>>17832847 Everything is hard! Gah!
Getting discs now. Too many to keep track, so keep me posted if you're sniped, and assume I'll get to you unless I indicate otherwise.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17832854 yes :)
take your time ill just lurk more
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Back From Tour
Quoted By:
>>17832906 I'm trying ;__;
Tim 1478-4207-2056 (Drowzee, Sigilyph, Xatu) SV: 1788 Anonymous Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:20:41 No. 17832923 Report Quoted By:
Hey guys, anyone happen to have a spare naughy gible? Mega Chomp is going to be last member of my mono ground team, but i've only got jolly thus far.
>>17832817 Toss me a Starly please. Disc is ready.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:20:50 No. 17832926 Report >>17832891 regalia, do you think I should keep going or try and find a male in the shiny trade thread? >>17832819 not a problem, I was undecided for a while about what ball a shiny would look best in, but the white matches those cute paws.
IGN: Brian
>>17832906 I just need some evolutions, and events. :/
May I please ask for a HA Dratini if anyone has an extra laying around? I'm putting up a Luvdisc, thank you!
>>17832937 You don't need events for the charm. What evolutions are you missing?
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Quoted By:
>>17832817 I desperately need an HP Ice eevee.
Well, not desperately, but it'd be nice if you got a spare.
>>17832898 I've got one sitting in my box for him. He hasn't responded to
>>17832795 , so I'm guessing he's out. If you don't mind giving it to him to breed, that'd be awesome! Just throw a disc up on the GTS.
KyleOyte 2578-4536-5606
Quoted By:
>>17832898 No sweat, MMing a cottonee is keeping my busy
Which reminds me
Diveball/Bold/Prankster Cottonee 4-5IV w/ switcheroo, memento, worry seed, encore if anyone hasn't gotten their pre-1865 fix yet.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17832913 Indeed I do. Want one? I have a 6IV female that is sadly non-HA if you want it.
IGN: Zee
Quoted By:
>>17832925 damn that's twice now
Quoted By:
>>17832817 Disc up
IGN Shigu
Want absol pls
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:23:05 No. 17832965 Report >>17832906 i haven't even gotten the oval charm yet I've been so absorbed mming. It just seems really daunting.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17832809 I love them event torchics too. :)
IGN: Brian
>>17832942 For Sinnoh:
Rampardos, Bastiodon, Cherrim, Purugly, Lumineon, Lickilicky, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Gliscor, Porygon-Z, Dusknoir
>>17832965 It's not as bad as it looks. And it'll make your MMing much faster.
>>17832926 I think you're far enough in to where if you opt out by taking someone else's it wouldn't feel like anything happened and you just pissed away a long hunt. But that's just me, everyone sees shinies in their own way. If you just want off the ride then by all means, a shiny is a shiny. There's something nice about your OT and being able to flip around nicknames, and you'll always remember the hunt behind it making it even more significant.
If you don't have the shiny charm I'd recommend going for it in between MMing those to give yourself a breather.
Az 4742-5607-3054
Quoted By:
>>17832817 May I snag one of those 15x Girafarig? I'll Luv it up in a moment, thank you..!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17832954 Yo oh sorry. Can't 'breed' right now. Work suddenly! Sorry! Give to Apple, I will get it from her later.
>>17832979 Put up a disc for Tangrowth. From there, we can touch-trade the ones of those I have.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:25:00 No. 17833014 Report Quoted By:
>>17832980 i'm sure it would, like I said, I've still got about 10 mons left for the oval charm, which i'm still working on, but I tend to get obsessed on somethings...
like this dumb espurr breeding project.
IGN: Brian
Quoted By:
Looking for a HA Gothorita if anyone has. I don't have the friend Safari :C
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17832954 Aw, yea. I can at the very least loan him mine to breed. Disc is up, thank you :3
>>17832971 Rawr, I want. I only hoarded uno.
>>17832957 It doesn't need to be 6IV, just looking for any with Brave Bird and possibly Defog. Would you want me to pop up a disc, or is there anything else I'd be able to offer?
Josh 2595-1383-3800 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Josh 2595-1383-3800 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:25:53 No. 17833039 Report >>17832722 Thanks so much!
IGN: Brian
>>17833009 Would you mind if I kept them to breed their basics? Was gonna work my way up from there. But if not, it's cool.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:26:51 No. 17833058 Report >>17832987 Yeah, that's how I feel. I guess i'll slowly start on the shiny charm. I need to meet up with liz or onyx and beg them for about 30 mins of their time to just trade back and forth.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17832860 If he's not in this thread, I don't want to bother him.
>forgot to get rid of Surf on Croc >Restarted Emerald right before this >Move Deleter is in Lillycove Someone kill me please.
Fine. I guess I'm only sending up Bay and Quil.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Back From Tour
Quoted By:
Welp, that Nyquil just hit hard, I think I am out for the night. Slowpokie thanks again for the future breeding projects/dex fillers!
Jung 3625-8302-2409
Can anyone help with dex entries? Only 15 legends to go: Mesprit, Azelf, Regigigas, Arceus, Ho-Oh, Regirock, Registeel, Jirachi, Tornadus, Thundurus, Zekrom, Keldeo, Meloetta, Raikou, Entei Also giving away a handful of Love Ball Serene Grace Chanseys with Aroma/Seismic Toss which are mostly 4IV
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17833034 Just a disc pls. :3c
Anyone else wanting stuff from my list, just put a disc up with my name in the message
IGN: Linda Luvdisc: Petite
Quoted By:
Time for a ridiculously specific request: Female bold 5 IV (no atk) Eevee with Heal bell caught in a net ball nicknamed Sirene. I don't actually expect this to trade but just in case thanks! Message is Healbell eevee
>>17833047 Sorry, I'm just planning on rotating through them in the trade window with you for the dex entries. I don't want to let go of them. Those basics should be much easier to acquire through GTS though.
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Quoted By:
>>17832926 Yeah, Premier really fits either shiny. I'll love it if I get either. Thanks!
>>17833077 You are truly awesome :D
Disc up!
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17833077 HA Elgyem do u have 1 ?
>>17833058 What are you missing? Onyx has that live dex from chilling out in the cloning threads, my legendary train has slowed to a crawl and there's no way I can hold the balltism pokes plus a live dex on my main cart. Been trying to move them over to my second cart so I can support the full thing again.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17832817 I'd like a level ball Starly please
IGN: Brian
>>17833092 No problem then, man! Appreciate the help!
Disc is up.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17833103 I think your disc got sniped?
>>17833118 I think I have you a 5IV one, though not 0 speed, sadly.
Quoted By:
Is there anyone giving away pentaperfect anythings?
Oh, and what nature for Larvitar? I know the ones we've been distributing are jolly, but its speed isn't all that great to begin with. Why not adamant?
Quoted By:
>>17833143 I believe so, I re-upped though :)
Anyone have an extra charmander x?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17833143 regular or special ball ?
would love female if its not asking much
iv doesnt matter
>>17833039 You're welcome~
I'm going to get some sleep now~ NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:33:24 No. 17833186 Report >>17833073 you poor soul, also if that's how you feel I'll wait till they show up in this thread then.
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>17833153 jolly is for mega, if you're not going to use it, then might as well go for adamant or careful (sand-special wall)
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17833162 What's a Charmander x?
>>17833153 generally you either want jolly for mega dragon dance
or sassy for assault vest
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17833178 I gave you a male in a dream ball. I'd have to breed you a female later. I'll take ballmon breeding requests later. I -HAVE- to clear my old breeding stock from my boxes, cause I have literally half a box of space to work with at the moment.
Kdo 1564-3518-3824
>>17833143 hey i put up a disc for a solosis! :)
thank you!!
IGN: Zee
Quoted By:
>>17832938 Are you looking for ny particular ball? I've got one in a regular pokeball.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:35:38 No. 17833215 Report >>17833178 ah okay i have one hatched, but I don't see your disc anymore?
Quoted By:
>>17833205 adamant is still useable
I have adamant, sassy, and jolly tyranitar as the situation may warrant
Quoted By:
Passed someone a dratini... Now i've got a disc up, want a raindish tentacool <33
Quoted By:
>>17833192 A charmander with charizardite X. :x
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
does anyone have a spare, duplicate charizardite y they can slide over? It'd be much appreciated. :x
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17833186 I just feel like it's wrong to pester people when they are essentially doing us a favor.
I'll send Croc up with the second batch of starters. It gives me time to either toss it back to Colosseum or get farther in Emerald.
I'm sending the other two up now.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17833206 well in that case let me jew on that offer
Noibat,Murkrow,Slowpoke,Chespin,Bulbasaur,Misdreavus female
i can take those to help with space.
FC: 0061-0836-9554
Quoted By:
Hello, does anybody have a HA Omanyte? Any ball/gender/IV/nature is fine, I just want that hidden ability. Put up a disc for one, thank you in advance.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17833215 disc is up now, was just getting some pokemon from slowpokie
Quoted By:
>>17833133 I think that's all I got on me right now, sorry. A lot of the item-trade evos I just acquired by swapping one for the other on the GTS.
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:40:54 No. 17833289 Report Sorry guys, midway between GTSing I got a message demanding I make an important trade, so I've been really slow.
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245
Lawn, IGN:Marlon [Tranquill, Pidgey, Rufflet] 0619-3484-0245 Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:43:44 No. 17833330 Report Quoted By:
>>17831923 I'll take a Lileep. Disc going up~
>>17832817 I'll be throwing up a disc fo a Starly after Lileep if you don't mind.
Josh 2595-1383-3800 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Josh 2595-1383-3800 (Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:44:13 No. 17833337 Report Quoted By:
>>17833185 Goodnight, enjoy ya sleep
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17833289 >an important trade Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:44:54 No. 17833346 Report >>17833121 let see i'm missing:
Haxorus, ferrothorn, Krookodile, flygon, Bisharp, whiscash, spinarak, Gliscor, Gothitelle, Licklicki, Ursaring, Dragonite, Tyranitar,
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:45:13 No. 17833351 Report Time for a left overs giveaway: 14x timid moon ball Gasty 4x adamant love ball Mawile 3x jolly dive ball Totodile 2x modest net ball Squirtle 3x timid dusk ball HA Litwick 3x timid dive ball HA Froakie All female. Toss up a disc and let me know
>>17833346 I can do some of those.
Anyone got a Totodile? I need my Pokebro :(
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17833346 you didnt do the jigglypuff to bisharp in game trade ?
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:45:56 No. 17833366 Report Quoted By:
>>17833346 I can do all of those except for gliscor
Eric 1864-9299-5543
Quoted By:
>>17833351 I'd love one of those Litwick! Disc will be up in a minute.
Quoted By:
>>17833346 >>17833357 >>17833367 Gliscor is one I can do, so let me just do that one first.
Anybody giving have Foul Play Knock Off Vullaby? Is it even possible yet?
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:47:01 No. 17833388 Report Quoted By:
>>17833351 I'll take one of those dive ball totodiles, Disc is up!
Quoted By:
>>17833351 would love a froakie. putting up a disc
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:47:29 No. 17833396 Report Quoted By:
>>17833351 Can I get a net ball squirtle pls?
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:47:30 No. 17833397 Report >>17833365 nope guess not, where would that be?
>>17833367 if you have the time I wouldn't want to impose if you're doing something else
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17833358 See:
>>17833351 I'll grab a Totodile as well.
Quoted By:
>>17833351 Discing up for Totodile.
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:47:58 No. 17833407 Report >>17833351 lemme grab a totodile
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17833383 was possible since day 1
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
>>17833351 i'll take a froakie! disc up!
Quoted By:
>>17833351 >>17833351 Yes, Totodile please!
>>17833410 But you can't catch them in-game.
Hiro 2809-8745-9898 (Wobbuffet, Drowzee,Duosion)
Hiro 2809-8745-9898 (Wobbuffet, Drowzee,Duosion) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:48:48 No. 17833421 Report Quoted By:
>>17833351 I'd like one of those Mawile, putting a disc up for one.
>>17833397 Wouldn't have brought it up if I wasn't willing. I'll have to flip my cart to get a few of those, been moving my dex over for box space.
Flash can get the one I can't, might want to go through that first so no one wastes their time
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17833397 Snowbelle City
>>17833419 what is friend safari ?
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
>>17833351 froakie and a mawile, please.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:50:47 No. 17833468 Report >>17833433 thanks, i really appreciate the help
also found out i'm missing Hydreigon as well
>>17833433 >implying everyone doesn't do that We already did our trade.
Quoted By:
>>17833453 >>17833458 Shit I didn't think it was available.
I'd hate to be that guy but does anyone have that safari?
Quoted By:
>>17833468 I've got that
>>17833471 Well...hush
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:51:50 No. 17833490 Report >>17833471 you didn't want the furfrou back? Thank you she's beautiful with that ball.
>>17833490 Yeah, just give her a blue cut and she's good to go!
Chris 2208-4853-3995
Would anyone be so kind as to trade me a Golett with Fire, Ice, Thunder, and Drain Punches? My Disc is up. Please and thanks, I'd really appreciate it!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17833383 Want a random 5IV Foul Play, Roost, Knock Off Vullaby? Female but in a lol Quick Ball.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17833471 >Implying everyone has a second cart Anonymous
Quoted By:
goddammit, can't find a Luvdisc. i really need a Totodile
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:54:48 No. 17833535 Report >>17833510 >put furfrou on mm list >realized there were different cuts and colors well now I have to go back and rethink this plan
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Quoted By:
>>17833162 dragon rage+ outrage?
>>17833535 The one I sent you is leftover from my MMing. I wanted Pharaoh cut, but no ball matched perfectly.
>>17833533 Hmm....
Yomie 4227-1248-5151
>>17833521 I would love one
Putting up luvdisc now
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
>>17833521 I'm so, so sorry for that Quick Ball.
>>17833554 Did you bother sending your stuff between the carts? It's proving to be a pain in the ass for me since I've only got 1 ds.
>>17833535 I don't think I've got you on any of the lists, so toss up a disc for a any of them and we'll trade from there. Only one of them is on my other cart
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17833407 Gen 5 FC? Mine is 2323 2378 3582 Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:59:36 No. 17833605 Report Quoted By:
>>17833574 alright i'll start with the haxorus
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17833564 Hahaha! Were you the one that gave me the 4IV Vullaby in a Quick Ball? I got a 6IV off of that. :)
>>17833559 Sent.
Quoted By:
>>17833574 No, I did not. What I was trying to point out was how coy everyone is about requesting stuff in this thread after people already say they're giving Pokemon away.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17833208 Sorry for the delay, I was playing a quick LoL game. Did your disc get sniped? :( I can't find your disc.
>>17833256 Put your next disc up. I have no idea what I just gave you, but I think I can give you females on slowpoke, misdreavus, murkrow.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17833632 disc up for slowpoke, you gave me murkrow so far
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
Quoted By:
>>17833611 Yeah that was me. I was so tired looking for one that I wanted to catch it on the first turn, so that's how it ended up in a Quick Ball.
>>17833632 If you happen to have another Slowpoke you need to clear, I have a disc up :P
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:04:54 No. 17833691 Report >>17833603 ah ok mine is: 3139 - 3822 - 3723 Kevin 1564-3518-3824
Quoted By:
>>17833632 no prob yeah i got sniped i put up a new one though!
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:06:00 No. 17833704 Report Hopefully I got everyone. Next time I wont challenge a duke in the Battle Chateau with 5 level one pokemon in my party immediately after posting a giveaway. I still have the following for anyone that I might have missed: 14x timid moon ball Gasty 3x adamant love ball Mawile 1x modest net ball Squirtle 2x timid dusk ball Litwick 1x timid dive ball HA Frogadier 7x bold premier ball Larvesta
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17833032 Got the Korean and German one from starting a new game on one cart. Should've kept resetting the game when they were distributing it and get all regions.
Speaking of event Pokes, I might get that Pokecenter Gengar next week.
mah fahvrit pokmon ;o; Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17833632 i just wanted female misdreavus, everything else can be male btw :)
Jung 3625-8302-2409
Quoted By:
>>17833704 I'll take a Gastly please!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
I'm back and I smell nice!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17833704 AWW! I didn't get a Totodile.
(Some guy sniped my disc with a regular Pokeball Totodile)
Someone pls breed. :D
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17833691 Alright, get on so we can trade for these two. Tate 0533-5874-0498 (oddish, petilil, quiladin)
Tate 0533-5874-0498 (oddish, petilil, quiladin) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:09:13 No. 17833750 Report i have a bit of an odd request, but does anyone have an impish ditto? i dont care if the ivs are a shit, i just need it to pass the nature down. i can put a disc up
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17833743 I hope you used a citrus-themed body wash.
>>17833750 Yes.
Nick: 5000 - 3311 - 3272
Quoted By:
>>17833744 Seconded. I could really use a Totodile.
>tfw not many Pokermans worth trading ;__; Anonymous
Does someone have a 5 IV Ditto? Or a 4 IV I would appreciate it
Tate 0533-5874-0498 (oddish, petilil, quiladin)
Tate 0533-5874-0498 (oddish, petilil, quiladin) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:11:32 No. 17833787 Report >>17833774 putting a disc up
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17833744 Seems like there is someone out to get you...
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17833690 Sorry, I only have 5IV perfect males right now. Would you want one of those?
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:12:31 No. 17833806 Report Quoted By:
>>17833744 Sorry about that, I saw you get sniped but there just weren't enough to go around.
I have a pentaperfect male dive ball Totodile that I'm almost certainly never going to bother to trade for anything if you are interested
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey]
West 5386-8694-5202 [Audino, Dunsparce, Chansey] Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:12:32 No. 17833807 Report Quoted By:
>>17833744 if someone does this I would love to get one too.
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:12:32 No. 17833808 Report >>17833744 I grabbed one so don't worry, i'll breed a few for later
>>17833747 I'm in lez do dis ...............error code You ask and I'll accept Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17833785 Oh and Non-American please
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17833632 disc up for male chespin if u still have him
Lime 3883-5402-8331
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
Quoted By:
>>17833465 thank you
i will put up the one for the mawile now
Miryd 2981-7265-4220
>>17833704 Thanks for the Froakie. Could I also bother you for a Mawile and Larvesta? You're awesome, bro.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>17833808 >errors I hate Gen 5 trades.
Tate 0533-5874-0498 (oddish, petilil, quiladin)
Tate 0533-5874-0498 (oddish, petilil, quiladin) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:16:40 No. 17833872 Report Quoted By:
>>17833856 thanks a bunch man
Nick: 5000 - 3311 - 3272
Quoted By:
>>17833808 I'd love a Totodile if you wouldn't mind :]
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a male corsola? I already have a prankster murkrow up on gts.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:18:03 No. 17833897 Report >>17833846 Of course, get some discs up and I'll send them
Quoted By:
>>17833804 Sure! I'd love one
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:18:59 No. 17833911 Report
Quoted By:
>>17833884 oh god that's fabulous
Takehiko (3909-7742-0854)
Does anyone have a zapdos or mew I could use for dex entry?
>>17833921 you don't need mew for the charms if that's your intent
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>17833911 Thanks for taking them.
And with that, I'm gonna go pass out. Night, everyone~
Miryd 2981-7265-4220
Quoted By:
>>17833897 second disc is up (:
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>17833921 i have an extra mewtwo upload a disc
Takehiko (3909-7742-0854)
Quoted By:
>>17833929 Nah, the charms are nice, and I do want them, but I wanted to fill my dex completely.
>>17833936 Nah, I got a Mewtwo, you can keep it for someone that needs it.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
For the Opal charm, do I need to obtain all the Kalos mons or just see them?
praying against all odds that someone has an extra charizardite Y
Quoted By:
>>17833955 opal is see, shiny is catch
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17833955 Need to obtain them
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17833955 just to see.
disc up for bulbasaur, do you still have that nobiat ?
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:23:24 No. 17833974 Report >>17833929 thank you so much for the time, I really appreciate it. For tonight, oval charm and gathering eggs, tomorrow night I'll keep working on the shiny charm
>>17833974 Put up my haxorus for a lickilicky, then toss that one back to me. Had to flip carts Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:26:29 No. 17834002 Report Uh, I don't have a defective cart do I? What's the kalos dex number and region for Haxorus? Its not showing after Fraxure in the central
Jung 3625-8302-2409
>>17834002 You didn't collect it off GTS I assume also,
>>17833991 Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:27:23 No. 17834008 Report Can someone help me evolve my Haunter? I'll give you a pentaperfect Gastly in return.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:27:29 No. 17834009 Report Quoted By:
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:28:33 No. 17834034 Report Quoted By:
>>17834007 well i feel dumb
>>17834008 I'll help you for free if you want.
Sue 3497-0152-4817 (Ice - delgong bergmite delibird)
Sue 3497-0152-4817 (Ice - delgong bergmite delibird) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:28:44 No. 17834039 Report >>17833076 A chansey would be great, thanks! Disc is up
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
Quoted By:
can i get a 5iv sans attack modest female eevee?
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:29:58 No. 17834051 Report Quoted By:
>>17834007 putting it up now Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:30:32 No. 17834060 Report >>17834035 Sweet, what's your friend code?
>>17834060 I derped and forgot, lol. 5284-2540-1503
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17833956 I do, put up a disc for a disc so I can get you as an acquaintance?
Jung 3625-8302-2409
Jack 0130-2309-6618
>>17834094 oh god if you're serious thank you
what should I put a disc up for?
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:34:57 No. 17834109 Report so do we agree or disagree that the shiny charm is useful for MM?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17834108 For another disc.
>>17834109 It's probably beneficial. There's no official statement, but it's a safe assumption
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17834094 >>17834108 Mega Stones can't be GTS'd?
Jack 0130-2309-6618
Sue 3497-0152-4817 (Ice - delgong bergmite delibird)
Sue 3497-0152-4817 (Ice - delgong bergmite delibird) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:37:35 No. 17834144 Report Quoted By:
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:37:37 No. 17834146 Report Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17834109 shiny charm +MM is 1/400 according to research done by smogon
>>17833632 i think my bulbasaur got sniped so i put new disc up
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:38:20 No. 17834158 Report >>17834132 Well thank you very much again, I'm glad I won't have to hunt for them again later. I know Angela got the shiny charm and got two shinies right after, so i'll go with it helps, it can't hurt any.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17834152 >>17834133 Which makes them very annoying.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:39:22 No. 17834168 Report Quoted By:
>>17834148 Good, maybe i'll get my shiny male before summer after all
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>Finally deicded to nickname my Shiny Aipom >Think the name "Rapeom" won't go through >It does God the censoring within this game is bullshit at times.
>>17834109 I say it's useful, but I've only done two MM project with it and but felt like I spent the same amount of time on them then I did without the charm
Tony 2509-2454-7996
>>17834148 This seems to be quite accurate. After I got my shiny charm, I got one shiny in 266, another in 350, another in 130, and one in 486. Or maybe I'm just lucky? dunno.
Bru (IGN: Az) 4742-5607-3054
Would anyone be willing to part with a Glameow or Bouffalant? It'd be much appreciated
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17834176 I can put 'Gay' but 'JESUSSUCKS' is off limits.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:42:19 No. 17834198 Report >>17834176 j-just let me have the placebo feeling for a while, I need boost.
>>17834189 let me check to see if I have a spare dream ball glameow
Quoted By:
>>17834158 Yeah, I've gotten my fair share. My box count average went from about 30 to 10, so there's that
>>17834162 also correct
Tony 2509-2454-7996
>>17834193 I saw someone with a shiny froakie named gren1gga. :x
Quoted By:
>>17834146 No problem. Glad to help out
Jack 0130-2309-6618
>>17834193 thanks so much for the stone Lime, I've been looking forever
Bru (IGN: Az) 4742-5607-3054
>>17834198 Ahh, thanks very much if you do have one! Dream balls are my favorite.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17834214 this is my new froakie name, its brilliant !
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17834217 No problem.
>>17834214 That's silly.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17834148 FUCK NEED
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:46:42 No. 17834254 Report >>17834228 i only have one right now, but let me pull out one of my espurrs and I'll get going on that. I'll need a heart scale though for later, if you have and discs that have one
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:47:52 No. 17834266 Report Time for another giveaway! Because it is too much effort to trade them for anything adamant repeat ball Growlithe adamant dive ball Magikarp jolly dive ball Totodile (ice punch/dragon dance) modest net ball Squirtle adamant love ball Mawile 2x adamant net ball Scyther 2x timid moon ball Gastly 1 male, 1 female 4x adamant heavy ball Snorlax All are male, unless otherwise specified. Get a disc up and take these things off my hands
Bru (IGN: Az) 4742-5607-3054
>>17834254 Let me check (and if not, grab one) and I'll put it up ASAP. Thanks so much!
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:48:57 No. 17834281 Report Quoted By:
>>17834266 I should specify they are all pentapefect.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>17834266 iwould love a tottodile, discing up
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:49:34 No. 17834287 Report >>17834278 she'll be anywhere between 3-5 iv's. Mom's 3, dads hexa
>>17834266 I would love a Snorlax, just a moment and I'll pop one up!
Miryd 2981-7265-4220
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a spare charizardite X? Doesn't have to come with a charmander. ):
Bru (IGN: Az) 4742-5607-3054
>>17834287 Alright, heart scale disc went up. Thanks again
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>17834266 disc up for snorlax!
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:53:43 No. 17834339 Report Quoted By:
>>17834333 No problem, they'll be hatching in a minute
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby)
Mike 2492-4502-0093 (Poliwhirl, Floatzel, Krabby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 07:56:54 No. 17834368 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Just checking to see if anyone has a nice Scraggy available. Disc is up for one if you do <3
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
thx slowpokie for the pokemon. im off for tonight
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 08:00:32 No. 17834406 Report Alright who's the funny person that put disc up for a mew? I thought those couldn't be traded? And I've sent your glameow
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
Quoted By:
>>17834266 i will take the female ghastly, please
Bru (IGN: Az) 4742-5607-3054
>>17834406 Some no-good hooligans, that's who. Much appreciated!
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 08:02:26 No. 17834425 Report Quoted By:
>>17834414 no problem, I was pretty lucky to pick one up after bank opened in Japan... oh bank...
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17834181 I've gotten shinies in under 4 boxes without the charm.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 08:05:11 No. 17834449 Report Quoted By:
>>17834442 hmm my first two were both under 450, the first being only 38 eggs in, but like I said, it can't hurt my chances
Chris 2208-4853-3995
Quoted By:
Actually, scratch my previous post:
>>17833518 Looks like no one has it, but there is one Pokemon I'm in dire need of, and that's a male Snorunt/Glalie with Water Pulse.
Would anyone gladly pass one to me?
IGN: Zee
Quoted By:
Requesting a female Corphish with HA in either a lure ball or dive ball.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17834442 I got a shiny
Torrent Froakie on the 8th egg and shiny
5IV except SpA Gastly on my 35th egg.
Such is life.
Jung 3625-8302-2409
Quoted By:
>>17834251 But Oval Charm is EZ! What do you need?
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 08:14:52 No. 17834503 Report >>17834181 The shiny charm is a very fickle mistress. I got lucky once and got a shiny yamask and cottonee in like 5 boxes each, I've also had about 30 boxes of tepig with no shiny, took 25 boxes for my glameow.
But then again, I stocked 5 boxes of shinxs, and came out with 3 shinys. Really wish only one of those was shinx and the other two were something different, but oh well.
But since, I've gone about 30 boxes or so with no shiny. I'm rotating between fossils, lileep anorith and omanyte, no luck so far.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17834491 I got my shiny Cottonee after 10boxes,
31/31/31/31/1/31 Cider 3325-2761-7535
I has 7 HA Dream Ball Riolu 4 HA Dream Ball Timburr up for grabs. Prefer to give to people who will breed and redistribute so I can go back to FOSSILS.
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir)
Alice- 4184 1461 2541 (combee, masquerain, pinsir) Tue 04 Feb 2014 08:16:02 No. 17834509 Report Quoted By:
All I know is the the RNG in my game is bending me over, anything at this point is necessary for my sanity.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17834507 I put up for a Timburr.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17834507 I'll take a timburr if i can. I can start breeding it after i'm reading shit for class. Putting up a disc.
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 08:24:40 No. 17834595 Report Quoted By:
>>17833340 ie, a trade with someone whose timezone rarely overlaps with mine that I promised them I'd make, like, a week ago. So yes, important in the sense that I don't want to be a dick. :P
Urgh. I hope I didn't miss anyone's disc. Shit got crazy here for a bit.
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 08:25:56 No. 17834600 Report >>17834545 Yeah, the one Deerling I hatched for my dex was shiny. I honestly didn't even notice the difference until I went to put it in my box and saw the star. I just thought it was supposed to have a pink flower. I just grabbed a random Sawsbuck to breed it though, so it's terrible and will forever sit in my box.
Miryd 2981-7265-4220
Quoted By:
>>17834507 I'll take a riolu. Disc is up.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17834545 Lucky. :(
I've MM'd 3 Gastlys:
Such is life.
But at least I got to do this:
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17834600 RNG Gods are trolls
>>17834605 You had the patience to MM for not one but three Gastlys? *applauds in admiration* currently on 10th? I think box of Emolgas and I'm losing it.
Salt (4055-4199-0524)
An HA Scraggy would be a godsend. Does anyone have one?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17834605 1200+ Eggs :D
Will work on the 4th soon if there ever is a Heavy Ball Gastly.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>17834656 got mine on box 4
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17834656 You sir, are crazy.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17834669 Okay. I'll work on the 4th now if you give me 6IV Female Moon Ball Gastly. :P
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17834679 I think I lost more patience trying to clone more than box full of Eevees than hatching Gastlies.
Gengar is my Pokébro.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>17834680 sure, upload a disc.
IGN: Zee
>>17834639 Do you care about the ball? Because mine is in a timer ball.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17834697 Thanks! Disc up.
I hope I get it in 10 boxes.
Maybe I should work on my Oval and Shiny charm first too.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>17834726 ups, its a gengar, change to it please.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>17834741 god, im sleepy i meant a haunter
Quoted By:
>>17834266 Is this still going? I'd love a HB Snorlax if you're around.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17834741 Oh okay. Changed.
Thanks again!
Salt (4055-4199-0524)
>>17834714 Not at all. Any ball will do. Thanks!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17834748 Ooops okay changing again sorry. Haunter it is.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>17834714 Would you happen to have more than one HA Scraggy? If not it's cool, just wanted to check.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17834778 Thanks so much. I will now be away to breed. Forever.
IGN: Zee
>>17834788 >>17834765 I have exactly two that are female left. They each are jolly with DDance, drain punch, and zen headbutt. But they have been leveled a little due to use in breeding. One is level 10 the other is 21. Is that still ok?
Salt (4055-4199-0524)
>>17834839 That's perfectly fine. As long as it has the HA, i'm fine with anything. disc is up, thanks again.
>>17834839 Perfect, actually. It would be greatly appreciated!
Tony 2509-2454-7996
>>17834788 I have one that's in a Luxury ball. 5iv's missing SPA. It's a male though
IGN: Zee
>>17834855 ok getting on GTS now
>>17834856 make sure your disc is up
IGN: Zee
>>17834903 Thank you very much!
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
>>17834507 i will take a riolu
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17834933 Sorry but Cider went to bed :(
Salt (4055-4199-0524)
>>17834903 The scraggy you sent me doesn't have Intimidate, was this the right one?
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
IGN: Zee
>>17834952 >>17834932 Shit, I forgot intimidate was its hidden ability, not moxie. Sorry about that, looks like I don't have any HA scraggys.
Go ahead and keep the mons though. Sorry.
Munki (IGN:Nick) 3995-7729-0901
>>17834503 can i get a tepig and glameow?
>>17835011 Not a problem at all, it happens
Salt (4055-4199-0524)
>>17835011 no problem, thanks anyway.
>>17834859 Is this scraggy still up for offer? I'd greatly appreciate it if it is
Tony 2509-2454-7996
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17834605 Jeez man and here I thought I was crazy enough to keep going despite getting the shiny. I have to respect your determinant and patience there.
Salt (4055-4199-0524)
>>17835061 put one up. Thanks again
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 09:19:19 No. 17835083 Report Well, I just downloaded bank, so I'll be doing so ballmons we don't have tomorrow.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17835074 That's why I haven't asked for a Love Ball Gastly yet. I'll probably go crazy.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Salt (4055-4199-0524)
>>17835102 It even has egg moves. Thanks heaps, you're the best.
>>17835028 If you're still here, I can quickly breed you one if you like
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17835083 What did North America do to Nintendo..........?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17835083 >Just downloaded bank Wait, what?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17835092 Well at least with Gastly you don't have to worry about ability. I'm going through round 2 of trying to get a shiny HA Zubat (with 31/31/31/xx/31/31) and that 60% bullshit really has me on edge.
>>17835123 You don't have to, but if you don't mind doing so I'll pop up a disc for one
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17835083 Heavy Ball Gastly okay Mattie?
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 09:25:53 No. 17835168 Report >>17835136 It's out for us and the EU, Katherine. ^_^ About 20mins ago?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17835168 I played all previous games r4 and i have yet to get a copy of any of the Gen v games for a reasonable price
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 04 Feb 2014 09:28:28 No. 17835196 Report >>17835018 This was like a month ago, when I first got the shiny charm shortly after bank came out for japan. I've since wonder traded all of my rejects, I wonder trade all my stuff very frequently. So sorry, I don't have any left.
Munki (IGN:Nick) 3995-7729-0901
>>17835168 what is defined as us? AU?
Eric 1864-9299-5543
Quoted By:
>>17835083 I'm literally tearing up. Nintendo plz bank
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17835200 NZ specifically.
Munki (IGN:Nick) 3995-7729-0901
Quoted By:
>>17835196 sad my life. :(
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
Quoted By:
>>17835200 ausfag here. downloading it as of now.
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 09:31:33 No. 17835233 Report >>17835200 NZ Nintendo generally is lumped under Aus management despite being a separate country, so if it's out for us, it's out for the Australian region.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17835233 H-hey guys please don't leave us because Bank is out.
>mfw I don't have Gen 4 or 5. Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17835256 Not even on emulator? Or r4?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17835256 now that its out we can give out better things :)
more shiny eevee for example cough
Salt (4055-4199-0524)
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17835268 Nope. Didn't even plan to play Pokémon Y until it was given to me last Christmas
twice .
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17835321 >twice Nice.
Also means you don't have to worry about you Gen 4 and 5 mons not being able to join you in Kalos =[
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 09:51:00 No. 17835429 Report Okay guys. I'm going to check list what I have on HGSS/BW2 that I can transfer and that I don't think we already have. Friend Ball Sudowoodo Moon Ball Venonat Love Ball Gastly Safari Ball Chansey Love Ball Sandshrew Love Ball Geodude (man, what was I thinking with all these love balls?) Love Ball Clefairy Lure Ball Gligar Friend Ball Weepinbell Moon Ball Hoppip Moon Ball Nidoran f Friend Ball Farfetch'd Sport Ball Paras Moon Ball Swinub Moon Ball Jynx Lure Ball Tentacool Friend Ball Zigzagoon Love Ball Spoink Love Ball Chatot Love Ball Chingling Sport Ball Kricketot Level Ball Buizel Love Ball Meditite Level Ball Diglett Friend Ball Seedot If everyone names one thing they think is really needed, I can whittle the list down to what I'll spread round first.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17835429 Venonat.. want.. moon ball.
you should do moon ball Chingling as well if you can Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17835429 If you want any help, you know I'll be here..
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 10:01:56 No. 17835546 Report Also: Dream Ball HA Spoink Net Ball HA Clamperl Dream Ball HA Rattata Dream Ball HA Staravia Dream Ball HA Snorunt Dream Ball HA Tropius Dream Ball HA Burmy Dream Ball HA Exeggcute Dream Ball HA Drifloon Dream Ball HA Swablu Venonat and Sudowoodo are top priority for me.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17835429 Heavy Ball Gastly or
Love Ball Machop Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17835546 We've already got dream ball Drifloon
IGN: Zee
Quoted By:
>>17835429 Lure Ball Tentacool would be greatly appreciated.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
Quoted By:
>>17835429 love ball chingling
Is fast ball shinx..possible?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17835729 It's possible without bank
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17835429 Ultra Ball Shieldon?
Wait, I think it's a fitting ball for the Pokemon Anonymous
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 10:25:05 No. 17835779 Report Quoted By:
>Bored waiting for Rosa or someone with bank to transfer Shuras hard earned starters from colosseum >go file my taxes online real quick >getback >Nintendo why?
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 10:37:50 No. 17835901 Report >>17835546 these two starters Shura literally just got transferred to gen 5 today
Premier ball Quilava
Repeat ball Bayleef
I have these right now on my White
Will you be the blessed mule? Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 10:40:19 No. 17835926 Report >>17835901 Oh, sure thing. I'll go track down my FC and stuff.
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 10:42:39 No. 17835947 Report >>17835926 sweet, I even made clones if you want to breed for yourself.
Though I wouldn't risk transferring clones at the same time, at least until someone else tries it first.
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 10:45:44 No. 17835973 Report >>17835947 Just familiarising myself with bank and transporter.
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 10:53:36 No. 17836045 Report >>17835973 haha take your time I have hours.
I'm sitting patiently in the poke center in my white right now. IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 10:59:00 No. 17836102 Report >>17836045 1722 1050 7666 Leia. Your White FC?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17836092 Love Ball Machops are withing reach
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:02:38 No. 17836125 Report >>17836102 3139 - 3822 - 3723
you want the clones as well or just the original for transfer right now? So we dont get them confused and everyone can rest easy about hack mons.
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:08:08 No. 17836148 Report >>17836125 Hmmm. Just send the originals, and we can breed and distribute them easily enough. That's what this thread is for. Should see you soon.
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:11:10 No. 17836164 Report >>17836148 alright.
You want a victory island victini in a premier ball for yourself? just because I'm so fucking happy Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Am I to understand that the Pokebank is out everywhere except NA? WHY?!
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:13:30 No. 17836178 Report Quoted By:
>>17836171 obviously because NA is the bestest and biggest. and they want to stagger the releases so bank doesn't stutter and die.
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:15:48 No. 17836187 Report >>17836164 I'm good. I've got Victini coming out the wazoo.
lewd. I'm in the Wifi club now.
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:17:20 No. 17836199 Report >>17836187 i see you.
please ignore the lame name Munki (IGN:Nick) 3995-7729-0901
Quoted By:
>>17836187 gasp! can i have one of your wazoo victinis then? :)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:18:24 No. 17836203 Report >>17836199 That's odd, I don't see you. Maybe try talking to me? What's your name?
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Well. My boxes are ready for the impending deliciousness. I spent like the last 3 hours just reorganizing everything.
If only I could just delete these stupid 3 boxes of eggs >>17835582 Did you ever get those nest ball bulbasaurs? I'm considering if I want to go hunt for a Ivysaur safari.
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:21:11 No. 17836223 Report >>17836214 I'm already breeding HP Fire Nest Ball Bulbas, I could supply some, but I'm distracted right now.
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:21:27 No. 17836227 Report Quoted By:
>>17836203 9Tailed gen V wifi sucks though.
i saw you leave... but not return
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
Quoted By:
>>17836223 Oh, goodie. Can I wait for one of those when you're not otherwise preoccupied with bring glory to the world?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17836223 Bulbasaur is also my bro. Want dat.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
any requests for pokebank ? got it up and running
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>17836295 Knock off Pawniard would be nice ;_;
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17836295 Hyper Voice Eevee or Ralts?
Ballmon related, got nothing
Eric 1864-9299-5543
>>17836295 Hyper voice Gardevoir?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17836300 talking about special egg moves and pokeballs
giving knock off pawniard will require me to gen 1
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:35:31 No. 17836309 Report Okay, who wants to disc up and breed and distribute one of the following? Love Ball Miltank Friend Ball Sudowoodo Moon Ball Venonat I'll be giving you the originals, so will definitely want to grab one back off you. Only trusted regulars need apply.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17836295 Love ball Jumpluff and moon ball Chinchou
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:36:47 No. 17836318 Report >>17836295 >>17836223 if you transfer event legends that you went and downloaded legit and basically everything is 100% true when the finally get to your pokemon cart does the dex info change from a pokeball to a kalos pentagon or does it stay the same?
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17836309 I'll do the Miltanks. Easy enough, and now I have the space too.
>>17836309 If I didn't have to go to school in a bit I'd take one.
>>17836314 Don't we have that chinchou ?
Bank is killing my chances at jewing cherubi's for my dex.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17836302 >>17836306 ball nature and ability ?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17836309 I can do Venonat but I won't be able to start for another hour
I swear I'm not running off >>17836320 Chingling oops
>>17836320 Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17836314 Yea, we have the moon ball chinchou, but I second the love ball Jumpluff.
Eric 1864-9299-5543
Quoted By:
>>17836322 Love ball, timid, trace <3
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:38:07 No. 17836329 Report >>17836318 It was loooooooooong ago confirmed that the Kalos pentagon only applies to mons caught in the Kalos region, so no, no unhacked banked Pokemon should have that pentagon on it.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17836322 Moon Ball, Timid, Trace
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:39:32 No. 17836350 Report >>17836319 Cool. Disc up. ^_^
>>17836324 Can you disc up for it now?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17836318 pentagon =/= legit checker
all pentagon does is tell if the pokemon was cought or hatched in kalos
>>17836314 will do, want any egg moves?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17836350 Yep, going up
>>17836353 If you can then sure
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17836295 Heavy Ball Gastly and Love Ball Machop
31/31/30/30/31/30 Korean Ditto
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17836353 In Case you didn't see, i meant Chingling, not Chinchou
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17836350 It's up.
>>17836364 Actually, I want a 31/31/31/31/31/0 ditto more.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
ill be taking notes, reply to this post to center it all in 1 place. pokemon you want, type of ball, egg/tutor/etc moves, nature, ability. bank having issues atm might need to do it in the evening
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:42:47 No. 17836396 Report >>17836360 >>17836325 Sent. :) Got to Bank another batch for those Johto starters. My boxes weren't prepared.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17836322 Are you going to gen them or catch them in the wild?
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:43:08 No. 17836400 Report Quoted By:
>>17836329 damn well i'll breed that quilava if you'll let me everyone deserves one as soon as possible
especially me >>17836353 yeah i know people could hack it early on it just bothers me that now I need to wait for all the events again
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17836378 I prefer 31/31/30/30/31/30 but 31/31/31/31/31/0 would be nice.
Breeding is all I like in this game. :|
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17836399 kurt balls i will gen, stuff i can get in white 2 i can catch.
special move tutor request will have to be genned, i wont be breeding for 5 iv ralts then teach it hyper voice :)
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17836395 Hoppip: love ball, timid (?), amnesia, encore, cotton guard and aromatherapy
Chingling: moon ball, curse, disable, wish, skill swap
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:48:15 No. 17836447 Report two dicks that were taunting me just got "server is locked" error they were using hacked mons though anyone else getting that?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17836430 Didn't know you were a Eurobro too.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17836396 Thanks, will be back soon to distribute.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17836474 I'm not a Eurobro but you guys are doing Arceus' work. Godspeed!
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17836430 Okay, I just want to know how you're going to handle the whole thing. Good luck with all the requests.
BTW, since you'll be genning some of the Pokemon I was wondering if you could make the Moon Ball Ralts shiny. If that's too much for you then I understand.
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 11:59:32 No. 17836524 Report Quoted By:
>>17836447 Finally transferred Quilava, will get it to you now.
Anyone want to do Bayleef?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17836512 it will be shiny caught in heart gold at level 11
trying to make sure it will pass the pokebank check.
some pokemon doesnt
Eric 1864-9299-5543
>>17836395 Ah, I missed this.
Ralts (F), Love Ball, Hyper Voice/Trick/Encore/Destiny Bond, Timid, Trace [shiny if possible]
You're doing a grand deed.
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:03:41 No. 17836556 Report >>17836447 The Ribbon prevents me from trading on the GTS. Might see if I can quickly breed a female.
Eric 1864-9299-5543
Quoted By:
>>17836542 >>17836553 Oh. If it will be caught then forget encore/dbond
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:06:17 No. 17836574 Report >>17836556 ah ok I'll change the luvdisc out then, are you using lime? I have that one on my acquaintences i think if you dont get a female
Adelicia 3754-8108-5746
Quoted By:
>>17836542 Any chance I could get one of these hyper voice Ralts in a moonball too? I've been MM-ing Ralts for a week now to no avail
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17836542 Oh many thank there. Let's hope that passes through Pokebank
>Hatch another Shiny Zubat >It has 31/31/31/xx/31/31 in IVs >Inner Focus ........
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17836576 >Inner Focus Zubat grats :D
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17836576 >Another How long this time?
Eric 1864-9299-5543
Quoted By:
>>17836576 It may have the wrong ability but that's still a great hatch. Congrats!
Bluffing infiltrator > having infiltrator
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
>>17836576 i will gladly take this trash off your hands :)
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17836611 Roughly 7 hours after the first one.
My autism wouldn't let me sleep another I get a better one Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:15:08 No. 17836640 Report >>17836574 I'm not Lime.
But everyone is Lime. NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:17:08 No. 17836659 Report >>17836640 But if everyone is lime then who am I? Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:18:08 No. 17836667 Report Quoted By:
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>17836640 Archimandlime
i can dig it
btw just little heads up, stuff like hyper voice ralts/eevee and things that cant be bread in x/y
will be my last priority as of tommarow.
ill give 1 of each to lime/gabriel if they want to clone for ppl.
ill prefer to get special balls first to ppl that intrested to breed them
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17836640 Except me!
I'm Not Lime >>17836670 Sure. If I had a
6IV Heavy Ball Gastly I'd breed the fuck out of it though. :D
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:23:40 No. 17836705 Report Quoted By:
>>17836686 >thinks she's not Lime Katherine 5300-9372-9430
I'm not starting yet but any ideas for egg moves on Venonat? I was thinking giga drain, morning sun, toxic spikes and one more which I can't decide.
Odin IGN !!FdiFGhScWuz
Quoted By:
Anyone using bank right now?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17836395 Pawniard (m), luxury ball, knock off/sucker punch/stealth rocks/pursuit, adamant, defiant
shiny too if it isn't too much trouble ;-; Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:26:17 No. 17836731 Report >>17836706 Baton Pass. It's a Quiver Dancer.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17836706 Might do baton pass
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17836731 >Quiver dance >Level 63 Whhhhhhy
Eric 1864-9299-5543
>>17836751 You can heart scale it.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>17836706 Baton Pass. Tinted Lens or Wonder Skin are both good ability
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17836759 Oh.
thank God >>17836760 Moon ball +wonder skin isn't possible so tinted lens.
Alright, I've got to go do some stuff. Be back soon ~
Takehiko (3909-7742-0854)
Can someone throw a Paras at me?
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>17836781 Oh sorry, I thought you was breeding it within XY.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17836783 Yes.
would you like it in your face? Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:33:04 No. 17836802 Report Quoted By:
>>17836781 Has a defensive and offensive set. It's great with HP Ground, but I see 4 moveslot issues. Quiver Dance is a given, then...
Bug Buzz
Energy Ball
HP Ground
But with fairies around now, it almost wants to run Sludge Bomb.... ...Almost. Doesn't really help the coverage though. Tinted Lens is wonderful.
Takehiko (3909-7742-0854)
>>17836796 Oh thanks.
Well, as long as it doesn't hit me in the eyes. Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
alright im done having requests for now, need to transfer it all first.
Bru (IGN: Az) 4742-5607-3054
Would anyone mind parting with a Hitmontop? I need one to complete my dex and I'm pulling my hair out trying to get one.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Eric 1864-9299-5543
>>17836783 >>17836796 >>17836805 Guys, be careful.
PETA might be lurking Bru (IGN: Az) 4742-5607-3054
>>17836820 It's up, thanks a million! Very much appreciated.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17836825 You mean
Team Plasma? Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:39:13 No. 17836855 Report >>17836659 Are you still here. I just hatched a timid female Cynda. Disc up. Gonna nod off pretty soon, so wouldn't hurt to hurry. :P
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper
NTD Prime 4640-0253-6359 Garbodor Whirlipede Seviper Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:39:58 No. 17836860 Report Quoted By:
>>17836855 disc has been up it says premier baltism
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17836805 Is your disc up yet? I wasn't lying about having to go off and do things..
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:43:21 No. 17836883 Report I got two more premier ball Cynda females in that batch if anyone wants them. No egg moves, but you can transfer those of a male Repeat/Timer Ball one.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17836883 I'll grab one and get some egg moves on. Discing up.
Takehiko (3909-7742-0854)
>>17836877 Oh, yeah, sorry
It's up
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17836883 I'll throw up a disc for one
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17836893 Still don't see. I'll check again when I get back.
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:53:39 No. 17836980 Report Quoted By:
Okay guys, I'm heading to bed. Too tired to do more. Good luck, I hope I've done my bit for the evening. Back with more after sleep.
Takehiko (3909-7742-0854)
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>>17836968 Alright, I'll take it down and put it back up
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>17836891 Got an extra male so I can pass egg moves as well?
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice/Lime 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Tue 04 Feb 2014 12:56:36 No. 17837006 Report Quoted By:
>>17836990 >>17836891 Just pass the male around between you.
My kind of lewd. Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 04 Feb 2014 13:07:03 No. 17837109 Report Quoted By:
New thread when plz
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
A fucking new chapter for GTS Giveaway now that Bank is out for some. I'm excited.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 04 Feb 2014 13:17:58 No. 17837235 Report Quoted By:
>>17837228 I'm worried I'll make a new thread.
Slowpokie - 1822-0355-8729 IGN: Apple
>>17836990 Oh sorry, was watching shows and wasn't paying attention. Sure, I can share a male with you. Throw up a disc.
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
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some of the pokemon didnt go through, i will need to recheck them and make the more legit
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Tue 04 Feb 2014 13:22:32 No. 17837285 Report Quoted By:
>>17837271 NEW THREAD>>17837271 NEW THREAD>>17837271 NEW THREAD Takehiko (3909-7742-0854)
Quoted By:
>>17837228 It'll probably be up for America next month then.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
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>Tfw American Should I still do the giveaway?