Heya /vp/. I got a shit ton of Misdreavus. They all have 5ivs and the egg moves Nasty Plot and Destiny Bond. I have: 29 only missing Attack 29 only missing HP 17 only missing Sp.Def 14 only missing Speed 13 only missing Defense 11 only missing Sp.Atk They're of mixed genders so just leave your friend code and ask for what you want.
>>17831730 I can have one missing attack (female if posible) OP?
I'll give you a Female Mawile in love ball (5ivs) w/ fire, ice fang seismic toss with a heart scale attached
which one do you suggest I take? I really don't know what to do with it build wise but I really like this pokemon
Quoted By:
Can I have a one missing attack?
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17831819 Sure sounds great. I needed a heart scale for an Arcanine anyways.
Quoted By:
>>17831952 added, going online
send me a trade request when you are ready
syd 0962 - 9881 - 7306
i can give you a 5IV timid noibat for a missing attack one, is that alright? female is preferred but idrc
Quoted By:
>>17831952 Thanks OP i hope you like the mawile
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17831936 That is a good question. You can do a curse/destiny bond suicide thing (using any missing speed or sp.atk with shadow sneak) or use nasty plot and shadow balland dazzling gleam for a special nuke (using anything with both speed and sp.atk). No clue what item
>>17831730 Would you take a phione for a male missing attack?
Hunter 1134-7456-9393 (Gumpig, Sigilyph, Iforgot)
Hunter 1134-7456-9393 (Gumpig, Sigilyph, Iforgot) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:39:27 No. 17832114 Report >>17831730 Could I get one of the ones missing speed? If you have a female that'd be awesome
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17832038 Sure. Just trying to get rid of the little bastards.
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17832114 Sure man. I'll have it ready soon
Hunter 1134-7456-9393 (Gumpig, Sigilyph, Iforgot)
Hunter 1134-7456-9393 (Gumpig, Sigilyph, Iforgot) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:45:41 No. 17832258 Report Quoted By:
>>17832219 Cool, I can give you a 5IV Modest Squirtle With Aura Sphere and Dragon pulse only missing HP if that's cool
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17832089 Absolutely. I don't have one yet
Luna 4098-3112-1798
>>17832269 I can either give you the egg right now, or you can wait for me to hatch it
Loki [3007-8221-6228]
>>17831730 Can I have one missing attack, gender doesn't matter too much, but I'd prefer female.
Hunter 1134-7456-9393 (Gumpig, Sigilyph, Iforgot)
Hunter 1134-7456-9393 (Gumpig, Sigilyph, Iforgot) Tue 04 Feb 2014 05:48:59 No. 17832326 Report Quoted By:
>>17831730 Are they in moon ballls? Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17832289 Ill take the egg thanks.
>>17832297 And I'll have one ready for you too
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17832332 Safari Balls actually. Sorry
Luna 4098-3112-1798
>>17832348 Fuck yeah, I already had a female moon ball one but it was only 4 ivs. Now I can breed myself a special nuke
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17832445 Make sure you tear shit up with it for me. What item would you use for that anyways?
Luna 4098-3112-1798
>>17832489 life orb or lefties
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>17831730 I'll take a female missing attack please! :D
Luna 4098-3112-1798
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17832517 Sure. I'll get it out to you
>>17832504 That's what I figured
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17832656 Okay I have it already and am online.
Also, if I have enough left-overs I'll probably do this again tomorrow so if you people out there dont get one you'll have more chances in the future.
Tasmin 2638-1076-0215
Could I take a missing attack one please?
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17832837 Sure. Ready to go too
E 5413 0327 7876
hey op, do you still have one missing speed? much appreciated
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
i would very much like one of the ones missing attack, please.
Elix 1091-8378-6461
Hi, i'd love a female missing attack!
Tasmin 2638-1076-0215
Quoted By:
Thank you very much!
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
Quoted By:
>>17833038 can we make that female as well?
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17833005 Yes Ill have it ready.
>>17833038 Sure. And not just because I love Archer
Calem 1392-5188-6251
>>17831730 I'd love one missing attack, but any of the would be great.
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
Quoted By:
>>17833111 thank you man.
i've only just caught up to season 4. Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17833049 Ill have it to you soon
>>17833165 Sure. One second
Garfunklng 0791-2296-0317 (Spiritomb,Phantump,Shuppet)
Garfunklng 0791-2296-0317 (Spiritomb,Phantump,Shuppet) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:50:59 No. 17833477 Report Am I too late to get one of these bad boys? Ill take whatever I'd prefer a minus attack but ill take whatever.
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17833477 One without attack coming right up!
Jeanne - 3969-4755-9695
Can I get one without attack? A female?
I'd love to have a female missing attack one, surprise surprise, but i'll take what you got, thanks!
Calem 1392-5188-6251
Quoted By:
>>17833218 Thanka OP, really appreciate it.
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17833505 >>17833509 See both of you. I'll add you as soon as I can
Junior 3368-2490-1973
Can i grab one with attack Please?
Garfunklng 0791-2296-0317 (Spiritomb,Phantump,Shuppet)
Garfunklng 0791-2296-0317 (Spiritomb,Phantump,Shuppet) Tue 04 Feb 2014 06:57:11 No. 17833568 Report >>17833497 thank you good sir. you are a saint
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17833550 I assume you mean without attack?
>>17833568 Yeah I'm pretty great
Junior 3368-2490-1973
Quoted By:
>>17833550 missing that is
Junior 3368-2490-1973
>>17833604 Yeah i did, my bad. bit tired
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17833637 Okay. I'll have you added
sledge 0962-9186-8630
1848-2684-2264 abel
>>17831730 One without attack would be cool, dont have anything decent to give tho ;~;
>>17833604 For some reason it keeps giving me an error. It gave me offline errors when trying to register your code as well.
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17833653 Way more than I know what to do with, buddy.
Junior 3368-2490-1973
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17833676 Yeah I seem to be having some sort of connectivity issue. Just keep trying
sledge 0962-9186-8630
>>17833678 Can I get one without atk? :D
Jeanne - 3969-4755-9695
>>17831730 >>17833604 Thanks, and thanks for being so patient I don't know what the fuck is up with my connection right now.
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17833657 Okay. I will get to you asap
Junior 3368-2490-1973
Quoted By:
>>17833725 Ah never added your friend code man am i messing up
1848-2684-2264 abel
>>17833725 Thanks a lot bro!
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17833708 Sure. Just working through the backlog
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17833757 Hey, I can't seem to add your FC. Says it's not valid
IGN-Vincent 4957-2781-6550 *Ghost
>>17831730 Please OP! you still giving away any with only missing attack I'd be very grateful!
Male or Female, I guess it doesnt matter, females transfer moves right?
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17833716 It's no biggie. Shit happens. By the way, is your name and message a No More Heroes reference?
1848-2684-2262 abel
>>17833779 Shoot its a 2 at the end not a 4. I fixed it
Junior 3368-2490-1973
Quoted By:
>>17833779 Many thanks felix, enjoy the egg move chimchar, no idea what ivs are on it
Felix 3695-0280-4732
>>17833815 Sure get em while they last
>>17833822 Okay. Should be ready soon
IGN-Vincent 4957-2781-6550 *Ghost
>>17833886 thank you so much!
1848-2684-2262 abel
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17833937 No trouble. Already got a hexa one from breeding so I don't need them
Felix 3695-0280-4732
Quoted By:
>>17833964 You're welcome too
And if there's no one else I think this is where I call it for tonight ladies and gentlemen. I will be back on tomorrow to try and unload the rest of them. See ya then!