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Quoted By:
>give out breeding rejects on /int/ a few days ago
>one kind Anon trades a Misdreavus
>breed the Midsreavus, trade its offspring on the GTS for a Koffing
>breed the Koffing, 6IV female after just two generations
>today Pokébank is released
>finally transfer the 2–3IV Koffings I painstakingly bred in Emerald months
>worthless because I'm drowning in 5IV Koffings as it is, and have raised my competitive Weezing already
Why couldn't you have released this just a week earlier, Nintendo?
>one kind Anon trades a Misdreavus
>breed the Midsreavus, trade its offspring on the GTS for a Koffing
>breed the Koffing, 6IV female after just two generations
>today Pokébank is released
>finally transfer the 2–3IV Koffings I painstakingly bred in Emerald months
>worthless because I'm drowning in 5IV Koffings as it is, and have raised my competitive Weezing already
Why couldn't you have released this just a week earlier, Nintendo?