[74 / 3 / ?]
Alright faggots, I have A box full of 4iv Togepi and a box of 5 iv Togepi, with various natures and nothing to do for a few hours If you want a 4 iv togepi throw a mon up on GTS with the msg " /vp/ togepi" or something and leave your ign here. want a 5iv? make me a trade offer, If I really like you I might thrown in an ability capsule. In addition, 14 Chimchars, all jolly, with Thunder/fire punch, Half have their HA. Iv's have not been checked but should be between 4-5. Make me an offer before I sacrifice them to the wonder trade gods!
3497-0901-1773 James
Im willing to trade you personally a shiny goodra forbone with the ability capsule???
John 2363-6540-6603 Psychic [Abra, Espurr, Gothoritta]
John 2363-6540-6603 Psychic [Abra, Espurr, Gothoritta] Tue 04 Feb 2014 17:53:10 No. 17840694 Report I can give ya a 5IV Helioptile for a 5IV Togepi :]
Adam 3394-3668-9668
Could I offer you a 5IV Timid ghastly and a 5IV Timid Noibat with Tailwind and Switcheroo for a chimchar and a 5IV togepi?
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402 (Magmar, Slugma, Braixen)
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402 (Magmar, Slugma, Braixen) Tue 04 Feb 2014 17:54:08 No. 17840710 Report >tfw only have a riolu with blaze kick, sky uppercut, endure and bullet punch with 5 IVs to offer for a chimchar if you do, however, want to trade this riolu for one of your chimchars, i'd be glad to do so
Max 4570-7285-2618
>>17840626 Would love an HA Chimchar :) will put a petilil on gts with /vp/ chimchar
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17840667 what's the spread on the goodra?
>>17840694 have one for breeding already
>>17840695 I have a ghastly already but I will trade you one for the Noibat.
>>17840710 I have a few 6iv lucario for breeding already sorry
>>17840715 th GTS giveaway is for just the Togepi since I have far more of them
Max 4570-7285-2618
>>17840752 ok my mistake, will put up for a togepi then
Adam 3394-3668-9668
>>17840752 What about 5 IV eevee instead of the Ghastly?
Added you by the way.
3497-0901-1773 James
>> 17840027 Heres a pic of it
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17840793 sorry I have tons of eevee too.
>>17840769 not seeing it.
Max 4570-7285-2618
>>17840816 it's up and hasn't been traded yet
Adam 3394-3668-9668
>>17840816 Erm, well, I've got:
5IV Mawile
5IV Cottonee
5IV Protean Froakie
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17840829 traded
>>17840846 na nothing I'm looking for, but I'll trade you one or the other for Noibat
Adam 3394-3668-9668
>>17840892 Hmmm, could I go for a 5IV HA chimchar?
CD [3196-4144-6755]
Quoted By:
>>17840906 If that's what makes you happy buddy.
CD [3196-4144-6755]
Quoted By:
>>17840906 I also have no idea if its 4 or 5 iv, you'll have to check for yourself.
CD [3196-4144-6755]
Max 4570-7285-2618
>>17840892 thanks, appreciated!
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17841004 no problem
If anyone wants to help me out I am looking for a porygon.
eve 1676-3829-2028
Quoted By:
>>17841140 I'd love a togepi, and I have a porygon. added you
Damn I'd love a Togepi. I'll throw a Solosis up on the GTS with "/vp/ CD" as the description.
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17841140 absolutly, added.
Also your avatar shall haunt my dreams for months, so thanks for that I guess
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17841272 thanks anon! glad I could help you out
and haunt your dreams CD [3196-4144-6755]
Quoted By:
>>17841359 totally, glad to be of service.
Natalie Y [FC here]
>>17841321 Hey OP you around? I just sent a
female Cyndaquil into the GTS for you if you want it
Natalie Y 0619-4573-2717
Quoted By:
>>17841427 Updating with FC
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17841427 not seeing it. Already have all the bank starters but its appreciated.
Natalie Y 0619-4573-2717
>>17841504 Hmm then just trade I guess? I dont really care for the IVs I just one for Wish breeding, though I think I can use Swirlix already for the same purpose
CD [3196-4144-6755]
Quoted By:
>>17841556 if you want it that badly sure. add me
>giveways when everyone has Bank now lol you fucking pathetic attentionwhoring faggot, fuck off. Even hacked pokecheck pokemons can go through.
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17841660 nice bait faggot. I can give away whatever the fuck I like.
Natalie Y 0619-4573-2717
>>17841681 Sorry got distracted elsehwere. Its no big deal really, if you're gone. but im ready
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17842122 I added you already, wo whenever you feel like trading.
dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>17842308 sorry missed a bunch
do you have any togepi's left?
I have houndour (moon ball), swirlix unburden belly drum, yamask, a tailow in a lure ball
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17842363 I sure do. I'll gladly trade you for the swirlix and/or Tailow.
>>17842432 I am 99% sure one is a 5IV
so a 5IV togepi please
gts or FC?
dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>17842432 whoops
thought I had it up
have an 5IV unburden bell drum swirlix
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17842454 >>17842501 I'll trade you a 5iv one for the swirlix, add me.
dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
>>17842515 did you have a serene grace togepi? <3
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17842565 yeah I do, I can trade you back for one.
dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17842622 no problem?
Any other takers? I guess with bank out in europe no one wants legit breeding leftovers anymore.
>>17840626 Hey I'm going to throw a breeding leftover eevee up for a 4 IV one. Thanks!
My ign in Luke
So I'm kind of new to the game but I have a level one Deino with stats 12/6/6/6/6/6, Bashful, Hustle and highly persistent, would that be worth one of these Togepis? Also, could they be named?
aallnn77 1864-9967-2028
>>17842784 Still have any togepi's left op? If so I'll take any female off your hands.
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17842935 I'm gonna help you out here. lvl one stats mean nothing,. go talk to the IV rater in Kiloude City. he tells you the stats the pokemon excels in.
and yes I can nickname them.
>>17842915 Ill trade for one if I ever see it.
>>17842951 I have a ton left. if you want a 5 iv one make me a trade offer, if you want a 4 iv one put a mon up on GTS for trade and let me know here, not sure how many are female but its bound to be a few.
aallnn77 1864-9967-2028
>>17843005 Just a 4iv one is fine. Just put my gible up on the gts.
CD [3196-4144-6755]
Quoted By:
>>17843053 I got you son
>>17842915 cant find it.
3497-0901-1773 James
>>17840752 Sorry man I went to town had some bills to pay but yeah heres a link for the goodra if still interested for the trade with ability capsule.
>>17840027 CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17843216 what's it's ive spread?
3497-0901-1773 James
>>17843261 Honest to goodness I have no clue and no idea to finding out either. Im still new to this and it was a chance encounter after I accidentally killed a goomy and wanted to catch one.
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17843288 go talk to the IV rater in Kiloude City pokemon center. he tells you the stats the pokemon excels in.
3497-0901-1773 James
>>17843307 Thats the issue I havent even beaten the game yet cuz im wanting all shiny team and just need one more.
Reb 0232 - 8901 - 0348
OP, a 5IV Shuppet with Destiny Bond for a 5IV Togepi?
Fisher 3153-3770-9337 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita)
Fisher 3153-3770-9337 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita) Tue 04 Feb 2014 20:56:37 No. 17843434 Report Interested in a 5iv Magikarp?
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17843337 sweet jesus really? I would use an IV checker but I have no idea how its trained. so no thanks
>>17843343 sure Ill add you after the battle I'm in.
>>17843434 no
>>17843388 did you put something up? because I need to know the mon
Reb 0232 - 8901 - 0348
>>17843517 Ok, just added you. I'll be waiting.
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17843343 ready when you are
CD [3196-4144-6755]
Reb 0232 - 8901 - 0348
>>17843672 You added me? You are not showing up online on my friend's list.
CD [3196-4144-6755]
Quoted By:
>>17843784 weird, either way thanks for the Shuppet
So the 4IV Togepis are essentially free?
CD [3196-4144-6755]
Quoted By:
>>17844045 if you can read, then yes!
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17844045 if you're new to english, the term "giveaway" more often than not implies free
Chasen 2766-9079-9257 Psychic(Xatu-Sigilyph-Grumpig)
Chasen 2766-9079-9257 Psychic(Xatu-Sigilyph-Grumpig) Tue 04 Feb 2014 21:54:12 No. 17844495 Report >>17844429 I have 5iv froakies if you're interested for a chimchar
Colm 4785 5196 8509
could i give you a 5iv adamant spiritomb for a 5iv togepi?
CD [3196-4144-6755]
>>17844495 no thanks, got froakies for days
>>17844539 yes! yes you may.
Park 1736-1319-5391
You still got Togepi's? If you do, I put up an Electrike, ign is Park.
Colm 4785 5196 8509
>>17844575 alright adding you now
CD [3196-4144-6755]
Colm 4785 5196 8509