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Blue Love Giveaway

!cyQDRmF4kI No.17851117 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /vp/ i got Pokebank and i'm willing to help you people.
So i'm trowing 15 6IV Dittos to the GTS for you.
Just send to the GTS one Mon and with in the details.
Post here your data and i'll trow you one Ditto in your way.
I only have 15, so you can fight in the thread to win one if you want, or be sure to be fast enought.
Also if you give me reasons of why i should give you one Ditto after the 15 first are gone, maybe i can Bank one more ditto for you.

I'll be back in 10 minutes, to start the giveaway so post meanwhile.
So let's get this started.