I'll trade any pokébank mon for a pinsirite. I'll make it look 100% legit and you can name movesets, EV spreads, anything you want as long as they're from gen 1-5. Actually, you can name 3 Pokémon. Just name 'em and they're yours.
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445 Wed 05 Feb 2014 09:10:49 No. 17856876 Report I'll take that deal. Give me a few minutes to edit my time and go get it though
sure. Buneary lvl 5 elemental punches and flawless. Cranidos lvl 5 elemental punches Yamask lvl 5 I'm resetting the my game and you can have mine.
>>17856744 >Reshiram, Kyurem Vicini pls gibe for pinsirite. too much to ask? Anonymous
>>17856876 Alright. Any Poke in particular you want me to make so I can git to work on it?
>>17856878 Ah, someone else already took the deal, but I'm all for another deal. Is there another mega stone you'd be willing to part with?
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>>17856890 i only collected the pinsir one as i was breeding them, No worries.
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>>17856888 Do you have another mega stone? Another anon is already giving pinsirite.
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445 Wed 05 Feb 2014 09:14:47 No. 17856903 Report Anonymous
>>17856890 Garchompite, Obamsnite, Tyrantarite, pretty much any x-clusive stone
>>17856888 Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17856910 I'd like Tyrannitarite please.
>>17856903 On it. Here's my ign and shit
It'll be on my Pokémon Y in about 5-10 minutes
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445 Wed 05 Feb 2014 09:20:24 No. 17856943 Report Quoted By:
>>17856929 Alright I just grabbed the pinsirite and I'll add you now
1736-1496-3647 (IGN:Calem)
>>17856929 alright T-tarite for
>>17856888 ?
adding send a TR when ready. Could you also make the Kyurem shiny please?
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
Quoted By:
>>17856958 Sure think mate. I'll do you after this batch is traded over.
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17856958 About Shiny Kyurem, You can't trade that over. It was never released.
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445 Wed 05 Feb 2014 09:27:19 No. 17856991 Report >>17856979 I ran into one earlier on the battle spot so I'm questioning if that's true or not
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/50nk0p8z2tuhjuj/LjJbX-O2iI Here's a whole folder of things that should go through if you want some for yourself
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
Quoted By:
>>17856979 Oops, never mind.
1736-1496-3647 (IGN:Calem)
>>17856979 A normal one'll work. I feel stupid now
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17856993 Nah, I think you can actually have a shiny Kyurem. I'll try to transfer one after I send my batch (now on my retail black) over to bank and then to Rick.
1736-1496-3647 (IGN:Calem)
>>17857004 cool, thanks OP. Will attach a few pp up as well for your time
Hey, OP, can I have a timid 6iv Keldeo? Want any megastones?
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17856991 Thanks for the list, shoot me a trade. I'm ready to hand your mons over.
>>17857038 Cool!
>>17857047 Any stones in particular you have in mind?
>>17857060 I have two of most of them, so I can give any. I just need that Keldeo, just it man ;_;
>>17857060 One second, a random passerby challenged my honor and I must defend it
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17857070 Uhm, what's the X counterpart for houndoomite?
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17857092 Okay but try to finish him off quickly. Other people are waiting for their mons too.
>>17857106 Manectite. Want one?
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17857129 Yes! I do. Do you want anything along with your Keldeo? A legendary, or just a perfect mon?
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445 Wed 05 Feb 2014 09:48:03 No. 17857165 Report Quoted By:
Smogon bird just saved my ass, all done now
>>17857138 Let me see...you know, it's not for me, it's for my girlfriend. As she loves Jirachi, can you also give me one? And you can throw a Knock Off Guts Adamant 6iv Timburr there too? Thanks a lot, I feel the megastone is not enough to thank you.
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17857173 It's no problem really.. Just send me some item or a good breeding mon if you want to thank me.
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445
Rick (Sneasel, Snorunt, Dewgong) 0705 2854 5445 Wed 05 Feb 2014 09:52:54 No. 17857207 Report Quoted By:
>>17857198 Thanks bro, sorry about the battle, I didn't know how long I had
Quoted By:
>>17857198 Let me see what I have here!
OP, I don't have much, sadly. Can you accept a male Prankster Sableye with 5ivs? Missing Sp Attack. And I can throw a Master Ball too.
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
Now transferring over Shiny kyurem,reshiram, Victini, Keldeo, Jirachi and Timburr.
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17857276 's all good anon. Post your code so I can add you in a minute.
Quoted By:
>>17857293 4613 7104 8110. IGN is Gicba. Adding you too!
1736-1496-3647 (IGN:Calem)
>>17857287 sweet.
>tfw no bank yet Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17857360 No worries anon. Soon.
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
Quoted By:
>>17857366 Okay, that was the last mon onto my retail cartridge. Time to send 'em over to bank and start adding you folks. Ozai 4227-1915-3134
Getting on. Either one of you shoot me a trade.
>>17857418 Thank you so much, man. You're the best.
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
Quoted By:
>>17857441 Don't worry about it man. Thanks for the extra master ball. Godspeed, anon.
1736-1496-3647 (IGN:Calem)
>>17857418 Thank you based Fire Lord
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17857458 >mfw my "friends" in X/Y call me that Anonymous
>>17857466 Not entirely sure whats going on but are you still transfering?
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17857517 What? Did you make a request?
>>17857535 I'm wondering if you'd take my request. What stones are you looking for?
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17857555 I don't know. I gues Mewtwonite X if you want to part with it?
>>17857566 I have Y though.
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17857578 Hmm, well I guess I can transfer one mon to you for a good item? Autism capsule? Master ball? Assault vest etc?
Going to take a shower first though.
>>17857646 I can get you an assault vest. My request is easy anyway. All I want is a level 30 careful poison heal gliscor named Bruce with 4 perfect ivs.
>>17857692 The request might be easy but getting it into the game takes WAY too long for such a simple request. Breeding one of the fuckers would almost be faster.
>>17857834 Can't get sneaky pebbles on it since its not an egg move. If its too much trouble then its fine bro. I'll just wait till pokebank comes out in the states.
Ozai 4227-1915-3134
>>17857853 No worries, I'll do it. Along with some legendaries for dex filler. Give me half an hour and I'll be done.
>>17857880 Alright I'm ready add me and we can trade.
>just realized I forgot to ask for stealth rock on him aallnn77 1864-9967-2028
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Wed 05 Feb 2014 12:09:18 No. 17858131 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Knock Off/Sucker Punch Defiant Pawniard? I'll gib most things for it. p-pls
aallnn77 1864-9967-2028
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>>17857880 Alright I'm going to sleep since its late as fuck. I'll check if the threads still up later. I already added you by the way.