[41 / 5 / ?]
>I know it’s petty, but it really irritates me how nobody ever goes to Bulbagarden for breaking pokémon news. It’s always Serebii or PokéJungle or PokéBeach, but never Bulbagarden, even though all of those other sites, in some way, try to mimic Bulbagarden or Bulbapedia’s style of delivering information. We break the exact same news at the exact same time from the exact same sources, yet even on our own Facebook page we get people telling other commenters to “go to Serebii for confirmation” when it takes us 0.02358734 seconds longer to post something because people are incapable of typing at twice the speed of light, and that’s not counting the time we actually take to confirm that what we’re saying is complete and accurate to the best of our knowledge and ability. No fan site has any authority to confirm anything, and no site is any more or less credible than any other. If Serebii or PJ or WPM couldn’t update their sites for some reason, the news would still break. Bulbagarden does have a Facebook page, a Twitter account, another Twitter account dedicated to breaking news, and even a Tumblr page, all of which you should totally be following, and at least has the advantage of having multiple moderators for all of its social media sites across many time zones, but no one ever seems to believe anything until Serebii posts about it, and that just makes me sad.
Have they reported on Murrica Bank yet?
>>17861228 Difference is, Serebii has it on his site, they don't.
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>>17861239 Give them another 0.02358734 seconds.
>>17861203 hue
Bulbapedo tooks weeks to get any X and Y info up, and then they just stole it all off Serebii. Nobody goes to Bulbapedo because they're shit. Whoever wrote that is talking out of their ass. They're late on everything. Also, who wants to support a paedophile?
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>>17861203 We are also aware that Bulbapedo has multiple errors when it comes to items and information, right? Serebii at least does a quick check.
>>17861271 when did he admit he was a paedophile? not denying it, just asking.
>>17861326 it's common knowledge that was a secret forum that had underage photos on it, there's also a screenshot of him on here saying "age is just a number". i don't have the pics, but yeah it's confirmed that he loves kids.
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>>17861271 >who wants to support a paedophile? >wheredoyouthinkyouare.jpg Anonymous
>>17861271 They still lack so much XY stuff. All Bank only Pokémon have no XY data. They're missing a shitload of Egg Moves, and some of them listed are even wrong.
Bulbapedia is a fucking joke these days.
>>17861354 why are people so fucking creepy.
>>17861203 >yfw it's not him, but the people that own Bulbagarden who are saying this. No one likes you HAVA Media.
That's because of Pomfret's dumb rule of never updating until everything has been officially announced
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>>17861407 It's not Pomf, but it's some Bulba staff member, not HAVA.
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>>17861388 Look at him. Of course he is.
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>>17861388 Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.
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>>17861407 HAVA Media doesn't own Bulba any longer, they sold it to Curse Network.
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>>17861461 ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>17861461 That's the one. There's a
Tumblr that goes into the secret forum thing a lot more, though I don't remember the link to that either.
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>>17861414 Which is hilarious, considering Bulbapedia has misinformation out the ass when it comes to lesser known subjects where your average dude can't easily spot and correct errors.
>>17861571 The dropbox link to the posts about the "Van" is broken. It was working before, and I saw them.
>>17861760 >pomf.se Top fucking kek.
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>>17861785 It was so fitting.
>>17861380 Fun fact, if you check Elgyem's page, they've added to the trivia section that it can learn Steel Wing through TM in gen 6. What they HAVEN'T added is the learnset for gen 6. You'd think they would update the important shit first, and THEN add the pointless trivia, but nope.
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>>17861830 I spent hours trying to get Switcheroo on my Natu. Bulba said you could. You can't.
I now only go to Serebii and Veekun.
while I dont care for this pedo, I share his view on serebii. there are people who actually wont believe some news if they dont see it on serebiis page.
I use Bulbapedo for anime information and the image galleries. Other than that Serebii is the way to go, although I wish the actual site layout wasn't so abysmal and Web 1.0
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>>17861904 Their anime info is painfully full of bullshit, anon.
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I use Veekun for data, and /vp/ for news.
>>17861894 Serebii has earned our trust and respect, with a few errors here and there.
Archaic on the other hand noted that the female Pikachu in the Mystery Dungeon special had a "very interesting cosmetic change". SIX YEARS after the gender difference was announced.
>>17861979 Has this come out yet?
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>>17861979 Great knowledge for the webmaster of one of the top Pokémon websites. He's clearly just in it for the money HAVA gives him, despite the fact he does nothing and gets the public to do it for free.
>>17861904 I've been going to Serebii for over a decade, but Jesus, he needs to overhaul his design. He can keep all the vintage genwun crap in some kind of archive, but there's no need to keep years-old shit cluttering the navigation.
>>17862049 I keep reading here that he said somewhere that he's working on an update to his layout this year, though it's just going to be a spruce up, rather than an entirely new one.
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>>17862114 Anything would be better than this. Even "poor" would be better than "god fucking awful."
Just introducing collapsible menus or something would be a start.