[14 / 3 / ?]
Honest question here: Are Nintendo and their first party devs bad at making games/apps? Despite their products being fun, they tend to be very poorly made. I never thought much about it until Pokemon Bank, previously chalking it up to weird decisions by senior leadership, but now I'm starting to think that maybe... Maybe they're just bad at it? With Bank, transferring your Pokemon from previous gens is a ridiculous, counter-intuitive, and drawn out process that makes no sense. You put in a gen 4/5 game, start up Transporter, transfer box 1, put in a gen 6 game, start up Bank, move the transferred Pokemon into another box, switch back to 4/5, start the game up and move more Pokemon into box 1, start up Transporter, transfer box 1, put in a gen 6 game, etc,etc etc. If you're transferring a full Pokedex, that's 21 cycles of this shit, which takes almost 2 hours. Why the hell can't you just transfer them all in one swoop? Because the developers didn't know how. They couldn't figure it out... They didn't think this was a good idea for customers, it's just that it was the easiest way from the development side... This sheds a lot of light on other Nintendo downsides. Shitty, archaic online system? Underpowered consoles? It's not that the people in charge were out of touch or didn't know what was expected of them, it's that the teams below them didn't have the knowledge to do any better...
Sari IGN michelle 1349-5683-2035(fly spearow, swanna, rufflet)
Sari IGN michelle 1349-5683-2035(fly spearow, swanna, rufflet) Wed 05 Feb 2014 22:39:49 No. 17866496 Report Quoted By:
technology limitations as far as bank goes. Some interface choices that you don't like are made because the main audience, aka kids, don't think like you.
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I think it's because Nintendo have little business outside of video games, and since consoles and even the games are becoming more complicated and performing a wider array of non-gaming functions, their lack of experience in these areas shows. Sony and Microsoft both have loads of experience making PCs and other appliances, and so learned how to make these as the market developed, Nintendo are just diving it. Having said that, some of the things they do seem to be from sheer laziness.
>>17866462 Bank in particular is from hardware limitations and because they don't think of future compatibility and such
I'm starting to think Gamefreak is just shit at optimizing and actually programming. it took them this long to figure out how to make a fully 3D world, and they still couldn't figure out how to NOT make it tile-based and locked camera. they thought the whole "walking across the bridge" section in BW was impressive, as if I hadn't seen 3D graphics before. then, all the loading screens in lumiose town because they couldn't figure out how to get the whole place in at once, the save bug, the frame-rate drops, not even having 3D in the overworld as if that was hard to do, and the many issues with pokebank...
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>>17866575 Gamefreak are lazy, most people know this. But a lot of the things you mention in your post are from them having hardware restrictions.
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ITT: So much truth. I really, REALLY don't want to support Nintendo in any way but I just can't help it since Pokemon is one of my favorite vidya series. I wish Nintendo / Game Freak just died and we could have some proper developer making the games.
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>>17866575 >they thought the whole "walking across the bridge" section in BW was impressive It was pretty impressive.
I suck Game Freak's cock Sari IGN michelle 1349-5683-2035(fly spearow, swanna, rufflet)
Sari IGN michelle 1349-5683-2035(fly spearow, swanna, rufflet) Wed 05 Feb 2014 22:53:25 No. 17866758 Report Quoted By:
>>17866570 >they don't think of future compatibility and such But the current system is exactly for that purpose. You're gonna use bank for all their incoming games on 3DS as well.
>>17866575 Absolutely.
Capcom's Monster Hunter team wanders in and makes their first game for the 3DS; it has the player character fighting multiple monsters in a fully 3D environment with a real-time combat system, all of which runs fine with the optical 3D system.
XY gets slowdown in Doubles and Triples, and is completely incapable of using the 3D system in such a case. Clearly Gamefreak cannot into optimisation.
Look at the earlier user interfaces on the DS. Black and White had a clock on the touchscreen, and you could pretty much play HG/SS without using buttons at all. XY doesn't have a clock and makes you switch between touchscreen and buttons at awkward times.
I do love Pokemon, the games are very enjoyable, but Gamefreak is honestly shit at optimisation and user interfaces.
Sari IGN michelle 1349-5683-2035(fly spearow, swanna, rufflet)
Sari IGN michelle 1349-5683-2035(fly spearow, swanna, rufflet) Wed 05 Feb 2014 22:59:02 No. 17866870 Report Quoted By:
>>17866815 >Clearly Gamefreak cannot into optimisation. The number of polygons needed to get those pokemons realistically round and soft is off the roof for such a console.
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>>17866575 >they thought the whole walking across the bridge section in BW was impressive do you even realize how shitty the specs on the original DS are? gamefreak can't magically make the hardware on the system they're making games for better. for the DS, black and whites graphics were impressive.
hate Nintendo for making such underpowered consoles not gamefreak.
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>>17866476 >he doesnt suck dev cock so he must be a shitposter The only thing GF has going for it is Pokemon, they have no other good games and even Pokemon isn't as good as it could be
They've always been behind the industry not knowing how to properly design a game, hype up useless features nobody wants while ignoring and taking out the features people like