[15 / 3 / ?]
Alright, so now that Bank is out I can restart my game without losing everything. Unfortunately, you can't store items and I have no friends with which to save them with. I imagine some of you are in a similar predicament. So if anyone would like to hold on to my megastones and trade them back to me when I restart then I will do the same for you. Since we'll be able to get a second copy of everything in the new game I'll also swap the exclusive megastones if you have X. Also, I wanted to do something special with my next playthrough, so if you have any fun rules to play by post those as well.
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>>17872718 pachirisu is cute
>>17872718 When will you restart, OP? If you won't for the next 6 hours, I might be able to get back at you and keep those stones of yours (Blazikenite in particular).
>>17872718 The idea of the Wonderlocke is fairly popular right now, using the first 6 pokemon you get off a Wonder Trade and running through the game with them.
As for megastones, I'm assuming you have all of them? Depending on what you have to trade over, I don't mind holding onto them for you and then you can just shoot me a trade request when you're back up and running for trade them back.
>>17872872 is an option as well.
Daniel 1075-0743-6704
>>17872893 >>17872872 I've got all of the Y stones and will restart as soon as the trade is complete.
Just post your FC and we can get started. Most of the trades can just be shitmon, but the first one should be something worthwhile so I know you'll trade them back to me at the end.
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph]
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph] Thu 06 Feb 2014 03:51:00 No. 17873298 Report >>17873072 First anon here, but unfortunately I don't think I'm available until 6 hours later, so trade with the others if you want to start early.
Daniel 1075-0743-6704
>>17873298 Well, it's getting a little late and the threads not getting a lot of hits so I might take you up on that. If the thread dies I'll see if you're online tomorrow to trade.
>>17873534 Second anon here.
I don't mind holding onto things for you, but I'd need to know how many Pokemon you're planning to send so I can go catch derps to trade for your Y Stone holders. As for something worthwhile, I can't say I've got anything much but I can throw you a Porygon for holding and you can keep it afterwards.
Let me know if you're interested and how many you need to send over so I can start catching things.
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph]
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph] Thu 06 Feb 2014 04:17:16 No. 17873883 Report >>17873534 I think I can get myself online in the next 20 minutes or so. However, I won't have access to the internet browser, so here's something to identify me:
> IGN is the same > I will initiate trade and show a lvl 91 Linoone with the name 17872718 (This thread's first post) I should have enough Charmanders to safekeep those megastones for you.
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>>17873534 >>17873883 Sounds like a good plan for you, especially if you've got enough derps for trading alright. Good luck with your trades and your new game!
Daniel 1075-0743-6704
>>17873869 I meant a legendary or something that I'll trade back for the last megastone.
It should be about 20 'mons. I'll be trading over Honedges and Bulbasaurs with a few perfect IVs that you can keep or trade back.
>>17873883 Sounds good. I've already added your FC so if you add me back we should see each other right away. Also, are we trading exclusive megastones?
Daniel 1075-0743-6704
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph]
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph] Thu 06 Feb 2014 05:35:24 No. 17875426 Report >>17874246 There, that should be all of them. I'll be available from the period starting 9:30 am to 16:30 pm (GMT + 0.00), so see you by then!
Daniel 1075-0743-6704
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>>17875426 Alright, I'll be on in the morning. Thanks!
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph]
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph] Thu 06 Feb 2014 05:38:06 No. 17875494 Report Quoted By:
>>17875426 > 16:30 pm Should be 4:30 pm (GMT +0.00), but eh, whatever. See you tomorrow then.