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Event Legendaries Still Alive Edition

No.17883057 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Whats up fellow /vp/ers I'm back for an extra round of event legendaries give away, after yesterday 13 hour marathon I hope this one ends quickly, also please read the whole post.

So how does this work? Well I'm giving two event legendaries per people for anything you want to give me, from shitmons to shiny hexaperfects to legendaries and anything in between, evolutionary items are welcome though if given I prefer if you give them in any other mon than the one that need it please. With those rules in mind here is a list of the mons I have and how many are there:

Mew 4
Celebi 28
Jirachi 2
Deoxys 7
Manaphy 17
Darkrai 3
Shaymin 13
Arceus 7
Victini 11
Meloetta 4
Genesect 3

I will make groups of 5 people to add them, trade and then erase them to continue with the next group. Please state which two would you like ONCE, no begging, no nagging, be fucking patient and please give both your FC and IGN so I can locate you quickly. Also add me first so when I add you I don't have to wait until you do, it makes things quicker for everyone.

Finally as you can see I'm low on some mons so with this in mind this will be first come first served, so if you wanted some of the low mons and you think you will not get them give me another alternative, I will update which ones are completely gone.

That's all, lets start.