V 4441-8961-7772
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:02:01 No. 17885708 Report I-is Coolbear here?
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:02:37 No. 17885724 Report Open for trades
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:02:47 No. 17885727 Report Quoted By:
ToTT: I'd buy them anyway, because it's pokemon
Justice 4081-6908-0220
Quoted By:
Could anyone touch trade me any and all legendarys before X/Y in the national dex?? including legendary birds/mewtwo
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:03:33 No. 17885743 Report Reposting my list. Looking for Xerneas, Lugia, Ho-Oh just for info. Will give anything on listYes. Gen 3 was my favorite of the series. I have played Sapphire/Emerald so many times and brings me a alot of memories.
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:04:13 No. 17885754 Report >>17885724 >Cryogonal Would you take a 4 IV HA Gulpin or a 4 IV Impish magikarp for one of those?
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:04:35 No. 17885763 Report ToTT: Who wouldnt?
/soc/ said I'm a 9.4 !66666666S.
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:05:02 No. 17885776 Report >>17885754 I'd do a Gulpin
Justice 4081-6908-0220
>>17885743 Could i get a wish/yawn eevee for a 5 iv speed boost torchic???
Coolbear !ZUeqmjp/V.
>>17885770 hi buizel/kemo/mouse
Jason 3823-9536-0483 (Ditto, Loudred, Dunsparce)
Jason 3823-9536-0483 (Ditto, Loudred, Dunsparce) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:06:23 No. 17885801 Report Continuing from the previous thread... Need a Kyurem and Zekrom like yesterday. In Black 2 A cloning accident caused BOTH of them (as Kyurem-B) to be erased forever. Obviously, I can't ask for a Kyurem-B due to it being untradable. So I need Kyurem and Zekrom, the former with either an Adamant or Jolly nature (or Naive as someone suggested). I'm willing to part with any TWO of the following. Meloetta Deoxys Dialga (Shiny) Giratina (Shiny) Naturally, I want the Pokemon in question to be 100% legit or as legit as Pokegen can make them . Finally, I want this to be a gen V trade. ToTT: Not having a GBA for much of its life meant I skipped that generation, so I'd definitely go for it.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:06:46 No. 17885812 Report Quoted By:
>>17885786 Not looking for that right now
>>17885770 10/10 as always
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:07:56 No. 17885836 Report >>17885776 Okay, we're already friends.
I know this because i've been to your safari countless of times. Thanks in advance!
Hajibab (IGN:Sophia) 1392-4902-1126 !!p8gK3x/mO0m
Hajibab (IGN:Sophia) 1392-4902-1126 !!p8gK3x/mO0m Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:09:27 No. 17885857 Report >>17885702 What team do you plan on using?
I always have the same Metagross, Garchomp, Dragonite and Scizor.
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:09:32 No. 17885858 Report Quoted By:
>>17885836 No problem, thank you. Glad my safari can be of use :)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:10:03 No. 17885868 Report >>17885763 Do you edit the image to bypass the duplicate image error?
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:11:09 No. 17885880 Report >>17885868 Yup. 3 copies of every image, I change one number each time
/soc/ said I'm a 9.4 !66666666S.
>>17885793 >buizel/kemo Not even.
>mouse Literally who?
Anyway, hi Anonymous. :3
>>17885818 <3
Coolbear !ZUeqmjp/V.
>>17885708 >>17885787 Actually I'm about to have dinner, I'll be back a bit later.
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:11:22 No. 17885887 Report New list
Looking for event pokemon: specifically the shiny suicune and entei that were given away at Gamestop a few years back. Also in search of Keldeo, Genesect, Darkrai, Shaymin, and Arceus. I can clone any event pokemon that I have. I've got various common distributions, and some hard to find ones from 3rd gen (10th anniversary pokemon, Pokemon Center NY distributions, wishmaker jirachi...). If you're interested, it would be easiest to just add me on skype (in email field).
V 4441-8961-7772
>>17885857 a low tier trick room team pinsir is the only threatening thing on my team
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:13:11 No. 17885919 Report >>17885801 I've got a Naive Kyurem I can part with in my
Y version.
>>17885763 >>17885724 Could I get a Zoura off one of you... or both?
>>17885887 Anything on my list catch your eye? Looking for Torkol and/or Zangoose from you. Also what's the deets on that Braixen?
Who wouldn't want a chance to read brail in glorious 3DS? Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17885900 We don't clone here faggot Anonymous
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:14:08 No. 17885930 Report >>17885887 You have a Sheer Force Tauros? I really want one of those. Anything I have interest you?
>>17885724 Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross)
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:14:13 No. 17885932 Report >>17885887 which of your shones are kalos born (other than braxien)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon)
Lucca (1891-1944-5837) (Trapinch, Nincada, Gastrodon) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:14:41 No. 17885939 Report Quoted By:
Let me know if you want anything here.
Jason 3823-9536-0483 (Ditto, Loudred, Dunsparce)
Jason 3823-9536-0483 (Ditto, Loudred, Dunsparce) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:14:55 No. 17885943 Report Quoted By:
>>17885919 >I've got a Naive Kyurem I can part with in my Y version. I'll keep that on standby. The four up for offer aren't in Kalos.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:14:59 No. 17885946 Report >>17885886 I'm killing myself breeding for HP Ice. I-I just can't. I get SOME that are HP Ice but none are good enough.
>>17885880 will you be around for a bit longer? just hatched penta female and wanted to breed another one using it since my female is imperfect currently and should be less time to pop out another one with it. It's up to you I don't wanna hold you up if you would be leaving otherwise
FranKie: 1521-4014-2106 !mXYWAz9zZU
>>17885885 D-Did they really give you a 9.4?
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:16:05 No. 17885958 Report >>17885919 I would do a Zorua for Inkay
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:16:09 No. 17885961 Report >>17885900 >searching for 10 Anniv >will gib clones I know damn well I wouldn't give you any of my 10 Annivs for any of your cloned shit.
>>17885919 I've got a JAP Mew; the stats on those spare legends anything to write home about?
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17885919 Any way I could persuade one of those Unburden Hawlucha away from you?
I dont have anything on your list except Joltik, but it is english...
Hajibab (IGN:Sophia) 1392-4902-1126 !!p8gK3x/mO0m
Hajibab (IGN:Sophia) 1392-4902-1126 !!p8gK3x/mO0m Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:17:04 No. 17885981 Report >>17885912 How about
You hit me up in 2-3 hours .
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
Quoted By:
>>17885961 I'm not looking for 10th annivs, I said I have them to offer.
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:17:22 No. 17885988 Report >>17885919 Sure thing, I would like that Fennekin
/soc/ said I'm a 9.4 !66666666S.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:18:11 No. 17885999 Report muh list
>>17885961 Kia you got that backwards.
but still
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:18:24 No. 17886004 Report Quoted By:
>>17885952 As long as it dosent take
more than an hour because I am sleepy that sounds nice
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:19:17 No. 17886022 Report >>17886001 Like I said, I think I'm slowly turning retarded.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>17885900 >tfw have all your wants >also have all your offers Dang son.
>>17885999 Want a Dream Ball Nidoran? :3
V 4441-8961-7772
>>17885981 ok I'll battle you with the trick room team or the team rocket team if i see you
/r/ name suggestions for my freshly bred 6IV mareep who will be my mega-ampharos
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17885999 Nice trips.
Could I get a Buneary?
I have many dream ball females
FranKie: 1521-4014-2106 !mXYWAz9zZU
>>17886029 Kwazi
>>17885993 Post pic fuccboi
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
Quoted By:
>>17886027 I know. I got out of pokemon for a little while and I missed some good stuff. I'm pissed I didn't get the other shiny dogs though.
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
Quoted By:
>>17886029 Mega Flaafy. :^)
>>17886022 It could be worse. The process could be going faster
>>17886029 >special attacker >6IV >not even shiny release it and apply yourself
Hajibab (IGN:Sophia) 1392-4902-1126 !!p8gK3x/mO0m
Hajibab (IGN:Sophia) 1392-4902-1126 !!p8gK3x/mO0m Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:21:36 No. 17886055 Report Quoted By:
>>17886028 Ok, I'll actually get work done now and be on later.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:22:00 No. 17886064 Report >tfw the only event Pokemon I'd be interested in at all is a Surfing or Flying Pikachu and I can't have one
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:23:11 No. 17886081 Report >>17885958 Sure thing. Adding you now. Want it nicknamed?
>>17885962 Not really. Also I just realized the list is slightly out of date. The only events I'm actively looking right now are Genesect and Sharmins.
>>17885979 Sure, I've got most of a box of 'em left. Want it nicknamed? Also preference on gender?
>>17885988 Can do, any preference on nickname/gender/ability. Got a ton leftover.
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886064 What I wouldn't give for a lightball surfing pikachu... King of NU.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:23:35 No. 17886088 Report >>17886053 I'm actually going to go to the doctor for it because I forgot how to make eggs yesterday.
>>17886027 Sure, I'd love one.
>>17886040 Thanks. And it depends on what you have. I brought over a lot of Dream Ball females yesterday.
Jake (1934-0680-3294) Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchling
Jake (1934-0680-3294) Ponyta, Charmeleon, Fletchling Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:23:48 No. 17886090 Report Quoted By:
Looking for Pokerus. Don't care who the carrier is, can be a garbage Pokemon for it. Any assistance is appreciated.
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:23:57 No. 17886093 Report Quoted By:
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:24:01 No. 17886095 Report J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:24:25 No. 17886103 Report Quoted By:
My bad Rosa, thought I replied.
>>17885493 milf has all the right stuff
;) Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:24:28 No. 17886104 Report >>17886081 Magician female would be lovely, no nickname required, you want a nickname on Zorua?
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
>>17886027 I have 5IVs and shinies to offer too, but I really don't want to deal with HUURRR TEXT LIST FAGGOT and don't care enough to make a nice image. Never thought these threads were so obnoxious.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Quoted By:
>downloading Pokémon Bank Feels so good. Now I just need to organize all my leftovers and transfer up mega balltism mons.
>>17886121 Because you're offering cloned pokemon.
No one wants your shit
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:26:33 No. 17886142 Report Quoted By:
>>17886083 That sounds beastly.
Coolbear !ZUeqmjp/V.
Quoted By:
>>17885946 Yeah its fine, like I said yesterday, don't lose any sleep over it.
Just give me a love ball mareep and I'll do the horrible part.
Be back a bit later for it.
Quoted By:
>>17886053 >not running thunderpunch m-amp it's like you want to get killed by blissey :^)
FranKie: 1521-4014-2106 !mXYWAz9zZU
>>17886121 Are they cloned? If so, please leave.
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:27:00 No. 17886151 Report >>17886121 >implying rotom is a legendary pokemon Anonymous
>>17886121 I have the event Entei, I'm interested in either Vaporeon or Klefki.
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
>>17886141 >shinies/5s I caught/hatched myself >cloned Aaaand i'm out.
>>17886151 shhh
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17886064 Flychu can pass bank
Surfchu can't
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:28:39 No. 17886169 Report >>17886095 Thanks for the fox, enjoy your hentai in waiting.
>>17886104 No need for a nickname, going to MM it. Added you.
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886081 Nickname it El Ray. Male, please.
>>17886088 Bleh, I have like two whole boxes. Nothing fancy. Mostly dream radar stuff that everyone has.
Forrest 1822-0293-3089 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Forrest 1822-0293-3089 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:29:05 No. 17886177 Report So now that the Bank is out, is WFG kill? If not, I'm willing to suck fat dicks for a Regenerator Slowpoke.
>>17886166 >can clone any event pokemon that I have. I've got various common distributions, and some hard to find ones from 3rd gen (10th anniversary pokemon, Pokemon Center NY distributions, wishmaker jirachi...). J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:29:32 No. 17886184 Report Quoted By:
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:29:48 No. 17886192 Report Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:29:59 No. 17886196 Report >>17885919 I could do it for a Remoraid
Braixen is safari caught
>>17885930 Not really, sorry
>>17885932 Kyurem Mime Jr, Delcatty, Piplup, Carvanha, Snivy, Nidoran, Drifblim, Banette, Charmander
>>17886166 b-but Apri
I need your shones
>>17886170 tell me more. dream ball ralts or spiritomb?
Quoted By:
>>17886177 all the fags hoarding the good pokemon have jumped out of windows like wall street brokers when the crash hit
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17886170 If you want his name to be 'The King' in Spanish, it'd be 'El Rey' not 'Ray.' Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:30:34 No. 17886210 Report Quoted By:
>>17886167 Doesn't matter since all of them would be hacks, right? You can't pass the Flychu from 4th to 5th gen and there wasn't a Flychu event in 5th gen, was there?
>>17886170 Still, let me know. I don't have a lot of DR stuff.
>>17886177 We're not kill. There are plenty of Regenerator Slowpokes around.
>>17886199 Her hacked shones? No, you don't.
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
>>17886150 Nah, those are all mine. I mentioned that I could clone my old event mons and everyone on here pooped themselves.
I got a bunch of penta quiet porygons a few flawless and a whole bunch of unknown eegs if anyone wants one!
Quoted By:
>>17886214 Based Apri
Your Metagross arouses me
I have the event Entei your looking for
Please indulge my shone lust Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:32:17 No. 17886252 Report >>17886219 Why are you posting second best Chuuni But I would love one
>>17886219 unknown eggs or unown eggs?
can unown even breed? excuse my retardation in advance.
J Sal, maybe you should get online :^)
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886201 Yeah, I have dream ball infiltrator spiritomb female.
>>17886209 Woops, I mistyped that. Hahaha. thanks for noticing. >>17886081 Mistyped, can you name it El Rey?
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
>>17886163 Klefki is a 5IV and vaporeon has perfect sp.def and speed. Vaporeon doesn't have a name but Klefki's name is Kiki
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile)
Alex 2852-7040-8512 (Dedenne, Manectric, Helioptile) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:33:10 No. 17886267 Report Quoted By:
>>17886257 Unown cannot breed.
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
Is there anyway to get an Eevee to have foulplay in X and Y? because I just attempted to breed one using an umbreon with foul play as the father and none had foul play.
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886219 I would love two porygons, if you don't mind. Can do a nice offensive Z and defensive 2.
V 4441-8961-7772
still looking for a battle
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
Cranidos Sheer Force Adamant 252 speed/ 252 Attack Rock Polish Iron Head/Iron Tail Crunch/Zen Headbut Rock Slide This good?
Rhys - 0662-2897-4833
Quoted By:
Hi all. Looking for a Victini. I don't mind if it's just a trade + trade back, but I have a number of event legendaries to trade for one. If anyone could help, I'd be very grateful and this will be the last new Pokédex entry for me. Thanks!
>>17886252 You have good taste in chuunis friend
>>17886257 They are a mystery not unown!
>>17886278 Awesome
Quoted By:
>>17886266 Kiki is a cute name. But would you trade the Event Metagross
or a copy of it ?
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:34:56 No. 17886290 Report Quoted By:
>>17886121 Any chance I can just get Xerneas just for the Info, I dont wanna keep it.
Heres a list if you want anything....
>>17885743 Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>17886088 I gotta hatch one first. Are you okay with Timid? I was going to breed Modest since that's more optimal for Nidoqueen but I'm trying to get another Nidoran male for Nidoking. :^)
>>17886121 Why not just make a Pastebin? It's easier than uploading two clunky images that don't go into detail about IVs/etc. And the fact that you said "can clone" or something along those lines is a little more than disheartening. What's preventing you from just making a clone of your stuff and giving away the clone while keeping the original? Since I actually got these myself and RNG'd them all.
Except for the Gen 3 Mew, that was from a friend and probably has shit IVs. >>17886183 >implying those are hard to find I'm still looking for that Petal Dance Meowth. Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:35:15 No. 17886298 Report Sorry for the autism /vp/oreons, but how do I get my Poke Bank Celebi?
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Quoted By:
>>17886283 >iron head For what purpose? Give it EQ for Edgequake coverage.
>>17886214 >meowth is that petal dance meowth?
Where's N8 >>17886260 What would you like for one? Got anything else? I lost my ds with dream radar on it.
FranKie: 1521-4014-2106 !mXYWAz9zZU
>>17886298 Use bank. After you use it go to the title screen and clock Pokemon link or something like that. It'll give you it.
>>17886270 welcome to How Tutor Moves Generally Work 101
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:37:41 No. 17886341 Report >>17886170 Added. Got your El Ray all geared up and ready. Send a trade request whenever.
>>17886260 Fix'd, El Rey it is.
>>17886192 Cool, fox for fox. Enjoy.
>>17886196 Can do. Any preference on gender or ability?
And is the Braixen
female ?
Quoted By:
Anybody got leftovers (the item) that they would be willing to trade? What are you looking for?
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886316 uh, ill trade em for just about any 4+ IV poke I dont have. If I dont use em in battle, I can use em for breeding.
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:38:16 No. 17886351 Report Quoted By:
>>17886297 Sure, that's fine.
>>17886350 Want a 5IV male ice cream cone then?
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
Quoted By:
>>17886297 I was intending to clone event mons and keep originals, no clue why people are blowing up about it. Save for the random jappo event mons I traded for, all of mine I got myself/from IRL friends. Dunno why everyone assumes everything I have is fake... The only "bad" thing i've ever done is clone this gen, and I am terribad at it anyways. Oh well. Autists gotta autists, this is WFG after all.
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
Quoted By:
>>17886340 right... the thing gen 6 doesn't have... and you can't transfer backwards... fuck...
Hajibab (IGN:Sophia) 1392-4902-1126 !!p8gK3x/mO0m
Hajibab (IGN:Sophia) 1392-4902-1126 !!p8gK3x/mO0m Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:40:15 No. 17886378 Report >>17886281 It's me again, but do you still have that Shiny 31/31/31/31/31/0 Beldum from way back in Instacheck? Just wondering.
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:40:18 No. 17886380 Report >>17886257 maybe you should suck my ----
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886364 Do you have anything that everyone doesnt hate?
Preferably not an ice type.
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:41:39 No. 17886399 Report >>17886386 >hating Ice cream bro ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886399 I hate it because it is a useless typing with no real place. Not because it is icecream. I like the design, actually.
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
>>17886316 No sadly.
>>17886381 This it the metagross I have. Doubt it is the one you want
>>17886386 Extras? No I started using bank as a trashcan for the things I don't need so it all gets deleted when my 30 days are up. Sorry about that.
>>17886410 b-but my ice creams have water pulse! and autotomize. Gamefreak thinks theyre so clever giving it that move.
Thank you, J Sal. I didn't have that ballmon yet
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:44:36 No. 17886436 Report Quoted By:
>>17886326 4ivs in HP, Attack, SpA, and speed. Bashful. What do with?
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:44:51 No. 17886441 Report Quoted By:
>>17886410 M-maybe they will buff it in gen 7
V 4441-8961-7772
Quoted By:
>>17886378 you traded me a shiny dratini i would be using a shiny metagross every match if i had one
>>17886416 Oh, thought it was VGC event.
But! I'm still interested in trading you the Entei! Still interested in Kiki, but I'm also curious about the Pichu and the Litwick.
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886341 Thank youuu!
El Rey is going to become the breeder of my Hitmons as well as a useful member of my team.
>>17886287 Danke, Osymandius
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:45:34 No. 17886455 Report I just preordered Bravely Default! I can't wait until tomorrow! Also, rosa, are you lurking? I still have this lotad for you.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17886452 I thought Hitmons could only breed with Ditto(?)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:46:25 No. 17886469 Report >>17886287 Added you
Rikka is best Chuuni and best waifu Rhys - 0662-2897-4833
Quoted By:
Anybody have a Victini then?
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:46:44 No. 17886477 Report Quoted By:
Updating my Balltism list right now. If you want to trade for any balltism mons, my list is right here:
>>17886455 I just gave away my 5IV female ice cream. gimme a sec to look for another one and we can trade
Cedric 4098-4107-2432 [Meditite, Throh, Tyrogue]
Cedric 4098-4107-2432 [Meditite, Throh, Tyrogue] Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:47:50 No. 17886491 Report We need one more person to fight a 2v2. Please add me. We're willing to play for a while.
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:48:05 No. 17886495 Report >>17886455 Its a pretty 20/10 game
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17885999 Got Moon Ball Houndours
Want one of those Pichus
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
>>17886450 Pichu is the "Pikachu Colored Pichu" event.
Litwick is 4IVs, missing att and sp.def. Modest. Can be named anything you want
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886463 Oh, right. Male only species... Poop.
Hrrm... Now I need a decent ditto.
Anyone have a spare 4+ IV ditto?
Can trade uncloned ubers for a 6 IV ditto, dont care if it is cloned.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:49:10 No. 17886504 Report >>17886495 I know, I completed the demo. Gonna start fresh when I get it though.
Quoted By:
>>17886455 >>17886478 well that didnt take long. come take it! i want my lotad
>>17886469 Absolutely man, the only acceptable chuuni waifu!
FranKie: 1521-4014-2106 !mXYWAz9zZU
>>17886455 Allen brah. I couldn't get a boy Sneasel that was perfect and i feel asleep trying. I'm gunna keep trying but could you keep a Lotad for me pls?
V 4441-8961-7772
>>17886121 Do you have a Timid, Bold, or Calm Celebi? I'm looking to swap Celebis. I'll throw in a free shiny as well. Gible, Whimsicott, Archen, Azurill, or Nidoking.
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:51:56 No. 17886538 Report >>17886513 My man! Feels good to have great taste dosent it >>17886504 I have a nagging compulsion to level every class before I finish it though
Cedric 4098-4107-2432 [Meditite, Throh, Tyrogue]
Cedric 4098-4107-2432 [Meditite, Throh, Tyrogue] Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:52:30 No. 17886544 Report Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:52:39 No. 17886547 Report Quoted By:
>>17886521 I still have it. I forgot who wanted it.
It's nicknamed.
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:52:50 No. 17886549 Report >>17886501 i have a spare cloned 6iv jpn shiny ditto. what uber's do you have?
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:53:04 No. 17886552 Report >>17886433 didn't have tha ball mon rosa? well maybe you should
>>17886380 :^)
have any spare female ball mons yourself?/spoiler] Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:53:43 No. 17886559 Report Quoted By:
>>17886497 Awesome. I'll add you now.
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
Quoted By:
>>17886537 No unfortunately ): only have lax, modest, serious, jolly, and hardy
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>17886500 Those are both
horribly tempting ;_; W-would you trade your Litwick for this guy?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:54:38 No. 17886572 Report >>17886538 You must.
100% the game or you don't have autism and you don't belong here.
>>17886552 Nice Spoiler.
I don't though. Released everything I didn't want.
Does anyone have a lv 1 Regigigas?
>PP up Nice touch, Allen. I'm back down to 20 or something. Thank you!
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:55:45 No. 17886592 Report Maybe tomorrow will be the day I update muh list. I also have heavy ball skarmory and moonball chatot with 4 egg moves.
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:56:04 No. 17886598 Report >>17886572 You see I do this in every game, but levelling salve maker is pain ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886549 None of em have any good IVs, since they are all legit from personal captures or events nearby.
I have a spare Cres, Raiku (masterball), Moltres, Lugia, Rayquaza (also masterball, bleh), 4 heatrans, Giratina (masterball), Latios, Verizion, Terakion, and 2 Cobalion.
Lorbster/Tunde 1848-1777-9983
Quoted By:
Anybody looking for a battle?
V 4441-8961-7772
>>17886544 i see you have some neat Pokemon
ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff
ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:57:46 No. 17886623 Report Is there a way to repost a list without the duplicate error? I don't have to constantly edit the list.
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886592 Ill trade you any Battle Maison item for that Smeargle.
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:58:12 No. 17886633 Report >>17886599 can i get dex entries of some of those and have the terrakion? game chat in a trade?
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:58:30 No. 17886638 Report >>17886592 Anything you would like for a Sudowoodo?
>>17885724 Oliver 2191-8107-1635
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:58:56 No. 17886647 Report >>17886598 there are only a few games I have that I didn't 100%
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
because there isn't enough box space for all armor parts and weapons ;_; Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Getting A rank on all missions was difficult/10 when I was younger and I lost my copy of it ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886633 Sure. I have tons of em for dex entries. We can game chat.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Quoted By:
>>17886623 Take it into paint and fill in, like, one pixel with the pencil tool. That's what I do.
Quoted By:
>>17886538 I''ll drink to that!
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
>>17886570 Yeah sure, think of a good name.
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
Quoted By:
>>17886626 Forgot MS Paint list.
I am pretty stupid
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Thu 06 Feb 2014 22:59:52 No. 17886662 Report Quoted By:
>>17886649 sweet i shall add you now
>>17886592 does all berries include custap berry, by chance?
Lorbster/Tunde 1848-1777-9983
>>17886646 I do. Just let me finish my lewow run and then we can go
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:00:30 No. 17886672 Report >>17886647 3U completion entails every quest complete, G-rank armour sets are only relevant armour
Completing Chao world was fun Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:01:19 No. 17886681 Report >>17886497 I'm not seeing you online. Send a TR when ready.
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:01:54 No. 17886690 Report >>17886638 Speed boost fish
>>17886630 The list needs updating, I think I have a couple with dark void, adding more moves would take time and I'm a lazy guy at 11PM, if there's any move in particular you need it would help to specify
>>17886665 Custap berry isn't possible in X/Y yet
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
Quoted By:
I need somebody to help me evolve my Karrablast. I can throw you a pokemon after the trade for your troubles if you want.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:03:02 No. 17886710 Report >>17886672 Oh, I did that then.
Chao world was my life when I was younger.
I also didn't complete Hitman: Absolution because my potato of a computer can't handle it.
>>17886587 I bought that 1 PP Up just for you bby <3 Apri: 4141-3029-1267
>>17886570 Oh and here she is to confirm
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:03:39 No. 17886717 Report >>17886587 SHUT THE FUCK UP ROSA, ALWAYS GETTING ON MY NERVES. SHEEET.
>>17886710 You can have my pp allen.
TO 2466-2684-7428 (Poison - Kakuna, Venomoth, Whilipede) Anonymous Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:03:43 No. 17886719 Report Cedric 4098-4107-2432 [Meditite, Throh, Tyrogue]
Cedric 4098-4107-2432 [Meditite, Throh, Tyrogue] Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:03:55 No. 17886722 Report >>17886620 Miscommunication got the best out of mega gengar.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>17886656 >>17886715 I'm not good with nicknames.[/spoilers].And I like the name Chandelure.[/spoilers]. Oliver 2191-8107-1635
>>17886669 sure thing,in the middle of one now so add me and i'llsend you the invite
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
so what is the X and Y umbreon move set since move tutor doesn't exist in this game and it cant learn foul play? Toxic, Protect, Wish, ...
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:05:40 No. 17886751 Report Quoted By:
>>17886717 No thx.
My brother finally re-bought monster hunter 3 ultimate
he lost his other copy outside so now I can play that more often.
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:06:30 No. 17886760 Report Quoted By:
Apri: 4141-3029-1267
>>17886728 y u no want to name her Flick Can you add me on skype? I gotta go something real quick and I don't want to lose you lol. Apri.wat
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:07:35 No. 17886775 Report Quoted By:
>>17886749 Run Bold/Calm w/ Dark Pulse or Snarl I guess.
McGrill 4957-3455-4748
>>17886623 Want male 5iv hera for that scyther?
ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff
ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:09:07 No. 17886805 Report Alex - 2509-1393-3861
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:10:02 No. 17886816 Report Updated list. Looking for Xerneas, Lugia, Ho-Oh just for info. PLEASE.
V 4441-8961-7772
Quoted By:
>>17886722 i ALWAYS get paralyzed every time i multi
McGrill 4957-3455-4748
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
>>17886816 I can give you the Xerneas info.
ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff
ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:11:33 No. 17886838 Report >>17886816 After I finish my trade I'll help you.
Do I really need to make one of the these fucking images?
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:11:54 No. 17886848 Report >>17886816 Any solar power female charmanders?
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:13:00 No. 17886867 Report >>17886834 What would you want for it?
>>17886838 If you have Lugia and Ho-Oh Ill trade them back.
>>17886848 No
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
>>17886681 Sorry, Had to rush to buy something to eat
I'll also have Moon Ball Igglybuffs soon, juts need to finish with my Rhampardos
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:14:30 No. 17886885 Report >>17886873 Cool, I'd like one of those!
Lorbster/tunde 1848-1777-9983
Quoted By:
>>17886738 Already got you apparently.
McGrill 4957-3455-4748
Kirzi !9bAurora.Y
Quoted By:
>>17886840 You don't have to make anything fancy. Just type up what you've got into Notepad, screenshot it, and use that.
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
>>17886867 I wouldn't ask for anything for the info.
But if you want you can give me a Crab face thing I forget the name of, that would be nice. Coolbear !ZUeqmjp/V.
Quoted By:
>>17886885 You wanted a focus sash right?
(Sugar) 1220-7286-2937
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:17:02 No. 17886932 Report Quoted By:
>>17886840 You can also toss the pokes you have into a pastebin
ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff
ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:17:24 No. 17886937 Report Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:18:16 No. 17886951 Report >>17886925 Give me like 5 mins then its the least I can do
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
Quoted By:
>>17886951 Very good. I think I have you added already. So I'll be waiting.
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886690 I really want a happy hour smeargle for farming cash.
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17886816 I could ~really~ use a 5 IV Tyrogue and Lileep.
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
>>17887077 i can get you a tyroue
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:30:12 No. 17887147 Report >>17887030 I've got a moody safari smeargle with happy hour, or I could sketch it onto another one if you prefer?
Natalie 5300-9846-0476
Now that bank is finally out, anyone have any female pokes with HA and a dream ball for trade? I've also got some 6v dittos (RNG'd so they're all English, sadly) to trade for Shaymin or Dialga on the off chance someone still needs one, or I can offer a Genesect or Liberty Ticket Victini for the Shaymin
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:32:29 No. 17887204 Report >>17886925 I know I dont have to give you this Corphish but the first batch I got had 0 attack in all of them.
What the flying fuck Tristan 2251-4128-5740
Quoted By:
I'm looking to trade my SPR2013 Meloetta for a legitimate event Darkrai. Turns out the one I had was a fake. I don't care about nature or IV's, I would just like a real one.
Parker 0447 6719 5352
Quoted By:
Anyone got a chespin for pokedex purposes? Can give other kalos starters
V 4441-8961-7772
>>17886722 apparently porygon is your kriptonite
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
>>17887204 Just give me anything you have laying around. I don't mind.
McGrill 4957-3455-4748
>>17887196 wait, do they have to be with the dream ball and hidden ability? or do you just want those female pokes? I got some growlithes.
I'd like a leftovers if you want.
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:34:58 No. 17887252 Report >>17887238 Na chill this second batch is almost done
ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff
ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:35:35 No. 17887263 Report >>17887196 >>17886623 May I have a leftovers.
Hamwall - 0834 1708 5329
Quoted By:
>>17887252 If you say so. Take your time.
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17887147 Ill take the safari one. it will never see a competitive battle.
>>17887143 Whatcha want for it? I have some misc dream ball females and nothing much else of interest
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:36:37 No. 17887281 Report I am looking for a Genesect for dex completion.
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd)
Tom 0361-6591-8466 (Tropius, HootHoot Farfetch'd) Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:37:23 No. 17887297 Report Quoted By:
GEN are you about? I'm probably going to leave in a few minutes
Lorbster/tunde 1848-1777-9983
>>17887281 I can help you out. Touch trade okay? Also, if you can show me a raticate or meowth that'd be grand
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:39:09 No. 17887327 Report Quoted By:
>>17887271 I'll add your FC in a sec
Jason 3823-9536-0483 (Ditto, Loudred, Dunsparce)
Jason 3823-9536-0483 (Ditto, Loudred, Dunsparce) Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:39:27 No. 17887334 Report Quoted By:
>>17885801 Bumping my request. Anyone else?
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
>>17887271 well just tell me some things i would be intersted in. i'll take almost anything as long as it has equal IV's. Maybe an elekid? elective would be fucking sweet. or a bulbasaur or houndour
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:40:41 No. 17887365 Report >>17887321 What is touch trade? I aim to keep the genesect.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:42:02 No. 17887394 Report Quoted By:
>>17886521 Are you still here Frankie?
If the sneasel really hate you that much, you could give me something else.
Post your list.
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17887354 Well, my 5 IV stuff is in the pokebank but I can get it out.
I think I still have some bellydrum marill, Boomburst Chatot, Bellydrum Swirlix, and e-speed dratini
Lorbster/tunde 1848-1777-9983
>>17887365 Oh then I can't help you. Touch is when you return it straight after getting pokedex data
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
>>17887409 I got a ton of marill, dratini would be cool
Natalie 5300-9846-0476
>>17887247 I'm looking for female pokes with both the HA and in a dream ball, I'd like to potentially be able to use them to breed more
>>17887263 I guess I can give both of you some leftovers, I've only got 4 left though so it would be much appreciated if either of you actually have any of the pokes I'm looking for...
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:46:41 No. 17887484 Report Parker 0447 6719 5352
>>17887418 I can help you out with raticate if you've got chespin
Cedric 4098-4107-2432 [Meditite, Throh, Tyrogue]
Cedric 4098-4107-2432 [Meditite, Throh, Tyrogue] Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:48:33 No. 17887513 Report >>17887234 Yeah he pissed us off a lot. Thanks for the fun!
Lorbster/tunde 1848-1777-9983
>>17887491 Sure I will breed you one as soon as I am done ev training. Do you have a meowth too?
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:49:14 No. 17887526 Report >>17887196 >for Shaymin or Dialga I should have both of these, but the IVs are likely shit, you want?
Quoted By:
So I recently started using a Pokemon with encore, just had a wi-fi battle where I locked someone into a sucker punch cycle against a trickster Pokemon. But after 3 uses it only lasted a turn before failing to work at all. Has encore always had a limit and did I just miss it?
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
>>17887551 mind i ask what nature
V 4441-8961-7772
>>17887513 i could still do some more if you need an extra
McGrill 4957-3455-4748
Quoted By:
>>17887480 Nah then, dnt want you to waste them
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:52:33 No. 17887584 Report Finally decided on what to MM next.>inb4 shiny has Rain Dish instead of Swift Swim >Mistyping Captcha 4 times in a row I'm this close to buying a pass
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
Quoted By:
>>17887561 Adamant. Nothing is going to outspeed e-speed. Especially after dragon dance.
Natalie 5300-9846-0476
>>17887526 Yes please, those are the only two I don't already have or can't get by myself to complete the pokedex, did you want one of the dittos for either or the genesect or victini for the shaymin?
Parker 0447 6719 5352
>>17887525 Will need to transport over but I think ive got one
Cedric 4098-4107-2432 [Meditite, Throh, Tyrogue]
Cedric 4098-4107-2432 [Meditite, Throh, Tyrogue] Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:54:47 No. 17887633 Report >>17887567 Do you mind if I try inviting you in the future? We like 2v2 and we always have trouble inviting randoms.
Lorbster/tunde 1848-1777-9983
>>17887612 Well I'm still ev training so I don't mind waiting
>>17887584 What do you want for the shiny Ludicolo?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:57:14 No. 17887681 Report >>17887635 Why not?
>>17887655 I'm not going to trade it. I am going to start MMing it.
>>17887681 Because nowadays moot's a shit
V 4441-8961-7772
Quoted By:
>>17887633 you could invite me whenever you want since i finished training just about every Pokemon
>>17887681 Could you clone one for me?
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:58:52 No. 17887717 Report >>17887602 I don't need those, have you got any upgrades?
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:58:54 No. 17887718 Report >>17886937 You were gonna give me Ho-Oh and Lugia for the Info. What would you want for them?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:00:04 No. 17887738 Report Quoted By:
>>17887699 Oh, I thought you meant about MMing the Ludicolo, not the 4chan Pass.
>>17887716 S-su
No, I don't even have it yet. And even then, I am not going to clone it. ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff
ken 2019-9985-9260 clefairy,snubull and jigglypuff Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:01:28 No. 17887763 Report >>17887718 May I have a Duskull.
Sachia 3282 3108 2474
>>17887602 Hey I'd take a 6iv ditto for a Dialga.
(assuming he doesn't come back
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>almost finished placing and organizing 10 boxes of leftovers in Bank >app crashes Welp... Time to do it again, I guess.
Natalie 5300-9846-0476
>>17887717 The thing to evolve Porygon? I've got an absurd number of BP so I could grab a few if you want, though it seems a bit unfair to trade a cheap BP item for legendaries, anything else you're looking for to go along with it?
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi
Dan [Sandshrew/Marowak/Palpitoad] 3540-0341-8385 !!EAHsQJovVUi Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:03:15 No. 17887794 Report Quoted By:
>>17887763 Shit I actually need to breed that one, Unless you want something else ill have to breed quick
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion]
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:03:52 No. 17887804 Report Specifically looking for a justified Growlithe with close combat, and/or a serene grace Togepi with heal pulse
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:04:05 No. 17887809 Report >>17887772 Lucky you, I can't even connect to the shit.
It might be on my end, but I doubt it, seeing as I am connected to the internet on my Laptop and in Pokemon just fine.
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
>>17887561 Still need that Tyrogue
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800}
Dougie 4141-3073-4528 (Steel: Ferroseed, Metang, Klefki) SV: {3800} Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:04:27 No. 17887817 Report >>17887792 I need an expert belt, but those are one per game so 2 upgrades would be enough
Natalie 5300-9846-0476
>>17887766 Sure thing, adding now
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
>>17887809 Did you register a Nintendo Network/Miiverse account thing? You need that for the app to work.
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:06:13 No. 17887847 Report >>17887836 I connected to it yesterday perfectly fine. I dunno what's going on now.
ColeX 1950-8645-5670
Quoted By:
Since Max went AFK, anyone have a 5 IV Tyrogue for trade? Preferably DW since ill be breeding it to heck.
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Quoted By:
>>17887847 Huh. That's odd. Maybe it's somehow firewalled? I guess you should just check out forums and see if anyone else is having the same problem.
McGrill 4957-3455-4748
>>17887804 get giga drain on that bulba and u got urself a close combat 5 iv growlithe
Brennan (3711 - 7726 - 0638) (Dunsparce, Kecleon, Ditto)
Brennan (3711 - 7726 - 0638) (Dunsparce, Kecleon, Ditto) Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:10:55 No. 17887937 Report >>17887804 Would you trade a 4IV HA Adamant Murkrow for that 3IV Abra?
Sachia 3282 3108 2474
>>17887819 just added you invite me to a trade when you're ready
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion]
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:12:00 No. 17887955 Report >>17887899 ill try, what IVs do you want?
>>17887937 suuuuuuuuuuuuuure ill add you
McGrill 4957-3455-4748
>>17887955 dnt really care, my growlithe is adamant btw.
ColeX 1950-8645-5670 !scizorlGFs
Quoted By:
Tripped for no real good reason. I neeeed a decent IV DW Tyrogue! I can trade DW dreamball females
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:15:53 No. 17888010 Report I wonder what happened to Kate and M. I haven't seen them on in a long while.
McGrill 4957-3455-4748
>>17887993 jk I lied I already gave that one away, but I still got like 5 growlithes with CC.
>>17888010 One of them may or may not be lurking this second.
Parker 0447 6719 5352
Phillip 0834-0592-7485
Quoted By:
>>17888010 Kate is always on PSS. I'm pretty sure she lurks all the time. Not sure about M, though.
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion]
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:17:59 No. 17888038 Report Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:18:43 No. 17888047 Report >>17888022 Kate do you want a safari ball Lotad?
Lorbster/tunde 1848-1777-9983
>>17887612 Got your chespin. Just occurred to me that you might want good natures/ivs. Do you?
McGrill 4957-3455-4748
>>17888038 No, but I don't see why you would want that.
Natalie 5300-9846-0476
Quoted By:
>>17887939 >>17887817 Thanks so much for the legendaries! I still feel kinda bad trading relatively cheap BP items for an event legend though, so if you need any ability capsules, rare pickup items, maison berries, etc. just let me know!
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion]
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:20:40 No. 17888072 Report >>17888057 it's gotta be justified :\
justified + beat up = 4X attack, right?
>>17888047 Who's Kate
m8 ? And no, I have no interest in lotads, bank ball or not.
Parker 0447 6719 5352
>>17888048 Nah I just need it for pokedex
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:21:39 No. 17888084 Report >>17888074 :~:
H-how about a Moon Ball Chinchou?
McGrill 4957-3455-4748
Quoted By:
>>17888072 Intimidate is his best ability, but alright.
Lorbster/tunde 1848-1777-9983
Quoted By:
>>17888078 Then send tr at will
>>17888084 I was the anon who offered advice on egg moves, y'know.
So yes, I do. Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:24:19 No. 17888129 Report >>17888107 I was holding one for you
Kate , but you never responded. Q_Q
I gotta breed more. All I have on me are penta Males unless you are okay with those.
Jaime 3067 5397 5309
Quoted By:
>>17888074 k8 is best shitposter
:^) Anonymous
>>17888129 It's up to you. I take what I'll can get.
Lorbster/tunde 1848-1777-9983
Quoted By:
>>17888078 I felt kinda bad giving you eggs. But the damn things hatched slower than I anticipated. Need anything else?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:28:09 No. 17888196 Report Quoted By:
>>17888174 I'll breed a penta female then.
And speaking of holding shit for people, where's FranKie?
Tew Nhread when?
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
Are 3IVS acceptable when it comes to low female Ratio mons?
>tfw want to start a mister mime project >tfw i have to individually read everyone's list to see if they have a mister mime >tfw no one uses based text lists anymore so no ctrl+f image lists a shit
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:31:37 No. 17888248 Report Quoted By:
>>17888237 >mister mime >not Mr. Mime Git gud anytime
Exabytez|4441-9487-1231 !EXABytzGzI
>>17888235 >Gen6 >3IVs >enough >ever > Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion]
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:33:06 No. 17888270 Report >>17888235 it depends on the person
and sometimes the 'mon
Ellis 1607-2348-9941 !!j35jx41L0ld
>>17888237 people really dont breed
Mr.Mime .
you'll have to get the egg moves yourself.
but at least you can get other shit once you're done breeding them >>17888235 >3iv's >can get perfect mons by breeding in gen 6 wow man, git gud
Lorbster/tunde 1848-1777-9983
Quoted By:
>>17888257 It's enough on wilds
IGN Max 1693-1986-9986 heracross FS
>>17887813 sorry was letting friend stay over for philly outage and his parents came to pick him up ready to trade.
Edgar 4553-9970-2436 (Psychich) (SV:109)
Quoted By:
>>17888270 Luxury Ball fossil
>>17888272 Cranidos is just being a bitch and last time I bred a Fossil I ended up with only one spare female
ColeX 1950-8645-5670 !scizorlGFs
Quoted By:
>>17888292 Send trade whenever. I was actually out catching Tyrogue.
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion]
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:38:14 No. 17888351 Report Sooo anybody got a justified growlithe? or a growlithe friend safari? or anything like that?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:38:41 No. 17888357 Report >>17888174 >First Batch >Penta female That's pretty goo-
>Only has 3 egg moves Fuck me, I gotta pay more attention with my breeding parents. Now I can't use my 6 IV different ID Carvhana.
Where's ravi and mooba? We need a thread.
Chris(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:39:18 No. 17888365 Report Anyone up for a 6v6 match?
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:39:41 No. 17888370 Report >>17888357 Woops, meant Hexa. Hexa female with 3 egg moves.
Lorbster/tunde 1848-1777-9983
>>17888370 What egg moves?
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita)
Aki 3110-5337-7627 (Munna, Sigilyph, Gothorita) Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:40:53 No. 17888391 Report >Misdreavus parents now level 100 The ride never ends.
Chris(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:41:15 No. 17888398 Report Quoted By:
Hajibab (IGN:Sophia) 1392-4902-1126 !!p8gK3x/mO0m
Hajibab (IGN:Sophia) 1392-4902-1126 !!p8gK3x/mO0m Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:42:29 No. 17888422 Report Quoted By:
>>17888391 $20 you'll get a shiny non MM
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d
Allen {IGN: Allen} 0490-5337-3726 [X] (Flying: Rufflet, Pidgey, Woobat) !!dIHNJ6Hd66d Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:43:08 No. 17888440 Report Quoted By:
>>17888390 >Agility >Amnesia >Brine I was using a male chinchou with the egg moves and it only had 3. It didn't have Soak, the most important, in my opinion.
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion]
Milk 1719-3212-5394 [Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Duosion] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:43:31 No. 17888444 Report Quoted By:
>>17888391 i have a german shiny mismagius with
0 good IVs
Natalie 5300-9846-0476
Quoted By:
>>17888351 No clue why you would want one with that ability but I've got someone on my friend list with a growlithe safari, I can grab one for you if you want and don't mind waiting a few minutes. I can also give you another one without the ability but with a few egg moves, if you want one
Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree)
NEW THREAD: Kia 4725 9287 0534 (Illumise, Pinsir, Butterfree) Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:49:21 No. 17888541 Report Quoted By:
Chris(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Fri 07 Feb 2014 01:04:03 No. 17888781 Report Quoted By: