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No.17886492 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Okay my fellow anons. I made a thread a few days ago and got some really great help so here's hoping for the same.

According to the help I had earlier, it seems I may have finally achieved the perfect Eevee so I can make my competitive Vaporeon.

My Eevee is currently Lv.1 with starting stats on screen as follows:




and the IV checker called him Outstanding, complimented about all the stats, saying they "can't be beat" (meaning they're 31 I assume right?)

So my silly question now is what to do from here? I'm not the smartest fellow so I need specifics whenever I do something otherwise I end up in a block. So is there a step by step thing I should be doing now?

Do I just throw the WATER stone immediately on this Eevee and turn it into a Vaporeon now? if not now WHEN?

I assume the stats I should be raising for my Modest Vaporeon is mainly Sp.ATK, but which others am I raising? for how long or how many EVs?

I think I've covered all the questions I need to know so any help would be appreciated.