[80 / 6 / ?]
Okay guys so I have 6 IV Italian dittos ready to go out into the world. They come in ADAMANT JOLLY BRAVE- (0 Speed iv) MODEST TIMID I understand that Pokegen and bank now out makes these much less rare than before but this is mainly for those of you that may not have access to Pokegen, or simply don't want to deal with the hassle of making a ditto. If you would like one of the above, put up a Luvdisc on GTS named: >/vp/ All I'd like are any of the following items:>Any evolution-ites >Assault Vest >Power Items >LIfe Orb, Toxic Orb, Flame Orb >Air Balloon Basically any Battle Maison Items If you don't have anything to give that's fine. Oh, and if you're a breeder against the use of Pokegen and still receive and use one of these dittos you're just as bad as Genners.
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
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Ill bump with a few ditto pics to get the thread started. Make sure to post that youve uploaded so I know when to check GTS.
>-ites for Genned Dittos I should do that!
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
>>17887277 >If you don't have anything to give that's fine. Anonymous
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just put up a disc, cheers!
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>>17887301 I know, I'm just saying
I gave one a macho brace if that counts for something
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
I should add, please put what Nature of ditto you might want in the Luvdisc description.
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>>17887372 i put one up. its looking for adamant ditto
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
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>>17887178 I put one up, OP. Thanks!
Will 0275-7724-5494
>>17887178 Putting one up now. Thanks!
Iker 5386 8519 7563
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putting one up
>>17887404 should I take it that this japanese calm ditto with 2 perfect ivs wasn't yours? because they took my luvdisc
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
>>17887459 nope not mine
Haven't traded yet, Im loading up last batch of dittos as we speak.
Put the level to you want the ditto to 100.
Meggs 1048 9958 1862
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I've been looking for one. I have nothing good to give you, but I'll be giving away breeding projects later when I start. I just put up a disc. Adamant or Jolly, please? Thank you very much!
>>17887490 then I guess I better go catch another luvdisc
Just put one up with a Power Weight. I hope that's good enough, hahah.
>>17887512 alright, it's up again
Will 0275-7724-5494
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>>17887441 Mine's up. Any nature is fine
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:54:47 No. 17887632 Report Quoted By:
Can I get a Brave 0 spe? Disk up!
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
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>>17887590 Thats awesome man I appreciate it
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>>17887178 Disc up for Modest or Timid. Thanks OP
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Just put mine up, any nature is fine. Thanks man.
Iker 5386 8519 7563
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i put one up with a flame orb
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Thanks anon! Could I get a modest or timid please? thx again anon.
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>>17887178 Thanks OP!
Got a disc up for adamant, sorry I dont have anything to give, didn't take on the battle maison yet.
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we can safely use these as sacrifices for our god masuda, right?
Ben 4356-0278-6806 (Teddiursa, Loudred, and Ditto)
Ben 4356-0278-6806 (Teddiursa, Loudred, and Ditto) Thu 06 Feb 2014 23:59:43 No. 17887733 Report Quoted By:
Gonna go catch a Luvdisc and put one up asap
Normal Safari
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Anyone have a ditto safari? :3
Putting one up, OP! It's... uh, still holding it's Scale?
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>>17887178 Post one, nature doesn't matter
Ign devon
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure]
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:03:58 No. 17887807 Report Quoted By:
>>17887178 OP. I'd love a Brave & any other DITTO however I'm not too keen on putting the items onto the GTS for fear of getting sniped. Any chance you can add my FC?
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
>>17887178 Ok I put one up, it's not named /vp/ since I can't name the only one I have on hand, but i set the message as /vp/
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I've had one up for a bit. If you send a ditto, I'll trade you a Maison item afterwards as an incentive.
Iker 5386 8519 7563
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>>17887178 thanks for the ditto
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
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>>17887823 Oh yea preferably Timid Nature
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Ben please give me your dittos!
>>17887773 and it got sniped... gimmie a minute to grab another
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>>17887178 Thanks from the guy with a power belt
I just put one with Life Orb, I would be grateful with any 6 IVs Ditto. I don't have my Black/White copy anymore so I really thank you for this kind of help.
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
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Guys put the Levels desired to 100.
Ben 4356-0278-6806 (Teddiursa, Loudred, and Ditto)
Ben 4356-0278-6806 (Teddiursa, Loudred, and Ditto) Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:15:54 No. 17888011 Report Quoted By:
Thanks a lot OP!
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure]
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:16:06 No. 17888013 Report Quoted By:
>>17887178 Luvdisc is up for a Brave Ditto :)
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>>17887976 Huh someone gave me a shitty Ditto, I'll try again :/
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
>>17887976 Put the level to 100
>>17888032 Ok, done. I gave it again another Life Orb. Thank you again for this.
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure]
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:21:57 No. 17888090 Report Quoted By:
>>17887178 Put another Disc up for any random Nature, just not Brave. Thank you OP.
notice me, OP sempai (It has no item, level search is set to 91 higher)
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>>17888032 >>17888076 It came, thank you so much :D
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
>>17888102 Whats your in game name?
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>>17887178 Thank you for the adamant one man!
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
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I would like to clarify to everyone that those with items are indeed getting priority, that does not mean however you wont get one if there is no item.
>>17887364 >>17887404 >>17887459 >>17887490 >>17887594 anything yet? I'm going out in a bit and I can't watch the thread much longer
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Sent one with a reaper cloth IGN Jacob
Iker 5386 8519 7563
>>17888172 can i get another ditto thats brave, ill put up disc with an assault vest. thanks
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
>>17888239 YES
>>17888220 Whats your in game name
I thought I traded with you earlier already.
There are too many other Luvdiscs from Reddit and its becoming a hassle to find the VP ones.
For now well keep going but anybody have a suggestion on the pokemon change?
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>>17887178 I put a disk along a power item for a jolly ditto please
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>>17888301 my in-game name is James
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I don't have anything, but can I get a Jolly or Modest one?
Chad 0533-5592-3692
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>>17887178 Hey, I put one on the GTS just now. I'd love a Timid Ditto, but if you're out and have Jolly that'd be perfect! I'm sorry I dont have anything to give, but I just started breeding and fooling around with EVs/IVs.
Just saw my Luvdisc is holding Heart Scale though, so that's pretty nice!
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Thanx based anon
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure]
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure] Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:44:56 No. 17888466 Report Quoted By:
>>17887178 Would a Life Orb get me a Ditto by any chance OP?
Chasen 2766-9079-9257 Psychic(Xatu-Sigilyph-Grumpig)
Chasen 2766-9079-9257 Psychic(Xatu-Sigilyph-Grumpig) Fri 07 Feb 2014 00:45:10 No. 17888469 Report Quoted By:
>>17888301 Put up disc for adamant ditto
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Welp, hope it's not too late to receive a ditto, with so many other people joining in.
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
I have to go to a party soon guys so Ill stop here. Ill be back later tonight though. Please take your Luvdiscs down because when I come back ill change the pokemon most likely to fletchling or something. If I didnt get to you, I will in the next thread. Look for it around 11Pm-Midnight tonight or so.
>>17888507 thanks for costing me my macho brace then
Iker 5386 8519 7563
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thanks again op
Castle !GHvJYkgQTw
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>>17888539 Sorry, there are too many Luvdiscs that arent even from /vp/ If youre in the next thread you can just give me your friend code.
Please give me one
Andrew(4098-3351-4509)(Larvesta,pansear,ninetales) Please give me one Fri 07 Feb 2014 01:48:02 No. 17889556 Report Quoted By:
>>17887178 Hey do u have any left? im gnna put up a ferroseed is that okay? thank you so much man
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I just put a luvdisc with blastoisinite up please trade
Leon 3582-9839-6828 Psychic, Duosion, Espurr, Munna
Leon 3582-9839-6828 Psychic, Duosion, Espurr, Munna Fri 07 Feb 2014 02:12:33 No. 17889939 Report Quoted By:
may i get one plz? disking up
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>Italian dittos Will its offspring have greasy hair and criminal inclinations?
Raul 2492 4271 0831
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Can I have one please? my luv is already up
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this still going on?