Hey /vp/ I am on my quest to complete the Pokedex. I need 7 more event legendaries (Deoxys, Shaymin, Genesect, Jirachi, Darkrai, Mew, and Keldeo). I have a Celebi, Arceus, Virizion, Cobalion, and Zekrom to trade for these. Any help would be appreciated.
>>17890819 If you give me a little bit i can get you genesect, darkrai, and keldeo.
Izzy [0705-3265-1862]
>>17890819 I have a Darkrai. I'm looking for Leftovers if you're willing to trade.
Josh 1521-3310-9028
>>17890950 I would love them, what do you want, and what is your friend code?
Josh 1521-3310-9028
>>17890983 I have leftovers that I am willing to trade. Ill add you.
>>17890819 I need virizion
Also any offers from not OP would be nice too
>>17891179 I dont really need anything. You can just have them. Fc is 2938-6916-5680
gavin 3325 2061 0011
Josh 1521-3310-9028
>>17891232 Ill trade you Virizion for a Jirachi or Shaymin.
gavin 3325 2061 0011
>>17891271 shaymin sounds good, i'll add you right now
Josh 1521-3310-9028
>>17891256 Oh Thank you, and I just added you.
>>17891324 I just gotta run a quick errand ill shoot you a trade request when i get back.
Josh 1521-3310-9028
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>>17891377 Ok thank you, and take your time.
Izzy [0705-3265-1862]
>>17891205 One sec im trying to fix my wifi for my 3ds. I'll add you soon.
Josh 1521-3310-9028
>>17891484 ok once you get it figured out shoot me a trade request.
Lelouch 3711-8132-1485 (flabebe, togepi, swirlix)
Lelouch 3711-8132-1485 (flabebe, togepi, swirlix) Fri 07 Feb 2014 03:48:37 No. 17891629 Report Arceus 4 Mew ?
Josh 1521-3310-9028
>>17891629 Ok sounds good. Ill add you.
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>>17891699 Alright ill send you a trade request once youre back online.
Josh 1521-3310-9028
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>>17891290 Hey Gavin, would it be ok if we traded and traded back Deoxys and Jirachi. They are the last two that I need.
0877-1778-8099 Prof. Oak
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Anyone looking for XD lugia or colloseum Ho oh?
Izzy [0705-3265-1862]
>>17891520 There's 2 Joshes online on my Friends List do you have the Pangoro Hat
Josh 1521-3310-9028
Izzy [0705-3265-1862]
Gerald 4484-8140-9104
>>17890819 what nature is your celebii?
i can offer a deoxys for it
Josh 1521-3310-9028
>>17892483 Its Docile (Neutral).
Gerald 4484-8140-9104
>>17892558 cool i'll give you a deoxys for it
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak Fri 07 Feb 2014 04:36:32 No. 17892590 Report >>17890819 I can get you Genesect, Darkrai, Mew, or Keldeo for Arceus if you still have it
Josh 1521-3310-9028
>>17892588 Ok ill add you.
Gerald 4484-8140-9104
Josh 1521-3310-9028
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What would someone give me for Arceus?
Josh 1521-3310-9028
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Does anyone have a Jirachi for trade and if so what do you want for it?
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak Fri 07 Feb 2014 04:46:29 No. 17892807 Report may as well post this, Im in dire need of Arceus, Shaymin, or Meloetta, they're the last 3 I need
Josh 1521-3310-9028
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>>17892590 I'm sorry bud i already traded Arceus.
Josh 1521-3310-9028
>>17892807 Ill trade you a shaman for Zapdos.
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak Fri 07 Feb 2014 04:51:24 No. 17892922 Report >>17892889 you got it, do you want a Serious, Mild, Naive, or Timid one? also adding you
Josh 1521-3310-9028
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak Fri 07 Feb 2014 04:55:09 No. 17892983 Report xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Back From Tour
>>17892983 I have Keldeo, looking to trade for Shaymin. Really trying to finish this dex
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Back From Tour
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>>17892997 Why did I link
>>17892983 fuck me.
Josh 1521-3310-9028
Anyone, Jirachi, Please. Its the last one I need.
Aaron 2191-7647-8370 (Ground: Dugtrio, Phanphy, Bunnelby)
Aaron 2191-7647-8370 (Ground: Dugtrio, Phanphy, Bunnelby) Fri 07 Feb 2014 05:02:45 No. 17893116 Report >>17893100 Do you just need to trade and trade back?
Josh 1521-3310-9028
>>17893116 Yes I would love that.
Aaron 2191-7647-8370 (Ground: Dugtrio, Phanphy, Bunnelby)
Aaron 2191-7647-8370 (Ground: Dugtrio, Phanphy, Bunnelby) Fri 07 Feb 2014 05:06:48 No. 17893172 Report >>17893141 Can you trade and trade back yvetal, groudon or mew
Josh 1521-3310-9028
Josh 1521-3310-9028
>>17893172 Thank you soooooo much
Aaron 2191-7647-8370 (Ground: Dugtrio, Phanphy, Bunnelby)
Aaron 2191-7647-8370 (Ground: Dugtrio, Phanphy, Bunnelby) Fri 07 Feb 2014 05:12:24 No. 17893246 Report Quoted By:
>>17893235 No problemo man
Park 1736-1319-5391
>>17892807 Are you trading that Keldeo or Darkrai? I've got Meloetta.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Back From Tour
Anyone have a Shaymin, I'll trade Keldeo or Meloetta. Pls respond
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak Fri 07 Feb 2014 05:18:43 No. 17893392 Report >>17893268 which one do you want? adding you
Park 1736-1319-5391
>>17893392 Keldeo, please.
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak Fri 07 Feb 2014 05:21:38 No. 17893466 Report Quoted By:
>>17893438 you got it, just send me a trade request, I'll be waiting
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should I keep this? Deoxys - #386 (Brave) HP: 24 Att: 29 Def: 30 SpA: 31 SpD: 3 Speed: 31 Deoxys - #386 (Brave) : 24 / 29 / 30 / 31 / 3 / 31 Possible Hidden Power Types: Ice Possible Hidden Power Attack Powers: 68
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any meloettas out there? i'll trade you a manaphy
>>17893289 I have a shaymin. wanna trade the meloetta?
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Back From Tour
>>17893971 Sounds good, what's your FC and IGN?
French (4613-7530-4304) !xeeVee3Fn.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Back From Tour
>>17894088 Oh it's you French, what's up? TR whenever.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Back From Tour
French (4613-7530-4304) !xeeVee3Fn.
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>>17894135 hey man! and thanks!
Nick 4484-8686-4909
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Im looking for a Victini, I can offer a Jirachi for it. I dont think it is legit, I got it on GTS on Pearl foerever ago.
4270 2230 2156 (vullaby sableye sneasel) Borrego Fri 07 Feb 2014 06:11:35 No. 17894318 Report Help, I need jirachi, meloetta, mew, deoxys, and darkrai. I have more than pic related
4270 2230 2156 (vullaby sableye sneasel) Borrego Fri 07 Feb 2014 06:14:23 No. 17894355 Report >>17894318 Heh, forgot pic
Red 0962 9472 1220 fighting(Machoke,Throh,Breloom)
Red 0962 9472 1220 fighting(Machoke,Throh,Breloom) Fri 07 Feb 2014 06:20:57 No. 17894440 Report Quoted By:
>>17894355 I can trade you a jirachi for a keldeo
Jared FC: 5300-8502-1586
I am in need of Thundurus, Landarus, Tornadus, Arceus, Shaymin, Darkrai, Heatran, Cresselia, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit, Victini, Meloetta, all of the Regis, all the legendary dogs, Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Latios, Latias, Deoxys, Jirachi and Mew. I have not much to offer: Xerneas, Celebi, Genesect, Keldeo, Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion, shiny Dialga, shiny Palkia and shiny Genesect. Anyone?
Jared FC: 5300-8502-1586
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>>17894780 Wow and by shiny Genesect I mean shiny Giratina.
Jared FC: 5300-8502-1586
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>>17894780 Also add Zygarde and Mewtwo to the list of ones I have. If it matters.
Nathan 0473-7949-9083 (Swallot, Seviper, Muk)
Nathan 0473-7949-9083 (Swallot, Seviper, Muk) Fri 07 Feb 2014 07:09:35 No. 17895171 Report The only Legendary I am missing is Shaymin. It's the only one I had on my complete pokedex White cartridge that Pokemon Bank wouldn't transfer, go figure. I'm not a fan of hacked mons, but if it is the only option...
Nathan 0473-7949-9083 (Swallot, Seviper, Muk)
Nathan 0473-7949-9083 (Swallot, Seviper, Muk) Fri 07 Feb 2014 07:12:03 No. 17895209 Report >>17895171 Almost forgot, Legendaries I have extras of:
Musketeer Trio
Djinn Trio
Regigas, Rock and Ice
Psychic Trio (Gen 4 Roamers)
Reshiram x2
Park 1736-1319-5391
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>>17895171 Willing to do Arceus for a shaymin?
Jazmine 1736-1190-5089
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>>17895209 Wat to trade Meloetta for a Mew?
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How the fuck did you guys transfer them ? why won't it let me ?
Turns out my old Darkrai was a fake, and I need a new one, but the only thing I have to trade is an extra SPR2013 Meloetta. Can anyone help me?
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I need them all, except for Celebi of course. Got random 5IV Pokemon from breeding (some bank-exclusives, if that even matters any more). I'd love it if anyone could help me out. Don't really want hacks but clones are fine.
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>>17896836 I'd love a Meloetta, but I only have one Darkrai. Any way I could convince you to trade for one of my spares?
I have:
Musketeer Trio
Tao Trio
Tariq 4699-7157-1718
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>>17895209 I have a Shaymin, but what is the Latios Timid nature with perfect IVs?