[16 / 1 / ?]
Hey guys, been having a helluva day trading for bank mons. I have about all the legendaries except Arceus, Landorus, Genesect, and Kyruem . I really don't care if they're hacked mons or not. I have lots of event rayquazas, manaphys, shaymins, darkrais, a groudon and zekrom. I also have a shiny cyndaquil and charmander if anyone is interested
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I can get you arceus and genesect. Fc is 2938-6916-5680
Skribblez 2208-4519-5662
I have a spare Kyurem. Do the shiny Cynda or Charmander have a good nature or decent IVs?
west 0344-9316-8427
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Awesome, adding you now.
west 0344-9316-8427
>>17892156 I know shit all about IV's and natures to be honest. Charmander is rash and cyndaquil is hasty though
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>>17892195 Im almost ready to trade. Just gotta do the transfer real quick. You wouldnt happen to have a 6iv ditto would you?
Skribblez 2208-4519-5662
>>17892195 Lol it's cool. I'll take the Cyndaquil shiny if you don't mind parting with it
Yosuke YFC: 4914 3485 7607
>>17892039 Hey mate would you do a shaymin for kyurem
>>17892195 Alright i added you and have your arceus and genesect.
west 0344-9316-8427
Yosuke YFC: 4914 3485 7607
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>>17892376 ha cool I'll add you now, its a legit one
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak
Andrew 2664-2308-2476 Kakuna, Swalot, Toxicroak Fri 07 Feb 2014 04:27:44 No. 17892450 Report Quoted By:
>>17892376 i can get you landorus for shaymin
west 0344-9316-8427
>>17892365 Thanks man, was going to give ya ampharos for thanks but lilligant is cool too!
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>>17892273 You still want that cyndaquil? I need kyurem for mah dex. Op just traded it to me
>>17892473 I had a spare so no prob
Nike 0602-6314-3432(Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle)
Nike 0602-6314-3432(Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle) Fri 07 Feb 2014 04:33:31 No. 17892541 Report >>17892039 Would you trade a Manaphy for a Landorus Therian form? I got it from the dream radar.
west 0344-9316-8427
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>>17892541 sure man. adding ya now