I have a box full of 5IV Pawniards leftover from MM, that I have no need of. They are all pentaperfect, meaning that they are missing 31 in sp.atk. All of them also have Sucker Punch, and they are in Ultra Balls. I'm not sure how many people want these, but if you do, add my FC, post in this thread (pls include our IGN) and you'll get one. I have 16 females and 14 males, so if you would like one or the other note so in your post. This is a giveaway, so give me whatever you want. Any shitmon is fine.
meta matic 5043-2724-7922
Grunty 3325-3286-0306
>>17896504 Male pls. Will be on shortly.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17896517 Added. here we go.
Balmore 3668 8580 7512
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear)
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear) Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:16:53 No. 17896534 Report Adding for male plz
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
meta matic 5043-2724-7922
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506 (Onix, Dwebble, Shuckle)
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506 (Onix, Dwebble, Shuckle) Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:17:45 No. 17896541 Report I could go for a male
Grunty 3325-3286-0306
Joe 4141 3405 7499
>>17896504 I'd like to get a female if I could
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Jaime 3754-6915-8160 [Grass: Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin]
Jaime 3754-6915-8160 [Grass: Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin] Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:22:21 No. 17896562 Report >>17896504 How about a female? Would appreciate it a ton.
Balmore 3668 8580 7512
Quoted By:
awesome, thanks! (:
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede]
Cactus 0602-6373-2823 [Poison: Venomoth, Gloom, Whirlipede] Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:24:22 No. 17896570 Report would prefer a female
Busty - 1005-9339-3617
either gender is fine if you have any left, thanks for doing this based op, wish i had something to give you for your troubles. can't wait until i have a box or two full of good mons to just give away.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>17896554 >>17896562 of course. I'll get to you guys in a second
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506 (Onix, Dwebble, Shuckle)
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506 (Onix, Dwebble, Shuckle) Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:26:30 No. 17896576 Report Quoted By:
Thanks Bubble ol buddy ol pal
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear)
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear) Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:26:32 No. 17896577 Report Quoted By:
Thx Bubbles : )
Mark 3411-1635-6691(pikachu,electrode,zebstrika)
Mark 3411-1635-6691(pikachu,electrode,zebstrika) Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:26:38 No. 17896578 Report Hey, can I get one? Don't care for gender
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, Nosepass)
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, Nosepass) Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:28:52 No. 17896586 Report I'll get one OP
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Butler (2406 - 5263 - 7322)
I've added you. Gender doesn't matter. IGN is Matt.
Joe 4141 3405 7499
Mark 3411-1635-6691(pikachu,electrode,zebstrika)
Mark 3411-1635-6691(pikachu,electrode,zebstrika) Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:33:11 No. 17896613 Report >>17896596 Thanks! I'll go ahead and add you
Alexander 2981 6579 0302
>>17896504 I'd love one brother, thank you.
Male or fem doesn't atter
Jaime 3754-6915-8160 [Grass: Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin]
Jaime 3754-6915-8160 [Grass: Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin] Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:37:14 No. 17896626 Report Quoted By:
>>17896596 Thanks, OP! I appreciate it.
If you're still OP, can i get a male?
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17896586 >>17896605 >>17896619 you're up!
>>17896613 I didn't see you on PSS before, so I'll get to you right away.
Once again, you're all welcome!
Joseph 1048 8540 2091
Mark 3411-1635-6691(pikachu,electrode,zebstrika)
Mark 3411-1635-6691(pikachu,electrode,zebstrika) Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:45:08 No. 17896654 Report Quoted By:
>>17896638 Yea sorry, my ds likes to kick me offline. Thanks again!
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, Nosepass)
Scott 1907-9352-0265 (Pupitar, barbacle, Nosepass) Fri 07 Feb 2014 10:45:54 No. 17896656 Report Quoted By:
Thanks OP!
Orchard [2122-7297-6627]
Ooooo yes please OP, I've been itching for a 5IV Pawniard. Would also like a male if possible.
Alexander 2981 6579 0302
Quoted By:
>>17896638 Thank you very much.
That Dratini is unfortunately 5IVs and missing Def, but it should help you
Butler (2406 - 5263 - 7322)
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Orchard [2122-7297-6627]
Quoted By:
>>17896676 Thank you very much.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
You're all welcome! I still have plenty left, so come and get them before they're off to WT :3
BigC (Corey) 2234-7639-5314
Alexander 2981 6579 0302
>>17896700 I hate to be greedy, but might I get another before you send them to WT, and if no one else wants one of course. Breeding purposes Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17896725 alright. here we go
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17896730 no problem. just tell me which gender you need.
Alexander 2981 6579 0302
>>17896743 Female if you would please, and thank you again.
Joseph 1048 8540 2091
>>17896700 Sorry op, didnt realize i wasn't connected to internet.
BigC (Corey) 2234-7639-5314
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17896745 >>17896748 welcome ^-^
>>17896747 wut? I traded someone named Joe, was that you?
Alexander 2981 6579 0302
Quoted By:
>>17896753 Thank you very much, I greatly appreciate it. I also hope that Dratini had E-speed as well
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>17896747 nevermind, that was someone from before, kek
Joseph 1048 8540 2091
>>17896753 Nope, not me. I'll ask to trade you.'
Thank you in advance OP!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17896760 wow, huge thanks for the genesect. I needed one to complete my dex.
I guess Joe got 2 pawniards then, lel
Tariq 4699-7157-1718
>>17896769 How many do you have left because I would like one.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>17896781 I've got plenty left. One for you.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17896781 were you Magenera?
Tariq 4699-7157-1718
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
8 females and 3 males left. get them while they're still here!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Alex [1220 - 7185 - 9002]
>>17896896 Do you still have Pawniards? I'd like one!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17896907 yep. pawniard coming right up
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Alex [1220 - 7185 - 9002]
Quoted By:
>>17896918 Added you, I'll go online now.
Alex [1220 - 7185 - 9002]
Rebecca 4811-7168-2947
>>17896504 If you still have one left I'd love one. I'll give you one of my 5IV modest Froakies for it too
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17896956 coming right up
>>17896952 thank you too :3
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure]
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure] Fri 07 Feb 2014 11:55:24 No. 17896969 Report >>17896504 Any left OP? I would be forever in your debt if you traded me a Pawniard.
Rebecca 4811-7168-2947
>>17896967 Thank you so much!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17896969 sure thing! add me
>>17896974 you're welcome ^-^
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
I just now realized that I forgot to mention that they're all Adamant and they all have Defiant. whoops.Good thing I didn't forget to mention that they're all in Ultra Balls
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure]
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure] Fri 07 Feb 2014 12:03:02 No. 17896994 Report >>17896980 Done. Anyway I have the following I can offer in return
4 IV Adamant Outrage Larvitar
5 IV Naive Outrage/IronTail/IronHead Gible
4 IV Timid Protean Froakie
4 IV Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling
Up to you.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17896994 it really doesn't matter to me what I get in return.
but the larvitar would be awesome :3 send me a trade request pls
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure]
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure] Fri 07 Feb 2014 12:09:20 No. 17897028 Report Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>17897028 you're welcome!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
5 females and 3 males left. If you want a Pawniard, now's the time to get one!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Fri 07 Feb 2014 12:26:16 No. 17897102 Report >>17897094 ill take a female
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17897049 I'd like one, adding you.
FC: 0774-4872-5472
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Fri 07 Feb 2014 12:31:51 No. 17897126 Report Thank you based Bubbles
>>17897125 Thank you, Bubbles.
That Chimchar has pentaperfect IVs with HA and some egg moves.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>17897126 >>17897137 you're welcome, guys!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
3 females and 3 males left. I'll be avalible for 20 more minutes. Will bump after 10 minutes of there are no replies.
Maxhen 0018-0538-3497
I'll like one please! Either male of female is cool.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
>>17897186 coming right up
Maxhen 0018-0538-3497
>>17897200 Excellent! Thank you very much!
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
>>17897213 you're welcome.
Bubbles 4184-2095-9208
Quoted By:
I have to leave now, so sorry if you see this thread too late. Anyways, thanks for participating, guys, and I hope you enjoy your Pawniards. Bye!