Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
You messed up linking the old thread to this one Lime. I am disappointed. I have 6 Love Ball Chimecho up for adoption if anyone wants one! They're like little mini Clefable in terms of their moveset.
Quoted By:
>>17912404 I'm liking Bank. It's giving me Pokemon. I wish there were a faster way to move Pokemon around in it though.
>>17912479 I'll disc for one of those, thank you.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17912404 Where are the Top Kecs, Lime?
I want one.
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:05:19 No. 17912510 Report Quoted By:
>>17912479 I'll grab one, let me fish some discs
Okay I know this is GTS giveaway but like can I trade my actually Thundurus for a simple pokegtsd I also have a shiny audino if anyone has interest in that.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17912404 Bank is pretty cool. Moved a ton of shit between my games.
Then I realized items don't get carried over. Flash
>>17912511 You know, it isn't a requirement to post a strange, slightly sexual picture every time you say something.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17912511 This isn't Pokegen general.
Disc up for a Giratina fag.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>17912479 i'll take one, disc up!
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:08:37 No. 17912540 Report Lime 3883-5402-8331
Due to a shipping mistake I have an overabundance of male and female Impish Friend Ball HA Kecleons and I'm passing the savings on to yooooou! I have nineteen 3-4 IV Protean females, thirteen 4-5 IV Protean males, fourteen 4-5 IV Color Change females, and twelve 4-5 IV Color Change males. Put up discs and request what gender/ability Kecleon you would want.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17912525 I do realize now I posted the incorrect image.
I click fast and Im really tired.
I meant to post the best thread to ever be archived on here.
>>17912533 I ask them but they say "We don't do that shit here you might as well go ask wifi general or that gts giving shit"
Quoted By:
What's a good mon to breed?
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:09:40 No. 17912555 Report Quoted By:
>>17912479 Okay the disc is up : )
Thanks much!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17912546 4IV Protean Female named Top Kec please.
Quoted By:
>>17912546 I'll disc for something later. It'll be a Kecleon, though.
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:10:57 No. 17912567 Report >>17912550 i'm gonna slowly do that now
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17912552 I dunno maybe you should stfu and disc up for a Giratina fag.
Quoted By:
>>17912546 Can you save me one 5IV Protean Male Kec? I'll be online around 15 minutes, I think.
>>17912572 I did though.
I mean I do go full retard sometimes though.
I do think I am not quite a fag though.
Am I?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Still have two 4iv HA dream ball Vulpix left if anyone wants.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17912567 Not you bro. You're not a fag,
bro .
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17912546 So tempted by that illegal protean one.
I guess I'll take a legal color change one.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>17912546 can i get a protean female please? disc going up
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17912599 Friend Ball Color Change Kecleon is legal?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17912599 Male or female?
It's not like it's a game changer, Protean is available. It's just for aesthetics. Shigu
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:14:15 No. 17912618 Report >>17912591 I literally put up a disc saying
"gab r u srs"
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>17912588 Putting up a disc for one.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17912546 Disc up for protean Kek
Quoted By:
>>17912546 >google "pokemon nature" to look up impish >google now has a box at the top explaining what Pokemon natures are It's learning.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Just tried to give a shiny Kangaskhan to a random passerby and he closed the trade after seeing her. If someone is interested, send a disc for disc trade and I'll trade Mamakhan as an acquaintance. Forgot to remove pokecheck ribbon.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17912618 I gave my last Giratina to that fag. Sorry.
Random Genesect?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17912662 >pokecheck ribbon Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:18:22 No. 17912689 Report >>17912668 I'll take it.
Thanks, let me change that disc : )
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17912610 Actually they're both illegal apparently. The only way to get a Kecleon in HG/SS is pokewalker.
I know it doesn't hurt anyone, heck I'm taking one.
>>17912614 A male is good!
Quoted By:
>>17912662 Pokecheck ribbon? What
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17912689 Cool! Thanks bro. I added some Leftovers because you're a bro.
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:20:15 No. 17912725 Report >>17912709 Gab you're the fucking man.
Oh my god.
The disc is up.
Same message.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17912684 I really hate this stupid ribbon. Srsly. ;-;
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17912546 Thank you for Top Kec.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17912701 I gave you a female I'm so sorry. Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Quoted By:
>>17912546 >kek disc up for one
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17912725 Forgot Genesect is an event mon. Disc for a uh... machop then I'll trade you.
ING: Zee
Quoted By:
>>17912479 Disc is ready now.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17912738 Oh it's fine either way! The combo is so nice. I wish it was legal.
I'll use it anyways Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:24:09 No. 17912779 Report Quoted By:
>>17912752 I'll just send you a trade.
I have you on my acquaintances!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17912760 Yeah this combo is great. Not as great as Quick Ball Shiny Gligar but yeah great.
The colors match Lime too. Thanks Flash.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17912619 Sent. Sorry that took so long.
>>17912546 Okay, I'll take a Protean female, unless one of the HA males is pentaperfect. Thanks Lime.
>>17912780 Hey, it was her idea. I'm no good at thinking of matching things.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17912794 I think I do have a pentaperfect male.
>>17912760 It will be legal when
Hoenn remake comes out.
Quoted By:
>>17912760 Chimecho is adorable, thank you.
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:26:43 No. 17912820 Report Quoted By:
>>17912780 Gabriel, holy ass, you're the man.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Is Fast Ball Pichu legal?
>>17912813 Yeah forgot that was announced and Hoenn has Apricorns. Oh yeah!
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17912829 >What is adding features Flash
>>17912853 Still, it's a big assumption to make.
When do we get to design our own pokeballs?
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:30:45 No. 17912873 Report Hey, guys. Does anyone by any chance have a female Gastly inside a Moon ball?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17912864 Everyone would make ass balls.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17912873 Sorry, I only have pentaperfect Timid ones with Disable and Perish song. Disc up if you want one.
Quoted By:
>>17912726 Use IR-GTS or PokeGTS to avoid the Ribbon.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:32:39 No. 17912899 Report Quoted By:
>>17912885 Oh goody goody. Putting a Luvdisc right this instant.
>>17912874 Yeah, I was assuming they would have to stick with set designs and let us pick color schemes to protect the kids.
What Pokemon would go best with an Ass Ball?
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Quoted By:
>>17912546 disc up for a HA female plz
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17912907 Skuntank. Magmar.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>17912864 just want a non masterball purple ball
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17912986 just want a non premier ball all red 3x faster ball
>>17912986 And a non gimmick yellow ball
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17912986 Wish Smoke Ball was actually a Pokéball.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17913012 Yeah Park Ball would be awesome for Galvantula.
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>17913015 >tfw I thought it was a useable Pokeball in Gold version Gray
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17913041 And shiny Kingler, or shiny Meganium, or shiny Lucario, etc.
>>17913059 But shiny kingler is green
>>17913054 Read the post I responded to.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17913059 Woah shiny Lucario looks dumb.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Quoted By:
>>17913059 >>17913069 I meant Krabby.
Shiny Kingler got a shitty color. Santana 4399-0165-0292
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Quoted By:
>>17913078 Looks much better in BW, somehow.
>>17913070 You had me worried we'd officially crossed the event horizon with illegal balls. Will the madness ever end?
Also, I have 4 HA Dream Ball Vulpix, if anyone is interested.
Quoted By:
Disc up for Protean Kec.
Anyone have a female Onix/Steelix in a Heavy Ball?
>>17913165 Yeah, put up a disc. It's an Onix.
Felix 5370-0402-3972
I got this weird event Sableye with Octazooka from someone, its bretty cool But I cant get my Surfing Pikachu from BR to Black 2 in any way
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Sat 08 Feb 2014 06:53:59 No. 17913186 Report >>17913108 I kinda am. I'll put a disc up.
>>17913170 Nigger, are you serious? I've been looking for one for ages. Just put one up.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Quoted By:
I really want Moon Ball Noibat . Waiting for Johto remake.
Felix 5370-0402-3972
Quoted By:
>>17913215 it's illegal though </3 Gray
Thanks for the beautiful Kecleon, Limeface. Katherine, are you lurking?
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Sat 08 Feb 2014 07:09:39 No. 17913394 Report Quoted By:
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
When breeding pokes with HA, is it better to breed with a male in their egg group than Ditto to pass the HA? I'm only usually getting 1 out of 5 Unburden Swirlix and I'm trying for a pentaperfect female.
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Sat 08 Feb 2014 07:11:17 No. 17913420 Report >>17913398 A female with an HA will have a 60% chance of passing it on, regardless of who it's breeding with.
>>17913398 No difference. Only difference is a male in the egg group by a different OT will speed up egg production ("get along very well!") so I guess more/faster eggs = can hatch faster = more pokemon hatched in the same space of time = more HA
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17913398 It's the same rate.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17913398 Female is best. Passes it down easier. However you're just having bad RNG luck.
>>17913431 Was just wondering what I was breeding.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17913420 >>17913421 >>17913424 Thanks.
So Apple, you okay with a random 5IV Unburden Swirlix. Still can't get a pentaperfect.
>battling in Maison >full HP opponent used Endure, but I don't attack >attack next turn, it's holding a Focus Sash Why.
>>17913456 Oh of course. Just save the pentaperfect for yourself.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>17913421 Can't remember, but did you want one of those dream ball Vulpix back?
>>17913479 Nope, I bred my own. Thank you for the offer though. Just curious, did you breed any extra egg moves on the abra?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17913484 I put barrier on it. There really wasn't much else.
>>17913476 We've been doing that for a bit now, huh?
>>17913464 Attack stunfisk
>stunfisk used endure >stunfisk has 1 hp >attack stunfisk >focus band let stunfisk survive >stunfisk uses surf >attack stunfisk >stunfisk holds on with focus band >stunfisk uses surf That is how I got beat by a stunfisk on maison
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17913469 Just gonna finish eating. Hope you're still here later.
What to breed after Swirlix? Taking a break MMing Gligars.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17913231 >mfw I get a fully trained level 100 31/31/31/0/31/31 Onix THANK YOU BASED ANON
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17913525 work on finishing your dex Flash
>>17913522 Always fun, huh?
I usually have trouble when I run into the Focus Sash Hypnosis / Dream Eater Gengars.
>>17913534 Glad you like it!
>>17913531 <3 IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17913550 That's harder than MMing!
>>17913589 >acquiring Pokemon is harder than MMing >in a giveaway thread Anonymous
>>17913565 >Hypnosis Gengar I am never prepared for him
and it never misses Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17913589 Find someone to help you while you help them.
Quoted By:
>>17913599 I swear sometimes the AI runs Compound Eyes Gengar.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17913602 Forgot picture.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
Nearing box 20 of Shellder. I don't even know why I wanted this thing beside it being blue. ;-;
And another box and a half of females. Take em if you want em
>>17913613 B-but its shiny is green!
David 2836-0415-5588
>>17913613 i'll take a salad!
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17913646 I KNOW. I'm trying to vet rid of non shiny ones with minimal typing.
Evan 1263-6861-9424
>>17913646 disc up for larvitar, thanks!
Also, I have:
12x HA Ultra Ball Emolga
13x Lure Ball Taillow
10x Moon Ball Cherubi
14x Heal Ball Chansey
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17913661 Sent, enjoy your salad ~
Lukey 4699-5775-2297
>>17913703 Requesting Taillow
put a Pentaperfect marill with Description "4 evan" on gts
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Sat 08 Feb 2014 07:41:25 No. 17913762 Report How's all going. Still have heaps of Love Ball Cleffa, and still haven't wondertraded others, so might list them again soon. Might have a few HP Ground Moon Ball Venonat soon, too.
>>17913762 I think I will put a disc up for a Cleffa in a minute, thank you.
Lukey 4699-5775-2297
>>17913742 Thank you Evan!
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Sat 08 Feb 2014 07:46:26 No. 17913821 Report >>17913803 Okay, checked and didn't spot it, so let me know when it's up. :)
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>17913805 no problem, thanks for the marill!
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17913762 I'll nab a Cleffa
Quoted By:
>>17913821 Yeah, I was busy...
losing in the Maison. Anonymous
Just got a shiny seaking from Wondertrade named "i got shuny" At least I think it's shiny. You can't tell with these things.
Quoted By:
>>17913899 Does it have the star?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17913598 >>17913602 Working on Oval Charm now. After that I'll ask for help.
>>17914066 Why wait? Tell me some Pokemon I can give you.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17914070 I want to find these Pokes in Kalos.
>>17914081're not accepting any trades? You're just going to encounter them all yourself? I don't think that will work.
Got some 4-5IV Friend Ball Seedots. Who wants one?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
I was told by some kind anon that I could get a female HA Love Ball Eevee here. Can I please get one?
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Sat 08 Feb 2014 08:15:20 No. 17914142 Report I have a ton of dream world non-HA joltiks for anyone who wants em. They all have compound eyes, since their HA, swarm, is terrible. I'm MMing them 'cause I like the idea of my bro galvantula in a dream ball. I don't think anyone is gonna want 'em, but if you do just put up a disc.
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Top Kec and Marill, Lime.
>>17914142 I want one. Discing up.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17914142 Did you get to those dive ball Finneon?
Quoted By:
>>17914139 I think Sophie and Calamity had those (although I don't remember if they were HA). Not sure if they're still around, as it's dead hours.
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Sat 08 Feb 2014 08:18:55 No. 17914175 Report >>17914160 Oh gosh I totally forgot! I'll give you the one I have now if you want? I can easily bank over another.
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Got two HA Dream Ball Togepi for people willing to distribute.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17914175 No, I'll wait, still doing Hoppips;_;
>>17914177 >breeding a babymon I'm sorry.
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Kish 3196-3665-1463 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Sat 08 Feb 2014 08:21:17 No. 17914197 Report >>17914182 You sure? I'm honestly not a fan of Finneon so I don't know if I'll remember to get around to it.
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Quoted By:
>>17914184 It gets even worse, breeding a babymon with awful female gender ratios. I'm gonna giveaway these two HA ones then the rest will be Serene Grace.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17914197 If there's someone who can breed and distribute now then leave it to them, I don't know when I'll be able to get to those Finneon
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17914095 Yeah this not working.
5IV Bold Female HA Shiny Eevee with Hyper Voice and Wish. Put up a disc for one. Make sure you put in the comment Jews did WTC.
David 2836-0415-5588
Lukey 4699-5775-2297
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
Anon i need a hidden ability eevee of any gender. Please Anon Disc is up
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Okay got my Oval Charm. Some of the mons I needed were in my other cart lol.
Current Dex status:
Still a long way to Shiny Charm
>>17914152 Apple are you still there? Disc up for Swirlix pls. sorry.
sletje 4871-3928-5572
Could someone get me a totodile? It's the only gen 2 starter I still need.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17914416 Oh wait fuck still missing two in Coastal Kalos Dex.
#141 and #142
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17914443 Anybody have a Clamperl, Huntail and Bonsly?
Just need Dex data.
>>17914436 I have a feraligatr that i could give you here. Or i could breed a totodile, but it could take a time
sletje 4871-3928-5572
>>17914464 A Feraligatr is fine, thank you!
>>17914466 Ok, put a disc up.
>>17914456 I have a clamperl
Quoted By:
>>17914250 Thank you very much.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17914476 Can I put a Swinub for it? I don't have extra discs right now hehe
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Nightingale 3969-4672-7931 [Ice] (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Sat 08 Feb 2014 09:03:47 No. 17914511 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a spare HA Starly? I need one for my theme team, but I keep finding Nidoran hordes on Route 11. I also have some Pickup Teddiursas with Crunch/Close Combat if anyone wants them.
IGN: Scott
I'm also looking for a Totodile/evolved form, can anyone help me out?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17914525 Got it. Thanks. Enjoy Watermelon Swinub.
>>17914541 Thanks!
Good luck with your dex
>>17914539 I just traded the feraligatr i had... sorry pal
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17914456 I've got a Bonsly of you still need
IGN: Scott
>>17914552 Thanks anyway, I'll just wait a bit more
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17914456 >>17914554 Should Also mention I'll be needing back though
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17914554 Only Huntail left. Put a Rufflet on GTS for it.
Just one left then it's quest for Shiny Charm.
sletje 4871-3928-5572
>>17914562 I could breed you a Totodile from the Feraligatr I just got if you want
IGN: Scott
Quoted By:
>>17914578 That'd be amazing
>>17914562 I got a couple of totdiles sitting in my boxes if you want them. They're nothing special though~
Would anybody be interested in Moon Ball Deinos with Earth Power? I'm going to breed some in a bit and I like to know if anyone would like the rejects.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17914626 How were you able to get a Deino in a Moon Ball?
IGN: Scott
>>17914620 Doesn't matter what it's like just want one aha. I'll put a disc up now with "Toto/v/ile" in the comment section.
>>17914578 This will save you breeding one
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17914659 Disc up and find out for yourself.
The first batch is done.
>>17914669 Whoops, someone sniped your disc. Guess that's not too bad though.
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
Quoted By:
>>17914250 disc will be up! thanks in advance kind anon! :)
Quoted By:
>>17914659 it's a rediculously illegal gen if that's what you were asking
IGN: Scott
Quoted By:
>>17914724 Yeah, I noticed it went quick and wasn't your name, Thankyou anyway
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Just realized I do not have an Iron Fist Chimchar. Anyone?
>>17914768 Friend Ball Iron Fist Chimchar sounds neat.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17914768 Oh wait nvm. I forgot I evolved it to Infernape.
sletje 4871-3928-5572
Quoted By:
>>17914768 I'd like him if that's okay
>>17914779 What?
Nothing about chimchar is green
For fucks sake guys, I get genning illegal combos but this is starting to bridge rediculous
Andreu (0044-3894-9540)
I'm sure there's people with balltism in here so how's a shiny gallade in a lure ball look?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17914795 Gay.
Gallade in any ball looks gay.
But that ball probably best matches him. I want one now.
Andreu (0044-3894-9540)
Quoted By:
>>17914821 oh so cool then?
Quoted By:
>>17914795 That or dive. Personally I just don't like lure balls
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17914845 Moon works for Gardevoir just because the mega is a black dress
Gallade is straight up blue/white with the red chest spike
Andreu (0044-3894-9540)
this one, not the green one
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17914870 B-but moon ball..
Anyone got a decently IV with Icicle Spear and Rock Blast?
Andreu (0044-3894-9540)
>>17914896 guessing you mean cloyster
Anyone got a decently IV Shelder with Icicle Spear and Rock Blast?
Andreu (0044-3894-9540)
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Sat 08 Feb 2014 09:56:37 No. 17914936 Report >>17914794 Green and red are complementary colours.
>>17914184 Many, many, many apologies for forgetting about your disc, Flash!
>>17914878 The green one was an error, it wasn't ever supposed to be that way
>>17914936 Come on now
balltism activated. I was working on a new hatcher. Perfect 5IV Adamant Fletchling with all egg moves, in a timer ball this time. Anyone want my old girl? Level 61 Perfect 5IV Adamant Talonflame in a dusk ball.
George 5343-8274-5372
Does anyone have a slack off-whirlwind hippopotas? I really need it for a team
Quoted By:
i need a Unown for the dex
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Sat 08 Feb 2014 10:12:29 No. 17915000 Report >>17914945 No, seriously. I've spent the last couple of days working on a verdaccio underpainting (green monochrome), the whole principle being that red (flesh) tones and green tones are complementary. Friend Ball shiny Infernape would look pretty good. Don't see the point, though.
>>17914958 >not repeat, ect. gonna be doing some movie victini giveaways around noon PST tomorrow, who's in?
Andreu (0044-3894-9540)
Quoted By:
>>17915025 if able, totally
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
>>17914967 If you're still around, I can get you one.
George 5343-8274-5372
>>17915071 Still around. disc up
>>17915000 I know that red and green are compliments, that's art 101, but we're really pushing the subtlety barrier here. It's starting to get to that "dark void weedle" stage
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
>>17915102 Alright, it's sent.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17915124 really want a dark void Weedle just for the fun of it now George 5343-8274-5372
>>17915124 Just go bitch about genners somewhere else. You already posted this exact post here, shw, and wify.
Andreu (0044-3894-9540)
>>17915159 saying that colors don't match is now bitching about genning
thanks /vp/
>>17915173 He is bitching about the ridiculous ballmons that are appearing.
Not about color scheme you fucktard.
Andreu (0044-3894-9540)
Quoted By:
>>17915199 now I'm a fucktard
thanks /vp/ :)))
Quoted By:
>>17915159 I accidentally posted it in shw, that's why I deleted it, and I've never posted in wifi general
I've also said multiple times I have no issue with it, I was just saying it seems like an absurd combo
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sat 08 Feb 2014 10:50:08 No. 17915238 Report Im looking for a 5IV Klefki with spikes. I have for offer: 5IV Petil - Modest (Own Tempo) Magikarp - Adamant (Intimidate Or Moxxie) Bunnelby - Adamant (Huge Power) Snorunt - Timid (Various) Riolu - Jolly (Justifed or Steadfast) Bullet Punch, Blaze Kick and Crunch Frillish - Calm (Water Absorb/Cursed Body) Recover 4IV Pawniard - Adamant (Defiant) with Psycho Cut and Sucker Punch Hawlucha - Jolly/Adamant (Limber/Unburden) - Baton Pass
>>17915238 I'd like a Riolu! I'll put the disc up in a sec
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>17915238 what ball is frillish in?
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Sat 08 Feb 2014 11:13:40 No. 17915370 Report Anyone want a good parent for HP Ground Moon Ball Venonat. It is female, has HP Ground, just needs a better HP iv bred onto it, ivs 23-24/7-9/31/30/30/31.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sat 08 Feb 2014 11:15:47 No. 17915378 Report >>17915291 >I'd like a Riolu! I'll put the disc up in a sec Traded. Did you have a Klefki?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17915370 >>17915375 Could you rename her to hp ground for me in case I accidentally throw her out?
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke)
Mattie/Beatrice 1762 - 3757 - 5371 (Riolu, Pancham, Machoke) Sat 08 Feb 2014 11:19:33 No. 17915388 Report >>17915384 Sure, will do, then I'll get your disc. :)
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17915388 Thanks, it's up.
>>17915378 No, but I could try to breed you one
after I'm done with Mareep . And thank you
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sat 08 Feb 2014 11:25:37 No. 17915405 Report Quoted By:
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sat 08 Feb 2014 11:26:52 No. 17915409 Report >>17915394 That would be great thanks, I have you on acquaintances, send me a trade request or something when you're ready please.
Park 1736-1319-5391
Quoted By:
Can I get a Maractus from anyone? Need out for my pokedex.
Quoted By:
>>17915409 Ok but idk when I'll be finished with my Mareep, so there's the possibility that someone will trade you one before I get to breed
Putting up a luvdisc, would really love a timid protean froakie Thanks :D
>>17915441 I have plenty left. Put yer disc up
>>17915454 It's up, thank you :D
Is there anything you need in return?
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Sat 08 Feb 2014 11:41:27 No. 17915482 Report Quoted By:
looking for cacnea and baltoy among other things if anyone have these that woulld be awesome.
>>17915461 Hyper Voice Eevee or Stealth Rock Shuckle would be very neat, but I'm still confused if it's possible to pass those tut moves down
And traded.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sat 08 Feb 2014 11:46:48 No. 17915520 Report >>17915491 Managed to get a 6IV one. Thanks any way, will keep spaming you with hatching power :P
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17915491 They don't pass down.
Who wants? All Mareep have 0 speed and random natures and some of them shit IVs
Quoted By:
>>17915527 And that's how my dream of a perfect Shuckle died.
Gotta wait for Z then
Rick [176237575744]
>>17915547 What kind of ball?
Quoted By:
>>17915520 Thanks buddy, will do the same for you
>>17915557 The Mareep are in Pokéballs
Rick [176237575744]
>>17915572 Aww, thanks anyway. Need a based fast ball ampharos.
So, I got 6 Aerodactyls with 3-5 IVs. If anyone wants them just Disc up.
>>17915587 I'd love one in a Levelball, but all my discs got sniped so I stopped putting them up for one
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17915598 I never did get any of those special ball Mareeps either.
Raven 3437 4234 4081
Quoted By:
4+ivbold HA sylveon with wish, hyper voice, heal bell. Kind of a tall order but im getting desperate.
IGN: Calamity
Alright guys, I'm back to make the breeding life a little easier. Press button, receive Ditto. Don't forget to put their nature as the message! - Lonely 6IV French - Bold 6IV Italian - Quiet 5IV + 0 Speed Spanish - Jolly 6IV Italian - Impish 6IV Spanish - Naughty 6IV French
Quoted By:
>>17915762 OMG
>>17915762 I-I...I dunno which one I should ask for!
IGN: Calamity
Quoted By:
>>17915783 The Dits as infinite, take as many as you need.
IGN: Calamity
>>17915783 The Dits are infinite, take as many kinds as you need.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>17915762 Quiet one please, discing up.
Quoted By:
Seeing this thread for the first time, what are these unique mons?
Quoted By:
>>17915809 Tysm for the shiny Ditto!
Quoted By:
>>17915762 Oh my! I'll take a Quiet Spanish Ditto, please! Luvdisc is up, my IGN is Cynthia.
Goied 0447-5508-1025 (Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Zebstrika)
Goied 0447-5508-1025 (Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Zebstrika) Sat 08 Feb 2014 12:49:45 No. 17915906 Report >>17915762 May I have two of those?
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 08 Feb 2014 12:52:48 No. 17915926 Report Quoted By:
>>17915762 putting up a disc for one of those sexy italian jolly dittos
Quoted By:
>>17915762 I'll take a French Lonely please, disc is up
IGN: Calamity
Goied 0447-5508-1025 (Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Zebstrika)
Goied 0447-5508-1025 (Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Zebstrika) Sat 08 Feb 2014 12:54:00 No. 17915936 Report Quoted By:
>>17915906 Nvm, just putting a disc for a jolly one
c: Thanks in advance anon!
>>17915762 what do you mean push the button?
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Sat 08 Feb 2014 12:57:49 No. 17915964 Report Quoted By:
>>17915762 Thanks heaps man
Quoted By:
>>17915762 I also put a disc up for an impish one, thanks in advance!
> tfw "impish" isn't allowed as message [/spoiler:lit] IGN: Calamity
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
This Swirlix breeding is not going well. I keep getting screwed by RNG.
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:03:58 No. 17916000 Report >>17915991 oo got any 0 speed iv swirlix? would love one
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17916000 No 0 speed sorry, and I've been throwing away all the ones w/o HA.
Why is 0 speed Swirlix good?
Sorry no idea about competitive Pokémon.
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:08:41 No. 17916032 Report >>17916017 i am making a trick room team.
IGN: Calamity
>>17916032 Want a 0Spe Brave Friend Ball Sudowoodo?
I've got three left, they're pretty awesome for trick room teams, 30 base speed.
I've got two females left too if anyone wants to breed 'm.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17916050 Are those Kalos born?
If yes, want.
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:11:55 No. 17916060 Report >>17916050 i'll take a female if that is ok.
IGN: Calamity
>>17916057 Yep, they are.
>>17916060 Sure~
That means I only have a male left.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17916065 I'll take a female with an imperfect spread. I'll just breed the 0 speed in.
IGN: Calamity
>>17916072 I only have three 5IVs, the others are all long gone.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17916079 Even no IVs will do. Just a female in a Friend Ball to keep Balltism up.
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:16:26 No. 17916090 Report IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17916090 Read the OP, you put a Luvdisc up in exchange
>>17916079 Disc up btw. Any notable egg moves on the Sudowoodo or I should put in?
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:19:50 No. 17916108 Report Quoted By:
>>17916099 let me ctach a disc. i dont like gts becuase snipers usually but i will use it
Hey guys I really need starters. If anyone has some off breeds lying around, even if they're evolved please let me know and i'll put up the luvdiscs. These are the ones I need:>all 2nd gen >all 3rd gen >turtwig piplup >all 5th gen >chespin
>>17916111 I have an extra mudkip and a chimchar lying around. IGN and put your disc up if you want one
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:23:53 No. 17916142 Report Quoted By:
>>17916099 ok got the disc ill put it up asap
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:25:47 No. 17916160 Report >>17916127 I've got chimchar and haven't even seen mudkip.
Damnit I forgot I can't request mons I haven't seen.
IGN: Calamity
>>17916099 It's got Curse for TR and sneaky pebbles because sneaky pebbles.
The other egg moves are all meh.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:28:29 No. 17916181 Report >>17916160 DAMNIT!
All I can even request is either quilladin or chesnaught.
So lame QQ
>>17916160 sorry misread your first post. I found a piplup for you though, anon.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:29:32 No. 17916195 Report >>17916188 That was my post.
I can't even request any of the starters.
Thanks anyway
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17916195 Just go and type in what you want. It's below "Z".
>>17916177 Awesome. I'm gonna go choose at random what else to put at the last two slots because autism.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17916195 Got a Quilladin for you HA too. Disc up.
Marle 2895-6524-9621
>>17916195 I'm about to hit the hay, but add my FC. If you still need those next time I'm around hit me up, I'll take anything you want to trade me for them.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:36:22 No. 17916268 Report >>17916236 Thank you, it's on there now
>>17916250 Thanks, adding soon
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:36:39 No. 17916273 Report >>17916236 got the sudowoodo thanks
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17916268 Sent. Sorry I don't have the other starters or extras.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17916273 You should thank Calamity bro. He's the one who gave it. haha
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:39:42 No. 17916303 Report Quoted By:
>>17916290 Got it, thanks heaps!
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:40:44 No. 17916313 Report Quoted By:
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:43:53 No. 17916342 Report Trying to do all I can to help out too. Just gave someone from here a swirlix. Also have chimchar if anyone needs one.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:47:04 No. 17916379 Report >>17916342 ,,, and a togepi
I have a disc up, looking for duskull.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17916342 This is the time we call dead hours because nobody else is online.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:48:06 No. 17916389 Report Quoted By:
>>17916379 *dusclops is what I requested, sry
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 13:49:07 No. 17916395 Report Quoted By:
>>17916387 I keep seeing lots of people putting up mons in the GTS. I think they're here but not posting.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:00:57 No. 17916494 Report >>17916481 k putting one up now
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:02:55 No. 17916514 Report Anonymous
>>17916181 I'm astonished by the number of people that can't find the what pokemon option.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:06:41 No. 17916539 Report Quoted By:
>>17916526 Well I haven't felt the need to request any zangoose, and through my (so far limited) use of the GTS I just kind of assumed.
>>17916494 >>17916514 Sorry, I was EV training my Sylveon. Sent.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:11:33 No. 17916583 Report
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
2x HA Dream Ball Togepi 2x Hustle Dream Ball Togepi 2x Serene Grace Dream Ball Togetic
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:28:59 No. 17916721 Report Are we interested in any of those: "Mam do zaoferowania Lotad w Dream Ball, Trapinch w Dream Ball, Cleffa w Dream Ball i Minun w Dream Ball. Maja Hidden Ability. Mam też coś takiego jak Darumaka w Nest Ball, Tynamo w Dive Ball, Cottonee w Heal Ball, Rattata w Luxury Ball, Finneon w Dive Ball, Bouffalant w Luxury Ball." Ignore polish blabla, pokemon -> ball, first batch has HA.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17916687 >HA Dream Ball Togepi disc'd up
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17916721 Dream Ball Cleffa, Daramuka, Tynamo and Boufflant seem cool.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17916721 Can't help you Rynn. My Balltism is low.
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:32:27 No. 17916757 Report >>17916721 I just transferred over Bouffalant in Luxury Ball. With HA, I think.
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Quoted By:
>>17916742 The HA ones only have two egg moves.
Rick [176237575744]
>>17916721 I'll take dream ball cleffa, disking up now.
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Quoted By:
>>17916778 >reading comprehension Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:36:40 No. 17916787 Report >>17916738 >>17916757 Roger that.
>>17916742 Well so is mine.
>>17916778 >what is reading comprehension PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:42:04 No. 17916833 Report Just put a luvdisc up. Looking for dusclops if anyone can help. I've had no luck finding a friend safari with it so I'll just breed any old one up.
>>17916687 Have any Serene Grace ones left ?
>>17916787 >are we interested in any of those >those reading comprehension
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17916851 Yeah, of course.
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:46:49 No. 17916884 Report Ok, so here's the new shit I have. Everything I had made it over surprisingly, except for Friend Ball Farfetch'd. Fast Ball Abra Friend Ball Bellsprout Lure Ball Bidoof Friend Ball Budew Lure Ball Buizel Level Ball Chatot Fast Ball Doduo Friend Ball Carnivine Friend Ball Cherubi Level Ball Cubone Sport Ball Combee Fast Ball Diglett Lure Ball Goldeen Sport Ball Illumise Love Ball Kangaskhan Level Ball Magmar Lure Ball Marill Love Ball Miltank (think we already have this) Friend Ball Natu Heavy Ball Numel Heavy Ball Onix Level Ball Pidgey Fast Ball Plusle Lure Ball Poliwag Fast Ball Ponyta Lure Ball Psyduck Level Ball Sandshrew Please, only breed these to distribute. I highly reccomend having a 6IV Ditto or something like that, because the IVs and Natures of these things are shit.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:48:31 No. 17916899 Report >>17916856 English is not my first language, was I supposed to use "these"? I'm not really sure what's the difference.
Does anyone have any spares of these:
Chciałabym Nidoran w Dream Ball, Miltank w Heavy Ball, Meowth w Luxury Ball, Glameow w Dream Ball, Kangaskhan w Safari Ball, Aipom w Love Ball.
The girl who is trading me the new ones wants these in return and I don't have any spares. Actually I don't think I have a heavy ball miltank at all.
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17916899 I wish I could help you out, I don't have any of those seeds.
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17916928 >Togepi I don't have any Serene Grace Togepi, they're all Togetics.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:55:08 No. 17916969 Report >>17916833 No dusclops...anyone got a spare duskull lying around?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:55:17 No. 17916973 Report >>17916913 Turns out I don't have most of those either.
So I'm looking to borrow:
Heavy Ball Miltank
Luxury Ball Meowth
Safari Ball Kanga
Love Ball Aipom
I'd appreciate someone lending me those, I'll breed and give it back.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:57:04 No. 17916996 Report >>17916969 I can catch you a dusclops from a safari, that okay?
>>17916962 I can't read, just woke up. Fixed the disc
>>17916884 Well I'm doing Lure ball Chatot now, so I guess I can also do level ball
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:57:44 No. 17917010 Report Quoted By:
>>17916996 That would be perfect! Thankyou, the disc is already up
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish
Safir 1736 0977 8705 Gogoat Petilil Oddish Sat 08 Feb 2014 14:59:17 No. 17917027 Report Quoted By:
>>17917008 i'll give you one in a bit, need to go run some errands
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Quoted By:
>>17917008 It has some egg moves, not sure which ones but more than two. The finished product has Nasty Plot/Stored Power/Psycho Shift/Extrasensory.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17916884 I'm working on my Shiny Charm right now but I can do Love Ball Kangaskhan.
Already have males to get Egg Moves into them too (Focus Punch Charmander, etc.)
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 15:04:47 No. 17917092 Report >>17917080 Gab, do you have any of those
>>17916973 pls
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17917080 Speaking of Kangaskhan.
I have Egg Move males ready for Focus Punch and Disable.
I know other Egg Moves are probably shit but which would be fun to fill the other 2 slots with?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17917092 I have 6IV Safari Ball Kangaskhan with Focus Punch and Disable but I want her back after if that's okay.
I also have a 4IV extra with the same moves if you want a keeper. 31/31/31/31/xx/xx
(I got mine from Apple and I bred the moves in.)
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17917100 Crush Claw, Stomp, Hammer Arm are good options. No one is going to run anything other than PuP, EQ, Return and Sucker Punch anyway.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Sat 08 Feb 2014 15:09:26 No. 17917148 Report Quoted By:
>>17916996 Thank you thank you thank you!
I've been trying to get him for so bloody long!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 15:09:49 No. 17917150 Report >>17917131 The 4IV one is fine. What do you need for your shiny dex?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17917136 Yeah but autism. Might as well add shit if I'm distributing.
How about fun shit like Counter?
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Quoted By:
>>17917136 Scratch that, Hammer Arm would be dumb. Crush Claw or Stomp then.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17917150 I'll make a list later. Give me a Luvdisc.
(Added an Ability Capsule because 4IV one has Early Bird instead of Scrappy.)
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 15:13:16 No. 17917193 Report >>17917179 Wat
why would you give me an ability capsule for an ability I can breed
U weird
Make that list, I can probably help.
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17917162 I think Counter and Crush Claw would be fun choices.
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17917193 >why would you give me an ability capsule for an ability I can breed Because that is literally all the ability capsule is good for. You can't use it on HA.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17917194 I'll do that. Crush Claw looks fun to breed in.
>>17917193 For convenience, duh. We breaders need to stick together.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 15:16:17 No. 17917218 Report >>17917202 I thought people who breed for competitive use it tochange the ability if they breed a pentaperfect one, but wrong ability.
I just breed for other people, so I'm not that concerned.
But eh, I never even used an AC before so I guess I'll get to know how it works!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17917218 I got a number of ACs anyway since I "bred" them together with HV Eevees. :P
>>17917194 Looks like I can breed both Counter and Crush Claw into Rhyhorn. This gon be gud
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 15:26:36 No. 17917345 Report >>17917242 Ah, true.
I wish AC worked for HA. Like, if you're using an AC you have 5% of getting the HA.
captcha: rmainly cloisters
Nah, we already have a HA cloyster I think.
Heavy Ball Miltank
Luxury Ball Meowth
Love Ball Aipom
ign: Diego
>>17917131 can i have one?
I'll return after hatching a 5iv
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 15:29:00 No. 17917379 Report >>17917367 I'll be breeding them in a minute, I'll hook you up with a 5iv one.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17917367 It's the only one I have now and sorry but not too keen about lending it randomly.
At least with Rynn, we've done multiple trades including legendaries.
Maybe Rynn will be breeding, you can ask if he/she gets a 5iv.
ign: Diego
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Dana (0190 0008 5784)
Quoted By:
Has anyone seen Jun around, by any chance?
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
Quoted By:
Yes!!! I got a 31/xx/31/xx/31/00 Togepi, I'm so close to my Slowgekiss.
11 Lure ball Timid Chatots w/ Defog/Nasty Plot/Boomburst. 10 are 5 Iv, one's 6iv. Take em please
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 15:41:28 No. 17917548 Report >>17917541 C-can I have 6iv
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17916884 Heavy Ball Onix looks fun but I think Flash has that and I dunno how to build it.
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17917541 I'd like a female 5IV, please.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17917541 >>17917548 No! Give me the 6IV! Dang! UUUUGH
>>17917566 All of them female, males go in the trash.
>>17917575 You already got a Chatot <3
>>17917548 Sure
ign: Diego
>>17917541 if you have a female please
>>17917601 What are males.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 15:47:45 No. 17917624 Report >>17917612 AbortedCosmic, do you have any of those to lend?
>>17917345 IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17917583 But it's not PERFECT!
lol i was kidding anyway, breeding Encore to it later anyway Need other projects without HA. I thought HA Swirlix was gonna be stress relief from HA Gligar but fuck.
>>17917624 I can breed an aipom.
All this delay from completing my national dex mang.
Males go to wonder trade
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 15:50:49 No. 17917652 Report >>17917637 I-I'm sorry.
If you tell me what are you missing I can at least trade you that.
You can just ledn me an aipom though and I'll give it back after I hatch myself a female.
>>17917652 I have about 180 missing so that'll take a long time. I forgot to save my list ffs.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 15:53:55 No. 17917683 Report >>17917667 Well I can do a touch trade of 10 or 15, it'll still be quicker than gtsing them. But I don't have a living dex, I just kept some of the harder to get mons, so I need some sort of list.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17917683 >>17917667 I'm up to 647 now and finally got my Oval Charm so yeah. Doing progress.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 16:03:33 No. 17917772 Report >>17917701 Git good
and make them friggin lists Seriously though, I want to stash all this shit in pokebank, and I can't do it because nooo, Gab still didn't finish his pokedex and he might need it.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 16:07:04 No. 17917805 Report Quoted By:
>>17917772 Which reminds me, can you check what's in your pokebank on pokemon global link or online in any way?
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
1x HA Dream Ball Togepi 2x Hustle Dream Ball Togepi 4x Serene Grace Dream Ball Togetic Most of the Togetic have Stored Power/Extrasensory/Nasty Plot/Psycho Shift, but you'll have to relearn some/all of them.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 16:09:52 No. 17917836 Report Quoted By:
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 16:10:53 No. 17917849 Report Quoted By:
>>17917810 Oh, HA one obviously.
Who wanted that 5IV Kanga? I've got it ready.
Anyone still wants a safari ball Kanga before I take it out?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
How to build Onix? Nature? Ability? IVs? Egg moves other than sneaky pebbles? What?
>>17917772 I don't need your help! I'll ask for help when I'm at 680.
Don't want to waste your time when you can be breading and distributing.
>>17917810 Thanks for the Togepi.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 16:12:57 No. 17917874 Report >>17917861 Ffs you're so stubborn.
Quoted By:
>>17917861 >Implying you need anything other than sneaky fruity pebbles
>>17917874 Put a disc up for the aipom
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 16:20:10 No. 17917945 Report Quoted By:
>>17917907 Okay, in a minute, I'm in a trade.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 16:25:06 No. 17918006 Report Quoted By:
TheDude, if you're lurking - wtf, man, wtf. Thanks!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Is Dream Ball HA Feebas a thing?
>>17918013 Pretty sure.
Captha : rynhung
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17918035 Rynn confimed hung.
Do you have the Feebas? Sort of want.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 16:29:20 No. 17918047 Report >>17918035 No need to threaten me, disc for aipom is up, sheesh!
>>17918044 Nope, though I'm sure the others have it
>>17918047 We're on two different definitions on hing
Quoted By:
>>17918089 >hing Vowels please.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 16:32:58 No. 17918108 Report Quoted By:
>>17918089 I-I forgot that this word has another meaning.
9 Lure ball Timid Chatots w/ Defog/Nasty Plot/Boomburst left Please give them a home or direct them to the nearest pirate. Wonder trading 2 boxes of male chatots n friends, so I might not respond right away
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17917861 Adamant or Impish, Sturdy (Weak Armor if HA), Block, Heavy Slam, Rock Blast and SR.
Transfering a male Golem w/ tutor moves is the best way to breed for egg moves.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
There really is no way to increase chances of HA is there? Because fucking fuck.
>>17918190 Thanks.
Now I just need Safir to come back and I'll take Love Mom and Heavy Ball Onix.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 16:44:59 No. 17918269 Report I've got: 2x Timer Ball HA Starly 2x Dream Ball HA Snorlax (need move relearning) 2x Safari Ball Kanga with egg moves 1x Quick Ball Koffing 5x Adamant Lure Ball Gligar with egg moves Please take them.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17918269 I just saw that I have your Quick Ball Koffing and Lure Ball Gligar without even asking because of that Ditto trade.
Disc up for nothing.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 16:51:21 No. 17918370 Report Quoted By:
Alexis 3222 - 6420 - 2022
>>17918309 Do you have anymore Ability Capsules? I could use one.
>>17918269 Disc up for Starly
Rick [176237575744]
>>17918174 Oh God yes! Please me, disking up now.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17918385 Sure. Disc up for a disc.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Any interest in Luxury Ball Pancham? Quick Guard/Me First/Foul Play I have x3 4iv Females and some males. No HA since scrappy is kinda...pointless. I'll breed more if people want them.
Quoted By:
>>17918444 2 busy trying to get rid of chatots
>>17918401 Sent
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17918385 Sent. Curious on what you're using it for.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
I'm about to trade a Moon Ball Shinx. Is this a legal ball combination?
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 08 Feb 2014 17:22:51 No. 17918805 Report Quoted By:
>>17918764 I guess. Can't you catch Shinx in HG/SS with Sinnoh sounds?
>>17918174 Bumperino.
Ultra ball or Quick ball for shiny Galvantula ?
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 08 Feb 2014 17:30:42 No. 17918904 Report >>17918862 I don't have balltism but I think Quick Ball looks better. I think most people with balltism despise Quick Ball, though
>>17918904 >Implying that Quick ball Gliscor isn't the greatest combo Not many things go with it as all. Same reason why no one uses ultra ball.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17918444 Not sure if you're still around, but disc is up.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17918931 Except for Ultra Ball Emolga. I guess.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17918976 Yeah I am! Give me a little bit, I was Pokebanking some stuff! I'll get your Pancham!
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17918976 Sent.
Now let's liven this thread away with a Pokebank giveaway. Here's what's getting given away today!
x12 Level 100 Shiny Bisharp with Knock Off/Sucker Punch/Dual Chop/Low Kick
x11 level 68 Shiny Latios with Draco Meteor/Icy Wind/Magic Coat/Hidden Power Ground (This is RNGed by me in B2! Not a gen creation!)
Just post what you want and upload a disc! First come, first serve~
Evan 1263-6861-9424
Quoted By:
>>17919220 about to disc up for a bisharp!
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 08 Feb 2014 17:52:22 No. 17919246 Report >>17919220 May I please have a male Bisharp named Captain Blue?
Quoted By:
New thread where.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Quoted By:
>>17919220 Thank you, Cynthia If you don't mind, I'd love a Bisharp.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17919246 No nicknames. I already banked these, I can't change anything about them.
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 08 Feb 2014 17:55:11 No. 17919301 Report Quoted By:
>>17919275 Sorry, I was just curious. Thanks in advance.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Everything is sent. I guess I should have waited for a new thread haha.
>>17919220 Cynthia 1.0! May I have a Shiny Latios? I'll get a disc up right away, it's me, Cynthia 2.0!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17919220 Latios I guess. Discin.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Sat 08 Feb 2014 18:01:38 No. 17919424 Report >>17919352 Thank you so much for the Bisharp. I swear to only use him against Japs in Battle Spot
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17919424 You can do whatever you want with him. He's yours now!
Just wanted to spread the love~
>>17919220 Could I get a Shiny Latios please!
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>17919441 Yeah you can anon, I need your name though.
sletje 4871-3928-5572
Quoted By:
>>17919441 oops forgot name
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Chris/TaG 1246-8719-9479 DRAGON [Noibat, Fraxure, Druddigon] Sat 08 Feb 2014 18:05:22 No. 17919505 Report Quoted By:
>>17919220 I'll jump aboard this hype train. Mind if I take a Shiny Latios?
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Is Lure Ball blue or green in XY?
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Quoted By:
>>17919220 I'll take a Latios, putting a disc up.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17919509 Blue-ish?
Who's making a new thread? ;_; I'm too scared to make it on my own.
Quoted By:
>>17919543 I believe in you.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Sat 08 Feb 2014 18:15:10 No. 17919665 Report Quoted By:
>>17919220 This still up? I'd like a Latios~
Also, still looking for a Heavy Ball Miltank and Luxury Ball Meowth for a trade for new ballmons!
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17919220 Any Latios left? Disc up