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Super fan service

No.17915833 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Gen VII
>takes place in tokyo-esq city (subways takes you to kanto/johto/sinnoh post game

Gyms include ground/water/steel/fight/ghost/poison/flying/normal. in that order

Version mons include a ghost/fairy, a grass/dragon and a poison/dragon
Minor trio are abominations. including steel/poison, steel/fire and steel/dark

>evil team is Team Smog
>Boss name is En
>goal is to exploit pokemon and use them to start a war.
-You first meet a team smog member at the pokeschool putting down the children for not "unlocking their mon's full power"
-2nd encounter. 2 members are fighting with the day care couple, wanting to genetically fuck with the eggs
-3rd. a bunch of them are outside a powerplant trying to "super charge" their electric type" mons
-4th enc: generic fossil faggotry
-5th enc. Smog is sapping the power of the legendary to force mega evolve their mons so mega evo stays constant.

Each encounter follows smogon tiers
>little cup
>All starters get Mega evos
>new eeveelutions are poison and steel.
>starters are grass/ice, fire/ground and water/steel

>shuckle/dunsparce get babbies
>jynx/lanturn/mr.mime/gerraferang get evos
