GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, whatever.
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS/SHINIES/6 IV DITTOS. That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them.
What's the funniest nicknamed pokemon you've seen? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
List of unique Pokemon + Apricorn Ball combos: This list will be updated as we find more. Everyone, please keep a lookout for new ones!
Previous thread:
Rynn's undies I'm not too fond of nicknames.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>17937323 Your dere is showing, stop.
If anyone wants a moon ball cherubi I got shittons
Wailord nicknamed ur mom, holding a burn heal. Hi guys, I have some defensive 'mons for ya. x6 HA Dream Ball Wooper with Recover, Stockpile and Curse x8 Dive Ball Feebas with Brine, Dragon Pulse and Haze x6 Ferroseed with Stealth Rock, Spikes and Leech Seed The Wooper and Ferroseed have 5IVs; the Feebas have 4-5IVs and are all female. Currently looking for Vullaby and Gligar in special ball+egg moves.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>17937373 Feebas pls.
I've got a Gligar in a Lure ball with some egg moves. I'll put up a Gligar for Feebas then.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17937373 Is Ferroseed awesome? Discin' up.
Sorry the Luvdisc is named SUCKER. It came from Rynn.
edward 4270 1531 8076
>>17937373 can i get a ferroseed :$$
Would there happen to be any female 5iv spa+ eevees lying around? Nature and egg moves don't matter too much. Thanks.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17937439 Normal pokeball okay for you? 31/xx/31/31/31/31. HA too. Only egg move is Wish.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>17937373 Is it okay to put up a Disc or do you want onw of the Pokemon you asked for? I think I have an egg move Vullaby, but no special ball or anything.
>>17937456 That'd be lovely! Is there anything you want in particular? I can't offer too much.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>17937497 Thanks, enjoy Gligar~
Dive Ball Tynamo get. Is anyone interested in those? I can breed them later.
>>17937517 I already have one :o
I'm getting a nest ball for it's shiny.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>17937514 >giveaway thread >offering He needs a particular
luvdisc named
SUCKER Jun Yi 1907-9533-1312
>>17937373 Hi there! I have a Luxury Ball Vullaby with Foul Play would you like it? No need to give me anything in return!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>17937529 Ah, no need to breed then, good.
>>17937373 Woop Woop, that's the sound of da Luvdisc
edward 4270 1531 8076
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>17937529 Wait, why wasn't it on the list then.
Boohoo, I got it for nothing.
Quoted By:
>>17937576 A few things aren't on the spreadsheet from what I remember.
>>17937509 At this point, I'm desperate for any Vullaby really. So yeah, Vullaby for whatever you want.
>>17937531 Hiya, sounds nice, I'll work around with it. Putting a disc up.
>>17937545 Sent, I thought none of you would take one of my bros.
>>17937373 I'll take a wooper, I love defense.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17937514 I only need a Luvdisc.
Sorry if it's not Kalos born and has
Hyper Voice .
Gatz 2251 5743 3951
Does anyone have a variety of Acorn Ball Dittos? Or Dittos with Pokeballs that aren't native to Kalos? I'd really love to breed them onto Kalos Pokemon. (At least from what I understand, if the other pokemon is Male, ditto's Pokeball is passed down - someone correct me on that if I'm wrong
Jun Yi 1907-9533-1312
>>17937606 Sent! I personally think Mandibuzz looks great in a Luxury Ball!
By the way, I'm looking for a female Nest Ball Cottonee. I was wondering if anyone has one.
IGN: Calamity
11x Love Ball Luvdiscs, 9x Moon Ball Wobuffets, and 9x Level Ball Autumn Deerlings, all female. Any takers?
I have like 5 ditto 6iv for now to share, put up a Luvdisk with /vp/ in the description as always. First come first serve, post in this thread with your IGN.
Gatz 2251 5743 3951
Quoted By:
>>17937647 Dang.
Well that sucks
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17937657 Do Deerlings change seasons.
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (ariados, toxicroak, cascoon)
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (ariados, toxicroak, cascoon) Sun 09 Feb 2014 15:55:04 No. 17937683 Report Can I have a Cherubi? I can breed dreamball Koffings. Would anybody be interested?
Gatz 2251 5743 3951
Quoted By:
>>17937682 No. Whatever forme you send them in, they're stuck in that forme.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17937682 That was supposed to be a question?
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>>17937642 >Ditto passing on its pokeball I got bad news for you...
IGN: Calamity
Quoted By:
>>17937682 Not in XY they don't, they inherit from the female like Shellos or Flabébé.
XY doesn't even have seasons.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>17937657 Ooh! May I get one of those Deerling? I can put up a Harvest Exeggcute for one.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17937657 Discing for Deerling. I hope it stays Autumn.
Quoted By:
>>17937617 Sent, enjoy~
>>17937655 Thank you very much.
I'll get started on these Vullaby and breed in Knock Off and Defog.
IGN: Calamity
Quoted By:
>>17937709 Disc up, unless you're out of discs.
>>17937661 Disc is up. IGN: Ryan
>>17937641 Woah, thanks a bunch! /vp/ never lets me down.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17937729 Don't throw it away! It's shiny!
Quoted By:
Ignis, I just browsed for Luvdisc and found yours asking for Wooper. I think it got sniped. Do you still want one?
>>17937738 >asks for Eevee >gives Eevee >"Don't throw it away!" ...ok.
Are you just trying to brag that you're giving away shiny Pokemon?
Quoted By:
>>17937738 Don't listen to him, release it like N intended
Calem 3711-8693-5960
>>17937373 Wooper pls, Disc up
Quoted By:
>>17937728 Sent ;)
Yeah, seriously sent. Cuan
>>17937661 What nature? I could use a Jolly or Adamant one, but don't want to snatch someone else the chance away to get one.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17937754 It wasn't shiny.
Gatz 2251 5743 3951
So GTS sucks because god forbid we get an option to ask for Pokemon with a certain ability. Does anyone have a female Magician Fennekin to spare? I don't have a Luvdisc immediately on me, but I do have a boxes and boxes of Electric Sheep (Been wonder trading them hoping for a Fennekin, but it's always Froakie)
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>17937657 Ah yes, I do. One moment, please!
Quoted By:
>>17937657 I'll take a Wobuffett and also a Deerling if that's ok.
I have 2 Level Ball Magby if anyone wants one.
Quoted By:
I need to finish the national dex ffs. I wanna MM a Chatot
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>>17937789 I feel you. I've got like 10 Tentacools while asking for the HA, all with the normal ability. Same shit when asking for egg moves.
IGN: Calamity
>>17937783 I have a spare Jolly one, disc up.
As always for everyone else, Dits are infinite, put their nature as the message and I'll pass you one to help you breed.
- Lonely 6IV French
- Bold 6IV Italian
- Quiet 5IV + 0 Speed Spanish
- Jolly 6IV Italian
- Impish 6IV Spanish
- Naughty 6IV French
Quoted By:
>>17937767 Sent, enjoy~
>>17937794 I've also sent Wooper your way, sorry if it took too long. I didn't know whether you'd put up a Vullaby or a Disc. Anyway, enjoy~
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>Searches through GTS for ages looking for Mespirit >Turns out it's spelt Mesprit MY LIFE.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>17937835 Could I disc up for a Jolly and then a Quiet one? Need to pass one on to a friend.
>>17937853 Maybe it's because you've stayed up all night looking for Pokemon and/or making salad.
Quoted By:
>>17937853 I know how that feels from experience
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17937867 I always thought it was Mespirit..
IGN: Calamity
>>17937864 Why do you people keep asking me if you can have my things when I'm clearly posting in a giveaway chat Flash
>>17937878 Well, then you just don't deserve to have one.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
>>17937885 I'm sorry, I just don't want to be too greedy ;_; Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17937911 I got one in less than 2mins I spelt it right
>>17937946 Fine. But you don't deserve it.
Quoted By:
Can someone help me get a female squirtle? Ball and egg moves are not an issue
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (ariados, toxicroak, cascoon)
Hank 4356-0012-3407 (ariados, toxicroak, cascoon) Sun 09 Feb 2014 16:18:52 No. 17937995 Report >>17937835 Can I have a Jolly one? Disc is up
Quoted By:
>>17937995 Snatched!
I sent it Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite)
Kenshin FC 0834-1852-7697 (riolu-pancham-meditite) Sun 09 Feb 2014 16:19:35 No. 17938007 Report Quoted By:
>>17937272 put up a disc i would like a HA zubat pls
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17937951 That's fine, I put her back up on the GTS
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
>>17937835 can I have a quiet one? discing up!
>>17937835 Actually the quiet one would be even more useful for the 0 speed.
>>17938025 Time to Rev-Up those 0IV ditto for the reddit requests
>>17938010 What's left on your legendary list?
>>17938025 >>17938046 Fuck I didn't mean to quote you
Quoted By:
Anyone have a Magic Bounce Xatu with Heat Wave? Natures/IV's aren't too important I guess, since it's for breeding, but if it's female it would help.
>>17938046 >>17938059 0IV dittos are useful for putting shit attack and speed one something, so they're not quite that bad.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17938051 I'm done, I just decided I didn't like Mesprit.
Anybody have a Jolly and Timid Charmander? Preferably with egg moves for Megazard X and Y, but I'll take whatever breed leftovers you have.
>>17938083 Even using a bracelet for 1 stat you have the chance to inherit one of the other 0IV stat.
What should I make them? 1IV in everything? 15IV?
Quoted By:
>>17938093 Mesprit is definitely the worst of the Lake Trio.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17938104 Timid. DD Outrage Dragon Pulse 4IV
Adamant. Flare Blitz Outrage DD 4IV
This is just shit I got from WT btw. Disc up if you want.
>>17938119 Make them either all 31IV, or missing speed/attack.
>>17938149 All 31IV are for /vp/ request on gts.
All 0IV are for reddit request on gts.
>>17938129 How about
0/1/3/3/7/0 IGN:Mikan
>>17938136 Of course I want 'em. Disc is up.
>>17938170 Why not give good ones to everyone? We're all just people looking for Pokemon.
Quoted By:
>>17938176 _______________________no IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17938170 Why not 31IV for everyone?
>>17938201 Sorry man, but I don't think you're understanding the point of this thread. It isn't the VP elitist thread. It's the giveaway thread. We like helping out other people, regardless of who they are.
Scoff (4253-3577-4189)
Looking for a modest female squirtle... the gender ratio is bullshit. Bonus: HA Balltism Egg moves Good IVs
>>17938201 >Oh no people from another site has giveaways also >Must snipe them with bad mons 100% lel
that feel when you want a protean froakie to use in a run on pokemon y but don't have a luvdisc
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17938104 I forgot what I sent you but I found a way better Jolly Charmander from WT stuff. Disc up once more.
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Anyone have any Ferroseed w/ Stealth Rock and Leech Seed?
>>17938224 It doesn't need to be a disc. You can put up anything, just tell us what it is with your IGN.
>>17938215 Think of it like we're gypsies. Only help family and such.
>>17938237 There's a difference between only helping people in here and going out of your way to give bad Pokemon to everyone else.
Quoted By:
>>17938231 Look up, Mikan is giving some out (if she/he is still here)
>>17938224 >implying that you can't get one via WT IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17938231 Mikan
>>17938175 might still have some. His Ferroseeds are pretty gud.
>>17938217 Luxury Ball enough? I only have a 3iv female.
>>17938230 Disc is up for the second one.
>>17938231 Hiya, put a disc up.
I hope you like entry hazards.
>>17938170 That's a good spread.
>>17938242 x/1/x/x/x/0 is also good for some hidden powers. They should be thankful!
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Quoted By:
>>17937373 >>17938175 Still have dem Ferroseeds?
Quoted By:
>>17938222 Seems pretty hilarious to me.
>>17938215 Im helping people on this thread, fucking some random redditors is just sidequest.
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Quoted By:
>>17938273 Woops, didn't see your post update there. Discing up now
>>17935240 Are any of these around?
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402 (Magmar, Slugma, Braixen)
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402 (Magmar, Slugma, Braixen) Sun 09 Feb 2014 16:44:16 No. 17938318 Report Quoted By:
ToTT:TopKek The Kecleon
Quoted By:
>>17938281 E.g. 31/1/31/31/31/0 is best for slow mons with HP Ice
Naikos 1246 - 8815 - 1425
Quoted By:
Today I have come to give away! I got some 4/5 IV Ultra Ball Mawiles Kalos born if anyone is interested
>>17937373 I put one up for a feebas if there are still any.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17938317 Some anon was breeding the Deino and another the Munchlax. Dunno about the others.
Scoff (4253-3577-4189)
Quoted By:
>>17938261 It's great!
disc be up!
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
>>17938273 Just disc'd up!
Quoted By:
Anyone has a female unburden swirlix in a timer ball ?
Still can't find a swirlix friend safari
>>17938317 I have the lax, but I'm not breeding them due to how much of a pain it is to do so.
Not a fan of illegal combos, but someone was breeding deino
Quoted By:
>>17938317 We have Timer Ball HA Starly, if that's acceptable.
Bets on me getting another Shiny Cottonee before my 5iv 0 attack one? Pls take my Luxury Ball Cottonee
Joe 3454-0594-3601
>>17938232 Chespin
IGN: Calem
I put in GTS Giveaway for the message. Asking for a Protean Froakie, decent IVs if possible. Thank you
>>17938331 >>17938350 Sent, enjoy~
And thank you very much, Gab.
Naikos 1246 - 8815 - 1425
Quoted By:
>>17938366 I'll take one of those Cottonees
Discing up
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
>>17937272 funnies nickname? not my idea or pokemon btw
circumscizor Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Emily 2981 - 6280 - 1407
Quoted By:
>>17938366 I'll take a Cottonee too. Disc up.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17938386 Randomly checked Charmanders on the IV Judge. That last one was pretty gud.
Happy breading.
>>17938398 O gotta steal that name, fucking lol
>>17938380 I think someone else sent you one. Check to see if it's Protean.
Joe 3454-0594-3601
>>17938423 They did, a 4 IV Timid Froakie with Torrent.
Mind if I just throw that one back out for the right ability?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Is Luxury Ball HA Meowth is illegal right?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Scoff (4253-3577-4189)
Quoted By:
>>17938261 Thanks, based Cynthia!
To give back to the thread, let me know if you want any of the following.
Quoted By:
>>17938451 Can't you get it via dreamworld ?
Quoted By:
>>17938451 Nah, it's a dream world Pokemon. You can catch those in any ball in 5th gen. It's legal.
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
Quoted By:
>>17938422 topkek, i stole it too
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17938460 Oh. I have three random 5IV Luxury Ball HA Meowths with Assist, Hypnosis, Foul Play and Snatch.
I don't want them please take.
>>17938416 Yeah, 6IVs and right nature to boot. Thanks again.
Saga 4141-2801-6653
Quoted By:
>>17938366 Disc up :3
>>17937373 Any of these still available?
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
>>17938386 Actually, didn't receive - I thought I was about to get the Ferroseed, but then GTS glitched up and gave me a "communication error". I just got my Luvdisc back even though I deposited it...
Have any extra Ferroseed?
Did we just clone that Luvdisc or did you just get your Ferroseed back? IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17938503 It's great when people throw those on WT and don't fucking mark them.
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Disc is also up for Ferroseed btw
Joe 3454-0594-3601
>>17938478 Okay, it's back up.
IGN: Calem
Same message
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17938501 Oh shit, ignore what I said, I was thinking moon ball for some reason.
Time to sleep, night all.
>>17938513 >>17938529 Sent, enjoy~
again. The first Ferroseed is forever lost in the database. ;_;
>>17938530 Still not seeing it.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17938542 You can just give your 6IV egg moves mons to me you know. Instead of WTing them.
>>17938545 I still don't want these Meowths. Leftovers from Rynn's request.
Quoted By:
>>17938564 I only forget to mark males, if breeding for ball mon.
Joe 3454-0594-3601
>>17938559 I'll bring it down and throw it back up.
Changed message to TYB Flash. :^)
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>17938564 I'll take one if there are anymore in 5~6hrs IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>17938596 Nobody wants them. I don't even know why Rynn wanted them.
Heavy Ball Onix soon.
Naikos 1246 - 8815 - 1425
If anyone could send me an Exeggutor, it would be really appreciated. I spent two hours looking for an Exeggcute, but I couldn't find any. I also got some 4/5 IV Ultra Ball Mawiles Kalos born if anyone is interested
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Just an interest check - is anyone interested in getting a Harvest Exeggcute? All Calm with Giga Drain and they're likely to have 3-5 IVs.
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Quoted By:
>>17938558 Received now Mikan, thanks!
>>17938611 Rynn was using it in a trade. We've got some Onix if you want them.
>>17938612 Put up a disc.
David 2836-0415-5588
>>17938612 I'll take a Mawile :) discing up
Naikos 1246 - 8815 - 1425
>>17938622 Disc'd up for one.
>>17938640 >>17938642 Let me look for you guys.
>>17938656 No, I was telling you to put up a disc for Exeggutor.
Naikos 1246 - 8815 - 1425
Quoted By:
>>17938667 Oh, okay. Let me send him the Mawile first then.
Still looking for Vullaby with egg moves. Prefer Impish nature, though I'll take anything with egg moves. I like different colored balls too.
Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
How do you add more IV's to a pokemon(mime only has 1iv)?: by the way Is anyone interested in dream ball drowzees?
Naikos 1246 - 8815 - 1425
>>17938667 Put up the disc for Exeggutor.
>>17938712 Breed with stuff with more ivs, destiny knot is recommended.
>>17938591 Just to clarify, you're putting up the Froakie you got for a new one, right?
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sun 09 Feb 2014 17:12:35 No. 17938729 Report >>17938712 Breed w Destiny Knot
Joe 3454-0594-3601
>>17938728 That's right. Still can't find it?
You could just put the one you were going to trade me up and I'll go grab it.
>>17938767 Why don't you put up a Weedle or a Fletchling or anything else you can catch early on that won't get sniped.
>>17938723 Sent.
Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
>>17938725 >>17938729 Would it work if I were to breed with a 6iv ditto?
Who would I attach the knot to?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>17938611 Breeding Onix right now. Didn't know we had them. Should I switch to Love Ball Kangaskhan?
Quoted By:
>>17938799 Doesn't matter who, but keeping it on the ditto is best unless you're going to take it out often.
>>17938797 Fletchling is a shit idea for any GTS giveaway. Too many of those. Better to grab something from the routes after it, like Ledyba or Litleo.
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sun 09 Feb 2014 17:17:12 No. 17938822 Report Quoted By:
>>17938799 Of course it would work.
It's not guaranteed to give ALL the IVs to the child though.
Also it doesn't matter who the destiny knot is given to, as long as one of the pokemon is holding it.
Naikos 1246 - 8815 - 1425
>>17938642 Sent!
>>17938797 Thanks mate.
I got more Ultra Ball Mawiles for anyone interested.
Meanwile, putting disc up for a Hitmonlee
Joe 3454-0594-3601
>>17938797 Okay. Sorry that this is being so troublesome.
I put in a Fletchling.
Same message as before.
>>17938818 Too many of those? We normally use Luvdisc, you know, and there's a fair amount of those on the GTS too. Besides, he wants it for a playthrough, so I don't know if he wants to go ahead to a later route yet.
Joe 3454-0594-3601
Quoted By:
>>17938879 Thanks, I appreciate it man
Quoted By:
>>17938863 I think route 22 is accessible a few minutes after the forest, but getting Ledyba would need the first badge. Well, as long as its not a Scatterbug that many people snipe, anything is fine.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Does anyone have a decent Rufflet? Or just a Rufflet at all?
>>17939077 I could catch one.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17939148 Considering the GTS wanted legends, I think I'd like that. Sorry if it's a bother to you. ;_;
>>17939178 Nah, I already got it. Put up a disc.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>17939185 Disc up! Thanks again!
David 2836-0415-5588
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sun 09 Feb 2014 17:47:37 No. 17939286 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have decent turtwigs? I have a 5iv beldums, 4-5 iv charmanders, 3-4 iv phantump, and 3-5 iv elemental fang and dragon dance tyrunts
Quoted By:
Anyone have a speed boost blaziken?The free one I got has a shitty nature and I forgot to save right before...
sletje 4871-3928-5572
Quoted By:
Does anyone have some spare gen 4 starters? Those are the only starts I still need
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Fell asleep. Yawn. GabGab, I'll take another female meowth if you have it, it will save me the trouble of breeding and move relearning, and I can keep SUCKER as a trophy then.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17939570 Rynn, are you still looking for a Luxury HA Meowth? If yes, just send a disc for it and it's yours.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>17939617 I got a very well bred one from GabGab, but it's meant for a trade and I don't want to let him goooo
So I'll put up a disc for another, thanks~
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Giving away:
2 Love Ball Modest Mareep (Agility, Charge, Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain)
12 Luxury Ball HA Timid Burmy
3 Luxury Ball HA Brave Karrablast (Bug Bite, Drill Run, Knock Off, Megahorn)
7 Pokéball Jolly Archen (Defog, Head Smash, Knock Off, Switcheroo)
1 Sport Ball Jolly Kricketot
Only females, except for Archen.
>>17939678 Sent~
Jun Yi 1907-9533-1312
>>17939729 Putting up a disc for the Mareep! Thank you!
sletje 4871-3928-5572
>>17939729 I'd like the Kricketot, I put up the disc
Anthony 1650-2501-1837
Still looking for an East Sea Shellos. If anyone could help that would be awesome. Put up a VP disc
>>17939729 I'd like a Mareep and a Karrablast. Discing now.
>>17939811 Lemme see if I have a 4IV one left.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
sletje 4871-3928-5572
>>17939867 Someone else must have sniped it then.
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Sun 09 Feb 2014 18:34:11 No. 17939886 Report >>17939729 Discus has been thrown. I would like one of those Karrablast please.
Anthony 1650-2501-1837
>>17939829 Thanks a ton man!
>>17939729 I'll take an Archen, thanks!
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Sun 09 Feb 2014 18:37:03 No. 17939932 Report >>17939886 It has the message: Ricky vpSophie.
>>17939867 Disced up for the Karra now.
>>17939893 NP. I could use the disc for the Karra right now. :)
Was my last not-for-keeps Shellos.
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sun 09 Feb 2014 18:39:25 No. 17939964 Report >>17939729 I would like a Karrablast
George 5343-8274-5372
>>17938711 I've got one. Impish with FP
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>17939729 Putting one up for a Karrablast!
>>17939811 Put up a Disc.
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sun 09 Feb 2014 18:43:14 No. 17940029 Report Quoted By:
>>17939999 If the Karrablasts are gone an Archen would be nice
sletje 4871-3928-5572
>>17939999 I put up another disc for the kricketot!
>>17939981 I'm glad I'm still awake. Disc is up.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17939964 Sent a Lv 27 Karra. She forgot her moves. I hope you don't mind.
>>17940014 Last Karra has been sent to Alejandro, sorry.
;-; >>17940035 Sent!
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sun 09 Feb 2014 18:48:01 No. 17940099 Report
Morning all.
>>17939729 Archen please :O Discing up.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>17939811 Hey; turns out I don't have any left. Are you alright with waiting a little bit for me to breed one?
That or I could give you one of the parents, but I don't know if you'd like that George 5343-8274-5372
Quoted By:
>>17940161 Thank you very much
>>17940158 I already gave him one.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
ign Nick
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a hidden ability karrablast? Putting up a disc if anyone does.
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien)
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:03:01 No. 17940298 Report Requesting a HA Mincinno (female) caught in a premier ball. Description contains premier mincinno. Thank you to whoever can get me one IGN: Mothimas
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>17940298 Have you tried finding someone with a mincinno safari on those safari threads?
I'd do it but I'm swamped with work right now, I'll try to do it later though.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Quoted By:
>>17940245 Ah, alright. Good on ya.
Quoted By:
>>17937657 Still have Wobbuffets? I'll take one
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:06:18 No. 17940357 Report >>17940298 i have one that i was wonder traded, but it's got no ivs, dunno if you want her?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
I have five HA Vulpix in dream balls if anyone is interested.
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:07:54 No. 17940379 Report Quoted By:
>>17940367 I would like one
mike 2595-1206-2962
Quoted By:
Does anyone have any decent IV maractus they could give?
>>17939729 Disc up for Archen
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien)
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:10:44 No. 17940410 Report >>17940357 if its in a premier ball, female, and has hidden ability, then I'll take it.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17940391 Sent!
Giving away:
12 (4~5IV) Luxury Ball HA Timid Burmy
3 (4IV) Luxury Ball Hasty Noibat (Outrage, Snatch, Switcheroo, Tailwind)
5 (5IV) Luxury Ball Timid Savanna Scatterbug (Poison Powder, Rage Powder, Stun Spore)
3 (3~4IV) Pokéball Jolly Archen (Defog, Head Smash, Knock Off, Switcheroo)
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:11:52 No. 17940424 Report Quoted By:
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>17940412 >IV bred scatterbugs ohyespls
>>17940412 I would like one of those Scatterbug too! disc up and thanks for Archen :)
Also I'm LF Defog Stunky, anyone with D/P/Pt? :(
meta matic 5043-2724-7922
>>17940412 gonna disc up for archen
Lena 4355-9692-1216 (Buizel, Bibarel, Frogadier)
Lena 4355-9692-1216 (Buizel, Bibarel, Frogadier) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:15:16 No. 17940476 Report >>17940412 Can I a Noibat? I will put up a Disc~
George 5343-8274-5372
>>17940412 I'll take an Archen please
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard)
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:15:58 No. 17940483 Report Quoted By:
>>17940412 I'll toss a disc up for Archen.
>>17940412 Savanna is pretty cool. Missing attack? I'll disc up regardless
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>17940412 Ignore the message, it's for the cleffa I'm giving away on the gts
Also out of habit I checked a female gender, but I don't mind really, so let me know if I have to change it
>>17940412 >not using dusk ball noibat I'm guessing the Archens are the result of you chain breeding switcheroo ?
mike 2595-1206-2962
>>17940412 ill take one of those noibats
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17940504 I think wave ball works surprisingly well for noivern. It kinda matches the inner ears and wings.
FINALLY hatched a stunky with the right spread. Now the real MMing begins.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier)
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:22:04 No. 17940590 Report Quoted By:
>>17940412 Disk up for a noibat
>>17940558 >wave What.
And those are dream ball stunky right ? lemme get a female
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:22:17 No. 17940595 Report Quoted By:
any yamasks laying around there?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17940465 >>17940479 >>17940470 >>17940461 Sent!
>>17940489 Up! Missing Atk.
>>17940504 At least Luxury matches eyes and body, haha. And I was breeding Archen for Maison, but it's impossible to get it in special balls, so...
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>17940412 Them Scatterbug *_* I'll be putting a disc up.
Quoted By:
>>17940603 Oh. I was just remembering when I was getting switcheroo on my noibat. Inkay>corphish>archen?noibat iirc
Kotto 0060-9985-1188 (Ponyta Pyroar Braxien)
Kotto 0060-9985-1188 (Ponyta Pyroar Braxien) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:26:21 No. 17940670 Report >>17940603 Got any archens left? if so I'm discing up
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17940592 Oh wow, meant dive. I have no idea why I keep wanting to call those things "wave" balls....
And no, premier. I haven't seen anyone with dream ball stunky yet
>>17940603 Uh, someone sniped me. Dunno who you sent it too then.
We're still acquaintances from the Mareep, so we could do this direct too. Could also give you a reject Kabuto with Rapid Spin and Knock Off, if that's useful to you.
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:28:28 No. 17940710 Report Quoted By:
What about any Darumakas?
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Quoted By:
>>17940476 >>17940513 >>17940620 Sent.
>>17940670 All Archens are gone, sorry.
>>17940690 Oh, sorry... Well, just give me anything. I'll send a TR.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17940592 Also, gonna start giving them away once I have extras with the right spread. They have egg moves so even without a unique ball, they should be somewhat useful to people
mike 2595-1206-2962
Quoted By:
Does anyone got any maractus they would be willing to give, preferably with good IVs?
Anyone need anything genned?
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
>>17940742 Yes please
6 IV Modest Litwick w/ Trick, nicknamed Gamma please
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:33:16 No. 17940766 Report Serebii 4184-2998-4452
>>17940742 >>17940757 Actually could you make that a Chandelure? with 252 in Sp.Atk/252 Speed/4HP EV spread
If you could do this for me I would be eternally grateful
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:36:00 No. 17940806 Report Quoted By:
>>17940796 Thank you so much!!
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:36:08 No. 17940807 Report Quoted By:
disc for a porygon anyone?
Kevin 1564-3518-3824
>>17940742 Yes, please
Could u gen a Yanmega, modest, speed boost, ev's into sp. att and spd, and bug buzz, protect, air slash and hp ground? also if its shiny that would be great!
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Quoted By:
>>17940796 Thanks, let me know when ready
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>17940685 Archimand genned some days ago.
Ringo 4656-5922-6231(Pancham, Meinfoo
Quoted By:
Hey could I get a magician braixen
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier)
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:39:15 No. 17940848 Report >>17940742 6IV Latios and Latias would be nice.
Kotto 0060-9985-1188 (Ponyta Pyroar Braxien)
Kotto 0060-9985-1188 (Ponyta Pyroar Braxien) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:39:56 No. 17940861 Report Quoted By:
>>17940742 Can you gen a Bronzong with trick room and explosion nicknamed Muhammad?
>>17940742 Oh oh oh, I really want two specific dittos, if that's not too much trouble.
One that is 31/30/30/31/31/31
and one that is 31/1/30/30/30/30
I would appreciate this so much!
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier)
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:41:21 No. 17940876 Report Quoted By:
>>17940848 Forgot to say Timid nature for both of them.
Anyone have any porygons with a defensive nature?
>>17940793 Got yours, but I didn't expect to get this many people.
I'd be grateful if you could give me a downloadable pokecheck link, so I don't have to make these by scratch.
Quoted By:
>>17940863 Sorry, let me make my request more specific:
Ditto #1 (nicknamed "HP Ice") - Timid Imposter 31/30/30/31/31/31
Ditto #2 (nicknamed "HP Fighting") - Quiet Imposter 31/31/30/30/30/30*
* Make a typo in my first post
Thank you for your time, I appreciate the offer.
ign Nick
>>17940742 a 6 iv ha adamant escavalier with 252 attack, 252 defense and 4 hp?
with drill run?
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
>>17940940 thanks! So should you give your FC and you could trade it over or...?
>>17940976 I'll take a luvdisc. This is the giveaway thread afterall.
It might take me a while to gen these mons for everyone (since I don't have a pokecheck link) so give me a moment.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17940832 Ah, I probably wasn't around, too bad. I think premier works better for the shiny anyway though.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier)
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier) Sun 09 Feb 2014 19:51:43 No. 17941071 Report Serebii 4184-2998-4452
>>17941015 Disc up! Let me know when you've gotten it, thanks!
Giving away 4 HA Dream Shelmet. They're all Timid and female. Random IV's Egg moves: Spikes, Baton Pass, Guard Split, Encore. Take them pls Also LF Defog Stunky :(
>>17941071 That helps a lot, thanks so much.
>>17941107 Sure.
>>17941119 I'll grab one, just give a minute to get a Disc up.
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:00:26 No. 17941254 Report Quoted By:
The disc is up for the Darumaka that the anon was giving me!
kevin1564 3518 3824
Quoted By:
>>17940810 >>17941137 Wait is it okay if I change my yanmega to tinted lens and replace protect and hp geound to giga drain and u turn?
mike 2595-1206-2962
Quoted By:
>>17940742 If you're still doing any genning then if you could get me this arceus That would be really cool, only real bank pokemon im missing right now
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:05:37 No. 17941384 Report Quoted By:
thank you based Porygon gent. supplied a escavlier
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:10:43 No. 17941498 Report Quoted By:
disc for a feebas ?
Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
1736-1496-3647 (IGN:Calem) !ub5V8wGAj.
>>17937272 JPN Beldum named DILDO
Working on getting some bank legends out right now. Thanks for understanding. Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17941119 Can't help you with defog.. but I'm breeding stunkies with egg moves right now if you want one
>>17941436 One of the dittos has 0 Atk when it should have 30.
>>17941704 HP ditto. HP is a special attack, so the poke using it darn well should be a special attacker, which means they don't want any attack to avoid swagger/foul play bait.
>>17941704 Yes, I decided 0 is probably better than 30 in an unnecessary stat.
Also decided the other ditto should have 0 speed instead of 30 for Quiet nature.
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:22:56 No. 17941770 Report Kouji
>>17941688 I'm going to breed too. Which moves yours have?
>>17941750 >>17941751 >asked for a specific ditto >"I'm going to gen you something else because I think it's better" appreciate it
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:24:42 No. 17941797 Report Quoted By:
got my shit so I'm going to make some wishes come true!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17941781 Haze, play rough, crunch, pursuit. Adamant. I'm going for a shiny.
What about you? I was unsure of what nature/set to go for.
Quoted By:
>>17941788 Erm, that was me who made the ditto request. I just forgot my name.
>>17941808 Adamant too, but Scary Face instead of Pursuit. The only thing that piss me of is that you can't have Sucker Punch because is a move tutor :(
Can I have a male? I have my female in Dream Ball ready for breeding.
IGN:Hero [3282-3179-1832]
Quoted By:
LF nidoran(male) with hidden ability, and hopefully a +spA nature! Don't really care about the IVs.
>>17941808 >>> There's a few recommended ones here, but obviously nothing is set in stone.
Quoted By:
>>17941788 >I just realized I forgot my name. Anon in charge of reading comprehension
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17941860 Oh cool, what set are you planning to run?
I know, it's terrible. At least it gets crunch, I guess.
And yes! Let me finish hatching this batch and hopefully there will be a male with the right spread. I'll let you know when I get one.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17941866 Dear lord, those puns. I'm gagging.
Thanks though. An assault vest set almost sounds kinda fun, but I like the idea of something more tanky.
I was gonna go with Crunch/Poison jab/Pursuit/Maybe haze.
1736-1496-3647 (IGN:Calem) !ub5V8wGAj.
>>17941604 Ok. Taking requests for pokecheck stuff. gonna be around for an hour or two at least.
Bout half an hour till I start giving away a few Archeus (fuck spelling). Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17941860 Got a good male. Put a disc up!
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:36:57 No. 17942036 Report I don't think that Anon is coming back with the Darumaka :/
>>17941931 Poison Jab, Crunch, Scary Face and Scary Face/Pursuit I think. Probably later I'll breed Rash instead of Adamant, so I can put Fire Blast/Flamethrower in one. But Defog would be super great too :(
Please, I'll wait for one.
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:37:13 No. 17942042 Report Alright last request, you beauties...Frillish
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier)
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:38:48 No. 17942072 Report Quoted By:
Is the guy who was genning me that Latios and Latias nearly done?
>>17942041 Scary Face twice, obviously.
>>17942025 Ok disc up :D
>>17942042 Are you looking for one in any special ball? Female? Male? IVs?
>>17942036 What kind of Darumaka are you looking for? I have HA in premier and non-HA in luxury. Female? Male?
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Quoted By:
>>17942036 Still waiting for my Chandelure too, hopefully anon is not dead
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:40:52 No. 17942114 Report >>17942079 don't really mind. It's for the dex.
So hermaphroxdite 7 perfect IVs please.
>>17942024 Hihi Calem. If the other anon doesn't do my ditto request, could you maybe do them?
>>17941436 mike 2595-1206-2962
Gonna try one last time here but does anyone have a maractus?
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:42:00 No. 17942138 Report >>17942079 Female with non-HA?
That's sheer force right?
Also gender isn't really a problem.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier)
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:42:25 No. 17942144 Report Quoted By:
>>17942024 Can you do the ones below
>>17941071 Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17942073 Sent! Good luck with breeding!
I've always liked skuntank, maybe with fairies running around now it'll see a bit more use.
>>17942114 Well, I've got an extra male for you then! Throw up a disc for it.
>>17942121 I have a Maractus I just caught in the friend safari that I can breed for you. Won't have any egg moves, and no guarantee on IVs (yet) unless you're willing to wait for me to work on it. What do you need it for?
>>17942138 Sure, let me breed it real quick.
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:45:02 No. 17942184 Report >>17942079 My disc has been up for this Darumaka
so if you can send one my way
that would be fucking awesome
Much love to you Slowpokie
Quoted By:
>>17942117 I'm about to hop on B2, I'll grab those for you.
>>17942160 Thanks! Yeah I like it too. I hope in the next games we can have move tutors again and can learn again Sucker Punch :(
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:46:11 No. 17942207 Report Quoted By:
mike 2595-1206-2962
>>17942177 I needed the maractus to MM cause im working on a shiny waifufag team, was just kinda hoping someone had one with decent IVs so I didnt have to breed it myself.
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:46:51 No. 17942221 Report >>17942177 the disc is up.repeat the disc is up over.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17942198 I have faith. I need knock off on my shiny weavile, too.
>>17942221 I ended up giving you a 6IV female, sorry :P
>>17942217 Well, it's in my to-work-on project list, so if you want to wait, I can tackle it after I breed Anders' Darumaka.
mike 2595-1206-2962
>>17942282 Yeah sure I can wait, thanks man.
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:52:20 No. 17942320 Report >>17942282 You motherfucker! I'll kill you!
>>17942261 I need Knock Off on Kricketune again. :(
Oh I forgot to say, good luck in your MM too!
So far I have done:
Darumaka, for some reason won't go through. I keep getting some weird error. I'll just trade you the one I have on XY. Froslass is giving me an error too. Maybe the GTS servers are overloaded. I'll try again after these few pokes.
>>17941436 I got the timid one through, but there's no link for the quiet one so tried to recreate it, does this look okay to you? Working on Arceus and
>>17941770 There's no pokemon in that link, buddy.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier)
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier) Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:55:12 No. 17942388 Report >>17942345 Can you give me the Latios and Latias now? I have to go soon.
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Sun 09 Feb 2014 20:55:16 No. 17942392 Report Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Quoted By:
>>17942345 Still waiting patiently for Chandelure
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
mike 2595-1206-2962
>>17942345 Do you think you could post your Name and friend code atleast?
>>17942345 Hmm, that one is 23 SpA, which I need to be 30. (Also prefer HPFight nickname)
I forgot I didn't make the link public, so maybe you can try this link again? Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>17942330 Thank you! I'll be sure to post results in the thread when the ride is over.
0103-9691-7903 IGN:Kathy
>>17942466 >>17942392 Got it. Also thanks for the links! They're very helpful.
>>17942430 Could I get a .pkmn file download of that?
>>17942388 Sorry I'm so slow, but I just want to get everything in one go and then transfer. Can you put up a luvdisc for a Latios and then I'll send the Latias next time your online?
>>17942446 I don't see why I have to...but okay.
Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
Quoted By:
>>17942466 I went a head and grabbed 2 OkuIce (one for myself) and HPFight, so I guess I have an extra. Anyone want it?
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Quoted By:
>>17942580 Maybe if you sent out 5 poke each? I feel like you're going to get an almost infinite stream of requests as people come online, it might be best to transfer a set number at a time as you do them
thanks again based Kathy, just
waiting for my Gamma
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier)
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196 (Garydos, Octillery, Frogadier) Sun 09 Feb 2014 21:06:26 No. 17942651 Report Quoted By:
>>17942580 Yea that's fine. Thanks for genning them. I put up a disk with your name in the message.
mike 2595-1206-2962
Quoted By:
>>17942580 Oh duh I forgot this was gts giveaway thread, my mind is still on that I need to trade with everyone directly. Sorry
So, we full blown Pokegeneral now? Also, does anyone want either a Love Ball Mawile or a Dream Ball Vulpix? Five a piece, all female.
>>17942699 I'll grab a Vulpix, thanks!
0103-9691-7903 IGN:Kathy
>>17942622 Ah. I caught where that guy went wrong.
He put the hatched location as Day Care couple.
She went through now, thankfully.
>>17942699 Sorry to derail the thread. I didn't expect this many posts.
I think that's everyone, phew! I'll be pokebanking these over now.
Please put up a luvdisc with Kathy or /vp/ in the message or something.
>>17942768 Nah, you're fine. At this point what else is there for us to do?
To quote an earlier thread, as long as we don't start passing out Dark Void Weedles we should be fine.
>>17942746 Sent.
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Quoted By:
>>17942768 Putting disc back up so its seen as more recent. Thank you based Kathy
0103-9691-7903 IGN:Kathy
>>17942768 F-Fuck...a bunch of them didn't go through.
I'm so sorry!
Here's what went through: Arceus, Latios Latias and the 2 dittos.
I'll try again.
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Sun 09 Feb 2014 21:19:43 No. 17942909 Report Quoted By:
>>17942882 ball might be a problem with mine? if it is, i guess just a regular pokeball lol
mike 2595-1206-2962
>>17942768 luvdisc for the arceus is up
>>17942923 Arceus is one of the event legendarys, it can't be traded over the GTS. You guys will have to do a direct trade.
Quoted By:
>>17942808 >>17942768 Sorry to contribute to the mess.
>>17942882 Thank you! My disc is up for a ditto.
>>17942184 Sent! I think I sent you a pentaperfect one, I hope.
>>17942217 >>17942298 I'm about to work on the Maractus, but I need to go grocery shopping real quick so it might be about 30m-1h.
>>17942976 >trading god like some type of commodity mike 2595-1206-2962
>>17942976 Oh really? That stinks.
>>17942699 I'll take a mawile if you still have it.
Quoted By:
What's that supposed to mean?
>>17943020 Sure, put up a disc.
mike 2595-1206-2962
Quoted By:
>>17943049 Sent.
>>17943017 Pokegods come cheap, apparently. A few muffins in Pokemon Amie and you have all of reality at your fingertips.
>>17942976 I know that Arceus can't be offered on GTS, but you also can't fill someone's requests with it? Because there are lots of people asking for them.
I know GTS was also inconsistent with putting up HM pokes vs. filling someone's request with one.
>>17943189 Having tried to send people event legendaries over the GTS for their Weedles and Bidoofs, no. You can request them, but they can not be traded over the GTS.
Quoted By:
>>17943239 Well, some one should tell those fools that they are just clogging up space with their shit then.
Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
>>17942882 I'll be getting off now.
Feel free to send it whenever
IGN: Roxy
Quoted By:
Can I get a Pidove? The Luvdisc is already up.
0103-9691-7903 IGN:Kathy
>>17940973 Drill Run will not go through. Sorry. That's illegal in gen 5.
Did you do this on purpose to trip me up >>17943340 Also sorry for being so slow. I can't believe it took me ~3 hours to gen almost 6-7 pokemon.
I-I guess that just shows how shitty I am with pokegen. ;_;
Good news: I tried again and they all got past bank, thanks for your patience everybody!
Now to get me some of those luvdiscs~
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17943391 This isn't Chicago, though.
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
>>17943387 Great! Let me know when you get my luvdisc for Gamma
And its fine, think about it this way - the time you spent helps guarantee that the pokemon are better gen'd than some random rushed job
Lime 3883-5402-8331
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
fish 0318 7873 0066 [Psychic: Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Sun 09 Feb 2014 21:49:35 No. 17943501 Report >>17943387 thanks so much! i love it!
0103-9691-7903 IGN:Kathy
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
Quoted By:
>>17943563 Received! Thank you so much, wasn't expecting shiny but I'll take it!
mike 2595-1206-2962
>>17943563 Nevermind about the arceus since you cant trade event pokemon over gts
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
>>17943563 Is it too much to ask for a male non-shiny version of that chandelure as well? If you don't want to its fine, you've done enough as it is, thank you!
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>17943620 You can still direct trade. Just swap Luvdisc first.
0103-9691-7903 IGN:Kathy
>>17943661 I-I guess I could try.
Also apple, could you put up your luvdisc again?
>>17943620 What
>>17943709 said
Put up a luvdisc for a luvdisc and I'll send you a trade request afterward.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>17943722 Don't mean to be a bother, but you wouldn't happen to have an extra Arceus would you? I still need one for my dex.
mike 2595-1206-2962
Quoted By:
>>17943722 luvdisc is up and I added you as a friend
Naikos 1246 - 8815 - 1425
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I'm here again to drop some 4IV Ultra Ball Mawiles for you.And looking for some shitmons: Weezing, Rhydon, Electabuzz and Magmar would be appreciated
Louk 0834-2145-5667 (Onix, Dwebble, Rhydon)
Louk 0834-2145-5667 (Onix, Dwebble, Rhydon) Sun 09 Feb 2014 22:09:50 No. 17943902 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have an HA Corphish they can spare?
0103-9691-7903 IGN:Kathy
>>17943746 I got you bro.
Put up a luvdisc for a luvdisc and put kathy /vp/ please.
This is the last one I'm doing.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
mike 2595-1206-2962
>>17943914 Thanks so much for the arceus
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>17943914 Resend trade please. I didn't have you in my acquaintance list.
Quoted By:
Anyone have a spare Gothita? GTS won't give me one.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Some kid on passersby tried to trade me a male combee named "ARCEUS" for my legendaries once.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>17944133 >>17944066 You're welcome!
Thanks for the shellder, too! That's an interesting ball combination.
Serebii please accept my trade ;_;
Serebii 4184-2998-4452
>>17944163 I'm so sorry, I hadn't noticed
Please forgive me based Kathy ;_;
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Alright guys I got some level ball Sandiles to drop on you. Right now I'm doing the Jolly + Moxie set but stay tuned for the Impish + Intimidate set. These babies all come preloaded with Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Counter, and Pursuit and are guaranteed to have at least four perfect IVs.
Quoted By:
>>17944192 That's all good bro, enjoy your poke!
>>17944202 >5th gen Pokemon in an Apricorn Ball Still though, I'll take one. Putting up a disc.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17944251 I broke into the display case. I can't be stopped. I'm too deep.
>>17944284 No worse than my HA Moon Ball Eevee.
Honestly, I'm fine with this kind of genning. Maybe if we spread these "illegal" ball combinations far enough GF will get the point we want more options in future games.
>>17944202 Please do Heavy Ball Aron. I'll take one of yours Sandiles.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17944321 Me too. Pretty balls are really nice. Doesn't really give anyone an advantage and they're bred like normal Pokemon.
>>17943722 Hello, back from shopping. I have my disc up again!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Is anyone able to pick up a safari ball riolu in heartgold? or gen one?
>>17944106 Almost as cute as a Zigzagoon nicknamed Zygarde.
>>17944202 Oh yes, I've been waiting for those. Don't quite get why you'd add Counter. I'll disc up for a Moxie.
>>17944453 I can give it a shot.
Quoted By:
>>17944363 Wohohoho Disc up
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17944476 It was an accident. Meant to add Double-Edge but they came out like that. Didn't bother changing the parents.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>17944478 Awesome. It's legally obtainable, but takes forever to get in the safari zone. Have to wait three months or something
Katherine around by any chance? I need a dicksalad.
>>17944400 ;_; did I came back too late?
>>17944202 C-can I grab one?
>>17944537 Ah, makes sense. I've seen some really weird breeds where people actually thought Counter or Mirror Coat was a good move for a mon with average HP, e.g. Tentacools.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17944615 Yeah, no, I wasn't planning on adding Counter to its moveset but I just got lazy.
Quoted By:
>>17944659 np, I'll probably put Mean Look into the slot since Krookodile looks mean.
Thank you Kathy! I'm a bit excited to start HP breeding. c: Taking requests in a bit~
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
Hmn...I just noticed none of these Sandiles have Intimidate. Is this just godly RNG luck or is something fucking up? I've hatched about four batches.
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>>17944828 No problem bro! Enjoy~
:3 Lime 3883-5402-8331
mike 2595-1206-2962
>>17944828 Oh ya are you still gonna get that maractus? Just curious.
>>17945015 Yep, I'm breeding egg moves on it right now. Spikes from Cacnea, and then Seed Bomb from either Hoppip or Exeggcutor, and maybe Wood Hammer.
mike 2595-1206-2962
Quoted By:
>>17945038 Ah thanks so much man
Tony 2509-2454-7996
>>17944351 I actually finally found my Black2 game and a heavy ball Aggron was the first one i got to pass through pokebank.
I can't breed it atm since I'm trying to finish reading shit for my literature classes, but if someone if willing to breed+egg move it+distribute them, i can give them one. (I only have one)
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>17945381 I will! But I gotta decide what to set(s) to run on it.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
>>17945422 Put up a disc for Aggron.
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I just noticed that I need a male Psyduck/Golduck for breeding, but don't have any in my boxes. Can someone hit me up with one? Ideally with a high level, as I want it to pass Wonder Room later.
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I just noticed that I still have 8 Safari Ball Phanpys from the last time I gave them away in here. If you want one, disc up and let me know. Not many got one though, due to low activity and even lower demand . I'll do another Safari ball afterwards.
Tony 2509-2454-7996
>>17945422 You got to put up a disc for Aggron, not aron.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17945550 Whooops. Sorry.
Quoted By:
>>17944544 I think I made it more complicated than I needed to, but I got it through.
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>>17945381 >>17945467 Oh ok well, I'll take one of yours leftovers, Lime (when you have somes)
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Also someone should make a new thread. Should that someone be me?
mike 2595-1206-2962
Quoted By:
>>17945937 Might as well since this thread is way past bump limit.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>17946464 NEW THREAD
>>17946464 NEW THREAD
>>17946464 NEW THREAD