After a lot of ridiculous effort, I've finally completed my Pokedex! This means that I really don't have anything better to do at the moment than to pay my gratitude back to you /vp/oreons. I'm willing to get you the Pokemon of your dreams... given that they follow one simple rule. -- THEY MUST BE LEGALl! Seriously, that's what pokecheck is for. Go to the website, check the legality, and post the link here. I'm not doing the legwork. I'm doing this for the first 25 people who: Post their IGN and friend code. Link me to 2 (yes, 2) pokemon they want from the pokecheck website. I'm doing this 5 people at a time. Add me when you post and I'll add you when the time comes. I will initiate the trade; please cancel the trade after you've received your 2 pokemon. I'm not asking for anything special in return, just whatever you want to give me. I will skip you if you miss posting some of the information or the pokemon is illegal... okay, go!
I was wondering if I could ask what exactly pokecheck is?
Lamp 2809-8558-7506
Quoted By:
>>17951150 I'm in need of a slakoth. (Don't really care about natures etc)
Or a sheer force Adamant Nidoking.
Those are both legal to make right?
Matthew 0645-7166-1381
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Quoted By:
Pokecheck is a website where you can upload/download files of Pokemon. It is used to check the legality of Pokemon that you gen yourself (this is mainly why I use it, at least) or those that others have received/caught/created. They can then be transferred to your own gen. 5 game through the GTS. These Pokemon can then be transferred to the gen 6 games via Pokebank. Not everyone has the ability to do this, however, so that's where I'm stepping in to help.
>>17951268 It's where you can get literally any pokemon you want, for free
Quoted By:
Just wanted to ask if I posted correctly
>>17951407 Kerser 0559-6837-4885 Grumpig, Sigilyph, Xatu
Kerser 0559-6837-4885 Grumpig, Sigilyph, Xatu Mon 10 Feb 2014 04:00:12 No. 17951431 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Cashews 4081-6108-3955 (Nosepass/Onix/Barbaracle)
IGN: Cashews 4081-6108-3955 (Nosepass/Onix/Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 04:00:27 No. 17951433 Report Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Mon 10 Feb 2014 04:00:32 No. 17951437 Report IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
DRF 2981-6572-111
Break 0103 9561 5507
IGN: Cashews 4081-6108-3955 (Nosepass/Onix/Barbaracle)
IGN: Cashews 4081-6108-3955 (Nosepass/Onix/Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 04:07:23 No. 17951589 Report Quoted By:
>>17951433 actually, replace the second pokemon (the latias) with this one because of the first latias's illegality status, please.
Jerm 0018-1330-6839
Sup OP, If you could get me this I would love you.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
Please ignore all previous posts
>>17951494 >>17951407 And apologies, this is my first time using pokecheck.
Meloetta Heatran Jerm 0018-1330-6839
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Mon 10 Feb 2014 04:09:44 No. 17951646 Report Quoted By:
>>17951437 Actually wrong terrakion this is the one sorry about that Andrea (1418-6720-2923)
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
I need either a Tyrouge or Hitochan
Cat 3325-3047-4032
Quoted By:
>>17951702 1864 - 9953 -8103
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
Quoted By:
>>17951472 If that one is no good, this one: Sorry, I can't use pokecheck well :/
if the jirachi i posted is illegal
>>17951692 , please refer to Thank you
Joshiii 3067-5670-3724 Ghost
Joshiii 3067-5670-3724 Ghost
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Working on receiving: Matthew 0645-7166-1381 IGN God 2852-7486-2421 Kerser 0559-6837-4885 Sammy 1805-2468-8081 RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329 If you posted within/before this group, one or more of yours 'mons were illegal.
Matthew 0645-7166-1381
Quoted By:
>>17951956 Just tell me when you're ready, got you added already and everything
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Mon 10 Feb 2014 04:24:49 No. 17952011 Report Quoted By:
>>17951956 Based
Also did you get thesecond terakion I liked the first is not what i wanted
if not here
>>17951150 Could you let us know if the pokemon we choose are legal or not? I am basing my choices on the legality analysis button, but it shows a chart and I am not quite sure what items on that chart constitute legality. Thanks for your help!
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
Quoted By:
>>17951956 Thank you OP, have you added.
>>17952027 the heatran and jirachi from your post
>>17951692 are both legal and will get through bank just fine.
Quoted By:
>>17952083 Thank you very much for your clarification!
Joshiii 3067-5670-3724 Ghost
Quoted By:
>>17951956 Im sure mines are also ?
>>17951936 IGN: Cashews 4081-6108-3955 (Nosepass/Onix/Barbaracle)
IGN: Cashews 4081-6108-3955 (Nosepass/Onix/Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 04:31:28 No. 17952164 Report Quoted By:
>>17951956 yeah, the latias i posted was illegal, and i reposted with a valid latias
the updated set is: Latias- and Latios- Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
>>17951956 Matthew 0645-7166-1381
IGN God 2852-7486-2421
Kerser 0559-6837-4885
Sammy 1805-2468-8081
First 3 people, all mons transferred correctly. Sammy, only Terrakion transferred. Rocky, neither of the two went through.
Brian 2079 - 7774 - 9497
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
Matthew 0645-7166-1381
Quoted By:
Thanks OP, one of those should be 5IV, both are fem modest Infiltrators though
BlackMagic 2981-7260-4977
>>17952244 Thank you alopex! received poke safely :D
Kaze 5112-3470-0518
Quoted By: Hopefully I did that right and i'm not too late. Thanks for doing this OP.
Silas 3496-9722-0827
Silas 3496-9722-0827
Quoted By:
>>17952617 Shit, quoted wrong post.
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
>>17952342 Not a problem; got these 2 over.
Kerser, I'll get you next. You were in a trade when I tried before.
Moving to the next 5 after this. Will compile a list soon.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Mon 10 Feb 2014 04:56:53 No. 17952699 Report >>17952660 I'm after Kerser right?
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
>>17952699 I only got the Terrakion through; choose a second. Latias didn't work.
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
Quoted By:
>>17952660 Many thanks, I got it!
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Mon 10 Feb 2014 05:06:32 No. 17952854 Report >>17952771 I guess groudon then if not just the Terrakion is fine too
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
DRF 2981-6572-1111
Hi Alopex, I realize I'm the next in line after Sammy. I just want this Keldeo to finish up my Pokedex, don't mind my first posts... and I'm sure it's legit according to the site. Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Next group: Break 0103 9561 5507 Cashews 4081-6108-3955 Jerm 0018-1330-6839 Andrea (1418-6720-2923) Joshiii 3067-5670-3724 Last call for Kerser; get online so I can trade with you. Again, if I skipped you, you had something illegal. On the bottom of the Pokecheck page, their is a button that says "check legality"
Quoted By:
Sorry to intrude but could anyone tell me what does Pokerus 3.1 and Pokerus 4.0 mean?
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
>>17952973 I'll add you in the group I just posted -- I skipped you because you missed one numeral missing in your FC.
>>17952854 Let me get you the Terrakion for now and I'll try Groudon in this next group.
DRF 2981-6572-1111
Quoted By:
>>17952983 Hi man, seems you skipped me, please read this
>>17952973 Can you get just the legit Keldeo for me please?
>wanting the shitty ribbon
Silas 3496-9722-0827
>>17952983 One of mine is legal apart from the ivs.
Says it seems edited or RNG abused.
Should I pick another?
DRF 2981-6572-1111
Quoted By:
>>17953006 Yeah, that was unfortunate. I'm going to add you in-game now, I hope the Keldeo goes through
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Mon 10 Feb 2014 05:19:29 No. 17953051 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>17953030 oh boo hoo a ribbon you'll never notice
go back to to your wi-fi general hugbox
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
ah. you can check the legality on the site. OP do i still get my spot or no?
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
>>17953036 That should be fine. Didn't skip you; you're in the next group.
Cat 3325-3047-4032
>>17952983 Which of mine were illegal? Both checked out on the Legality test.
>>17951710 IGN: Cuflock 3497-1288-9736 (Mienfoo, Pancham)
IGN: Cuflock 3497-1288-9736 (Mienfoo, Pancham) Mon 10 Feb 2014 05:30:32 No. 17953247 Report Quoted By:
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard)
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard) Mon 10 Feb 2014 05:31:18 No. 17953263 Report Quoted By:
Alopex, If you could get me a Shiny male nidoran with Hustle, Timid nature and 31/x/31/31/31/31 spread, I'd be immensely appreciative. Hunting for one via Shiny is something I really don't want to do due to all the variables.
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
>>17953211 I'll put you in the next group
This is a lot more time consuming than I thought it would be. I'll take care of everyone who posted in the thread so far.
I'm off of work again on Tuesday. I'll do this during the day around 12 PM EST.
>>17951150 I'm confused, why can't people just do this themselves?
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>17953282 some people dont have black and white
>>17953226 IVs and EVs don't check on on Lucario
Entei's EVs don't check out
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
>>17953226 Accidental skip, sorry. I'll get you.
Silas 3496-9722-0827
Quoted By:
>>17953224 Awesome. Thanks.
Quoted By:
>>17953319 ...I actually hadn't even considered that.
Fair enough.
Joshiii 3067-5670-3724 Ghost
Cat 3325-3047-4032
Quoted By:
>>17953340 Do you mean the no Pokerus thing? Because they're all clean.
Cat 3325-3047-4032
Quoted By:
>>17953349 Missed that, sorry (mostly because it took me 20 minutes in paint). Get me when you can, but take your time! Don't work yourself too hard over some genned pokes.
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Well, got the second group's Pokemon into B2... but the server is down for the transporter. Now we play the waiting game...
Andrea (1418-6720-2923)
Quoted By:
>>17953592 ah, well, i have lecture in 6 hours so I think I'm out then if we're waiting on the server. Thank you so much though.
DRF 2981-6572-1111
>>17953592 I need to go soon. Can you add my friend's Pokemon White and send the Keldeo to him?
JoJo 2538 1846 6376
DRF 2981-6572-1111
Quoted By:
>>17953592 >>17953677 He's online now and just waiting for your friend code.
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
>>17953677 I added you and everyone else in that group. I have a list of what each of you wanted. I'll trade to you next time I see you online. -- Goes for everyone else who had to go as well.
DRF 2981-6572-1111
>>17953705 We can just trade it now... care to add my friend's 5th gen game? just send me your B2 FC
IGN: Cashews 4081-6108-3955 (Nosepass/Onix/Barbaracle)
IGN: Cashews 4081-6108-3955 (Nosepass/Onix/Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 05:58:07 No. 17953735 Report Quoted By:
>>17953705 alright man, thanks. take it easy
Quoted By:
i'm still here on standby
BlackMagic 2981-7260-4977
Quoted By:
I'll still be here for a while if I got added to the next list of people
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Joshiii 3067-5670-3724
>>17953705 Leaving??
i was waiting :(
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Quoted By:
>>17953800 I'll be around for a bit longer. Waiting on the server to finish maintenance.
If it doesn't finish up by 1:30, I'll trade with all of you as I see you online in the future. But that's only if this doesn't work out.
DRF 2981-6572-1111
>>17953796 Going through some connection bullshit, and my Fc has been changed, it's now 4299 6944 4975
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
>>17953881 FC for X/Y or B/W?
I'm assuming BW
DRF 2981-6572-1111
Quoted By:
>>17953796 >>17953881 I am on standby in the "middle room" room right now. This is the one, not the one one in the left, correct?
DRF 2981-6572-1111
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot Alopex, I'm going to get some rest now, need to work in a few hours... Once the Pokebank opens again I'm sending this Keldeo to my own Pokemon Y and finally hitting the 718. See ya, and take it easy man, you're doing an awesome thing!
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Okay! Server's back up. All Pokemon for the following 5 went through. Break 0103 9561 5507 Cashews 4081-6108-3955 Jerm 0018-1330-6839 Andrea (1418-6720-2923) Joshiii 3067-5670-3724 Get online so we can start a'trading!
Quoted By:
minor change when you get to it since i'm in the next group
the cresselia was fine (i think) but the heatran was the wrong nature so i had to change it
new one Anonymous
Quoted By:
aloepex you are a trooper
also, here's what i was doing with my spare time, making kiddies ragequit on showdown. Anonymous
>>17951389 Does it even work for gen 6?
Quoted By:
>>17954204 You transfer your pokemon in gen 5 through pokebank
Joshiii 3067-5670-3724
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Mon 10 Feb 2014 06:28:55 No. 17954288 Report >>17954081 Did the groudon make it?
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Andrea around? Last one I need from group 2. Will compile the third and final group for the night next. If you wouldn't mind posting that you're still around, that would be awesome.
IGN: Cashews 4081-6108-3955 (Nosepass/Onix/Barbaracle)
IGN: Cashews 4081-6108-3955 (Nosepass/Onix/Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 06:31:14 No. 17954326 Report Quoted By:
>>17954081 thanks soo much :)
Silas 3496-9722-0827
Quoted By:
>>17954316 Still here. Just dicking around on X
BlackMagic 2981-7260-4977
Quoted By:
>>17954316 Right here! Just making Zorua babies to pass the time
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
>>17954288 No, but that's because I didn't receive it...
Give me a few, I'm going to do that now before I move on
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Mon 10 Feb 2014 06:35:01 No. 17954384 Report Quoted By:
Cat 3325-3047-4032
Kevin 1564-3518-3824
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Sammy's Groudon Kaze 5112-3470-0518 Silas 3496-9722-0827 BlackMagic 2981-7260-4977 L ( Vangulus) 3695-0736-0417 Cat 3325-3047-4032 French |4613-7530-4304| Got you guys and then I'm spent. If I missed anyone, I'll be doing this again in a few days.
Kaze 5112-3470-0518
Quoted By:
>>17954316 still here, got to get going though. Thanks OP, you're pretty cool for doing this.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>17954511 thanks based Alopex
BlackMagic (IGN: Afroman) 2981-7260-4977
Quoted By:
>>17954511 Sweeet, thanks OP!
Kaze 5112-3470-0518
>>17954511 Oh crap. If you already got them, then i'll stick around. If not, just take the next person.
>>17954511 you updated on which heatran i wanted right? just wanted to make sure i got the timid one
also you're awesome for sticking through this
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Quoted By:
>>17954553 Tranferring everything into B2 now.
>>17954554 Yes, got Heatran #2
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Mon 10 Feb 2014 06:52:11 No. 17954600 Report Quoted By:
>>17954511 Thank you I greatly appreciate this.I'm about to go to bed too.
Until next time see ya later.
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Almost done; about to transfer everyone to pokebank
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
>>17954767 thanks again for sticking through this
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
>>17954767 Everyone transferred properly. If you haven't added me, do so and get online.
BlackMagic (IGN: Afroman) 2981-7260-4977
Quoted By:
>>17954893 Online right now
Kaze 5112-3470-0518
Quoted By:
>>17954893 Online and added.
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Kaze 5112-3470-0518
Quoted By:
Thanks again OP, really appreciate it.
Silas 3496-9722-0827
Quoted By:
>>17954767 I accepted but it said you weren't available.
Silas 3496-9722-0827
Quoted By:
>>17954893 Thanks for holding out, op.
You probably don't want them, but both the pokes I sent you are 5iv.
BlackMagic (IGN: Afroman) 2981-7260-4977
>>17954893 Weird, chose to not turn off chat and it kicked me out, I'll try again with chat off
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
Quoted By:
thank u so much op
BlackMagic (IGN: Afroman) 2981-7260-4977
Quoted By:
>>17955106 And got 'em! Thanks again op, you rock!
Alopex (3497-0524-8075)
Quoted By:
Not a problem, guys. I'm off to bed now; until next time!