[129 / 10 / ?]
Hello everyone! So about a decade ago, I went to a Toys R Us for a mew event, and for my mew, and stayed after. clerk let me get about 30 mews. With the Poke Transporter in service, I thought finally! I can get the stuff I don't have! Part right. I can't trade my Mews on the GTS because they're event pokemon. Also according to the IV judge in Kiloude, they're all not perfect. 1IV max. These are not battle Mews. They're "I've got a Mew!" Mews. Still, I am looking for the pokemon I don't have. Don't really care about their IV's. Good is awesome of course, but I am just filling up the pokedex. For these mews I am looking for the following pokemon: Ho-Oh, Raikou, Suicine, Latios, Jirachi, Deoxys, Manaphy, Palkia, Cresselia, Shaymin, Arceus, Tornadus, Landorus, Keldeo, Meloetta, Genesect, Yveltal, The feebas line, the Glameow line, the cherrim line, the kabuto line, the spheal line, Spiritomb, the totodile line. Hopefully I got everything im missing. I think normal trading will work, so I put my friend code up above.
i'll toss you a good feebas for one of those mew
Steve 3351-4065-6503 Bibarel, Gyarados and Frogadier Anonymous Mon 10 Feb 2014 06:57:08 No. 17954683 Report Quoted By:
Oh! Please be legit. I don't want to get any issues from the next generators pokemon transporter, since I plan to keep these things forever.
Dom 0147-0219-4352
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>>17954646 Got A spheal you can have
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>>17954673 Added to friends list and going in game!
Yay Feebas!
dan 5327-1587-4109
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i got a kabuto and spirtomb
Dom and Vang, friend me so I can hop in game to trade with you! I really appreciate your help in advance!
IGN: Trizotto / FC: 3754-8077-9780
I got spiritomb and of course I would love a mew
Dom 0147-0219-4352
>>17954729 Stevian right? Already added
Thanks in advance dan! Registered you, currently in game trading with the other guys!
IGN: Trizotto / FC: 3754-8077-9780
>>17954736 I also got a feebas, a glameow and the totodile line...
dan 5327-1587-4109
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>>17954760 of course
their ivs arent the best, so ill throw in some rare berries.
added, ign is leon
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>>17954775 I'd love the Glameow and totodile!
Feebas line is no longer needed, please understand.
Want a Tornadus still? I have one to trade.
luis(3797-7626-7908) Steel type
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Goddammit. I have a 4-5IV spiritomb ready to go. But I don't have my 3DS until tomorrow
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
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I have a Genesect for you.
Dom 0147-0219-4352
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sphealbro is best bro
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
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I have a glameow, feebas and totodile.
>>17954802 Absolutely! This thread's going faster than I can. I'm still on Trizotto at the moment. Please be patient with me!
>>17954836 Ok, just add me and send a request. I already added you.
Jazmine 1736-1190-5089
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I've got a Kabuto for you OP
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>17954646 what event was it? check the OT
If I dont have It I can trade you the shiny event suicune
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I'm currently looking for a Shaymin in exchange for a Darkrai, genesect or keldio. Anybody interested?
>>17954858 The toyrs R Us MSTRY Mew. I do need suicine!
IGN: Trizotto / FC: 3754-8077-9780
>>17954879 I already added you by the way, just waiting for ou to call the trade
>>17954900 I'm very anxious to trade with you! As soon as I finish a trade I get pinged for another!
Please understand!
dan 5327-1587-4109
>>17954879 ha you didnt have to give me two op!
thank you!
>>17954959 Believe me, after I get everything I want, i'll still have 10. You can use the extra to trade for something you want later!
IGN: Trizotto / FC: 3754-8077-9780
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>>17954944 It's okay, I just thought you were waiting for me to add you, because your avatar didn't pop up on the PSS
Alphonsie 1822-0042-2640
>>17954646 I've got Cherrim
>>17954985 Excellent! I'm going to trade Trizotto in a second after I finish with French, then i'll add you!
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
>>17954972 were you going to give me two, OP?
>>17954997 I'm kind of overwhelmed at the moment. I didn't know if you had a second pokemon line I needed or not. Sorry to confuse!
Serena 3024-6764-9316
>>17954646 I have a ho-oh! Would you be willing to trade one for the mew?
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
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>>17955011 yeah same. i also have a glameow, feebas and totodile. unless you have them already.
>>17955027 Absolutely on the Ho-Oh! And thank you French. I now have Glameow, Feebas and Totodile's line. Play nice with your Mew!
Ash/Ashe 3695-0875-8529
IGN: Trizotto / FC: 3754-8077-9780
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>>17954992 Thanks a lot, man! REALLY! Love ya!
French |4613-7530-4304| !xeeVee3Fn.
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>>17955046 no problem. enjoy your manaphy, and thanks for them mew.
Serena 3024-6764-9316
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>>17955046 Adding you now!
Lena 4355-9692-1216 (Buizel, Bibarel, Frogadier)
Lena 4355-9692-1216 (Buizel, Bibarel, Frogadier) Mon 10 Feb 2014 07:26:52 No. 17955105 Report >>17954646 I'd like a Mew of course~
I can supply a Totodile, Feebas line, Spheal, Spiritomb, Cherrim's line, Glameow's line, and Kabuto..
Not sure which one you'll still need after all the replies you get ><
>>17955105 All of those fantastic pokemon have already been given to me im afraid, and I need the others to get those rare ones I don't have yet. I'm sorry friend. I need to make a new message in this thread @_@
Jazmine 1736-1190-5089
Lena 4355-9692-1216 (Buizel, Bibarel, Frogadier)
Lena 4355-9692-1216 (Buizel, Bibarel, Frogadier) Mon 10 Feb 2014 07:31:46 No. 17955167 Report Quoted By:
>>17955139 That's quite alright ^^
cj 2320-7561-1903
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i got a raikou if you still have some left
Steve 3351-4065-6503 Bibarel, Gyarados and Frogadier Anonymous Mon 10 Feb 2014 07:33:50 No. 17955184 Report Update message to clear up confusion on what's left that I need! 1. You're all awesome. Thank you! The pokemon I need still are: Raikou, Suicine, Latios, Jirachi, Deoxys, Palkia, Cresselia, Shaymin, Arceus, Landorus, Keldeo, Meloetta,, Yveltal, the cherrim line, (I still need to trade with you sir!) I love you all by the way!
Serena 3024-6764-9316
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>>17955184 Thanks for the mew! :)
Nee - 1332-8674-5756
>>17955184 Ill give you a cresselia
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You ever get you totodile and kabuto op?
>>17955203 Excellent! Adding you! and thank you Alph for the cherrim!
>>17955184 I got a raikou
Add me 4313-1686-2177
Alphonsie 1822-0042-2640
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>>17955247 Thanks for the Mew OP!
>>17955273 cj asked first D: I feel ultra guilty, but I don't want to get his hopes up then be a total failface.
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>>17955285 It's cool I have almost everything on your list let me check what isn't claimed
cj 2320-7561-1903
IGN: Marcus FC: 0490-5952-5641
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>>17955184 I got a suicune dude
Steve 3351-4065-6503 Bibarel, Gyarados and Frogadier Anonymous Mon 10 Feb 2014 07:45:39 No. 17955353 Report Thank you all so far! All I need left are...(and some like Cresselia I think im waiting on someone to trade me for, be vocal please! Latios, Jirachi, Deoxys, Palkia, Cresselia, Shaymin, Arceus, Landorus, Keldeo, Meloetta,, Yveltal! Only a few more! Again, thank you all so far, and good job past self for thinking to do this all these years ago!
>>17955285 I got keldeo and melotta
IGN: Marcus FC: 0490-5952-5641
Nee - 1332-8674-5756
>>17955353 I added you but you're not showing up as online
>>17955364 I love you, but I need a friend code!
IGn: Lord FC: 0877-08677-1138
>>17955184 I have a Landorus!
>>17955407 Scroll up a few posts I'm the guy who offered raikou
>>17955395 I have to disconnect from the internet to add more friend codes. Believe me, im going as fast as I can for everyone.
Pleaseu understandaru
(I still love everyone though!)
Nee - 1332-8674-5756
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>>17955429 Thanks for the mew =3
>>17955423 I saw, but someone earlier in the thread offered one too. Sorry D:
>>17955366 >>17955418 Adding you both! Yay!
>>17955451 Ya I'm the same guy offering u keldeo and meloetta instead >_<
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>>17955473 Thank you for being patient with my retardation. Also Lord FC your friend code is wrong.
Hopping back in game!
IGN: Lord FC: 0877-0867-1138
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>>17955467 Fixed my friend code.
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga Mon 10 Feb 2014 07:56:57 No. 17955520 Report >>17955353 I'll give you a Yvetal for a mew?
>>17955520 I'd love a Yvetal! Adding you after I finish this series of trades!
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Thanks for the mews dude, can't wait to play with them in amie Good luck finishing your dex
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:03:06 No. 17955605 Report >>17955533 No worries. Btw are these mews unique? Like have you cloned them?
IGN: Lord FC: 0877-0867-1138
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Thanks for the Mew dude, I'm trying to complete my dex as well.
>>17955605 Every mew is unique, because I don't know how to clone. Or care enough to. What everyone's getting is a result of a 20 year old me a decade ago going to a Toys R Us and getting a bunch of mews during an event due to a pretty cool clerk.
I'm just realizing an idea 10 years in the making!
After this im going to have to rely on Victini's, Celebi's and Legendary birds it seems, lol. I'm saving 4 mews for the Hoopa, stone thing and the other guy in the XY unreleased dex though.
Arin 3926-5264-0647
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>>17954646 do you have a cresselia yet? I've got I spare I can trade you.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
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>>17955635 What don't you have yet on your list OP?
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:08:48 No. 17955681 Report Quoted By:
>>17955635 Oh wow, that's awesome. Thank you so much anon. I've always wanted a legit Mew. I will keep it in my shiny box and treasure it.
Steve 3351-4065-6503 Bibarel, Gyarados and Frogadier Anonymous Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:10:06 No. 17955702 Report Official update: I need the following still! Latios, Jirachi, Deoxys, Shaymin, Arceus! Down to the final five!
IGN: Marcus FC: 0490-5952-5641
>>17955635 other than cresselia, I also have landorus and can get you a totodile, glameow, cherubi, kabuto, spiritomb and feebas.
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>>17955702 oh sorry, nevermind. I don't have any of those.
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>>17955724 If you've got one of those five just open trade with me again, I don't bite!
>>17955725 I have those species now thanks to very kind people here. Thank you though!
Hey I'll give you an EV Trained jirachi in exchange for any kind of shiny I don't have.
Steve 3351-4065-6503 Bibarel, Gyarados and Frogadier Anonymous Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:15:28 No. 17955777 Report I should have posted a picture the first time because it's easier to see, whoopsies. That said, thanks to you all, I now only need five more pokemon! Latios, Jirachi, Deoxys, Shaymin, Arceus! Please make sure they're legit. I plan to keep them all forever and don't want trouble transferring them to further generations due to hack detectors. Pleasu Understandaru.
Steve 3351-4065-6503 Bibarel, Gyarados and Frogadier Anonymous Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:16:28 No. 17955787 Report >>17955760 Uhh, i've got a shiny Golem, Houndour and Tangela. Will one of those work?
IGN: Marcus FC: 0490-5952-5641
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>>17955777 I'll toss you a latios
IGN: Marcus FC: 0490-5952-5641
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>>17955777 hold on I need to use bank
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>17955702 I got a Deoxys, add me?
MB 0731-5928-8013
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>>17955787 I will take whichever of those 3 has a good nature, or Houndour.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
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>>17955866 >Lvl 10 I love you.
Silas 3496-9722-0827
>>17955777 I've got an arceus. Might have to wait a minute though, been replaying heart gold and forgotten where I put X
Ted 2363-5716-2268
>>17954646 I have you added. I can give totodile, kabuto, jirachi, Ho-Oh, a shiny manaphy, or cresselia for a mew.
Ted 2363-5716-2268
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>>17955923 Plz add back :)
>>17955923 I'll take the Shiny Manaphy!
As for MB, The Golem's Adamant, the Tangela is Modest, and the Houndour is naughty. It's up to you! They're not perfect IV or anything.
Ted 2363-5716-2268
>>17955987 What do you have for the Manaphy? I'm looking for Arceus, Shyamin, Keldeo, Genesect, Meloetta, or a 6 IV Shiny Absol.
MB 0731-5928-8013
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>>17955987 I'll take the golem
>>17956006 Sadly, nothing you're looking for. I already got a manaphy, though he's about to meet my friend Ditto. ;D
Ted 2363-5716-2268
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>>17956016 Oh well
and nice ;D
terrible 1779-1398-1294
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>>17954646 I have a kabuto I can pop across to you
Steve 3351-4065-6503 Bibarel, Gyarados and Frogadier Anonymous Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:36:39 No. 17956062 Report Yay! We've come so far! I only need a handful now! Latios(Waiting on MC) Shaymin, Arceus! I love you all! Thank you all so much!
Ted 2363-5716-2268
>>17956062 Noooooo D,:
I don't have any of those </3
Ted 2363-5716-2268
>>17956069 NVM, Just gave you the Shiny Manaphy <3 you're welcome!
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>>17956103 Eee, I shall cherish!
Griemz 0275-8199-5459 dark safari
>>17956062 I have shaymin for a mew
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>>17955922 Ack I just noticed your message. Added to friends and waiting!
>>17956138 Wonderful! I've added you!
If MC pulls through with the Latios, and Silas with the Arceus, i'll be all done! Yay!
Griemz 0275-8199-5459 dark safari
>>17956163 Also you wouldn't happen to have a timburr with thunder ice and drain punch would you?
>>17956177 Sadly no, i've never trained one of those pokemon past evolving it :(
Hey vp, I'm a dragon trainer from gen 3, so I skipped 2 gens worth of Pokemon. I just got x and I am trying to create an awesome dragon team, but I come across with the problem that most of my dragon types are double weak against ice. I am looking for Kyurem to fill up that problem, and patch this up. Can one of you bros hook me up? (legit) shiny torchic as a reward! 1220-7552-2351
Griemz 0275-8199-5459 dark safari
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>>17956190 Aww darn haha well thanks anyways. I'm trying to create my pokemon showdown team on Y haha
IGN: Marcus FC: 0490-5952-5641
>>17956198 I have a legit kyurem, i'm not sure about stats anstuff though, I just caught it
Steve 3351-4065-6503 Bibarel, Gyarados and Frogadier Anonymous Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:54:45 No. 17956263 Report Down to the final pokemon. Arceus! The God of all pokemon is the final one I need to be a pokaymanz master! I don't think the other person is going to show up (If you are, say something!) So...anyone who has an Arceus, I have a Mew for you!
Silas 3496-9722-0827
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>>17956263 Sorry man, had to take a phonecall.
Adding you now.
>>17956220 I don't care about the stats at all. Pass me your friend code lets trade
Steve 3351-4065-6503 Bibarel, Gyarados and Frogadier Anonymous Mon 10 Feb 2014 09:05:19 No. 17956392 Report Quoted By:
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Now with a little breeding and training, I can complete my pokedex, and its all thanks to you guys! As a reward, you can see my pokemon team! (Silly I know, but it was fun to make the picture) Again: THANK YOU ALL! THANK YOOUUUU!
Silas 3496-9722-0827
>>17956263 Whey. finally got a mew. Thanks man.
Mew's in box icon is sort of weird looking though. The eye is all on top of his head and giant.
IGN: Marcus FC: 0490-5952-5641
>>17956369 its in my name Anonymous
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>>17956394 I know right? His cry sounds so sad. When you send him out in battle it sounds like "I don't want to hurt the enemy pokemon. Can't we just be friends?" NO. PSYBEAM NAO.
>>17956220 I found ur friend code so nvm on that, just add me back lets trade :D
IGN: Marcus FC: 0490-5952-5641
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>>17956409 HA, lol I can see why you got rid of it
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>>17956402 Thank you soooo much <33